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Weekly Goals and Accomplishments 8/22/2014 -8/28/2014Follow

#1 Aug 22 2014 at 6:58 AM Rating: Excellent
Well, it's the first anniversary kind of sort of now. What do you want to do for the next week to celebrate?

1. WAR to 45 - let's do this!
2. Archer to 25. I actually might level this up to 50, but I have to get to 34 for my BLM more than anything. I am just going to macro Quelling Strikes right into Flare.
3. Get enough hunt seals and soldiery to make my way to iLvl 100 BLM. Two or three more upgrades will do it. (I got Scylla's Gloves of Casting on Wednesday, and they actually look pretty darn cool, so I'm at iLvl 98 now.)
4. Maybe beat my head against the wall of Titan Ex some more. Or pay for a carry. I'm getting so frustrated. I just want that quest off my list.

Edit: Zam filtered my potty mouth. I pay for premium I should be exempt from that. Smiley: glare

Edited, Aug 22nd 2014 8:58am by Catwho
#2 Aug 22 2014 at 7:55 AM Rating: Excellent
2,550 posts
1. My chocobo is now othard blue so that one is off the list. All that is left is to ride it around to random hunts and show it off. Smiley: grin

2. Start back up the glazenut gravy train, since I sold 3 yesterday for the FC at 700k each. Buy another garden for the council members to grow fruits and veggies for chocobos if they wish (if we can even do that with a small house). I had the foresight to buy into the seeds that convert to blue chocobo dye fruit, which for some reason go for double the gil than anything else. So I planted 3 of the blue darkeners a day and a half ago in shroud soil III (which was 40k expensive at the time) and got 36 berries in each patch. They go for 38k each on Lamia. I only needed 30 of the blue darkeners and 10 of the green darkeners to hit othard blue (yes you can feed them all in one sitting and it works). So that leaves me with 78 to sell. I can get 3 million out of this if I play it right. May consider trading some allied seals for more seeds if demand keeps up. Not many have access to gardening (need a house, and an fc that gives you access, but everyone needs to dye a chocobo, and some multiple times. Its a great gil sink with a pipe running straight into my pockets. Smiley: twocents Plus the fact that my myth uses have dwindled up so I'm going to start buying up ilvl 90 accessories and trading them for gc seals, or buying crafting mats and trading for gil. All my lvl 50 jobs are ilvl 90. Its that bad. Smiley: dubious

3. I guess see if my static is still operating and get t6 out of the way at least. Smiley: oyvey Depends on how much time I have to devote to the game this weekend.

4. I hit 109 on blm so aside from the ring from t6 to hit 110 I'm as far as I can go. Smiley: sleeper Next week I buy weathered noct boots for tank and immediately apply a sands. I have 4 logs and 1700 seals so I can almost outfit my tank to 109 over the next few weeks without having to hunt. Smiley: inlove

5. I still need ST for my random weekly "grab what looks cool and I need".

6. I need to really focus on white mage. It needs to hit 50 and I need to get the relic and my achievements will increase by something like 350 points due to all the completionist triggers.

7. Keep up the Ixali tribe quests. I like these, especially the way they mirrored gc turn ins for 50 points a day at a relatively low cost. I kinda want the direwolf mount, but less now that my choco is blue, but i dunno I'll get it anyway cause I'm running out of stuff to do. The regular missions only give 15 each for Neutral and 17 for recognized, so simply walking over to North Shroud for a 50 point turn in once a day is still pretty fast progression by comparison. Smiley: nod

Edited, Aug 22nd 2014 8:58am by Valkayree
#3 Aug 22 2014 at 8:39 AM Rating: Excellent
3. I guess see if my static is still operating and get t6 out of the way at least. Smiley: oyvey Depends on how much time I have to devote to the game this weekend.

