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How will SE address hunts in this coming maintenance?Follow

#177 Aug 08 2014 at 2:51 PM Rating: Excellent
Well this is a different build of game, too. Old school games were offline. You can still play those games the old school way. That's what my Wii U virtual console is for. :)
Thayos Redblade
#178 Aug 08 2014 at 2:52 PM Rating: Excellent
I'm trying to not be That Guy (girl) when it comes to T5 the first time I roll into Duty Finder. That's one reason I've put it off so much.

I've read a guide and I think I'm expected to know:
- The boss's name is Twintania
- Death Sentence sucks and needs to be mitigated by tank + healers whatever way possible
- Fireballs are XIV's version of Ten Thousand Needles
- There are adds to kill at various times
- Divebombs suck and need to be avoided
- There are several more key phases to the fight, the most annoying of which are the twisters
- When I dodge the twisters don't run in a path that intersects the path of others
- If you make it to the end, stand on a neurolink

Everything else is something that will entail muscle memory, and isn't something I can easily ascertain from a guide or a video.
#179 Aug 08 2014 at 2:58 PM Rating: Excellent
147 posts
lolgaxe wrote:
squiress wrote:
The problem is the misconception that watching a youtube video will make someone an expert at a fight. Practice makes one an expert, not watching a video.
This is a simplification and just as harmful. Watching a video will show you how to do something correctly, and practice will let you learn what you've watched. Practice alone can be harmful if you're practicing incorrectly. Practice makes proficient, perfect practice makes perfect. If you don't know the right way to do something, you doing it wrong a bunch of times doesn't make you better. It just makes you better at doing it wrong.

But a video isn't the only way. Believe it or not, people can learn from their mistakes. If I get killed by something, I know not to do it again. A while back a linkshell pulled me into Titan EX because they needed an 8th man. I just had unlocked Titan EX a day or two earlier and hadn't prepared for it yet. I warned them of my lack of knowledge and experience. They told me to come along anyway. We went at it for 2 hours. Beginning of those 2 hours, I was usually the first to die, end of the 2 hours, I was the last die and had a good understanding of most of the fight. All without watching a video.
#180 Aug 08 2014 at 3:34 PM Rating: Decent
12,820 posts
squiress wrote:
lolgaxe wrote:
squiress wrote:
The problem is the misconception that watching a youtube video will make someone an expert at a fight. Practice makes one an expert, not watching a video.
This is a simplification and just as harmful. Watching a video will show you how to do something correctly, and practice will let you learn what you've watched. Practice alone can be harmful if you're practicing incorrectly. Practice makes proficient, perfect practice makes perfect. If you don't know the right way to do something, you doing it wrong a bunch of times doesn't make you better. It just makes you better at doing it wrong.

But a video isn't the only way. Believe it or not, people can learn from their mistakes.

They can...sure, but I've yet to see it happen. People make the same mistakes over..and over...and over...and over...and over...


and over...and over. By the 20th time you'd think you'd learn how to get out of the first phase of Titan HM/EX lol.

#181 Aug 08 2014 at 3:43 PM Rating: Excellent
We went at it for 2 hours. Beginning of those 2 hours, I was usually the first to die, end of the 2 hours, I was the last die and had a good understanding of most of the fight.

This is exactly the "problem" with the DF.

If you come unprepared, you don't have two hours to learn the fight from scratch. You've already wasted everyone else's time.

On the other hand, a player who goes into a battle at least understanding the basic mechanics that will happen MIGHT have a chance of getting a win within that hour (for something like Moogle Ex, but not T5), especially once you factor in the power of the echo buff.
Thayos Redblade
#182 Aug 08 2014 at 4:39 PM Rating: Excellent
1,079 posts
Ok, know what I do when I want to go into content blindly?

I do it with my friends who wish to do the same thing.

I don't force it on others who may have been trying and trying for a win because its all about MY experience. I give them the courtesy of reading up on it and trying my best on what I can do on my end to ensure the success of the fight, over the thrill of the fight.

Another issue is people tend not to announce they are completely new to fight. I once had a PF party for GEX and the guy running it was a tank. Turns out the guy had no idea what to do for the last phase of the fight. I mean like, you couldn't even let the group know? All he had to know was the spiny swap mechanic.

