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How will SE address hunts in this coming maintenance?Follow

#227 Aug 19 2014 at 9:50 AM Rating: Excellent
...And a huge buff to every other player out there, which I assure you is the majority of players.

Really? I don't agree... the eye test tells me there were far more people involved in hunt groups than there were people who simply refused to participate.

And this huge "buff" isn't really a buff... it's more of a miraged cap, but a cap done in such a way that it makes part of the system incredibly easy, but the other part even more frenzied. A lot of people weren't turned off by hunting groups; they were turned off by the negativity surrounding pulls. They also didn't enjoy riding up to A ranks to find them killed by a relatively small number of people -- that caused tons of frustration. That negativity may be intensified by this fix, which solves nothing for those players and doesn't help the game's community.

I agree the majority of players complaining about hunts are the people who will benefit from this "fix," but this ends up being a nerf to the entire system.

On the bright side, players who were too turned off by the negativity to participate in hunts can now get some seals without any drama... but the fact remains, their success is virtually capped. Really, this is a nerf. Rather than do something to truly fix the problem, SE left the biggest problem intact (too much traffic on A ranks, which won't go away, but will only be less organized).

The players' way of dealing with this (by forming hunt groups and linkshells with shared resources and cooperation) was much better than SE's way of dealing with this (trivializing B ranks for most players, making A & S rank hunting less organized and more competitive -- and probably more nasty when early pulls happen).

Edited, Aug 19th 2014 8:59am by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#228 Aug 19 2014 at 10:20 AM Rating: Default
1,732 posts
Hyanmen wrote:
Nashred wrote:
BartelX wrote:
Really confused by these changes. While nerfing the B ranks, it seems to me they just nerfed the hunt groups and social aspect of hunting. Since A's and S's aren't up as frequently, it will be much harder for hunt groups to stick together and just sit around twiddling their thumbs for half hour or an hour between pops, and when they do pop it's going to be even more of a mad rush to "cash in". This seems like kind of a half-***** solution if you ask me.

Exactly, they just increased the pressure on A snd S marks...
Makes no sense.
They did nothing to help the situation just make it worse by doing that...

They buffed the casual aspect of the Hunts. Which was very much needed. With the way the system was before today, you either participated in the zerg or you might have as well given up on the system altogether.

Now that the daily/weekly marks make exponentially more sense, the pressure on A and S marks has been decreased if anything. No longer do people feel like they must hunt for B/A/S marks to make any sort of meaningful progress. However, they can hunt for A/S marks if they want to make more progress than the guaranteed... 270? or so marks per week.

Edited, Aug 19th 2014 3:01pm by Hyanmen

While I agree somewhat what you are saying at least with he daily's and weeklies and that they are way better and may help. If you read my post I did say this and this is for sure a good improvement.. But removing something hunt LS and hunt groups go after only will put more pressure on A and S or the groups will fall apart completely...

Again I like the improvements to weekly and daily's... Maybe the answer is have more marks other than A and S for the hunt parties or have a faster spawn rate since they can no longer hunt B... Maybe having more spawn in different areas at the same time..

Maybe there is not a right answer and I hope you are right this is a improvement because I liked the hunts..

Edited, Aug 19th 2014 12:42pm by Nashred
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#229 Aug 19 2014 at 10:30 AM Rating: Default
Thayos wrote:
And this huge "buff" isn't really a buff... it's more of a miraged cap, but a cap done in such a way that it makes part of the system incredibly easy, but the other part even more frenzied. A lot of people weren't turned off by hunting groups; they were turned off by the negativity surrounding pulls. They also didn't enjoy riding up to A ranks to find them killed by a relatively small number of people -- that caused tons of frustration. That negativity may be intensified by this fix, which solves nothing for those players and doesn't help the game's community.

I agree the majority of players complaining about hunts are the people who will benefit from this "fix," but this ends up being a nerf to the entire system.

Ah, thanks for the info that this wasn't a buff. I was under the impression that now that I'm suddenly getting 10 times more seals by doing the activities I've done before, which actually finally allows me to make meaningful progress in the system for the first time, would be a huge buff for me and people like me.

At first I actually felt that this fix was either a buff or nerf depending on the player's playstyle, and that the consequences wouldn't be so black-and-white, but now I finally grasp that the hunting community has the right to declare for everyone out there that the fix is a nerf, regardless of whether people like me benefit from it immensely or not.

