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How will SE address hunts in this coming maintenance?Follow

#1 Jul 28 2014 at 11:53 AM Rating: Excellent
Thread title says it all. Let's make our projections and see who is right once the maintenance hits.

My prediction is there's going to be a cap placed on allied seals per week. I've reached this conclusion for two reasons:

1) Without completely nerfing the rewards from hunts (which Yoshi-P has seemed to be against doing), a weekly cap is the only thing that will reduce the constant demand to do hunts above anything else. Some people have suggested limiting the number of oils/sands you can get, but that wouldn't solve anything. People would still spam hunts to get seals for glamor gear or Alexandrite. With a weekly seals cap, people would spend maybe two days in hunt groups getting their seals, then leave the content until the following week.

2) The maintenance is happening at the start of a weekly tome reset period, which would be the logical time to implement a weekly cap.

The other alternative (which Yoshi-P has supported) is finding a way to make hunt NMs live longer so more people can get credit, but to do so in ways that doesn't require giving the NM more HP. The big problem with this, though, could be server load issues. There are already so many problems with server stress during S rank fights... if you gave more people more time to arrive, that might just make every A rank fight like an S rank fight. That's my only concern... and trust me, I'd love it if these NMs took significantly longer to die so more people could get credit for fights.

What's your prediction?
Thayos Redblade
#2 Jul 28 2014 at 11:56 AM Rating: Excellent
1,330 posts
- Hunts that you do not have a bill for do not give you anything. At all. (This was what I actually thought initially.)

Alternative predictions:
- They implement Catwho's radar suggestion.
#3 Jul 28 2014 at 12:16 PM Rating: Excellent
- They implement Catwho's radar suggestion.

I really don't think radar is the problem. It may have been a big issue at first, but now everyone systematically keeps track of which zones are open for A-ranks, and the spawn windows for each zone are only two hours long. It's incredibly easy for a hunt linkshell to scout multiple zones at once and locate NMs within a minute of them spawning... sometimes within seconds, if only one or two zones are open and those zones are being heavily camped.
Thayos Redblade
#4 Jul 28 2014 at 12:33 PM Rating: Excellent
1,310 posts
If they changed it so a Daily hunt gave a big reward, and a Weekly gave a huge reward (everyone gets a random weekly hunt, and those that party with the hunter also get the reward, so this should encourage weekly hunt groups), and random marks all gave small rewards, it would go a long way to solving the problem. I think most people would be satisfied to collect a substantial reward for a short expedition without worrying about constantly spamming for additional seals... and for those who can't wait, they can keep spamming the small rewards in fewer groups who won't get into as many conflicts (or better yet scout for people who haven't done their Weekly hunt yet for additional cash and prizes which is a lot more community building than destroying).
#5 Jul 28 2014 at 12:49 PM Rating: Excellent
542 posts
I would be kind of surprised to see a weekly cap implemented at this point. The reason being that people with enough time on their hands who've been spamming hunts since day one could have easily maxed out one or two jobs in nearly full i110 gear, and implementing a weekly cap now would hinder the ability for people who didn't to be able to catch up. My guess is that SE won't try to fix the situation by limiting those who didn't take full advantage of the situation beforehand.

If I were to guess, I'd say it may be QoL changes such as attempting to make it so all hunt mobs will appear on your screen, some possible location changes for some hunts (giant S ranks that spawn in a tiny cave), and maybe either further upping the HP or lowering the amount of contribution necessary to get credit so that the content can at least come closer to meeting the demand.
#6 Jul 28 2014 at 1:13 PM Rating: Excellent
The reason being that people with enough time on their hands who've been spamming hunts since day one could have easily maxed out one or two jobs in nearly full i110 gear, and implementing a weekly cap now would hinder the ability for people who didn't to be able to catch up.

However, keep in mind that most of those people have been sitting on the sidelines because they don't want to compete with (or deal with) the horde... and unless there's some kind of seal limit, the horde isn't going anywhere.

In fact, implementing a weekly seal limit would reduce the size of the horde and make the event more attractive for those who haven't been doing hunts yet... so although the maximum potential of seals/week would be lessened, the end result would be a gain of seals/week for those who don't want to partake in the horde zergs.

