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Lv1-15 BluesFollow

#1 Aug 30 2014 at 4:25 PM Rating: Default
3,441 posts
So.. now that my CNJ is 31, I want to go WHM and I've been told that THM to 15 is what I have to do (though I need to get Swiftcast too) and so I suit up, as a THM and the first few levels go OK, and then at about 8 or 9 it starts really dragging.

I hit up FATEs whenever they actually spawn, but half of the time, groups of high level players rush in and kill everything before I can hardly hit it. I'm told THM gets a spell at... Lv15... that helps with this, but that's kinda after-the-fact.

Can't do Duty Finder for dungeons until Lv16, and there's the Duty Finder for Guildhests at Lv10, but that's only once per day (additional times give almost nothing).

There's one-time quests, but it seems that a lot of quests are not available to you unless you are from that area (I started in Gridania, and most of the quests in Thanalan aren't there, and the few that are only give me 400-500xp which isn't much when you need 12k at Lv10). There are Guildleves, but Pre-10 they only give 500 or so per (again, that's not enough to justify using Leve Allowances on). Not sure how much Lv10 Leves give, but I need those for my crafting classes (going to make a big push Monday if I can to get some important milestones in crafts such as Steady Hands II and the ability to make new tools on my BSM).

So, back to sitting, waiting for FATEs to pop because it seems like FATEs are the only real way to get XP.

This is one thing I wish they'd consider improving; trying to get your 2nd class+ to 16. Once you get 16, you can Duty Roulette to your heart's content and get levelups fast. But Pre-16, it just seems like it takes too long to get anywhere, especially when you're only leveling said class because it has an ability or two you want, or worse, it is required for a Job.

IMO, 500xp quests and especially Guildleves just doesn't cut it. Killing mobs only gives 100xp or so, so that's not a viable option either. They could/should make FATEs in <Lv10 areas pop faster and require less participation to get Gold, that would help a ton. It isn't like anybody is going to get a mountain of gil or company seals from those FATEs, and the XP wouldn't be worth it to a higher-level player, so why not?

EDIT: I also did all the Hunting Logs too thusfar. Nice little boost, but falls way short on XP required.

Edited, Aug 30th 2014 6:26pm by Lyrailis
#2 Aug 30 2014 at 4:53 PM Rating: Excellent
Leves. Leves leves leves. 4 leves is usually enough for a level prior to 15 when you add in rested bonus, give or take a couple hundred. I collect 4 from one area, spam them (usually takes 5 minutes or less for each one), then move to the next area, spam them, and then to the last one. That way, I'm doing 12 different leves in the 3 different city states, and not repeating the same ones over and over again which gets boring. (Not that some of them aren't based on the same principles, but at least it's a different mini story.)

It absolutely is worth using the allowances on, if it boosts you up to dungeon levels.

Also, are you sure you don't need Arcanist to 15 to unlock WHM? I thought it was arcanist.

Edited, Aug 31st 2014 11:07am by Catwho
#3 Aug 30 2014 at 4:55 PM Rating: Decent
3,441 posts
Catwho wrote:
Leves. Leves leves leves. 4 leves is usually enough for a level prior to 15 when you add in rested bonus, give or take a couple hundred. I college 4 from one area, spam them (usually takes 5 minutes or less for each one), then move to the next area, spam them, and then to the last one. That way, I'm doing 12 different leves in the 3 different city states, and not repeating the same ones over and over again which gets boring. (Not that some of them aren't based on the same principles, but at least it's a different mini story.)

It absolutely is worth using the allowances on, if it boosts you up to dungeon levels.

Also, are you sure you don't need Arcanist to 15 to unlock WHM? I thought it was arcanist.

I could have been lied to, lol.

But I still need Swiftcast anyways, either way. And it didn't make sense to me either, why does a CNJ need a blackmage type class to be a WHM? lol. I'll look that up.



Oh well, still need Swiftcast....

Edited, Aug 30th 2014 6:56pm by Lyrailis
#4 Aug 30 2014 at 6:17 PM Rating: Excellent
438 posts
OOOOHHHHH...THAT kind of blues. I was hoping there was some sweet gear for low levels now.