Let me just act as the rate down substitute for speaking out for the people whose opinion doesn't matter.
#230 Aug 19 2014 at 11:09 AM Rating: Excellent
Where did I ever say anyone's opinion doesn't matter?

I agree this is a buff for players like you. However, you must realize that your potential has been nerfed. Everyone who was participating fully in the system has been nerfed.

And this fix likely won't do anything to quell the frustration from A and S ranks being overburdened.

Edited, Aug 19th 2014 10:10am by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#231 Aug 19 2014 at 11:23 AM Rating: Default
Thayos wrote:
Where did I ever say anyone's opinion doesn't matter?

I agree this is a buff for players like you. However, you must realize that your potential has been nerfed. Everyone who was participating fully in the system has been nerfed.

You told us how this fix is a nerf, even when it is a buff for many people. If their opinion matters, you wouldn't have ignored these people while trying to force your (the hunting community's) stance down their throats.

My potential was very low before, it is actually higher now than it was. I am actually killing rank B's. With that said I couldn't care less about this nerfed potential you speak of. Not like it wouldn't have been nerfed by implementing a weekly cap, too. Smiley: oyvey

(Which also had its objectors)

Edited, Aug 19th 2014 5:24pm by Hyanmen
#232 Aug 19 2014 at 11:29 AM Rating: Good
255 posts
Was that much of the Hunt LS community really focused around the B ranks? I know many people in my shells do not even bother to go AFTER B ranks anymore, because they die too quickly for many to arrive, they don't really need the Myth, and the Soldiery/seals amount is kind of low. It seems to me that this is more of a boon to the casual community than a nerf to the Hunt LS community.

Edited, Aug 19th 2014 1:30pm by Poltergeist27
#233 Aug 19 2014 at 11:33 AM Rating: Excellent
You told us how this fix is a nerf, even when it is a buff for many people.

It is a buff for many people, but it's a direct nerf for more people, and a nerf of potential for everyone. You will never be able to farm as many seals as I did in the same amount of time that I did... that's why you've been nerfed, even though you may be getting more seals than you were previously.

If their opinion matters, you wouldn't have ignored these people while trying to force your (the hunting community's) stance down their throats.

I honestly don't get why people cling to this train of thought.

The creation of hunting groups didn't happen because a handful of people banded together and said, "how can we best **** solo players?"

Rather, players just started forming linkshells to look for hunt NMs because it was clearly the best way to deal with how SE implemented the system. This happened virtually simultaneously across all servers. From there, different hunt groups formed their own unique systems/rules/variations, but there was never this singular "horde" that people like you keep talking about. Some hunt groups played a little bit looser, allowing people who were known early pullers. Other hunt groups (like mine) preferred members who were as courteous and respectful as possible. Overall, though, the majority of players accepted this approach TOGETHER because it was simply the best way to do things.

Rather than accuse hunt groups of forcing things down your throat, why not just accept the fact that you didn't want to participate in hunt groups, and that the way you wanted to play was wildly less efficient? There's nothing wrong with that, by the way... but there IS something wrong with denying the fact that hunt groups were made from a collection of individuals, parties and linkshells who simply were trying to cooperate, have as much fun as possible and be as efficient as possible within the constructs SE provided.

It's not a matter of "stance." It was always a matter of efficiency by helping each other vs. inefficiency by going at it alone. You may have preferred the latter, but you were vastly outnumbered... and really, you can't blame people for not flocking to your side on that.

Not like it wouldn't have been nerfed by implementing a weekly cap, too.

I still believe a weekly cap would have done far more to solve the biggest problem with hunts, which is the negativity surrounding early pulls from A and S ranks. The system is overburdened... when mobs are pulled early, they die too fast, and scores of players are left feeling frustrated. That's when all the nasty shouts happen. A weekly cap would have reduced demand across the entire system, which is what we needed most. Instead, SE just cordoned off the B ranks to soloers, making the competition for A and S ranks even more fierce (which I believe will cause even more trolling and negativity). We'll see. Time will tell if I'm right on that.

Edited, Aug 19th 2014 10:36am by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#234 Aug 19 2014 at 11:41 AM Rating: Good
6,899 posts
Hyanmen wrote:
Thayos wrote:
And this huge "buff" isn't really a buff... it's more of a miraged cap, but a cap done in such a way that it makes part of the system incredibly easy, but the other part even more frenzied. A lot of people weren't turned off by hunting groups; they were turned off by the negativity surrounding pulls. They also didn't enjoy riding up to A ranks to find them killed by a relatively small number of people -- that caused tons of frustration. That negativity may be intensified by this fix, which solves nothing for those players and doesn't help the game's community.