If people haven't joined the horde already, they're probably not going to join the horde ever.
Thayos Redblade
#7 Jul 28 2014 at 1:28 PM Rating: Excellent
542 posts
I can see where you're coming from. I'm just not sure if it's the route they'd want to take. Making hunts more appealing so that players who didn't want to deal with it before might be able to catch up just seems more likely to me than making hunts more appealing by placing new restrictions which locks those who've been doing the whole time further along in terms of progress.
#8 Jul 28 2014 at 1:32 PM Rating: Excellent
1,824 posts
I'm hoping they put rendering of the mobs higher than other people's mounts and sch/smn pets. Every S rank, and most A's, I'll lose sight of the mob I'm targeting as a swarm of people shows up in various mounts, and the first thing to start rendering is the 30 eos and garuda around, then mounts and players not in my party, then the stuff that should be first.
#9 Jul 28 2014 at 1:40 PM Rating: Excellent
Short of a massive redo of the hunt system -- which shouldn't and won't happen-- I just don't see how you can fix the systems problems without curbing demand.
Thayos Redblade
#10 Jul 28 2014 at 1:57 PM Rating: Good
2,232 posts
I think the best thing they could do for hunts is to take the lock off of oils in ST and add a random chance chest to each boss. Limit of one oil per player per run would be the only restriction I'd suggest.

Edited, Jul 28th 2014 12:58pm by LebargeX
#11 Jul 28 2014 at 2:02 PM Rating: Excellent
1,310 posts
Thayos wrote:
Short of a massive redo of the hunt system -- which shouldn't and won't happen-- I just don't see how you can fix the systems problems without curbing demand.

Fundamentally, you're right. The root of the problem is that spam-killing random, bill-less marks is incredibly lucrative, and until that can be tapered off in some way, things will never improve. Maybe once people have slaked their thirst for sands, oils, alexandrite, and whatever else, demand will taper off, but once they add the next round of rewards (presumably for 2.4) we'll be right back where we started.
#12 Jul 28 2014 at 2:06 PM Rating: Decent
12,820 posts
They readd the Faction Leve section of Guildleves.


#13 Jul 28 2014 at 2:06 PM Rating: Excellent
stouter wrote:
I'm hoping they put rendering of the mobs higher than other people's mounts and sch/smn pets. Every S rank, and most A's, I'll lose sight of the mob I'm targeting as a swarm of people shows up in various mounts, and the first thing to start rendering is the 30 eos and garuda around, then mounts and players not in my party, then the stuff that should be first.

This happened to me for the first time during an A rank yesterday. I was shocked - I have a top of the line gaming system with everything running on max. I've never even lost sight of Odin. (We took a break from Hunts yesterday to kill Odin, too. Fun.) But there was an A rank that had so many people swarming it that it disappeared. Everyone crept closer and closer to it trying to get it to reappear and as a result, face-pulled prior to the called time.

I agree, the radar users have got nothing on a full linkshell with a well documented Google Docs spreadsheet with last kill times. I got 500+ seals over the weekend. Unless SE considers a collaborative spreadsheet a "third party program" or something silly. Since it's all manual data entry, they really can't stop it.

Our problem on Lamia has been griefing by specific players. For the most part, hunt groups are polite and will wait if someone has said they have more party members arriving, and someone will shout a reasonable pull time in Eorzea minutes (e.g. the mob of people arroved at 6:00 AM ET, so they shout they will pull at 6:30 ET to give the rest of the parties a chance to filter in.) Well, some butt-holes have decided that they don't want to play nice, and they pull early. Thanks to some heroics by well geared tanks we sometimes manage to reset the mobs so everyone gets credit, but it doesn't always work. Most of us blacklisted the primary player responsible for it yesterday (his name is Google Chrome, haha irony) and we'll continue blacklisting anyone else who does it, but the blacklist just doesn't have the power it did back in FFXI in terms of labeling the server's dirt bags.

I also think a weekly cap of allied seals is a likely solution. Probably 200-225 because they are jerks and think you should have to wait two weeks for gear upgrades, based on the 450 set for soldiery.... Should be fairly easy to program, and will solve a lot of the demand for hunts.

Edited, Jul 28th 2014 4:07pm by Catwho
#14 Jul 28 2014 at 2:34 PM Rating: Good
342 posts
Thayos wrote:
The reason being that people with enough time on their hands who've been spamming hunts since day one could have easily maxed out one or two jobs in nearly full i110 gear, and implementing a weekly cap now would hinder the ability for people who didn't to be able to catch up.

