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Will the expansion be geared towards end-game players?Follow

#102 Sep 15 2014 at 3:12 PM Rating: Good
5,729 posts
Hyanmen wrote:
Yes, it makes sense that new weapon types would be accompanied by new jobs. GLA/PLD tag on great swords doesn't make much sense. GLA/DRK tag on the other hand would. Arcanist is designed as a DPS, yet it doesn't stop SCH from being an excellent healer. Similarly nothing is stopping GLA from becoming an excellent DPS through the DRK job.

SCH works because many of the extra healing abilities come from the faerie, which you get instantly when you unlock the job and stays with you while level capped. That wouldn't be the case for any other job. A pre-30 level capped job is no different than the base class of the same level. SMN and SCH being exceptions because of the pets.

It's a lot easier to make a class/job from scratch than it is to try and tack on another job to an existing class. Could they add DRK to GLA and make it a g.sword wielding DPS? Probably. They'd need to massively change around the base GLA class to accommodate a DPS job at later levels, but I bet it's possible. On the other hand, why would they bother when it would be a lot easier to just make a brand new class based around it in the first place?
75 Rabbit/75 Sheep/75 Coeurl/75 Eft/75 Raptor/75 Hippogryph/75 Puk
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51 Bird/41 Mandragora/40 Bee/37 Crawler/37 Bat

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#103 Sep 15 2014 at 3:49 PM Rating: Decent
1,339 posts
I wouldn't be surprised if they make a class called Swordsmith or whatever and have it branch off into Dark Knight and Samurai -- both two handed sword users (FFXI is the only one that used Scythe in the series guys) but the actual art of the weapons differ and the animations changes when the job stones are equipped (something already displayed with Ninja according to gameplay videos).
#104 Sep 15 2014 at 8:26 PM Rating: Excellent
3,441 posts
My Qarn experiences did make me wonder "is it me?" but then after clearing that first boss and breezing through the rest of the dungeon, I got a lot more confidence in the game.

When I wrote what I did above, I had not done Qarn or AV yet. I did last night, however.

The first boss of Qarn is much harder than it needs to be; I feel that the bees' Final Sting spam is really overkill for everything else going on in the boss fight TBH. When you compare the first boss to the second and even last bosses of Qarn, there's just no question that the first boss is overtuned and very unforgiving. No dungeon should have a First Boss be harder than the Last Boss.

As for Aurum Vale... that's mostly a healer check. And somewhat a DPS test too; see if they can follow directions to not waste fruits on the last boss. As long as you pull the trash slow, and be careful, and if your healer is halfway decent (cmon, I managed to do it on my first try and I'm hardly a "pro" player), you should pass it, though the 2nd boss.... depends on melee. I had 2 ranged in my group, so....

Edited, Sep 15th 2014 10:26pm by Lyrailis
#105 Sep 15 2014 at 8:35 PM Rating: Decent
3,441 posts
It's a lot easier to make a class/job from scratch than it is to try and tack on another job to an existing class. Could they add DRK to GLA and make it a g.sword wielding DPS? Probably. They'd need to massively change around the base GLA class to accommodate a DPS job at later levels, but I bet it's possible. On the other hand, why would they bother when it would be a lot easier to just make a brand new class based around it in the first place?

If SCH can get a fairy that is available even under Level Sync, then nothing is stopping them from giving GLA something like dual-wield (the ability to wield an off-hand sword, a new type of shortsword they could add to the game for Lv30+). This Trait could be available at Lv1 once you equip the Soul Crystal (like the Fairy summon ability).

Just to throw a rough example out there. Now, to make a 2H sword and allow it to be equipped by GLAs? I dunno if that'd work. Could allow it to be equipped by GLA and whatever the other job would be?

Would also need a couple Lv1 traits that turn Savage Blade and RoH's enmity into +Damage instead.

Just to throw some rough examples out there of how they could do it if they wanted.
#106 Sep 15 2014 at 9:50 PM Rating: Excellent
5,729 posts
Again, it's not a matter of "is it possible?" It's a matter of, "is it practical and does it fit the game's design philosophy?" The devs could rearrange the entire game if they wanted to and had the time and resources, but why would they bother?

