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Item Levels... and vertical progressionFollow

#1 Sep 10 2014 at 8:54 PM Rating: Default
656 posts
Now, with a week away from 2.38 and not so long away from Ninja being added, many people are excited. but I just suddenly feel this game need to change its direction a bit.

I feel like every patch, there are new items and dungeon coming out (which is a good thing), but it's driving people away from the old contents, it almost instantly kills them overnight because the drops from the old dungeons/instance has become obsolete fast.

If you are away from the game for 2-3months and come back, your used to be top of the line gears had just became obsolete and you will need to go to the new dungeons to upgrade again, it just seems it will never stop.

The Coils 2 kills Coils 1
The Syrcus Tower kills Crystal Tower
same thing with the dungeons, etc.

Remember in FFXI... having a pair of Lv10 astral rings and you could still use them at Lv 75, wouldn't that be cool?

Now, having the item levels... and a raise of item level and eliminating the old tomes, it seems like SE will just keep on adding new jobs/tomes/items and raising item levels in every major patch.

FATEs... is a big problem and tedious, I personally had learned nothing doing my job as WHM in FATEs, all I did was throw a few cures and Aero the FATE mobs for exp points so I can get to Lv 50 fast.
Yes, the grinding in FFXI was painful, but I actually learned my job properly in a party.
While now, in a FATE party which might not be formed properly.. like 7 DPS and a Tank, most likely you don't care what's going on, and wont be able to learn in that setting.
There is alternative ways to level up. but dungeons just don't give as much exp as FATEs in terms of time spent.

and now, SE just keep on having us to go back to the old dungeons for relic so they don't become dead.
But seriously, should SE rethink the direction of the game or every MMORPGs is like this nowadays and they have decided FFXIV should follow suit?

No, I'm not going back to FFXI - in case you want to suggest that :)
#2 Sep 10 2014 at 9:37 PM Rating: Good
Actually, the level 10 astral rings in XI were another problem in themselves. There were some really nice top of the line items in FFXI that were impossible or stupid expensive to get at the levels they were equipable.

Ochiude's Kote, for example. Level 40 item was best in slot for a level 75? WHY? And it was stupid rare, so it became a fat target for RMT. SE eventually made it and other items like it rare/ex with the sellable version dropping from BCNMs, but it was stupid.

FFXI got a great shake up with Abyssea. Those level 10 and level 40 items finally got obsoleted. Everyone got brand new gear sets that were not instant, but for which making incremental, measurable progress toward was much easier. You didn't have to wait six months in the same HNM to build up enough points for The Big Drop. Instead, you could go out and farm with 3 other friends a few times a week, and end up with something better than The Big Drop within a month or so.

I still play FFXI and I frankly much prefer XIV's method of handling it.
#3 Sep 10 2014 at 9:38 PM Rating: Decent
3,441 posts
Remember in FFXI... having a pair of Lv10 astral rings and you could still use them at Lv 75, wouldn't that be cool?

Wearing the same piece of gear for 65 levels destroys any sense of "Progression".

Why even have gear, when a Lv10 piece is arguably the "best" piece in the slot? What exactly is the point of even doing that, other than to create a gil wall and/or an easy avenue for RMT to exploit?

FFXI taught us why we shouldn't have hard-to-get ridiculously powerful items that everybody wants, but are hard to get.

It doesn't really do an RPG any good to have an equipment system where you need X level to wear equipment......but have you wear the same equipment for 10, 15, 20+ levels. It is fun to get that nice boost of power when you equip a new weapon, or body piece or what-not. Your character feels stronger, they do more damage, they can take more hits, they have more MP, their Cures heal for more.

The only problem I think XIV is having, is we need more, better reasons to do older content, OR, allow said content to be skipped so that newcomers have a hope of unlocking later content. Last I heard, you have to do Crystal Tower to get into Syrcus Tower. What happens when they release ____ Tower that obsoletes Syrcus Tower? Then a newbie coming in, has to do Crystal, then Syrcus, and THEN they can do the NEW Tower. But how many people are really gonna do Crystal Tower long after it is deemed obsolete?

