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How will SE address hunts in this coming maintenance?Follow

#252 Aug 20 2014 at 12:43 AM Rating: Good
4,175 posts
Illsaide wrote:
I feel that Hunts can now be done on the side, as opposed to specifically focusing on them to make real progress.

This statement is incredibly profound. I'm not sure it was your intention, but you identified the problem. Well done Smiley: nod

Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#253 Aug 20 2014 at 2:17 AM Rating: Excellent
The vocal minority always makes more noise. Meanwhile, hundreds of people hunt on each server at any given moment.

And no.. Sorry, but I didn't create the hunt community, especially not in this thread.

And yes, soloing was, and still is, less efficient on As and Ss. Whether you agree with that doesn't make it less true.
Thayos Redblade
#254 Aug 20 2014 at 5:20 AM Rating: Decent
4,511 posts
All that complaining in XIV eventually devolves into is;

"I dont like it, so I demand this gets changed!"

Even the official boards are full with nothing but that rubbish. People want Summoner to be changed, people want drops to be changed, people want X job to be implemented, people want huge lockouts for casual players. No one cares what would be good for the game, everyone only seems to be in it for themselves. Heck, some are just doing it to anoy others and ruin the game for them.

I like the game, i really do, and sure it's not perfect, but the majority of people's "suggestions" will do more harm than good, and i feel it's purposefully done sometimes as well. I'm glad the developers are not listening to people as much anymore. I'd rather see everyone be ignored than to have one bad idea implemented. This is what ruined XIV 1.0. Changes after changes for no real benefit, mindless updates and lockouts that served no one. Not to mention "suggestions" that SE took up and completely twisted and overcomplicated.

Heck, the insistant whining of Warriors who didnt know how to properly play their job that was completely fine got buffed into a godlike state.

Just give it a rest already guys. Nothing you can do or say will change SE's mind about the hunts now. And even if they do, they will somehow find a way to ruin the implementation into something nobody is happy with.

Edited, Aug 20th 2014 1:21pm by KojiroSoma
#255 Aug 20 2014 at 6:01 AM Rating: Excellent
6,899 posts
KojiroSoma wrote:
Heck, the insistant whining of Warriors who didnt know how to properly play their job that was completely fine got buffed into a godlike state.

Uh no, warriors got buffed because they were CLEARLY inferior to paladins in terms of tanking. They had next to nothing in terms of damage mitigation, and a huge chunk of their skillset was completely useless or incredibly situational. They definitely went a little overboard with buffing them since they already destroyed pld in DPS, but there was a definite need for an update. I had war at 50 in about November and pld completely trumped it in a lot of fights because I had no way to mitigate enough damage to efficiently win (T1 snakes and Titan Table Flip come to mind).

Sometimes the people's whining isn't great for the game (a better example would have been the 2H buff in ffxi, where people whined to the point that SE just said ***** it and made them DPS gods), but in some cases, the people are absolutely correct. Just because SE designed the game doesn't mean their design decisions are great. I mean, does anyone honestly think that forcing players to cope with the horrid RNG for 12 atmas which seem to have a less than 5% chance to drop is good game design? No, it's nothing but a time sink, and a poorly implemented one at that.
#256 Aug 20 2014 at 6:28 AM Rating: Excellent
342 posts
Thayos wrote:
The vocal minority always makes more noise. Meanwhile, hundreds of people hunt on each server at any given moment.

That may very well be true, but it doesn't mean they like it. My super scientific "ear test" (ie, what I hear from people) suggests they do it for progression's sake, not because they like it. I'd bet a lot of them enjoy having an alternative path towards farming seals now.
#257 Aug 20 2014 at 8:07 AM Rating: Excellent
Raylo, I agree. Heck, even I like having a way to get a super easy chunk of seals once per week. I did my dailies last night while in the queue for ST. Worked out well.

It is still a Nerf though. And it doesn't fix the negativity. It just gives people who don't want to deal with the negativity a different, less lucrative path to take.
Thayos Redblade
#258 Aug 20 2014 at 8:35 AM Rating: Decent
Thayos wrote:
The vocal minority always makes more noise. Meanwhile, hundreds of people hunt on each server at any given moment.

Meanwhile, hundreds of people passively choose to not do the daily/weekly marks because the rewards aren't worth it and they have no time or interest in hunting for A's and S's. Not that they wouldn't if the rewards actually made sense (which they now do).