I agree the majority of players complaining about hunts are the people who will benefit from this "fix," but this ends up being a nerf to the entire system.

Ah, thanks for the info that this wasn't a buff. I was under the impression that now that I'm suddenly getting 10 times more seals by doing the activities I've done before, which actually finally allows me to make meaningful progress in the system for the first time, would be a huge buff for me and people like me.

At first I actually felt that this fix was either a buff or nerf depending on the player's playstyle, and that the consequences wouldn't be so black-and-white, but now I finally grasp that the hunting community has the right to declare for everyone out there that the fix is a nerf, regardless of whether people like me benefit from it immensely or not.

Let me just act as the rate down substitute for speaking out for the people whose opinion doesn't matter.

It's great that this change helps out solo and casual players. I don't think anyone is arguing that this wasn't a good thing for them. But for the hunt community, which has become a very social and active portion of the gaming community, involving hundreds of players on each server working together, this is definitely not a positive change. I really don't understand how you could think this would alleviate the pressure on A and S ranks... it just makes it even more challenging to get to them unless you happen to play at like 4 am when there aren't as many players active, because now since everyone lost the ability to get stuff from B's other than the daily, that just cut out a decent chunk seals and soldiery, meaning the horde will be bearing down even more on the A and S ranks. There are already lots of people talking on forums about how A's are dying before people even zone in because everyone gets jittery and pulls early... or the mob starts dissappearing and they have to pull.

So congrats that this benefits you and others like you, but try and understand that it also hurts a lot of players who just enjoyed partying up for hunts.
#235 Aug 19 2014 at 11:51 AM Rating: Excellent
The creation of hunting groups didn't happen because a handful of people banded together and said, "how can we best **** solo players?"

Again, the ZAM censor makes me sound like a drunken sailor. I did not say what you think I did here. Smiley: lol

Really, though, my point can be summarized as this:

Give 100 MMORPG gamers these two choices, and see which is more popular:
- Form parties, cooperate and maximize rewards
- Play individually, don't cooperate and gain minimal rewards

This isn't a matter of people trying to shove things down anyone's throats. It's a matter of the majority of people simply wanting what's most efficient, and a small number of people being upset that more people don't choose to prefer inefficiency.

Edited, Aug 19th 2014 10:55am by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#236 Aug 19 2014 at 11:55 AM Rating: Default
It is a buff for many people, but it's a direct nerf for more people, and a nerf of potential for everyone. You will never be able to farm as many seals as I did in the same amount of time that I did... that's why you've been nerfed, even though you may be getting more seals than you were previously.

That is really stretching it, Thayos. Even though everything is better for me in practice, I am "nerfed". You are trying way too hard to make it sound like this was a bad change for me.

I still believe a weekly cap would have done far more to solve the biggest problem with hunts, which is the negativity surrounding early pulls from A and S ranks.

Yet it comes with a nerf to potential like in the current change, though it would nerf the potential of the Hunting Community instead of the potential of people who were never going to meet their potential in the first place. When your suggested fix is guilty of the same design issue as the current fix, I'm not sure I would call it a "better" alternative.

It's not a matter of "stance." It was always a matter of efficiency by helping each other vs. inefficiency by going at it alone. You may have preferred the latter, but you were vastly outnumbered... and really, you can't blame people for not flocking to your side on that.

Why do you automatically assume that the system has to make going at it alone, so inefficient? Why does it have to be that way? I understand that that's the way it was before, all I am asking is who has suddenly made the call for everyone that this was the right way to build the system? The gap has been made smaller with this patch, and to say that this is somehow the "bad" approach sounds incredibly arrogant.

Edited, Aug 19th 2014 5:57pm by Hyanmen
#237 Aug 19 2014 at 12:02 PM Rating: Excellent
That is really stretching it, Thayos. Even though everything is better for me in practice, I am "nerfed". You are trying way too hard to make it sound like this was a bad change for me.

The new system makes it possible for you to get more seals easier by just playing solo. However, it's most certainly a nerf when considering how many seals/hour you're able to get. This isn't my opinion; it's math. No amount of arguing makes this statement less true.

Yes, a weekly seals cap would have been a nerf, too... but at least it may have solved the problem that was affecting the largest number of people, including people who were choosing to sit on the sidelines because of all the negativity from early pulls. I don't know how much more clearly I can say this, so I'll be blunt: This isn't about me, and this isn't about you. This is about our server-wide community. I'm surprised that SE seemed to ignore the issue that's actually causing harm to the community while catering to the minority of people who ONLY care about soloing.

