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Will the expansion be geared towards end-game players?Follow

#1 Aug 13 2014 at 5:59 PM Rating: Default
94 posts
Or will it be something that can be experienced in the lower/mid levels? Or have they even said anything in regards to this yet? I haven't really been keeping up with the game.
#2 Aug 13 2014 at 6:10 PM Rating: Decent
3,825 posts
I'd guess that it would be a mix considering at least one new Job
#3 Aug 13 2014 at 6:10 PM Rating: Decent
3,825 posts
sorry, double post

Edited, Aug 14th 2014 12:10am by Perrin
#4 Aug 13 2014 at 6:14 PM Rating: Excellent
5,729 posts
There hasn't been any info yet so no one knows anything at all really. Just guesses.

If I had to guess though I'd guess that most of the expansion content will be for level 50+. The path to 50 is pretty much fixed at this point and I can't see SE adding entirely new 1-50 zones and stories just for any new classes they might add. There will probably be new features and classes and minigames and stuff that pre-50 players can take part in, but most, if not all the new zones and dungeons will probably be level 50 and above.

Edited, Aug 13th 2014 7:14pm by Karlina
75 Rabbit/75 Sheep/75 Coeurl/75 Eft/75 Raptor/75 Hippogryph/75 Puk
75 Scorpion/75 Wamoura/75 Pixie/75 Peiste/64 Sabotender
51 Bird/41 Mandragora/40 Bee/37 Crawler/37 Bat

Items no one cares about: O
Missions no one cares about: O
Crafts no one cares about: O
#5 Aug 13 2014 at 7:34 PM Rating: Decent
3,825 posts
Karlina, there'd have to be enough substance to level at least 2 jobs to 50 to not **** people off, I'd GUESS there'd be enough low/mid level content to get 2.5 jobs to 50 even if most of the content is based on giving max level people stuff to do. Just a guess though.
#6 Aug 13 2014 at 8:22 PM Rating: Decent
12,820 posts
Considering Yoshida's design philosphy is designing this game around players who don't and/or have yet to play the game, expect it to be more towards people just joining the game since you can hit 50/55 or w/e new cap will be pretty quickly.

#7 Aug 15 2014 at 10:40 AM Rating: Good
11,159 posts
Karlina wrote:
There hasn't been any info yet so no one knows anything at all really. Just guesses.

If I had to guess though I'd guess that most of the expansion content will be for level 50+. The path to 50 is pretty much fixed at this point and I can't see SE adding entirely new 1-50 zones and stories just for any new classes they might add. There will probably be new features and classes and minigames and stuff that pre-50 players can take part in, but most, if not all the new zones and dungeons will probably be level 50 and above.

Pretty much this. Aside from job quests, the most lowbies should hope for are new FATEs, maybe a dungeon or two unrelated to the main story, and repeatable quests added to hubs. Wasting so much dev time on things people are just going to breeze past really isn't the best use of resources when you've got so many grumbling about the staleness of endgame, be they a raid logger or someone who wants some legit open world endgame and not just Hunts in their poorly thought out implementation.
Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
#8 Aug 15 2014 at 11:41 AM Rating: Excellent
There will probably be some quests that lower levels can do - quests to explore, to meet the new NPCs, etc. And of course your map achievement.

Following the patterns they used in FFXI, the bulk of the new content will be geared toward those at maximum level, or approaching it. Now, if they raise the level cap to 60, then the bulk of that content will be between the 50-60 range.
#9 Aug 15 2014 at 12:33 PM Rating: Good
1,310 posts
I think if they're going to add several new classes to the game, it would make sense to have some new way to level them that doesn't involve quests, FATEs, or dungeons. I'm sure it would be content that those who are old and new to the game would appreciate.
#10 Aug 15 2014 at 2:03 PM Rating: Good
I wouldn't be too sure about that. With XI, even when they added new jobs AND new areas in each expansion, the new areas were not suitable for Level 1s. You still had to go to your city's previous noobie area for each new job you started.

