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How will SE address hunts in this coming maintenance?Follow

#202 Aug 18 2014 at 10:06 AM Rating: Good
1,732 posts
Well did some more hunting this weekend.. One S I go almost no credit for because you could not even see it and I was in a full party.
Too many early pulls too.. On our server there is a term for it called Gaf'ed, GAF is one of the largest if not the largest Fc on the server but it aint just them pulling early.
People pull early because otherwise too many people show and the mob disappears.
Never saw so much complaining in a game ever, even worse than atma...
Funny thing is I stumbled on a mark and I could not get anyone too even kill it mid day Sat.
But it is frustrating when you run all that way just to hear dead, it is extremely hard to even make a rank A...
Server congestion is the real problem, they are just allowing too many people on these servers.
It is nice the game is successful but they again need more server power both on world and off servers for dungeons. I am starting to lag all over again. Takes for ever to zone into Mor'Dhona. I think these ps4 console players are loving the game.. Not many console mmorpg's and since the PS4 this game has picked back up allot. my guess the numbers are up pretty much..

Still think hunting is one of the best things they have added to the game, I like not having to leave my server, just running into these things doing something else.

Edited, Aug 18th 2014 12:11pm by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#203 Aug 18 2014 at 10:37 AM Rating: Excellent
People pull early because otherwise too many people show and the mob disappears.

On Hyperion, often we'll pull right at that point the mob starts to disappear. For an A rank, it's pretty much perfect... the mob dies really fast at that point, but nobody ever complains about not being able to get the NM back on their screens as they run up to fight it.

It's the S ranks that are the real problem... those fights go on so much longer that the horde grows and grows until most people can't get the NM to reappear. I usually lose site of S ranks about midway through, and then I just stand in the middle of the crowd and spam flash until the fight is over.

Will be interesting to see how hunts are adjusted tonight.

I have a feeling that whatever SE does is going to be a big kick in the nuts to hunt linkshells, which would make me sad. This is the only content in the game so far that's encouraged the growth of a subcommunity that actually puts linkshells to good use. The game needs more content that does this, and I'd like to think Yoshi-P recognizes that.
Thayos Redblade
#204 Aug 18 2014 at 10:49 AM Rating: Good
1,732 posts
Thayos wrote:
People pull early because otherwise too many people show and the mob disappears.

On Hyperion, often we'll pull right at that point the mob starts to disappear. For an A rank, it's pretty much perfect... the mob dies really fast at that point, but nobody ever complains about not being able to get the NM back on their screens as they run up to fight it.

It's the S ranks that are the real problem... those fights go on so much longer that the horde grows and grows until most people can't get the NM to reappear. I usually lose site of S ranks about midway through, and then I just stand in the middle of the crowd and spam flash until the fight is over.

Will be interesting to see how hunts are adjusted tonight.

I have a feeling that whatever SE does is going to be a big kick in the nuts to hunt linkshells, which would make me sad. This is the only content in the game so far that's encouraged the growth of a subcommunity that actually puts linkshells to good use. The game needs more content that does this, and I'd like to think Yoshi-P recognizes that.

I was on skype with a ps3 player this weekend and he could not see the mob even before being pulled.. This weekend was insane and I think people were out to get as many as they could before the update making it worse than normal

Yea I agree, I think no matter what it is people are not going to be happy, especially the hunt LS but something does need to be done. I just dont think it will be the right thing because I think there hands are kind of tied on this. I do agree with you capping might help some...

Another Idea is make the daily hunts worth a little more so people spend sometime there. They are almost worthless because in the amount of time it takes to do them I can join a party and get allot more in half the time. maybe make them occasionally drop a log...

By the way to those who loose site of the mob , just for hunts turn effects off for yourself, party and others, it helps allot.

Edited, Aug 18th 2014 1:09pm by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#205 Aug 18 2014 at 11:13 AM Rating: Excellent
Buffing daily hunts and adding sands to ST would go a long way toward alleviating stress on the system. That would also make farming UATs easier.