Vertical Progression is good for a game. If all that is available are arguable side-grades, then there's not much real reason to play the game if your character isn't improving any. There needs to be goals, something to want, to work towards that aren't "Spend 500+ /played hours and you might actually complete this piece of gear that adds 5% to x but only while y."

If I wanted a game full of side-grades, I'd go play an Action Game where there are no RPG Elements at all. RPG Elements are all about vertical progression, about making your character stronger by either gear, or experience levels, or other similar mechanics. Suggesting that we take out vertical progression in a game about vertical progression is just silly.

We just need to fix the snags having to do with requiring old dungeon clears to get into new dungeons and/or make sure people keep doing those old dungeons so that newcomers can get the content cleared without a full FC group to carry them.

Edited, Sep 10th 2014 11:40pm by Lyrailis
#4 Sep 10 2014 at 10:46 PM Rating: Excellent
11,159 posts
I recall a lot of times while playing XI where, upon browsing the DAT mining threads and eventually learning where things specifically come from, there was a sense of either feeling the item wasn't worth seeking at all or the event itself was simply too nauseating to want to try more than once. Granted, the former varied per job, but even if you disregard the ability to gear swap, the fact something could be BiS for a specific task for YEARS seems more apt to suggest XI's progression scheme was messed up. Nevermind the fact if you weren't given the tools needed to even hope to perform a specific task suitably. *coughRDMmeleecough*

Now, something I've tried to hammer home in a lot of threads over time here is that content has a lifespan, and that's okay. Forcing people to do the old things or even trying to bribe them into it just risks building resentment as the laundry list of things You Have To Do(tm) grows. Coincidentally, this is also why I loathe time gating in things like dailies, weeklies, and related caps. Content tiering like the mentioned Crystal Tower is something that ultimately needs to be avoided. The logic for having such might be that if you can beat X, you're ready for Y, but the general reality is that the boss mechanics are far too likely to be too varied that knowing how X works really teaches you nothing about Y. So, failures are likely until you learn Y. This also means "nerfs" are likely at some point in the future. Not because people who bring up the rear are just naturally worse players, but because lacking manpower suggests attempts and patience simply aren't there in the same degree when content is fresh.

This also segues into my belief that endgame content being all about raiding isn't the way to go. In XIV's case, this comes in flavors of 4, 8, and 24-man content. We only recently sort of got a progression alternative through Hunts, but the system still needs refinements. As well, I believe it is a terrible mistake to continuously keep crafted gear a tier or three behind the raided stuff. I know, I know, objections about RMT or how certain people don't deserve certain gear because they don't play the way one might. Bluntly? Get over it. Of course, this process requires SE to devote the manpower to alternative play styles and not focus on one at the expense of another. I strongly believe that the "success" of Hunts, however, indicates that the majority are indeed burnt out on raiding/dungeon running. Sure, I suspect arguments of ease or quality of rewards being too good, but as I said, refinements still need to be made. Both to make it all accessible, but to actually offer difficulty to those seeking it.

But if gear variety is the underlying gripe, I'd say the solution lies in the materia system and allowing that to modify abilities specifically.
Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
#5 Sep 10 2014 at 11:11 PM Rating: Good
4,175 posts
Mostaru wrote:
If you are away from the game for 2-3months and come back, your used to be top of the line gears had just became obsolete and you will need to go to the new dungeons to upgrade again, it just seems it will never stop.

I don't really see this as a bad thing, it's just something you need to get used to. There are just more people who want vertical progression. Getting new gear or upgrades is what drives many people to participate at all.

I played XI for ages and went back not too long ago, but even that game has adapted more to progression. I don't really think it's an instant gratification thing either. People probably don't even realize it but subconsciously, it feels good to make continual progress toward your goals. In FFXI you were essentially camping or farming endlessly until finally you got a gigantic payout. I think players want more consistent reward for their time these days. Just my pair of pennies.

Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#6 Sep 11 2014 at 2:04 AM Rating: Decent
Mostaru wrote:

I feel like every patch, there are new items and dungeon coming out (which is a good thing), but it's driving people away from the old contents, it almost instantly kills them overnight because the drops from the old dungeons/instance has become obsolete fast.

If you are away from the game for 2-3months and come back, your used to be top of the line gears had just became obsolete and you will need to go to the new dungeons to upgrade again, it just seems it will never stop.

The Coils 2 kills Coils 1
The Syrcus Tower kills Crystal Tower
same thing with the dungeons, etc.

What you're saying doesn't really apply to reality though.

Sastasha is still a "relevant" dungeon in the game, even though it's initial "rewards" have been obsolete since the day 2 after release. People do it via the Duty Roulette and are able to get rewards that are valuable in the current progression cycle.

That said "new tiers instantly killing content overnight" is just plain hyperbole at best. SE has shown that they know how to prolong content lifespans beyond the six months it takes to roll out a new progression tier.

Most importantly the old content is interesting enough that many players do it at least once for the sake of getting to play the contents. Why must there be a progression carrot dangling above every piece of content is just baffling to me. All content in this game has value beyond items that exist only to help you clear said content (see the paradox here?), be it unique battle mechanics, audiovisuals, lore/story or vanity items (many of which are actual 3D models instead of mere achievements; furniture, minions...). This will make sure that there will always be an incentive to clear the contents rather than outright skipping them. Maybe somewhere down the line the incentive will be reduced to the values mentioned above but there is nothing bad about this. Prolonging old content's lifespan for years just doesn't sound like a sensible idea to me.

Edited, Sep 11th 2014 8:07am by Hyanmen
#7 Sep 11 2014 at 5:29 AM Rating: Good
3,441 posts

Sastasha is still a "relevant" dungeon in the game, even though it's initial "rewards" have been obsolete since the day 2 after release. People do it via the Duty Roulette and are able to get rewards that are valuable in the current progression cycle.

Sastasha is a leveling dungeon, is required for the Main Story, is accessed by the Low-Level Duty Roulette as soon as you reach Lv16 (it is available at Lv15, but the DR isn't until 16). People go there for the daily XP reward on other jobs and newbies go there to get through the main story and also for XP once they're past it. And the loot isn't so much "obsolete" as you can save a lot of that loot for other jobs (I used the mage drops in there on my CNJ... and then stuck it on my retainer... THM used it, and ACN will use it too).

Crystal Tower, however, is Lv50 (which means no going there for XP) and there's no reason to go there unless you either want Loot (which is obsolete), or you are *required* to, to get to Syrcus Tower (and anything gated behind Syrcus Tower).

Crystal Tower cannot be compared to Sastasha or any of the other Pre-50 Dungeons because of the fact that you get XP out of doing the low-level dungeons, which is most of the reason why people do it in the first place.

Edited, Sep 11th 2014 7:31am by Lyrailis
#8 Sep 11 2014 at 6:55 AM Rating: Decent
12,820 posts
Lyrailis wrote:
Remember in FFXI... having a pair of Lv10 astral rings and you could still use them at Lv 75, wouldn't that be cool?

Wearing the same piece of gear for 65 levels destroys any sense of "Progression".

Nope, since there's still more progression. The problem was it wasn't "Casual friendly" in some regards. You also have to remember that much of XI's items that "lasted forever" did so because they were designed to be used at the level cap of 50 and 55 at the time, which is why a lot of the good gear is between level 7 - 55. You know what else destroys the sense of progression? Having the **** I "worked for" obsoleted in the next update for no reason other than to emulate a certain MMO.

Same goes with my relic. I was excited to learn about the changes to some Warrior Skilsl and how my Brauva would enhance that ability...only to find out my relic is a stat stick now, like every other piece of gear in this game. There's no true progression with vertical either, because any options that get offered to you usually isn't good to use because it replaces an important stat and offers nothing special beyond that.

