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Allied SealsFollow

#27 Jul 17 2014 at 1:21 PM Rating: Good
Catwho wrote:
Naw, it was tongue in cheek. Mostly because I complain about Atma drop rates too.

BLU DNC was awesome though. Self skillchains were the bomb.

FTFY Smiley: grin
#28 Jul 18 2014 at 8:17 AM Rating: Default
972 posts
KojiroSoma wrote:
sandpark wrote:
This idea sound decent or bad?

Paying Seals in order to get seals is never a good thing.

Heck, SE would have done a much better job if they threw these NM's into dungeons occasionally for people to run into. No claim disputes, always enough contribution and a reason to explore and look around a dungeon instead of rushing through it.

I suppose it could be some other currency.

Well occasional dungeon spawns would be cool too, however since most dungeons are instanced. They couldn't call hunts open world content anymore. The hunt implementation might not be so great at the moment. But there are some players who prefer open versus instance in general.
#29 Jul 18 2014 at 3:48 PM Rating: Good
3,917 posts
BLU could easily work in the game mechanics. You get abilities/spells from enemies but can only have 15 active. And certain spells will augment others to give dps boosting rotations.
So there could be maybe 50 different abilities/spells to obtain for the completionists but depending on what combos you want you would select your best 15. It's not much different than how FFXI worked where you only had so many BLU magic points to pick spells from your list.
#30 Jul 18 2014 at 5:05 PM Rating: Good
4,175 posts
Dartagnann wrote:
BLU could easily work in the game mechanics. You get abilities/spells from enemies but can only have 15 active. And certain spells will augment others to give dps boosting rotations.
So there could be maybe 50 different abilities/spells to obtain for the completionists but depending on what combos you want you would select your best 15. It's not much different than how FFXI worked where you only had so many BLU magic points to pick spells from your list.

The difference is that in XI the jobs were all independent of each other. There was a requirement to level a job to 30 before you could take an advanced job, but they didn't have many other links to each other. If XI were similar, you'd be forced to play through black mage to level 17 to unlock the blizzard spell before being able to use it on other classes. The job progression of the two games has a pretty significant difference to me.

I'm not against blue mage as a playable job, but I think it would be difficult for them to implement in a way that flows with the way the other classes and jobs work.

Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#31 Jul 18 2014 at 5:22 PM Rating: Excellent
11,159 posts
Dartagnann wrote:
BLU could easily work in the game mechanics. You get abilities/spells from enemies but can only have 15 active. And certain spells will augment others to give dps boosting rotations.
So there could be maybe 50 different abilities/spells to obtain for the completionists but depending on what combos you want you would select your best 15. It's not much different than how FFXI worked where you only had so many BLU magic points to pick spells from your list.

I'll be blunt, I hated that system.

From the balance perspective, sure, limit the amount the spells one could set, which in turn limits the traits BLU could get. Nevermind the fact so many BLU spells were just up and useless or outright inferior to other equivalents. As time went on, the amount of slots/points required to make the most out of the job didn't really match the game's growth, unsurprisingly shifting it more toward meleeing with CDC use and supplemental skills over using actual spells outside of CA or the niche burst scenario.

The typical counter-logic was that BLU would be too powerful if it had access to all of its spells all the time. I say no. You still have to factor MP costs, max MP, the rate one regenerates MP, cast time(s), recasts, and then finally the output of a given spell. Realistically, they would've been all around better than RDMs then, but that's not what I'd consider a position of high praise. Ultimately, FFXI was, and still is, a game where melee (and haste) is king once people figured things out. Or didn't and just CS Stun zerged.
Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
#32 Jul 24 2014 at 9:35 AM Rating: Excellent
392 posts
FilthMcNasty wrote:
Raylo wrote:
Theonehio wrote:
Well..they are the Hunt currency lol, so yeah we should be forced into it. .

They're only the hunt currency because that's all they are now. There's no reason this can't change, and it should. I'd like to spend my game time doing a little more than just running from zone to zone trying to get a hit or two in on each mark before they are zerged to death, and I doubt I'm the only one.

I don't think people like the hunts and that's the main issue. I get the feeling that if you took a poll, the majority would say they only participate because they want the seals and not because they enjoy it. That's the underlying issue here. If SE allowed people to receive the seals by participating in other activities, hunts would die off.

I had high hopes for this event and I think it could still be something worthwhile with more adjustments, but it's going to take more than just buffing mob health and adjusting requirements to get contribution credit.

I actually do enjoy the hunts. I think if the seals where offered another way along with hunts that the hunts would still be going on, just not with the Zerg train happening in every zone.
#33 Jul 24 2014 at 10:04 AM Rating: Good
4,511 posts
RyanSquires wrote:
FilthMcNasty wrote:
Raylo wrote:
Theonehio wrote:
Well..they are the Hunt currency lol, so yeah we should be forced into it. .