Could it happen? Sure. Will it happen? Probably not. Not any time soon anyway.
75 Rabbit/75 Sheep/75 Coeurl/75 Eft/75 Raptor/75 Hippogryph/75 Puk
75 Scorpion/75 Wamoura/75 Pixie/75 Peiste/64 Sabotender
51 Bird/41 Mandragora/40 Bee/37 Crawler/37 Bat

Items no one cares about: O
Missions no one cares about: O
Crafts no one cares about: O
#107 Sep 16 2014 at 4:47 AM Rating: Good
Karlina wrote:
Hyanmen wrote:
Yes, it makes sense that new weapon types would be accompanied by new jobs. GLA/PLD tag on great swords doesn't make much sense. GLA/DRK tag on the other hand would. Arcanist is designed as a DPS, yet it doesn't stop SCH from being an excellent healer. Similarly nothing is stopping GLA from becoming an excellent DPS through the DRK job.

SCH works because many of the extra healing abilities come from the faerie, which you get instantly when you unlock the job and stays with you while level capped. That wouldn't be the case for any other job. A pre-30 level capped job is no different than the base class of the same level. SMN and SCH being exceptions because of the pets.

It's a lot easier to make a class/job from scratch than it is to try and tack on another job to an existing class. Could they add DRK to GLA and make it a g.sword wielding DPS? Probably. They'd need to massively change around the base GLA class to accommodate a DPS job at later levels, but I bet it's possible. On the other hand, why would they bother when it would be a lot easier to just make a brand new class based around it in the first place?

As was already said existing abilities can be altered with traits very, very easily. Saying that only pet classes are able to have many specs in the current system is not even remotely accurate. From a design point of view it may be easier to start from a clean table on all jobs but from a resource point of view that is hardly the case. Being able to reuse many graphical assets among other things (like class questlines) is much more valuable than simply having to alter some algorithms on existing abilities. The functionality to use same abilities with different weapon types already exists. In fact you have no idea whether the current skill set-up has already been created with the future considerations in mind (as the dev team plans two years ahead at all times).

You just assume based on some vague wordings that SE would have to go back to the drawing board to further flesh out the game in a way that has already been done on a small scale through ACN.

Of course when SE comes up with their future plans involving two jobs on a single class for every current class people will just go "oh, they went back on their word" or something as asinine.
#108 Sep 16 2014 at 1:10 PM Rating: Good
660 posts
Karlina wrote:
Hyanmen wrote:
Yes, it makes sense that new weapon types would be accompanied by new jobs. GLA/PLD tag on great swords doesn't make much sense. GLA/DRK tag on the other hand would. Arcanist is designed as a DPS, yet it doesn't stop SCH from being an excellent healer. Similarly nothing is stopping GLA from becoming an excellent DPS through the DRK job.

SCH works because many of the extra healing abilities come from the faerie, which you get instantly when you unlock the job and stays with you while level capped. That wouldn't be the case for any other job. A pre-30 level capped job is no different than the base class of the same level. SMN and SCH being exceptions because of the pets.

It's a lot easier to make a class/job from scratch than it is to try and tack on another job to an existing class. Could they add DRK to GLA and make it a g.sword wielding DPS? Probably. They'd need to massively change around the base GLA class to accommodate a DPS job at later levels, but I bet it's possible. On the other hand, why would they bother when it would be a lot easier to just make a brand new class based around it in the first place?

Dark Knight doesn't have to use a great sword. It can use a sword and shield just fine.
#109 Sep 16 2014 at 1:15 PM Rating: Good
4,780 posts
Not even sure that they're going to stick to their two jobs per class motif yet. The seem to be stumbling on their design plans due to buckling under the sheer number of players and various player demands being flung at their door.

Regardless, instead of adamantly arguing back and forth - why not actually try to support the desire with some actual ideas that address the glaring logistics problem that occurs from the argued ideal?

If you want GS to work for Gladiator, how would you do it?
Simply cycling around in circles saying "Nah Uh!" "Yah Huh!" back and forth is tiring to read.
#110 Sep 16 2014 at 3:13 PM Rating: Good
3,441 posts
If you want GS to work for Gladiator, how would you do it?
Simply cycling around in circles saying "Nah Uh!" "Yah Huh!" back and forth is tiring to read.

That's what I tried to do above, only to be shot down by naysayers who appear to think nothing in the game can be changed whatsoever. *shrugs* oh well.
#111 Sep 16 2014 at 3:59 PM Rating: Decent
4,780 posts
Lyrailis wrote:
If you want GS to work for Gladiator, how would you do it?
Simply cycling around in circles saying "Nah Uh!" "Yah Huh!" back and forth is tiring to read.