FFXI taught us why we shouldn't have hard-to-get ridiculously powerful items that everybody wants, but are hard to get.

Taught -you-, maybe, because most MMOs prior to WoW did this just fine. It's called creating a goal. You know what else should be taught? That handing out your gear on a silver platter isn't the better option, either. But alas, devs keep doing it and their MMOs become far too simplistic.

It doesn't really do an RPG any good to have an equipment system where you need X level to wear equipment......but have you wear the same equipment for 10, 15, 20+ levels

It's like any other RPG or MMO that exist that isn't obsoleting everything the second you get it, some items are just so good you'll want to keep it, some does so because of the type of growth system they have, e.g Final Fantasy IX's AP system.

If I wanted a game full of side-grades

It's called Options. Basically you want a game on the other extreme end, which is fine.

What happens when they release ____ Tower that obsoletes Syrcus Tower? Then a newbie coming in, has to do Crystal, then Syrcus, and THEN they can do the NEW Tower. But how many people are really gonna do Crystal Tower long after it is deemed obsolete?

Especially when you do vertical progression is old content an issue because it's no longer an option, but worthless. Compared to XI, when someone new joins they can still do Nyzul or Sky or Sea and have the option of those sets even if they joined a year or 3 after the expansion's prime. So there would be nothing wrong with you doing Dynamis because some relic pieces were extremely great to have for your playing due to the style of battle system XI used, for example the Corsair Body and Hat were amazing at 75 cap and pretty much key pieces due to enhancing Random Deal and making it so you eternally had the Job bonus on your Phantom Roll.

As of now it's the opposite extreme when someone compares it to XI because none of the gear in XIV is special in any way honestly, people that dislike XI or the way it did anything almost always forget that unlike XI and 1.x, XIV doesn't have special stats or trait enhancement gear, which largely was found in the earlier levels of FFXI, which is why gear remained relevant longer than it should have because it was great for enhancing your powers, which as you stated:

RPG Elements are all about vertical progression, about making your character stronger by either gear, or experience levels, or other similar mechanics

So I don't know about you, but every time my buffs were stronger, I did 1-2k more damage or my debuffs more potent, I felt a strong sense of progression, you just didn't like the style of it.

#9 Sep 11 2014 at 9:16 AM Rating: Default
Having the **** I "worked for" obsoleted in the next update for no reason other than to emulate a certain MMO.

Yes, that's why they do it. Uh-huh. Smiley: nod
#10 Sep 11 2014 at 9:29 AM Rating: Good
5,745 posts
Lyrailis wrote:
Remember in FFXI... having a pair of Lv10 astral rings and you could still use them at Lv 75, wouldn't that be cool?

Wearing the same piece of gear for 65 levels destroys any sense of "Progression".

I think examples like that were fine for FFXI. It didn't happen for all 16 slots for every job. When you did get an example like that, it was a piece that was really difficult to get. And with the way XI encouraged gear swapping, you could still benefit from having alternate gear for that same slot. Many people complained about HQ elemental staves being the best of the best from lvl 51 to end game for a really long period in the game's history. But I actually liked that. It felt different from the experience I had leveling a tank or DD job. Easily obtained gear that you turn over every few levels is progression that's always going to be tied directly to leveling. Expensive or otherwise hard to obtain gear that you wouldn't necessarily have the moment you leveled gave a sense of progression that simply followed a different schedule.

That said, top notch gear that you get at lvl 10 and keep using at end game doesn't work as well in XIV. You don't gear swap in XIV like you do in XI. On top of that, the materia system in this game encourages you to replace your gear periodically, even when you're not upgrading.
#11 Sep 11 2014 at 9:40 AM Rating: Good
1,004 posts
Ffxiv just doesnt give me the sense of accomplishment that ffxi did. Only coil is interesting to me, and even that is getting stale. I dont get excited getting a new piece of gear like in ffxi. I KNOW i will eventually get all the top end gear for my main job, its just a question of when. Ffxi on the other hand may have done some things in such a way that it was difficult to obtain certain items, but when you got those items oh boy were you excited to ise them.

