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Will the expansion be geared towards end-game players?Follow

#52 Aug 23 2014 at 1:26 AM Rating: Good
197 posts
FilthMcNasty wrote:

I understand that it might annoy you that people don't stay on topic. Personally I don't really care, but you come off as hypocritical when you say here that it bothers you when people stray off the topic of XIV... yet you're pretty actively posting about Diablo III in another thread. Just putting that out there.

I knew that you would point this out, and by you, I mean you personally, thats how obvious your attempts to troll these boards are. And I didn't say it bothers me when people stray off topic, I said it bothers me when people stray off topic to argue about things that happened in FF11.

Look, I'll be completely honest. I know next to nothing about FF11 besides what I've read about it on these forums, but the funny part is all I had to do was make gross accusations about FF11 and got a few of you to respond in defense, which is exactly what I'm talking about. People arguing over the merit of FF11 vs other games.

@ Theonehio

I will be the first person to agree that FF14 was not the game it could have been when it was launched. Honestly I feel like the level of content now is where I feel the game should have been at launch. I actually quit playing about 4 months ago and went back to WoW for awhile cause it really felt like there wasn't anything to do at end game. I just recently came back to ARR and its awesome because I have more **** to do in that game then I have time for.

I do realize FF11 was one of the top games at its time, but as you pointed out, there really wasn't much to compete with at that time either. And I have heard a lot of people on these boards say that if FF11 were to be released now, it would fall flat on its face, but the same could be said about vanilla WoW. /shrug

Theonehio wrote:
Jeskradha wrote:
I've just learned to enjoy things for what they are, not what I want them to be.

Everyone does - But if you sit and accept everything, then see what happened to gaming and MMOs. There's a reason gaming will never get back to a point in time where our $60 purchase covers a ton of content and not just 10% content and 90% extra content that'll cost more.

Thats the point though, at this point my interests in playing an MMO are beginning to dwindle, because it just feels like no one is really putting any rewarding content out anymore, just re-hashing the same garbage, and I have played my share of MMO's.

I'm actually pretty excited for destiny because, from playing the beta, I feel like it just might be the game to finally push the envelope on the whole MMORPG experience, but only time will tell, and as a FPS its not quite as comparable to something like FF.

The irony of this is us arguing about FF11 after I complained about it, which just further proves my point

@ Susanoh

Everything you said is pretty much on point and I agree with 100%, thanks for being intelligent.

At this point Ill just keep my mouth shut, its not my place by a very long shot to try to say what you can and can't post about. Maybe its just Me and the fact that I didn't play FF11 which makes it that much more annoying to have to read about it all the time while discussing a completely different game regardless of the fact that it is in the world of Final Fantasy. Also, I'm not the only person on these boards who feels its obnoxious when people constantly bring up FF11.

All Ill say is that I personally enjoy ARR, its pretty **** fun to run around on my Lalafell shooting giant fireballs in a Final Fantasy world riding around on Chocobos and ****

Edited, Aug 23rd 2014 3:28am by Jeskradha

Edited, Aug 23rd 2014 3:30am by Jeskradha
#53 Aug 23 2014 at 3:11 AM Rating: Default
4,175 posts
Jeskradha wrote:
I know next to nothing about FF11 besides what I've read about it on these forums, but the funny part is all I had to do was make gross accusations about FF11 and got a few of you to respond in defense, which is exactly what I'm talking about.

Ok, so you make gross accusations about a game you know nothing about for a reaction... and I'm the troll?

No one is defending FFXI. People are defending the right to make a comparison between FFXIV and FFXI. A comparison you shouldn't actually be upset by because you've already admitted you have no idea what the game is about. This is the most ignorant **** I've read on these boards in quite a while.

Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#54 Aug 24 2014 at 9:42 AM Rating: Good
972 posts
To hold to be the same experience as FFXI is not applicable. The same company might still be developing it, but it's not meant to be the same. The style of game is and for the most part has been designed to align with the modern mmo crowd. The director/producer for XI is gone from the company, who I think had a vision for a slightly more casual XI in the original XIV but things didn't pan out.