And me being arrogant? I'm not being arrogant.. I'm looking at numbers. I'm not thinking about ME. I already got all the seals I needed... I don't care that I've been nerfed. This doesn't affect me.

I'm thinking of our server. For anyone already hunting, this is a nerf. For people who were just waiting for the negativity to end, this is a nerf. This is only a buff for players who only wanted to solo.. and if they ever want to do more than solo, then they're nerfed, too.

Frankly, I'm just surprised that SE swung the nerf bat while completely whiffing on solving the biggest problem.

Why do you automatically assume that the system has to make going at it alone, so inefficient?

Because it does.

Until content progression makes hunts far less desirable -- or unless SE does something to massively change the way A and S-rank hunts work -- soloing is wildly less efficient than hunting in groups. Seriously, this isn't even debatable.

Why do you assume that you know something that the vast majority of players don't? Isn't it simpler to think that maybe you're wrong on this? I'm only asking this next question for the sake of playing devil's advocate... but aren't you the one who is being a bit arrogant here?

Edited, Aug 19th 2014 11:04am by Thayos

Edited, Aug 19th 2014 11:07am by Thayos

Edited, Aug 19th 2014 11:09am by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#238 Aug 19 2014 at 12:05 PM Rating: Good
I don't see people not doing A ranks or S ranks or still forming communities around them because of this change. It just means that the linkshells won't bother announcing the B ranks that nobody was going to anyway.
#239 Aug 19 2014 at 12:10 PM Rating: Excellent
542 posts
Overall this looks to be a positive change. Buffing hunt board rewards was definitely needed. Rewarding one or two allied seals per mark was a complete joke before. Now it seems at least somewhat worth trying out for those interested. The B rank change I'm a little mixed about. On one hand, players should definitely be able to complete their weekly hunt now without the need to deal with the previously grossly unbalanced system. On the other hand, these are going to be no more than once a week content for any given player, and then useless after that. This seems like a sort of tacked on solution and it won't turn things completely on its head and suddenly make hunts amazing and engaging gameplay, but it should allow players who want to participate but haven't because of drama, radar users, or whatever other issues they have with hunts a chance to actually play. I think I'd lean toward this being a positive change as well.

I still think a very nice solution would have been to just fine tune the rewards in this game to feel more appropriate for the task, so that players could actually have fun and feel rewarded at the same time. Then this compromise wouldn't have been necessary. But if hunts absolutely must stand head and shoulders above most other content in terms of rewards, then this is still a pretty decent band-aid fix.
#240 Aug 19 2014 at 12:17 PM Rating: Decent
but at least it may have solved the problem that was affecting the largest number of people

So it all comes back to the Eye Test, which tells you how many people didn't choose to do the content because the daily/weekly rewards were crap? Allow me to speculate on the scientific accuracy of the Eye Test in this regard, as it does not actually see the number of people not doing the content because of the aforementioned reason. Therefore, to say what constitutes the largest number of people when you clearly have no clue about it, is once again, arrogant.

Because it does.

It doesn't have to be that way. Which is what SE proved by making it more efficient to solo. There is nothing wrong about this, unlike what you're trying to tell us. Who's call was it that it is the Godly Rule that soloing has to be inefficient forever when it comes to Hunts? Really, Thayos. Please stop dropping the ball.

Edited, Aug 19th 2014 6:17pm by Hyanmen
#241 Aug 19 2014 at 12:18 PM Rating: Excellent
255 posts
Catwho wrote:
I don't see people not doing A ranks or S ranks or still forming communities around them because of this change. It just means that the linkshells won't bother announcing the B ranks that nobody was going to anyway.

Seriously. They aren't even announced that much NOW in my Hunt LS, only if people see some on their way to an A or S.
#242 Aug 19 2014 at 12:25 PM Rating: Excellent
Thayos wrote:
Seriously, all we needed was a weekly seals cap.

Or simply make it so elite marks can't be interacted with in any way until 10 minutes after they pop.

Really, the only problem I saw with hunts was the frustration and antagonism of early pulls. Just make it not possible to pull early. Hunt parties were fun, they shouldn't be "fixed" until they're broken again.
#243 Aug 19 2014 at 2:03 PM Rating: Excellent
Who's call was it that it is the Godly Rule that soloing has to be inefficient forever when it comes to Hunts?

