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Weekly Goals and Accomplishments 8/29 -9/4Follow

#1 Aug 29 2014 at 7:06 AM Rating: Excellent
Labor day weekend! What are you going to do?

1. Push WAR to 50
2. Archer to 30 and unlock BRD
2. Get my ST whatever it is for the week
3. Start rebuilding my fortune - back up to 800K again. Mansion was totally worth it though.

I think that's enough. I played around in Turn 5 last night and now see why it has its reputation. Don't want to re-try that outside of a forgiving static.
#2 Aug 29 2014 at 8:12 AM Rating: Excellent
2,550 posts
1. Take WHM from 43 to 45 at least and get the job specific gear. I need to try to get it to 50 I know, but I really need to work in the yard this weekend and I've been really getting into the game "Last of Us" Remastered on the PS4. Excellent game, but much less scary than I expected, once you get used to the long faces of the runners Smiley: jawdrop and the disfigurations of the clickers, the rest is smooth sailing.

2. Rebuild my fortune as well. Think all in all Kat put in the most gil towards the house, but as the second place runner up in philanthropy, my pockets took a hit as well. Even after buying the house, the cost of putting in marble floors, re-buying the aetheryte and chocobo hut and merchants and rebuilding some of the primal furniture we lost was quite expensive. But now that we have three gardens, I have my glazenut factory back up and running, and also have my standard fruit farm up. That should slowly make it up. Fruits arent selling nearly as well now that supply is up and demand is down, but I'm hoping that I can get them off the presses by Sunday afternoon, after all the weekend warriors have dug into the supply a bit and the prices go back up.

3. Running static with Infamous Zero and his group this weekend as a bard. I'm excited on one hand, but on the other my bard is only ilvl 93, and I am going to be so frustrated that I can't just go 109 black mage and toast things, but they want me for mechanics and singing, so I go where I'm needed. At least bard is 100% easier to dodge mechanics with than black mage (excluding sprint, which I pop to run across rafflesia when I have sun).

4. I need to get down to the Limsa and buy the new celebration items and do the /huzzah quest. Other than that, I dont really have a whole heck of a lot to do. Capped soldiery and have a ton of seals saved, and 'm less interested in the Ixali quests because they run out to rank 7 Smiley: disappointed

#3 Aug 29 2014 at 10:07 AM Rating: Decent
4,511 posts

- WHM from 41 to 45 > unlock Holy > Spam Dzemael till 50
- Get oil from ST (probably the hardest thing on the list)
- Three more Sands to finish, so spam spam hunts
- Get more FC members. Gathered up a nice base from 1 to around 13 active members now. But i'd be happy with 20-25 where there's always a few people online at all times.
- Encourage FC members to color their chocobos with free fruits from our gardens.
- Hand out a few funds for rooms so people will get tempted to stay.
#4 Aug 29 2014 at 10:24 AM Rating: Excellent
Kojiro, how did you recruit for your FC? My FC could really benefit from some new faces... but I swear, I've tried shouting for members in the past, and I've had basically no luck finding anyone.
Thayos Redblade
#5 Aug 29 2014 at 10:24 AM Rating: Excellent
All of us in The Swarm are building up our fortune. For me, I had spent it just too soon to contribute millions to the house -- I'm still one of the only two people on Lamia to have bought a Thavnairian Onion to boost Raindrop's maximum Chocobo Rank. I dumped everything else I had into the FC, but I was kind of embarrased that I couldn't contribute more.

  • Capping Soldiery will be my main thing. It's going to be harder for this current week because I spent a lot of time doing all the Hildebrand story and levelling my SMN and BLM to 36.
  • I'm also still fishing up Silver Sovereigns, and slowly crafting and melding i70 accessories to boost my Gathering and Perception.
  • After that, I want to advance on more of the quests that opened up when the Scions moved to Revenant's Toll.
  • And also keep working on SMN and BLM, no particular hurry.
  • If I have 300k to spare, I want to buy and furnish a Private Chamber again
  • .
#6 Aug 29 2014 at 12:04 PM Rating: Excellent
I'm thinking the mansion might actually help recruiting efforts. Every FC on the server has a house now, but a max of 54 can have the Large house until they add more wards.
#7 Aug 29 2014 at 12:08 PM Rating: Excellent
1,439 posts
Get back into the game after a 2 month enforced absence - no I've not been to jail...