However, keep in mind that most of those people have been sitting on the sidelines because they don't want to compete with (or deal with) the horde... and unless there's some kind of seal limit, the horde isn't going anywhere.

In fact, implementing a weekly seal limit would reduce the size of the horde and make the event more attractive for those who haven't been doing hunts yet... so although the maximum potential of seals/week would be lessened, the end result would be a gain of seals/week for those who don't want to partake in the horde zergs.

If people haven't joined the horde already, they're probably not going to join the horde ever.

Something like this would be nice for me... I can let the majority of the player zerg everything early in the week and then do my hunting on Sat/Sun/Mon when I normally don't have a lot to do in-game (I've got my soldiery capped, weekly ST drop, etc).
#15 Jul 28 2014 at 3:11 PM Rating: Excellent
2,550 posts
Susanoh wrote:
I would be kind of surprised to see a weekly cap implemented at this point. The reason being that people with enough time on their hands who've been spamming hunts since day one could have easily maxed out one or two jobs in nearly full i110 gear, and implementing a weekly cap now would hinder the ability for people who didn't to be able to catch up. My guess is that SE won't try to fix the situation by limiting those who didn't take full advantage of the situation beforehand.

If I were to guess, I'd say it may be QoL changes such as attempting to make it so all hunt mobs will appear on your screen, some possible location changes for some hunts (giant S ranks that spawn in a tiny cave), and maybe either further upping the HP or lowering the amount of contribution necessary to get credit so that the content can at least come closer to meeting the demand.

This seems to be the most likely prediction that I have seen. I would add that the weekly and daily hunts will give more seals and the s and a rank will give less seals. I also predict that the weekly hunt will be different for each person, to avoid the naul situation we all had on week 1.

Catwho wrote:

This happened to me for the first time during an A rank yesterday. I was shocked - I have a top of the line gaming system with everything running on max. I've never even lost sight of Odin. (We took a break from Hunts yesterday to kill Odin, too. Fun.) But there was an A rank that had so many people swarming it that it disappeared. Everyone crept closer and closer to it trying to get it to reappear and as a result, face-pulled prior to the called time.

I can't imagine trying to run these on ps3... The s ranks should have the hp of Odin / Behemoth and the clipping and spawn requirements that those guys have.

Catwho wrote:

I agree, the radar users have got nothing on a full linkshell with a well documented Google Docs spreadsheet with last kill times. I got 500+ seals over the weekend. Unless SE considers a collaborative spreadsheet a "third party program" or something silly. Since it's all manual data entry, they really can't stop it.

Guys like Geon on our server run two to three groups over mumble using the spreadsheet. The problem with Geon is that he pulls 30 seconds into finding it, just like that guy Google Chrome was doing all day yesterday... Best you can do is contact all the big linkshells and have them booted, but even that doesnt prevent them from joining up a party in df.

Catwho wrote:

Our problem on Lamia has been griefing by specific players. For the most part, hunt groups are polite and will wait if someone has said they have more party members arriving, and someone will shout a reasonable pull time in Eorzea minutes (e.g. the mob of people arroved at 6:00 AM ET, so they shout they will pull at 6:30 ET to give the rest of the parties a chance to filter in.) Well, some butt-holes have decided that they don't want to play nice, and they pull early. Thanks to some heroics by well geared tanks we sometimes manage to reset the mobs so everyone gets credit, but it doesn't always work. Most of us blacklisted the primary player responsible for it yesterday (his name is Google Chrome, haha irony) and we'll continue blacklisting anyone else who does it, but the blacklist just doesn't have the power it did back in FFXI in terms of labeling the server's dirt bags.

I contacted about 4 linkshells and their leaders and got him blacklisted from at least a few shells.

Catwho wrote:

I also think a weekly cap of allied seals is a likely solution. Probably 200-225 because they are jerks and think you should have to wait two weeks for gear upgrades, based on the 450 set for soldiery.... Should be fairly easy to program, and will solve a lot of the demand for hunts.

