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The "I wish I were recording" MomentFollow

#1 Aug 13 2014 at 12:02 PM Rating: Excellent
3,441 posts
So, I Q'd up on my new CNJ for Duty Roulette. My CNJ is only 21 on this character (well now almost 23 lol).

I got Tam-Tara, with a new GLA (but seemed to be a veteran, he knew how to mark), a DRG and a Pugilist, both were Level Sync'd.

About halfway into the Dungeon (just after the 2nd Orb), the Tank gets annoyed at the Pugilist for not obeying the Marks, saying things like "he can't read". I tell the Tank "It's fine, I'm having fun!" (because healing is so BORING in those earlier levels).

Well, suddenly, the tank just starts standing there doing nothing when the pugilist runs on ahead and pulls for him.

We continue through, me throwing out heals like crazy; the tanking is done by a combination of me and the pugilist, with the DRG occasionally pulling hate. We go clear up to the last boss, no deaths, and I'm thinking "We surely aren't going to do this with no tank, are we?"

Sure enough, the tank just stands off to the side doing nothing and the Pugilist pulls. It was crazy when the adds popped, I got interrupted a couple times, but we actually did kill the boss and nobody died at all! The Tank even blew the Limit Break in some low-damage situation to make sure we couldn't use the Limit to help the fight go faster, and we still succeeded.

In the end, the tank left without saying a word to anybody, and I made sure to thank the Pugilist for such a crazy fun run. The tank was probably thinking "I'll show them, I'll let them die." .... joke's on him, we didn't even need him. We had several close calls, but it taught me a lot about how to heal better, and now I'm more comfortable with healing in XIV, as low-level dungeons just aren't all that hard when the tank does his job properly.

I wish I had recording software running or something, lol. That'd make for some good Youtube to show my friends... but sadly I wasn't recording; I don't have the equipment for it.
#2 Aug 13 2014 at 12:30 PM Rating: Good
6,899 posts
Wow, I'm surprised no one called for a Vote Kick on him. Sounds like he was just being a princess. I always made it my job as a tank to have hate on every mob regardless of which the DPS were targeting. It's like a game to make sure they all stay red. It also helps you understand the hate threshold line a lot better. Great story though, and yeah, a good healer can cover up for a LOT at low levels.
#3 Aug 13 2014 at 12:31 PM Rating: Excellent
1,310 posts
Those low-level dungeons don't really need a tank. Once people realize you don't really need a tank, a lot of people just do their own thing. That said, people really shouldn't disrespect the tank like that. They need the practice as much as anyone and they'll be expected to take charge someday. As a healer, you still have some pull, I'm not sure you could win without a healer, so you could insist that the tank leads.

Something that amazed me the other day was running through AK without a healer because ours disconnected right from the start. Everything died well before the tank would have without any healing, even the bosses. That certainly wasn't possible a year ago. Smiley: lol
#4 Aug 13 2014 at 1:26 PM Rating: Excellent
2,550 posts
I learned a long time ago running tank in dungeons that about half the dps pay attention to marks. Once the first aoe enmity generation skill becomes available, spam it, and anything that will give you the ability to spam it more. Then you dont have to worry about it. And if you lose hate on one, provoke and shield lob / tomahawk, and then focus enmity that one. Just have to learn to adapt to the strategy of the dps, since I find that I can either set up protest, or just follow the will of the group in most situations. Usually helps speed the process.

With that said, I would have vote kicked the princess tank. The only true shame is that he got credit for the win.
#5 Aug 13 2014 at 1:59 PM Rating: Good
3,441 posts
BartelX wrote:
Wow, I'm surprised no one called for a Vote Kick on him. Sounds like he was just being a princess. I always made it my job as a tank to have hate on every mob regardless of which the DPS were targeting. It's like a game to make sure they all stay red. It also helps you understand the hate threshold line a lot better. Great story though, and yeah, a good healer can cover up for a LOT at low levels.