Unsurprisingly the most noise right now comes from people like you, looking at the fix from the hunting community's view. I can only agree with you that the vocal minority makes more noise, as proven by you and others like you.
#259 Aug 20 2014 at 8:55 AM Rating: Excellent
Unsurprisingly the most noise right now comes from people like you, looking at the fix from the hunting community's view. I can only agree with you that the vocal minority makes more noise, as proven by you and others like you.

Have you even looked at the OFs lately? Trust me... people who hunt are not the vocal minority.

I'm not even really making noise. You're trying very, very hard to stick to the narrative of "the big bad horde is being mean to solo players," which has always been a load of garbage. You should know this.

There are things about these changes I like, and things I don't like. And yes, SE failed to solve the biggest problem with hunts, which is the frustration and negativity surrounding A and S ranks. Although just about everyone (myself included) will use the option of getting an easy 12 seals/day and an extra 50/week (most people won't wait around for their FATE marks, guaranteed), many people will STILL remain on the sidelines for A and S ranks because 1) they're still being zerged and 2) there's still drama over early pulls. SE had a chance to fix this and bring more players to the potluck... instead, SE just yanked out B-rank mobs and set them on the kids' table.

Overall, it's a nerf. My friends who've been sitting on the sidelines because either they didn't want to take part in the zerg or didn't want to deal with the negativity will still be sitting on the sidelines for A and S ranks. They'll still earn less than 190 seals per week (and less if they don't play every day). Meanwhile, even with Bs made obsolete, I got 200 seals yesterday (and that's STILL nerfed).

Only players like you who only wanted to play solo will really, honestly benefit from this.

Everyone else -- not just people in hunt groups, but people who WANTED to join hunt groups, just without such heavy zerging or trigger-finger drama -- lost out. Even though many are now able to collect seals without being exposed to the negativity of A and S-rank pulls, they still can't get seals at the fast rate that I got them... even if they DID do A and S ranks now, they would STILL be nerfed. Nobody will ever gain seals as quickly as hunt groups did since the launch of the past.

If you look on the official forums, you'll see a lot of people who were clamoring for changes before are now frustrated because they feel the hunt groups "won" by benefiting from weeks of hunting before it was nerfed. I don't think that's a good way to look at things, but I understand why they feel that way. Don't you?

It is what it is, H.

Like I've already said, I've got all the seals I really needed, so I'm seriously not upset by these changes. When a few A-rank windows are open, I'll go get seals. When they're not, I won't. I don't mind collecting them at a slower pace now for my second and third jobs.

Still a nerf, though! Glad I got my seals beforehand. Smiley: smile

Edited, Aug 20th 2014 8:02am by Thayos

Edited, Aug 20th 2014 8:03am by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#260 Aug 20 2014 at 9:58 AM Rating: Decent
Everyone else -- not just people in hunt groups, but people who WANTED to join hunt groups, just without such heavy zerging or trigger-finger drama -- lost out. Even though many are now able to collect seals without being exposed to the negativity of A and S-rank pulls, they still can't get seals at the fast rate that I got them... even if they DID do A and S ranks now, they would STILL be nerfed. Nobody will ever gain seals as quickly as hunt groups did since the launch of the past.

If you look on the official forums, you'll see a lot of people who were clamoring for changes before are now frustrated because they feel the hunt groups "won" by benefiting from weeks of hunting before it was nerfed. I don't think that's a good way to look at things, but I understand why they feel that way. Don't you?

Only if there was a weekly cap like you suggested as the better alternative... Oh wait, that would have limited these people you're talking about - even more than the current fix does. You are so busy trying to prove me wrong that you're invalidating your own arguments at the same time Smiley: lol

Any change SE could make to the system leaves some party disappointed. Maybe someday you, too, can accept the fact.
#261 Aug 20 2014 at 10:07 AM Rating: Excellent
Only if there was a weekly cap like you suggested as the better alternative... Oh wait, that would have limited these people you're talking about - even more than the current fix does.

You really should think before you post.

I never suggested a weekly cap of less than 500 seals. I even suggested it could be more, like 750 seals (enough for one sand), and still make a positive difference.

Instead, SE essentially capped soloers and people who don't want to zerg at less than 200 (more if you're willing to sit around waiting for those stupid fate bills) while nerfing everyone else... and WITHOUT solving the biggest problem! Smiley: wink

Heck, I STILL think SE should put in a 750 weekly cap on seals. Players like you would never come close to hitting it, and players like me don't need more than one sands of time per week, anyway. And then the zerg would die down, and more people would be able to get more than a measly 200 seals/week.