I think Susanoh is right about the reason not to put in a cap. Too many people have already spammed the system, and after X amount of sands and oils, there really is nothing left to do except buy the vanity gear. They would also need to lower the cost for the vanity gear because 1700 seals = 8 weeks for a lvl 70 gc coat = no thanks... So those people who exploited the no cap system are running around geared, with no need for sands on their main or even second characters, but now we are supposed to punish folks like you Kat, who only just picked up on hunts? To wait 3 weeks for a sand when you can get two sands in a day right now with a few hunt log drops? That would just hurt people like you, not the guys who spammed it from day 1. I dont think they will do that.

Edited, Jul 28th 2014 4:13pm by Valkayree
#16 Jul 28 2014 at 4:43 PM Rating: Decent
2,120 posts
I don't think there are any game rules that state you have to notify the entire server and wait for everyone to get their firing squads lined up before you're allowed to attack a hunt target. You guys are really reporting & blacklisting people who attack hunts before you say they can? What do you say in these reports? "The bad man attacked the hunt target in Thanalan before my buddies zoning in from Mor Dhona could get there!"? I'm not seeing it. How, in any way, did a hunt target belong to people still on their way for one to consider it griefing to attack before they get there?
#17 Jul 28 2014 at 5:15 PM Rating: Excellent
438 posts
"Yakkity Sax" will play every time a hunt zerg passes by you in the open world.

Star Swirl on Behemoth AKA Best-hemoth AKA The Cool Kid's Table----60AST, 60WHM, 60SCH/SMN, 60BLM, 60MNK, 38 PLD, 34DRG, 31NIN, 27MRD
FFXI- Derpypony on Asura
Check out the Dream Network, a community for XIV fans, featuring notable streamers like Mr. Happy, MTQcapture, Rahhzay, and Slyakagreyfox!
Then maybe check out myself, EquestriaGuy, on twitch at

#18 Jul 28 2014 at 5:29 PM Rating: Excellent
To wait 3 weeks for a sand when you can get two sands in a day right now with a few hunt log drops? That would just hurt people like you, not the guys who spammed it from day 1. I dont think they will do that.

Well you could make the cap be 1,000 seals/week, which would still allow people to save up for sands at a fairly good rate... something like five sands every four weeks, or something like that? That's still a pretty good rate. The hardcore hunt zergers like myself would get our 1k sands in two days tops, and then the stress on the system would be relieved for those who'd prefer the more casual hunting experience.

I've been hitting hunts pretty hard, and I've managed to farm up five sands since the patch. So with a cap of 1k, people who haven't done it at all yet would need an additional 2.5 weeks of progress to achieve what I did (and probably have more fun while doing it). I don't think that's an unfair proposition at all, although I'm sure lots of people would still rage about it.

A cap of 250 would seem extremely low, though. If there is a cap, I'd expect nothing less than the cost of a sand, at 750.

Edited, Jul 28th 2014 4:30pm by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#19 Jul 28 2014 at 5:31 PM Rating: Good
TwistedOwl wrote:
I don't think there are any game rules that state you have to notify the entire server and wait for everyone to get their firing squads lined up before you're allowed to attack a hunt target. You guys are really reporting & blacklisting people who attack hunts before you say they can? What do you say in these reports? "The bad man attacked the hunt target in Thanalan before my buddies zoning in from Mor Dhona could get there!"? I'm not seeing it. How, in any way, did a hunt target belong to people still on their way for one to consider it griefing to attack before they get there?

Basically because it's our server and that's how we decided we wanted to do it. 90% of the server is okay with politely waiting for people to gather. The other 10% are not. Well, we don't want them on our server.

It's like the jerks who ignored the Dynamis schedule I worked my *** off to maintain in XI, and ganked scheduled Xarcabard runs. Is it against the TOS? No. Did the rest of the server want to deal with people who can't play like grown ups? Hell no. We blacklisted and broke up entire Dyna shells for going outside the schedule. (New shells who didn't know about The Schedule usually got a tell from me and after some explanations, fell in line with the rest of us.)

We can't report them for griefing precisely because it's not against the rules. But we can make them stop the behavior outside of our server norms, or drive them off the server.
#20 Jul 28 2014 at 5:41 PM Rating: Excellent
I don't think there are any game rules that state you have to notify the entire server and wait for everyone to get their firing squads lined up before you're allowed to attack a hunt target. You guys are really reporting & blacklisting people who attack hunts before you say they can? What do you say in these reports? "The bad man attacked the hunt target in Thanalan before my buddies zoning in from Mor Dhona could get there!"? I'm not seeing it.