Well I dunno if I'd call myself a "good" healer (I'm somewhat inexperienced, my other character's CNJ is only like 25-28 or something like that, and this one is 23). I was surprised I managed to keep everybody up and not end up getting killed lol. It was a good test and learning experience, though. A bit hectic, but I'm just glad I managed to do it, because I bet if someone were to have died or we wiped or something, the tank woulda been "haha told you so" or some-crap.

As far as kicking the princess tank, the only problem with that, is if we had done that then we wouldn't have been able to show him that we didn't need him afterall, lol. He woulda assumed we got a new tank to fill the role or that we died on the last boss or something.

Edited, Aug 13th 2014 4:06pm by Lyrailis
#6 Aug 13 2014 at 4:44 PM Rating: Excellent
Keeper of the Shroud
13,632 posts
Honestly, I can tank fairly well on my DRG for short periods of time. I can't replace a real tank, but if one goes down I can take their place for a minute or two. Between Keen Flurry, Foresight, Second Wind, Life Surge, and Bloodbath, plus two separate stun moves and a the ability to inflict slow, DRG is surprisingly least until you blow all of your cool downs, at which point you die fairly quickly.
#7 Aug 13 2014 at 4:56 PM Rating: Decent
12,820 posts
Nothing exciting yet from ARR, but from 1.x I wish I was recording the Moogle run where we all wiped except for me (on DRG) and a BRD and we started kiting all of the moogles while tossing out raise potions and the whms recovering the rest of the party while we continued to kite and finish off the fight.

In ARR though, I always wish I record when I end up in a primal ex party with nothing but DRGs..:3

#8 Aug 13 2014 at 5:27 PM Rating: Excellent
Those low-level dungeons don't really need a tank. Once people realize you don't really need a tank, a lot of people just do their own thing. That said, people really shouldn't disrespect the tank like that. They need the practice as much as anyone and they'll be expected to take charge someday. As a healer, you still have some pull, I'm not sure you could win without a healer, so you could insist that the tank leads.

I agree with this. Tanks already have it hard, because we're so used to being blamed for things that often aren't our fault. Then you have these disrespectful DPS players who just totally ignore the tank's desire to do things right... I don't blame that tank for being ****

That said, I never mark mobs anymore anyway, so DPS in my parties can hit whatever the **** they want. My only requirement is they absolutely leave the pulling to me.

EDIT: LOL at the words that get censored. I wasn't even saying anything that bad, but now this reads like I'm a drunken sailor.

Edited, Aug 13th 2014 4:28pm by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#9 Aug 13 2014 at 5:44 PM Rating: Excellent
1,079 posts
Just for future reference - That is considered a grief tactic by SE and that tank can potentially get hit with a banhammer if he was reported, as it's against the ToS.

But good job! Those low level dungeons can be done with some pretty funny setups. My FC has done an all healer party or an all DPS party. It can be quite amusing, you should try it out!
Articus Vladmir
#10 Aug 13 2014 at 6:25 PM Rating: Good
3,441 posts
Thayos wrote:
Those low-level dungeons don't really need a tank. Once people realize you don't really need a tank, a lot of people just do their own thing. That said, people really shouldn't disrespect the tank like that. They need the practice as much as anyone and they'll be expected to take charge someday. As a healer, you still have some pull, I'm not sure you could win without a healer, so you could insist that the tank leads.

I agree with this. Tanks already have it hard, because we're so used to being blamed for things that often aren't our fault. Then you have these disrespectful DPS players who just totally ignore the tank's desire to do things right... I don't blame that tank for being ****

That said, I never mark mobs anymore anyway, so DPS in my parties can hit whatever the **** they want. My only requirement is they absolutely leave the pulling to me.

EDIT: LOL at the words that get censored. I wasn't even saying anything that bad, but now this reads like I'm a drunken sailor.

Edited, Aug 13th 2014 4:28pm by Thayos

I understand not liking DPS who won't respect the tanks, but that doesn't excuse the tank for just standing there and doing nothing.

