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That time has come for me as well...Follow

#27 Aug 22 2014 at 1:14 AM Rating: Good
542 posts
Stilivan wrote:
Thing is with this game, sticking to one sole class is kind of like kicking yourself. It you only have one class, it's easy to catch up that class to the current ilvl standard. But what if you have multiple 50s? That's where your time spent is truly shown. If you have multiple classes geared at ilvl100, that's shows how much work you have put in.

Even with catch up methods, it's not easy to catch up all your classes at once. True progression, I feel, comes from your versitality.

For me I actually feel like it's the opposite. I geared two classes through coil/myth in 2.0/2.1 so that wasn't too bad, but I ran crystal tower quite a few times trying to get my third class to "above darklight" status, and by the time I finished my set, 2.2 was getting pretty close. That patch turned my previous top equipment for my main/secondary job into easy farm gear, and the CT gear that I grinded out for my third job became inferior to the latest easy farm gear.

This time around I'm taking a step back. If SE follows the same pattern that they did last time, then 2.4 is going to be another reset patch where the top equipment from 2.2/2.3 will be extremely common and easily obtained in 2.4. I just can't really motivate myself to keep up with multiple jobs knowing that its usefulness will be so short lived and I'll be right back at the beginning again every time they do an ilvl reset patch.
#28 Aug 22 2014 at 4:21 AM Rating: Good
154 posts
BartelX wrote:
Lyrailis wrote:
I've said it before, and I'll say it again:
A lot of people are passionate about finding a game that fills their hardcore/casual needs, and Kickstarter projects are becoming more common. If today's MMOs aren't your cup of tea, get your respective communities together and find someone whose project is worth the funding. The upcoming Camelot Unchained is a good example.

What do you say to the people who love the Final Fantasy franchise, but want an MMO set in the Final Fantasy Franchise, but for whatever reason, don't like XI (it's "too old", or it's UI is not up to snuff with today's games, or whatever reasons they might have) and they don't really like XIV either for whatever reason (the OP's reasons for example)?

What then?
Edited, Aug 21st 2014 7:32am by Lyrailis

Unfortunately there's not a lot you can say. They have 2 distinct options for MMO's, which is double the options most other gaming franchises have for them. If they don't like either, they're basically SOL. I know that's blunt, but it's the truth. I'm not subbed to either of them, but I see the potential XIV still has, and once more varietal content comes out I'll definitely re-sub. Until then, I'll read the forums and make sure I at least have an idea of what's happening in-game. There's certainly no use in getting upset or angry at SE because the game isn't perfect for you. Clearly both are still successful, and until they aren't, don't expect the games to magically shift to fit your personal tastes without a huge amount of community support behind it (please note this is not directed at any one person).

Edited, Aug 21st 2014 8:18am by BartelX

This, basically.
#29 Aug 22 2014 at 7:16 AM Rating: Good
It's actually pretty easy to get a new job to iLvl 90, thanks to the way Myth tomes now rain from the heavens. I have to go and spend them regularly since I keep hitting myth cap. I've already got my relic gear purchased for my WAR and my SCH and once they hit 50 all I need to do is do the Relic Reborn quest for them, and then I'm at 90.

Getting multiple jobs to 100+ is where dedication shows now.
#30 Aug 22 2014 at 7:44 AM Rating: Default
Lyrailis wrote:
Gnu wrote:
The time has come for me... to play Diablo III on PS4 for awhile.

I juts can't believe how awesome the game is without the auction house, optimized for next-gen console. I had fun on PC, but I just can't believe how much improvement I'm seeing in the PS4 version.

And there you have it. Still subbed, and yet the fun-value of the current FFXIV can't really be measured on the same scale - FFXIV is pounds and Diablo III is tons.


Not sure why Diablo 3 on PS4 would be any better than Diablo 3 on PC -- the AH hasn't existed in months, and surely the versions are practically the same?

Heck, for the poster above who mentioned the Xbox... you could just plug an Xbox controller into your PC and get the same experience that way. Well, assuming your computer is up to snuff, that is. I will admit that D3 is kinda hard on computers more than a couple years old. My previous computer that I stopped using about a year ago, struggled with the game something terrible.