Social norms. They're real, and they apply in MMOs, too. That's one of the things that makes MMOs unique compared to single-player games.

People are free to ignore social norms, but they'd best be prepared to face the consequences.

Social norms (and enforcement of those norms) aren't against the ToS, either.

Edited, Jul 28th 2014 4:42pm by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#21 Jul 28 2014 at 6:00 PM Rating: Excellent
4,780 posts
Sadly, this is a social norm I don't entirely agree with as it really punishes all players involved. The more you wait for, the less participation the group as a whole receives, and on a server as vast as Balmung, the seams in the ability for the Hunt's innate mechanics to support this much load has well past been busted.

What I am hoping is some what to alleviate that primary issue, so that if there are going to be enforced social norms such as that, that it does not harm the players to do so.

Otherwise, I'd like that sort of mechanic cut out completely as it's really creating some unneeded negativity among the player-base. I firmly do not believe this was the intention of the developers.

Other than that, the spoken adjustments to Allied Seal rewards for doing Daily hunts would be greatly appreciated - I'd like to have a viable alternative to the heated competition if they are not resolving the flooding issue any time soon. And if they are, it's just nice to have another daily that's worth the time spent.
#22 Jul 28 2014 at 6:09 PM Rating: Good
2,120 posts
Catwho wrote:

Basically because it's our server and that's how we decided we wanted to do it. 90% of the server is okay with politely waiting for people to gather. The other 10% are not. Well, we don't want them on our server.

It's like the jerks who ignored the Dynamis schedule I worked my *** off to maintain in XI, and ganked scheduled Xarcabard runs. Is it against the TOS? No. Did the rest of the server want to deal with people who can't play like grown ups? Hell no. We blacklisted and broke up entire Dyna shells for going outside the schedule. (New shells who didn't know about The Schedule usually got a tell from me and after some explanations, fell in line with the rest of us.)

We can't report them for griefing precisely because it's not against the rules. But we can make them stop the behavior outside of our server norms, or drive them off the server.

Sounds like control & entitlement to me. People wanting to establish control over all hunt targets on the server, and also feeling some sense of ownership over them. When really they're just NMs that anyone can fight. A group of players running into a target and killing it before the cavalry arrives isn't "wrong" for doing that. Sorry. I think any tank getting there midway & trying to take hate to reset it is griefing them more than they're griefing others.

It isn't the end of the world if a target dies before you get there. Wouldn't the grown up thing to do involve just shrugging it off and searching for a new target? There are lots of them.

Edited, Jul 28th 2014 8:13pm by TwistedOwl
#23 Jul 28 2014 at 6:33 PM Rating: Good
4,175 posts
TwistedOwl wrote:
Catwho wrote:

Basically because it's our server and that's how we decided we wanted to do it. 90% of the server is okay with politely waiting for people to gather. The other 10% are not. Well, we don't want them on our server.

It's like the jerks who ignored the Dynamis schedule I worked my *** off to maintain in XI, and ganked scheduled Xarcabard runs. Is it against the TOS? No. Did the rest of the server want to deal with people who can't play like grown ups? Hell no. We blacklisted and broke up entire Dyna shells for going outside the schedule. (New shells who didn't know about The Schedule usually got a tell from me and after some explanations, fell in line with the rest of us.)

We can't report them for griefing precisely because it's not against the rules. But we can make them stop the behavior outside of our server norms, or drive them off the server.

Sounds like control & entitlement to me. People wanting to establish control over all hunt targets on the server, and also feeling some sense of ownership over them. When really they're just NMs that anyone can fight. A group of players running into a target and killing it before the cavalry arrives isn't "wrong" for doing that. Sorry. I think any tank getting there midway & trying to take hate to reset it is griefing them more than they're griefing others.

It isn't the end of the world if a target dies before you get there. Wouldn't the grown up thing to do involve just shrugging it off and searching for a new target? There are lots of them.

I think it's on SE if they want to remove the 'free-for-all' aspect of hunts. I have no problem siding with the majority on it because I personally feel it's boring regardless. I'd rather see other changes.