We already have a wide variety of options for leveling. They might include some new level capped dungeons in new areas, but for the upcoming Rogue/Ninja set, you'll still be starting out in Limsa.
#11 Aug 15 2014 at 3:45 PM Rating: Excellent
1,310 posts
Catwho wrote:
I wouldn't be too sure about that. With XI, even when they added new jobs AND new areas in each expansion, the new areas were not suitable for Level 1s. You still had to go to your city's previous noobie area for each new job you started.

We already have a wide variety of options for leveling. They might include some new level capped dungeons in new areas, but for the upcoming Rogue/Ninja set, you'll still be starting out in Limsa.

RoZ and CoP both had low level areas added. Even ToAU had level 60 areas which was pretty much the halfway point to 75 in terms of effort. I attended plenty of low level XP parties in and around the regions of WotG. Heck, even in the case of Abyssea, you could leech xp on a low level job if you were clever enough, and there was always Grounds of Valor to powerlevel with if you weren't. I don't know what they've done since then, but I think there has always been some deference to adding something for low level experience for the first several years of the game.
#12 Aug 15 2014 at 4:26 PM Rating: Good
5,729 posts
FFXI is a VERY different game though. It didn't have the same endgame exclusive focus that FFXIV does. In FFXI it could take years to get to max level and people actually spent a lot of time at the lower-middle levels.

You'd be better off looking at other modern MMOs. Look at WoW for example. Aside from the notable exception of Cataclysm, the only low level zones added in expansions were 1-20 starter zones for the new classes. Everything else is based around the new level cap. It's a waste of time adding a lot of low level content to a game that's designed around getting to the level cap ASAP.

Edit: Spelling

Edited, Aug 15th 2014 6:26pm by Karlina
75 Rabbit/75 Sheep/75 Coeurl/75 Eft/75 Raptor/75 Hippogryph/75 Puk
75 Scorpion/75 Wamoura/75 Pixie/75 Peiste/64 Sabotender
51 Bird/41 Mandragora/40 Bee/37 Crawler/37 Bat

Items no one cares about: O
Missions no one cares about: O
Crafts no one cares about: O
#13 Aug 15 2014 at 4:45 PM Rating: Excellent
1,310 posts
Karlina wrote:
FFXI is a VERY different game though. It didn't have the same endgame exclusive focus that FFXIV does. In FFXI it could take years to get to make level and people actually spent a lot of time at the lower-middle levels.

You'd be better off looking at other modern MMOs. Look at WoW for example. Aside from the notable exception of Cataclysm, the only low level zones added in expansions were 1-20 starter zones for the new classes. Everything else is based around the new level cap. It's a waste of time adding a lot of low level content to a game that's designed around getting to the level cap ASAP.

I agree there shouldn't be too much focus, but if they'll be adding classes or even if they don't, pretty much everyone would appreciate a new variation on leveling up that wasn't there before since I think most people will want to go back to leveling several classes, if just for cross-class ability reasons (which is something a game like WoW doesn't really have to worry about).
#14 Aug 16 2014 at 3:48 AM Rating: Good
4,175 posts
Karlina wrote:
FFXI is a VERY different game though. It didn't have the same endgame exclusive focus that FFXIV does. In FFXI it could take years to get to max level and people actually spent a lot of time at the lower-middle levels.

XI also had a lot of other things you could do to keep busy in the lower and mid-range(not that leveling alone wouldn't keep you busy, but yeah...). XIV has a distinct lack of that. If they don't continually add depth to the early and mid game, the game will suffer.

XIV's bright spot is that the job system could allow for what would amount to a massive amount of content for some. The problem is that they need to motivate players to participate. It doesn't have to be all about endgame. XI managed to continually grow it's playerbase over it's first 4-5 years. This despite many of those players taking as much as half that time(or more in some cases) just reaching the level cap and experiencing very little endgame.

It's not uncommon to hear someone talk about how they played FFXI for a few years and learn that they only had 1 or 2 jobs and subjobs capped. I personally know several people who played for the better part of a decade but never broke a timeless hourglass, never set foot in sky or even so much as tossed a pebble at a Behemoth.

XIV doesn't have enough content that you could come back in 2016 and find someone who played since launch that doesn't have several capped jobs, several capped professions and wasn't clearing up through at least the previous content patch progression.

Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#15 Aug 16 2014 at 3:58 AM Rating: Default
FilthMcNasty wrote:
Karlina wrote:
FFXI is a VERY different game though. It didn't have the same endgame exclusive focus that FFXIV does. In FFXI it could take years to get to max level and people actually spent a lot of time at the lower-middle levels.

XI also had a lot of other things you could do to keep busy in the lower and mid-range(not that leveling alone wouldn't keep you busy, but yeah...).

Care to provide a list? I have a hunch it'll include stuff like "Garrison" and "Expeditionary force" which always makes me laugh out loud.
#16 Aug 16 2014 at 12:55 PM Rating: Good
6,899 posts
BCNMs, KSNMs, country missions, CoP/Zilart/etc missions, Fields/Grounds of Valor, Abyssea once you hit 30, Records of Eminence, Meeble Burrows, Beseiged...

I'd say that's a fair amount of content they've added over the years that isn't solely devoted to endgame. Hopefully XIV will increase the lower level options as well, because I agree that once you've levelled one job through a city the quests for 1-30 are gone and leveling another job there is much more tedious. I'm sure they'll add stuff at some point, but I'm guessing we won't see much until the expansion... maybe a bit when rogue/ninja come out.

Edited, Aug 16th 2014 2:57pm by BartelX
#17 Aug 16 2014 at 3:30 PM Rating: Excellent
Xoie wrote:
Catwho wrote:
I wouldn't be too sure about that. With XI, even when they added new jobs AND new areas in each expansion, the new areas were not suitable for Level 1s. You still had to go to your city's previous noobie area for each new job you started.

We already have a wide variety of options for leveling. They might include some new level capped dungeons in new areas, but for the upcoming Rogue/Ninja set, you'll still be starting out in Limsa.

RoZ and CoP both had low level areas added. Even ToAU had level 60 areas which was pretty much the halfway point to 75 in terms of effort. I attended plenty of low level XP parties in and around the regions of WotG. Heck, even in the case of Abyssea, you could leech xp on a low level job if you were clever enough, and there was always Grounds of Valor to powerlevel with if you weren't. I don't know what they've done since then, but I think there has always been some deference to adding something for low level experience for the first several years of the game.

Both added areas that were really only good for leveling starting at 20+ - they did not have their own baby level areas.
#18 Aug 17 2014 at 1:59 AM Rating: Default
BartelX wrote:
BCNMs, KSNMs, country missions, CoP/Zilart/etc missions, Fields/Grounds of Valor, Abyssea once you hit 30, Records of Eminence, Meeble Burrows, Beseiged...

I'd say that's a fair amount of content they've added over the years that isn't solely devoted to endgame. Hopefully XIV will increase the lower level options as well, because I agree that once you've levelled one job through a city the quests for 1-30 are gone and leveling another job there is much more tedious. I'm sure they'll add stuff at some point, but I'm guessing we won't see much until the expansion... maybe a bit when rogue/ninja come out.

Stretch that content in 10 years and realize what a drought it has been in reality.

Give ARR 10 years and I bet you it'll have triple the amount of low-midlevel stuff to do outside grinding for money and exp than XI ever had.

Sorry for the reality check, everyone. XI was never better than ARR in this regard. Denial away!

Edited, Aug 17th 2014 8:01am by Hyanmen
#19 Aug 17 2014 at 2:29 AM Rating: Good
4,175 posts
Hyanmen wrote:
FilthMcNasty wrote:
Karlina wrote:
FFXI is a VERY different game though. It didn't have the same endgame exclusive focus that FFXIV does. In FFXI it could take years to get to max level and people actually spent a lot of time at the lower-middle levels.

XI also had a lot of other things you could do to keep busy in the lower and mid-range(not that leveling alone wouldn't keep you busy, but yeah...).

Care to provide a list? I have a hunch it'll include stuff like "Garrison" and "Expeditionary force" which always makes me laugh out loud.