The most innovative, challenging, and immersive rpg in the past decade in my opinion is Dark Souls. The last time I checked, it only sold like 2 million copies. Diablo III, Final Fantasy XIII, and probably a few others outsold it. Most rpgs now days follow the overload you with quest, lead you by the nose, cram cutscenes, and various other things while Dark Souls goes the opposite route. This opposite route doesn't sit well with many people. It's in the same state as FFXI was to it's players. You either really loved it or hated it, and not much in between. It had many systems, one person sees some as complexity while another might see it as archaic or tedious. I am going to give an assessment. Not saying one is better than the other just my opinion of strengths and weaknesses.

Here is my opinion of vanilla FFXI to FFXIV so far:
1.Both games have good story. The pacing is a lot different. XI has a very slow spread out story pace with spectacle after long spurts. XIV has a very fast story pace with spectacle along the whole way.

2.FFXI was about the journey. No cross server play, experience point parties being the only efficient way to level,longer length of time to level, little in game party, guild, or dungeon grouping systems. The social aspect could be argued. But if you didn't hold yourself to a standard of discipline and make a few friends. You have a long road ahead of you progressing.
FFXIV is about the end game. First off Yoshi said it was and has designed it like that so far. Secondly it has all the modern mmo conventions that ease progressing. You don't need anyone to level, it encourages and has more various avenues to group and level that XI did however.

3.FFXI had more party synergy and depth in it's slower battle system. The two hour abilities often required different players performing theirs in a type of harmony to compliment each other. There was a weaponskill renkei system(one person's weaponskill could chain with one or two more players to do more damage and then be bursted by magic users for even more damage or efficiency). FFXIV has more balance and fluidity in it's faster battle system. The game doesn't suffer the class imbalances XI did. There are less skills and are more easier to manage with the cross hotbar. Then there is the limit break system which reinforces that notion of balance over inbalance.

4.XIV has a more broader, more tangible, and visible scope of crafting and gathering. There is more systems designed around these classes than just grab items and craft. XI has more randomness and mystery to it. There is even a chart with supposed ways to face while crafting to align with the crystals.

5.FFXIV has a much better UI and system interfaces for the most part. It is just downright sexy. It's weird because even though the hotbars are set up very efficiently. I find my self staring at my UI more than the action on screen versus XI.
Maybe it's just me trying to see when cool downs are refreshed.I rarely if ever had to shift attention away from the on screen action in XI.

6.FFXI has more amounts of content for battle classes but overall they don't play very differently from one another.
XIV has more variety of overall content. But I wish the variety they have had a tad more complexity and unique mechanics to differentiate each from each other. For example: Most disciples of the hand have different skills names but the mechanics are the same. So far up to level 15. While disciples of the land have more distinction between how the mechanics from fishing and botany vary drastically.

Edited, Aug 24th 2014 11:51am by sandpark

Edited, Aug 24th 2014 11:53am by sandpark

Edited, Aug 24th 2014 12:35pm by sandpark
#55 Aug 24 2014 at 9:52 AM Rating: Decent
4,511 posts
The armoury system is exactly the one thing i (still) dont like about this game.

I like having a seperate inventory for all my gear, sure.

But i dont like all the restrictions it brings along with it. It is the single reason we're all stuck with one kind of weapon opposed to being able to wield most things on most jobs. It is also the reason why jobs will always need a class to go along with it, which will be 95% similar to the original class in abilities.

Simply giving us a list and letting us change jobs from there would have fixed everything. Could have equipped a spear on my Paladin, a knife, a club, a staff, but nope. Not happening...
#56 Aug 24 2014 at 10:08 AM Rating: Decent
972 posts
KojiroSoma wrote:
The armoury system is exactly the one thing i (still) dont like about this game.

I like having a seperate inventory for all my gear, sure.

But i dont like all the restrictions it brings along with it. It is the single reason we're all stuck with one kind of weapon opposed to being able to wield most things on most jobs. It is also the reason why jobs will always need a class to go along with it, which will be 95% similar to the original class in abilities.

Simply giving us a list and letting us change jobs from there would have fixed everything. Could have equipped a spear on my Paladin, a knife, a club, a staff, but nope. Not happening...

Why would you want to wield a different weapon in XIV? The weapon skills and spells are tied to the profession not the weapon to my understanding. So the only reasons left are to look different or switch between piercing, blunt, or slashing? I think they would have to give weapon ratings again to do that or monk could wipe the floor with dragoon using a lance.

