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Worth Coming back?Follow

#1 Jul 14 2014 at 8:22 AM Rating: Decent
655 posts
I loved ff14 arr untill bots killed the market. And crafting was pretty useless. I leveled a few chars to 50 but mostly played white mage . I stopped playing and played in the wildstar beta and now am playing that on live. But im finding it lackluster and was hoping for some insite on if ff14 is worth another try. Have they fixed the lag on boss fights? Any info would be helpfull ty!
#2REDACTED, Posted: Jul 14 2014 at 8:57 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) almost 20 ppl have read this.. and no one replyd should I jsut take that as a bad sign lol
#3 Jul 14 2014 at 9:09 AM Rating: Excellent
78 posts
It all depends what you are looking for in the game. Bots on my server Excalibur are all but gone, including the RMT tells. I rarely see a bot and in the cities I may get a RMT tell once per hour or less. I don't know how is on the other servers. The Lag in Titan Extreme is not gone as people want, but I never have any problems if I have 60 fps, some of my FC buddies did notice that the lag was not from SE but from their own internet providers. But all of the new content has been made with a little including so other than Titan EX there has not been any more complains about lag.

Crafting is good for endgame content in some items. There is nothing in the make you rich real quick, with personal rooms now, furniture is a big business and food sell good. The Relic Weapon has become epic questing and item gathering (Materia) as in XI, so Materia is sell high, some are selling for 500k Gil. Crafted Gear for endgame is not much of use, it is only for looks or bonding for Materia.

There is a lot of thing to do in the game but like every other MMO there is plenty of Grind setup in the game to get the good stuff.
#4 Jul 14 2014 at 9:09 AM Rating: Good
78 posts
There is still plenty of under cutting done by players, like any other game.

Edited, Jul 14th 2014 11:17am by FedeMax
#5 Jul 14 2014 at 9:11 AM Rating: Decent
4,511 posts
Well, not sure what we should say.

Bots are still killing the market (130 gil single shards), crafting is still useless, i have not experienced lag on boss fights but they havent changed anything towards that at the very least. If you had it before, you have it now. If you didnt have it, you dont have it.

Not much changed to the core game. Just some fun additions such as rooms, hunts and chocobo things.
#6 Jul 14 2014 at 9:20 AM Rating: Decent
655 posts
so not much has changed? thats disapointing :( I had most crafts to max spent alot of time on it and just seemed like a waste.
#7 Jul 14 2014 at 9:21 AM Rating: Excellent
You can make lots of money now just by spiritbonding and selling materia, and if you craft the gear you spiritbond, the profits are even better.

I wouldn't let the economy keep you away from the game at this point. It's healthy. The influence of bots seems minimal now, too.
Thayos Redblade
#8 Jul 14 2014 at 10:17 AM Rating: Excellent
4,780 posts
If you're really into crafts, getting the melded gear and accessibility to doing the Masterlist, or 3 Star crafts. These take a major time investment and anything that sells under these on the Auction sells at a premium.

Thanks to augmented Primal Weapons, Crafters, who also desynthsize, also have access to crafting ilvl95 weapons, which, for someone looking to evade the relic path, may become quite popular. Though the prices, in my opinion, are too high for newer players to purchase. Though they may also become desirable for the Glamours.

Then there is housing crafts. With Free Company Private Rooms the demand for housing materials has spiked, and thus so have the prices.

So yeah, while you'll still be undercut, there are plenty of lucrative markets out for a dedicated crafter to make gil off of - not that there wasn't before, it was one of our FC crafters that made the biggest portion of our housing fund.
#9 Jul 14 2014 at 10:40 AM Rating: Good
8,187 posts
silverhope wrote:
I loved ff14 arr untill bots killed the market. And crafting was pretty useless. I leveled a few chars to 50 but mostly played white mage . I stopped playing and played in the wildstar beta and now am playing that on live. But im finding it lackluster and was hoping for some insite on if ff14 is worth another try. Have they fixed the lag on boss fights? Any info would be helpfull ty!

I think if the bots and the market were the only issues you had, you wouldn't have really quit playing. I've hated bot's in every game but they are not what make or break a game for me, its the content. ARR has great content IMO and they've been adding more to the storyline with the past udpates.

Personally I'm not a crafter, in any game I find it boring and slightly tedious. However, Crafting is far from useless, especially with the surge of housing items people have been purchasing. There is even decent crafted armor (maybe not end raid, but very close). So I don't agree that crafting has no use in this game.