If not, Valk, we're trying to boot up a static with some of the FC members. We'll be starting over since none of us have cleared Tier 5, but we might be more reliable than some of the groups you've been running with.
#4 Aug 22 2014 at 9:21 AM Rating: Excellent
392 posts
Let's see........
Get SCH body piece from ST.
Complete daily hunts for my 3rd log and upgrade my burtgang.
Obtain atleast pvp rank 30 in frontlines for vanity gear.
#5 Aug 22 2014 at 11:20 AM Rating: Good
I am going to work on leveling black mage and bard, currently at 41 and 30, they are the last DoW/DoM classes I need to get to 50. I should be able to get black mage there and pick up relic no problem, probably won't get bard to 50 this week though. I started leveling crafting jobs recently as well so I'm going to work on them also, the new Ixal beast quests seem like a decent way to get easy exp. for those jobs.

I also want to pick up a sand or two, and maybe try and get the axe from leviathan.

#6 Aug 22 2014 at 11:42 AM Rating: Excellent
141 posts
1 - Finish my current atma book (just one type of critter to kill) and then farm myth to buy another one and get that done.
2 - Get my Goblin reputation to Recognized (only 5 from that) and start on the Ixal reputation quests.
3 - Find something else to spend my GC seals on. I blew 25k of them buying Coke to put on on the Market Boards. So, yes, I am one of Lamia's coke dealers.
4 - Do ST until I get something I want.
5 - Get some hunts done.
6 - Do more work on putting together said static referenced by Catwho.
EDIT: Forgot this.
7 - Get the soldiery to cash in my UAT for a shiny ilvl 100 MNK weapon.

Edited, Aug 22nd 2014 1:43pm by Illsaide
#7 Aug 22 2014 at 1:26 PM Rating: Excellent
2,550 posts
Catwho wrote:
3. I guess see if my static is still operating and get t6 out of the way at least. Smiley: oyvey Depends on how much time I have to devote to the game this weekend.

If not, Valk, we're trying to boot up a static with some of the FC members. We'll be starting over since none of us have cleared Tier 5, but we might be more reliable than some of the groups you've been running with.

Sounds like a good idea. I can help with t5 if you need a good dps that doesnt die to stupid crap.
#8 Aug 22 2014 at 1:37 PM Rating: Excellent
As the sahagin next to the tribe-quest giver says, "My only wish is to catch a fish -- they're so juicy-sweet!"

So yeah, kind of back into fishing again now that "The Beast of Brewer's Beacon" is done and it's fun again. Keep fishing Silver Sovereigns until I can upgrade hat and pole, and try to make enough gil to synth myself some iLvl 70 accessories to meld more Gathering/Perception. (I spent all my gil on a Thavnarian Onion -- I love levelling my chocobo, I can go to Rank 11 now! -- and the materia to meld my Leatherworker to the point where I can try the 2-star recipes.)

Casually level SMN to catch up with BLM, then do the 35 quests for each and keep levelling them some more. I'm not partying with SMN because I'm using auto-summons, because I think I'll probably want to do SCH rather than SMN anyway. This way I can share INT-based gear between SMN and BLM until I hit 50, then I can go back and gear and set up SCH macros and run guildhests and starter dungeons to learn the job. Still not sure I'll want to endgame them, but it's being fun to leve and FATE.

Try to get more Atmas. I've been on 3/12 for about a month now, and I've been spamming fates in East Shroud the whole time. I synth in East Shroud. I wait for DF in East Shroud. I level my Chocobo in East Shroud. I do beast tribe quests in East Shroud. And run to any FATE local enough to get a decent contribution before it's done. Getting an Atma of the Goat is like the 3500+ fish it took me to get the Titanic Sawfish. And the sad thing is I really need two sets, one for WHM and then one for MNK.

Maybe do some hunts, if it's not too depressing after the nerf. I could use the Oils and Sands, but soon it'll be the Soldiery cap that's limiting me on that.

And slip in some Main Scenario Roulette just for the fun of it. Smiley: smile
#9 Aug 22 2014 at 1:40 PM Rating: Good
I just capped out CRP to 3-star level, and bought all my potash to do it to WVR also. So WVR to 3-star! Gonna make me some Coronal Wristbands. Smiley: nod

Still after that UAT from Syrcus, but I've got a little practice tanking it now, so I'll be after WAR gear too. My poor WAR is i93 and still wearing all myth gear on the left.