If you can single out the person who made this rule, then I'll concede the argument to you.

Until then, you're wrong.

And I suggest you read up on the concept of critical mass.

EDIT: Also, nobody is saying that all soloing needs to be inefficient forever. I'm not upset that soloers can have more fun now. Why would I possibly want to interfere with someone else's gameplay? All I'm miffed about is SE swung the nerf bat and still didn't solve the most important, widespread problem with the hunt system, which is the negativity from A and S ranks.

Edited, Aug 19th 2014 1:17pm by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#244 Aug 19 2014 at 2:33 PM Rating: Good
457 posts
Thayos wrote:
when mobs are pulled early, they die too fast, and scores of players are left feeling frustrated.

If a mob is pulled early, and dies too fast, how would it not die even faster if the puller waited a few more minutes and had more bodies around?

I dont know about normal hunts. But, when I saw a B rank sitting in a zone, and shouted about it, it would sometimes be upwards of 10 minutes from my last shout before the mob was pulled. Even then, people complained in shout about pulling early and that they weren't ready yet.

I am sure that A and S ranks are different. But, here is my thought. If you are not out actively looking for the hunt, and simply gear up and teleport when you hear an announcement via FC or LS, do not expect that the others who have been standing there for 5 minutes (quietly waiting for their own FC and/or LS to show up) to wait another 5 for you to get ready. If you want to go hunting, go hunting. Otherwise, don't complain when 50 people standing around a mob that only requires 4 decide to pull and kill it.

(Please take all references of 'you' to be a generic you, and not a singling out of Thayos. I quoted him because he posted, not because I have any issue with him.)

Edited, Aug 19th 2014 4:36pm by AnimalOnSylph
lolgaxe wrote:
Thinking outside the box is fine, but the owner's manual is on the inside.
#245 Aug 19 2014 at 2:33 PM Rating: Excellent
4,780 posts
I'm on the fence on what this does for those farming A and S ranks, I do feel those in particular need further adjustments. However, I am happy with the increase and the change to B ranks, and will actually start taking part in hunts now thanks to this.

So I'm going to call this a net positive. Sorry, but I disagree with you on the amount of Solo Players who were dejected by the whole ordeal, Thayos. While I understand the pain you feel as far as progress impeding for more regular hunts, I do feel this is a positive step for the majority of the players in the game.

I still feel more needs to be done, however.
#246 Aug 19 2014 at 2:41 PM Rating: Good
342 posts
Thayos wrote:
All I'm miffed about is SE swung the nerf bat and still didn't solve the most important, widespread problem with the hunt system, which is the negativity from A and S ranks.

Edited, Aug 19th 2014 1:17pm by Thayos

Why should they? A huge chunk of the playerbase does them whether they complain about it or not, so it wouldn't surprise me if SE looked at them and said "these are popular, I guess they're working fine." People can complain about them all they want but unless you actually change your behavior in response to these complaints they're just words. "Man, I hate all the negativity and drama that goes along with hunOMG S RANK IN MOR DHONA ZERG ZERG ZERG!" kind of sends a mixed message.

As for increased traffic at A and S ranks... I know a lot of people who went along with the hunts for the rewards while hating every minute of them. Maybe now that there's a decent alternative route to getting their seals they'll stop messing with the zergs they didn't enjoy and go that route... we're not all about doing things as fast and efficiently as humanly possible. They may move on, as will other players who've got what they want at this point and don't feel like dealing with them any more. I think it evens out over time.

I also think the social positives of hunts and hunt LS's is greatly overstated. Man, we sure had some deep conversations in the hunt LS I was in... "S rank up at <pos>!" "INV!" "inv" "Inv please" times a billion. We sure really got to know each other through such deep conversations. I don't know how I'll ever replace that.
#247 Aug 19 2014 at 3:29 PM Rating: Excellent
So I'm going to call this a net positive. Sorry, but I disagree with you on the amount of Solo Players who were dejected by the whole ordeal, Thayos. While I understand the pain you feel as far as progress impeding for more regular hunts, I do feel this is a positive step for the majority of the players in the game.

I rarely felt any pain in doing regular hunts. I'm an "older" gamer, and tend to be pretty chill about most things. There were only a few nights when I basically tapped out due to rampant early pulls. Nights like those, there was really no point in trying.

