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Your thought on Elite HuntsFollow

#152 Jul 24 2014 at 7:03 AM Rating: Decent
12,820 posts
BrokenFox wrote:
it is a race to see who clicks the fastest.

Modern day 'standard' MMORPGs since people normally complain about anything else unless it is in that design. I mean, yoshi reiterated how he won't add mechanics outside of instances because ....GASP! Someone that gets too close might.....they m..might....DIE.


Seriously though, at this point it really should have been tied to the leve system, it's a last minute addition and all but this style of game really can't handle traditional mechanics, it's too rooted in the instance all the things mentality that the world and rewards reflect that.


#153 Jul 24 2014 at 9:36 AM Rating: Good
BrokenFox wrote:
I've always loved hunting down monsters (was really big into hunting NMs and the monster hunt system in FFXII) but the implementation of it is incredibly lame here. I have no desire to run these at all other than to get quick currency. It just isn't fun. It isn't so much a HUNT as it is a race to see who clicks the fastest.

Are you going out and exploring the world? Or do you just follow the coordinates in party chat?

What I see is this system has players exploring every inch of every zone, all day long. People riding around everywhere as far as the eye can see. I've stumbled on some previously unexplored areas myself, which I wouldn't have guessed was possible.

Super satisfying to be the one to find the NM first, knowing your party is going to get full participation.

Having every zone in the game suddenly by equally relevant is unique among MMO's as far as I know.

Edited, Jul 24th 2014 11:37am by Gnu
#154 Jul 24 2014 at 10:08 AM Rating: Excellent
Jack of All Trades
29,633 posts
I actually saw my first S rank today. (Been to a couple S mobs before, but wasn't able to see them)

But, as soon as enough people showed up to actually fight the thing, the mob and everyone besides me disappeared off my screen. Even though I had a party, still got nothing because I couldn't even get on the enmity list.
#155 Jul 24 2014 at 11:17 AM Rating: Excellent
Does /target <bt> work in XIV? That macro saved my *** a bunch in XI. I also use /assist <p1> if I can't target something in XI (happens a lot in Reives in the Adoulin areas.)

Edited, Jul 24th 2014 1:18pm by Catwho
#156 Jul 24 2014 at 12:50 PM Rating: Excellent
392 posts
I have to admit I was shocked when I was unable to lock onto a S rank mark the other day. My PC has never had any trouble with any fights or conten ffxiv has but out this far. Odin and behemoth have nothing on these S ranks for targeting.
#157 Jul 24 2014 at 2:11 PM Rating: Excellent
4,175 posts
Gnu wrote:
Are you going out and exploring the world? Or do you just follow the coordinates in party chat?

What I see is this system has players exploring every inch of every zone, all day long. People riding around everywhere as far as the eye can see. I've stumbled on some previously unexplored areas myself, which I wouldn't have guessed was possible.

You're trying too hard and you're vastly outnumbered. There is a difference between the potential of an event like this and the reality.

The potential: You roam around exploring the world, seeing new sights you've never seen and doing the whole 'adventurer' thing.

The reality: There are large groups of players spread across a zone like a grid, coordinating and communicating to defeat these mobs so they can collect their reward as soon as possible.

I'm not trying to say that either route is better, but it's clear that the reality beats the potential when there is only so much to go around. Even if you wanted to attempt to immerse yourself in the hunt, you're going to get a sideways look from those who would rather divide and conquer for the sake of their time.

The only alternative is to make this content instanced. It's a glorified FATE, why not just make it a FATE and we can cut through the BS of this being new and varied content. Casual players want access to hardcore content and Yoshi and his team aren't quite sure how to find that balance. Honestly, I can't really blame them because I'm not sure it's there to be found.

Final Fantasy games have always attracted people who are into story and immersion, but the 'extremely casual' direction this crew has adopted is going away from that. Love it, hate it or be indifferent to it; it's something that we all have to accept.

Edited, Jul 24th 2014 4:12pm by FilthMcNasty
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#158 Jul 24 2014 at 2:19 PM Rating: Excellent
You're trying too hard and you're vastly outnumbered. There is a difference between the potential of an event like this and the reality.

Filth, didn't I recently read that you haven't played XIV in quite awhile?

I'm a member of one of these big hunt linkshells, and trust me... we do not spread out over a zone like a grid.

Most of the time, multiple zones have open windows for A-ranked NMs (which are the NM ranks that hunting groups focus on). Each of the past two nights, there were lengthy periods of time when anywhere from five to nine zones were open simultaneously. In an eight-man party, you can either choose to try focusing on just a few of those zones (two or three players max per zone), but usually players spread out much more than that, to the point you may have just one party member scouting each zone.

