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July 15 Hotfix NotesFollow

#1 Jul 15 2014 at 6:52 AM Rating: Excellent

[NA] FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn Hotfixes (Jul. 15, 2014)

*In order for even more players to be able to participate in elite mark battles, the following adjustments have been made. Please note that further adjustments may be made once congestion has been eased.

The following adjustments have been made to “The Hunt”:

- Elite marks maximum HP has been increased.
Rank B maximum HP has been raised from solo to light party level, Rank A maximum HP has been raised from light party to full party level.
Although the Rank S maximum HP level was already intended for multiple parties, we have further raised the necessary number to require even more parties.
Similar to Odin and Behemoth, because raising the maximum HP of Rank S means stressed server loads due to the concentration of players, we plan to make ongoing adjustments as we watch the server situation.

- As the elite marks HP is increased, the amount of contribution points which affects the reward after defeating will be eased.

- S rank elite marks will have top display priority.
Because the elite marks maximum HP have been changed to reflect the party numbers required, we are also looking into adjusting the amount from the “Regular mark bills” and “Elite mark bills” reward. We will continue to make careful content adjustments as we monitor player trends and server stress loads.

*The following feature has been added to improve Frontline matchmaking.

For Frontline only, the following change has been made:

- Party members will be added automatically if required once duty has commenced. Automatic member addition will take place upon the start of battle (when the gates open).
When registering for a Frontline campaign we recommend checking “Join Party in Progress,” which will make the matchmaking process smoother, and ask players to consider choosing this option whenever possible.

The following issues have been addressed:
- An issue in “The Striking Tree (Hard)” and “The Striking Tree (Extreme)”, wherein the damage taken by pets was abnormally low.
- An issue in “Syrcus Tower” wherein the ground would not illuminate when charging the matter field generator.
- An issue wherein players were unable to use pet actions when a pet was casting a spell.
- An issue wherein controls did not function properly when taking damage while in the process of trading event items to NPCs during a quest or FATE.
- An issue wherein certain items would become inaccessible when players used the Sort subcommand with the Desynthesis window open.
- An issue wherein the game client would become unresponsive when players enlisted in a free company that had not purchased housing used the View Room Details command in another player's estate.
- An issue wherein players were withdrawn from a Duty when selecting Commence at the same time another player selected Withdraw.
- An issue wherein using the ALT+L or ALT+Shift+L to cycle forward or backward would start from the first linkshell instead of the last selected linkshell when the chat mode was not set to linkshell.
- An issue wherein the UI would occasionally blink when facing the camera toward a large crowd.
- An issue wherein the text options More Items (DoH) and More Items (DoL) were reversed when talking to the NPC Talan.
- An issue in “Syrcus Tower” wherein certain treasure chests did not display properly.
- An issue in “The Striking Tree (Hard)” wherein the weather text displayed when hovering the cursor over the weather icon was in Japanese.
- An issue in “The Second Coil of Bahamut” wherein targeting the entrance would display a macro error.

#2 Jul 15 2014 at 6:52 AM Rating: Excellent
Maybe people will complain just a tiny bit less about the hunts now.
#3 Jul 15 2014 at 6:55 AM Rating: Default
12,820 posts
Just a tiny bit less....but still looks like people saying it didn't help. On the plus side, the people defending radar users SE shown they're definitely going to take action on it.

#4 Jul 15 2014 at 7:30 AM Rating: Good
Not sure how you fix the radar problem. Does seem that it would make the feature play as expected in that you have to actually find the mobs. Less of the roaming crowd making a bee line to the mobs. You would have to actually hear of the mobs location from someone who found it.

In what way can they make changes to the game that would make radar not function? Randomize the logs? Is that even possible without making the game unstable? Could they add erroneous log entries that make radar users chase ghosts? That would certainly reduce the efficiency of using radar.

They could, alternatively, add radar straight into the game so all players are on even footing, although that results in the opposite of reducing crowding.
#5 Jul 15 2014 at 9:07 AM Rating: Excellent
Could they add erroneous log entries that make radar users chase ghosts?