I'm not sure why you'd laugh. If you weren't at the level cap and participating in endgame content, you had any of more than a score of things you could do(solo and/or group related). Farming, crafting, BCNM, garrison, eco-warrior, escort quest, side quests, missions, NM camping, campaign, assaults, popping coffers for maps, popping treasure chests for spoils and mats, fishing, collecting AF, unlocking outposts, ect. ect.

Hyanmen wrote:
Stretch that content in 10 years and realize what a drought it has been in reality.

Give ARR 10 years and I bet you it'll have triple the amount of low-midlevel stuff to do outside grinding for money and exp than XI ever had.

10 years? I went back through my list and struck the items that weren't available within the timeframe we've had since FFXIV launched. It was still quite a lot more to do.

There is a difference between 'there is nothing to do' and 'there is nothing that I enjoy doing'...
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#20 Aug 17 2014 at 2:30 AM Rating: Decent
1,339 posts
BartelX wrote:
BCNMs, KSNMs, country missions, CoP/Zilart/etc missions, Fields/Grounds of Valor, Abyssea once you hit 30, Records of Eminence, Meeble Burrows, Beseiged...

I'd say that's a fair amount of content they've added over the years that isn't solely devoted to endgame. Hopefully XIV will increase the lower level options as well, because I agree that once you've levelled one job through a city the quests for 1-30 are gone and leveling another job there is much more tedious. I'm sure they'll add stuff at some point, but I'm guessing we won't see much until the expansion... maybe a bit when rogue/ninja come out.

Edited, Aug 16th 2014 2:57pm by BartelX


Beseiged you can *MAYBE* make a claim due to the same fact of Campaign -- you could participate, but you rare got anything worth the time invested.

Records of Eminence *IS* kinda devoted to endgame; you're able to purchase weapons, yes, while leveling but 90% of what you buy relates to max level gear.

Abyssea? Being able to leech at level 30 doesn't mean you're actually, in any way, productive outside of being able to open boxes. It was designed to give people new areas to level at (*GASP*) endgame and a new (*GASP*) endgame stomping ground.

Meeble Burrows? What part of an event that was designed for level 99 players pre-Adoulin wasn't endgame only?

FoV/GoV/Missions/BCNM aren't really pertinent to either side.... except that they stopped adding in low ones and only added in high level ones now. Hmm..... I wonder why?


I find it hilariously hypocritical that people complain about needing to level so many jobs on the same content in FFXIV... yet had no qualms about the fact that until ToAU (50/55+) and WotG (40-45) you... didn't change your level areas. Yeah, I agree I'd like other options but it's hardly like it's any real different than any other MMO (Rift/WoW/SWTOR/etc. may have a few other areas to try but you still follow the exact same path) and to try to herald FFXI as something that gave you something new to do in low levels with each expansion is a fallacy.

Xoie wrote:
RoZ and CoP both had low level areas added. Even ToAU had level 60 areas which was pretty much the halfway point to 75 in terms of effort. I attended plenty of low level XP parties in and around the regions of WotG. Heck, even in the case of Abyssea, you could leech xp on a low level job if you were clever enough, and there was always Grounds of Valor to powerlevel with if you weren't. I don't know what they've done since then, but I think there has always been some deference to adding something for low level experience for the first several years of the game.

CoP added nothing but gated zones no one bothered with due to terrible monster density and choice. A few people tried to push Rams and Rocs as merit fodder when Lufaise Meadows/Miseraux Coast were opened but it wasn't worth it. Carpenter's Landing? Attohwa Chasm? If it wasn't Sea, or a level capped area with terrible monsters for EXP (Fomor/Undead/Minotaurs), or a gated area that no one bothered to EXP in.
#21 Aug 17 2014 at 2:38 AM Rating: Default
FilthMcNasty wrote:
Hyanmen wrote:
FilthMcNasty wrote:
Karlina wrote:
FFXI is a VERY different game though. It didn't have the same endgame exclusive focus that FFXIV does. In FFXI it could take years to get to max level and people actually spent a lot of time at the lower-middle levels.

XI also had a lot of other things you could do to keep busy in the lower and mid-range(not that leveling alone wouldn't keep you busy, but yeah...).

Care to provide a list? I have a hunch it'll include stuff like "Garrison" and "Expeditionary force" which always makes me laugh out loud.