What are any other key factors that made you not like ARR? Were you in a large FC? Did you have a LS of friends to communicate with? Or were you trying to play the entire game solo and with pugs? All of that can make a huge difference in your opinion of a game, regardless of any mechanics that you may or may not like dealing with.

Also, they actually have done server side updates to decrease latency on certain fights (TitanHM/EX for example), but if you are running on a PC thats a few years old you may want to consider upgrading some parts of it (or all of it) and see if that improves your response times.

Ultimately: A game is what YOU make of it.

Edited, Jul 14th 2014 12:41pm by Dyadem
Things I sometimes play...

"What do you want to be when you grow up?"
"I want to be a unicorn!"
"Awww, why's that?"........
"So I can stab people with my face."
#10 Jul 14 2014 at 11:28 AM Rating: Excellent
I never experienced too much of an issue with undercutting because I always, always aimed to craft items that didn't have a lot listed on the board to begin with. Anything that is a quest reward is going to have 20-30 NQ crap pieces listed for 100 gil. Anything that isn't a quest reward, however, and which is highly desired, can sell for quite a bit. Even baby low level HQ gear sells for a couple thousand gil apiece.

I usually craft jewelry. I can mine all the materials (including the crystals if I'm feeling ambitious) but even when I'm lazy and buy it off the MB, I easily make ten times as much as I invested because I craft wisely.

I've made about eight million gil crafting. I think my new goal is to have 10 million gil total in time for the 1 year anniversary of the game.
#11 Jul 14 2014 at 11:59 AM Rating: Excellent
Now that I've gone almost 100% casual only running Coil/Extremes when FC mates or LS' need a sub, the game is damn fun. I only play 2-3 hours about 3 days a week and I gotta say I don't even know what to do anymore (in terms of where to focus my time). Every time I log on, there's a ton to do and time always runs out on me.

If all you're doing is crafting and worried about lag, then not much has changed. The game is really starting to strike a decent balance between hardcore and casual, especially if you partake in just about everything.

#12 Jul 14 2014 at 12:36 PM Rating: Good
There's tons of opportunities to play the market if that is your thing. Many of the items selling for high prices are not gained from DoL/DoH. People who know the right tings the craft or even harvest or making great amounts of money quickly. If the markets are your main reason for not playing, I would say there is fun to be had there as of late.

Content-wise there are a ton of things to do now. Most of these things are good fun. Still no fixes to the worst offenders, Titan or T5, as far as 1-hit wipe mechanics, however, the Echo (20-25% hp and damage buff) does make practicing the events surrounding Landslides, Divebombs, Twisters much easier. While these fights remain not-at-all-casual friendly, they are indeed beatable. I lost a good number of real-life friends to frustration with these fights.

The current daily/weekly agenda of things to do is extensive and diverse enough to keep anyone busy with things they actually find fun.

Lastly, they have made participating in level-synched fates (1000's of them) a prerequisite for upgrading your Relic. If staying current on your main job is a priority, you have to suffer through this mindless content for a RNG decided amount of time. Somewhere in the 15 to 100+ hour range of searching for 12 Atmas dropped from mostly low-level Fates, while you are on a level 50 with Relic equipped. This was the final nail in the coffin for my RL friends who managed to limp through the demands of T5 an Titan. Atma farming can in no way be considered fun, and the possibility that you will be one of the players screwed by the RNG has the less invested players running for the hills.

I could honestly give a better recommendation for this game as a whole if I wasn't well aware that they have taken a niche-market casual MMO and added just a few bits that only hardcore players will overcome. If you are already on the fence, coming face-to-face with these bits of poorly designed nonsense will likely have you looking for something that is genuinely fun to do instead.

If, as a MMO veteran, a few poorly designed grinds will not prevent you from enjoying the wealth of new thoughtfully constructed content, then I think you you find a great deal of fun things to do as well as many welcome, if belated, quality of life improvements. Once again, if playing the markets is your thing, I consistently see people having a great time and much success in their money-making adventures.

#13REDACTED, Posted: Jul 14 2014 at 3:03 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I'm sorry but this post just made me laugh.
#14 Jul 14 2014 at 3:10 PM Rating: Excellent
Two to three hours per day for three days per week is more than just "barely playing." Have no clue how old this guy is, but nine hours per week in a virtual world is a big commitment if you have a career, a family or other real-world commitments.