Someone said on the official forums the job/class thing was going to get reworked again. I do not know if that's true or not. But we don't about your 95% insinuation yet. SE could keep classes capped at 50 or loosen or tighten restrictions on cross classing.
#57 Aug 24 2014 at 10:30 AM Rating: Decent
12,820 posts
sandpark wrote:
Someone said on the official forums the job/class thing was going to get reworked again. I do not know if that's true or not. But we don't about your 95% insinuation yet. SE could keep classes capped at 50 or loosen or tighten restrictions on cross classing.

It was confirmed in the june or july issue of Famitsu and again yesterday that they're working out the plan for it.

#58 Aug 24 2014 at 10:57 AM Rating: Decent
4,511 posts
sandpark wrote:
KojiroSoma wrote:
The armoury system is exactly the one thing i (still) dont like about this game.

I like having a seperate inventory for all my gear, sure.

But i dont like all the restrictions it brings along with it. It is the single reason we're all stuck with one kind of weapon opposed to being able to wield most things on most jobs. It is also the reason why jobs will always need a class to go along with it, which will be 95% similar to the original class in abilities.

Simply giving us a list and letting us change jobs from there would have fixed everything. Could have equipped a spear on my Paladin, a knife, a club, a staff, but nope. Not happening...

Why would you want to wield a different weapon in XIV? The weapon skills and spells are tied to the profession not the weapon to my understanding. So the only reasons left are to look different or switch between piercing, blunt, or slashing? I think they would have to give weapon ratings again to do that or monk could wipe the floor with dragoon using a lance.

Someone said on the official forums the job/class thing was going to get reworked again. I do not know if that's true or not. But we don't about your 95% insinuation yet. SE could keep classes capped at 50 or loosen or tighten restrictions on cross classing.

Well, current system in place, we'd never get a Great Sword. I'd like a great sword on my Paladin. *shrug*
#59 Aug 30 2014 at 12:51 PM Rating: Good
425 posts
Viertel wrote:

Xoie wrote:
RoZ and CoP both had low level areas added. Even ToAU had level 60 areas which was pretty much the halfway point to 75 in terms of effort. I attended plenty of low level XP parties in and around the regions of WotG. Heck, even in the case of Abyssea, you could leech xp on a low level job if you were clever enough, and there was always Grounds of Valor to powerlevel with if you weren't. I don't know what they've done since then, but I think there has always been some deference to adding something for low level experience for the first several years of the game.

CoP added nothing but gated zones no one bothered with due to terrible monster density and choice. A few people tried to push Rams and Rocs as merit fodder when Lufaise Meadows/Miseraux Coast were opened but it wasn't worth it. Carpenter's Landing? Attohwa Chasm? If it wasn't Sea, or a level capped area with terrible monsters for EXP (Fomor/Undead/Minotaurs), or a gated area that no one bothered to EXP in.

I'll further stress this point: Imagine fighting mobs where all their abilities are party-wipe capable, as in from full health to zip, AND in a capped area, which takes away some of your abilities.

#60 Aug 30 2014 at 2:36 PM Rating: Decent
12,820 posts
We leveled on rams just fine for quite awhile lol. It was a test of your healers rather than your DD at that time though.

#61 Sep 01 2014 at 1:50 PM Rating: Decent
KojiroSoma wrote:
sandpark wrote:
KojiroSoma wrote:
The armoury system is exactly the one thing i (still) dont like about this game.

I like having a seperate inventory for all my gear, sure.

But i dont like all the restrictions it brings along with it. It is the single reason we're all stuck with one kind of weapon opposed to being able to wield most things on most jobs. It is also the reason why jobs will always need a class to go along with it, which will be 95% similar to the original class in abilities.

Simply giving us a list and letting us change jobs from there would have fixed everything. Could have equipped a spear on my Paladin, a knife, a club, a staff, but nope. Not happening...

Why would you want to wield a different weapon in XIV? The weapon skills and spells are tied to the profession not the weapon to my understanding. So the only reasons left are to look different or switch between piercing, blunt, or slashing? I think they would have to give weapon ratings again to do that or monk could wipe the floor with dragoon using a lance.

Someone said on the official forums the job/class thing was going to get reworked again. I do not know if that's true or not. But we don't about your 95% insinuation yet. SE could keep classes capped at 50 or loosen or tighten restrictions on cross classing.

Well, current system in place, we'd never get a Great Sword. I'd like a great sword on my Paladin. *shrug*

Nothing in the current system stops SE from adding great sword for gladiators. Nothing.

