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Weekly Goals and Accomplishments 7/18 - 7/24Follow

#27 Jul 21 2014 at 9:55 AM Rating: Excellent
2,550 posts
Thayos wrote:
I've been doing hunts since about two days after the patch, and I have yet to get one of those blood-spattered logs as a drop. Smiley: mad

Almost have enough seals for my second sands, but a little help from the RNG gods would be nice.

I've spent about two full days (12-14 dedicated hours) really hunting these things and have only got five. Don't worry, your time will come. They drop fairly readily off of S ranks ( I think 3 of mine have come from s ranks. Feels like about 20-25% drop rate. Also feels like I get one when I just waylay on the mob and deal a ton of personal damage, but I have received one when I just tagged an a rank with a scathe in a full party and got full credit, so the damage bit might not correlate). I have received 2 off of A ranks (feels like about a 5% drop rate). I have never received one from a B rank. I also have never received one when I was not in a full party, or did nto get full contribution. Don't know if that helps...
#28 Jul 21 2014 at 10:20 AM Rating: Excellent
I've spent about two full days (12-14 dedicated hours) really hunting these things and have only got five.

Ha, I've easily spent waaaaay more time on than that on hunts, and I don't have any. I've only been in on maybe five S-rank kills though. Man... with five books, I'd be working on my fourth sand now.

Edited, Jul 21st 2014 9:22am by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#29 Jul 21 2014 at 10:42 AM Rating: Excellent
Laverda wrote:
If this weekend goes like recent weekends, I won't get online much at all.

On for longer than I expected. Smiley: smile

Main goal is to try out the new Amped ACA1 wireless adapter, to see if it drops the FFXIV connection like the ASUS AC56 did. While the latter (after some work) provided pretty good transfer rates in general, in FFXIV it would occasionally R0 for just long enough to 90000 out of the game.

Dropping 90000 like crazy. That and other strangeness means I'm replacing the router later this week.

Other than that, start on Atmas for my WHM, I guess. I think that might actually be fun for me -- I enjoy FATEs, and I don't think the grind will get to me as much as it does many other people.

One atma to show for it (2/12 now) and it's still being fun.

My MNK needs Myth gear, so I'll keep going on the dailies and Beast Tribe quests. Of course I desperately need Soldiery for my other WHM ring, but I'm not yet far enough advanced in the storyline to build that reliably. Guess now my iLvl is around 90, I should probably do that too. Smiley: laugh

A few dailies, and a lucky Elite boosted these nicely.

And help out people in the FC if they need it. I think I enjoy that the most of all.

And I even got some of this in as well.
#30 Jul 21 2014 at 11:19 AM Rating: Excellent
725 posts
My free weekend got me:

Bard hat from new Crystal tower.
Main story line completed, including win for Rumah.
Weekly Hunt completed.
Frontline run to cap my tomes
Expert Roulette unlocked after completed the 3 dungeons necessary.
new book bought for my relic upgrade, but couldnt bear to do anything to complete it, old content, boring.

Completed some new quests, like the moggle delivery service.

I'm sure I lost about 3 lbs not eating, and taking a break to walk a bit outside.

Now I'm off to watch Dota 2 tournaments on youtube!


Name: Ghost Orchid - LEVEL 50 Bard, BLM, WHM, SMN Craft Level 7 Lucis, 6 4-star crafts: CUL, MIN, Wvr, Bsm, Gsm, Arm, Lth, Crp (Fishing and Alc at level 50)
World: Ultros
#31 Jul 21 2014 at 2:15 PM Rating: Good
1,104 posts
Valkayree wrote:
Gnu wrote:

Get that final Atma so I can start using my daily Roulette: Expert to collect Alexandrite maps.

Gnu wrote:
About 3 hours in an Saturady night I got my last Atma. 12/12. And then:

You are gonna hate me man...
After atma you start the quest to get to animus.
You spend 1500 myth to buy a book in mor dhona. You run 3 assigned dungeons, 3 assigned leves, 3 assigned FATES and kill 100 assigned enemies per book. Then you buy a new book and complete it. Each cost 1500 myth and there are 9 books. Once you finish all nine you get your animus in northern thanalan. Then you visit a guy in central thanalan that has you buy items costing equivalent to 1500 myth and you get your sphere scroll. Then you can talk to the guy in mor dhona that lets you get your mysterious maps in exchange for an expert roulette. Then you beg a friend to come along with you so you can dig up the chest that contains the alexandrite. Then you do that about 70-75 times and buy ever more increasingly expensive materia to slot. It is cheaper if you split the stats three ways. For instance I capped accuracy on my shield but left determination two short and filled it with parry because 500k for a savage might materia IV = no thanks.