When I'm tanking myself, if a DPS absolutely insists on attacking the wrong mob, then I'll simply let him tank it until he dies the first time, then I'll politely tell him that's what happens when he attacks the wrong mob, because I can't be wasting resources trying to keep that mob under control when I have to worry about the healer and the other DPS who are actually doing their jobs right, more.

I won't just stand there and do nothing, though. That's just ridiculous. I'll put a reasonable effort to tank all the mobs, but if someone wants to play hotshot, hey fine. Hopefully he can handle it, and if we wipe because the healer lets me die because he's spamming cures on the hotshot, well... it ain't my fault.
#11 Aug 13 2014 at 7:16 PM Rating: Excellent
1,310 posts
Lyrailis wrote:
When I'm tanking myself, if a DPS absolutely insists on attacking the wrong mob, then I'll simply let him tank it until he dies the first time, then I'll politely tell him that's what happens when he attacks the wrong mob, because I can't be wasting resources trying to keep that mob under control when I have to worry about the healer and the other DPS who are actually doing their jobs right, more.

I won't just stand there and do nothing, though. That's just ridiculous. I'll put a reasonable effort to tank all the mobs, but if someone wants to play hotshot, hey fine. Hopefully he can handle it, and if we wipe because the healer lets me die because he's spamming cures on the hotshot, well... it ain't my fault.

I think what's frustrating about DPS pulling their own mobs is that the healer can end up tanking. So even if that archer will be fine holding their one mob, the other two will finish off the healer at the first cure.

So as a tank, I can't let the healer get beat up for some DPS's idiocy. It's against the tank code!

In situations where I was faced with this, I used to complain, but I've just kind of given up on setting things straight since it's a waste of time (seriously, they'll just cop an attitude about it, vote to kick you, and that's it). So, I'd just take it as a challenge to hold hate under really tough conditions, which can be fun in itself.

I still think that the DPS shouldn't be pulling in the first place, though, especially if the tank is taking pains to do a proper job. It would be one thing if the tank didn't care at all about holding hate or wearing proper tanking gear, but that didn't seem to be the case here. Refusing to do anything wasn't the right reaction, though. If they were that miserable they should have left, waited 15 minutes, and re-queued.
#12 Aug 13 2014 at 7:51 PM Rating: Good
3,441 posts
I think what's frustrating about DPS pulling their own mobs is that the healer can end up tanking. So even if that archer will be fine holding their one mob, the other two will finish off the healer at the first cure.

So as a tank, I can't let the healer get beat up for some DPS's idiocy. It's against the tank code!

I agree wholeheartedly; if I'm the tank in that situation, I don't let anything beat on the healer at all if I can possibly help it. The healer gets saved first, and then the DPS afterwards, the one who's pulling/attacking the wrong mobs gets saved last.

Refusing to do anything wasn't the right reaction, though. If they were that miserable they should have left, waited 15 minutes, and re-queued.

The tank was wearing the proper gear and he was doing an OK job (not perfect, but certainly not bad)... he made a couple grumbles about "someone can't read." and after a challenging pull, I said "that was fun!" (I was being serious) and he goes "ya because (pugilist's name) can't read" and I said "I was being serious" and he said "so was I". That's about the point the Pugilist just started running ahead and pulling and the tank stopped doing anything right afterwards.

The Tank, instead, could have said "Name, please attack the mob marked with the 1 first. It helps me do my job better." Or something to that effect. Now, if the pugilist would have refused to comply, ask again. If they still refuse, then just let the mobs beat on him and concentrate on holding hate on the rest of the mobs.
#13 Aug 14 2014 at 7:13 PM Rating: Excellent
1,330 posts
I'm kind of torn, reading that situation.

On one hand, the PGL is being a little bit of a prima donna himself for not wanting to follow marks and pulling on his own. He knows (or should know) that they don't need the tank for the run but he's still not cooperating anyway.