Seems they could do this pretty easily. Players are already doing this with their chocobo buddies. If each zone had four or five ghost entries for marks that continually respawned/despawned in random areas, then the radar would be pretty useless.

That said, the hotfixes will go a long way in helping the hunt situation. On the OF, someone said an A rank now lasts up to 25 seconds... that's way longer than the 5 or 10 seconds they were previously lasting. It may not sound like much, but that extra 15 to 20 seconds -- combined with easier contribution requirements -- will definitely translate to more people getting credit for kills.
Thayos Redblade
#6 Jul 15 2014 at 11:34 AM Rating: Decent
4,511 posts
StateAlchemist, Om nom nom... wrote:

- As the elite marks HP is increased, the amount of contribution points which affects the reward after defeating will be eased.

I cant help but read this as "Because the elite marks have more HP now, if you want to get rewards you have to put in more contribution (i.e. take out a larger chunk of their HP to be eligable".
#7 Jul 15 2014 at 11:45 AM Rating: Excellent
It's virtually the opposite. However contribution percentage is scored, that score would have been expanded when they increased HP. By reducing contribution requirements, players should be able to make the same (or less) of contributions as they did before and still get full credit, even if their contributions play overall smaller roles in bringing the marks down.
Thayos Redblade
#8 Jul 15 2014 at 12:21 PM Rating: Default
12,820 posts
Gnu wrote:
Not sure how you fix the radar problem. Does seem that it would make the feature play as expected in that you have to actually find the mobs. Less of the roaming crowd making a bee line to the mobs. You would have to actually hear of the mobs location from someone who found it.

In what way can they make changes to the game that would make radar not function? Randomize the logs? Is that even possible without making the game unstable? Could they add erroneous log entries that make radar users chase ghosts? That would certainly reduce the efficiency of using radar.

They could, alternatively, add radar straight into the game so all players are on even footing, although that results in the opposite of reducing crowding.

It'd be like what they did with XI:

Create NPCs or Monsters that you can only see if you're using a 3rd party app. So like with chocobos, radar users will gladly run into them and the GM/STF could see who all tried to go to a ghost entity. People say "what about the random people running by?" There's a large difference between randomly running near that out of the way spot behind a rock in a chasm that normally doesn't have a hunt target and beelining straight to it from Dragonhead.

Then again, yoshi seems to want to make sure this game stays as separate from XI as possible to appease the "XI is bad!" crowd - All they'd have to do is give Archers Widescan that has an affinity to every class, but that also brings up the point of purposefully limiting everyone to so few skills.

#9 Jul 15 2014 at 2:28 PM Rating: Default
Theonehio wrote:
Then again, yoshi seems to want to make sure this game stays as separate from XI as possible to appease the "XI is bad!" crowd

That's why he's The Producer after all.
#10 Jul 15 2014 at 2:33 PM Rating: Decent
342 posts
How to fix overcrowding at hunts: Give some other method (frontlines, high level supply missions, high level levequests, etc.) to obtain allied seals at a decent rate.
#11 Jul 15 2014 at 4:41 PM Rating: Default
12,820 posts
Hyanmen wrote:
Theonehio wrote:
Then again, yoshi seems to want to make sure this game stays as separate from XI as possible to appease the "XI is bad!" crowd

That's why he's The Producer after all.

Yep, even if XI does the basics better in many areas they seemed to step backwards with for ARR.

#12 Jul 15 2014 at 11:17 PM Rating: Default
Theonehio wrote:
Hyanmen wrote:
Theonehio wrote:
Then again, yoshi seems to want to make sure this game stays as separate from XI as possible to appease the "XI is bad!" crowd

That's why he's The Producer after all.

Yep, even if XI does the basics better in many areas they seemed to step backwards with for ARR.