Seriously, that makes the FFXI quests with 800 steps sound tame in comparison.
#32 Jul 21 2014 at 2:36 PM Rating: Excellent
4,780 posts
This week is the last week for Raids until we have a three week Hiatus to restructure things.

My goals for the FC:

Get everyone's interest in our new Raid Initiative, Yea or Nay. (So far Unanimous approval.)
Get everyone's available times to Raid.

RP Goals:
Have Outbreak Eppisode 2 Successfully planned out and executed. (Needing some NPCs and a method besides hunts to Isolate a fight for the FC to play through in La Noscea.)
Decide which character to show up for the hot springs night in Forgotten Springs on Sunday.

My Personal Goals:

Get Lin's Warrior from 45 - 50 (By next Monday evening.)
Attempt to Find a Hunts LS for Lin.
Get Eric's Macro's set and caught up to the new patch. (Hadn't played him seriously since 2.1)
Get Eric PvP ready for frontlines.

Just the first of four very busy weeks for me in game for me, to accompany hecktic weeks as well. Let's see if I can get em done!
#33 Jul 22 2014 at 8:47 AM Rating: Excellent
2,550 posts
Thayos wrote:
I've spent about two full days (12-14 dedicated hours) really hunting these things and have only got five.

Ha, I've easily spent waaaaay more time on than that on hunts, and I don't have any. I've only been in on maybe five S-rank kills though. Man... with five books, I'd be working on my fourth sand now.

Edited, Jul 21st 2014 9:22am by Thayos

Actually, I'm just 100 seals into starting on the fifth sand Smiley: tongue Good call!

Edited, Jul 22nd 2014 9:48am by Valkayree
#34 Jul 22 2014 at 9:21 AM Rating: Excellent
The RNG gods were kind last night and bestowed upon me Atma of the Ram by my 6th fate in Middle La Noscea.

I tooled around in Central Shroud a bit but after 10 fates lost interest and went to sleep. Smiley: lol

My big accomplishment last night was actually in FFXI - my tiny shell of 7 took down Tojil for the first time. Took us 30 minutes. Mean old tyrannosaur!
#35 Jul 22 2014 at 11:39 AM Rating: Excellent
I bought all the materia I "need", minus the incoming failures, to finish my overmelds. So broke! >.<
Ran some Syrcus with three good groups and got BRD boots. Even got most of my FC into the third run!
Got BTN to 49. I hadn't planned on that, but I nailed a starred HQ turn in, lol.
Tried Frontlines. Pretty fun! Except nobody talked or communicated at all...

Capped out Soldiery and myth. Bought a bunch of Cashmere and Saurian skin to stockpile, since theyre like 5k on my server now.
#36 Jul 22 2014 at 9:08 PM Rating: Excellent
Keeper of the Shroud
13,632 posts
I did an ST run on my DRG and DRG gear dropped off of the first three chests, all of which I passed on, hoping for an oil. Which of course means it didn't drop. I finished crafting my Weaver gear and took a look at my crafting accessories and realized I could do a better job of melding them, so I'm out a few hundred thousand gil, and have a slightly better set of rings. I'm thinking about redoing my belt and wrist too. I'll only get a couple extra stat points, but at this point I have nothing better to spend the money on.
#37 Jul 22 2014 at 9:45 PM Rating: Excellent
I won the lot on an Unnamed Allegan Tombstone in ST today, so gear upgrades are on hold for a bit until I either get the 1300 soldiery needed for the tokens or somehow miraculously beat Titan Ex, Levi Ex, Moogle Ex, and Ramuh Ex (is that even out yet?) so I can join farming groups for the weekly primal token.... yeah. I think I'll just save up for three weeks instead.
#38 Jul 23 2014 at 7:29 AM Rating: Excellent
Catwho wrote:
I won the lot on an Unnamed Allegan Tombstone in ST today, so gear upgrades are on hold for a bit until I either get the 1300 soldiery needed for the tokens or somehow miraculously beat Titan Ex, Levi Ex, Moogle Ex, and Ramuh Ex (is that even out yet?) so I can join farming groups for the weekly primal token.... yeah. I think I'll just save up for three weeks instead.

The weekly primal token is not the same token.

There is Rowenas' Token - gained from beating Primals and used for the Primal Weapons.

And then there is Rowena's Token (Soldiery) - gained from Soldiery only.

If you are thinking that is confusing and, "Why would they name it the same thing then?!" you are now the latest member of the head-scratching crowd. *shrug*
#39 Jul 23 2014 at 7:37 AM Rating: Excellent
Ah, thanks. Still, saving up 3 weeks for enough soldiery instead of beating my head against the atma wall some more is a good trade off, I think.
#40 Jul 23 2014 at 7:56 AM Rating: Excellent
Ya. After seeing the pathetic Artemis Bow Atma, and figuring out what it takes to complete just 1 of the 9 books, oh my. That's just not going to happen.

