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How will SE address hunts in this coming maintenance?Follow

#277 Aug 21 2014 at 6:52 AM Rating: Good
1,732 posts
BartelX wrote:
Susanoh wrote:
FilthMcNasty wrote:
Just curious, but how many people who are opposed to caps are also opposed to them moving this from open world content to instances similar to guildleves?

I'd much prefer this to what we have now. This would fix or at least has the potential to fix:

  • Radar users having an advantage
  • "Mob reset" removing your progress
  • Disappearing mobs
  • Extremely trivial 5 second fights
  • Heavy focus on terrible "contribution" mechanics

I'm not opposed to caps, but I am opposed to putting hunts into guildleves. That basically turns the entire system into a solo/small group fest. I like the idea of hunts being a social thing. They already made an aspect of it solo with the dailies and weekly. The rest should stay made for large groups, they just need to change the way the system works.

For instance, what if instead of 1 version of an A/S rank mob in the zone, 2-4 popped simultaneouly in different corners of the zone. Then, you could pick and choose which one to go to, people could call out how full each one seemed to be, and help disperse the populous more. You could make it so that if you killed one in that zone, you were locked out from the rewards of killing the others for a set amount of time so that you couldn't just go around killing them all. This would certainly lighten the burden for each mob and might even convince people to stop pulling so early.

A bunch of us talked about something similar to this last night. Adding another mob call it D and having it spawn at the same time.
B mobs were pretty much useless to hunt groups anyway, they mainly gave them something to do while waiting for a A or S,,
I think it would have been easier to just remove B like they did and insert another higher level mob D that dropped more and had it spawn close to the same time somewhere completely different.

Edited, Aug 21st 2014 8:53am by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#278 Aug 21 2014 at 7:07 AM Rating: Good
1,732 posts
FilthMcNasty wrote:
We didn't really need anymore proof that open world content should be limited, but hunts are just that.

Just curious, but how many people who are opposed to caps are also opposed to them moving this from open world content to instances similar to guildleves?

I dont want another instance, well than it just turns into another instance.. I was asking more open world content and this fits the bill perfectly, just needs some adjustment.. Eventually it will slow down as people get what they wanted....

These add a little fear about roaming around.. Tes ran into B when the hunts first started day by accident. She was like what is that, that aint supposed to be here and it wiped her out instantly.. It adds some caution to what you do.. We all came upon a S last weekend and this mob was absolutely huge, so amazing to see jusr roaming around the world.

Edited, Aug 21st 2014 9:10am by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#279 Aug 21 2014 at 7:09 AM Rating: Excellent
Illsaide and I were both on Flame Seargeant Dalvag for our weekly Elite.

So we teamed up and smooshed him. Easiest 50 hunt seals ever.
#280 Aug 21 2014 at 9:30 AM Rating: Good
4,175 posts
BartelX wrote:
I'm not opposed to caps, but I am opposed to putting hunts into guildleves. That basically turns the entire system into a solo/small group fest. I like the idea of hunts being an open-world, social thing. They already made an aspect of it solo with the dailies and weekly. The rest should stay made for large groups, they just need to change the way the system works.

Nashred wrote:
I dont want another instance, well than it just turns into another instance.. I was asking more open world content and this fits the bill perfectly, just needs some adjustment.. Eventually it will slow down as people get what they wanted....

Phasing. It's a term used to describe an instance out in the open world. Essentially everyone in the world can see the mob, but it's instanced in that only certain people in that zone can interact with it.

Here is an example I put together partially from my vision of what I thought hunts would be with a twist of the feedback I've seen here and in other places...

You would have solo hunts, light group hunts and large group hunt quests. Maybe you speak to an NPC to flag the quest and they give you a zone at random. You can form a large party either by advertising in a city, asking for interest in your FC or however you like. Once you have enough people with the hunt for that zone flagged you would gather up in that zone and the leader would initiate the hunt. Basically a ready check and once everyone agrees, the hunt would start. The mob would spawn randomly inside the zone, but could only be claimed by a member of that group.

