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Weekly Goals and Accomplishments 7/18 - 7/24Follow

#1 Jul 18 2014 at 7:57 AM Rating: Excellent
Following the suggestion to stretch this out to a week since not everyone gets their junk done on weekends...

1. Cap soldiery. I've met my initial round of upgrades for BLM and WHM finally and I'm locked out of ST gear for the week, thanks to a Scylla Belt of Casting. So basically I can cap soldiery and not worry about gear upgrades again til next week.
2. Take another stab at Turn 4 now that my BLM is iLvl 92.
3. Get SCH to 35.
4. Get WAR to 35.

Edited, Jul 18th 2014 9:59am by Catwho
#2 Jul 18 2014 at 8:13 AM Rating: Excellent
Do a couple Syrcus runs and hope for either an oil/sand or the i100 WAR or BRD body.
Try out Frontlines.
Get Mog EX done so I can go challenge Ramuh EX.
Maybe, maaaaaaayyybee finish my CUL melds off. I need to meld a Control IV and stage 1 overmeld 1 Control II, 1 Control III, 2 Control Is, and a Craft III. Not counting on this one but if I get the gil from the stuff I'm selling I might try it.
#3 Jul 18 2014 at 9:22 AM Rating: Excellent
2,550 posts
DarkswordDX wrote:
Do a couple Syrcus runs and hope for either an oil/sand or the i100 WAR or BRD body.
Try out Frontlines.
Get Mog EX done so I can go challenge Ramuh EX.
Maybe, maaaaaaayyybee finish my CUL melds off. I need to meld a Control IV and stage 1 overmeld 1 Control II, 1 Control III, 2 Control Is, and a Craft III. Not counting on this one but if I get the gil from the stuff I'm selling I might try it.

As far as I know, sands are bought with allied seals from hunts (750 seals will buy you 3 bloodied hunt logs at 250 each) and those are traded to Aurelia for the sands.

The final boss chest for your group in syrcus tower will drop 1 ilvl 100 item, and there is a 30% chance that a second item (oil) will drop. A separate 30% chance exists that a third item (unidentified allagan tomestone) will drop. I have seen all three drop from the same chest. No sands drop (yet) in syrcus.

Edited, Jul 18th 2014 10:23am by Valkayree
#4 Jul 18 2014 at 9:24 AM Rating: Excellent
2,550 posts
My goals (in the case that my post is deemed unofficial and Kat's is the official post (since it was first lol):

1. Get the Laevateinn (3 week long goal)

Steady progress in hunt groups have netted me a sands that I have used to make my noct lorica for my tanks. Now, I'm at 550 allied seals. I hope to get the remaining 200 to buy another sand by next thursday. But I will be saving that to upgrade a weathered Laevateinn. I hope by next thursday to have won a roll on an unidentified allagan tomestone in syrcus tower and have maxed out my soldiery. That will put me at 1040 =( and I need 1300 soldiery to buy the weathered weapon I need to upgrade with sands. So technically I need two more weeks to get my lvl 110 blm weapon. I have two weeks to win the roll on the tomestone, so that means I will accept nothing less from that miserable tower from this point forward.

2. Get the Novus Shield for paladin, begin work on Novus Curtana (1 week goal)

I have 11 / 22 slots filled on my sphere scroll for my shield. I have 4 mysterious maps either actively open, on my person, or on my retainers. I should be able to get some fc help and get my slots filled to 15 using those maps. At the rate I am progressing, I will have the entire shield done in 3 - 4 days. I am at the unfortunate step where I am going to have to start slotting IV materia worth 330k at a 70% chance so tensions are high.

3. Try to get alchemist desynth to 70 (1 week goal)

The alchemist can desynth all the titan weapons, a lot of the moogle weapons, and the garuda and ifrit books. But the road to 70 - 80 desynth score is paved with expense. I've shelled out literally 400k to make madman's whispering wands to break and fail at 62% over and over again until I finally got it to 80% and am almost at the point where I can start attempting the primal stuff with some accuracy. But since my desynth score in alchemy is still just 65, I still need a bit more progress.

4. Clear turn 6

I have a static now (bout time) so Sunday and Monday I have something to do. Must beat Rafflesia. I've downed all the primals including Ramuh ex now, so this coil is my final frontier so to speak.
#5 Jul 18 2014 at 9:59 AM Rating: Excellent
4,511 posts
Well, there's good news and there's bad news.

The good news (I guess it's good...) is that my girlfriend is out of town for the weekend so i can finally actually get some Final Fantasy time in. Havent been able to actually play on my weekends in months.

The bad news however is that it's going to be the warmest and most humid weekend we had all year. People are advised to stay cool, drink a lot and not stay indoors since it'll become a sauna.

That said, should i still get some FF time in, my goals will probably be the following:

1) - 115 more Soldiery to finish my cap.