As for the comparisons to XI, we did what we had to in order to maintain civility and it actually promoted what everyone touts as one of the best communities in any MMO. XI taught you that you'd need to be courteous to other players long, long before you could even think of setting foot in dynamis. The problem that XIV faces here is that it's an almost non-existent entry barrier. You're not forced to cooperate with other players at any point before you can access hunts.
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#24 Jul 28 2014 at 7:54 PM Rating: Good
Keeper of the Shroud
13,632 posts
I'd like to see rewards being more fairly distributed. I did the weekly one this week, and I managed to get the bare minimum reward (1 lousy allied seal, and a couple tomes) even though I put in just as much damage as the other hundred people wacking the poor thing to death. I wasn't in a party so I didn't get sh*t for a reward. I think that if you participated at all in the fight, you should get the same reward as everyone else. Basing reward on doing a set amount damage to the mob is incredibly unfair to people not traveling in full parties, there's just no way to do enough to the mob before it's dead with so many people attacking them.

I think any tank getting there midway & trying to take hate to reset it is griefing them more than they're griefing others.

I agree with this one hundred percent. It happened to me last week when I spotted Naul while farming some wool to use while leveling my Weaver. I spotted it, I switched jobs, I pulled out my chocobo to fight with me, and made the mistake of being polite while waiting for my cooldowns to reset. I shouted the location, and as soon I as could, I started fighting it. I was actually doling pretty well to, well enough that I think if I was careful, I could have soloed it. Then a group of as*holes shows up and the tank pulled hate and reset it. I ran over and started fighting again, but the damage was down, everything I did up to that point was erased, and to top it off, by then enough people had showed up that it only lasted a few seconds. I ended up getting screwed out my reward because I was nice enough to let others know where it was. The worst part, a couple jackasses from other parties thanked the ******* that reset it, thus further encouraging bad behavior. I seriously considered reporting it, but I didn't catch the name of the tank.

Edited, Jul 28th 2014 10:07pm by Turin
#25 Jul 28 2014 at 9:13 PM Rating: Good
1,004 posts
I don't think they will implement a cap. They felt it was time to allow everyone access to sands/oil without a restriction (since 2.4 will bring higher ilvls). This is supposed to get people ready for 2.4. There are a few things I think they can do though.

They might decrease the amount of contribution necessary (preferably to the point even a solo player can get credit since these die in 10 seconds anyway).

I'm betting on them drastically increasing the daily rewards for hunt bills, as well as making the weekly hunt either give more seals or turn it into a daily as well.

Increase the HP of B and A ranks again (I'm thinking they won't do this).

In my opinion the major problem is the contribution and HP of enemies. Contribution should be full even if all you did was auto attack one time. Not everyone has a healer to spam AoE cures. Anyone who hits the mob should put everyone in the party on the hate list (I have forgotten to hit them before using medica before resulting in 0 seals). Finally the HP of monsters should perhaps be scaled to how many people are in the current zone. 500 people in the same place? Cool give them HP like Odin. Only 20? Give them normal HP.
#26 Jul 28 2014 at 10:13 PM Rating: Excellent
11,159 posts
Caps aren't the solution and it makes me sad every time I see someone bring it up. As is, there actually is a very fundamental cap: The player's need. If they're only interested in playing one job and get the appropriate mats, their reason to keep camping will lessen. This isn't something that'll happen overnight for the majority, though. Of course, each job they are interested in will add to the process, nevermind the other layer of soldiery requirements for base pieces.

I've said it before, but they simply need to add damage reduction relative to mark's enmity list. If you design an S-rank needing 10 minutes to kill or so regardless of how many people are beating on it, you're doing it right. Sure, this may call for a slight boost in HP on top, but this also solves the problem of making mobs giant HP bags low-man/soloists can't tackle less of an issue. SE just needs to set some reasonable expectations for their rankings and build from there.

From there, make Marks immune to Provoke effects to curb grief resets. Add pop options via craftables and/or leves. Improve the daily/weekly bonuses significantly. Give mobs rendering priority over non-party players regardless of importance of the mob itself. Add some NPCs that can inform players when a timed mob was last slain. Hell, add a public party auto-group system so stragglers can more quickly come together to better build contribution credit.

Voila, system fixed without telling players it's useless to participate in something you enjoy for the rest of the week.

Edited, Jul 29th 2014 12:15am by Seriha
Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
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