This one runs it smooth as butter, though.

Nope and nope. I've played it on PC with XBOX controller and no, the menus are not optimized the same way.

Diablo III on console is better. Don't believe me if you don't want to that's fine. You can't possibly say that it is "the same experience" if you haven't tried both yourself.
#31 Aug 22 2014 at 10:07 AM Rating: Good
197 posts
Lyrailis wrote:

Not sure why Diablo 3 on PS4 would be any better than Diablo 3 on PC -- the AH hasn't existed in months, and surely the versions are practically the same?

Heck, for the poster above who mentioned the Xbox... you could just plug an Xbox controller into your PC and get the same experience that way. Well, assuming your computer is up to snuff, that is. I will admit that D3 is kinda hard on computers more than a couple years old. My previous computer that I stopped using about a year ago, struggled with the game something terrible.

This one runs it smooth as butter, though.

I hated the AH in Diablo and I'm not really sure how that's relevant to game play.

As far as why its better, One thing is I can lay on my couch while playing, another is a majority of my friends don't have a PC so I've actually been able to play this with them.

I've never tried using an Xbox controller with my PC, or a gamepad for that matter, always just seemed dumb to me when I could just use a keyboard and mouse. And as Gnu said, the menus on the PC would not be controller friendly and it wouldn't be anywhere close to the same experience. On top of that, why would I even bother using a controller with my PC, when I can just get the game for my Xbox where its going to be tailored around using a controller? Also, I got the PC version for free, so I really had no problem with buying it for the Xbox.

As for differences in the game, I found this with a quick Google search, Console Differences, it says its updated but I think that is for the initial release of Diablo 3 on counsels which is still somewhat relevant.

There are some other changes as well, "In addition, the Ultimate Evil Edition adds more ways for players to share their adventures: Apprentice Mode makes it easier than ever to group up with friends; the Nemesis System sends hero-slaying monsters into friends' games until vengeance is won; and new Player Mail and Player Gift features give players new options for sharing their treasures with allies—because nothing says "friendship" like unwrapping a piece of awesome loot."

I dunno, having spent a lot of time playing this on the PC, it just feels much more natural playing this on a console, and the majority of people I have talked to who have played both, feel the same way.

Edited, Aug 22nd 2014 12:12pm by Jeskradha

Edited, Aug 22nd 2014 12:13pm by Jeskradha
#32 Aug 22 2014 at 11:44 AM Rating: Default
All true. The next-gen console's Inventory layout alone is excellent. The skill selection, text, health and skills UI, multiplayer functionality, it's all streamlined and better. The graphics are better. Same as Last of US and Tomb Raider. It's been improved software-side and the next gen releases simply have more detail, lighting, ambient occlusion etc. than their PC counterparts.

Then there's the option to play couch co-op! No kidding, my son and I just click-clicked our way into a co-op match. Same screen. Can play online or offline, even supports drop-in, drop-out or change your status from online to offline and back without even going to the lobby. This is multi-player done right. It's amazing.

For anyone who cares, it's absolutely worth a look.
#33 Aug 22 2014 at 1:27 PM Rating: Decent
197 posts
Gnu wrote:

Then there's the option to play couch co-op! No kidding, my son and I just click-clicked our way into a co-op match. Same screen. Can play online or offline, even supports drop-in, drop-out or change your status from online to offline and back without even going to the lobby. This is multi-player done right. It's amazing.

This for sure, when Diablo 3 first came out on the 360/PS3 me and 3 other friends played 4 player co-op together over at a friends house for about a month, easily the most fun I've had playing multi-player since back in the day when we used to system link xbox's to play Halo.

Slightly jealous, my kids are only 3 (twins), I can't wait till there old enough to play stuff like this with me.
#34 Aug 24 2014 at 6:47 AM Rating: Default
Blam, blam, blam! So much fun. What a great game.

I understand that touting how great some other game is on the FFXIV forum is crass. Oh well. Maybe we should discuss all the great features in Diablo III that FFXIV should take note of. For instance, you don't need 7 other people to play perfectly in order to advance.