Whatever "basics" you're implying can be shot down in a few sentences or less. Not that I would want to do that, as the ensuing slaughter and the denial that follows would be a sad sight more than anything. That's how it usually is when people who like bad video games want to believe the opposite.
#13 Jul 16 2014 at 12:25 AM Rating: Excellent
1,004 posts
the changes don't make much of a difference except for the case of S marks. the A and B rank mobs still drop very quickly. Nothing has changed with those. S rank mobs last a very long time now so getting in some contribution is much easier...except that they have LONG pop times so you may not even get a chance to see one.
#14 Jul 16 2014 at 7:36 AM Rating: Default
12,820 posts
Hyanmen wrote:
Theonehio wrote:
Hyanmen wrote:
Theonehio wrote:
Then again, yoshi seems to want to make sure this game stays as separate from XI as possible to appease the "XI is bad!" crowd

That's why he's The Producer after all.

Yep, even if XI does the basics better in many areas they seemed to step backwards with for ARR.

Whatever "basics" you're implying can be shot down in a few sentences or less. Not that I would want to do that, as the ensuing slaughter and the denial that follows would be a sad sight more than anything. That's how it usually is when people who like bad video games want to believe the opposite.

Considering you accept anything and everything that Square throws in front you as perfection is why they felt they could get away with something like pushing out 1.0 before it was ready.

#15 Jul 16 2014 at 9:46 AM Rating: Excellent
Considering you accept anything and everything that Square throws in front you as perfection is why they felt they could get away with something like pushing out 1.0 before it was ready.

There's a wee bit of a difference between accepting things as "perfection" vs. not having a nerd-rage meltdown when you're not happy with a video game.

Most of us lived somewhere in between; either we played 1.x and had fun despite its flaws (while patiently waiting for fixes, which came in spades), or we unsubscribed without feeling the need to be drama queens.
Thayos Redblade
#16 Jul 16 2014 at 10:25 AM Rating: Default
12,820 posts
Thayos wrote:
Considering you accept anything and everything that Square throws in front you as perfection is why they felt they could get away with something like pushing out 1.0 before it was ready.

There's a wee bit of a difference between accepting things as "perfection" vs. not having a nerd-rage meltdown when you're not happy with a video game.

Most of us lived somewhere in between; either we played 1.x and had fun despite its flaws (while patiently waiting for fixes, which came in spades), or we unsubscribed without feeling the need to be drama queens.

Indeed, sadly though you still have some people so angry over an MMO they didn't even play so whenever it get mentioned they take to attacking you in order to feel better about themselves. That's life though I suppose.

It's still a pity they took to throwing out 1.23 instead of just building on its foundation when they moved to the new engine. At least one silver lining is Yoshi seen how much people do actually want "actual gear" gear back that isn't just "oh look another +4-5 str/dex/int/vit/det/crit/acc armor." Though at least we knew that the only reason is they didn't feel like redoing the special parameters on the new engine since they moved to a more scripted based battle system and "less importance on calculations"..ah well though.

There's hope with 2.4.

#17 Jul 16 2014 at 10:29 AM Rating: Excellent
It's still a pity they took to throwing out 1.23 instead of just building on its foundation when they moved to the new engine.

I'm with you on that. I do very much enjoy ARR, but the battle system in 1.23 struck a nice balance between modern MMO mechanics and the old-school XI feel so many of us were familiar with.
Thayos Redblade
#18 Jul 16 2014 at 10:40 AM Rating: Decent
12,820 posts
Thayos wrote:
It's still a pity they took to throwing out 1.23 instead of just building on its foundation when they moved to the new engine.

I'm with you on that. I do very much enjoy ARR, but the battle system in 1.23 struck a nice balance between modern MMO mechanics and the old-school XI feel so many of us were familiar with.

Yep, it makes me further miss the old guildleve system, considering hunts are a problem, it's the perfect oppurtunity to revive Faction Leves or add "faction currency" like the standings between the Shields/brokenblades etc.This is another reason I wish they just built off of it, it had a lot that could have been improved rather than simplified/thrown out.

Could have added Allied Notes to Faction Leves since unless you're actively leveling something chances are you're sitting on 99-107+ Allowances/Leves lol.

#19 Jul 18 2014 at 6:03 PM Rating: Excellent
1,330 posts
You would think people with WHM would switch to WHM for all of these hunts. :/ Regen on several players is more than enough credit.
#20 Jul 18 2014 at 9:19 PM Rating: Excellent
4,175 posts
Ravashack wrote:
You would think people with WHM would switch to WHM for all of these hunts. :/ Regen on several players is more than enough credit.