2) - I want to do the first half of Hullbreakers Isle since the last time i did it i ended up in a party that just defeated the first boss and i didnt get to experience him. (And then roulette gave me nothing but Tam-Tara from there on...)

3) - I want to make some effort to revive my Free Company on Behemoth. We have a wonderful house, chocobo stables, beautiful location and everything, just almost out of members to our happy little family. People just stopped showing up or moved to serious raid FC's. Weekends (especially this free one) is going to be awesome to get new members in.

4) - I want to go do more of the storyline, i've yet to even unlock Leviathan and Ramuh. Havent done the battle on the bridge either.

5) - Probably a continuation of point 3, but i wanna go make some more friends :) It's lonely at the times on which i'm online.
#6 Jul 18 2014 at 10:33 AM Rating: Excellent
To answer the question posed in the other locked thread, I can take these over. I'm further east than you AND I tend to have quiet Friday mornings in the office. (Mondays and Tuesdays are my hell days.)

Just set up an Outlook task to remind me. There are some holiday weekends I'll probably forget, though.

Edited, Jul 18th 2014 12:33pm by Catwho
#7 Jul 18 2014 at 10:49 AM Rating: Excellent
From the other Thread:

I hear Sands drop from T8, so that would be the next goal. Learn the fight and get some practice before next Tuesday.

Get that final Atma so I can start using my daily Roulette: Expert to collect Alexandrite maps.

Got my UAT so just need another week of soldiery for the Weathered Bow. It appears I will need either Animus or Weathered to pull my weight in T8. I'm basically pushing both of these options.

Really looking forward to running the new dungeons this weekend on Warrior. :D


I'm split on using my first Sand on Bard or WAR. Since Novus is SO far away, I think I need to just get the Rosenbogen just to push up DPS while I work on Artemis Bow Novus.
#8 Jul 18 2014 at 11:28 AM Rating: Excellent
Hoping to take Ramuh Ex down tonight with some old friends. Then a few more ST runs for a brd piece along with some more hunting. Then the usual roulettes and possibly finishing my 7th book towards animus.

#9 Jul 18 2014 at 11:43 AM Rating: Excellent
I will be gone all day Saturday, and most of the day Sunday, so my weekend is pretty much shot for gaming.

That said, I'm focusing mostly on hunts right now... not just for seals/sands, but also for myths toward alexandrite maps. Between my expert roulette and myth rewards from hunts, I'm easily able to get two Alexandrites per day, which puts me a relaxed three weeks away from finishing my Novus (and in the meantime, I should get enough seals to HQ a couple more armor pieces).

Edited, Jul 18th 2014 10:44am by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#10 Jul 18 2014 at 1:08 PM Rating: Good
If this weekend goes like recent weekends, I won't get online much at all.

Main goal is to try out the new Amped ACA1 wireless adapter, to see if it drops the FFXIV connection like the ASUS AC56 did. While the latter (after some work) provided pretty good transfer rates in general, in FFXIV it would occasionally R0 for just long enough to 90000 out of the game.

Other than that, start on Atmas for my WHM, I guess. I think that might actually be fun for me -- I enjoy FATEs, and I don't think the grind will get to me as much as it does many other people.

My MNK needs Myth gear, so I'll keep going on the dailies and Beast Tribe quests. Of course I desperately need Soldiery for my other WHM ring, but I'm not yet far enough advanced in the storyline to build that reliably. Guess now my iLvl is around 90, I should probably do that too. Smiley: laugh

And help out people in the FC if they need it. I think I enjoy that the most of all.
#11 Jul 18 2014 at 2:15 PM Rating: Good
20 posts
Since I work this weekend I'm going to try to get all my weekend accomplishments tonight.

* Finish Amdapor Keep and continue progressing on my Monk relic.

* Continue beastmen dailies and duty roulettes.

* Get mining and goldsmith to 35.
#12 Jul 18 2014 at 3:17 PM Rating: Excellent
2,232 posts
Log in long enough to clear stone vigil HM, ST, and work on story
#13 Jul 18 2014 at 6:22 PM Rating: Excellent
Found this guy in Lower La Noscea:

Fiebras the Dull: Ain't no woman worth pissin' in a bucket fer, I reckon.
#14 Jul 19 2014 at 3:52 PM Rating: Good
Valkayree wrote:
I have two weeks to win the roll on the tomestone, so that means I will accept nothing less from that miserable tower from this point forward.

This was my thought going in to ST the last two weeks, and each time on the first run through I abandoned my plan to lot on Scylla's healing gear (I now have the robe and culottes). So I hope I see a UAT before any healing gear drops again.