I'd love a seals caps in hunts, but for whatever reason, SE seems pretty dead-set against it.
Thayos Redblade
#206 Aug 18 2014 at 11:53 AM Rating: Excellent
6,899 posts
Thayos wrote:
Buffing daily hunts and adding sands to ST would go a long way toward alleviating stress on the system. That would also make farming UATs easier.

I'd love a seals caps in hunts, but for whatever reason, SE seems pretty dead-set against it.

Which just makes no sense given their strict caps on endgame gear progression in all other avenues. The way they set this up from the start is really somewhat baffling.
#207 Aug 18 2014 at 12:00 PM Rating: Excellent
Exactly, Bartel!

It just seems so backward. If I were in charge, I'd make ScOB have a loot cap ONLY (so people would have an easier time forming statics and progressing through content, which would eventually help more people farm for gear there) and hunts would have weekly seal caps.
Thayos Redblade
#208 Aug 18 2014 at 12:08 PM Rating: Default
1,732 posts
BartelX wrote:
Thayos wrote:
Buffing daily hunts and adding sands to ST would go a long way toward alleviating stress on the system. That would also make farming UATs easier.

I'd love a seals caps in hunts, but for whatever reason, SE seems pretty dead-set against it.

Which just makes no sense given their strict caps on endgame gear progression in all other avenues. The way they set this up from the start is really somewhat baffling.

That's true...

FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#209 Aug 18 2014 at 12:37 PM Rating: Excellent
1,310 posts
I don't think caps are necessary. If Yoshi wants to make it casual friendly then the solution is simple: change the reward ratio. Make a daily hunt pay off big. A weekly hunt should pay off more, with a shared reward for those that help. And make random hunts pay off much, much less so that it's not impossible to do, but far less of a requirement to make progress unless you're really into that sort of thing.

If you do something like that you won't even need a cap. I think most people will just naturally ease their pace on their own.
#210 Aug 18 2014 at 2:32 PM Rating: Excellent
I still think a cap would be fine. Even if the cap were at 500 seals, the majority of players wouldn't come close to hitting it each day. The only people who'd really be impacted are people who are out of school for the summer, or have no jobs, and literally play for hours and hours every day.
Thayos Redblade
#211 Aug 18 2014 at 4:19 PM Rating: Good
Keeper of the Shroud
13,632 posts
Nashred wrote:
Well did some more hunting this weekend.. One S I go almost no credit for because you could not even see it and I was in a full party.
Too many early pulls too.. On our server there is a term for it called Gaf'ed, GAF is one of the largest if not the largest Fc on the server but it aint just them pulling early.
People pull early because otherwise too many people show and the mob disappears.
Never saw so much complaining in a game ever, even worse than atma...
Funny thing is I stumbled on a mark and I could not get anyone too even kill it mid day Sat.
But it is frustrating when you run all that way just to hear dead, it is extremely hard to even make a rank A...
Server congestion is the real problem, they are just allowing too many people on these servers.
It is nice the game is successful but they again need more server power both on world and off servers for dungeons. I am starting to lag all over again. Takes for ever to zone into Mor'Dhona. I think these ps4 console players are loving the game.. Not many console mmorpg's and since the PS4 this game has picked back up allot. my guess the numbers are up pretty much..

Still think hunting is one of the best things they have added to the game, I like not having to leave my server, just running into these things doing something else.

Edited, Aug 18th 2014 12:11pm by Nashred

We're on the same server, and honestly, my experience the last few days has been a bit different. Granted, I don't actively do hunts, I'll join up if I see one or someone shouts one out, so people that are in hunt LSs may have a different experience. Anyway, lately I've seen people shout out a target and then wait for people to show. People not in party, group up while waiting. Usually someone will announce a pull time and for the most part stick to it. If you get there in time, great, if not, the pull time was announced and you should have known if you could get there in time. Of course, people from GAF tend to **** up this pattern, but so far they're the only ones being **** I think if they weren't around, most people would be a lot happier. But, with open world content, competition is the name of the game, which is one reason why I don't care for open world content.

