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How will SE address hunts in this coming maintenance?Follow

#152 Aug 03 2014 at 5:41 PM Rating: Excellent
542 posts
sandpark wrote:
I was referring to how Raylo fought a hunt the entire time solo and got 1 seal. If I fight a fate out of party the entire time I typically get 10k xp and 200 or so company seals, versus just one seal. I haven't done Odin or Behemoth so I don't quite know how it works there.

As far as the overcrowding and such. I think Fates don't have that problem because most spawn really frequently and do not drop a deeply coveted drop. How long does it take to spawn new Odin and Behemoths? What do those two drop?

Odin and Behemoth drop an exclusive currency that you can use to trade for vanity gear in Mor Dhona. They're very strong world bosses that get highly overcrowded, and it's very possible that if a group doesn't build up enough contribution during the fight, you won't get gold. Joining a party vastly increases your chances of getting gold (I'm not even sure if it would be possible to get gold without a party), just like it does with hunts.

I'm pretty sure every FATE in the game actually works this way to some degree. You may not really notice it as much because you can actually manage to get credit on FATEs solo, but the overcrowding magnifies the issue when it comes to hunts. If for example, you try to fight Roc in Coerthas, you can probably get credit right now solo. But if far more players than were intending to fight Roc were to do so, enough that you could only get one or two GCDs off before he died, you probably wouldn't even come close to getting gold, and due to the massive overcrowding you'd need to find other means of gaining contribution if you want any hope at full credit (joining a party would be the first step). This is the state that hunts are in now. It's not that the system just hates solo players no matter what. It's that the more people there are downing a mob, the more difficult it is to get your piece of the pie and the more you have to tailor your style to what the system deems worthy of receiving credit.

Edit: I also suspect that hunts may have less contribution to go around than FATEs if fought the way one would intend to fight them. I don't know every detail of the mechanics so I can't say with 100% certainty, but it did seem easier to build up to full solo while in FATEs compared to hunts, although being in a party meant instant gold every time for FATEs if your party was there, even if you didn't exploit the system with useless enmity building and overhealing.

Edited, Aug 3rd 2014 7:46pm by Susanoh
#153 Aug 03 2014 at 9:22 PM Rating: Good
4,175 posts
sandpark wrote:
Seriha wrote:
Unfortunately, even if you only saw 6 there, it doesn't mean 2 weren't sitting elsewhere grabbing a sandwich or whatever.

I still say FATEs, and now Hunts, need a public party system implemented. Basically, if you're within range of that specific content, you can click a button to join up with others either solo or in incomplete public parties. No shouting involved, no waiting for someone to send you an invite, just a silent understanding that you're all there for a specific purpose and if you disband after the fact, so be it. Some might argue such isn't "community building" but I'm going to disagree. Sometimes said groups will stick together and people will randomly chatter. The content its available in also usually isn't so specific in its role requirements that you'd have people flipping out over a lack of healers, tanks, or general elitism.

Sounds good. Question: What makes a party public or private? Does this mean there is an option to block auto group? If that is the case. I don't know if Raylo would have got his full credit or party anyways. Fates are better implemented as far as rewards go because it doesn't care if you're in a party or not.

The way it works in RIFT, if there is an active event and more than one person in the area, you get a pop-up on your UI that alerts you. You can choose whether or not you want to join.

The issue with contribution doesn't exist there and it's something that XIV needs to address separately. If you'd ever played FFXI and participated in campaign or Walk of Echoes(prior to adjustments), you'd see that SE never really got this formula working properly. You'd think they would have taken the feedback they got for those events and planned accordingly.