I'm also going to work on leveling up Monk, I'd like to get to 50 by the end of the week (at 39 now), unfortunately the low level roulette waits have been very long since the patch.
#15 Jul 20 2014 at 9:58 PM Rating: Excellent
Catwho wrote:
1. Cap soldiery.
2. Take another stab at Turn 4 now that my BLM is iLvl 92.
3. Get SCH to 35.
4. Get WAR to 35

All done! For the rest of the week, it's going to be hunts until ST resets and soldiery resets, then I'll start eyeing more iLvl 100 gear.
#16 Jul 20 2014 at 10:21 PM Rating: Excellent
Keeper of the Shroud
13,632 posts
Finished leveling Weaver and started working on gearing it out. Since I'm trying to get everything I can without spending gil, I have to wait to do some Mining to get the Gold Ore I'll need for the body and legs, but aside from that I've made all of the rest of the gear. I haven't started melding any of it yet, but that"s a whole other animal that I'll tackle some day in the future.

I spent some time doing Front Lines, it's not terrible so far, though I don't see enough there to keep my interest for long. So far, it's just a quick way to get some tomes without having to dungeon grind, which is nice. I will say, Spineshatter Dive is on the verge of being overpowered. I can pretty reliable get a kill if both it and Leg Sweep are up.

Lastly, I spent a bit of time working on another Atma book, I still have to run Sastasha to finish it off, then just four more to go...

Edited, Jul 21st 2014 12:23am by Turin
#17 Jul 20 2014 at 10:56 PM Rating: Excellent
234 posts
Learned the Manderville and got caught up with the rest of the questline. Can't wait until 2.4 because it looks like we'll be able to fight Uncle Ulty.
#18 Jul 20 2014 at 11:01 PM Rating: Good
1,104 posts
Got a haircut hell yeah.
#19 Jul 20 2014 at 11:47 PM Rating: Good
4,511 posts
Well, it's monday. I guess there's no avoiding it anymore...
KojiroSoma wrote:

1) - 115 more Soldiery to finish my cap.


2) - I want to do the first half of Hullbreakers Isle since the last time i did it i ended up in a party that just defeated the first boss and i didnt get to experience him. (And then roulette gave me nothing but Tam-Tara from there on...)

Didnt get the chance

3) - I want to make some effort to revive my Free Company on Behemoth. We have a wonderful house, chocobo stables, beautiful location and everything, just almost out of members to our happy little family. People just stopped showing up or moved to serious raid FC's. Weekends (especially this free one) is going to be awesome to get new members in.

300 other FC's had the same idea

4) - I want to go do more of the storyline, i've yet to even unlock Leviathan and Ramuh. Havent done the battle on the bridge either.


5) - Probably a continuation of point 3, but i wanna go make some more friends :) It's lonely at the times on which i'm online.

Nope... Danced the manderville with someone in a dungeon in perfect synch, but i guess that doesnt really count as social interaction...
#20 Jul 21 2014 at 6:34 AM Rating: Excellent
2,232 posts
Did some DFR with FC and I'm up to Ramuh in the story. Spent an hour plus queued for ST with world class scum popping out of the queue as soon as there were 24 people.

Oh killed my very first hunt - elite crab in W. La Nocsea. Died in about 20 seconds. Got full credit in the 3 man party I was in while we were queued for ST. The individuals there from my FC did not get full credit even though we all engaged at the same time so 'working as intended'.

In all I would same the game still has all the same problems it did when I took my break along with some added new ones. I'm logging into mog station to shut off my auto sub right now. Maybe 2.4 will be better.
#21 Jul 21 2014 at 8:00 AM Rating: Excellent
About 3 hours in an Saturady night I got my last Atma. 12/12. And then:

The Artemis Bow Atma has one less base DMG than the 95 Leviathan Weapon. I was expecting the 100 Atma Wep to be at the very least equal. Boo.

Huh. So turns out Weathered Rosenbogen >>> Rosenbogen is the way to go for now.

I'm looking at you T8.

#22 Jul 21 2014 at 9:01 AM Rating: Excellent
4,780 posts
It''ll be the Animus Bow you're looking for that matches or beats the stats of an ilvl95 weapon I veiw Atma as an unfinished Product, not unlike when we first acquired our Relic.

That said, the swifter route is doing Primals and Soldiery Tomes. However, if you're not deep into Second Coil, May I recommend you do Sycrus Tower? The Unmarked Keystones will also drop from there.
#23 Jul 21 2014 at 9:15 AM Rating: Excellent
2,550 posts
Gnu wrote:

Get that final Atma so I can start using my daily Roulette: Expert to collect Alexandrite maps.