As to lag, I don't have a problem, but I'm running a fairly decent computer. Last night I was at the Rank A salamander in Mor Dhona and there were about a hundred people there. With absolutely no filters on I never lost sight of the mob. My temperatures spiked a bit though.

Edited, Aug 18th 2014 6:22pm by Turin
#212 Aug 18 2014 at 11:03 PM Rating: Good
Jack of All Trades
29,633 posts
Regular mark bills have been adjusted as follows:
-Regular mark bills that awarded 1 allied seal will now award 4 allied seals upon completion.
-Regular mark bills that awarded 2 allied seals will now award 10 allied seals upon completion.

Elite mark bills, as well as rank B elite marks, have been adjusted as follows:
-The respawn time of rank B elite marks has been changed to five seconds.
-The HP of rank B elite marks has been reduced so that they can be defeated by a single player.
* In conjunction with the above HP reduction, the minimum contribution required to complete elite mark bills has been lowered.
-Rank B elite marks have been changed from aggressive to passive.
-Rank B elite marks will no longer yield rewards upon defeat.
* Upon defeating a rank B elite mark, players will only receive the reward granted by the elite mark bill in their possession.
-In conjunction with the above change, the number of Allied Seals awarded by elite mark bills has been increased from 20 to 50 seals.
-All players will now be assigned a different weekly elite mark.

Kinda irked because most of my (still not very many) seals came from B marks, but meh. Increased dailies/weeklies should help make up for it.
#213 Aug 18 2014 at 11:52 PM Rating: Excellent
Yeah, I'm split on this.

On one hand, I like that I'll be able to tackle B ranks fairly casually.

On the other hand, this is a pretty substantial nerf for hunt groups. This past weekend, I spent several hours hunting to get the last of what I "needed" before these changes. I'd say B-rank kills made up at least 25 percent of the 1k seals I farmed. That's a pretty big nerf, when you think about it.

Also, I worry about whether this will make A and S rank pulls even more hostile. Demand for those marks will still be huge, only now you can't make up for early pulls by killing a few Bs. Trolling via early pulling could go off the charts.

I would have been much happier with a simple cap on seals.
Thayos Redblade
#214 Aug 18 2014 at 11:58 PM Rating: Excellent
5,729 posts
Killing Bs as a source of seals will just make the competition for As and Ss that much more intense, and the trolling and early pulling could shoot through the roof.

Still not sure why they wouldn't just put a cap on the number of seals you can get per day or something.
75 Rabbit/75 Sheep/75 Coeurl/75 Eft/75 Raptor/75 Hippogryph/75 Puk
75 Scorpion/75 Wamoura/75 Pixie/75 Peiste/64 Sabotender
51 Bird/41 Mandragora/40 Bee/37 Crawler/37 Bat

Items no one cares about: O
Missions no one cares about: O
Crafts no one cares about: O
#215 Aug 19 2014 at 12:31 AM Rating: Good
Jack of All Trades
29,633 posts
On one hand, I like that I'll be able to tackle B ranks fairly casually.

If by "casually" you mean "once a week and no reason to even touch them otherwise", sure
#216 Aug 19 2014 at 1:10 AM Rating: Good
I really like the hunts and have had no issues with them at all. If I join a hunt party or make one myself I usually make it there and get full credit. Sometimes I don't. I just don't cry about it like everyone else. The seals and rewards from said seals come easy, folks.
#217 Aug 19 2014 at 5:48 AM Rating: Excellent
6,899 posts
Really confused by these changes. While nerfing the B ranks, it seems to me they just nerfed the hunt groups and social aspect of hunting. Since A's and S's aren't up as frequently, it will be much harder for hunt groups to stick together and just sit around twiddling their thumbs for half hour or an hour between pops, and when they do pop it's going to be even more of a mad rush to "cash in". This seems like kind of a half-***** solution if you ask me.
#218 Aug 19 2014 at 6:36 AM Rating: Excellent
342 posts
BartelX wrote:
Really confused by these changes. While nerfing the B ranks, it seems to me they just nerfed the hunt groups and social aspect of hunting. Since A's and S's aren't up as frequently, it will be much harder for hunt groups to stick together and just sit around twiddling their thumbs for half hour or an hour between pops, and when they do pop it's going to be even more of a mad rush to "cash in". This seems like kind of a half-***** solution if you ask me.