Flashbacks of Walk of Echoes from FFXI. People specifically leveled COR so they could top the contribution charts in that event. That's poor design. It was a bit better for campaign events.

Your suggestion conjures a mental image where 30 WHMs show up to a hunt all standing around and staring at each other wondering who is going to tank Smiley: lol
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#21 Jul 19 2014 at 6:29 AM Rating: Decent
Jack of All Trades
29,633 posts
Hunts are still ****.

Whatever amount of health they added is inconsequential (Bs and As still get melted in a matter of seconds) and most mobs (especially the As and Ss) I can't even see for more than a few seconds, if at all, because as soon as enough people show up, they disappear off my screen and become untargetable, along with most of the crowd.

If they want to salvage this at all they need to rework it so that it can't be zerged down by anyone and everyone.
#22 Jul 19 2014 at 8:18 AM Rating: Decent
4,511 posts
Theonehio wrote:
Thayos wrote:
It's still a pity they took to throwing out 1.23 instead of just building on its foundation when they moved to the new engine.

I'm with you on that. I do very much enjoy ARR, but the battle system in 1.23 struck a nice balance between modern MMO mechanics and the old-school XI feel so many of us were familiar with.

Yep, it makes me further miss the old guildleve system, considering hunts are a problem, it's the perfect oppurtunity to revive Faction Leves or add "faction currency" like the standings between the Shields/brokenblades etc.This is another reason I wish they just built off of it, it had a lot that could have been improved rather than simplified/thrown out.

Could have added Allied Notes to Faction Leves since unless you're actively leveling something chances are you're sitting on 99-107+ Allowances/Leves lol.

Well, truth be told, i absolutely loved 1.0, but hated every little addition that came after that for the sake of being diffirent, not so much being better. They changed the entire interface and battle system several times

When 2.0 rolled around, if they hadnt completely revamped the entire world and systems, i dont think i and many others like me would have stayed around like we have now. Not so much because we desired it to be diffirent, but because we desired it to not be completely the same thing they abandoned.

#23 Jul 19 2014 at 11:55 AM Rating: Excellent
Fynlar wrote:
Hunts are still sh*t.

Whatever amount of health they added is inconsequential (Bs and As still get melted in a matter of seconds) and most mobs (especially the As and Ss) I can't even see for more than a few seconds, if at all, because as soon as enough people show up, they disappear off my screen and become untargetable, along with most of the crowd.

If they want to salvage this at all they need to rework it so that it can't be zerged down by anyone and everyone.

It goes beyond the mobs health at this point. They need to add a cap or something, it's become entirely pointless to run dungeons as things stand. If you join a hunt party/ls and just grind out A/B ranked mobs, you easily cap Soldiery Tomes along with a ton of Myth all in the span of a day. Not to mention the Allied Notes and chance at a bloodmarked log, then you can get your i110 gear.

As ridiculous as the system is right now, most servers are doing a pretty good job so far of getting most people the kill. Someone finds the mob, alerts party, once they show up, shouts in zone. You have 2 minutes to get there, soloers invite each other, once 2 mins is up everyone goes ham. I did this yesterday, and not once did I miss out on a mob or it's rewards (when I was in the zone). You have the occasional asshat that comes along and just claims without warning, but it's not happening often enough to bother THAT many people. So there's 0 reason to run any endgame content, ST or Coil. A guy in our LS has 8 Sands of Time...from this week alone...8. That's more than his whole Coil Static has since SCoB came out. Something's beyond broken.

#24 Jul 19 2014 at 1:18 PM Rating: Decent
342 posts
Montsegurnephcreep wrote:
Fynlar wrote:
Hunts are still sh*t.

Whatever amount of health they added is inconsequential (Bs and As still get melted in a matter of seconds) and most mobs (especially the As and Ss) I can't even see for more than a few seconds, if at all, because as soon as enough people show up, they disappear off my screen and become untargetable, along with most of the crowd.

If they want to salvage this at all they need to rework it so that it can't be zerged down by anyone and everyone.