That reminds me, WTB some useful RSE, like XI had. Some of that gear was freaking ridiculous at mid levels.
Star Swirl on Behemoth AKA Best-hemoth AKA The Cool Kid's Table----60AST, 60WHM, 60SCH/SMN, 60BLM, 60MNK, 38 PLD, 34DRG, 31NIN, 27MRD
FFXI- Derpypony on Asura
Check out the Dream Network, a community for XIV fans, featuring notable streamers like Mr. Happy, MTQcapture, Rahhzay, and Slyakagreyfox!
Then maybe check out myself, EquestriaGuy, on twitch at

#5 Aug 30 2014 at 6:42 PM Rating: Good
3,825 posts
Queue for dungeons while doing leves. Make sure you are using food/drink for bonus xp too. One dungeon Ru. Should be 1-2 levels. I personally don't feel a drag until around 25 when the dungeon options are limited and feel extremely repetitive for about 10+ levels. Also don't forget your hunting log can be a quick boost too.
#6 Aug 30 2014 at 10:07 PM Rating: Excellent
3,441 posts

Switched to Arcanist, and wow.

LOTS and LOTS and LOTS of FATEs in Middle La Noscea (and also those two in Lower involving the kobolds). Fate after Fate after Fate, it was like.. I'd finish one FATE, then there's another... finish that one, there's another... then no more FATEs... until I did 1 quest or hunted down one hunting log entry then 3-4 more FATEs in a row.

Got 1-16 ACN in about 2.5 hours.

Dunno why Middle La Noscea is so polluted with FATEs, yet Thanalan barely has any. Think maybe when the time comes to work on Swiftcast I'll take my THM over to Middle La Noscea and grind FATEs there until it is 16 then I can random a dungeon once a day and it'll be 26 in no time at all.

Edited, Aug 31st 2014 12:07am by Lyrailis
#7 Aug 31 2014 at 4:46 AM Rating: Decent
4,175 posts
Knowing where to go definitely helps.

Your highest level is 31? Yeah, I don't wanna discourage you but the grind hasn't even really started for you yet. The experience is good, but without more options and more areas to go it started to wear on me. Maybe you have more fortitude than I did. I started ARR with one class already in the low 40s and it was all I could muster to cap that and finish two Smiley: lol
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#8 Aug 31 2014 at 5:59 AM Rating: Good
3,441 posts
FilthMcNasty wrote:
Knowing where to go definitely helps.

Your highest level is 31? Yeah, I don't wanna discourage you but the grind hasn't even really started for you yet. The experience is good, but without more options and more areas to go it started to wear on me. Maybe you have more fortitude than I did. I started ARR with one class already in the low 40s and it was all I could muster to cap that and finish two Smiley: lol

31 on this character.

I got up to 43 on another character. And I don't mind it once I get 16, because you can get great XP just by doing the daily Roulette. Even my 31 (now just about 32) can get 75% of a level just doing something like Halatali from the Duty Roulette and Halatali is 10 levels beneath her. Once I unlock more, higher dungeons and if I get those from the random... I remember Brayflox being ridiculously good XP even in the 40s if one happens to get that through Duty Roulette.

So, IMO, the worst is trying to get to 16.

EDIT: In response to the maps you posted, I already knew that much... my point I was trying to make is that Middle La Noscea spawned at least 3x the amount of FATEs that either Central -or- Western Thanalan did. More FATEs = way faster XP. Also, Middle La Noscea is just set up better travel-wise; there's only 1 cliff (that is much faster to traverse), and Middle La Noscea has the FATEs packed in closer to each other, while Thanalan (both areas) are way more spread out.

Edited, Aug 31st 2014 8:02am by Lyrailis
#9 Aug 31 2014 at 11:52 AM Rating: Decent
1,004 posts
I'm not sure how the community feels about this, but it's possible to power level yourself if you can find a WHM buddy to help you out. (can be done with anyone, but WHM is the best class to do it with).

You need to go to aleport and have the WHM give you protect, and stoneskin + regen for each pull. You are going to go outside aleport and run straight until you find a goblin camp. You (not the WHM) is going to hit and gather as many of those goblins as you can. You will need to get a feel for how to pull them since dragging mobs too far away from their spawn area will make them de-agro and run back to their spawn. Make sure they are claimed by YOU (they will have a red name). Once the group of 10+ mobs are together the WHM will use holy and kill them all. If they have a purple name you will not get any exp for them. Once the goblin camp is done go down the cliff side and grab all the birds/moles/whatever and do the same thing. When those are dead the goblins should be ready to pop if they already haven't done so.

You will get a ton of exp and will quickly get to level 15. Although you can power level yourself like this even beyond level 15, don't do this. Go get exp from dungeons at this point so you can learn how the job you're power leveling is played (if you care to play it past 15).
#10 Sep 01 2014 at 8:25 PM Rating: Excellent
1,330 posts
RE: Mob tagging on THM in FATEs -- Slot Aero until you get Blizzard II to play with and don't have to deal with tab targeting or mouse click targeting.

