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Weekly Goals and Accomplishments 8/8/2014 -8/15/2014Follow

#1 Aug 08 2014 at 6:52 AM Rating: Excellent
Happy Friday!

I hope your week has gone better than mine. I've been dealing with a lot of issues at work.... good thing XIV is fun (most of the time.)

So! What do I want to do?

1. Get Lancer and Pugilist to 15. They're the last of the classes I can't take in dungeons - they're both at 13 or so. I have so much resting bonus built up that I can do 4 leves and get a level, so it should go quickly.
2. Get enough hunt seals for another sand, maybe. I'd like to unweather my BLM hat.
3. Actually take a stab at turn 5 like I've been putting off for weeks.
4. Actually try Titan Ex again.

I'm iLvl 96 on my BLM and it's just a shame I have never managed to roll into a Titan Ex group that can clear.

Also! I've started a new chat-only linkshell on Lamia. I need to promote it some. I'm kind of wary about shouting, but I think that's the only way anything is going to happen.

We are the Grammarian Tea Party Smiley: smile
#2 Aug 08 2014 at 7:47 AM Rating: Excellent
I'm somewhat stalled on personal goals. I'll work on a Ramuh win for fun.

I'm going to focus on helping friends get wins they need. Tonight I have T6 scheduled with one buddy, will be PF for most of the party I'm sure. If we have the FC troops available we will pull together some T5 runs.

As a matter of fact, I could really use the T5 Allagan BRD Ring.
#3 Aug 08 2014 at 8:27 AM Rating: Excellent
2,550 posts
1. I am two piecs of jewelry (one weathered ring and the unweathered earrings) away from capping blm as far as I can take it without coil. I have 1200 seals, so i have the 500 needed for the oil, so on Tuesday I will get the earrings and unweather them. Then once I cap soldiery for the week I will be a measly 20 soldiery away from buying the ring. Guess its gonna take two weeks, but not very much effort. Just a forced wait.

2. So as of now I have 2 mysterious treasure maps in my possession. Once finishing those I am 12 alexandrite away from novus completion. Sort of exciting. Except I am at the part where if I want any more accuracy or determination on the curtana novus I need to slot in IV's at a pretty low chance, and I don't think I can pysically take the heart attacks involved by throwing a 400k materia into a 50/50 shot. So I'm gonna pump a few accuracy into it to match my animus and cap the rest out on parry, which is definitely more important to a paladin than crit. I should finally have this novus by the middle of next week, and assuming I do a fair bit of hunting over the weekend, maybe sooner. Then I can finally use my myth to get relics and zeniths for my off classes, and buy crafting junk to sell.

3. Try to upgrade a few more pieces of my tank's weathered noct gear when I have the extra seals.

4. I guess I should try to level whm higher than 36 but it is just so dang hard to get the motivation to play a job I really dont like at all under any circumstances, lol.

5. I should try to invite a bunch of my favorite peoples into kat's linkshell, and attach it to my hunt target macro to keep them informed. Still bummed about losing 1/3 of our FC because we were used as a stepping stool for an entire group of rl friends, but it happens. Maybe we can get this linkshell going and get a few folks to join that way. Especially ones that are really good, but their FCs have them way too low on the totem pole.

Edited, Aug 8th 2014 9:31am by Valkayree
#4 Aug 08 2014 at 9:05 AM Rating: Excellent
This week will be more of the usual. Cap tomes, get a Syrcus drop, do our Sunday FC map hunt, and farm Fragrant Logs.

I'm on a gilmaking bender at the moment. Ive got a new macro for 40 dura one-star items thats cranking me out tons of HQ Twinthread and Spruce Lumber. Between that and food I'm trying to net 100k a day after all expenditures, and its working pretty well so far. I need to uncork the Botanist though, I'm running low on a ton of cooking mats after the last couple days and my crystal supply is dwindling.

I about stabbed my Summoner's Horn through my own face last night in a fit of frustration. I was tired, not paying attention, and I blew up a Vanya Silk synth. Over 100k in mats, poof! I need to find a decent rotation for 2 star, 40 dura HQ that doesn't use any of the level 50 abilities besides Byregots and Careful Synth II, so I'll be experimenting there.