Join a Hunt party for the first time and pursue a Succubus minion, then a Sands.

Jump into a Levi farm and go for the Wave Bow, the last Levi weapon I need.

Start levelling Armorer and Blacksmith to 50. I need Piece By Piece and Ingenuity II for this 3star stuff.
#10 Aug 24 2014 at 10:41 PM Rating: Excellent
327 posts
I attended the Distant Worlds concert here in Chicago today. It was awesome. They dedicated the entire second set to the 20th Anniversary of Final Fantasy VI....and even more shocking is Nobuo Uetmatsu was sitting behind me and my wife when he wasn't on stage doing the keyboarding during Dark World from FFVI.

I know not related to FFXIV in any way - But that's an accomplishment I can tell every Final Fantasy fan about. :)

Edited, Aug 24th 2014 11:44pm by GavilrainOfGaruda
Oxide Vanwen

Server: Ultros

Free Company: Terra Sails

The Paragon of White Mage Excellence From Final Fantasies XI - XIV
#11 Aug 24 2014 at 11:11 PM Rating: Excellent
Spent the weekend finishing my eighth Hood to Coast Relay. Smiley: smile

Next week, I'll have more in-game action to report on.
Thayos Redblade
#12 Aug 25 2014 at 3:07 AM Rating: Excellent
WAR to 45 get, and due to a good hunt day yesterday, iLvl 100 BLM.

During the massive PSN outage yesterday, I deduced a few things:

1. Google Chrome and some of Lamia's other griefers probably play on console.
2. DPS queue times in roulette were somewhat reduced. Conclusion: Console players are more likely to be on DPS clogging that up.
3. The majority of my friends are on PC.
#13 Aug 25 2014 at 8:07 AM Rating: Excellent
I had read there was some type of problem with psn yesterday, but I was playing on console for most of the day. I had to try the log in a few times but once through that I didn't have any issues. I actually managed to get black mage to 50 and got started on the relic quest, have to try and finish that up today. I also got to 49 with goldsmith, so just one more level to go there and I will have my first crafting job to 50. Does anyone know what my best bet would be to make some gil from the MB with goldsmith?
#14 Aug 25 2014 at 8:10 AM Rating: Excellent
2,550 posts
Catwho wrote:
WAR to 45 get, and due to a good hunt day yesterday, iLvl 100 BLM.

During the massive PSN outage yesterday, I deduced a few things:

1. Google Chrome and some of Lamia's other griefers probably play on console.
2. DPS queue times in roulette were somewhat reduced. Conclusion: Console players are more likely to be on DPS clogging that up.
3. The majority of my friends are on PC.

And Valk is the exception because he idles like a hobo everywhere and never turns off his PS4.
#15 Aug 25 2014 at 8:28 AM Rating: Excellent
2,550 posts
Weekend Update

Valkayree wrote:
1. My chocobo is now othard blue so that one is off the list. All that is left is to ride it around to random hunts and show it off. Smiley: grin

Never have I received so much attention since I started the game. Othard blue choco, leviathan head and feet barding, black mage body barding. My chocobo looks awesome and he knows it. As I ride by people shout at me in random places to stop so they can take a look. And all this hype means that people want the fruit to dye their chocobo more than ever!

Valkayree wrote:
2. So I planted 3 of the blue darkeners a day and a half ago in shroud soil III (which was 40k expensive at the time) and got 36 berries in each patch. They go for 38k each on Lamia. I only needed 30 of the blue darkeners and 10 of the green darkeners to hit othard blue (yes you can feed them all in one sitting and it works). So that leaves me with 78 to sell. I can get 3 million out of this if I play it right. May consider trading some allied seals for more seeds if demand keeps up.

Four glazenuts up for sale, now that everyone and their mother is gardening fruit, the glazenuts are back in demand. I will go one more cycle of fruit them switch back. But before that I jumped on the bandwagon before it was cool and netted 5 million gil this weekend off of two crops. I am currently on my third and final crop since the top fruits (the blue berries and red apples) are down to 18k each from a 38k high. Still I went from 7 million to 12 million over a weekend off of crazy fruit demand. Not too shabby.