Auto-grouping doesn't promote community, but that's not the point of rifts or hunts. If they wanted to promote community they could do it through other ways. The main focus here is to alleviate the helpless feeling players get when they don't have time to search for a group to tackle hunts(or in Raylo's case, alleviate having to deal with asshats).
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#154 Aug 05 2014 at 5:51 AM Rating: Excellent
11,159 posts
Players could "disable auto-group" which only really stopped people from joining with them if they're randomly out in the field. Said player could still join up with others when prompted, though. Overall, there was little incentive to not have it enabled, though. And while I can certainly get behind there actually being more difficult content out there, we need the zones built around that premise, too. On the other hand, I'm not too keen on sectioning zone sections off with nothing but elites. Too often these just become dead areas where people only partake in quest objectives then get out ASAP. And with Yoshi's RMT fears, this means making them good farming options is probably out, so that reality seems even more likely.
Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
#155 Aug 07 2014 at 12:19 PM Rating: Excellent
Anyone been doing hunts lately?

I'm finding they're just getting crazier and crazier... there are stretches when people are patient, but usually now people seem to be pulling as soon as they reach hunt mobs. A lot of parties I'm in now don't last for too long, because people are just getting so aggravated by the early pulling.

I'm very glad I zerged this content early and got my paladin all decked out... and I kind of feel bad for those who have been waiting for things to get better. My hope is that SE buffs the hell out of the daily hunt bills (soon), because regular mark hunting is becoming a nightmare... and I'm a guy who actually enjoyed hunts for the first couple weeks.
Thayos Redblade
#156 Aug 07 2014 at 12:50 PM Rating: Excellent
4,780 posts
Not really. I spotted these issues early on Balmung - both the overcrowding on content and the polarized ideals when it came to use of mobs, and I steered clear.

You'd probably not like me either. If I spot a B ranked mob, I call my LS and engage as soon as I have a group capable of defeating it. It's not worth the risk of loss of participation points to shout, and the B ranks are up every hour anyways.

There needs to be a better overall solution than just raising the points on Daily hunts. That or the level of increase would have to be very, very significant.
#157 Aug 07 2014 at 1:09 PM Rating: Excellent
You'd probably not like me either. If I spot a B ranked mob, I call my LS and engage as soon as I have a group capable of defeating it. It's not worth the risk of loss of participation points to shout, and the B ranks are up every hour anyways.

B ranks, psshhhhh.

The vast majority of hunters I encounter only really care about A ranks. It's the early pulling on A ranks that seems to be getting much more frenzied lately, and that's what's really causing a lot of the aggravation. I don't think anyone cares about B ranks, because like you said, they already spawn very frequently.

The sad thing is it's usually the same handful of people who are ruining it for others. There's one guy in particular on our server who ALWAYS pulls early. There's also a specific FC with the nickname "Dox" that's notorious for early pulling.

That's the craziest thing about the ongoing hunt polarization. When people talk about the social problems with hunts (like that thread about resets on the OF), the problem is often framed as "horde vs. soloers." In reality, though, soloers aren't even really part of the problem, and resetting marks is hardly even the biggest problem... the bigger problem is members of hunt linkshells using their intel to troll everyone else by pulling as early as they can.

SE has made it clear that this kind of griefing isn't against the rules... but clearly, this is the root of the problem. Without early pulling, there wouldn't be players trying to make things right by doing resets... there wouldn't be as much of a cut-throat mentality... soloers would have more time to find parties... etc. Instead, people are just growing increasingly anxious and frustrated as early pulls become more common. And the people who are doing these early pulls aren't the casual players who are yelling so much on the OFs (I don't think most of those people even do hunts, to be honest... they just like complaining about them).

It really does just take a handful of people to ruin something for everyone.

Edited, Aug 7th 2014 12:25pm by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#158 Aug 07 2014 at 3:05 PM Rating: Excellent
I think it's also this behavior that unfortunately spurred on the early cheating. Not only do people get rewarded for using ApRadar, they get to troll others in the process.
#159 Aug 07 2014 at 6:00 PM Rating: Excellent
342 posts
Thayos wrote:
Anyone been doing hunts lately?

I'm finding they're just getting crazier and crazier... there are stretches when people are patient, but usually now people seem to be pulling as soon as they reach hunt mobs. A lot of parties I'm in now don't last for too long, because people are just getting so aggravated by the early pulling.