Gnu wrote:
About 3 hours in an Saturady night I got my last Atma. 12/12. And then:

You are gonna hate me man...
After atma you start the quest to get to animus.
You spend 1500 myth to buy a book in mor dhona. You run 3 assigned dungeons, 3 assigned leves, 3 assigned FATES and kill 100 assigned enemies per book. Then you buy a new book and complete it. Each cost 1500 myth and there are 9 books. Once you finish all nine you get your animus in northern thanalan. Then you visit a guy in central thanalan that has you buy items costing equivalent to 1500 myth and you get your sphere scroll. Then you can talk to the guy in mor dhona that lets you get your mysterious maps in exchange for an expert roulette. Then you beg a friend to come along with you so you can dig up the chest that contains the alexandrite. Then you do that about 70-75 times and buy ever more increasingly expensive materia to slot. It is cheaper if you split the stats three ways. For instance I capped accuracy on my shield but left determination two short and filled it with parry because 500k for a savage might materia IV = no thanks.

So.... The guys you see standing around in mor dhona looking like idiots with their novus out all day... well they have been on a longer and more **** filled journey jorney than Andy Dufrain esaping Shawshank... So toss them a salute as you walk by, they deserve it.
#24 Jul 21 2014 at 9:16 AM Rating: Excellent
2,550 posts
Hyrist wrote:
May I recommend you do Sycrus Tower? The Unmarked Keystones will also drop from there.

Unidentified Allagan Tomestones
#25 Jul 21 2014 at 9:44 AM Rating: Excellent
2,550 posts
Valkayree wrote:

1. Get the Laevateinn (3 week long goal)

2. Get the Novus Shield for paladin, begin work on Novus Curtana (1 week goal)

3. Try to get alchemist desynth to 70 (1 week goal)

4. Clear turn 6

1. I had some really great runs this weekend. had the great privelege to get leader in an upstart hunt linkshell a week ago that I was able to get the FC into. It has blossomed into an empire, with some really great and helpful folks who are "in the know" so to speak. I built a macro to call out hunts to my party, fc, and linkshell all at the same time. I drop it on every monster when I get there, but sadly sometimes that means it is too late.

/p <t>, <pos>
/fc <t>, <pos>
/l3 <t>, <pos>

Anyway, downed 7 S ranks on saturday, got a few lucky bloodied log drops and made me enough to upgrade my black mage chest with a sands, store another sands for my future leviateinn, and am about 50 seals shy from another sands I will use to upgrade my blm pants. Still unsatisfied with looking like a damn jester, no matter what the color, I decided to keep the cashmere / allagan pants look and upgrade to the augmented version. Now I'm glowy. Not too many folks have the glowy. I like that. So: Next weeks goals are to get the UAT from syrcus and cap soldiery. Then the final week I get the remaining 100 or so soldiery and get my weapon.

2. Thanks to Kat, Illsaide, Mal, Evebont, Jim, Daewin, and countless others in my FC I have my Novus shield. I like the effect. The protect honeycomb glows in yellow on the surface. I capped accuracy, got determination 2 from cap, and put that 2 into parry. Now begins the long road of going for the Curtana Novus. 56 alexandrite to go. I have 3 maps from yesterday. I gather about 6 (one opened, one on my person, one on each of 4 retainers), beg my friends for help, then reward them with a peisteskin map on me with free lots (since SE gives crap for rewards on mysterious map hunts). So.... much.... work.

3. I did get alchemist to 70 desynth. Actually I think I got it up to 73 or 74. I got a battlecraft demimateria III off of a moogle tome that I am holding onto. I desynthed pretty much all of the titan and moogle junk I had. This desynth stuff has really thinned my inventory Smiley: frown. It has also, in combination with the fact I dont run dungeons as much, contributed to essentially shutting off my flow of gc seals, meaning that I am running dangerously short on ventures Smiley: eek. Looks like I need to do a few more turn ins.

4. Oh turn 6... Spent 2 hours there last night. Now while I occasionally don't see the damn bulb when it spawns in the middle, I am comfortable in knowing that the frist blighted boquet starts at around 66% and the second is firmly rooted in phase 2 right after someone gets the honey and that stupid wasp spawns. I also realize that every other thorns you shouldnt move apart right away, but wait to see who has the sun icon on them. Then everyone moves across the boss away from that guy, and that guy with the sun, as soon as the icon disappears, haul *** though the boss and no one gets eaten. Now...the tanks knew that. The healers knew that. One of the monks and I knew that. But our pickup DPS and the other blm in our group kept getting eaten and blighted over and over and over again. Hornets double spawn and the 30k hits. Not enough dps alive to kill the things. Can't even get to slugs. So basically, we need a few solid dps. The blm kept asking if it would be ok if he joined up with other groups to try to clear it (we carried this dude through t5 too). Erghh. Anyway, we need better deeps.
#26 Jul 21 2014 at 9:48 AM Rating: Excellent
I've been doing hunts since about two days after the patch, and I have yet to get one of those blood-spattered logs as a drop. Smiley: mad

Almost have enough seals for my second sands, but a little help from the RNG gods would be nice.
Thayos Redblade
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