Oh well, apples and oranges right? Right now I'm lovin' oranges!

Maybe someone can appreciate I'm trying to spread the word on video game awesomeness here. Maybe others just want to live in the fragile FFXIV bubble and don't appreciate others running around trying to pop it. I get it.

Rate me down all you want, it doesn't make Diablo III on PS4 anything other than RPG Gold.
#35 Aug 24 2014 at 8:16 AM Rating: Excellent
6,899 posts
Gnu wrote:
Maybe someone can appreciate I'm trying to spread the word on video game awesomeness here. Maybe others just want to live in the fragile FFXIV bubble and don't appreciate others running around trying to pop it. I get it.

Rate me down all you want, it doesn't make Diablo III on PS4 anything other than RPG Gold.

Or it could be that people don't like the way you're talking about it, especially with comments like the above. You basically just admitted to trolling this board trying to burst peoples enjoyment of XIV. People don't usually love that.

I've played Diablo III on PS3 and PC, and I thought it was just another boring gauntlet-style game, but that's just my opinion. It's great that you love it, and I agree that it's probably got some stuff that FFXIV could use. But it's pretty much the same as talking about any other game on a XIV forum... good for comparisons or just shooting the sh*t. Not so great for trying to force feed others your opinion about how awesome it is and how everyone should totally be playing it because it's so great. If everyone felt that way, we'd probably be on the Diablo III forums talking with like-minded people instead of here. Hope that doesn't offend you, just my honest opinion.
#36 Aug 26 2014 at 7:41 AM Rating: Default
I'm really quite sad and more than a little frustrated that FFXIV will never be improved. The lop-sided difficulty will never be fixed. The gulf between casual and hardcore grows ever wider. Sorry for saying what I was thinking but not politely enough.

It IS a fragile bubble. Good luck.

I hope everyone has tons of fun.

#37 Aug 26 2014 at 8:06 AM Rating: Excellent
Gnu wrote:
Blam, blam, blam! So much fun. What a great game.

I understand that touting how great some other game is on the FFXIV forum is crass. Oh well. Maybe we should discuss all the great features in Diablo III that FFXIV should take note of. For instance, you don't need 7 other people to play perfectly in order to advance.

Oh well, apples and oranges right? Right now I'm lovin' oranges!

Maybe someone can appreciate I'm trying to spread the word on video game awesomeness here. Maybe others just want to live in the fragile FFXIV bubble and don't appreciate others running around trying to pop it. I get it.

Rate me down all you want, it doesn't make Diablo III on PS4 anything other than RPG Gold.

You're comparing an ARPG to an MMORPG. Not to mention D3 was atrocious for its first year-year and a half of life, you had to be beyond hardcore to even progress with loot. The randomization of items was so bad you could literally play for 1000 hours and get nothing worthwhile in return. Has the game improved, sure it has, 2 YEARS later.

As for this whole fragile bubble thing, you have Coil (for hardcores), you have EVERYTHING else for casuals, I don't really see how this is skewed. Short of maybe TItan EX, everything else is doable by a casual player. You don't have full i110 gear with a piece or two of i115? Cry me a river. My friend's completed T6-7 with mostly i90 gear on release, so the higher stuff is most definitely not needed. MMOs are made for parties and communities, relying on others is unfortunately part of the process. Most ARPG's are made for solo with the option of party play, so ya, you don't have to rely on people. ALL MMO's have had content that is reserved for those with more time and set schedules, if they didn't you would lose an entire demographic of players.

What exactly do you need this i110-115 gear for anyhow? You can clear everything in i80-90 gear, so unless you're doing Coil2 (the one event for hardcores), I don't see the point short of feeling spehcial!


#38 Aug 26 2014 at 8:53 AM Rating: Excellent
Really, Coil 2 is the only truly gated content right now. Would I like to try it sometime? Of course. But I don't feel the need to be part of the BG First crowd, determined to beat content into submission within 3 days of release.