Valkayree wrote:
3. I guess see if my static is still operating and get t6 out of the way at least. Smiley: oyvey Depends on how much time I have to devote to the game this weekend.

Gonna have to give up on those guys. I didnt get to run at all this week, and there were no groups lfm this weekend. Co-founder of our FC is going to get me into his static, but here's the catch, I have to bard it. So, I bought a ring and upgraded it to take bard from 90 to 93, and will start buying bard junk from now on. Optimized my configuration and I think I can deal some pretty great damage with it now, it is impressing me more and more. But I heard that the Rosenbogen sucks and the Novus bow is the way to go, so I did some atma hunting for about 30 minutes over the weekend and remembered why I hate atma hunting.

Valkayree wrote:
4. I hit 109 on blm so aside from the ring from t6 to hit 110 I'm as far as I can go. Smiley: sleeper Next week I buy weathered noct boots for tank and immediately apply a sands. I have 4 logs and 1700 seals so I can almost outfit my tank to 109 over the next few weeks without having to hunt. Smiley: inlove

I guess this one is a fail. I now have 2300 seals and 5 logs, but I am focusing on bard instead of tank, so I bought the bard ring and oiled it to move that slot from 80 to 110 and up my average item level by 3.

Valkayree wrote:
5. I still need ST for my random weekly "grab what looks cool and I need".

Grabbed an oil that I used on the bard ring.

Valkayree wrote:
6. I need to really focus on white mage. It needs to hit 50 and I need to get the relic and my achievements will increase by something like 350 points due to all the completionist triggers.

I finally picked up on this guy on Saturday, got him from 36 to 41 in two days.

Valkayree wrote:
7. Keep up the Ixali tribe quests.

I've been working on these. About a quarter of the way into friendly now. One actually had me fish. These are weird.

Edited, Aug 25th 2014 9:29am by Valkayree
#16 Aug 25 2014 at 8:50 AM Rating: Excellent
Catwho wrote:
2. DPS queue times in roulette were somewhat reduced. Conclusion: Console players are more likely to be on DPS clogging that up.

I actually got a "most wanted job" bonus for DPS in Main Scenario Roulette last night. Never thought that would happen.
#17 Aug 25 2014 at 9:09 AM Rating: Excellent
4,511 posts
Guess i'll do the whole week thing for once then :)

So far i;
- did Levi and Ramuh
- as well as completed all the storyline quests up to the current end.
- Oh! And finally invited like 10 members to my FC.
- Finished dyeing my chocobo to Snow White.

Goals for the rest of the week:
- Cap soldiery ( i dont even know why anymore... probably new weathered weapon :/ )
- Get an oil in ST ( took me 25 runs last week before i decided to just pick up the uncontested UAT )
- Do hunts for 3 more Sands
- Level White Mage from 36 to 50
- Level Marauder from 25 to 50
- Maybe Level Monk from 19 to whatever if i get some time.
- More FC members!

And then i have finished the game basicly, lol. *shrugs*
#18 Aug 26 2014 at 1:48 PM Rating: Excellent
Got my Succubus minion last night, finally. No ST drop this week at all, which stinks. Currently sitting at about 44/100 on HQ Twinthreads for my WVR tool turn in items. It's a new week, and I want that Artisan's Needle!
#19 Aug 26 2014 at 1:54 PM Rating: Excellent
Off topic, but I'm now 4/5 Umbral Marrows to 99 Gjallarhorn in FFXI.

We're going to re-tackle Voidwatch as well, which means I guess I have to save up 1500 heavy metal plates now, too. That'll take me another year. Smiley: disappointed
#20 Aug 26 2014 at 2:16 PM Rating: Excellent
4,780 posts
Lots going on. Last couple of weeks were Hiatus, one of which was extended due to emergancy RL circumstances but I'm back on the horse again and ready to go.

We're starting things out slow. We've got friends from another game comming to FFXIV and filing into a sister FC that we're working in an alliance with. to try to encourage a bit of grouping together we've got a ST night going on, hoping to fill in as many as we can before Party Findering the remaining members.