This way you'd still have solo and group content(of all sizes), you'd promote community by substituting cooperation for competition(no more worrying about zerg pulls with a ready check mechanic) and you keep the 'hunt' intact by still making players roam the zone to find the mob. Because the mobs would only be aggressive to the group initiating the hunt, it wouldn't disrupt some random lowbie running through the area and you couldn't get trolled by someone trying to pull it. They could also spread it out enough that you don't have so many people clogging up an area that people's hardware struggles to keep up with rendering.


Edited, Aug 21st 2014 11:31am by FilthMcNasty
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#281 Aug 21 2014 at 9:35 AM Rating: Good
6,899 posts
FilthMcNasty wrote:
Phasing. It's a term used to describe an instance out in the open world. Essentially everyone in the world can see the mob, but it's instanced in that only certain people in that zone can interact with it.

Here is an example I put together partially from my vision of what I thought hunts would be with a twist of the feedback I've seen here and in other places...

You would have solo hunts, light group hunts and large group hunt quests. Maybe you speak to an NPC to flag the quest and they give you a zone at random. You can form a large party either by advertising in a city, asking for interest in your FC or however you like. Once you have enough people with the hunt for that zone flagged you would gather up in that zone and the leader would initiate the hunt. Basically a ready check and once everyone agrees, the hunt would start. The mob would spawn randomly inside the zone, but could only be claimed by a member of that group.

This way you'd still have solo and group content(of all sizes), you'd promote community by substituting cooperation for competition(no more worrying about zerg pulls with a ready check mechanic) and you keep the 'hunt' intact by still making players roam the zone to find the mob. Because the mobs would only be aggressive to the group initiating the hunt, it wouldn't disrupt some random lowbie running through the area and you couldn't get trolled by someone trying to pull it. They could also spread it out enough that you don't have so many people clogging up an area that people's hardware struggles to keep up with rendering.


Not saying it's a bad idea, it's just not what I would want. I like the somewhat randomness of hunts. I like that you don't know exactly when or in what order they are going to pop. I also like that anyone can do them at any time. This would definitely limit that. Perhaps this could be something added in addition to the current system. The idea behind it is solid, it's just not what I'd personally be looking for from hunts. But that's just me.
#282 Aug 21 2014 at 9:38 AM Rating: Good
392 posts
I think the system is fine. Those who can invest more time should get more rewards. And those of us that cannot, the dailies/weekly adds more then enough given the short amount if time it takes. In one week I can net 274 seals on easy dailies and a weekly that is now actually fun to do.

And I think that when fighting a A or S in a party should net you higher rewards over soloing it. A single person cannot expect to effect a mob as much as a full party. If I see a A or S during my travels, I ALWAYS see people shouting for a party and it takes me seconds so create my own party and get full credit.
#283 Aug 21 2014 at 9:45 AM Rating: Good
Catwho wrote:
Illsaide and I were both on Flame Seargeant Dalvag for our weekly Elite.

So we teamed up and smooshed him. Easiest 50 hunt seals ever.

Rats. Missed that fun. He's mine too.

Think he can be soloed by i93 WHM + rank 10 chocobo? I probably won't need to solo him, but I'd like to know whether it's worth trying.
#284 Aug 21 2014 at 10:02 AM Rating: Excellent
Not saying it's a bad idea, it's just not what I would want. I like the somewhat randomness of hunts. I like that you don't know exactly when or in what order they are going to pop. I also like that anyone can do them at any time. This would definitely limit that.

That's kind of how I feel about Filth's idea. It's a good idea, solid thought behind it, but that kind of content may be better added as a new type of guild leve (and the leve/guildhest systems have so much untapped potential).
Thayos Redblade
#285 Aug 21 2014 at 10:30 AM Rating: Good
1,732 posts
I feel the same way as Bartel and Thayos.. I like the randomness of the whole thing..

I really dont mind the system now it just need tweaking to stop the early pulling and spread people out or not have so many on the same mob.