I'm very glad I zerged this content early and got my paladin all decked out... and I kind of feel bad for those who have been waiting for things to get better. My hope is that SE buffs the **** out of the daily hunt bills (soon), because regular mark hunting is becoming a nightmare... and I'm a guy who actually enjoyed hunts for the first couple weeks.

Related to this, has anyone else run dungeons with level 50 players that really don't seem to understand how to play their roles? I (at least partially) blame the huge rewards and complete lack of strategy from hunts. Some fresh 50 players are spamming hunts to gear up and, frankly, not learning how to play their jobs. This is concerning...

I still don't hunt, and I'm skeptical that SE will do anything to fix them since they're so popular. It's a shame because they *could* have been fun.
#160 Aug 07 2014 at 6:13 PM Rating: Good
826 posts
Fynlar wrote:
Thought I'd share an experience I had tonight on here since it ties so closely to what we've been discussing. I was doing a treasure chest on the Isles of Umbra when I came across a hunt mark (Dark Helmet). Now I never actively seek out hunts and normally I'd just ignore it and go on my way, but I figured I'd give a /shout to alert everyone since it's so far out of the way. I /shouted the mark's name and position, then stood around because I figured I'd give it a shot since I was already there. A group of 6 or so players showed up, and in /say I asked for an invite to their party if they had room (and it sure looked like they did). I was met with silence, then their tank pulled. I went ahead, jumped in, and fought the mob until it's death all by my lonesome and was rewarded with... 1 allied seal. So much for the whole "it's so easy to just join in a party, people throw out invites like crazy" idea, and too bad I couldn't get full credit all by my lonesome despite trying my damnedest.

Sounds like you were surrounded by ***holes

Edited, Aug 3rd 2014 11:06am by Fynlar

I'll preface this by saying i'm not a regular hunter, and understand the frustration about early pulls.

Except that this happens about 75% of the time. I personally have shouted out all ranks, on different occasions, different zones, many times and then ask for party invite only to be met by silence from the horde that shows up. I've since stopped shouting for B and A ranks and just break out Titan until the zergfest shows up. I know people like to wait for pull times, but every time I have, I get 10-25% credit for it, since folks simply won't invite. It seems to be the only reliable way to get full credit since people ignore invite requests on a regular basis. That is not how the system should work, and I agree a public, open to all grouping mechanic is needed.

I don't forsee Hunts dying down for a significant amount of time, probably at least not until 2.4 has been out for awhile, so we need some solution to the grouping issue for credit.

Edited, Aug 7th 2014 5:18pm by Dallie
#161 Aug 07 2014 at 6:16 PM Rating: Good
Jack of All Trades
29,633 posts
I'm sad that my Spaceballs reference was wasted :/
#162 Aug 07 2014 at 6:33 PM Rating: Excellent
147 posts
Raylo wrote:

Related to this, has anyone else run dungeons with level 50 players that really don't seem to understand how to play their roles? I (at least partially) blame the huge rewards and complete lack of strategy from hunts. Some fresh 50 players are spamming hunts to gear up and, frankly, not learning how to play their jobs. This is concerning...

I still don't hunt, and I'm skeptical that SE will do anything to fix them since they're so popular. It's a shame because they *could* have been fun.

This is nothing new. People can get to 50 by fate grinding and have no clue how to play their job.
#163 Aug 07 2014 at 7:17 PM Rating: Decent
12,820 posts
Raylo wrote:
Thayos wrote:
Anyone been doing hunts lately?

I'm finding they're just getting crazier and crazier... there are stretches when people are patient, but usually now people seem to be pulling as soon as they reach hunt mobs. A lot of parties I'm in now don't last for too long, because people are just getting so aggravated by the early pulling.

I'm very glad I zerged this content early and got my paladin all decked out... and I kind of feel bad for those who have been waiting for things to get better. My hope is that SE buffs the **** out of the daily hunt bills (soon), because regular mark hunting is becoming a nightmare... and I'm a guy who actually enjoyed hunts for the first couple weeks.