After that point, my goals are fairly open again, I need to reassess my time. I'm picking up the daily/weekly hunts now that they seem more enjoyable, though trying to fit that and daily roulette runs in together is a thing. That, plus taking myself off the game one night a week for sanity purposes is going to cut my time down a bit. Not entirely sure which night I'm taking off, however.

This weeks goal is to just work on Vanguard paperwork to get that ready as well as working with our Sister FC to get them nice and comfortable in game. Nothing set for personal achievements until I know how all I'll be handling my time.
#21 Aug 26 2014 at 11:39 PM Rating: Excellent
Unexpected goal met for me, Valk, Laverda, Ilsaide, and all of Swarm on Lamia:

#22 Aug 27 2014 at 8:20 AM Rating: Excellent
2,550 posts
Catwho wrote:
Unexpected goal met for me, Valk, Laverda, Ilsaide, and all of Swarm on Lamia:


Smiley: yippee Smiley: yippee Smiley: yippee

The sheer size of the thing really reminds me how much we spent! Some wierdo stayed up last night to badly decorate. Its far from done, but it is amazing what you can do with all that space and extra placement slots. And we now have 3 large gardens so that does complete one of my goals for last week I think...
#23 Aug 27 2014 at 9:52 AM Rating: Excellent
Valkayree wrote:
Catwho wrote:
Unexpected goal met for me, Valk, Laverda, Ilsaide, and all of Swarm on Lamia:


Smiley: yippee Smiley: yippee Smiley: yippee

The sheer size of the thing really reminds me how much we spent! Some wierdo stayed up last night to badly decorate. Its far from done, but it is amazing what you can do with all that space and extra placement slots. And we now have 3 large gardens so that does complete one of my goals for last week I think...

It's awesome. I am SO glad I was there to see it built and see what that weirdo did to the furnishings. The upstairs dormitory is particularly good. And there's a fishing creek right at the end of our front lawn.

I barely kicked in any gil for it, but I did donate everything I had. It'll be a little while before I can get private chambers again, but it's totally worth it. And I'll tithe into the FC bank from time to time too when I can.
#24 Aug 27 2014 at 12:54 PM Rating: Excellent
2,550 posts
Laverda wrote:
Valkayree wrote:
Catwho wrote:
Unexpected goal met for me, Valk, Laverda, Ilsaide, and all of Swarm on Lamia:


Smiley: yippee Smiley: yippee Smiley: yippee

The sheer size of the thing really reminds me how much we spent! Some wierdo stayed up last night to badly decorate. Its far from done, but it is amazing what you can do with all that space and extra placement slots. And we now have 3 large gardens so that does complete one of my goals for last week I think...

It's awesome. I am SO glad I was there to see it built and see what that weirdo did to the furnishings. The upstairs dormitory is particularly good. And there's a fishing creek right at the end of our front lawn.

I barely kicked in any gil for it, but I did donate everything I had. It'll be a little while before I can get private chambers again, but it's totally worth it. And I'll tithe into the FC bank from time to time too when I can.

I'd recommend holding onto the gil for now, I don't think we will be needing gil as an FC again until they introduce the warehouse where we build the airship.
#25 Aug 28 2014 at 10:29 PM Rating: Excellent
For the record, I did make my first three goals! Instead of beating my head against Titan Ex, though I beat my head against Turn 5 for the first time. I think I can do conflags, now.
#26 Aug 29 2014 at 1:13 PM Rating: Good
4,780 posts
We're still sorting through things in the FC, and also encouraging the other to be active. The main idea is to have a steady stream of cross-socialization between the groups so we are more inclined with interacting on a broader scale. Thing about good FCs is you tend to slip into isolationism, and we want to discourage that.

This, and with new members, we have more people interested in the Vanguard initiate, which puts pressure on me to get all that work done for editing and revisions.

So, goals this week are centered around getting roleplaying profiles updated for Eric Verus, and made for Lin Celistine and Hyrist Verus, as well as getting Vanguard paperwork complete. Should be easy as I have more days off for both Labor Day and my birthday (31 on the 1st, for those who are curious.)

Only other goal is to have fun. Not sweating any major goals this week as far as gameplay.
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