They're only the hunt currency because that's all they are now. There's no reason this can't change, and it should. I'd like to spend my game time doing a little more than just running from zone to zone trying to get a hit or two in on each mark before they are zerged to death, and I doubt I'm the only one.

I don't think people like the hunts and that's the main issue. I get the feeling that if you took a poll, the majority would say they only participate because they want the seals and not because they enjoy it. That's the underlying issue here. If SE allowed people to receive the seals by participating in other activities, hunts would die off.

I had high hopes for this event and I think it could still be something worthwhile with more adjustments, but it's going to take more than just buffing mob health and adjusting requirements to get contribution credit.

I actually do enjoy the hunts. I think if the seals where offered another way along with hunts that the hunts would still be going on, just not with the Zerg train happening in every zone.

I'm thoroughly convinced that people will always take the path of least resistance. Whatever instance or event shows up that drops seals the quickest and the easiest will be the one spammed by 99% of the people.
#34 Jul 24 2014 at 10:37 AM Rating: Decent
342 posts
KojiroSoma wrote:
RyanSquires wrote:
FilthMcNasty wrote:
Raylo wrote:
Theonehio wrote:
Well..they are the Hunt currency lol, so yeah we should be forced into it. .

They're only the hunt currency because that's all they are now. There's no reason this can't change, and it should. I'd like to spend my game time doing a little more than just running from zone to zone trying to get a hit or two in on each mark before they are zerged to death, and I doubt I'm the only one.

I don't think people like the hunts and that's the main issue. I get the feeling that if you took a poll, the majority would say they only participate because they want the seals and not because they enjoy it. That's the underlying issue here. If SE allowed people to receive the seals by participating in other activities, hunts would die off.

I had high hopes for this event and I think it could still be something worthwhile with more adjustments, but it's going to take more than just buffing mob health and adjusting requirements to get contribution credit.

I actually do enjoy the hunts. I think if the seals where offered another way along with hunts that the hunts would still be going on, just not with the Zerg train happening in every zone.

I'm thoroughly convinced that people will always take the path of least resistance. Whatever instance or event shows up that drops seals the quickest and the easiest will be the one spammed by 99% of the people.

I don't know. I know a lot of people who refuse to do hunts, myself included. I think the reason everybody who does them now messes with them at all is because they feel like they have to if they don't want to fall behind gear-wise (which I'm sacrificing). If you give people an option that's more fun (at least to some of us, I realize what's "more fun" varies from person to person) a lot of us will go that route. That's why we play, isn't it?
#35 Jul 24 2014 at 11:15 AM Rating: Excellent
I like it because it can be done as drop-in filler content, much like atma grinding. Waiting for a friend to log on so you can run something together? Tune into the Hunt LS and join in the fray for a while.
#36 Jul 24 2014 at 12:17 PM Rating: Good
342 posts
Catwho wrote:
I like it because it can be done as drop-in filler content, much like atma grinding. Waiting for a friend to log on so you can run something together? Tune into the Hunt LS and join in the fray for a while.

...except you could solo Atmas. Good luck getting reasonable credit for a hunt without a party. This means Atmas are a lot easier to do while queing for something or if you just have a quick 15 minutes to kill, while hunts are not.
#37 Jul 24 2014 at 12:36 PM Rating: Excellent
392 posts
Raylo wrote:

I don't know. I know a lot of people who refuse to do hunts, myself included. I think the reason everybody who does them now messes with them at all is because they feel like they have to if they don't want to fall behind gear-wise (which I'm sacrificing). If you give people an option that's more fun (at least to some of us, I realize what's "more fun" varies from person to person) a lot of us will go that route. That's why we play, isn't it?

I reapectfully disagree. I do the hunts because they are fun, and I want the minions. Also want the GC gear for vanity. I do feel a good bit of people are doing it to keep up with gear, and it is for those people that I hope they add another method for obtaining seals so those of us that enjoy the hunts can do them without dealing with the 'professionals'.
#38 Jul 24 2014 at 12:40 PM Rating: Excellent
392 posts
Catwho wrote:
I like it because it can be done as drop-in filler content, much like atma grinding. Waiting for a friend to log on so you can run something together? Tune into the Hunt LS and join in the fray for a while.

Hunts are my filler's filler. Doing some quest or fate and happen across and mark.....icing on the cake. I do use the daily marks as a small filler when I am waiting for a friend to join me in a dungeon or waiting on the DF to ding.
#39 Jul 24 2014 at 12:47 PM Rating: Excellent
Raylo wrote:
Catwho wrote:
I like it because it can be done as drop-in filler content, much like atma grinding. Waiting for a friend to log on so you can run something together? Tune into the Hunt LS and join in the fray for a while.

...except you could solo Atmas. Good luck getting reasonable credit for a hunt without a party. This means Atmas are a lot easier to do while queing for something or if you just have a quick 15 minutes to kill, while hunts are not.