Probly take Armorer to 15 for Rapid Synth just to have it around.
#5 Aug 08 2014 at 9:28 AM Rating: Excellent
51 posts
I just beat Garuda story quest earlier this week. I hope to get the Garuda-Egi for my SMN. I hear lv.44-50 is pretty quick with the next dungeon, so maybe I can hit lv50. Then I want to hit lv26 with THM to get Swiftcast.

Hopefully I can at least hit 50.

#6 Aug 08 2014 at 2:26 PM Rating: Excellent
1,079 posts
Busy this up coming week so lets make it simple:

1. Get two sands.

2. Get BRD ST gear.

That's it. Keeping it simple.
Articus Vladmir
#7 Aug 08 2014 at 2:57 PM Rating: Excellent
Probably a busy weekend outside the game for me too, so likewise keeping it simple:

1) Cap soldiery and pick up seals with some epic hunt party sessions.
2) First run into Crystal Tower to clear the quest off my display.
3) Spend another week trying to get Atma of the Goat and failing.
4) If 3 doesn't discourage me from tasks that are never-ending failures, go for the Titantic Sawfish again.

#8 Aug 08 2014 at 4:04 PM Rating: Excellent
1,422 posts
Get my SCH relic, preferably without being a complete deadweight for the parties that are unfortunate enough to have me as one of their healers

That's about it, really
#9 Aug 09 2014 at 8:42 AM Rating: Excellent
21 posts
Now that I'm 50, I got a lot of fun stuff to work on. Working on my relic currently. I'm at the part where you have to buy a bottle of something for 225 myth. Don't know how far in that is, but I think it's coming along nicely so far. Working on main scenario quests too. Currently in 2.2 quests. Other than that, I will work on fishing a bit too probably. Currently 25 on that.
#10 Aug 10 2014 at 1:48 AM Rating: Excellent
115 posts
Going to keep my goals realistic for this week....

1. Spend my day off work in hunt parties. Want to get enough seals for at least 1 sand!

2. Cap soldiery (sort of a given, but it's relevant this week....)

3. Use the sand, soldiery and the UAT I got from CT2 last week to purchase and unweather a Liberator for my DRG.

4. Use the myth I get from Monday's hunting binge to buy as many maps as possible. If I have a good week, I should finish my Curtana and Holy Shield Novus combo this week!

5. Work on my DRG Animus book, currently on book 4 of 9.

6. Level SCH if time allows, doing it for fun as I only need Arcanist and archer to level 50, all my other DoW and DoM classes are 50 and at least ilvl 90 :)

Seems a lot, but if Monday goes well, that's essentially 1, 3 and 4 finished, and 2 will happen regardless.

Hope you all have a good week :D
#11 Aug 11 2014 at 8:00 AM Rating: Excellent
2,550 posts
Weekend Update

Valkayree wrote:
1. I am two piecs of jewelry (one weathered ring and the unweathered earrings) away from capping blm as far as I can take it without coil.

I have one oil all ready, I anticipate to get take ears from 90 to 110 on tuesday. Ring goes from 90 to 100 next week.

Valkayree wrote:
2. Once finishing those I am 12 alexandrite away from novus completion.

After much time and myths and pain and gil and help from Kat, Illsaide, Evebont, Jim, and others, I now have my Paladin novus sword and shield! I ended up putting something like 26 accuracy, 17 determination, and 10 parry. Works for me.

Valkayree wrote:
3. Try to upgrade a few more pieces of my tank's weathered noct gear when I have the extra seals.

All my soldiery gear is unweathered now. Just need to save enough seals to unweather the piece I get each week. Caught up feels nice.

Valkayree wrote:
4. I guess I should try to level whm higher than 36 but it is just so dang hard to get the motivation to play a job I really dont like at all under any circumstances, lol.

Failed, didn't touch whm.

Valkayree wrote:
5. I should try to invite a bunch of my favorite peoples into kat's linkshell, and attach it to my hunt target macro to keep them informed. Still bummed about losing 1/3 of our FC because we were used as a stepping stool for an entire group of rl friends, but it happens. Maybe we can get this linkshell going and get a few folks to join that way. Especially ones that are really good, but their FCs have them way too low on the totem pole.

Invited one dude. Good guy, but one guy.
#12 Aug 11 2014 at 8:59 AM Rating: Excellent
141 posts
So far, I managed to finish my first Atma book for my PLD weapon and picked up the second.