1) Complete T5
2) Win a weapon on Levi-ex for the heck of it.
(Tried it last night and it's crazy as I'm living in a new place the lack of lag- some people just don't realise what a difference it makes to dodging stuff!)
3) Start recruiting for a coil static within my FC
4) Start Ixali quests

I actually managed to et main storyline and open all new dungeon and ST in the past two days since I've been back.


Have fun again yay!

Edited, Aug 29th 2014 6:10pm by EdyNOTB
Esuna Forums

#8 Aug 29 2014 at 4:34 PM Rating: Good
4,511 posts
Thayos wrote:
Kojiro, how did you recruit for your FC? My FC could really benefit from some new faces... but I swear, I've tried shouting for members in the past, and I've had basically no luck finding anyone.

Wasnt too bad actually, i always alternate my shouts with silly things in between. Offering cookies, silly hunts to have people find my location and win some gil, and non-serious things of that nature. Even gibberish works added to your shout. I think i went with "My chocobo is so fat..." jokes for a while too. Usually when you get a laugh out of people you're more likely to be able to get people to join you. And at the worst case, they will atleast remember you for when they change their minds.

Outside of that i simply stuck to the truth. Promoted that we are a small friendly company, that we have an exp bonus that would be a lot of help to new people, a house in the mist, chocobo stables and all the help we can offer/spare is theirs.

Kept most of them around by growing dye fruits in the garden and handing them out to whoever needed it. But it would be a lot more stable if i could get another 10 or so recruited before the free weekend ends. Already lost two a few days ago. Not sure what happened, they probably figured it was too empty.
#9 Aug 29 2014 at 5:01 PM Rating: Excellent
Eh, I think my FC is dead in the water in terms of recruiting...

We're a few million away from a medium house, but the last medium plots must have sold in the past couple weeks... no housing left on Hyperion at all.

No house, few members, no current event schedules, not enough people to even do events...

But... cookies? Smiley: lol

Yeah, we're screwed.
Thayos Redblade
#10 Aug 29 2014 at 5:40 PM Rating: Good
Keeper of the Shroud
13,632 posts
Just out of curiosity, I tried soloing a Peisteskin treasure map with my chocobo. I went as an i99 DRG, and just barely managed to do it before time ran out. I got the one with a bunch of mandies followed by a bunch of jellyfish and then three giant crabs. The mandies were easy enough, but knocked my health down by about half. The jellyfish would have been a problem, but I kited them just long enough for my bird to take hate. The bird didn't last long, but I was able to heal a bit and pick off two of the jellyfish while doing it. I had to resummon the bird and then finished the jellyfish off. I repeated the process for the crabs and literally finished with one second on the clock.

Drops weren't that great, the only thing worth mentioning is the 8 chunks of coke.

Edited, Aug 29th 2014 7:40pm by Turin
#11 Aug 30 2014 at 7:31 AM Rating: Good
Farm Levi, looking for the bow.
Still after a UAT from Syrcus.
Get some more practice in on T6.