And I'll certainly benefit from these changes, in some ways. I already got all the seals I need, but I could always have more. Doing my dailies/weekly will give me a nice trickle of seals that will add up over time. You'll never hear me complaining about getting easy seals.

My concerns are mainly on the A&S ranks, and how these changes might affect those hunts. And, like I said, I really am surprised that the potential for gaining seals was nerfed so hard. At the same time, though, perhaps the only people who would have been affected by that nerf are people like me who already got what we needed?

And Raylo, I'm sorry your hunt parties were so mindless! I had many mindless parties, too... not going to lie... but also had several that were quite fun and enjoyable. I got to know people on my server who I probably wouldn't have met otherwise.
Thayos Redblade
#248 Aug 19 2014 at 3:39 PM Rating: Excellent
141 posts
I feel that Hunts can now be done on the side, as opposed to specifically focusing on them to make real progress. I wasn't into Hunts that much and got about 300 seals since they've been released, so that's about 50 a week. Part of that is because I was busy doing Atma-related things (getting them and then myth for the books), crafting, leveling other jobs to 50, etc. I tried to hit a few Hunts during this, and sometimes it paid off, and sometimes it didn't. Lately, it didn't more than it did. The reason was player behavior, and SE can do things to influence that, but they can't mandate a change. I mostly skipped the daily hunts because the rewards were too low to bother spending time on it unless I happened to be doing something else and they were right in front of me.

Now, the daily rewards are worth it. The occasional lower level daily hunt means someone can get some exp for a lower level job they want to work on. Ignoring the FATE NMs for dailies (at 134 seals a week with the weekly bill), you can get a Sands of Time in 6 weeks. For the relatively low amount of effort involved, I think that's about right. If you go out and do the FATE NMs too, that's a Sands in 3 weeks. One of the advantages for me is that I can do other things while working towards that. If I'm out in this zone to kill stuff for a book or hunting log anyway, so I might as well make a slight side-trip to get my daily hunt done.

Now, it might be more efficient to simply devote 3 hours to a Hunt party and to get A and S ranks. That's not something that really interests me right now. Maybe it will in the future. I do wish that the A and S ranks were modified somehow, but I would rather that SE look at the different options on what works best for the game before rushing into anything.
#249 Aug 19 2014 at 3:44 PM Rating: Excellent
4,780 posts
Honestly, this disagreement still stems from the fact that we were opposed to how it should have functioned to begin with. While I agree that now the pressure on the larger, more substantiated hunts (A & S) which are still overpopulated.

I'm of the mind that this adjustment, plus hard cap, would really be a good way to address it at this point.
#250 Aug 19 2014 at 3:44 PM Rating: Good
342 posts
Thayos wrote:

And Raylo, I'm sorry your hunt parties were so mindless! I had many mindless parties, too... not going to lie... but also had several that were quite fun and enjoyable. I got to know people on my server who I probably wouldn't have met otherwise.

Absolutely true, but I can just as easily do that through setting up Frontlines or Syrcus Tower parties in PF (think I might try to set up a full alliance tonight, perhaps) so if this change is the end of that socail aspect I don't think it's a huge loss.

Edited, Aug 19th 2014 5:45pm by Raylo
#251 Aug 19 2014 at 11:27 PM Rating: Default
Thayos wrote:
Who's call was it that it is the Godly Rule that soloing has to be inefficient forever when it comes to Hunts?

If you can single out the person who made this rule, then I'll concede the argument to you.

That would be you. In this thread. That wasn't so hard.

Using the critically flawed argument that just because people flock to a content a certain way at it's release, means any other way of doing the content needs to stay inferior forever. When I asked why does soloing have to be inefficient, you answer that it has to be inefficient because... "it is". As if once something is decided it should not be changed by anyone. Really now, Thayos.

EDIT: Also, nobody is saying that all soloing needs to be inefficient forever. I'm not upset that soloers can have more fun now. Why would I possibly want to interfere with someone else's gameplay? All I'm miffed about is SE swung the nerf bat and still didn't solve the most important, widespread problem with the hunt system, which is the negativity from A and S ranks.

You like to tout that line, but in reality you have zero clue on how many people had a problem with the crap rewards from the daily/weekly hunts not letting them make any substantial progress, effectively excluding a massive amount of players from the content vs. the negativity on A and S ranks. All you have is your scientific Eye Test which kind of fails big time because you can't actually observe the people not taking part in the hunts, only those who do. That doesn't stop you from speaking for these people too, though, effectively invalidating their opinion by assuming that your problem with the system is bigger than theirs.

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