This is why ive canceled my sub to 14. When that runs out ill see what the expansion brings. For now im taking advantage of ffxi discount and return campaign to see if it might still interest me. I heard good things from people who stayed with it after the cap raised. I even got some of my old friends to join me. They tried 14 also but quit way sooner than i am.

14 is good for casual players only. For people who want more of an experience from the game, it doesnt deliver. Right now many will dissagree, but those same people are also not where i am in the game. Once you reach that point you will have the same outlook on the game as i do.
#12 Sep 11 2014 at 10:22 AM Rating: Excellent
The downside of the elemental staves is that it locked the mages into "back line job forever." Since switching weapons killed all your TP, it was utterly impossible for a mage to cast at maximum efficiency and also hit things in combat.

Also, weapon skill ratings. RDM got D for staff. That's why melee RDM had to sacrifice elemental accuracy and potency and ignore the staves in favor of a single good sword. Smiley: glare

So glad that with Lehbrailg +2 (current best in slot staff for almost everything except cures) I can at least go forward, thwack the mob, and use Spirit Taker to get my MP back on BLM.

Edited, Sep 11th 2014 12:23pm by Catwho
#13 Sep 11 2014 at 10:32 AM Rating: Decent
1,732 posts
Keysofgaruda wrote:
Ffxiv just doesnt give me the sense of accomplishment that ffxi did. Only coil is interesting to me, and even that is getting stale. I dont get excited getting a new piece of gear like in ffxi. I KNOW i will eventually get all the top end gear for my main job, its just a question of when. Ffxi on the other hand may have done some things in such a way that it was difficult to obtain certain items, but when you got those items oh boy were you excited to ise them.

This is why ive canceled my sub to 14. When that runs out ill see what the expansion brings. For now im taking advantage of ffxi discount and return campaign to see if it might still interest me. I heard good things from people who stayed with it after the cap raised. I even got some of my old friends to join me. They tried 14 also but quit way sooner than i am.

14 is good for casual players only. For people who want more of an experience from the game, it doesnt deliver. Right now many will dissagree, but those same people are also not where i am in the game. Once you reach that point you will have the same outlook on the game as i do.

I agree, blackbelt for example... good till the end but hard to get even now...

In FFXIV you dont even get time to enjoy your gear for a week and new gear is out.. The problem is most of it you have to do the same thing you did for the previous set of gear and that is dungeon grind over and over and over other than coil gear... Most are wearing pretty much the exact same gear for the same job.. At the rate they are going there is going to be too much gear and most of it pretty much useless. I mean really how much level 50 gear can there be...

It is good for returning player or new players because at 50 they can skip most of the gear and go right to the top pretty much.. That is a issue with the way you level via gear in FFXIV at 50 and in FFXI you geared up for your level.

Edited, Sep 11th 2014 12:38pm by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#14 Sep 11 2014 at 10:36 AM Rating: Default
863 posts
I agree with OP in the sense that I definitely preferred XIs progression over XIV (which is partly why I am so excited for Everquest Next and its horizontal, ability-synergy. non-statstick progression). The thing is though that I am not playing XIV anymore and I have a feeling many (not all which this thread shows) of those who do prefer the XI style of progression do not play it anymore either.

Most of those who have stuck around are probably the ones who like vertical progression and it feels a bit weird if all of a sudden XIV were to completely change direction towards something most of its playerbase most likely do not enjoy as much. Also so far, I am not sure the systems they have in place really make for a good base to start making the game have a completely different look on progression.

Basically I feel like me personally sure I would actually come back and give XIV another shot if I saw something like this. However as I feel a majority of its current playerbase might not agree with me I don't want to "ruin" the game they like either so I feel a bit ambivalent about actually asking for a change like this at this point.
#15 Sep 11 2014 at 11:07 AM Rating: Excellent
XI's method of progression was great during a time of my life when I had hours upon hours to grind.