The original path of FATE farming, if I recall correctly, is:

Middle La Noscea (to 10) -> Western La Noscea (to 19 or 20) -> South Shroud (to 30) -> Eastern La Noscea (optional alternative 26-33, but the FATE spawn rate seems to be nerfed here now) -> Central Coerthas (from 30 - mid 40s) -> Northern Thanalan/Mor Dhona (to 50).
#11 Sep 01 2014 at 11:25 PM Rating: Decent
425 posts
@ garethrogue: Depending on your job.

Taru RSE while really cute, is mostly useless for a mage >_>, with the exception of the RSE lvl50 belts. I wish I kept mine though, it's great to idle in.

Anyway, while I was leveling monk, it took in consideration to all the 'warnings' here on the boards in the early beginnings to save all your quests for your sub.

The investment payed off and I got done with lancer in about 2 days.

As for that place being polluted with FATEs, probably because SE knows people will try their best, barring crafting, to avoid going there because you have pay to get there each time. Unlike the other two areas, where you can just use a chocobo. Whenever I have to go to La Noscea, I make sure its a good reason and that I'm going to there for a long time. Which is ashame, because it has a nice field around it, akin to La Thaine Plateau, and architecture of the city is well done.

Edited, Sep 2nd 2014 1:32am by TwilightSkye
#12 Sep 02 2014 at 5:30 AM Rating: Excellent
3,441 posts
TwilightSkye wrote:
@ garethrogue: Depending on your job.

Taru RSE while really cute, is mostly useless for a mage >_>, with the exception of the RSE lvl50 belts. I wish I kept mine though, it's great to idle in.

Anyway, while I was leveling monk, it took in consideration to all the 'warnings' here on the boards in the early beginnings to save all your quests for your sub.

The investment payed off and I got done with lancer in about 2 days.

As for that place being polluted with FATEs, probably because SE knows people will try their best, barring crafting, to avoid going there because you have pay to get there each time. Unlike the other two areas, where you can just use a chocobo. Whenever I have to go to La Noscea, I make sure its a good reason and that I'm going to there for a long time. Which is ashame, because it has a nice field around it, akin to La Thaine Plateau, and architecture of the city is well done.

Edited, Sep 2nd 2014 1:32am by TwilightSkye

211g is not a bad price to teleport to Limsa Lominsa from Ul'dah.

That's all it is, if you set LL as your Favored Destination. My current character has Home bound in Gridania, the Free Teleport bound in Ul'dah, and the Favored in LL. No matter where I want to go in the game, it will cost me no more than 500g and I will be there (or at least near there) in 30 seconds or less. If I wanna go anywhere in Ul'dah, I Free Teleport to Ul'dah, then paid teleport to wherever I wanna go (Drybone, Little Ala Mihgo, etc) for ~200g or so. If I want to go anywhere in La Noscea, I'll free Teleport to Ul'dah, then Paid Teleport to LL (for 211) and then... depends. Skull Valley/Upper LN, Aleport Ferry for 40. Costa Del Sol or anywhere up there, 40g from Ferry. Middle/Lower La Noscea, probably the free teleport to the gate and ride there on chocobo.

I find getting around in LN is cheaper than the other places thanks to that awesome Aleport/CDS Ferry only costing 40g.

Even if you're only in the teens as your highest, you just use teleports wisely and sparingly (the 211 is the worst you will really "need" to do), and once you get to Lv30, you're set once you can start doing Challenges (it's easy to get 5-10k gil or more out of challenge log per week). I made 20,000g just yesterday just by doing the Lv20-30 main story quests; those 300-500g quests add up, as does vendoring the Silver Pieces.

Edited, Sep 2nd 2014 7:32am by Lyrailis
#13 Sep 02 2014 at 6:14 AM Rating: Excellent
I guess once you figure out your personal money making scheme, the 500+ for some teleports doesn't even make you blink. I don't even think about teleport costs any more.
#14 Sep 02 2014 at 8:57 AM Rating: Excellent
Don't forget the airship. I used this all the time to save teleport money before I had enough reserves to handle a lot of teleports.

Although, that said, I still do save money on transport when I can. I never teleport to Revenant's Toll without doing my free teleport to Gridania first, and I usually teleport to the favored main city rather than going directly to somewhere expensive like Bronze Lake or Horizon, and if I have time take the chocobo porter while I go open another beer.
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