Keeping it modest this week, as I'm starting to feel a little burnt out now that all my 50 crafts arre 3-star. I should probly work on ARM and BSM to 50 next, but I'm in no major rush.
#12 Sep 01 2014 at 7:42 PM Rating: Good
1,098 posts
My plan, by the 31st upgrade gear and finally play lv15 Satasha dungeon. I used free playtime to upgrade gear level to 90 it cost me about one million but retainers pulled in way more than that with just a few tier4 cracked orbs. The dungeon was chaos it was like a series of mini fates, the tank charges into fight till he dies then its provoke mobs and toss heals at the everyone left while Carby holds hate. We was lucky the " tank" didn't leave. I died once at the end boss that's when I found out the waiting wasn't healer casting raise it was people running back. Chat was used for laughing at ourselves and we beat it so it was a good 1st run... and it only took a year for me to do it with a tank healer and mage. Smiley: smile

#13 Sep 02 2014 at 8:26 AM Rating: Excellent
144 posts
Wow, where to begin? :) Here's what I did over the weekend:

1. I did all 14 guildhests for the first time. I know that's not a big deal, but I still did it over the weekend.

2. I got my relic weapon (yay!).

3. I got all of my i90 armor and accessories. Again, I know that's not as big a deal now with the hunts, but I'm still happy about it.

4. I went through the following already unlocked dungeons for the first time: Amdapor Keep, Cutter's Cry, The Wanderer's Palace, The Stone Vigil (Hard)

5. I unlocked the following dungeons and went through them for the first time: Pharos Sirius, The Lost City of Amdapor, Hullbreaker Isle (3 times), Tam-Tara Deepcroft (Hard), Labyrinth of Ancients

6. I unlocked the following dungeons but have not gone through them yet: Brayflox's Longstop (Hard), Copperbell Mines (Hard), Halatali (Hard), Haukke Manor (Hard), Syrcus Tower, Binding Coils of Bahamut

7. I unlocked the following trials and did them for the first time: The Navel (Hard), Thornmarch (Hard), Battle on the Big Bridge, The Bowl of Embers (Hard), The Howling Eye (Hard)

8. I unlocked the following trials but have not gone through them yet: The Minstrel's Ballad: Ultima's Bane, Thornmarch (Extreme), The Howling Eye (Extreme)

9. I got from "The Resolute" to about halfway on "A Final Temptation" on the story quests.

10. I did all of the current Hildebrand quests. I also did the Rising event.

I'm sure I've forgotten a few things, though the Twelve know I did a lot already. This week and probably into the weekend, I'll hit the stuff I unlocked but haven't done yet, unlock the rest of the trials if I can (The Striking Tree (Hard and Extreme), The Whorleater (Hard and Extreme), The Navel (Extreme), The Bowl of Embers (Extreme)), get further along on the story quests, start on working towards higher level armor, equipment, and weapons, and do Dzemael when I can so I can work towards getting Coliseum gear (don't ask) even though it's lower level. High-Level and Trials Duty Roulettes are still locked for me.

I normally don't play nearly this much (I hate rushing through content with a passion), but I really wanted to get to a point where I could finally start helping my FC mates since they've been so helpful to me. I wanted to start paying them back, and now I can. Finally! This has been my main goal. It'd also be nice to be ready for the new 2.4 content when it comes, but that's not my driving goal.

So, am I crazy for doing this much? :) Now it's time for...Smiley: snore
Primary World: Hyperion
Free Company: Jormungandr
Legacy Member
Main Character: Fialas Dawnren: Level 60 BRD/AST/MNK/DoL, Level 16-50 On Everything Else
#14 Sep 02 2014 at 8:55 AM Rating: Good
1,732 posts
Well I met my goal.. I have been playing almost everyday for several weeks now... Decided to take a weekend off and get out of town for a few days.. Accomplished.

Anyway we did get on the game yesterday.. I wanted a oil from ST and of coarse no drop in any runs...
Got my map for alexandrite... Got goldsmithing from 1 to 15.. Did daily marks.