Some linkshells may coordinate to have certain parties within the ls focus on certain zones, but mine does not... it would be almost logistically impossible to do something like that, given the fluid nature of hunts (people coming and going, people stumbling across B ranks, etc).

Anyway, the most successful hunt parties I've been in are the ones in which members actively scout and don't just go AFK. Gnu can vouch for me on this, but the difference between "wait by the crystal" parties and "let's all actively scout" parties are night-and-day.

If you do hunts the right way, then there is quite a bit of excitement in scouting a zone and hunting down your mark. There's also excitement in keeping an eye on the competition... keeping track of who is teleporting where, or whether a small group of competitors is simply scouting or getting the inside track on a fresh pop.

Also, as Gnu said, nothing beats actually discovering the mark yourself, getting that first call-out to your party and knowing your group will be rewarded with full credit.

Final Fantasy games have always attracted people who are into story and immersion, but the 'extremely casual' direction this crew has adopted is going away from that. Love it, hate it or be indifferent to it; it's something that we all have to accept.

I honestly don't think there's anything remotely casual about hunts, other than the fact that mobs aren't claimed by individuals or parties. But, as I said above, people who take a "casual" approach to hunting are going to get left in the dust every time.

The bigger problem, in my opinion, is that true endgame content continues to be locked out to anyone who doesn't have a full-time static. Remove those lockouts, and I think you'd be surprised by how many of these so-called "casual" players are actually just hardcore players with less time on their hands than they had 10 years ago.

Edited, Jul 24th 2014 1:26pm by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#159 Jul 24 2014 at 3:41 PM Rating: Excellent
4,175 posts
Thayos wrote:
You're trying too hard and you're vastly outnumbered. There is a difference between the potential of an event like this and the reality.

Filth, didn't I recently read that you haven't played XIV in quite awhile?
I'm a member of one of these big hunt linkshells, and trust me... we do not spread out over a zone like a grid.

I haven't, but I do have friends who still play and I've watched them as well as people who stream XIV. I haven't been separated so long that I can't tell what's going on.

Perhaps grid was the wrong word, but essentially you're covering as much area as your group size can handle and you're all connected. You look at the available options for the time, gather in a chat channel or over voice chat and spread out to try and track down the mobs. You're not standing at every corner of every square on a map, but rather you're covering multiple areas.

While I agree that it might be exciting to be the one to spot the target, it's not a common enough occurrence that it would draw people back to the event. The complaint I was responding to(the response to) was that the event wasn't enjoyable, not that it wasn't rewarding.

Thayos wrote:
I honestly don't think there's anything remotely casual about hunts, other than the fact that mobs aren't claimed by individuals or parties. But, as I said above, people who take a "casual" approach to hunting are going to get left in the dust every time.

The bigger problem, in my opinion, is that true endgame content continues to be locked out to anyone who doesn't have a full-time static. Remove those lockouts, and I think you'd be surprised by how many of these so-called "casual" players are actually just hardcore players with less time on their hands than they had 10 years ago.

Likely because you and I don't share the same definition of casual. Just about anyone can participate in a hunt so I consider it casual. It's not content that requires you to really earn the right to be there. You didn't have to overcome any major obstacle to be a part of it. It helps to know the strengths and weaknesses of your group, but you don't need a static to participate in endgame. You do need the determination and the time to dedicate to making your goals reality.

Lockouts serve the purpose of keeping players from chewing through content too quickly. ARR doesn't release major content updates fast enough that they'd keep a lot of players attention for a full cycle. I think lockouts should remain at least until the following content is released.

Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#160 Jul 24 2014 at 4:12 PM Rating: Excellent
Likely because you and I don't share the same definition of casual. Just about anyone can participate in a hunt so I consider it casual. It's not content that requires you to really earn the right to be there. You didn't have to overcome any major obstacle to be a part of it. It helps to know the strengths and weaknesses of your group, but you don't need a static to participate in endgame. You do need the determination and the time to dedicate to making your goals reality.

I agree that hunts were meant to be casual... but they're being flooded by hardcore players such as myself who have been walled off from the game's current endgame content.

SE really should do away with the "one completion per week" lockouts on coil. It's those lockouts, not difficulty, that's blocking out the masses from the hardcore content they want.

Imagine how awful progression in FFXI would have been if you could only go to sky once a week? Of if you could only do dynamis once instead of twice, and dynamis parties were limited to eight people? Or if you could only do a BCNM once per week? That would have been awful... and it's awful in XIV, too.

Remove that arbitrary lockout, and suddenly a lot more people are able to participate, and you'd already have people gearing up more naturally, and now there wouldn't be this total zerg of the hunt system. This is what happens though when you wall off thousands of hardcore players for months and suddenly toss them in a room with an endless supply of carrots.