Edited, Jul 14th 2014 2:10pm by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#15REDACTED, Posted: Jul 14 2014 at 3:47 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) It's like 20 minutes a day lol. That is barely playing by anyone's standards!
#16 Jul 14 2014 at 3:58 PM Rating: Excellent
327 posts
lass5 wrote:
It's like 20 minutes a day lol. That is barely playing by anyone's standards!

Insulting other posters because they choose to play the game differently than you is pretty low.
Oxide Vanwen

Server: Ultros

Free Company: Terra Sails

The Paragon of White Mage Excellence From Final Fantasies XI - XIV
#17 Jul 14 2014 at 4:05 PM Rating: Default
GavilrainOfGaruda wrote:
lass5 wrote:
It's like 20 minutes a day lol. That is barely playing by anyone's standards!

Insulting other posters because they choose to play the game differently than you is pretty low.

I didn't insult anyone
#18 Jul 14 2014 at 4:21 PM Rating: Excellent
Keeper of the Shroud
13,632 posts
lass5 wrote:
It's like 20 minutes a day lol. That is barely playing by anyone's standards!

Nine hours a week is only twenty minutes a day? Who the hell taught you math?
#19REDACTED, Posted: Jul 14 2014 at 4:29 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I'm not a math wiz but I was talking about the 2-3 hour guy
#20 Jul 14 2014 at 4:30 PM Rating: Decent
1,104 posts
He said 2-3 hours per day, dude.
#21 Jul 14 2014 at 4:33 PM Rating: Decent
Keeper of the Shroud
13,632 posts
lass5 wrote:
Turin wrote:
lass5 wrote:
It's like 20 minutes a day lol. That is barely playing by anyone's standards!

Nine hours a week is only twenty minutes a day? Who the hell taught you math?

I'm not a math wiz but I was talking about the 2-3 hour guy

"Who the hell taught you reading comprehension?"

Edited, Jul 14th 2014 6:30pm by lass5

Said the guy that missed the part about it being two to three hours three days a week...
#22 Jul 14 2014 at 4:39 PM Rating: Excellent
I personally think it's reasonable to make the very light fluffy casual content fun and make the hardcore content as grindy as possible.

They've tipped the scales too far with the ridiculously low Atma drops (I'd much rather have it be do 500 FATES straight up and have a counter going that I can measure) but the myth requirements for the books and now the alexandrites are pretty much on par with the kind of grindy content that satisfied the itch for something that takes a long slog and has a nice present at the end for your work.

The reality is of course that most of us fall in between the two extremes. I do more than "20 minutes a day" - more like 3-4 hours, 3-4 times a week here. I consider myself a casual. Then there are the "weekend warriors" that clock in an hour max during the week and then do 12 hour marathons on Saturday and Sunday.
#23 Jul 14 2014 at 4:46 PM Rating: Good
3,599 posts
Honestly, the updates have just been more FFXIV, not any substantial diversification.

If you liked it before, you'll enjoy the updates, if you had gripes, they weren't fixed. Frontlines, though, is amazing. I've been playing less and less, but frontlines really has me playing again.
#24 Jul 14 2014 at 5:36 PM Rating: Excellent
1,079 posts
lass5 wrote:
Turin wrote:
lass5 wrote:
It's like 20 minutes a day lol. That is barely playing by anyone's standards!

Nine hours a week is only twenty minutes a day? Who the hell taught you math?

I'm not a math wiz but I was talking about the 2-3 hour guy

"Who the hell taught you reading comprehension?"

Edited, Jul 14th 2014 6:30pm by lass5

I'm sorry but this post just made me laugh.

so the way to enjoy the forum is to barely read. thanks for your wisdom

Edited, Jul 14th 2014 7:36pm by Stilivan
Articus Vladmir
#25 Jul 15 2014 at 12:19 AM Rating: Good
4,175 posts
Maths and comprehension aside; the problem is that SE has a hardcore patch cycle, but they're trying to implement casual content....

"This is a game for the extremely casual. We'll make content that anyone can participate in(ie. simple, monotonous, ect.) but we'll impose time sinks on it so hardcore players will also enjoy it."

Some people might like it, but personally I don't see the draw. Trying to kill a boss with more health, more damage and a shorter time limit before enrage is what makes content hardcore. Forcing players to trudge through easy content for hours and hours on end does not.
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#26 Jul 15 2014 at 6:08 AM Rating: Default
Alright, I see what the guy was saying now.

I think I just assumed that he said "2-3 hours per week" because he said he has so much to do/doesn't know which content to tackle/etc.

I'm not sure how he would still be at that point on ARR if he's playing at 9 hours a week.
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