FFXIV playerbase - making up fake "limitations" on the class system since 2010.
#62 Sep 01 2014 at 7:30 PM Rating: Default
7,106 posts
Nothing in the current system stops SE from adding great sword for gladiators. Nothing.

You really think it's consistent with the current system to introduce a great sword for gladiators? I... respectfully disagree.
#63 Sep 01 2014 at 11:44 PM Rating: Decent
Caesura wrote:
Nothing in the current system stops SE from adding great sword for gladiators. Nothing.

You really think it's consistent with the current system to introduce a great sword for gladiators? I... respectfully disagree.

Is it consistent that arcanist branches into two jobs, while other classes do not?

Clearly the lack of consistency is not a limitation.... SE has proven that already. If SE didn't introduce Scholar you would be saying the same thing about having two jobs on one class, haha.

Your ""problem"" is easily fixed though. Introduce a second weapon to all classes at the same time.

Once again: people are making up limitations to the class system since 2010.
#64 Sep 02 2014 at 12:41 AM Rating: Default
4,175 posts
Hyanmen wrote:
Caesura wrote:
Nothing in the current system stops SE from adding great sword for gladiators. Nothing.

You really think it's consistent with the current system to introduce a great sword for gladiators? I... respectfully disagree.

Is it consistent that arcanist branches into two jobs, while other classes do not?

Clearly the lack of consistency is not a limitation.... SE has proven that already. If SE didn't introduce Scholar you would be saying the same thing about having two jobs on one class, haha.

Your ""problem"" is easily fixed though. Introduce a second weapon to all classes at the same time.

Once again: people are making up limitations to the class system since 2010.

Arcanist is the primary class for two jobs yes. We're talking weapons here though.

Going back to FFXI for a moment... several different jobs can equip 'daggers'. By 'daggers' I mean weapons you'd find in the 'dagger' listing on the auction house. However, these weapons have sub categories. You have dagger, knife, kukri, baselard, kris, harpe, ect. ect. While several different jobs can equip a weapon from the general 'dagger' category, they're all limited to which sub-category of 'dagger' they can equip.

This is how I see it working for XIV and it lines up with the information they've already given about rogue and ninja both using 'daggers'. While it's true they will both wield short blades, they'll be limited in which ones they can equip. It's not a manufactured limitation, it's something that we've been hearing about for almost a decade(as it relates to XIV) or longer(if you consider how it worked in XI).

Introducing a great sword(among other weapon types) also means introducing all of the animations for characters who can wield them. That's not an 'easy fix'.

FFXIV Armoury webpage wrote:
In the Armoury System, changing your adventuring style—or class—is as simple as changing what you hold in your hand[s].

It wouldn't really make sense if they suddenly allowed classes to wield whatever they wanted to, especially if they intend to add a class that represents the great sword further down the road.

I respect that people want to wield different weapons, but it doesn't really work well with their vision of the armoury system. Even with the transmogrify system in WoW, you're limited to weapons that share the same animation(ie. same weapon type). Unfortunately, I think you're out of luck on this one.
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#65 Sep 02 2014 at 1:08 AM Rating: Decent
It wouldn't really make sense if they suddenly allowed classes to wield whatever they wanted to, especially if they intend to add a class that represents the great sword further down the road.

It's not about making all classes wield whatever they want to, stop making up stuff. It's about the possibility of adding a (one) new weapon type to the existing classes, paired with a second job that wields said weapon type. This is not hard to do at all within the current armory system. Your vision of the armory system does not dictate what SE can or cannot do with it.

Of course it takes time to add the animations. That's not a limitation on the design or vision of the armory system, it's a limitation on resources.

This is like 2010-2013 all over again, when people were saying the current classes are limited to only one job. How many times must SE prove you wrong before you people understand that SE can move to any direction they want with the current armory system?
#66 Sep 02 2014 at 1:37 AM Rating: Decent
4,175 posts
Hyanmen wrote:
It wouldn't really make sense if they suddenly allowed classes to wield whatever they wanted to, especially if they intend to add a class that represents the great sword further down the road.

It's not about making all classes wield whatever they want to, stop making up stuff. It's about the possibility of adding a (one) new weapon type to the existing classes, paired with a second job that wields said weapon type. This is not hard to do at all within the current armory system. Your vision of the armory system does not dictate what SE can or cannot do with it.