Edited, Sep 2nd 2014 10:55am by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#15 Sep 02 2014 at 9:57 AM Rating: Excellent
1. Friday night, my FC regrouped and put up a good fight in Turn 5... we actually nearly beat the snakes on our last attempt, which was the farthest we've made it as a group! A few attempts before that though, when the rest of my group died at divebombs, I managed to kite the snakes around through the divebomb stage, then popped Hallowed and stood in the neurolink to avoid Twin's huge AoE move... and then I subsequently died to a combination of Twin, snakes and the dreadnaught. But I can actually say I survived to the dreadnaught/twister phase! Smiley: smile

2. Spiritbonded like a ****. Want to make sure I have enough money for personal housing, because my FC is currently shut out of the housing market.

3. Undercut like a ****. Hated to do it, but everyone else was, and I needed my stuff to sell. It's amazing how quickly prices fell over the weekend. I wonder if this was a result of more people being online for the holiday, or if the market is finally cooling as more people clear recent patch content?

4. Hunted like a ****. Lots and lots of seals, and two log books in three days.

5. Got dragoon helmet from ST... like a ****! Got in just before the reset. One party in the alliance had a couple of DPS trolls, and the other party was dead most of the time... so my group ended up carrying two-thirds of the alliance to victory. Good times.
Thayos Redblade
#16 Sep 02 2014 at 12:27 PM Rating: Excellent
I did get my weekly ST drop - caster pants. They looked rather.... uh.... risque. So back to my spring skirt glamour. Hah.

Two more levels on WAR. Push push push.
#17 Sep 02 2014 at 5:57 PM Rating: Excellent
Keeper of the Shroud
13,632 posts
I got quite a bit done this weekend. Finally finished my last atma book and got my slightly inferior, but shiny spear. I also bought two of the three inks that I need for the next part of the relic quest. Then I picked up enough soldiery to get a weathered rosenbogen. Then I spent some time and a lot of Gil to completely redo my fishing set. I'm at 307 gathering now, so I can start going after the new fish and work on the new gear quests. Sadly, I don't have the gear or the recipes to have made the new accessories, but at least I was able to meld them myself. If I didn't also have Botanist and Miner at 50, I could have made some i70 accessories and melded those and gotten a couple extra stat points, but it's not worth it to have to carry around a whole set of accessories just for fishing.

Edited, Sep 3rd 2014 6:51pm by Turin
#18 Sep 03 2014 at 7:50 AM Rating: Excellent
392 posts
Finally got rank 32 in pvp, so I can finally start wearing gear. Best part was when my SCH was able to 1v1 a blm and brd in the same FL match.
#19 Sep 03 2014 at 9:03 AM Rating: Excellent
2,550 posts
Sorry for the late response, haven't been into work (where I post from Smiley: yikes ) due to a really sick kid (thank you kindergarten petri dish)

Valkayree wrote:
1. Take WHM from 43 to 45 at least and get the job specific gear. I need to try to get it to 50 I know, but I really need to work in the yard this weekend and I've been really getting into the game "Last of Us" Remastered on the PS4. Excellent game, but much less scary than I expected, once you get used to the long faces of the runners Smiley: jawdrop and the disfigurations of the clickers, the rest is smooth sailing.

I got whm to 46. I also got the yard work done, got some time in on Last of Us (really like the story) officially finished all season 1 season 2 and 400 days expansion for the Walking Dead game (amazing btw) and have really been getting into this new awesome sandbox desert island survival game on PS4 and Vita called "Don't Starve".

Valkayree wrote:
2. Rebuild my fortune as well. Think all in all Kat put in the most gil towards the house, but as the second place runner up in philanthropy, my pockets took a hit as well. Even after buying the house, the cost of putting in marble floors, re-buying the aetheryte and chocobo hut and merchants and rebuilding some of the primal furniture we lost was quite expensive. But now that we have three gardens, I have my glazenut factory back up and running, and also have my standard fruit farm up. That should slowly make it up. Fruits arent selling nearly as well now that supply is up and demand is down, but I'm hoping that I can get them off the presses by Sunday afternoon, after all the weekend warriors have dug into the supply a bit and the prices go back up.