Well... maybe that's not the worst thing in the world. If being in a hunt party means a whole lot of sitting around with nothing to do maybe the perma-hunt parties will die off, leading to more of an "oh look, an A rank is up, let's form a party real quick and kill it" type of atmosphere more in line with how SE seemed to have planned this out. Less of a race to the hunts against every other party and more of a natural, oh-look-what-found-let's-kill-it kind of thing.

I'm not saying I think it will necessarily go this way, but you never know. It could be a positive thing.
#219 Aug 19 2014 at 7:23 AM Rating: Good
6,899 posts
I guess it just seemed like a lot of people were enjoying the comraderie of joining a group of random players and just killing stuff for a couple hours and meeting some new people on the server. Now it seems more like people will just auto-invite for the kill, then immediately disband, which really does nothing for the social element of the game. Perhaps I'm just overthinking it. I guess only time will tell how this plays out.
#220 Aug 19 2014 at 7:55 AM Rating: Excellent
342 posts
BartelX wrote:
I guess it just seemed like a lot of people were enjoying the comraderie of joining a group of random players and just killing stuff for a couple hours and meeting some new people on the server. Now it seems more like people will just auto-invite for the kill, then immediately disband, which really does nothing for the social element of the game. Perhaps I'm just overthinking it. I guess only time will tell how this plays out.

I get what you are saying. People always tout the social aspect as the biggest advantage of hunts but IMO it's hardly exclusive to that. You can meet new people and socialize just as easily in a treasure map group, or FATE groups, or relic weapon runs, or premade Frontlines/ST parties, etc. You can still get that experience in game if you want. Any social positives hunts brought to the table also came hand in hand with a lot of social negatives (LS/FC drama over pulls, nasty shouts, etc.) so I personally never saw this as the big positive of hunts that a lot of others do.
#221 Aug 19 2014 at 8:30 AM Rating: Good
1,732 posts
BartelX wrote:
Really confused by these changes. While nerfing the B ranks, it seems to me they just nerfed the hunt groups and social aspect of hunting. Since A's and S's aren't up as frequently, it will be much harder for hunt groups to stick together and just sit around twiddling their thumbs for half hour or an hour between pops, and when they do pop it's going to be even more of a mad rush to "cash in". This seems like kind of a half-***** solution if you ask me.

Exactly, they just increased the pressure on A snd S marks...
Makes no sense.
They did nothing to help the situation just make it worse by doing that...

Karlina wrote:
Killing Bs as a source of seals will just make the competition for As and Ss that much more intense, and the trolling and early pulling could shoot through the roof.

Still not sure why they wouldn't just put a cap on the number of seals you can get per day or something.


Well I do like the changes to the daily and weeklies and now the dailies are worth spending some times on.. That should help a little or maybe offset some of the damage of no more points for B marks..

Edited, Aug 19th 2014 10:35am by Nashred

Edited, Aug 19th 2014 10:35am by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#222 Aug 19 2014 at 8:59 AM Rating: Good
Nashred wrote:
BartelX wrote:
Really confused by these changes. While nerfing the B ranks, it seems to me they just nerfed the hunt groups and social aspect of hunting. Since A's and S's aren't up as frequently, it will be much harder for hunt groups to stick together and just sit around twiddling their thumbs for half hour or an hour between pops, and when they do pop it's going to be even more of a mad rush to "cash in". This seems like kind of a half-***** solution if you ask me.

Exactly, they just increased the pressure on A snd S marks...
Makes no sense.
They did nothing to help the situation just make it worse by doing that...

They buffed the casual aspect of the Hunts. Which was very much needed. With the way the system was before today, you either participated in the zerg or you might have as well given up on the system altogether.

Now that the daily/weekly marks make exponentially more sense, the pressure on A and S marks has been decreased if anything. No longer do people feel like they must hunt for B/A/S marks to make any sort of meaningful progress. However, they can hunt for A/S marks if they want to make more progress than the guaranteed... 270? or so marks per week.