Related to this, has anyone else run dungeons with level 50 players that really don't seem to understand how to play their roles? I (at least partially) blame the huge rewards and complete lack of strategy from hunts. Some fresh 50 players are spamming hunts to gear up and, frankly, not learning how to play their jobs. This is concerning...

I still don't hunt, and I'm skeptical that SE will do anything to fix them since they're so popular. It's a shame because they *could* have been fun.

All the **** time. No offense to any DRGs but....

It's almost to the point I want to instantly drop out the second I see that tiny Dragon Head in the party list. I have to fight myself to not drop out and usually regret it 99.999999999999% of the time.

Also - Bards. gods name do BRDs still get hit with..anything? Out of everyone they're the one DPS that can dodge and DPS with no negative impact. BLM/SMN I can understand because you're casting then have to move and may have a slower reaction time..but BRDs have no excuse.

Also BRDs lately have been tremendously **** ************** than Taco Bell tuesday. "I don't sing songs, that's not part of my job, if you want songs go back to FFXI." It's funny because I figured they were trolling, till I looked them up and seen they did not one BRD quest past 30 but was rocking an Elfin bow (so no need for relic.)

But yeah, it takes almost nothing to get to 50..and most people just..don't care.

Edited, Aug 7th 2014 6:18pm by Theonehio

#164 Aug 07 2014 at 8:25 PM Rating: Excellent
660 posts
Raylo wrote:
Related to this, has anyone else run dungeons with level 50 players that really don't seem to understand how to play their roles? I (at least partially) blame the huge rewards and complete lack of strategy from hunts. Some fresh 50 players are spamming hunts to gear up and, frankly, not learning how to play their jobs. This is concerning...

I still don't hunt, and I'm skeptical that SE will do anything to fix them since they're so popular. It's a shame because they *could* have been fun.

I remeber seeing threads about this when people zerged FATEs when ARR went live. Hell I remember seeing the argument when people were being afk power-levelled in 1.0. It's certainly not new.
#165 Aug 07 2014 at 9:37 PM Rating: Good
342 posts
squiress wrote:
Raylo wrote:

Related to this, has anyone else run dungeons with level 50 players that really don't seem to understand how to play their roles? I (at least partially) blame the huge rewards and complete lack of strategy from hunts. Some fresh 50 players are spamming hunts to gear up and, frankly, not learning how to play their jobs. This is concerning...

I still don't hunt, and I'm skeptical that SE will do anything to fix them since they're so popular. It's a shame because they *could* have been fun.

This is nothing new. People can get to 50 by fate grinding and have no clue how to play their job.

It may not be new but IMO there is a difference - if you FATE grind all the way to 50, you'll probably be terrible in dungeons, and if you're terrible in dungeons you'll probably have terrible gear. That, at least, is a bit of a warning to other players stuck with them by the DF. Those players aren't drowning in myth and soldiery like players who hunt. A fresh 50 who does nothing but hunt, hunt, hunt might very well have an iLVL over 100 if they've been at it long enough and may have never set foot in a dungeon at all.

I guess the worst case scenario would be someone who FATE grinds to 50 and then does nothing but hunt and buy gear afterwards. The thought of meeting that player... *shudder*.
#166 Aug 08 2014 at 7:18 AM Rating: Decent
12,820 posts
Raylo wrote:
I guess the worst case scenario would be someone who FATE grinds to 50 and then does nothing but hunt and buy gear afterwards. The thought of meeting that player... *shudder*.

Avoid Binding Coil and Extreme primal DFs..that's where they seem to thrive.

#167 Aug 08 2014 at 9:59 AM Rating: Excellent
Avoid Binding Coil and Extreme primal DFs..that's where they seem to thrive.

Moogle Ex has been giving me fits... I learned the fight a week or two ago, and was in a great party that repeatedly got to the final stage, but DPS kept messing it up. We even got to the absolute final moments, when all you need to do is kill the little moogles and LB for the win, but a DPS hit the LB before all the moogles were dead.