Example last night while doing my daily hunt I run across a B mark.. I tell my friend to come quick, he is in the zone so he can get here than I was going to shout to everyone else. While standing there someone else spots it and puts out a shout, within a minute there are so many people there and of coarse it is a early pull. I was trying to get other people in my party to get max points. My friend gets there just in time for one or two hits.. We got 3 points in our party. It died so fast no one got max points because most got a few hits in. I found the thing and only got three points. B marks should not die in seconds, it should be a awsum epic battle. It feels cheap..
This is just outside of Mor Dhona so it is a extreme example because the highest concentration of players is there and can be there in seconds.. But it is the point.

Honestly if you think about it, allot of the problem is being caused by everyone knowing when marks are about too pop and what zone they are going to pop in and these tracking sites can track the times. If they made it 100 percent random when the pops were that would spread the people out because they would not know exactly what zone the next pop is in.

You know it is not the early pulls that are a issue either if the mobs didnt die so fast. Also if it were risky to pull first because you had all the hate people would not pull... You have to have a coordinated effort and several at the same time.

Edited, Aug 21st 2014 12:37pm by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#286 Aug 21 2014 at 10:39 AM Rating: Excellent
Honestly if you think about it, allot of the problem is being caused by everyone knowing when marks are about too pop and what zone they are going to pop in and these tracking sites can track the times. If they had more random pops that would spread the people out because they would not know exactly what zone the next pop is in.

The only problem here is this would really harm the social aspects of hunts.

I think there's already plenty of randomness, and it's in such a way that people are able to work together. As an alternative to a cap on seals, making the mark NM invulnerable for maybe 3 minutes after it spawns would put an end to many instances of early pulling. And in the event an A rank isn't being heavily hunted -- say months from now when demand has died down -- then most mobs would pop and have their timers expire long before they're engaged.

Another random thought... what if A and S ranks dropped pop items that would lead to a different type of mark NM huntable via Filth's method?
Thayos Redblade
#287 Aug 21 2014 at 10:45 AM Rating: Default
1,732 posts
Thayos wrote:
Honestly if you think about it, allot of the problem is being caused by everyone knowing when marks are about too pop and what zone they are going to pop in and these tracking sites can track the times. If they had more random pops that would spread the people out because they would not know exactly what zone the next pop is in.

The only problem here is this would really harm the social aspects of hunts.

I think there's already plenty of randomness, and it's in such a way that people are able to work together. As an alternative to a cap on seals, making the mark NM invulnerable for maybe 3 minutes after it spawns would put an end to many instances of early pulling. And in the event an A rank isn't being heavily hunted -- say months from now when demand has died down -- then most mobs would pop and have their timers expire long before they're engaged.

Another random thought... what if A and S ranks dropped pop items that would lead to a different type of mark NM huntable via Filth's method?

I dont know why it would hurt and I think it might help..
Your party would have to spread out and actually hunt/search them down in other zones.
You just dont know exactly where and when.. I actually makes you hunt..
Pretty much what we do now...
Again just throwing out ideas.. I dont think there is a perfect way to make everyone happy.. The new changes go a long way to make those who solo happy...

Too me it is not as much the early pulls it how fast they are dieing. If you could get in 1/2 way and still get decent seals it would not be such a big deal. they just die way to fast..

I think the problem will eventually correct its self.. As more get there seals they will stop. Those that are so frustrated with wasting time are stopping for now too and once the frenzy dies down they will come back.

Edited, Aug 21st 2014 12:51pm by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#288 Aug 21 2014 at 10:55 AM Rating: Good
6,899 posts
Nashred wrote:
I dont know why it would hurt and I think it might help..
Your party would have to spread out and actually hunt/search them down in other zones.
You just dont know exactly where and when.. I actually makes you hunt..
Pretty much what we do now...
Again just throwing out ideas.. I dont think there is a perfect way to make everyone happy.. The new changes go a long way to make those who solo happy...