I'm stuck on Titan Ex not because of anything I do wrong any more, but because of bad luck. I'll keep hammering at it. Like an atma drop, one time I'll finally get lucky.
#39 Aug 26 2014 at 9:11 AM Rating: Excellent
6,899 posts
Gnu wrote:
I'm really quite sad and more than a little frustrated that FFXIV will never be improved. The lop-sided difficulty will never be fixed. The gulf between casual and hardcore grows ever wider. Sorry for saying what I was thinking but not politely enough.

It IS a fragile bubble. Good luck.

I hope everyone has tons of fun.

Wow, apparently you must be Yoshida in disguise. Never be improved, never be fixed? Way to talk in hyperbole. What gulf exactly are you speaking of? The one where a casual can hit 50 and gear up in a matter of a couple weeks to do all but the most hardcore content?

It has nothing to do with you being polite or not, it has to do with you seemingly not understanding what's available in-game. Now, if you wanted to make claims that there isn't enough varied content, I'm cool with that, as I kinda agree. But claiming there's such a huge gap between hardcore and casual just doesn't make sense to me with so many ways for a casual player to gear up and improve.

Edited, Aug 26th 2014 1:31pm by BartelX
#40 Aug 26 2014 at 9:21 AM Rating: Excellent
392 posts
I have to agree with some previous post, there is plenty for casual gamers to do. I was able to go from my i80 weapon to my lovely i110 burtgang in less then a week. The original poster said it took them a Long time to get up due to them having a lack of time, I also have very limited time to get on while doing work and college full time. However, I am lucky enough to be in a great FC where its HC members help out us causal members. Sounds like to me that you need to find a good FC, it will make all the difference in the world.

Edited, Aug 26th 2014 11:23am by RyanSquires
#41 Aug 26 2014 at 10:01 AM Rating: Decent
1,732 posts
Gnu has somewhat of a point though.. allot of the content is this game is either extremely easy or it is a wall... Then SE will nerf it to the point where it was to easy.. The walls are put in to stop people.. Coil 1 turns 1 through 5 for example.. 1 through 4 was nice and challenging with out being overly hard and turn 5 was the wall.. Turns 1 through 4 were almost perfect challenge with 4 being maybe a little on the harder side... Well they they Nerfed them and now 1 through 4 are a friggen joke especially 1 and 2. Turn 5 is still hard even with a nerf but the problem is now the content is so easy to get there it is hard to actually get a group together with skills to beat turn 5..

Now there is a 3rd coil coming out and how many have finished the second coil.

My point is there is not a lot of challenging middle ground content, there is some..

But the walls sometime make it impossible to get there too..

I think SE could do a better job at balancing the difficulty a little.

You need to gradually build the difficulty for people to learn their roles and jobs.

Edited, Aug 26th 2014 12:06pm by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#42 Aug 26 2014 at 10:11 AM Rating: Excellent
6,899 posts
I think they just need to keep adding to that middle ground. Hunts were a definite step in the right direction, although they were implemented poorly. They need more content that is accessible to all with varying levels of difficulty. But I really don't think there's a huge gap between casual or hardcore. There are so many casual ways to gear up... roulettes, hunts, ST, Ex Primals not named Titan, atma/book grinding... I just don't see this huge gap from an outside perspective.
#43 Aug 26 2014 at 10:40 AM Rating: Excellent
1,732 posts
BartelX wrote:
I think they just need to keep adding to that middle ground. Hunts were a definite step in the right direction, although they were implemented poorly. They need more content that is accessible to all with varying levels of difficulty. But I really don't think there's a huge gap between casual or hardcore. There are so many casual ways to gear up... roulettes, hunts, ST, Ex Primals not named Titan, atma/book grinding... I just don't see this huge gap from an outside perspective.

That is it right there, high level gear is easy to get but that does not develop skills to beat the harder stuff but it makes the other stuff a breeze...

People end up being carried through allot too by people like me who are over geared for that middle of the road stuff so those who are not get carried.

Get this I beat ifrit last week in DF roulette .. We didn't beat the nails but the two tanks and me and the other whm did not get wiped, so we cured up and raised everyone up and all those people got the carry.. They learned nothing..