I'm part of a hunt LS that has a lot of drop in parties. And if the parties are full, we can start another.

Can we make alliances outside of raids, I wonder? I'm thinking of the perma-exp alliances some groups in FFXI had running in Abyssea La Theine on the worms.... people dropped in and dropped out constantly and usually the lowest level person would be charged with finding replacements and filling the slots back up in between keying chests.

We could easily do the same thing with Hunts.
#40 Jul 24 2014 at 3:36 PM Rating: Good
342 posts
Catwho wrote:
Raylo wrote:
Catwho wrote:
I like it because it can be done as drop-in filler content, much like atma grinding. Waiting for a friend to log on so you can run something together? Tune into the Hunt LS and join in the fray for a while.

...except you could solo Atmas. Good luck getting reasonable credit for a hunt without a party. This means Atmas are a lot easier to do while queing for something or if you just have a quick 15 minutes to kill, while hunts are not.

I'm part of a hunt LS that has a lot of drop in parties. And if the parties are full, we can start another.

Can we make alliances outside of raids, I wonder? I'm thinking of the perma-exp alliances some groups in FFXI had running in Abyssea La Theine on the worms.... people dropped in and dropped out constantly and usually the lowest level person would be charged with finding replacements and filling the slots back up in between keying chests.

We could easily do the same thing with Hunts.

Ultimately... I just don't want to. I personally hate hunts, just like a lot of people. People hate atma farming too. The difference between Atmas and Allied Seals is that with Atmas, if you didn't want to do them, you had other options to get an i100 weapon. You could farm Levi and go that route if Atmas were driving you crazy. Since the last patch, you have two more options for upgrading your weapon - Ramuh or getting a UAT out of Syrcus Tower. You won't fall behind just by choosing not to do atmas. This isn't the case with hunts, because if you choose not to do them, you WILL fall behind (unless you are in the minority and can reliably get gear from the Second Coil). As I've said before, I think up to this point SE has been pretty good about getting players options as to how they progress, but I really think they've dropped the ball here.
#41 Jul 25 2014 at 3:52 PM Rating: Excellent
2,550 posts
Seriha wrote:
Dartagnann wrote:
BLU could easily work in the game mechanics. You get abilities/spells from enemies but can only have 15 active. And certain spells will augment others to give dps boosting rotations.
So there could be maybe 50 different abilities/spells to obtain for the completionists but depending on what combos you want you would select your best 15. It's not much different than how FFXI worked where you only had so many BLU magic points to pick spells from your list.

I'll be blunt, I hated that system.

From the balance perspective, sure, limit the amount the spells one could set, which in turn limits the traits BLU could get. Nevermind the fact so many BLU spells were just up and useless or outright inferior to other equivalents. As time went on, the amount of slots/points required to make the most out of the job didn't really match the game's growth, unsurprisingly shifting it more toward meleeing with CDC use and supplemental skills over using actual spells outside of CA or the niche burst scenario.

The typical counter-logic was that BLU would be too powerful if it had access to all of its spells all the time. I say no. You still have to factor MP costs, max MP, the rate one regenerates MP, cast time(s), recasts, and then finally the output of a given spell. Realistically, they would've been all around better than RDMs then, but that's not what I'd consider a position of high praise. Ultimately, FFXI was, and still is, a game where melee (and haste) is king once people figured things out. Or didn't and just CS Stun zerged.

Well they better figure out how to incorporate blue mage! It's my favorite job in FF Smiley: nod
if and when 10 years down the line the servers go offline and I still don't have my blue mage in XIV, I'll have to boycott SE forever Smiley: glare
#42 Jul 25 2014 at 3:55 PM Rating: Excellent
2,550 posts
Catwho wrote:
Raylo wrote:
Catwho wrote:
I like it because it can be done as drop-in filler content, much like atma grinding. Waiting for a friend to log on so you can run something together? Tune into the Hunt LS and join in the fray for a while.

...except you could solo Atmas. Good luck getting reasonable credit for a hunt without a party. This means Atmas are a lot easier to do while queing for something or if you just have a quick 15 minutes to kill, while hunts are not.

I'm part of a hunt LS that has a lot of drop in parties. And if the parties are full, we can start another.

Can we make alliances outside of raids, I wonder? I'm thinking of the perma-exp alliances some groups in FFXI had running in Abyssea La Theine on the worms.... people dropped in and dropped out constantly and usually the lowest level person would be charged with finding replacements and filling the slots back up in between keying chests.

We could easily do the same thing with Hunts.

If I want to do hunts, usually the pf has one. Otherwise I check my two hunt ls for chatter / common locations, jump to that spot, and throw a /shout inv for hunts? usually at least gets me a party if an a or s rank is up, and occasionally gets me a good continuous group. More often than not those groups break after the hunt at hand though. Either way I'm fine with it.
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