Too me it is not as much the early pulls it how fast they are dieing. If you could get in 1/2 way and still get decent seals it would not be such a big deal. they just die way to fast..

I think the problem will eventually correct its self.. As more get there seals they will stop. Those that are so frustrated with wasting time are stopping for now too and once the frenzy dies down they will come back.

It would hurt the social aspect, because not nearly as many people would be willing to just run around randomly with no idea when or where a pop is going to occur. And when it does occur, it's still going to be the same mad rush to get there before everyone else. The only feasible way to currently fix the issue is to spread people out, and the only way I can think to make that happen is to have multiple mobs always popping at the same time so that people have options of where to go. Although I do like Thayos' idea about having S ranks drop some trigger that then pops another tier that maybe has a lot more mechanics, but can be taken down by a party or single alliance. That would be very cool in my opinion.
#289 Aug 21 2014 at 11:02 AM Rating: Default
1,732 posts
BartelX wrote:
Nashred wrote:
I dont know why it would hurt and I think it might help..
Your party would have to spread out and actually hunt/search them down in other zones.
You just dont know exactly where and when.. I actually makes you hunt..
Pretty much what we do now...
Again just throwing out ideas.. I dont think there is a perfect way to make everyone happy.. The new changes go a long way to make those who solo happy...

Too me it is not as much the early pulls it how fast they are dieing. If you could get in 1/2 way and still get decent seals it would not be such a big deal. they just die way to fast..

I think the problem will eventually correct its self.. As more get there seals they will stop. Those that are so frustrated with wasting time are stopping for now too and once the frenzy dies down they will come back.

It would hurt the social aspect, because not nearly as many people would be willing to just run around randomly with no idea when or where a pop is going to occur. And when it does occur, it's still going to be the same mad rush to get there before everyone else. The only feasible way to currently fix the issue is to spread people out, and the only way I can think to make that happen is to have multiple mobs always popping at the same time so that people have options of where to go. Although I do like Thayos' idea about having S ranks drop some trigger that then pops another tier that maybe has a lot more mechanics, but can be taken down by a party or single alliance. That would be very cool in my opinion.

Probably right..
But right now when I am in a hunt party we usually spread out to several zone already to look for mobs but probably be less with no B ranks now... If it were completely random you could have several pop at the same time..
By being more random too it makes it much better for a party because you can cover more area faster than solo...
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#290 Aug 21 2014 at 11:21 AM Rating: Excellent
1,310 posts
FilthMcNasty wrote:
Maybe you speak to an NPC to flag the quest and they give you a zone at random. You can form a large party either by advertising in a city, asking for interest in your FC or however you like. Once you have enough people with the hunt for that zone flagged you would gather up in that zone and the leader would initiate the hunt. Basically a ready check and once everyone agrees, the hunt would start. The mob would spawn randomly inside the zone, but could only be claimed by a member of that group.


You've pretty much described a Levequest, but without the radar telling you exactly where to go.
#291 Aug 21 2014 at 11:42 AM Rating: Excellent
FilthMcNasty wrote:
BartelX wrote:
I'm not opposed to caps, but I am opposed to putting hunts into guildleves. That basically turns the entire system into a solo/small group fest. I like the idea of hunts being an open-world, social thing. They already made an aspect of it solo with the dailies and weekly. The rest should stay made for large groups, they just need to change the way the system works.
Nashred wrote:
I dont want another instance, well than it just turns into another instance.. I was asking more open world content and this fits the bill perfectly, just needs some adjustment.. Eventually it will slow down as people get what they wanted....
Phasing. It's a term used to describe an instance out in the open world. Essentially everyone in the world can see the mob, but it's instanced in that only certain people in that zone can interact with it.

What you describe here sounds exactly like leve quests.

We can see someone else's leve mobs, and we can see them, and they can see us, but we can't attack their mobs.
#292 Aug 21 2014 at 11:44 AM Rating: Good
1,732 posts
It may not be perfect but I am happy SE put some open world content in other than fates...
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#293 Aug 21 2014 at 12:17 PM Rating: Decent
4,175 posts
BartelX wrote:
Not saying it's a bad idea, it's just not what I would want. I like the somewhat randomness of hunts. I like that you don't know exactly when or in what order they are going to pop. I also like that anyone can do them at any time. This would definitely limit that.