That's what I tried to do above, only to be shot down by naysayers who appear to think nothing in the game can be changed whatsoever. *shrugs* oh well.

Gladiator is uniquely difficult to apply Great Sword to, because of Gladiator's strong relationship to shield.

In my view, it would take about as much work as it would take to simply draft another class. If you can find a work around that does not equate that, I'd love to see it, regardless.

That said, there are other classes that could be functional to. Say for instance, if there was to be a tanking style Lancer, it may be possible to equip a 1h Lance and Shield, borrowing Shield style abilities for Gladiator, and move from there.

But it's far more difficult to do so the other way around, which is why I would theorize that Greatsword may, in fact, become its own class in the future, perhaps shared with both Dark Knight and Samurai both, if Greatsword is the path of the Dark Knight in this game.
#112 Sep 16 2014 at 5:56 PM Rating: Decent
972 posts
Hyrist wrote:
Lyrailis wrote:
If you want GS to work for Gladiator, how would you do it?
Simply cycling around in circles saying "Nah Uh!" "Yah Huh!" back and forth is tiring to read.

That's what I tried to do above, only to be shot down by naysayers who appear to think nothing in the game can be changed whatsoever. *shrugs* oh well.

Gladiator is uniquely difficult to apply Great Sword to, because of Gladiator's strong relationship to shield.

In my view, it would take about as much work as it would take to simply draft another class. If you can find a work around that does not equate that, I'd love to see it, regardless.

That said, there are other classes that could be functional to. Say for instance, if there was to be a tanking style Lancer, it may be possible to equip a 1h Lance and Shield, borrowing Shield style abilities for Gladiator, and move from there.

But it's far more difficult to do so the other way around, which is why I would theorize that Greatsword may, in fact, become its own class in the future, perhaps shared with both Dark Knight and Samurai both, if Greatsword is the path of the Dark Knight in this game.

Yes so I would prefer drafting it to another class. I would like to see squire with a two way growth of Dark Knight and Sword Saint.
#113 Sep 16 2014 at 10:29 PM Rating: Good
We're talking about Great Swords. Why not change some of the animations to have the player hold up the sword like it was a shield?

You can't tell me a Buster Sword can't block something when held in front of your face. Smiley: lol
#114 Sep 16 2014 at 11:10 PM Rating: Decent
Hyrist wrote:
Lyrailis wrote:
If you want GS to work for Gladiator, how would you do it?
Simply cycling around in circles saying "Nah Uh!" "Yah Huh!" back and forth is tiring to read.

That's what I tried to do above, only to be shot down by naysayers who appear to think nothing in the game can be changed whatsoever. *shrugs* oh well.

Gladiator is uniquely difficult to apply Great Sword to, because of Gladiator's strong relationship to shield.

In my view, it would take about as much work as it would take to simply draft another class. If you can find a work around that does not equate that, I'd love to see it, regardless.

So in your view, changing/removing/adjusting a couple of shield skills while leaving 80% of skills (plus class stories, among other things) pretty much as-is with a few modifications is more work than coming up with a 100% new skillset (plus class stories) for a new class?

Shield Lob? GS player is made to throw something else. Or not, they can throw a small shield too. It's not like Marauder has Tomahawks on them.

Shield Bash? Weapon Bash.

Shield Swipe? Weapon Swipe. Can only be used immediately after parrying an attack.

Bulwark? Increases parry rate by 60%.

This is what I came up with in 5 seconds without even being the professional on the dev team who is much more qualified to make up this stuff than I am. So, we can put this non-issue behind us anytime. Or we can keep repeating the mantra of what a huge, massive rework it takes to get GS work on gladiator.
#115 Sep 17 2014 at 5:36 AM Rating: Decent
972 posts
Hyanmen wrote:
Hyrist wrote:
Lyrailis wrote:
If you want GS to work for Gladiator, how would you do it?
Simply cycling around in circles saying "Nah Uh!" "Yah Huh!" back and forth is tiring to read.

That's what I tried to do above, only to be shot down by naysayers who appear to think nothing in the game can be changed whatsoever. *shrugs* oh well.

Gladiator is uniquely difficult to apply Great Sword to, because of Gladiator's strong relationship to shield.

In my view, it would take about as much work as it would take to simply draft another class. If you can find a work around that does not equate that, I'd love to see it, regardless.