A month or so ago we carried a person through his rellic in several days.. We are talking chimera, hydra all the way through the primals HM.. I did Garuda HM and titan HM and this guy never saw a video or nothing.. He was dead the whole fight pretty much.. What did he learn? nothing.

I agree gear in this game has made it really easy for people to catch up and make the game really accessible.

I dont think it is as bad as gnu says but it is a problem and you see it when you get to titan EX or turn 5...

Edited, Aug 26th 2014 1:22pm by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#44 Aug 26 2014 at 11:12 AM Rating: Excellent
6,899 posts
I completely agree that getting carried is lame and teaches players nothing. However, players get carried through content in every game by those with better gear. I remember getting carried through several missions in XI simply because there were people who were already geared out and I wasn't, and they could basically solo content that was meant for a small group. Same thing happened in lotro, especially in the bigger raids. You'd have the uber geared players who have run it a ton, and then you'd have the new players who didn't have a clue what was going on but got the win because they happened to tag along. Pretty much every mmo I've ever been in has had this happen, so I don't think of it as a XIV exclusive thing. I think it's just more noticeable here, because unlike many of those other games where you could still live through encounters even if you were undergeared or didn't watch videos, in XIV if you mess up even once in certain encounters, you're dead. I like the fact that there's a steep learning curve though, as it means people can't just coast through everything and it definitely weeds out the good players from the lazy ones who just want others to do the work for them.

Edited, Aug 26th 2014 1:13pm by BartelX
#45 Aug 26 2014 at 11:24 AM Rating: Excellent
Gnu, you may have convinced me to buy D3 for the ps4.

I'm also at that Turn 5 wall, and it's just frustrating. My problem is I can't even learn the fight, because I can't ever find other "learners" who can get past dive bombs... and parties that can get past dive bombs don't want people who've never been past it.

I'm a pretty skilled gamer, so it's frustrating to be so limited. If this were a single-player game, I'd have smoked it long ago.
Thayos Redblade
#46 Aug 26 2014 at 11:45 AM Rating: Good
1,732 posts
Thayos wrote:
Gnu, you may have convinced me to buy D3 for the ps4.

I'm also at that Turn 5 wall, and it's just frustrating. My problem is I can't even learn the fight, because I can't ever find other "learners" who can get past dive bombs... and parties that can get past dive bombs don't want people who've never been past it.

I'm a pretty skilled gamer, so it's frustrating to be so limited. If this were a single-player game, I'd have smoked it long ago.

The funny thing is it is buffed and its still hard. I actually have not run it since the buff...
Our static got to T5 pre buff and we made it about 1/2 way through T5 once. After several weeks I think burnout hit and being tired of banging our heads against the wall the static stopped.. I defiantly think with a buff they could make it though, pretty talented group. Could have made it prebuff if people had the time to dedicate but thats allot of time.. Another issue is we had to fill spots after a few weeks which set us back too..

Also Titan EX which you were not allowed to pass around yet was another wall.. Pretty many people got sick of it and quit or played less like I did.. I knew there was no way around t-5 with our group at the time or titan ex.

T-5 and second coil right now pretty much requires a static...

Edited, Aug 26th 2014 1:48pm by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#47 Aug 26 2014 at 1:05 PM Rating: Excellent
1,004 posts
Nashred wrote:
Thayos wrote:
Gnu, you may have convinced me to buy D3 for the ps4.

I'm also at that Turn 5 wall, and it's just frustrating. My problem is I can't even learn the fight, because I can't ever find other "learners" who can get past dive bombs... and parties that can get past dive bombs don't want people who've never been past it.

I'm a pretty skilled gamer, so it's frustrating to be so limited. If this were a single-player game, I'd have smoked it long ago.

The funny thing is it is buffed and its still hard. I actually have not run it since the buff...
Our static got to T5 pre buff and we made it about 1/2 way through T5 once. After several weeks I think burnout hit and being tired of banging our heads against the wall the static stopped.. I defiantly think with a buff they could make it though, pretty talented group. Could have made it prebuff if people had the time to dedicate but thats allot of time.. Another issue is we had to fill spots after a few weeks which set us back too..