I'm not sure that I agree with this point. Unless you mean that you want to be able to do any hunt at any time, the current system already limits you in that regard. I also factored in that Yoshi himself stated that this game is tuned to the more casual side of casual. Can you expand on what specifically you meant by 'any time'?

What if the NPC that flagged you also gave you the option to select between zone-wide, region-wide or worldwide hunts? You can decide whether or not you want something quick and painless, a moderate chase or if you want to scour every corner of Eorzea tracking down your prey. I think that would satisfy the requirement for random and still put the content in the hands of the players to decide how hot they like their porridge Smiley: cool

Catwho wrote:
What you describe here sounds exactly like leve quests.

We can see someone else's leve mobs, and we can see them, and they can see us, but we can't attack their mobs.

It is exactly like levequests, except it's not. Phasing is a term that was in play in MMOs well before levequests. Actually if I recall correctly, it was around even before development of XIV was announced. I had actually hoped to see more of this technique to make the world seem more dynamic, but they haven't really explored it.

Imagine being out in the field and seeing a band(read: I don't know the correct term for a group) of raging beastmen pillaging a small village. With phasing, you could flag players so that if they fended off the attackers they would see a village with NPCs that thank them or even offer them special vendor goodies. If they fail to thwart the attack then they might see the village in flames when they returned. Then as time passes they'd see villagers trying to rebuild and possibly be able to receive a quest to help in the efforts.

We need more of this sort of cause and effect type of content. It really makes you feel like you're making a mark and things you do or don't do actually have consequences.
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#294 Aug 21 2014 at 12:55 PM Rating: Good
6,899 posts
FilthMcNasty wrote:
BartelX wrote:
Not saying it's a bad idea, it's just not what I would want. I like the somewhat randomness of hunts. I like that you don't know exactly when or in what order they are going to pop. I also like that anyone can do them at any time. This would definitely limit that.

I'm not sure that I agree with this point. Unless you mean that you want to be able to do any hunt at any time, the current system already limits you in that regard. I also factored in that Yoshi himself stated that this game is tuned to the more casual side of casual. Can you expand on what specifically you meant by 'any time'?

What if the NPC that flagged you also gave you the option to select between zone-wide, region-wide or worldwide hunts? You can decide whether or not you want something quick and painless, a moderate chase or if you want to scour every corner of Eorzea tracking down your prey. I think that would satisfy the requirement for random and still put the content in the hands of the players to decide how hot they like their porridge Smiley: cool

What I mean is that at any given time, you can go to several zones with a chance of an A or S rank randomly spawning at any point (as long as their minimum respawn time has elapsed). I also like that if you just happen to be IN a random zone when it spawns, you can just join a group and go to town. Your second paragraph addresses the first portion of this somewhat, but it still limits it to people who have already signed up for the event.

Again, I actually do like the idea as something in addition to hunts. I think it would be a really cool event to do as an FC. I just also like the completely open-world, on-the-fly aspect of what hunts are now. I will say, if they added something like this in, it would probably somewhat reduce the issues on A and S, since there would be another option for players to make seals without insane competition.
FilthMcNasty wrote:

We need more of this sort of cause and effect type of content. It really makes you feel like you're making a mark and things you do or don't do actually have consequences.

I think Everquest Next is planning to do a lot of this type of stuff. I agree that I'd like to see it implemented more in XIV, I'm a big fan of dynamic changes caused by player/group actions.

Edited, Aug 21st 2014 2:59pm by BartelX
#295 Aug 21 2014 at 3:43 PM Rating: Decent
4,175 posts
BartelX wrote:
I also like that if you just happen to be IN a random zone when it spawns, you can just join a group and go to town. Your second paragraph addresses the first portion of this somewhat, but it still limits it to people who have already signed up for the event.