So in your view, changing/removing/adjusting a couple of shield skills while leaving 80% of skills (plus class stories, among other things) pretty much as-is with a few modifications is more work than coming up with a 100% new skillset (plus class stories) for a new class?

Shield Lob? GS player is made to throw something else. Or not, they can throw a small shield too. It's not like Marauder has Tomahawks on them.

Shield Bash? Weapon Bash.

Shield Swipe? Weapon Swipe. Can only be used immediately after parrying an attack.

Bulwark? Increases parry rate by 60%.

This is what I came up with in 5 seconds without even being the professional on the dev team who is much more qualified to make up this stuff than I am. So, we can put this non-issue behind us anytime. Or we can keep repeating the mantra of what a huge, massive rework it takes to get GS work on gladiator.

It doesn't matter whose view is right, that's up to developers.

I will say that some people enjoy leveling a new class, story, etc. If it is like it is currently and Dark Knight split off from Gladiator. It's capped at 50 if it's a job.
#116 Sep 17 2014 at 9:14 AM Rating: Good
4,780 posts
Hyanmen wrote:

So in your view, changing/removing/adjusting a couple of shield skills while leaving 80% of skills (plus class stories, among other things) pretty much as-is with a few modifications is more work than coming up with a 100% new skillset (plus class stories) for a new class?

Shield Lob? GS player is made to throw something else. Or not, they can throw a small shield too. It's not like Marauder has Tomahawks on them.

Shield Bash? Weapon Bash.

Shield Swipe? Weapon Swipe. Can only be used immediately after parrying an attack.

Bulwark? Increases parry rate by 60%.

This is what I came up with in 5 seconds without even being the professional on the dev team who is much more qualified to make up this stuff than I am. So, we can put this non-issue behind us anytime. Or we can keep repeating the mantra of what a huge, massive rework it takes to get GS work on gladiator.

We're nixing side content at this point. Storyline quests for a new class can be rolled into the concept of new content already aimed for development. We already know effort spent on new class and job stories is content that's desired. Creating those is not a distraction of development time/cost. In fact, I would say creating that content, as it's dubbed enjoyable by the players is actually an argument FOR separating Great Sword into its own class, instead of just rolling it into Gladiator.

But let's get back to the origonal preface here:
In my view, it would take about as much work as it would take to simply draft another class. If you can find a work around that does not equate that, I'd love to see it, regardless.

That said, there are other classes that could be functional to. Say for instance, if there was to be a tanking style Lancer, it may be possible to equip a 1h Lance and Shield, borrowing Shield style abilities for Gladiator, and move from there.

Let's break down your skill changes a moment here and I'll show you why they're questionable:

Shield Lob? GS player is made to throw something else. Or not, they can throw a small shield too. It's not like Marauder has Tomahawks on them.

Ignoring the concept of "Thrown object for ranged damage." There's no difference in this skill than say, piercing Talon, except for the hate bonus it generates. However, it is representative of a core flaw in virtually everything done in Gladiator: the majority of its attack skills are just for hate generators. No matter what weapon you apply to it, unless you revamp the entire skill list - you're stuck with a tank.

Shield Bash? Weapon Bash.

Say hello to Brutal Swing before it was changed. It's interesting to paralleled the two skills, but it illustrates something of a point. Weapon/Shield Bash is an isolated skill with no conjoining purpose other than to stun. Rather than re-write it into something that would add depth to the mechanics of a Greatsword combat, you just simply altered the name and graphic thinking it would be sufficient. I heavily disagree with that design philosophy.

Bulwark? Increases parry rate by 60%.

Keen Fury would have a word with you.

Though you have argued at the letter, you've completely ignored the premise. What you have crafted here is a poorly utilized Tank with a Greatsword, and are left with five skills to completely redefine the class, where the base skills of gladiator themselves are fairly simplistic for any other role but tanking.

Everything you have argued here: Transposing skills to just swap out the use of one weapon for another, mechanically, could have been better applied to give Maurader a greatsword. At least then, the two-handed weapon use, the multiple branching attack skills and the passive-dependent mechanics for job, would already apply. In fact, it could readily be applied without requirement of having it job specific away from Warrior - which is also to say that a Dark Knight could just as easily bear an axe and derive from Maurader.

There are of course lore entanglements that mess all this up and make it better to simply start from scratch with a new class but we're dealing primarily mechanical work and theme here.