I didn't create the armoury system. The quote I linked you is from the official website. I can also link articles, excerpts from interviews, ect. to support the ideas I've presented here if you need. I think if you actually dig into it and find out the concept behind the armoury system it'll make more sense to you. The simple translation: weapon type = class/job type.

Some people like it, some people don't. I get that you fall into the latter category, but you shouldn't dismiss what they themselves have said about their own game. You make it seem like we're here making **** up to shoot down your idea, but we're just being realistic about what they've already said about it. No need to be salty.

No one is saying that it's impossible to do, just that it's unlikely given what the armoury system has represented to this game pretty much since it's inception.
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#67 Sep 02 2014 at 2:00 AM Rating: Good
5,729 posts
FilthMcNasty wrote:
No one is saying that it's impossible to do, just that it's unlikely given what the armoury system has represented to this game pretty much since it's inception.


Is it possible for SE to let GLAs use great swords? Sure. Of course it is. There's nothing in the game's programming preventing them from adding a weapon sub-type and some new animations. However, it is highly unlikely that will happen because it conflicts with the game's design philosophy as we currently understand it. Just because something is technically possible doesn't mean it will ever actually happen.

Who knows? Maybe it will happen someday and they're revamp the role system and give GLAs and MRDs a DPS option and let GLAs wreak havoc with great swords. It's much more likely however that GLAs will stay sword and board tanks and if we ever see great swords they'll end up being used by Dark Knights or something.
75 Rabbit/75 Sheep/75 Coeurl/75 Eft/75 Raptor/75 Hippogryph/75 Puk
75 Scorpion/75 Wamoura/75 Pixie/75 Peiste/64 Sabotender
51 Bird/41 Mandragora/40 Bee/37 Crawler/37 Bat

Items no one cares about: O
Missions no one cares about: O
Crafts no one cares about: O
#68 Sep 02 2014 at 2:47 AM Rating: Default
FilthMcNasty wrote:
Hyanmen wrote:
It wouldn't really make sense if they suddenly allowed classes to wield whatever they wanted to, especially if they intend to add a class that represents the great sword further down the road.

It's not about making all classes wield whatever they want to, stop making up stuff. It's about the possibility of adding a (one) new weapon type to the existing classes, paired with a second job that wields said weapon type. This is not hard to do at all within the current armory system. Your vision of the armory system does not dictate what SE can or cannot do with it.

I didn't create the armoury system. The quote I linked you is from the official website. I can also link articles, excerpts from interviews, ect. to support the ideas I've presented here if you need. I think if you actually dig into it and find out the concept behind the armoury system it'll make more sense to you. The simple translation: weapon type = class/job type.

Some people like it, some people don't. I get that you fall into the latter category, but you shouldn't dismiss what they themselves have said about their own game. You make it seem like we're here making **** up to shoot down your idea, but we're just being realistic about what they've already said about it. No need to be salty.

No one is saying that it's impossible to do, just that it's unlikely given what the armoury system has represented to this game pretty much since it's inception.

The quote you cited does not refute what I said in any shape or form. Weapon type = class/job type design still applies to what I said. You are taking SE's vague wording and interpreting it way too far. Need I remind you that mages can equip both wands and staves? Yet the armory system hasn't collapsed.

However, it is highly unlikely that will happen because it conflicts with the game's design philosophy as we currently understand it.

Second jobs "conflicted with the game's design philosophy as we understood it" too. The fact is this "conflict" was only in your head, and still is.

Edited, Sep 2nd 2014 8:49am by Hyanmen
#69 Sep 02 2014 at 2:52 AM Rating: Good
4,175 posts
Karlina wrote:
FilthMcNasty wrote:
No one is saying that it's impossible to do, just that it's unlikely given what the armoury system has represented to this game pretty much since it's inception.


Is it possible for SE to let GLAs use great swords? Sure. Of course it is. There's nothing in the game's programming preventing them from adding a weapon sub-type and some new animations. However, it is highly unlikely that will happen because it conflicts with the game's design philosophy as we currently understand it. Just because something is technically possible doesn't mean it will ever actually happen.

Who knows? Maybe it will happen someday and they're revamp the role system and give GLAs and MRDs a DPS option and let GLAs wreak havoc with great swords. It's much more likely however that GLAs will stay sword and board tanks and if we ever see great swords they'll end up being used by Dark Knights or something.