The first idea I had was to allow it to act like a FATE. If you wander close enough to a hunt mob you get a sound and your map is marked. When you get close enough to engage the UI prompts you to auto-group similar to how it works in RIFT. The problem that most people seem to have with this event is that the combination of random and open-world doesn't work well. It's gotta be limited somehow, but the most recent idea at least allows for people to participate on their terms.

The way it is currently, you will still have that random encounter where you might just happen upon a hunt mob. The issue is that since 5, 50 or 500 people can all jump in without limit, people are always excluded because they couldn't get there in time to mash frantically for enough contribution. The idea at least addresses the fact that in an event where you're supposed to team up with other people, instead you're competing against them.

I don't see it working well in a limitless open-world environment. There are simply too many people after the prize and the events don't last long enough to reward everyone. It's an odd situation. In order to make sure everyone can participate they have to either hard cap by limiting player's attempts or soft cap by reducing the rewards a player can get.

The only other possibility I see working is allowing whatever currency you can earn to be gained through other types of content. If players could PvP, quest, run instances or even accept crafted items as trade for rewards then at least they could spread the load. Players could do something they enjoyed rather than be forced into something they'd rather not do.

Edited, Aug 21st 2014 5:44pm by FilthMcNasty
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#296 Aug 21 2014 at 7:33 PM Rating: Decent
392 posts
Gotta admit I think a cap is a great idea, granted, there will still be zering and lots of it, i think. But after what i just saw, yea, i'm all for it. Was doing a FATE for my dailes and a A rank popped within sight. The FATE was in central Shroud and it was deep in a cave and i was the only one there. Within seconds my girlsfriends hunting LS had multiple people giving the mobs <pos>. My question is how did they know the <pos> of the A rank when i was clearly the only person there. There is no way someone else saw it as it was down a tunnel and in the back part of a cave. So anywhos....i shout and start inviting people, i literally invite 2 people and a HUGE train of at least 50 people show up and zerg the mob down in seconds. I still can't fathom how they got there so quickly or knew where the mob was.

Think i'll still to my dailies and weekly hunts. If all hunting LS's work like that, doesn't really seem like much fun to me.

Edited, Aug 21st 2014 9:35pm by RyanSquires
#297 Aug 21 2014 at 7:43 PM Rating: Decent
6,899 posts
I still don't understand why just making copies of the mob that all pop simultaneously doesn't fix the issue. Heck, to really space it out you could make them pop in adjacent zones. So basically, instead of 1 S-rank popping, 3 of them pop... all the same mob (or heck, change the name slightly for lore sake and make it "a pack of XXX on the loose!"). Then people go to whatever one is closest/most convenient/least crowded. Once you've killed something from that "family", you can't kill it again until respawn timer is up.

It spreads players out, doesn't really change the system much, and keeps the rewards the same. Heck, they could even greatly nerf the rewards or add a cap if it seems like too much, since everyone would be able to get to most A/S ranks when they're on in time. And when it gets to the point that players have their fill and don't really participate as much, they despawn after 15-20 minutes untouched.

Ideally, I just don't think they need to radically change the system. That being said, I'd really like to see something like Filth proposed as kind of an additional system, that is made more for GC's or even PF parties. I just want it additionally as opposed to replacing the current system. Again, this is me speaking for myself and what I'd like to see happen.

Edited, Aug 21st 2014 9:45pm by BartelX
#298 Aug 21 2014 at 8:25 PM Rating: Excellent
4,175 posts
In today's MMOs, open world content would be considered 'radical'. Even XI, a game famous for how unforgiving it was with 10 day spawns and 1% drop rates, shed that idea. If you see world spawns in other games almost all of them have some combination of the limitations I listed above. NoneVery few of them ever have players competing for spawns and the ones that do are on short timers and don't reward items that are highly sought after or can't be obtained through other methods.