The problem with Gladiator kit is that it's shield dependent, not just in item function, but in role. You didn't get rid of the shield, you just made your greatsword act as one, and to give it a 2 handed weapon for what? Artistic flair? Does not add interesting mechanics - it just distracts from the Class preface. In this case you're better off adding 1 handed axe.


Now that we've argued that point mechanically, let's talk lore for a moment:

Great Sword is a large departure from other weapons we have in the game when you look at it as a single entity. It is a long bladed weapon that is held at one end, rather in a shafted weapon with a point or blade attached as with the other 2 handed melee weapons. Lore wise, Maurader would find no use for it because their chosen use for an axe was to cut down masts and prepare wood on land - it was derived from a tool that ended up being purposed into a weapon and became its own combat form.

Gladiator also derives from its history of sword and board. Gladiator is based off of the Eorzean Gladiatorial combat which is sword and board style. It's literally founded by its shield because it's a blood sport - to the point where you can see the scantily clad Gladiators mocking at each other, muscles gleaning. They do that in leaue of armor for the special of it, and leave the defense, to their shields. (Granted the more functional portion of the Gladiator's Guild wears full armor outside of the Arena.)

Adding a Greatsword to either of these, Lore Wise, simply doesn't make sense. So while Mechanically you say it would be less work than to add more class stories involving them: The truth is, the work would have to be done anyways to justify its existence within already pre-existing lore, as is being done now gradually with Rogue/Ninja.

I would still love to see ideas as for diversifying weapons and skills of classes - but there's a large tangled weapon of problems, especially surrounding Gladiator, that make this a challenge on multiple levels. And, I'd honestly like to see Great Sword be given the credit its due and given its own class from which we can diversify two jobs from.

Right now, the Classes are bound by the weapons that define them. If you change that, its going to be a massive undertaking, and it dead stops at lore-breaking, as they've pretty clearly indicated that lore is the primary drive of this game - everything has to make sense for the story. That's why Thief is called Rogue.
#117 Sep 17 2014 at 10:54 AM Rating: Good
I think the reason that so many of us would like to see it branch off Gladiator is because it stems out of the FFIV Cecil conversion from Dark Knight to Paladin. And in FFXI, both of those were kind of branching off WAR, with PLD being the tank side of the coin, and DRK being the DPS.

However, I think Hyrist did eloquently explain why it doesn't work so well lore-wise - assuming the lore doesn't change. All it'd take is some Zeid-like Roegadyn going "Come here, little gladiator, let me tell you a little secret about the gladiator's guild that the big bosses don't want to talk to you about" and boom, you're learning the hidden art of the great sword, which was dropped by gladiators because they preferred better defenses instead of pure offense.

I also still don't see why it couldn't work within the game mechanics (DRK in FFXI got Stun. after all), provided that DRK got a job ability at level 15 that turned all those enmity generating mechanics into enmity reduction + damage boosts instead. (Sort of like Cleric's Stance. Swaps your enmity generation for increased damage.)

Edited, Sep 17th 2014 3:14pm by Catwho
#118 Sep 17 2014 at 11:53 AM Rating: Excellent
141 posts
Catwho wrote:
I also still don't see why it couldn't work within the game mechanics (DRK in FFXI got Stun. after all), provided that DRK got a job ability at level 1 that turned all those enmity generating mechanics into enmity reduction + damage boosts instead. (Sort of like Cleric's Stance. Swaps your enmity generation for increased damage.)

Shield Oath is an ability that might work as a better comparison since it's an option of a Gladiator job (i.e. Paladin). I guess one of the challenges to overcome is how to make it retroactive so a level synched DRK would be a DPS pre-30.

Of course, the biggest challenge from SE's perspective is having all of the Great Sword animations for all the models.

I would admit to preferring that Amalj'aa didn't break out with Dark Knights defending Zahar'ak, but that's me.
#119 Sep 17 2014 at 1:50 PM Rating: Decent
Hyrist wrote:
We're nixing side content at this point. Storyline quests for a new class can be rolled into the concept of new content already aimed for development. We already know effort spent on new class and job stories is content that's desired. Creating those is not a distraction of development time/cost. In fact, I would say creating that content, as it's dubbed enjoyable by the players is actually an argument FOR separating Great Sword into its own class, instead of just rolling it into Gladiator.

It's not like the effort not spent on creating new class stories and skills isn't going anywhere else. In fact, inserting jobs into existing classes allows for more jobs to be created than if every new job had its own class. Just because there aren't new classes doesn't mean you're not getting just as much new story content and skills. They will be simply split between more jobs.