I'm not sure why you'd laugh. If you weren't at the level cap and participating in endgame content, you had any of more than a score of things you could do(solo and/or group related). Farming, crafting, BCNM, garrison, eco-warrior, escort quest, side quests, missions, NM camping, campaign, assaults, popping coffers for maps, popping treasure chests for spoils and mats, fishing, collecting AF, unlocking outposts, ect. ect.

I'm not sure why you didn't include Expeditionary Force there. Maybe because, while some could claim said content existed within the game, nobody did it and SE had no intentions of making it popular. If a content is implemented and nobody is there to play it, is it content at all? At least Eco-Warrior and Garrison gets a pass because at some point, somebody was doing them for a while before both events went into extinction. Which is funny because XI is supposed to be the game that makes its content last longer, amirite?

I am also amused by you listing all the grinding options as "stuff to do" while in ARR grinding seems to not qualify as low-midgame content. I should've mentioned that in my original post because it always comes up yet never fails to amuse.

Brb, I need to unlock some aetherytes in ARR. Oh wait, that probably doesn't qualify as "stuff to do" because unlocking outposts was so much more different, meaningful, personal, fun, etc etc.

FFXI posts are always such a train wreck indeed. The denial that follows adds a nice flavor to it though.

Edited, Aug 17th 2014 8:40am by Hyanmen
#22 Aug 17 2014 at 8:03 AM Rating: Excellent
Funny thing about a lot of those events you're talking about. My old XI group recently had a returnee who lost his character and had to start over from scratch. He's been burning through content for MONTHS. He hit 99 in the first month easy enough, but it's been a game of constant catch up. Even gearing him up suitably, he's still having a lot of problems with the Adoulin endgame because the mobs are turned with such insanely high evasion and he leveled DRK.

XI's limiting factor is still the fact that you have to skill up your weapon. For those of us who were 75 and had capped our weapons or gotten close it wasn't too huge a deal.

All the other aforementioned content, though, is no problem, since he's already hit the 75 cap on accuracy and his gear is making the difference there. Assaults? Zilart and CoP missions? No problems.

The biggest design flaw in Campaign was that it didn't give skill ups. We [s]*********** complained about that for years. You do get skillups in Besieged, but only to a little over 75 cap. What saved those of us who went to 99 in Abyssea was the big leveling parties, which would take mobs to level 90 in the three Heroes expansions (notably doll parties out by flux 8 in Abysssea - Altepa.)

Skilling up from level 0 still takes a lot of time in FFXI. XIV really has no equivalent timesink.

Edit:Dumb filter!

Edited, Aug 17th 2014 10:04am by Catwho
#23 Aug 17 2014 at 7:50 PM Rating: Excellent
1,310 posts
Viertel wrote:
CoP added nothing but gated zones no one bothered with due to terrible monster density and choice. A few people tried to push Rams and Rocs as merit fodder when Lufaise Meadows/Miseraux Coast were opened but it wasn't worth it. Carpenter's Landing? Attohwa Chasm? If it wasn't Sea, or a level capped area with terrible monsters for EXP (Fomor/Undead/Minotaurs), or a gated area that no one bothered to EXP in.

You were missing out then! Bibiki Bay was very popular for low, mid, and high levels, especially if you took a trip to the island to XP off mandies which I did as much as I could. Yhoater was always overcrowded, but the island was usually deserted, so it was well worth the trip. I also remember healing a 5 rng/nin party (back before they were nerfed to death) taking down dhalmels out there too. XP just screamed along the moment they used their berserk move. Smiley: lol And Uleguerand was about the only way I could level summoner. Soloing self-destructing snolls was absolutely great for that.

But I went to XP parties in all those open CoP areas at some point or another. Even if you didn't think it was worth it, I experienced some very creative sources of XP if you knew where to look for it.
#24 Aug 18 2014 at 2:50 AM Rating: Good
4,175 posts
Viertel wrote:
Records of Eminence *IS* kinda devoted to endgame; you're able to purchase weapons, yes, while leveling but 90% of what you buy relates to max level gear.

Your math fails.