I'll work on book stuff when I'm completely done with things I want to do in a week. A.k.a. Never.

I can see now what Yoshi said in the beginning, that this whole Relic thing was designed for players that have 10x the playtime I have, or for casuals as a loooooong term goal. This is a shameless timesink to keep your average player from having literally nothing left to do. Except for the RNG Atmas, I can see this whole design is pretty much working as intended.

So, I sure hope they keep having earnable Weapon rewards from beating content that will be consistently on par with Relic. If that is the case, as it is now, then OK, I get it.

UAT + 1300 Soldiery + Sands of Time = 110 Weapon.

CT2 + 3 weeks + Hunts or T8 = This I can do.
#41 Jul 23 2014 at 8:48 AM Rating: Excellent
I borked myself last night. I went into ST looking for the UAT. BRD body dropped off Amon and I said what the hell since I was sick of the myth body.

And of course, what drops at the end? /sigh


Edited, Jul 23rd 2014 10:49am by DarkswordDX
#42 Jul 23 2014 at 9:47 AM Rating: Excellent
Gnu wrote:
I can see now what Yoshi said in the beginning, that this whole Relic thing was designed for players that have 10x the playtime I have, or for casuals as a loooooong term goal. This is a shameless timesink to keep your average player from having literally nothing left to do. Except for the RNG Atmas, I can see this whole design is pretty much working as intended.

Isn't that was relic was in FFXI though? It took me four years to finish my 75 Gjallarhorn. I'm now stuck on 90 Ghorn because you need a group capable of beating Arch Dynamis Lord multiple times and/or approximately 50 million gil for 5 of the the Umbrals that he drops, neither of which I have any more.

That's fine, because they added in the Dardaubla (aka the Dharp because who can spell that) which is a superior instrument. And it only took me a year to get, and I didn't have to spend all that much money on it.
#43 Jul 24 2014 at 7:57 AM Rating: Excellent
2,550 posts
Gnu wrote:
Ya. After seeing the pathetic Artemis Bow Atma, and figuring out what it takes to complete just 1 of the 9 books, oh my. That's just not going to happen.

I'll work on book stuff when I'm completely done with things I want to do in a week. A.k.a. Never.

I can see now what Yoshi said in the beginning, that this whole Relic thing was designed for players that have 10x the playtime I have, or for casuals as a loooooong term goal. This is a shameless timesink to keep your average player from having literally nothing left to do. Except for the RNG Atmas, I can see this whole design is pretty much working as intended.

So, I sure hope they keep having earnable Weapon rewards from beating content that will be consistently on par with Relic. If that is the case, as it is now, then OK, I get it.

UAT + 1300 Soldiery + Sands of Time = 110 Weapon.

CT2 + 3 weeks + Hunts or T8 = This I can do.

Know the feeling. I took the atma road on my paladin and am now taking the leviateinn road on my blm. Getting Novus is truly a test. I found out I can solo the maps, but only because my summoner is ilvl 97 and I have titan and a chocobo. I'm something like 56 alexandrites from the curtana novus, so I've just started on the last leg, but boy am I tired. But my blm is going your preferred path. Right now he is stuck with the spindly, yet effective, wave staff. I've been grinding that godforsaken syrcus tower now for too long... After 10 grueling syrcus tower runs over the last two days, I finally won the lot on a tomestone. The first 5 runs didn't even produce a tomestone (how frustrating) but yesterday all three runs I was in produced a uat (wonder if maintenance had anything to do with it). I lost the lot on the first two with a 75 and a 56 and won the last one with a 65. Twice a fourth chest popped and I lost the damn lot on the onion knight minion.... with a 96?!?! I will never understand RNG... Anyway, if all goes as planned, I jump in a hunt party next tuesday afternoon for about an hour and I should be able to get my 1300 soldiery, which I will use to buy 10 tokens for 130 each. Then I will trade those and my unidentified allagan tomestone for the weathered leviateinn. Then I will bring that over to Fallgourd Float with my sands and upgrade it. Then I will rejoice with myself in harmony that my black mage hath become uber. Seems so much easier than the path to Novus, but on an upnote, Novus is customizable...

Edited, Jul 24th 2014 9:01am by Valkayree
#44 Jul 24 2014 at 9:31 AM Rating: Excellent
Even with all the ST runs, and the soldiery (even minus what you spend on blm), I'll bet you could get your Paladin a full Burtgang in a fraction of the time it would take to finish that Novus. And, likely, it would be more fun.

Of course, if I was as far as you are I would not stop and admit all that time was wasted. And for those who know what it really takes, that Novus is quite a statement about your dedication to FFXIV. What's your time estimate on obtaining the Alexandrite's you still need?