Let's break down your skill changes a moment here and I'll show you why they're questionable:

So you came to a conclusion that my 5 second endeavor to insert GS to Gladiator is less than perfect. If I wanted it to be perfect I would have spent more than 5 seconds with it, but that isn't my job. All I wanted to show is that it is quite possible and even it's simplest form not difficult to pull off at all, even though you said it would be. I didn't even include the sword skills because a monkey could change those skills to fit a new job with a couple adjustments.

Dark Knight lvl30 Trait: When equipped with a Dark Knight soulstone, the "increased enmity" effects on Gladiator skills are changed to a "blood drain" effect. Done.

Fortunately for us the dev team isn't working on fast food design philosophy like I did in my post, I only did it to prove how easy and simple it can be to make two jobs work on Gladiator without any sort of thinking necessary.

Though you have argued at the letter, you've completely ignored the premise. What you have crafted here is a poorly utilized Tank with a Greatsword, and are left with five skills to completely redefine the class, where the base skills of gladiator themselves are fairly simplistic for any other role but tanking.

Traits can redefine existing skills without even breaking a sweat. Back in FFXI it was pretty much one or two skills that redefined the jobs. We aren't getting new jobs before the level cap raise in the expansion so I think we can assume that only five new skills per job is going to be a very conservative guess.

Everything you have argued here: Transposing skills to just swap out the use of one weapon for another, mechanically, could have been better applied to give Maurader a greatsword. At least then, the two-handed weapon use, the multiple branching attack skills and the passive-dependent mechanics for job, would already apply. In fact, it could readily be applied without requirement of having it job specific away from Warrior - which is also to say that a Dark Knight could just as easily bear an axe and derive from Maurader.

Please understand that I'm not advocating that Dark Knight / GS job branch off of Gladiator. It's a mere example and like you say, better alternatives surely exist. But when it's this simple and straightforward to insert a 2h job over an existing 1h class, while albeit a bit boring when you only allocate 5 seconds for the design process, it's pretty much a given that new weapons on existing classes and new jobs is the way to go.

Gladiator also derives from its history of sword and board. Gladiator is based off of the Eorzean Gladiatorial combat which is sword and board style. It's literally founded by its shield because it's a blood sport - to the point where you can see the scantily clad Gladiators mocking at each other, muscles gleaning. They do that in leaue of armor for the special of it, and leave the defense, to their shields. (Granted the more functional portion of the Gladiator's Guild wears full armor outside of the Arena.)

"It has come to our attention that ancient gladiators used great swords back in the day in far away lands. What's even more intriguing, is that these gladiators were significantly fiercer than the traditional gladiators of Ul'Dah, forgoing defense entirely and even going as far as to sacrifice their own blood to unleash havoc on their enemies. Adventurer, go to Ala Mhigo and unleash the secret Gladiator arts of the old!"

There you go. It's okay that you don't have imagination when it comes to creating lore that makes sense, but fortunately you can leave it to the devs.

Edited, Sep 17th 2014 7:53pm by Hyanmen
#120 Sep 17 2014 at 3:41 PM Rating: Excellent
4,780 posts
A lot of the mechanics you're citing, looking at it brief, could be functional, to a degree. Trading Emnity for some sort of damage component was an idea I pitched months ago. But it does not detract from other problems or again, my premise that such efforts in the specific section I listed about transferring a the weapon?

Can it be done? Yes, anything can be done with the game if the development team makes the effort to do so. However, whether or not they choose to do so or agree with you, is a question neither of us has the answer to, and honestly, I no longer have the desire to continue to speculate with you personally on. My discussion was originally targeted at Lyrailis, which you seemed fit to interject yourself into, and with a rude tone that I've ignored up until this point.

We can return to the subject at hand when you learn not to lace insults into your speech. Frankly, it's a waste of my time to try to glean your argument out of underhanded attacks.

If you can't learn to separate the two and discard the unneeded portions, than I'm not going to bother spending what time I have on these forums discussing matters with someone who can't be respectful. By contrast, it's far more pleasent to do so with individuals such as Catwho, who, by example can phrase her statments in a way that wants me to continue to discuss the topic, rather than be angered by the response.

Catwho wrote:
I also still don't see why it couldn't work within the game mechanics (DRK in FFXI got Stun. after all), provided that DRK got a job ability at level 15 that turned all those enmity generating mechanics into enmity reduction + damage boosts instead. (Sort of like Cleric's Stance. Swaps your enmity generation for increased damage.)