On the other hand, the GLA's (lack of) actions really kills any sympathy for him. Not only is he a spoiled brat trying to take his ball and go home, he's an idiot too. He should have increased the number of enemies being pulled at the same time, since he wanted to mark. After all, if the healer is bored, humor the healer. It doesn't cost him any more TP/MP to hold aggro on all of them and Lyrailis would have to focus more healing on him, meaning no spare heals for overzealous DPS without running out of MP.

And on a more neutral observation, Tam-Tara can be one the most irritating of the three starter dungeons when you're starting out. I've run into the situation quite a few times still where the mob is there, but you can't target the mob. And it only seems to happen in Tam-Tara. Argh.
#14 Aug 15 2014 at 5:09 AM Rating: Good
4,511 posts
Had a few moments like that.

From everyone except for me dying halfway the fight in Dzemael Darkhold and i finished the ogre mid-boss by myself.

Up to the healer disconnecting in The Stone Vigil and me healing the last boss fight on BLM @_@;

I'm sure the "Hey, look at what i pulled off" things are nice once, but i wouldnt want to re-watch the stressy things again though.
#15 Aug 15 2014 at 6:43 AM Rating: Excellent
And it only seems to happen in Tam-Tara. Argh.

This has happened to me on BLM in Stone Vigil, too (both regular and HM.) I discovered it has to do with vertical placement in respect to the mob. You lose line of sight if you're too far off the base plane that the mob is. If you're on steps or an incline, try moving up or down. If you are anyone but the tank, you can also get a proper target on the mob by clicking on the tank and hoping that's the one he is currently fighting. If you're the tank, try moving further away and then closer again.
#16 Aug 15 2014 at 7:56 AM Rating: Good
1,732 posts
Last night in DL we got WP.. There were 3 of us over 100 i level and this tank who was new to the dungeon.. OMG was he stupid. He was more interested in loot drops and stuff. We are at the very first corner and he is standing at that chest, We are like hey we have to stay ahead of the giant tomberry and he continues to stand there. We are like you have to stay away for him and he cant be killed.. but the whole dungeon he stands next to the thing with no clue.. One of the guys early on goes we need to boot this tank. I am like he is new give him a chance but we should have . Seriously if this would have been capped at the level for that dungeon was designed for we would have wiped about 20 times.

Thing is we were so over geared we almost didn't need a tank anyway. Whats funny is this guy when he did tank he did well holding hate against us and was not a bad tank, the guy just had no clue and acted like he never had played before.
When we got done he is like how did I do,, You think my gear is good and start to ask us all kinds of questions even though the whole dungeon he never said a word to acknowledge he even understood our directions.. I mean this guy had to get through AV which to me is still a hard fight if people dont know it since it is level capped.

This is one case where I am sure if he was just that stupid or we were being semi trolled.

Edited, Aug 15th 2014 10:02am by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#17 Aug 16 2014 at 1:11 AM Rating: Excellent
1,330 posts
Catwho wrote:
And it only seems to happen in Tam-Tara. Argh.

This has happened to me on BLM in Stone Vigil, too (both regular and HM.) I discovered it has to do with vertical placement in respect to the mob. You lose line of sight if you're too far off the base plane that the mob is. If you're on steps or an incline, try moving up or down. If you are anyone but the tank, you can also get a proper target on the mob by clicking on the tank and hoping that's the one he is currently fighting. If you're the tank, try moving further away and then closer again.

I probably don't see it outside of Tam-Tara then because tanks I random into dungeons with most likely hate that effect too and learned to stay on level areas for pulls. Smiley: lol
#18 Aug 18 2014 at 9:49 AM Rating: Excellent
392 posts
The only time I mark is in te new dungeons, and only when there is a mob that HAS to die fast in a group. Example: the Mage in SV HM that tries to turn into a dragon. I always mark that one so the dps's and get them down and save the healer some unnecessary work.
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