Fact: There are 248 weapons available for purchase with sparks prior to hitting level 99. The reason it's limited to weapons is that you can purchase armor from vendors. There are a total of 57 items you can purchase at level 99 and this includes armor. The truth is that almost 80% of the things you can use sparks to buy are intended for players BELOW level 99.

Myth busted.

Hyanmen wrote:
I'm not sure why you didn't include Expeditionary Force there. Maybe because, while some could claim said content existed within the game, nobody did it and SE had no intentions of making it popular. If a content is implemented and nobody is there to play it, is it content at all? At least Eco-Warrior and Garrison gets a pass because at some point, somebody was doing them for a while before both events went into extinction. Which is funny because XI is supposed to be the game that makes its content last longer, amirite?

EF kinda went hand in hand with outposts, another thing that was mentioned, so I figured why mention it twice. Also because you never participated so there's no point in arguing with you since you wouldn't know what you're talking about anyway Smiley: wink

Catwho wrote:
XI's limiting factor is still the fact that you have to skill up your weapon. For those of us who were 75 and had capped our weapons or gotten close it wasn't too huge a deal.

Soloing to cap you can get pretty damn close, but since you're helping I'll just assume that he or she is book/aby burned. The key to skilling up fast is sparks. Capped sparks gets you 250 skill up tomes that grant up to 0.5 skillups. Even the filthiest of casuals should be able to cap ALL of their job's relevant combat skills in a few weeks if assisted Smiley: nod

Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#25 Aug 18 2014 at 7:51 AM Rating: Excellent
6,899 posts
Viertel wrote:
Abyssea? Being able to leech at level 30 doesn't mean you're actually, in any way, productive outside of being able to open boxes. It was designed to give people new areas to level at (*GASP*) endgame and a new (*GASP*) endgame stomping ground.

You do realize that there's more to Abyssea than just endgame or level grinding, correct? Abyssea was an excellent source of skillups, soloing/duoing at different level ranges, gathering cruor for gear at different level ranges, etc etc. Yes it had a good amount of endgame content, but I was doing stuff in there for pretty much all level ranges that didn't just consist of opening boxes.

Viertel wrote:
Meeble Burrows? What part of an event that was designed for level 99 players pre-Adoulin wasn't endgame only?
The part where there is no level restriction, and the fact that the easier expeditions in each area can be done by players FAR lower than level 99. Sorry, not endgame only.

Viertel wrote:
FoV/GoV/Missions/BCNM aren't really pertinent to either side.... except that they stopped adding in low ones and only added in high level ones now. Hmm..... I wonder why?
Seeing as how FoV/GoV were initially incorporated as means to level more efficiently, I'd have to say that it's NOT endgame content. And how exactly are missions (which were capped for almost all fights) and BCNMs which were capped for almost all fights not considered part of the leveling process or something to do pre-endgame?

Your logic seems pretty flawed.

Viertel wrote:
I find it hilariously hypocritical that people complain about needing to level so many jobs on the same content in FFXIV... yet had no qualms about the fact that until ToAU (50/55+) and WotG (40-45) you... didn't change your level areas. Yeah, I agree I'd like other options but it's hardly like it's any real different than any other MMO (Rift/WoW/SWTOR/etc. may have a few other areas to try but you still follow the exact same path) and to try to herald FFXI as something that gave you something new to do in low levels with each expansion is a fallacy.

Well, I for one never claimed anything about FFXI not leveling up the same way. I simply stated that there are many other things to do that have been added that aren't strictly related to endgame. I'm not sure how you got from there to the assumptions you're making, but I can assure you that you're way off base in my case. Argue all you want about it, it really doesn't change what was available.

My hope is that FFXIV continues to add content to lower-mid levels as well, and that's really all I was ever trying to point out.

Edited, Aug 18th 2014 10:37am by BartelX
#26 Aug 18 2014 at 8:22 AM Rating: Excellent
Some of the Meeble Burrows things involved 0 combat as well - they were puzzles or races.

Legion, on the other hand, was added around the same time as Meeble Burrows, and even a well geared party of 99s still has trouble with the very end bosses there today (since it was made for an alliance.) Heck, I think some of the Delve bosses are easier.
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