I've mulled over that for quite a while. And I get the desire between the dichotomy between Dark Knight and Paladin. If the developers chose that path, I'll applaud the efforts. But I don't think it will be done easily while maintaining the same atmosphere and professionalism they've done for each class thus far.

At this point, addressing the innate hate mechanics in order to Gladiator into anything other than another tank is base required at this point. Though if we were to go the Dark Knight route, I don't believe hate/reduction mechanics would be necessary. In fact, it may be a whole risk/reward to see if Dark Knight could ride the hate line as close as possible, by perhaps gaining damage bonuses based on enmity level. However, that has nothing to do with Greatsword, that can be done with Sword and Shield.

I simply feel that trying to diversify the weapons aspect of the Classes in a game that defines said classes by their weapons is contradictory. Again, the effort you put into redefining the class in order to encompass an additional weapon within that class definition could be used to to better diversify the world itself, when you think of all the mechanical changes and lore changes it would involve. Why cut corners to put a greatsword on a Gladiator when a Soldier class could offer a new storyline to entice players, get players back involved into the leveling stream to help newer players again, and allow for not one additional, but potentially two additional jobs to be stemmed for it, on top of a unique playstyle that could draw or hold more players to the game.

For every additional weapon you give to a class, the more you limit the possibility of that weapon being used as its own foundation to another job set, unless you essentially wipe the slate clean of the entire Armory system - In which case I'd have to completely reassess my desire to play this game, as I would feel the system would not benefit from this so called 'depth' so much as become convoluted by it. (Unless heavily limited.)

Right now we have the distinct advantage of having a clear gear progression path for each class with little room for debate and question. Instead the focus is on execution for the majority of difficult encounters. If you begin to muddy the possibilities by flooding classes with sub par builds, and already potentially hostile community will further implode into elitism debates of X weapon vs Y (vs Z and so on). And on the development standpoint, a single build from each class is much easier to balance.

Instead, I feel that the better choice in this matter is to continue to expand on the breath of what is available, and follow the formula established by Arcanist: One Class defined by the weapon used, Two jobs of differing roles stemming from that weapon. Given the way the story, the lore, the locales are all formatted from, this will add greater depth to the wider world of Eorzea, while keeping the entire system still user friendly for would-be beginners. (I know, an unpopular mantra among hardcore gamers, but it's working.)

I'm for expanding what we have. But so many times I see people who've firmly decided that we must break what we have to improve upon it. And I only subscribe to that philosophy in extreme cases, such as 1.0's debacle. Right now, in spite of all the tropes of late, the game is in a good place and has a good foundation going for it. I'm both looking forward to new classes and new Jobs for the current class. I am deeply excited about the idea that my Lance can be potentially be used for tanking. If that has to be a Lance and Shield I can give it a shot, on paper. However, for much of the same reasons I have issues with open world content, I'm hesitant on the concept of disbanding the format of classes being defined by the weapons they use when it comes to practicalities.

Can it be done? Sure, but as evidenced by the Hunts, there's a lot of open ended problems in both how it could be implemented by the developers, and how it could be received by the players. And I don't see the point of ruining a good thing over it.

Edited, Sep 17th 2014 5:51pm by Hyrist
#121 Sep 17 2014 at 4:35 PM Rating: Excellent
Wow, Hyrist. Awesome post.
Thayos Redblade
#122 Sep 17 2014 at 5:08 PM Rating: Excellent
4,780 posts
Not really. There's lots of grammatical errors there that I could clean up. I'm just trying to be honest and respectful with my opinion on things like this.

There are plenty of interesting ideas that are great as just ideas, but just don't really seem to fit within this game. I'm just waiting for the day when someone makes billions creating an RPG Maker: MMO Edition and lets everyone make their own favorite system.
#123 Sep 17 2014 at 5:16 PM Rating: Good
1,310 posts
Well, in Yoshida's "joint media" interview in June, he did mention reconsidering how jobs derive from classes. He might switch the system around so that a job could stem from several classes rather than just one or he could do something else completely, but he does recognize that the current system is a bit limiting and may need to change for the expansion.

Last year when Scholar was introduced at E3, it was mentioned that it would branch off from the same class as Summoner, and this would be a mechanic that would be used more, but it has yet to happen for any other class. You haven’t announced anything yet, but are there any other plans to introduce anything like this? For example, another swordsman besides Paladin?