Edited, Aug 19th 2014 3:01pm by Hyanmen
#223 Aug 19 2014 at 9:26 AM Rating: Excellent
Now that the daily/weekly marks make exponentially more sense, the pressure on A and S marks has been decreased if anything. No longer do people feel like they must hunt for B/A/S marks to make any sort of meaningful progress.

The jury is out until we see results... but I'm guessing the pressure will be turned up.

I agree with Bartel that this is a swift kick in the nuts to the game's hunting community, which makes absolutely no sense. The hunt community is the best, strongest sub-community formed within the playerbase so far. It's not at all similar to things like treasure map groups (which barely exist) and frontlines parties (which are duty findered from people on different servers). Hunt groups actually allowed people on the same server to hang together for more than 15 to 30 minutes.

Thanks to hunts, I can tell you who some of the "bad" players on Hyperion are. I can also tell you who some of the good players are. I can feel the energy from a good, active group vs. a slower, stand-around group. It's awesome. For the first time since FFXI, hunts actually brought not just an open world feel, but also a "real server community" feel...

And yet a minority of players had to **** all over it, both in game and on the forums.

Welp, SE listened to those folks, and now the hunt community has taken a blow. Like I said above... jury is still out about how badly the community will be damaged... but the more I think about it, the more this "fix" baffles me. Not only might communities be damaged, but the zerg on A and S ranks will be less organized and more frenzied than before.

Seriously, all we needed was a weekly seals cap.

Thayos Redblade
#224 Aug 19 2014 at 9:35 AM Rating: Excellent
Jack of All Trades
29,633 posts
Technically speaking, giving me a weekly seals cap (of 274) was exactly what 2.35 did.

Which is more than I was making before every week, so... personally, not that fussed.
#225 Aug 19 2014 at 9:43 AM Rating: Decent
Thayos wrote:
Now that the daily/weekly marks make exponentially more sense, the pressure on A and S marks has been decreased if anything. No longer do people feel like they must hunt for B/A/S marks to make any sort of meaningful progress.

The jury is out until we see results... but I'm guessing the pressure will be turned up.

I agree with Bartel that this is a swift kick in the nuts to the game's hunting community, which makes absolutely no sense.

...And a huge buff to every other player out there, which I assure you is the majority of players. That makes perfect sense to me. Either you kick the minority (the hunting community) in the nuts or you kick the rest of the playerbase in the nuts (like they did with the first iteration of the event). It's not a tough call.

Seriously, all we needed was a weekly seals cap.

Why, when what we got today is so much better?
#226 Aug 19 2014 at 9:48 AM Rating: Good
342 posts
Thayos wrote:
Now that the daily/weekly marks make exponentially more sense, the pressure on A and S marks has been decreased if anything. No longer do people feel like they must hunt for B/A/S marks to make any sort of meaningful progress.

It's not at all similar to things like treasure map groups (which barely exist) and frontlines parties (which are duty findered from people on different servers). Hunt groups actually allowed people on the same server to hang together for more than 15 to 30 minutes.

You know that you can use PF to put together a group for Frontlines of players from your server who want to hang around for more than one match, right? You can just as easily meet new people doing that then you can by zerg hunting with the bonus of actually getting to strategize and use skill as well. As for treasure map groups, I see them in PF on my server all of the time, right there with FATE groups (meet new people and socialize while you grind!), Atma groups (meet new people and socialize while you grind), first room AV groups (meet new people and socialize while you grind!) and hunt groups (meet new people and socialize while you grind!). Why hunts are touted as this amazing social experience that nothing else can compare to in FFXIV I will never understand.

Honestly, I'm a bit surprised A and S ranks weren't changed at all. Hardcore hunters should appreciate that instead of crying about missing out on B ranks because IMO it could've been a lot worse. So yeah, you guys get slowed down a bit, but a good chunk of the playerbase who couldn't (or wouldn't) participate in that gets to farm some seals too. It's a fair tradeoff.
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