Edited, Aug 8th 2014 6:43pm by Stilivan
Articus Vladmir
#183 Aug 09 2014 at 1:03 AM Rating: Good
847 posts
Fynlar wrote:
I'm sad that my Spaceballs reference was wasted :/

Careful, you idiot; I said across her nose, not up it!
#184 Aug 09 2014 at 6:37 AM Rating: Excellent
660 posts
Stilivan wrote:
Ok, know what I do when I want to go into content blindly?

I do it with my friends who wish to do the same thing.

I don't force it on others who may have been trying and trying for a win because its all about MY experience. I give them the courtesy of reading up on it and trying my best on what I can do on my end to ensure the success of the fight, over the thrill of the fight.

Another issue is people tend not to announce they are completely new to fight. I once had a PF party for GEX and the guy running it was a tank. Turns out the guy had no idea what to do for the last phase of the fight. I mean like, you couldn't even let the group know? All he had to know was the spiny swap mechanic.

Edited, Aug 8th 2014 6:43pm by Stilivan

My FC is a close knit group of friends and we did this. It's hella fun. Anytime it involved people outside our group we'd read up on the fights first.

Really, is watching a Youtube video any different than pulling the old strategy guide off the shelf back in the day? I remember reading up on bosses in FFVII before I got to them.
#185 Aug 10 2014 at 12:21 PM Rating: Good
Gilgas LS works well and are usually patient.. sort of..
#186 Aug 10 2014 at 1:49 PM Rating: Excellent
1,004 posts
Catwho wrote:
I'm trying to not be That Guy (girl) when it comes to T5 the first time I roll into Duty Finder. That's one reason I've put it off so much.

I've read a guide and I think I'm expected to know:
- The boss's name is Twintania
- Death Sentence sucks and needs to be mitigated by tank + healers whatever way possible
- Fireballs are XIV's version of Ten Thousand Needles
- There are adds to kill at various times
- Divebombs suck and need to be avoided
- There are several more key phases to the fight, the most annoying of which are the twisters
- When I dodge the twisters don't run in a path that intersects the path of others
- If you make it to the end, stand on a neurolink

Everything else is something that will entail muscle memory, and isn't something I can easily ascertain from a guide or a video.

Almost perfect. If im not mistaken you are a BLM. On the last phase you need to wait until you are targeted by the purple orb, and no one is in position to tank hatch until you stand on a neurolink. If you stand on it in advance, and get targeted by 5x liquid hell, you will cover the neurolink causing it to be unusable until he fire dissapears. (Technically you can still use it, but that dot damage may kill you, and unlike player ground aoe, can all stack on each other).
#187 Aug 10 2014 at 11:35 PM Rating: Excellent
4,511 posts
The hunts have become fairly anoying on Behemoth atleast.

Lots and LOTS of resetting going on. Points being wiped right as a much bigger group moves in, and the soloers there who would have gotten full contribution get left with nothing or meager rewards in the following 5 second long battle. Hilarity ensues, i'm sure.

Havent had anyone wait on an A or an S, heck, they dont even announce S ranks anymore. They just kill them flatout. And then at the same time, strangely enough, people are fricking waiting on B ranks (maybe because just the casual players are hunting those, idk).

A friend of mine came back to the game a few days ago, so i had to introduce her to all the new content, including hunts.

The entire experience went from:

"Oh, that's cool, they give myths and soldiery too! And i got some Allied Marks! I love this"


"Urgh, why arent people waiting for others to arive?"
"#$%! that's the third one we missed"
"What the-"
"Why the hell are they-"

to eventually a few hours later

"!@#$ you guys. !@#$ you, !@#$ you straight in the #$%@. Go !@#$ yourselves all of you. Why the !#@$ did i even come back? !$#%"

It's lovely. It's really building the community and improving this game and its community towards on of those great ones, you know?
#188 Aug 11 2014 at 10:23 AM Rating: Good
1,732 posts
Hunts on ultros are very annoying... We have two fc who are at every spawn and pull early so other groups dont get it...
Half the time if someone tells me there is one going on you cant even make it there. By the time I zone I hear dead... I wont even try for a 5 pointer anymore.
If I happen to find one I let people know. It takes about 5 to ten seconds to kill them now.. I found a S rank yesterday (first there) and lost target because there was too much going on and my system could not keep up...