That's the tradeoff with a horizontal system... gear had better take a huge amount of time to get, or you really will run out of things to do in a hurry. That meant lots and lots of grinding... which wasn't necessarily bad, but it was what it was.

In FFXIV, you shouldn't count on getting any gear that you're going to carry around forever (except for maybe relic weapons). However, you'll also never have to say, "yeah, I spent three years grinding dynamis trying to get that damn hat." Again, that's not necessarily bad either, but it is what it is.

At this point in my life, I definitely prefer FFXIV's vertical progression. Keep giving me new things to do with new carrots to chase. I'd rather do that than do the same things over and over with larger, less frequent carrots.

The key is SE keeping up its rapid pace of major content patches, which so far it has done quite well.
Thayos Redblade
#16 Sep 11 2014 at 11:26 AM Rating: Excellent
I think the nicest thing about all gear in XIV is that even if it's obsolete, you can still do something with it.

1. Desynth it
2. Turn it in for GC seals
3. Convert it to materia
4. Use it for a glamour

It isn't just dead space, or used in one single macro for one single spell like it would have been in FFXI.
#17 Sep 11 2014 at 11:44 AM Rating: Excellent
Yep, and it takes awhile for some gear to become obsolete.

My bard still wears some iLevel 90 gear that I've had for many months, and even the soldiery gear has been around for quite some time now... and I'm sure my paladin and bard will be wearing the upgraded soldiery stuff for a very long time, too.

Meanwhile, when my dragoon hits 50, first thing I'll be doing is filling out gear slots with i90 gear (to accompany a couple of ST drops I've farmed) so that I can start being active on that job.

So, yeah, people in this community tend to use the word "obsolete" rather loosely.
Thayos Redblade
#18 Sep 11 2014 at 2:15 PM Rating: Good
1,310 posts
Catwho wrote:
Also, weapon skill ratings. RDM got D for staff. That's why melee RDM had to sacrifice elemental accuracy and potency and ignore the staves in favor of a single good sword. Smiley: glare

It's worse than that. Red Mages had no skill in staves, so there was absolutely no point in melee whatsoever as long as you were using them.
#19 Sep 11 2014 at 2:18 PM Rating: Good
5,745 posts
RDM melee and TP loss when switching weapons is a tangent that's not related progression. We should probably try to veer the conversation back to the main topic.
#20 Sep 11 2014 at 3:24 PM Rating: Good
You can actually do a rudimentary side-grade build in FFXIV. I've been thinking of putting together a STR based gear set for my WAR to use while soloing and in PVP or even setting it back to marauder. You CAN save multiple gear sets for XIV for various classes, you just can't swap them out in battle. After years of wrestling with Spellcast and Gearswap XML files in FFXI, I'm okay with this.

I expect we'll see more things along the lines of Weathered soldiery gear getting upgraded to just plain Soldiery gear. You don't lose the investment you already made, because it's required to make the next upgrade level. You can't skip steps either to get the current best in slot gear. Later on you might be able to skip steps to catch up with a different gear set, but by then there will already be a higher level tier of gear that you can't skip any steps to get.

What if the next version of Crystal Tower gives you a thing that will +1 your ST gear, but you have to combind it with the CT gear as well? That means running all three dungeons for the final piece of gear. I'd be okay with that, too.

Edited, Sep 11th 2014 5:25pm by Catwho
#21 Sep 11 2014 at 3:48 PM Rating: Good
1,310 posts
svlyons wrote:
RDM melee and TP loss when switching weapons is a tangent that's not related progression. We should probably try to veer the conversation back to the main topic.