Not sure if you ever played XI, but competition for NMs was probably it's largest point of contention among the player base before it was adjusted. The only people who complained when the changes were added were people who monopolized these mobs for gil drops. Most people welcomed triggers and short timer spawns. I no longer had that dirty feeling of being the lucky **** who spammed his provoke/steal macro faster and I didn't get tells about wasting a spawn because I wasn't a THF decked in TH gear. Let players compete, by all means; just not in an event that makes people feel like something is being taken away from them or that they're not fit for a group.

Edited, Aug 21st 2014 10:35pm by FilthMcNasty
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#299 Aug 21 2014 at 10:01 PM Rating: Good
6,899 posts
If done properly, where there isn't a crazy overabundance of people at one single mob, the system would work great. Not everything needs to be instanced or phased. However, adding something that is as an alternative is completely cool with me. I just don't want to be forced to do the phased content by removing the open world content. Hunts are one of the few things that really have me intrigued about playing again, and your proposed idea of making them instanced or phased or whatever just isn't as interesting or desirable.

Like I said, put both versions in. But don't remove the open world aspect when it can definitely be fixed and made enjoyable for all, or at least all who are interested in that type of content. Clearly there are a lot of people who do enjoy it currently, and I think even more would if it wasn't such a zerg all the times. Spread the people out; mission accomplished.

Edited, Aug 22nd 2014 12:04am by BartelX
#300 Aug 22 2014 at 12:39 AM Rating: Excellent
542 posts
RyanSquires wrote:
Gotta admit I think a cap is a great idea, granted, there will still be zering and lots of it, i think. But after what i just saw, yea, i'm all for it. Was doing a FATE for my dailes and a A rank popped within sight. The FATE was in central Shroud and it was deep in a cave and i was the only one there. Within seconds my girlsfriends hunting LS had multiple people giving the mobs <pos>. My question is how did they know the <pos> of the A rank when i was clearly the only person there. There is no way someone else saw it as it was down a tunnel and in the back part of a cave. So anywhos....i shout and start inviting people, i literally invite 2 people and a HUGE train of at least 50 people show up and zerg the mob down in seconds. I still can't fathom how they got there so quickly or knew where the mob was.

Think i'll still to my dailies and weekly hunts. If all hunting LS's work like that, doesn't really seem like much fun to me.

If you were definitely the only one there, then the most likely answer is they were using radar. Which if you aren't aware of it, is a third party plugin that basically shows the names of enemies around you on the map, similar to FFXI's "wide scan" ability if you're familiar with that. Even if the player was nowhere in sight of either you or the mob, they could still have very easily been close enough to be picked up by radar, as the radius is quite large.

What you saw happens constantly, although I believe players can be banned for it so you probably won't hear people talking about it using any form of in game chat. It's one of several reasons why I really have no interest in the content as it is right now.
#301 Aug 22 2014 at 6:45 AM Rating: Good
1,732 posts
RyanSquires wrote:
Gotta admit I think a cap is a great idea, granted, there will still be zering and lots of it, i think. But after what i just saw, yea, i'm all for it. Was doing a FATE for my dailes and a A rank popped within sight. The FATE was in central Shroud and it was deep in a cave and i was the only one there. Within seconds my girlsfriends hunting LS had multiple people giving the mobs <pos>. My question is how did they know the <pos> of the A rank when i was clearly the only person there. There is no way someone else saw it as it was down a tunnel and in the back part of a cave. So anywhos....i shout and start inviting people, i literally invite 2 people and a HUGE train of at least 50 people show up and zerg the mob down in seconds. I still can't fathom how they got there so quickly or knew where the mob was.

Think i'll still to my dailies and weekly hunts. If all hunting LS's work like that, doesn't really seem like much fun to me.

Edited, Aug 21st 2014 9:35pm by RyanSquires

Well there probably are several things happening...
The people in your Girlfriends LS probably also put a tell out to their FC's.. Those people in those FC might also be in Hunt LS and told them and it snowballs.
Also I am not sure SE has a grip on the radar software yet?

Edited, Aug 22nd 2014 8:48am by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
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