Since then, none of the parties I've been in have made it nearly as far. There's always at least one DPS or healer who just has absolutely no idea how the fight works. I'm starting to feel that each use of the DF is just me donating an hour of my time to help someone learn something he could have learned in 10 minutes on YouTube.

I'm all for helping less experienced players, and I'm very patient... but I just can't stand people who go into something with ZERO PREPARATION and waste everyone else's time.

Meanwhile, I'm now iLevel 108 (way overgeared) and completely knowledgeable on how to tank Moogle Ex, but I can't get the win because I can't find seven others who are equally competent for the fight.

So frustrating!!!!

Edited, Aug 8th 2014 9:00am by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#168 Aug 08 2014 at 10:24 AM Rating: Excellent
That sounds like every experience I've had with Titan Ex since my first stab at learning it.

I'm iLvl 96 BLM now, not quite "way overgeared" but competently geared, and I'm eyeing iLvl 100 next week if hunts go well over the weekend.

And I'll still have that darn quest on my hunt log!
#169 Aug 08 2014 at 10:29 AM Rating: Decent
50,767 posts
reptiletim wrote:
I remember seeing the argument when people were being afk power-levelled in 1.0. It's certainly not new.
I remember when people used to be lambasted for trying to explain how MMOs were meant to be done in groups and not solo. I wonder why those people are so quiet now.
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#170 Aug 08 2014 at 10:48 AM Rating: Excellent
Thayos wrote:
Avoid Binding Coil and Extreme primal DFs..that's where they seem to thrive.

Moogle Ex has been giving me fits... I learned the fight a week or two ago, and was in a great party that repeatedly got to the final stage, but DPS kept messing it up. We even got to the absolute final moments, when all you need to do is kill the little moogles and LB for the win, but a DPS hit the LB before all the moogles were dead.

Since then, none of the parties I've been in have made it nearly as far. There's always at least one DPS or healer who just has absolutely no idea how the fight works. I'm starting to feel that each use of the DF is just me donating an hour of my time to help someone learn something he could have learned in 10 minutes on YouTube.

I'm all for helping less experienced players, and I'm very patient... but I just can't stand people who go into something with ZERO PREPARATION and waste everyone else's time.

Meanwhile, I'm now iLevel 108 (way overgeared) and completely knowledgeable on how to tank Moogle Ex, but I can't get the win because I can't find seven others who are equally competent for the fight.

So frustrating!!!!

Edited, Aug 8th 2014 9:00am by Thayos

Sadly most extreme fights are like this. If you don't get them over with on release, they become increasingly harder to complete with pugs. All the people who want something form them, spam them, win and never bother with it again. Titan Ex still remains ridiculous for most average players, Ifrit EX, good luck finding healer's to handle his spits. Levi EX is easy enough, but again, most people who needed weapons have moved on.

I'm in the same situation with Second Coil, I can probably easily breeze through T6 (I've made it to phase 3 several times and have had the tanks mess up), but no one wants people who have never won to join their group.

#171 Aug 08 2014 at 10:51 AM Rating: Excellent
147 posts
Thayos wrote:

Since then, none of the parties I've been in have made it nearly as far. There's always at least one DPS or healer who just has absolutely no idea how the fight works. I'm starting to feel that each use of the DF is just me donating an hour of my time to help someone learn something he could have learned in 10 minutes on YouTube.

Edited, Aug 8th 2014 9:00am by Thayos

The problem is the misconception that watching a youtube video will make someone an expert at a fight. Practice makes one an expert, not watching a video. If I could get good at something just by watching a video, I wouldn't be playing FFXIV, I'd be watching all of Peyton Manning's game tape so I could be a star quarterback. Smiley: smile

A video will help one know the mechanics, but that's only part of it. A player still needs to get into the fight a perform. That's something a video won't help with.
#172 Aug 08 2014 at 11:51 AM Rating: Good
50,767 posts
squiress wrote:
The problem is the misconception that watching a youtube video will make someone an expert at a fight. Practice makes one an expert, not watching a video.
This is a simplification and just as harmful. Watching a video will show you how to do something correctly, and practice will let you learn what you've watched. Practice alone can be harmful if you're practicing incorrectly. Practice makes proficient, perfect practice makes perfect. If you don't know the right way to do something, you doing it wrong a bunch of times doesn't make you better. It just makes you better at doing it wrong.
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#173 Aug 08 2014 at 11:53 AM Rating: Excellent
The problem is the misconception that watching a youtube video will make someone an expert at a fight.