Well, we need to look into this and whether we want to keep that plan, it’s something we have to consider as we add new jobs and classes. One of the more difficult things with the system is that when a job is derived from a class, it's tied to the class's actions. Also, when we make multiple jobs from one class, the weakness with having multiple jobs branch out of one class without being able to freely switch stats around is exposed. This wasn’t a problem initially because both of those jobs were simultaneously added and it was planned from the start, but now we have to carefully think about this. One thing we could consider, for example, is a hybrid job derived from more than one class, but it may change depending on what we want to add. The number of jobs will increase even further with 3.0 (the expansion pack), and at that point we might decide on an entirely new mechanism, so please hang on for further details.

Edited, Sep 17th 2014 7:18pm by Xoie
#124 Sep 17 2014 at 5:26 PM Rating: Excellent
4,780 posts
Xoie wrote:
Well, in Yoshida's "joint media" interview in June, he did mention reconsidering how jobs derive from classes. He might switch the system around so that a job could stem from several classes rather than just one or he could do something else completely, but he does recognize that the current system is a bit limiting and may need to change for the expansion.

Last year when Scholar was introduced at E3, it was mentioned that it would branch off from the same class as Summoner, and this would be a mechanic that would be used more, but it has yet to happen for any other class. You haven’t announced anything yet, but are there any other plans to introduce anything like this? For example, another swordsman besides Paladin?

Well, we need to look into this and whether we want to keep that plan, it’s something we have to consider as we add new jobs and classes. One of the more difficult things with the system is that when a job is derived from a class, it's tied to the class's actions. Also, when we make multiple jobs from one class, the weakness with having multiple jobs branch out of one class without being able to freely switch stats around is exposed. This wasn’t a problem initially because both of those jobs were simultaneously added and it was planned from the start, but now we have to carefully think about this. One thing we could consider, for example, is a hybrid job derived from more than one class, but it may change depending on what we want to add. The number of jobs will increase even further with 3.0 (the expansion pack), and at that point we might decide on an entirely new mechanism, so please hang on for further details.

Edited, Sep 17th 2014 7:18pm by Xoie

I remember that interview, and I'm both curious and concerned as to what the results of that statement will be.

Then again, it may be nothing. Given how we all hung up on a 800k Price figure that was nothing but a mistranslated mess, and the horrid communication breakdown in the housing debacle, we may be hanging on to vapor.

#125 Sep 17 2014 at 7:48 PM Rating: Good
6,899 posts
Hyrist wrote:
Not really. There's lots of grammatical errors there that I could clean up. I'm just trying to be honest and respectful with my opinion on things like this.

There are plenty of interesting ideas that are great as just ideas, but just don't really seem to fit within this game. I'm just waiting for the day when someone makes billions creating an RPG Maker: MMO Edition and lets everyone make their own favorite system.

Or an actual Sword Art Online... minus the death.

Edited, Sep 17th 2014 9:50pm by BartelX
#126 Sep 18 2014 at 11:23 AM Rating: Decent
972 posts
I see the desire between the dichotomy between paladin and dark knight in similar fashion to say Jedi and Sith. But in that longing, is borrowing skills from one another or altering what the same skill does.Does the route that feels unique and play differently from one another? In my opinion, no it does not. If the effects only changed but not the weapon or animation it would still feel particularly similar on either job.

Since jobs are limited in the pool of skills from what classes they are derived from. Any job born from an existing class are bound to the foundation, game play wise of that specific class. If this was altered in any way. It would call job definition into question, especially if the moves crossed over. We would probably get situations of balance and such.

In essence if SE wanted to. They could create jobs to offer the option of playing one of three roles tied to the same weapon/class. Paladin to tank, Dark Knight to dps, and mystic knight to heal. But it would still run into the issue of being limited by the specific cross class,skill/trait limit-ability.

I feel the weapon tied to gladiator should have been great shield which signifies tank. Then they could input a multitude of various weapons and tanks jobs who are confined to one handed weapons all which play differently with the right ideas. The lance tank would work in this situation most definitely. Of course the animations between sword and lance would differentiate tanking across scenarios. But here it still wouldn't be as good to me because even if they introduced 30 jobs. The class play would be one and done and all would still play pretty similar control wise. Your opinions may differ.

There are many forms of weapon in the real world. That's a bunch of different possibilities for new classes and jobs. Especially if your mind expands past the obvious weapons.
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