EDIT: H, I think I see where you're confused, so let me clarify something: I don't care that the majority of hunters have been nerfed. I actually think it's a good thing. The rewards were very unbalanced, and this helps reign it in a bit. I also favor changes that will encourage more people to party up to fight A and S ranks, as developers intended in their design -- I want those people on the sidelines to feel like they're welcome to join in this content -- but SE didn't make any such changes. SE swung the nerf bat and totally whiffed on fixing the system nearly as much as they should have. A nerf is a nerf is a nerf, and if you're gonna nerf something, you should really make it count. SE whiffed. Just look at the official forums... it's not doom and gloom, but nobody's dancing in the streets, either. Soloers got a pacifier, and everyone else got nerfed. Very few people seem completely happy, and I understand why.

From what you're posting in here, you seem hyper-focused on soloing, and that's it... aren't you concerned about all the people who want to thrive in hunt groups, but their needs STILL haven't been met?

Trust me... there are more people who want to fight the biggest monsters and get the best rewards than there are people who just want to solo one B rank per week and a handful of regular mobs.

This patch did nothing to help those people get into that content.

Edited, Aug 20th 2014 9:19am by Thayos

Edited, Aug 20th 2014 9:20am by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#262 Aug 20 2014 at 10:28 AM Rating: Good
1,732 posts
I think you two need to agree to disagree..

I do like what they did to the dailies and weekly's and I think it is a positive especially for those who dont join in on the hunts.
Taking a the B's away from hunt parties and hunt LS is a negative for them without adding something else for them to hunt.
Its pretty much that simple..
I know I will spend more time doing the dailies now.
I also dont think its a small minority, this thread has gotten pretty long for a Zam thread lately..
But SE made their decision and now we live with it for a while or forever at least if they dont decided to do something later...

Here is something positive... I got my second blood splattered mark log drop and didn't even know I had it... That is a pleasant surprise.

Oh and Thayos you got enough seals for a whole job already.. Wow that's impressive. How many blood splattered mark log's did you get as drops?

Edited, Aug 20th 2014 12:36pm by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#263 Aug 20 2014 at 10:38 AM Rating: Excellent
I also dont think its a small minority, this thread has gotten pretty long for a Zam thread lately..

I think the number of people who just want to solo is definitely a minority... but I think there are far more people sitting on the sidelines who want to party up and take on the A and S ranks, but they're completely turned off by how overburdened the content is.

So, yes, a ton of people have been unhappy with hunts... I totally get that... but SE's "fix" doesn't help most of those people as much as it should have. Rather than enable those people to take part in the best content, they've basically been relegated to the kids' table. Meanwhile, the upper-rank zergs/frustration continues.

As for "agree to disagree"... ugh. That's got to be my least-favorite phrase ever.

Edited, Aug 20th 2014 9:43am by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#264 Aug 20 2014 at 10:43 AM Rating: Good
1,732 posts
Thayos wrote:
I also dont think its a small minority, this thread has gotten pretty long for a Zam thread lately..

I think the number of people who just want to solo is definitely a minority... but I think there are far more people sitting on the sidelines who want to party up and take on the A and S ranks, but they're completely turned off by how overburdened the content is.

So, yes, a ton of people have been unhappy with hunts... I totally get that... but SE's "fix" doesn't help most of those people as much as it should have.

As for "agree to disagree"... ugh. That's got to be my least-favorite phrase ever.

I think you took it the wrong way..
I was talking about the hunt LS and parties.. Meaning they are not a small minority.
I was agreeing with you...
i think it was my placement of that sentence.

Edited, Aug 20th 2014 12:44pm by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#265 Aug 20 2014 at 10:44 AM Rating: Excellent
Oh, yeah, my bad! I did misunderstand.
Thayos Redblade
#266 Aug 20 2014 at 12:19 PM Rating: Excellent
11,159 posts
I'd be wary in presuming to know what the soloists are or aren't doing. What is definite is that XIV's evaluation system doesn't favor soloists. Personally, I tend to solo stuff as often as possible to avoid the hassle of waiting for party members and putting up with the bads you do get from time to time. If XIV had a public party system, I'd certainly cut it some more slack, but it doesn't, so the burden of overcoming the evaluation metrics is solely on the individual. We've got no ! by our names like in XI if we're LFG. I can't even recall of searches differentiate between people solo or not here. Good luck navigating a long player list in the heat of battle, anyway.