Also Titan EX which you were not allowed to pass around yet was another wall.. Pretty many people got sick of it and quit or played less like I did.. I knew there was no way around t-5 with our group at the time or titan ex.

T-5 and second coil right now pretty much requires a static...

Edited, Aug 26th 2014 1:48pm by Nashred

T5 isn't all that difficult now. The only hard part really is watching for the dive bombs, and making sure you're properly in the hole (Being properly in the hole seems to be the major issue here for some reason), and don't run too soon or too early. Everything else should be learned pretty easily since the mechanics aren't THAT bad (all of coil 2 is much harder than T5, except maybe 6). Before the echo and better gear healing was pretty difficult (tank could get one shot), and making sure the big snake was dead before Twintania came back was a "know how to play your job" check.

Now the major issue is the dive bombs. I don't consider it a really difficult mechanic but people just seem to not get it. In almost all the runs I did where we failed miserably, the issue was someone not far enough in the hole for Twin to dive outside the arena. We all proceed to get dived on because at that point there's no where to go really. If one or two people get hit that's fine, but getting everyone hit is almost guaranteed a wipe. I'm guessing people are afraid to go to far in because of the purple wall, but I don't think these people killing us realize how far in you have to actually go before that wall kills you. You have to get pretty close, like half your character inside the wall close before it kills you. Besides that the only thing to worry about is moving when the green comes up, which isn't that bad. You just have to be paying attention to yourself the whole time. Preferably someone will be calling it out but that doesn't always happen.

Second issue I see is usually the big snake. I don't know what people don't get about stopping DPS at 50% on the small snakes, but they do it anyway. Possibly because they don't understand the mechanic which i'll go over. Basically killing a small snake puts a debuff on anyone near it, INCLUDING other enemies, which increases damage taken. The goal is to put 4 stacks of that debuff on the big snake. Only 2 snakes spawn at first, and if you kill them too early, the debuff will wear off and the big snake will take longer to kill. Even with the echo I have seen groups fail simply because the snake isn't close enough to dead before twin comes back, all because it never got its full stacks.

Twisters are really easy, just spread out around the outside of the arena and make sure you have some personal space to run a circle in. Dreadknights should be slowed by any ranged DPS that can, and the tank SHOULD be stunning it at least once. Paladins should stun it twice if they can. By then it should be dead or close to. Melees here need to run away when a dread spawns, and then start fighting them after it picks a target.

Last phase is very easy. run all liquid hells around the outside of the arena if possible, and DO NOT cover a neuro link with them. Ideally you want a melee to stand under twintania to eat hatches that spawn. They wont take too much damage but do need to be healed. If that link under twin gets covered by fire it's then EVERYONES responsibility to make sure they can get to a neuro link if they get targeted by hatch. This means standing near them. Technically a tank could stand under twin to absorb hatch if they are geared enough, but if the intention is to clear then the tank not taking unnecessary damage is a good idea. Also if the heals have been pretty sketchy.

Healer tips: No phase requires group healing to be done (medica/succor). Basically the whole fight is single target damage, with the AoE being avoidable. The tank is top priority for healing though so make sure they are healed FIRST before anyone else. A tank dying is a wipe unless you go with an off tank.

SCH tips: ALWAYS save at least 1 lustrate per death sentence. If the tank gets hit with DS, and you have no aether stacks ready, you're not doing something right. The only way to ensure the tank doesn't get destroyed later in the fight is to lustrate right after a DS. You can do whatever else you need to with your stacks as long as every DS is covered. a DS + plummet + crit melee can happen, and unless the tank is very well geared, may very well kill him. (DS adds healing debuff, and a pretty major one. Simply spamming physic + fairy won't do)

Tank tips: Use letter markers to mark each spot you intend to have a collar drop. This way people can see what you plan to do, and can avoid getting hit by twintania when moving her. When engaging the fight (solo tank), pop a cooldown right away when you get agroed (this will claim them turning them all red and generates a tiny bit of hate) and empty your ENTIRE mp pool into flash to grab hate on everything. Then rotate your combo on the 4 enemies and hate should be fine from there.