I really dont know what they can do about it though.. I think the worlds maybe are just a little to full... They could give other ways to get allied seals so it spreads the people out. Another way to get oils and sands maybe...

I kind of like the hunts though... I just wish there was a better way... I like being able to randomly run into it.. I do wish they were a little less predictable so software could not track them... Have some different spawn conditions, etc.

Edited, Aug 11th 2014 12:26pm by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#189 Aug 11 2014 at 10:52 AM Rating: Excellent
I really dont know what they can do about it though..

A cap on seals would fix it. Make it 500 seals/week, which is enough for one oil/week, which would be perfectly balanced with ST.

Also, putting sands in ST may help, but I stand by the notion that SE is crazy for not putting in a weekly seals limit.
Thayos Redblade
#190 Aug 11 2014 at 11:04 AM Rating: Good
1,732 posts
Thayos wrote:
I really dont know what they can do about it though..

A cap on seals would fix it. Make it 500 seals/week, which is enough for one oil/week, which would be perfectly balanced with ST.

Also, putting sands in ST may help, but I stand by the notion that SE is crazy for not putting in a weekly seals limit.

Yea possibly a cap would work..

I thought sands fell in ST... I have heard 3 people say they have seen them fall but very rare....

FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#191 Aug 11 2014 at 11:36 AM Rating: Excellent
Oils fall in ST. Sands, not yet. SE has said they might add them in the future.
#192 Aug 15 2014 at 10:49 AM Rating: Good
1,732 posts
Got on last night and there were a lot of A ranks supposedly going to pop soon so I joined a hunt group...
After about a hour or so of running around looking and hearing he pooped at x,y and running there only to hear what did you pull for and getting almost there and hearing its dead. I made a few smaller ones, good news is Tes got a Blood-spattered Mark Log with a bout two hits on a mob so they are like atmas you just need a enough to get you some points.

I basically stopped trying to make it too b rank marks but now its the same for A's, almost impossible to make it there..

I really think there fun but so hard to get too... The S ranks are getting hard to do because there are so many people the mob disappears for me on my PC and PS4 sometimes. I really feel sorry for those on the PS3, friend says almost can never see a S or A rank..

I have to agree they need to figure away to get less people doing them by capping or spreading people out.. Getting broken for sure..

I really like the idea of hunts and think is one of the more fun things too do, just need to address the issue..

Edited, Aug 15th 2014 12:56pm by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#193 Aug 15 2014 at 12:03 PM Rating: Decent
12,820 posts
You can hardly see A/S ranks on the PC, it's a universal problem. The main problem is after a year XIV didn't all. Think of it like if all the NMs you know and love/hate in XI (if you played it) were all packed into South Gustaberg instead of spread out between vanilla and zilart areas including dungeons.

That's essentially what it's like with XIV now.

#194 Aug 15 2014 at 1:56 PM Rating: Excellent
That's actually a pretty good point. While we've gotten expansion of the worldmap via dungeons, we're still stuck inside the same 20+ open world zones we've had for the last year (with the exception of the housing areas, which mostly relieved crowding in the main cities.) Now, the modifications they've done to Mor Dhona have been quite nifty, but expanding one town's area is not the same as building new zones.

I suspect that we'll get more of the Coerthas areas when the Ishgard expansion comes out. They are clearly building up to more of the storyline taking place in the snowy north, and we already have multiple areas that are clearly planned zone connections.
#195 Aug 16 2014 at 3:45 PM Rating: Excellent
617 posts
So Patch 2.35 (this coming Monday) is confirmed to have "major changes to The Hunt." Of course, Yoshi refuses to elaborate on it at all for fear of community reaction whether it be in a positive or negative light.

That most likely explains the drastic increase in Hunt activity. The uncertainty is driving people to get as much as they can out of Hunts now before SE does who-knows-what to them.