So, while I agree buffing the bills was a good move, I'm more inclined to call this an overall nerf alongside SE not taking the needed steps to better the system for everyone. Done right, it won't matter if you're casual or hardcore, you'd just have to try to participate. Tossing 200-some table scraps in seals to the casuals via Bs may seem like a compromise, but part of the casual dilemma in MMOs is they don't often realize how much they're getting screwed by skewed rewards. "It's better than nothing!" is a common fallback when a lot of the time it's just the devs being stubborn and/or lazy.
Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
#267 Aug 20 2014 at 1:11 PM Rating: Decent
Thayos wrote:
Only if there was a weekly cap like you suggested as the better alternative... Oh wait, that would have limited these people you're talking about - even more than the current fix does.

You really should think before you post.

I never suggested a weekly cap of less than 500 seals. I even suggested it could be more, like 750 seals (enough for one sand), and still make a positive difference.

If you're going to argue against this fix with the premise that people are complaining that they can't hit the same # of seals as before, please try to grasp that the same issue applies to your proposed "fix", regardless of what exact cap to the # of seals you were thinking of. 500, 750, 900, 1100... If it's below the # of seals you could get before, people will complain that they can't hit the similar numbers. It's not rocket science, please think before you post.

Edited, Aug 20th 2014 7:14pm by Hyanmen
#268 Aug 20 2014 at 1:47 PM Rating: Excellent
4,780 posts
I'm also going to caution against speaking for what is the perceived majority. What may seems to be hundreds on visual may simply be the tip of a much larger iceberg. Often do we claim Vocal Minority vs Silent Majority in an effort to give us more validity in their arguments. However, such questions are moot when talking about creating intelligent design - when making adjustments, you have to attempt to accommodate the widest available span possible.

Currently, my opinion is that the content still fails to satisfy the soloist or the grouping, though their steps towards aiding soloists were in the correct direction. However that fix puts more pressure on other flaws in the system that will need to be addressed as well.

When making blanket statements, it's nearly impossible to do so with accuracy. Put bluntly, we don't know how many players were pushed away from hunts due to its exclusive nature. We may have hundreds active, but there may be thousands more that looked at it and went "I'm not getting involved in that mess." I at the very least can count myself among that camp.

I'd also, under no condition, believe the forum membership of FFXIV in its entirety, whether or not they are one side or the other as far as ideal camps go, can ever represent the majority - only the outspoken. Most players, won't bother with forums.

So, honestly, we need to focus on best possible solution, and I only view this change as a first step.
#269 Aug 20 2014 at 2:22 PM Rating: Excellent
542 posts
Raylo wrote:
That may very well be true, but it doesn't mean they like it. My super scientific "ear test" (ie, what I hear from people) suggests they do it for progression's sake, not because they like it. I'd bet a lot of them enjoy having an alternative path towards farming seals now.

This statement hits the nail on the head IMO. While any predictions on what the "majority" are feeling is obviously speculation, I would be extremely surprised if the massive rewards were not the source of hunts' popularity. I mean, even MMO newcomers likely recognize that progression content with low skill caps tend to become extremely popular regardless of how enjoyable they are. I think anyone would agree that it would be a massive stretch to say that there were constant Brayflox "first two boss" runs last patch because the first two bosses of Brayflox just happened to be a lot of fun to do over and over again. Likewise with players suddenly realizing how unbelievably enjoyable it is to run around zones doing FATEs for roughly 2% drop rate items 12 times in a row for relic upgrades. Strip the rewards from activities such as this, and would they remain popular? I think everyone knows the answer to that question.

Of course, it is possible to have activities that players really do find enjoyable enough to do on their own that just happen to also reward the player for their efforts (this is IMO, ideal), but you obviously cannot tell which events those are just by looking around the most rewarding activity in the game and saying "Gee, a lot of players are doing this, they must be really happy with the way things are." All we can really gather from that information is what most of us have known for years and some over a decade. That people like getting rewards in progression based MMOs.

Edit: On another note, I'd also like to point out that there is likely to be a decent chunk of players who don't necessarily just want to be able to solo the world for end game gear. I think that there would be many players who'd be perfectly happy letting hunters run around ganking mob after mob and being provided an alternate path to similar progress that they find enjoyable. I strongly believe the backlash wouldn't be nearly as large if it weren't for the fact that for one, hunt rewards are extremely good to the point of outclassing all of the other easily accessible content in the game, and secondly, that there are quite a few players that really, really dislike doing them. The end result is that players feel that their only options are to either stop progressing entirely, or put up with unenjoyable content.