DPS tips: During conflag save cooldowns for every SECOND conflag that pops up. The odd number conflags get fireballs meaning the conflag duration is increased. The second ones are the ones that will kill people if done too slowly. NEVER transition conflags into dive phase when a conflag is UP, or about to be up. At 58% all DPS should stop attacking. ALL DPS. Resume and push phase at 55% right after a conflag has been destroyed. During dives pay more attention to the dive markers than your DPS if you keep getting hit with bombs. You can make up for your lack of DPS when the snake has 4 stacks of the debuff later. You not dying/getting other people killed is the most important part of dive phase.
#48 Aug 26 2014 at 8:56 PM Rating: Excellent
4,175 posts
Nashred wrote:
Turn 5 is still hard even with a nerf but the problem is now the content is so easy to get there it is hard to actually get a group together with skills to beat turn 5..

Yoshida clearly stated that he wanted to make it easy for players who quit and came back, took a break or even just starting fresh; he wanted them to be able to advance to endgame quickly to see what it has to offer. The problem this creates is that now you have hordes of people storming up to the endgame wall with little to no training about how to overcome it once they get there. It's casuals in cosplay looking like hardcore players because they're geared up, but they lack the training and coordination to defeat actual hardcore content.

That's not to say that everyone who comes across Titan EX doesn't deserve to be there, but many times you get tossed in with the cosplayers who keep you from advancing whether you deserve it or not.
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#49 Aug 27 2014 at 7:08 AM Rating: Decent
1,732 posts
FilthMcNasty wrote:
Nashred wrote:
Turn 5 is still hard even with a nerf but the problem is now the content is so easy to get there it is hard to actually get a group together with skills to beat turn 5..

Yoshida clearly stated that he wanted to make it easy for players who quit and came back, took a break or even just starting fresh; he wanted them to be able to advance to endgame quickly to see what it has to offer. The problem this creates is that now you have hordes of people storming up to the endgame wall with little to no training about how to overcome it once they get there. It's casuals in cosplay looking like hardcore players because they're geared up, but they lack the training and coordination to defeat actual hardcore content.

That's not to say that everyone who comes across Titan EX doesn't deserve to be there, but many times you get tossed in with the cosplayers who keep you from advancing whether you deserve it or not.

That is my exact point..
I understand making content easier for people to catch up.. No issues there but at some point you need to ramp up difficulty. It has to be just as frustrating for a new player to have it so easy and then bam hard content.
There are more than normal too right now because I believe the game picked up a big amount of users with the PS4 and this is where they are now in the game.

Thanks for the info on the fight, it should help out allot of people.

Edited, Aug 27th 2014 9:14am by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#50 Aug 27 2014 at 8:41 AM Rating: Excellent
3,441 posts
FFXIV is hardly the only game to suffer from the "Too Easy OR Too Hard but nothing in the middle" problem.

WoW and Warframe are pretty much this, too.

WoW... everything up to Normal Raids (and Heroic Dungeons in Early Cataclysm) are Too Easy unless you get a group full of windowlickers. Normal Raids is too hard to get into because you need a raiding guild to ever hope to get in (they want people who have already done the fights lol). LFR is just too easy usually. There's nothing in the middle. Maybe WoD will fix that, I don't know.

Warframe.... is a mess right now. The game is fun, fun to play, but again. Everything up to Void 3 Endless is too easy. Void 3 Endless is too easy until you get to 30min Survival or 15-Wave Defense then it gets "Way too stinking hard" within a couple waves/5 minutes. Then they add special events which are basically "everything one-shots you" and then it just gets cheap.

This is a common problem many games have; it seems developers don't know how to put a gradually scaling difficulty curve in the game. It starts out easy, stays easy then ramps up a steep cliff.

Edited, Aug 27th 2014 10:43am by Lyrailis
#51 Aug 27 2014 at 9:04 AM Rating: Excellent
They actually got it about right with the primals.

Titan Story: Not bad. Pretty doable by anyone.
Titan Hard Mode: Actually a challenge. Even well geared people without the right skills can boof this up. The skills from this mostly come from practice.

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