I'm not expecting people to walk into the fight already being experts... like I said, I'm a patient, helpful player, and I'm willing to use the length of the clock to try to win.

I'm talking about people who are 100 percent clueless about the mechanics and their roles. Like, blank-slate clueless. They unlock the quest and queue up without doing any research whatsoever. They don't know where to stand, what to attack, when to attack it, etc. They're totally unfamiliar with the key terms of the fight. They literally need everything explained after each wipe at each new step they encounter.

When that happens, an hour is simply not enough time to have any chance of winning. Maybe if the clock were three hours, then sure... but an hour isn't enough time to give someone a step-by-step tutorial while also delivering the actual experiences needed (and enough time for mistakes) to realistically win.

As soon as it's obvious that someone is truly unprepared for the fight, what I usually say is, "I'll give it one more shot for the sake of learning, but I feel we would need more than another hour to completely learn this fight and actually go for the win." Then I disband after the next attempt... but still, that's usually at least half an hour of my playtime wasted, if not longer. Like I said, I'm very patient, and I really try to give players the benefit of the doubt.

Edited, Aug 8th 2014 10:54am by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#174 Aug 08 2014 at 12:27 PM Rating: Decent
12,820 posts
It's no misconception. Watching a video will show you basic mechanics which means you're going in with SOME knowledge rather than trying to cheese your way through because certain content like Coils and Ramuh for example, it's extremely easy to see who knows nothing and is trying to cheese their way through.

It just won't happen unless you not only have the reflexes of a god but the mind of a psychic.


#175 Aug 08 2014 at 12:48 PM Rating: Good
972 posts
lolgaxe wrote:
squiress wrote:
The problem is the misconception that watching a youtube video will make someone an expert at a fight. Practice makes one an expert, not watching a video.
This is a simplification and just as harmful. Watching a video will show you how to do something correctly, and practice will let you learn what you've watched. Practice alone can be harmful if you're practicing incorrectly. Practice makes proficient, perfect practice makes perfect. If you don't know the right way to do something, you doing it wrong a bunch of times doesn't make you better. It just makes you better at doing it wrong.

Not even watching a video on youtube will make sure you do it correctly. It just shows one method that happened to work among many different methods.

It will show you what to fundamentally expect though in terms of basics. But expecting 7 random people to learn, practice, or be at least as good as you in the same way is unrealistic and a possible avenue of disappointment. There is also the equation that some are more skilled than others at certain things.That is when guilds or teams static up are the best solution. You don't see the San Antonio Spurs filling their line-up with random people off the street and winning seasons. Maybe a game?

Watching videos can teach fundamentals on a mental level. Practice can make you better than you previously were. But you can watch all the videos in the world and still not be good enough to win or much less become a master if the body and mind don't both excel.
#176 Aug 08 2014 at 2:42 PM Rating: Good
1,310 posts
Thayos wrote:
I'm talking about people who are 100 percent clueless about the mechanics and their roles. Like, blank-slate clueless. They unlock the quest and queue up without doing any research whatsoever. They don't know where to stand, what to attack, when to attack it, etc. They're totally unfamiliar with the key terms of the fight. They literally need everything explained after each wipe at each new step they encounter.

*sigh* I kind of miss the days when you could have the thrill of jumping into a boss fight for the first time not knowing what to expect and working out how to win by your scared wits. Now you're expected to "play" your games on YouTube before you get to try it yourself so there's no mystery at all. It's certainly a different world from when I grew up. Smiley: lol
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