To elaborate:

(Very long question about hunts, community division issues, etc) 2.35 will make many adjustments to The Hunt.
The intent was for hunts to be something for a different audience of players. For example, the B rank hunt wasn't meant to target "server players", but individual players, and give them a steady flow of seals. For S ranks, the expectation was for ad-hoc party forming through /shouts. And the A rank somewhere in between.

They don't want hunts to be something you have to party up in advance for. They want it to be more for casual players. They believe this is not just because of Sand/Oil rewards, but because all hunts rewards seals and only the amount changes.
Yoshi doesn't want to detail the changes before the patch because he worries that it might cause more conflict in the community now or after the patch is applied.

Yoshi isn't planning to do an exclusive claim system because he is concerned (from what happened in FFXI) it will favor players will multiple accounts and lots of time and money disproportionately.

OF post.

Edited, Aug 16th 2014 5:49pm by Arcari
#196 Aug 16 2014 at 10:56 PM Rating: Decent
I'd like to see credit for no more than one A or B rank in a 24 hour period. No reason for those things to be camped and swamped by a massive alliance. S ranks only spawn every few days anyway, so that problem is already solved.
#197 Aug 16 2014 at 11:34 PM Rating: Excellent
I'd like to see credit for no more than one A or B rank in a 24 hour period. No reason for those things to be camped and swamped by a massive alliance. S ranks only spawn every few days anyway, so that problem is already solved.

They'd have to really redo the reward ratio system if this happened.

I don't get why they just don't cap seals.
Thayos Redblade
#198 Aug 17 2014 at 2:56 AM Rating: Decent
Theonehio wrote:
You can hardly see A/S ranks on the PC, it's a universal problem. The main problem is after a year XIV didn't all. Think of it like if all the NMs you know and love/hate in XI (if you played it) were all packed into South Gustaberg instead of spread out between vanilla and zilart areas including dungeons.

That's essentially what it's like with XIV now.

It would've been an easy fix too. Just release ARR a year and a half later in NA/EU than in JP like with FFXI and the problem would be solved.
#199 Aug 17 2014 at 7:09 AM Rating: Excellent
542 posts
Theonehio wrote:
You can hardly see A/S ranks on the PC, it's a universal problem. The main problem is after a year XIV didn't all. Think of it like if all the NMs you know and love/hate in XI (if you played it) were all packed into South Gustaberg instead of spread out between vanilla and zilart areas including dungeons.

That's essentially what it's like with XIV now.

I don't know. If FFXI offered fast travel to any zone from anywhere in the world, and contribution based free for all NMs in every zone that all drop the same highly desirable end game resource, I'd imagine we'd have seen a similar outcome. FFXIV's current hunt mechanics just lend themselves to mobs getting ganked by dozens upon dozens of players and I suspect that would be the case even if they had twice as many zones, unless they decided to change things up drastically in one way or another.
#200 Aug 17 2014 at 12:57 PM Rating: Excellent
11,159 posts
Catwho wrote:
I'd like to see credit for no more than one A or B rank in a 24 hour period. No reason for those things to be camped and swamped by a massive alliance. S ranks only spawn every few days anyway, so that problem is already solved.

Come on, you played XI, you should know people will grief kill just to keep people from getting credit even if they don't actually need it themselves.

Anyway, I wish Yoshi luck on whatever attempts he's making to keep things community friendly. I will still vehemently oppose the concept of caps no matter how often they're brought up here, though. There are alternatives that hopefully will be exercised in the stead of such an idea.
Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
#201 Aug 17 2014 at 1:43 PM Rating: Excellent
1,079 posts
Seriha wrote:
Catwho wrote:
I'd like to see credit for no more than one A or B rank in a 24 hour period. No reason for those things to be camped and swamped by a massive alliance. S ranks only spawn every few days anyway, so that problem is already solved.

Come on, you played XI, you should know people will grief kill just to keep people from getting credit even if they don't actually need it themselves.

Anyway, I wish Yoshi luck on whatever attempts he's making to keep things community friendly. I will still vehemently oppose the concept of caps no matter how often they're brought up here, though. There are alternatives that hopefully will be exercised in the stead of such an idea.

If blood-spattered logs are still possible to get with each kill despite getting no deals, I definitely see this happening anyway.
Articus Vladmir
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