Fortune back up to 11.5 million, where I will hold until next patch speculation. Fruit prices are down to 3k each, not worth my effort anymore. It appears that most folks have settled on a color and arent as keen to recolor their chocobo like they do to their armor. So for now, I'll keep the glazenut factory running, but drop the fruit farm. I left the other two flower beds open for FC, and they are making great use of them!

Valkayree wrote:
3. Running static with Infamous Zero and his group this weekend as a bard. I'm excited on one hand, but on the other my bard is only ilvl 93, and I am going to be so frustrated that I can't just go 109 black mage and toast things, but they want me for mechanics and singing, so I go where I'm needed. At least bard is 100% easier to dodge mechanics with than black mage (excluding sprint, which I pop to run across rafflesia when I have sun).

Also, I rolled in on my black mage with a group from Eikon and Infamous as part of my "test" run prior to joining the static. We downed t5 twice (last one was a one shot), one shot garuda ex, two shot ifrit, and then they made me go bard for titan ex. We two shot that one. Productive experience and secured my place in the group.

I have gotten quite proud of my bard. So I went with the new static, and beat t6 - t8 on my bard this weekend. I couldnt believe it. Still dont know where to go on t8 to get the mapping achievement. I've been through from start to finish two times and nothing... I didnt get any bard gear drops but I did get the uat from turn 7. Tank stuff, healer stuff, and Smiley: cry caster gloves and bracelets dropped. I did phenominal on turn 6 and 7, turn 8 I had some trouble. Turn 6 I could have actually went black mage I think, since I didnt sing any songs at all. Turn 7 I didnt sing songs either but I actually like bard on that battle. I can deal a good deal of damage off of dots. Turn 8 was tough. The healers needed mana song and the dragoon needed tp song, and there was only one of me to go around. Plus I was on towers, grabbing mines, and had to watch for the missles and allagan field, and family distractions, and all without a mic, so in the end one of the dps swapped to his bard and he sung the tp song for the dragoon (who was quite geared) and I sung the mana song. Once we did that we beat it handily. The DPS check on the dreadnaughts was also handled easily. I got amon's pants yesterday and by the end of the week will get another soldiery piece and upgrade it to 110 (still have 3k seals and 3 logs) so where I was at ilvl 95 bard for coil this last week I will likely be at ilvl 98 for next week. Kind of disappointing I can't use my main job in coil, but hey, I'm just glad to be with a group that can actually get stuff done.

Valkayree wrote:
4. I need to get down to the Limsa and buy the new celebration items and do the /huzzah quest. Other than that, I dont really have a whole heck of a lot to do. Capped soldiery and have a ton of seals saved, and 'm less interested in the Ixali quests because they run out to rank 7 Smiley: disappointed

Did the event stuff. No biggie.

Edited, Sep 3rd 2014 10:10am by Valkayree

Edited, Sep 3rd 2014 10:16am by Valkayree
#20 Sep 03 2014 at 9:16 AM Rating: Good
4,511 posts
KojiroSoma wrote:
- WHM from 41 to 45 > unlock Holy > Spam Dzemael till 50
Got WHM to 49, almost.
- Get oil from ST (probably the hardest thing on the list)
Gave up and lotted on the BLM body instead :/
- Three more Sands to finish, so spam spam hunts
Nope, spend all my allied seals on seeds for my FC members to use, didnt get a thing
- Get more FC members. Gathered up a nice base from 1 to around 13 active members now. But i'd be happy with 20-25 where there's always a few people online at all times.
Hovering at 16 now. Really need to step this up
- Encourage FC members to color their chocobos with free fruits from our gardens.
They're doing this atleast and they seem happy
- Hand out a few funds for rooms so people will get tempted to stay.
Havent yet resorted to this (much) but might have to

All in all, not a total loss. But dont really feel like i got anything done...

Edited, Sep 3rd 2014 5:17pm by KojiroSoma
#21 Sep 03 2014 at 9:27 AM Rating: Excellent
141 posts
I, too, am rebuilding my fortune. My contributions weren't anywhere nearly as much as Catwho or Valkayree, but I think I was a distant third.