In doing trials and dungeons to get myth, I hit the soldiery cap. I think I've had about 100 or so soldiery hit the floor, unfortunately.

I ran Circus Circus Tower a few times. I managed to snag an UAT, so I'll need to save up my soldiery for two more weeks.

I did a mess of crafting and gathering. It was nice to finally clear out the number of items out of my inventory that had been otherwise gathering dust (boar hides are done, peiste skins are next).
#13 Aug 11 2014 at 10:19 AM Rating: Excellent
1,422 posts
RajiFarlander wrote:
Get my SCH relic, preferably without being a complete deadweight for the parties that are unfortunate enough to have me as one of their healers

Accomplished the former, as for the latter... well, I think I still have some (ok, a lot) of learning to do as far as healing 8-man groups goes (though admittedly, some of it was just plain People Don't Dodge)
#14 Aug 11 2014 at 11:34 AM Rating: Excellent
1. Get Lancer and Pugilist to 15. They're the last of the classes I can't take in dungeons - they're both at 13 or so. I have so much resting bonus built up that I can do 4 leves and get a level, so it should go quickly.
2. Get enough hunt seals for another sand, maybe. I'd like to unweather my BLM hat.
3. Actually take a stab at turn 5 like I've been putting off for weeks.
4. Actually try Titan Ex again.

1. YES DONE DONE DONE! All my battle classes are dungeon worthy now.
2. Just shy, didn't try hard enough on that. Did get my first S rank achievement.
3. lolnope, queue times were over an hour for DPS
4. Tried and failed several times. I did get to see more of the post heart phase than I've ever seen before, so I know I'm getting better. I've just got to hit the magic combo of 7 other people who are also good, and that we somehow don't make any mistakes for 10 minutes straight together. Wargh.
#15 Aug 11 2014 at 3:35 PM Rating: Excellent
2,550 posts
Catwho wrote:

4. Tried and failed several times. I did get to see more of the post heart phase than I've ever seen before, so I know I'm getting better. I've just got to hit the magic combo of 7 other people who are also good, and that we somehow don't make any mistakes for 10 minutes straight together. Wargh.

It is a mystical alignment that must occur for a pug titan ex win.
#16 Aug 12 2014 at 12:38 AM Rating: Excellent
115 posts
Sooo funny story...

Can't actually get my Liberator this week. Did the soldiery calculations wrong last week and I'm going to be 30 or so shy of what I need!

So instead I used the seals I got Monday to buy a sand and oil for PLD, i106 now, and I'm 7 Alex away from finishing the Novus too :)

So a success, but not the one I was hoping for!

Edit: Quote fail, removed.

Edited, Aug 12th 2014 2:39am by Velerophon
#17 Aug 13 2014 at 12:51 AM Rating: Excellent
4,511 posts
I got a massive crapload of things done this week. I have no idea how.

* I gathered up my 1500 myth to start my Novus, and i'm 3/75 into it already.

* I leveled my Scholar and Summoner to level 50, and geared both of them up in full i90 already. Got some Titan books for both by tanking the HM a few times for people.

* I got a new pair of i110 legs for my Paladin.

* I gathered up 500,000 company seals and got the pretty looking Maelstrom achievement shield, a cute tiny little buckler i glamoured in.

* Capped my Soldiery (but yeah, not much of an achievement these days anymore)

* Redid all the hard-mode dungeons to unlock Friend #1's Hardmode Roulette.

* Redid all the expert-mode dungeons to unlock Friend #2's Expert Roulette since she just returned to the game after a hiatus.

* Introduced Friend #2 to hunts and killed stuff for the better of 7-8 hours.

* Helped friend #1 get some Atma's done.

* Made 99 HQ Pineapple Juice in my downtime (yay for food that makes me go over 8k HP)

* Cleaned out my retainers of old and irrelevant (non-glamour) gear. I had a lot of i55, i60, i70 and i80 gear. I had to toss some of them out, but most of them i got to turn in for seals. Got close to a whopping 32k seals from all of them.

* Oh yes, and got an UAT.

And last but certainly most impressive, i managed to watch Sharknado 2 without turning it off. Believe me, it was the hardest thing i've ever done. The cringe-factor in it was atleast 4 times as high as the previous one.

Edited, Aug 13th 2014 10:50am by KojiroSoma
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