If a popular ZAM thread isn't derailed every which way from Sunday, something has gone terribly wrong. Smiley: lol
#22 Sep 11 2014 at 9:18 PM Rating: Good
342 posts
Catwho wrote:
You can actually do a rudimentary side-grade build in FFXIV. I've been thinking of putting together a STR based gear set for my WAR to use while soloing and in PVP or even setting it back to marauder.
Edited, Sep 11th 2014 5:25pm by Catwho

I've been doing this on my PLD lately. I've got a full set of i100-i100 accessories from my DRG that I'll throw on my PLD when I'm doing anything outside of second coil. There isn't anything in the overworld or in any roulettes that can come close to killing me anyways so it's worth it to sacrifice the extra HP for the strength in my opinion.

If you're fighting a boss you can spike aggro to start with Shield Oath up, switch over to Sword Oath, and actually do some decent damage numbers to help get past them that much quicker. I like it!
#23 Sep 11 2014 at 10:22 PM Rating: Excellent
4,175 posts
svlyons wrote:
I think examples like that were fine for FFXI. It didn't happen for all 16 slots for every job.

No, but XI was a gear swap dependent game. It was rare that the majority of your gear wasn't below cap depending on what set you were wearing. Most of my -MDT, -PDT, idle/regen, MAB... Damn, now that I think about it I can't really recall any gear I wore at level 75 that was actually lvl 75 gear except my relic. I guess I could count a few pieces I swapped for ability macros.

Catwho wrote:
It isn't just dead space, or used in one single macro for one single spell like it would have been in FFXI.

Just thinking about gear swaps conjures mental images of cosplay/fashion battles. I can't be the only person who can envision a person putting down their staff, disrobing and putting on a few different pieces of clothing, casting a spell and then stripping down to put on the original set of clothes Smiley: lol
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#24 Sep 11 2014 at 11:47 PM Rating: Excellent
5,729 posts
FilthMcNasty wrote:
Just thinking about gear swaps conjures mental images of cosplay/fashion battles. I can't be the only person who can envision a person putting down their staff, disrobing and putting on a few different pieces of clothing, casting a spell and then stripping down to put on the original set of clothes Smiley: lol

I once partied with a galka PLD who would macro in a subligar for casting Flash.
75 Rabbit/75 Sheep/75 Coeurl/75 Eft/75 Raptor/75 Hippogryph/75 Puk
75 Scorpion/75 Wamoura/75 Pixie/75 Peiste/64 Sabotender
51 Bird/41 Mandragora/40 Bee/37 Crawler/37 Bat

Items no one cares about: O
Missions no one cares about: O
Crafts no one cares about: O
#25 Sep 12 2014 at 7:16 AM Rating: Good
1,732 posts
Karlina wrote:
FilthMcNasty wrote:
Just thinking about gear swaps conjures mental images of cosplay/fashion battles. I can't be the only person who can envision a person putting down their staff, disrobing and putting on a few different pieces of clothing, casting a spell and then stripping down to put on the original set of clothes Smiley: lol

I once partied with a galka PLD who would macro in a subligar for casting Flash.

One thing in FFXI is there were more stats/skills that meant something in FFXI like evasion, agility, Charisma, cure potency, enmity, Spell Interruption Rate etc.,

Each weapon had different stats too like axe skill, club skill, etc.

Magic had different skills too like enfeebling, enhancing, divine, elemental etc.. Now its just mind or int.

Different gear had different stats that enhanced different things you did in FFXI. Gear in this game is pretty much one size fits all and mainly because there is far fewer stats to enhance.

IF you were a whm going to cast a enfeebling spell you put on a enfeebling set. You were going to cast holy you might have a divine set or piece of equipment to swap.

That stuff gave people something to do also.. Purchase or farm for gear sets. Going out and leveling skills like club skills or evasion.. It was a time filler.

Edited, Sep 12th 2014 9:37am by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#26 Sep 12 2014 at 7:19 AM Rating: Excellent
One reason I think that Hiro Mashima, writer of Fairy Tail, played FFXI and not other MMOs is because of Erza's constant outfit changes. Mid-battle, even.

Chick has a gear set for everything.
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