It's also possible that Rune Fencer will make it's way into XIV. It's essentially an elemental based tank that uses great sword. It also makes more sense that this would be something that came from the marauder class since it's a 2 handed tank.
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#70 Sep 02 2014 at 6:48 AM Rating: Excellent
We already have an exception to the rule, though, with both CNJ and THM having a choice between one handed and two handed weapons. The 2 handed is more powerful, but the one handed permits use of a shield.

Adding in a two handed sword to the GLD class thus doesn't totally violate the conventions of the game. It would, however, force a GLD to shed some defense at the gain of some offense, making them a bit more on par with MRD. PLD will likely still prefer to use the sword shield combo, but they could drop the soul crystal and go GLD if they want added DPS.
#71 Sep 02 2014 at 9:49 AM Rating: Excellent
1,310 posts
FilthMcNasty wrote:
This is how I see it working for XIV and it lines up with the information they've already given about rogue and ninja both using 'daggers'. While it's true they will both wield short blades, they'll be limited in which ones they can equip. It's not a manufactured limitation, it's something that we've been hearing about for almost a decade(as it relates to XIV) or longer(if you consider how it worked in XI).

Introducing a great sword(among other weapon types) also means introducing all of the animations for characters who can wield them. That's not an 'easy fix'.

FFXIV Armoury webpage wrote:
In the Armoury System, changing your adventuring style—or class—is as simple as changing what you hold in your hand[s].

It wouldn't really make sense if they suddenly allowed classes to wield whatever they wanted to, especially if they intend to add a class that represents the great sword further down the road.

I respect that people want to wield different weapons, but it doesn't really work well with their vision of the armoury system. Even with the transmogrify system in WoW, you're limited to weapons that share the same animation(ie. same weapon type). Unfortunately, I think you're out of luck on this one.

Thaumaturges and Conjurers both have a choice of 2-handed staff or wand-and-shield. Weapons are sold by class in the Market Wards so there's no ambiguity that a thaumaturge's weapon can't be used by a conjurer, and no one I've ever heard of finds it confusing that there are two different weapon choices for those two classes.

So it would literally be no big deal for a gladiator to have a choice of great sword or sword-and-shield exactly like how it is in the game right now for two of the mage classes. Not saying they should do it, or will do it, but it's pretty easy to see that can be done.
#72 Sep 02 2014 at 10:47 AM Rating: Default
7,106 posts
So it would literally be no big deal for a gladiator to have a choice of great sword or sword-and-shield exactly like how it is in the game right now for two of the mage classes. Not saying they should do it, or will do it, but it's pretty easy to see that can be done.

Well, given what SE has said about their vision for the armory system, we're only going to see great swords used by Gladiators if SE considers great swords and swords/daggers to all be the same type of weapon. Frankly, I'd be surprised if that's the case. The fact that such a traditional fantasy weapon isn't there yet strongly suggests that SE sees great sword as something meaningfully different. In the armory system, that difference means a different class.

As noted, the question has never been whether it's possible. Of course it is. SE can program the game however they like. The question is whether it's consistent with how SE sees the armory system. Right now, it's not.

I suspect the armory system will be gone at some point. It's too limiting -- not because SE can't do whatever they want, but because they won't do it while the system is in place.
#73 Sep 02 2014 at 11:11 AM Rating: Good
972 posts
Catwho wrote:
We already have an exception to the rule, though, with both CNJ and THM having a choice between one handed and two handed weapons. The 2 handed is more powerful, but the one handed permits use of a shield.

Adding in a two handed sword to the GLD class thus doesn't totally violate the conventions of the game. It would, however, force a GLD to shed some defense at the gain of some offense, making them a bit more on par with MRD. PLD will likely still prefer to use the sword shield combo, but they could drop the soul crystal and go GLD if they want added DPS.

SE could alter any system they have and it could work if they wanted. What would players rather have though?
An option to switch weapons on a class, which would still have many of the same traits, appearance or skills that a PLD extends upon.

Or a brand new two handed sword class and job, new animations, new everything. I have rarely if ever seen a class in a dungeon(when jobs unlock) in my play time post ARR so far. Would endgame choose a dps class over a dps job endgame? Classes are for solo. What endgame content is there for soloist endgame? Beast quest, fates, hunts? Am I missing something here?