I have my current atma book to finish and then I'll purchase my last one. I have been working on my beastmen quests; everyone is recognized, and I'm treating the I'xal ones as three free crafting leves a day. That's helping me make a push to get Leatherworker up to 45+ (currently 43). I also want to get miner to 50 (now 47), but that'll probably happen next week.

Since we have a new ginormous house, I was able to move from buying and selling Coke to buying furnishings for my private room. Still, my GC seals are building up again.
#22 Sep 03 2014 at 5:31 PM Rating: Excellent
Laverda wrote:
All of us in The Swarm are building up our fortune. For me, I had spent it just too soon to contribute millions to the house -- I'm still one of the only two people on Lamia to have bought a Thavnairian Onion to boost Raindrop's maximum Chocobo Rank. I dumped everything else I had into the FC, but I was kind of embarrased that I couldn't contribute more.

  1. Capping Soldiery will be my main thing. It's going to be harder for this current week because I spent a lot of time doing all the Hildebrand story and levelling my SMN and BLM to 36.
  2. I'm also still fishing up Silver Sovereigns, and slowly crafting and melding i70 accessories to boost my Gathering and Perception.
  3. After that, I want to advance on more of the quests that opened up when the Scions moved to Revenant's Toll.
  4. And also keep working on SMN and BLM, no particular hurry.
  5. If I have 300k to spare, I want to buy and furnish a Private Chamber again
  6. .

1. Done week 1, this next one will be a challenge with lots of out-of-game stuff this weekend I think
2. Working on crafting and melding i70 accessories instead, figure I'll give myself the full gear edge I can first
3. Not so much. Got distracted by 4.
4. BLM38, SMN36, both rising. Good stuff.
5. Done. Want a better bed and chair and some screens, but I have some wall art and a ceiling fan.

New 6. started WVR. Getting tired of not being able to meld my own WVR gear.
And 7. 5/12 atmas! Now tired of the constant rain in Camp Drybone, but the FATEs are still fun. And Raindrop is halfway to Rank 11.

But hunt parties seem to be dead (-ish) on Lamia. That latest nerf seems to have killed the parties that stay together all night, instead it's a constant make-and-break which takes all the fun out of it. Shame I didn't get my Oils and Sands before the update. But hitting the weekly and some daily marks anyway, especially if it's a FATE mob I'd probably be killing anyway (hi, Sharknado!).
#23 Sep 03 2014 at 10:36 PM Rating: Excellent
I hit WAR 50 tonight.

Had the Axe of Crags waiting for me... **** this thing is huge.

Edit: To complicate things, I've been convinced to actually do the Novus weapon for WAR -_- glad I didn't spend my atma on something else.

Kind of cool, I went from iLvl 48 to iLvl 87 in about ten minutes of digging gear off a retainer. Not fabulous but certainly good enough to let me run through a lot of practice content. I'm going to try to get as good at tanking Titan as I can, so maybe MAYBE I can finally clear Ex...

Edited, Sep 4th 2014 8:54am by Catwho
#24 Sep 04 2014 at 8:42 AM Rating: Excellent
141 posts
Catwho wrote:
Edit: To complicate things, I've been convinced to actually do the Novus weapon for WAR -_-

In my defense, you asked for suggestions on what to do. On the bright side, you'll have something to do for a long, long, long time!

I have plenty of ideas. I never claimed they were good ones...
#25 Sep 04 2014 at 3:18 PM Rating: Excellent
2,550 posts
I've been thinking about starting it up again for bard, but everytime I step out into a FATE, beat it, and dont get an atma, I think @*$^% I'll just do something else.
#26 Sep 04 2014 at 10:28 PM Rating: Excellent
I did finish archer to 30, but discovered I hadn't even finished the level 20 quest, and I ran out of time to do anything more.

Oh well!
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