Is every stage of the Relic upgrade, such as 110 to 120, going to be equally onerous? We can safely expect the answer to be yes.
#45 Jul 24 2014 at 9:38 AM Rating: Excellent
392 posts
Got my pld body drop from ST and was actually lucky enough to teleport into a zone with a S rank hunt in it. And to top it off, I got a book to drop from the hunt. XD

Edited, Jul 24th 2014 11:39am by RyanSquires
#46 Jul 24 2014 at 11:13 AM Rating: Excellent
One thing I realized will make me feel less anxious about 1300 soldiery is the ilvl 100 drops from ST. I've been trying to upgrade a piece a week on either WHM or BLM, and since I got my UAT this week I'll count that as an upgrade. Then next week I can try for another piece for WHM/BLM without worrying about having to with-hold my lots because a UAT might drop XD

Still amazing NO ONE ELSE lotted on it when mine dropped. I was pretty stunned. One guy who had gotten the BRD hat on the previous boss went "dammit" as soon as it dropped, but at least four other people in the alliance could have lotted... and didn't. Smiley: confused
#47 Jul 24 2014 at 12:46 PM Rating: Excellent
392 posts
I am undecided in the UAT, I already got my drop for this week (pld body) so I have time to decide if I want to try for the UAT next week. I mean is the only thing it is used for are weapons??
#48 Jul 24 2014 at 1:16 PM Rating: Excellent
1,310 posts
Catwho wrote:
I won the lot on an Unnamed Allegan Tombstone in ST today, so gear upgrades are on hold for a bit until I either get the 1300 soldiery needed for the tokens or somehow miraculously beat Titan Ex, Levi Ex, Moogle Ex, and Ramuh Ex (is that even out yet?) so I can join farming groups for the weekly primal token.... yeah. I think I'll just save up for three weeks instead.

I am (slowly) working on an Animus relic for my white mage (1 book down, 8 to go), but she still has 3 other jobs with Zenith and that's a long road if i were to focus on upgrading relics for all of them. I'm thinking this UAT option is the perfect thing to help bridge the gap especially since the jump to 110 is relatively easy (a 1 in 8 chance of getting the oil if it even drops still sounds better than the atma drop rate Smiley: lol).
#49 Jul 24 2014 at 2:24 PM Rating: Excellent
RyanSquires wrote:
I am undecided in the UAT, I already got my drop for this week (pld body) so I have time to decide if I want to try for the UAT next week. I mean is the only thing it is used for are weapons??

For now, that is the case. But if you have terrible luck with atma while you have a pretty good time with reaching soldiery cap, it's the best option to get an iLvl 110 weapon for now.
#50 Jul 24 2014 at 2:42 PM Rating: Excellent
Of course, if I was as far as you are I would not stop and admit all that time was wasted. And for those who know what it really takes, that Novus is quite a statement about your dedication to FFXIV. What's your time estimate on obtaining the Alexandrite's you still need?

I opted to chase a Novus knowing it would ultimately be a waste of time, but I enjoy the challenge of the grind.

Also, until a couple weeks ago, I was effectively locked out of other weapons options by not having a static to do things with. The animus/novus path was completely accessible.

That said, my plan has always been to only upgrade a relic on one job (paladin), while being patient and waiting to have access to other weapons for other jobs. Now, I can start trying to farm an UAT for my bard weapon (and the bard solidery weapon is better than the bard novus weapon anyway). Perhaps I'll eventually get some kind of drop for whatever my third job might be.

The customization of the Novus does make it nice, though. Right now I'm trying to decide whether to overkill it with accuracy so it may be more viable longer into the next update.
Thayos Redblade
#51 Jul 24 2014 at 7:08 PM Rating: Excellent
Xoie wrote:
Catwho wrote:
I won the lot on an Unnamed Allegan Tombstone in ST today, so gear upgrades are on hold for a bit until I either get the 1300 soldiery needed for the tokens or somehow miraculously beat Titan Ex, Levi Ex, Moogle Ex, and Ramuh Ex (is that even out yet?) so I can join farming groups for the weekly primal token.... yeah. I think I'll just save up for three weeks instead.

I am (slowly) working on an Animus relic for my white mage (1 book down, 8 to go), but she still has 3 other jobs with Zenith and that's a long road if i were to focus on upgrading relics for all of them. I'm thinking this UAT option is the perfect thing to help bridge the gap especially since the jump to 110 is relatively easy (a 1 in 8 chance of getting the oil if it even drops still sounds better than the atma drop rate Smiley: lol).

I'm guessing your thinking weapon upgrade 100 to 110 requires Oil, but it requires Sands of Time. I thought the same thing at first.

So either Hunts or T8/T9 for now to get Sands.

They did say Sands will drop from ST soon. Specifically they said when they add Sands to ST will depend on what they see watching the overall ilvl increase of players.
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