Unlike with coil/primals where an argument could be made that "the best rewards should from the hardest content to give players incentive to do it," no such argument could be made here. Hunts are arguably some of the easiest content in the game due to the way players tackle them. Easier than low level dungeons, even easier than low level FATEs, if that is possible. The skill cap is absurdly low, and success depends more highly on factors such as either having good info or being in a group with someone else who has good info, having good loading time, and knowing how to twist the contribution system in your favor than it does about knowing anything about your enemy, your class, or how to play FFXIV in general. With that said, I really don't see any reason to open up end game progress to one and only one extremely easy and accessible event, while offering no such progress in other arguably much more challenging and engaging activities.

Edited, Aug 20th 2014 5:04pm by Susanoh
#270 Aug 20 2014 at 2:46 PM Rating: Excellent
If you're going to argue against this fix with the premise that people are complaining that they can't hit the same # of seals as before

I'm not arguing that. Smiley: lol

Is it worth trying to spell out my point again? Probably not. Everyone else here gets it (even if they don't agree), so I'm gonna call it good.

Edited, Aug 20th 2014 1:48pm by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#271 Aug 20 2014 at 3:22 PM Rating: Excellent
TL;DR version - Hunts aren't fixed until we can force Google Chrome on Lamia to stop being an *** about pulling early.
#272 Aug 20 2014 at 7:57 PM Rating: Good
4,175 posts
We didn't really need anymore proof that open world content should be limited, but hunts are just that.

Just curious, but how many people who are opposed to caps are also opposed to them moving this from open world content to instances similar to guildleves?
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#273 Aug 20 2014 at 9:48 PM Rating: Excellent
542 posts
FilthMcNasty wrote:
Just curious, but how many people who are opposed to caps are also opposed to them moving this from open world content to instances similar to guildleves?

I'd much prefer this to what we have now. This would fix or at least has the potential to fix:

  • Radar users having an advantage
  • "Mob reset" removing your progress
  • Disappearing mobs
  • Extremely trivial 5 second fights
  • Heavy focus on terrible "contribution" mechanics
#274 Aug 20 2014 at 10:14 PM Rating: Decent
11,159 posts
Combine it with requiring crafted pops and we'd be closer to an ideal. Overall, I'm not so much opposed to the free-roaming NMs as long as they don't wind up getting Ridills 'n ****. The respawn times do miff me a bit, though. I feel like As should be 2-3 hours tops, while S are 4-8. That way each region should see a pop or three within their usual peak times.
Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
#275 Aug 20 2014 at 11:55 PM Rating: Excellent
1,310 posts
FilthMcNasty wrote:
We didn't really need anymore proof that open world content should be limited, but hunts are just that.

Just curious, but how many people who are opposed to caps are also opposed to them moving this from open world content to instances similar to guildleves?

I think hunts are meant to be open world content in the same vein that they were originally in FFXII. I don't participate in the drama llama pajama groups, so it doesn't really bother me either way, but I'm not opposed to the concept. I'm glad they're taking steps to make it more casual friendly since the bulk of the players are casual, and there's some significant rewards offered that you can't get except in hardcore circles.
#276 Aug 21 2014 at 6:26 AM Rating: Good
6,899 posts
Susanoh wrote:
FilthMcNasty wrote:
Just curious, but how many people who are opposed to caps are also opposed to them moving this from open world content to instances similar to guildleves?

I'd much prefer this to what we have now. This would fix or at least has the potential to fix:

  • Radar users having an advantage
  • "Mob reset" removing your progress
  • Disappearing mobs
  • Extremely trivial 5 second fights
  • Heavy focus on terrible "contribution" mechanics

I'm not opposed to caps, but I am opposed to putting hunts into guildleves. That basically turns the entire system into a solo/small group fest. I like the idea of hunts being an open-world, social thing. They already made an aspect of it solo with the dailies and weekly. The rest should stay made for large groups, they just need to change the way the system works.

For instance, what if instead of 1 version of an A/S rank mob in the zone, 2-4 popped simultaneouly in different corners of the zone. Then, you could pick and choose which one to go to, people could call out how full each one seemed to be, and help disperse the populous more. You could make it so that if you killed one in that zone, you were locked out from the rewards of killing the others for a set amount of time so that you couldn't just go around killing them all. This would certainly lighten the burden for each mob and might even convince people to stop pulling so early.

Edited, Aug 21st 2014 10:10am by BartelX
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