It goes beyond the mobs health at this point. They need to add a cap or something, it's become entirely pointless to run dungeons as things stand. If you join a hunt party/ls and just grind out A/B ranked mobs, you easily cap Soldiery Tomes along with a ton of Myth all in the span of a day. Not to mention the Allied Notes and chance at a bloodmarked log, then you can get your i110 gear.

As ridiculous as the system is right now, most servers are doing a pretty good job so far of getting most people the kill. Someone finds the mob, alerts party, once they show up, shouts in zone. You have 2 minutes to get there, soloers invite each other, once 2 mins is up everyone goes ham. I did this yesterday, and not once did I miss out on a mob or it's rewards (when I was in the zone). You have the occasional asshat that comes along and just claims without warning, but it's not happening often enough to bother THAT many people. So there's 0 reason to run any endgame content, ST or Coil. A guy in our LS has 8 Sands of Time...from this week alone...8. That's more than his whole Coil Static has since SCoB came out. Something's beyond broken.

I mentioned this same thing in another thread... I agree with you 100%. The part of me that hates hunts hopes that after a week or two everyone zerging hunts now will have their sands and move on, but why should they? They can easily get all the myth and soldiery they want from continuing to hunt. A lot of people won't go anywhere.

I'd have no problem with them getting rid of tomestone drops in hunts. Make it a choice - you can farm seals, or you can farm tomestones, but you can't do both. I think it would help alleviate crowding, at least a bit.

I still think they need to add seals to some other type of content. Frontlines would be my choice (you get soldiery and myth no matter how you do... seals could be tied to how well you perform), but there needs to be at least one other avenue to attain them.

Edited, Jul 19th 2014 3:19pm by Raylo
#25 Jul 19 2014 at 4:22 PM Rating: Excellent
11,159 posts
There's a bit of irony in calling for seals elsewhere, but wanting to remove tomes from Hunts.

Putting ease of mobbed content aside, I suspect a large part of what we're seeing is the frustration of dungeon grinding.
1) Queues suck, especially as a DPS. The unpredictability of the wait and the time of the total run can leave some weary or skeptical.
2) Once you're in a party, there's no guarantee it's any good.
3) DF objectives may conflict. Full clear or speed run? If not up for one or the other, hello drama.
4) Not all dungeons are created equal. People dropping PS when it rolled in the past, anyone?
5) Dungeon loot on its own sucks. i70 stuff or ****** greens isn't much of a motivator past vanity.
6) Lock outs, both of the loot and access variety. Knock it off, SE.

1, 2, and 3 aren't really something SE can do.anything about specifically for dungeons, as it's a mesh of preference and RL availability. This is partly why I've been so big on adding open world content with actual endgame progression. It's here, yay, but it's not perfect, I'll agree. Now, points 4, 5, and 6 can kind of entwine, with 4 itself maybe dipping back into the preference pool. This is where I'd then propose chests within dungeons could drop allied seals, logs, or sands and such directly, though comparatively rare depending. Though, I can't say I'm a fan of the loot drama the last two might evoke in the PUG setting, so party-wide seals may be the safer solution. I could also get behind some degree of randomization within the dungeons themselves, where a rare, but appropriate, spawn may show up for some bonus loot. Or they could even be tied to objectives like clearing everything in an area, or beating a boss in X time. Stuff like that.

Either way, XIV's dungeon/raid game isn't perfect, nor is it everyone's cup of tea. I'm more than aware there are people out there whining that people can gear up to i110 outside of coil, but that's seriously just an ego problem. Get over it and play what you like. If it turns out not as many people like what you like now that alternatives are present, welp, welcome to a better perspective of your peers. Consider, however, that when the next gear tier hits, Hunts may not follow suit, at least not initially. Right now, the biggest perk of hunts is the fact someone could actually get multiple jobs better endgame viable in a more timely manner. The weekly tome cap is still at play, but things like that and lock outs just fly in the face of their all-on-one-character class system.
Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
#26 Jul 19 2014 at 5:00 PM Rating: Excellent
We've come to the conclusion that SE grossly miscalculated, and all of the higher tier Hunt NMs ought to have had the difficulty of Odin.
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