No, in my opinion the open ended armoury original intent is no longer applicable. The cry for identity has all but made this entire system more convoluted than it needs to be. If it were up to me I would have made classes:
1.No access to job unique skills or traits
2. No limit to cross class skills
3.Allow on the fly class switching with no cooldowns.
4. While jobs would remain to their current setup with limited cross class,unique jobs,job locking, more identity each level cap increase.
5.Create some solo dungeons, and other endgame content for the classes.

I would rather have a new story, class, job, battle animations, everything. Than a weapon option with the same class/job I already leveled. If you others feel differently. That's their prerogative.
#74 Sep 02 2014 at 11:35 AM Rating: Decent
Caesura wrote:
In the armory system, that difference means a different class.

No, it does not. You are speaking on SE's behalf even though what you say is purely a subjective perception of the system, not SE's official vision.

Nowhere is it even hinted that a different weapon type must equal a different class. Just because changing weapon type does not always change your class (but may still change your playstyle), that does not go against the current armory system.

SE could alter any system they have and it could work if they wanted. What would players rather have though?
An option to switch weapons on a class, which would still have many of the same traits, appearance or skills that a PLD extends upon.

Or a brand new two handed sword class and job, new animations, new everything. I have rarely if ever seen a class in a dungeon(when jobs unlock) in my play time post ARR so far. Would endgame choose a dps class over a dps job endgame? Classes are for solo. What endgame content is there for soloist endgame? Beast quest, fates, hunts? Am I missing something here?

A brand new class/job takes a lot more resources to implement. With the same resources SE can create twice as many specs to the current classes. That's a massive advantage for the specs, although you conveniently leave that out of your argument. At the very least it is obviously not so clear-cut which option ARR players would prefer.

SE has already proven that two significantly different jobs out of the same class can work out well. Unless you think that Scholar does not deserve its spot as an equal job in the current ARR just because it shares some of its functionality with Summoner. I think you'll be in a tiny minority if that's what you think.

Edited, Sep 2nd 2014 5:43pm by Hyanmen
#75 Sep 02 2014 at 11:55 AM Rating: Default
972 posts
Methusaleh wrote:
SE could alter any system they have and it could work if they wanted. What would players rather have though?
An option to switch weapons on a class, which would still have many of the same traits, appearance or skills that a PLD extends upon.

Or a brand new two handed sword class and job, new animations, new everything. I have rarely if ever seen a class in a dungeon(when jobs unlock) in my play time post ARR so far. Would endgame choose a dps class over a dps job endgame? Classes are for solo. What endgame content is there for soloist endgame? Beast quest, fates, hunts? Am I missing something here?

Hyanmen wrote:
A brand new class/job takes a lot more resources to implement. With the same resources SE can create twice as many specs to the current classes. That's a massive advantage for the specs, although you conveniently leave that out of your argument. At the very least it is obviously not so clear-cut which option ARR players would prefer.

SE has already proven that two significantly different jobs out of the same class can work out well. Unless you think that Scholar does not deserve its spot as an equal job in the current ARR just because it shares some of its functionality with Summoner. I think you'll be in a tiny minority if that's what you think.

Edited, Sep 2nd 2014 5:43pm by Hyanmen

What does the player care about how many resources it would take to do whatever? SE can still create a ton more specs not involving a one handed to two handed weapon change with far less resources. I get it, people want identity but that doesn't equate to having the exact same loadout as every job in the same job name.

I was not arguing anything just stating what I would prefer. Jobs are very well differentiated from one to the other. I was saying if classes exist, and they want them to exist, not just a hindrance to some when unlocking a job. There needs to be more reasons to support what a solo-er could do. Like dungeons that they could solo or duo with a buddy as one example.

Resources? Gamers in general don't care about what it takes to get something done. Either deliver or they play another game. It's as simple as that. When players want open world content and a game they play doesn't provide enough of it. They find another game. Especially when a game is P2P. It has to be one step ahead of a majority of the competition.
Edited, Sep 2nd 2014 1:56pm by sandpark

Edited, Sep 2nd 2014 2:01pm by sandpark
#76 Sep 02 2014 at 12:10 PM Rating: Default
sandpark wrote:
What does the player care about how many resources it would take to do whatever?

Because it has a huge effect on the end result? At least I do care about whether I'm getting 8 specs or 4 jobs, especially if said specs are as different from each other as summoner and scholar are.
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