Edited, Jul 24th 2014 3:14pm by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#161 Jul 24 2014 at 6:15 PM Rating: Excellent
4,175 posts
Thayos wrote:
I agree that hunts were meant to be casual... but they're being flooded by hardcore players such as myself who have been walled off from the game's current endgame content.

I can never get a read on exactly how much you play this game. Sometimes you call yourself hardcore, but you seem to make a case for the players who don't play as much. Anyhow...

Thayos wrote:
Imagine how awful progression in FFXI would have been if you could only go to sky once a week? Of if you could only do dynamis once instead of twice, and dynamis parties were limited to eight people? Or if you could only do a BCNM once per week? That would have been awful... and it's awful in XIV, too.

Our LS was only in sky once a week so it wouldn't bother me. Doing dynamis once a week would only be bad if the drop rate on coins remained as low as it was. I thoroughly enjoyed dynamis so I don't think that would upset me at all, this coming from a relic holder who got it before the changes. Only running BCNM once per week? Well, based on the drop rate of seals I'd say that's actually a bit generous. I wasn't even netting 40 seals a week, much less 60 or a whole stack.

Honestly, this is a bad comparison. Forcing players to take a few months as opposed to a few weeks or less to gear out is nothing near doubling the several years it took to acquire relic. Even if you go back to 2005, there was far more to do with your time in XI that kept you busy. Let's be honest here, if you leveled a single job to cap in that game you'd be considered hardcore by today's standards.

Thayos wrote:
Remove that arbitrary lockout, and suddenly a lot more people are able to participate, and you'd already have people gearing up more naturally, and now there wouldn't be this total zerg of the hunt system.

Again, the lockout isn't arbitrary. It's in place to keep people from gearing out in a week and un-subbing for 3-4 months. It's also in place to foster players spreading their time around in the world of Eorzea. I understand why you want unrestricted access to raids if that's what you really enjoy, but I can almost guarantee you that if that happened; players who used to be about it would burn out quickly.

ARR is a theme park MMO and the idea is that there should be enough attractions in the park to keep everyone coming back, but that isn't the case yet. I love riding roller coasters. I've waited upwards of 4 hours to ride one before and in hindsight, it was well worth the wait. If I could go to a park, get on a ride immediately and stay on until I was sick of it, it would probably be quite a while before I had the urge to visit the park again. Actually, that's not true. I would go back and eat funnel cake until I slipped into a diabetic coma but that's beside the point Smiley: sly

The same principle applies to ARR. You can't remove the lockout(without causing damage) unless there is enough in place to do that people will spread out their time on their own. The game isn't there yet. Maybe when the expansion hits or sometime thereafter, but not today.

Edited, Jul 24th 2014 8:16pm by FilthMcNasty
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#162 Jul 24 2014 at 7:02 PM Rating: Decent
Thayos wrote:
Gnu can vouch for me on this, but the difference between "wait by the crystal" parties and "let's all actively scout" parties are night-and-day.

Having a reason to roam about is fun to me. The success rate of the parties where 8 people are actively searching is awesome. Getting full participation on nearly every A Rank, and every S rank so far. B's are hit or miss. The higher pop rate of B's do keep the activity flowing. Sands of Time = a pretty nifty carrot.

Some think this is fun and some don't. Some people enjoyed hunting for Atmas which had me scratching my head for months. THIS is fun?! Guess it's a perspective thing. Can't shoot people with your point-of-view gun.

And thus, varied content is the key. Which Patch 2.3 actually delivered.
#163 Jul 24 2014 at 7:03 PM Rating: Good
Again, the lockout isn't arbitrary. It's in place to keep people from gearing out in a week and un-subbing for 3-4 months. It's also in place to foster players spreading their time around in the world of Eorzea. I understand why you want unrestricted access to raids if that's what you really enjoy, but I can almost guarantee you that if that happened; players who used to be about it would burn out quickly.

It could of been the same as CT and ST. You allow one piece of gear/week, but allow multiple entries. It's also the same reason I haven't bothered with T6-9, pugging just sucks. It's unbelievable how terrible the general population is at this game and it gets old quick. Yet, you run with 7 other competent people and the content is almost a joke. I get people are worried about carries and fc's selling runs, but really, no one cared about it with primals.

I know people have some luck with pugging, but once you're always the last one dying and near the top of the parser against people who are far better geared, the **** gets old real fast. The 8 man limit is a pain in the *** since most group of friends have more then 8, but not quite 16. So it would be nice to run through with them a few times a week.

#164 Jul 24 2014 at 7:41 PM Rating: Excellent
1,310 posts
Most of us are former FFXI players around here, including myself, so I can understand that there may be some confusion as to what qualifies as casual content. As a mostly casual player myself, allow me to put any doubts aside that any sort of time consuming grinding counts as "casual content."

Quite the opposite, grinding is pretty much the gateway to hardcore play as it rewards long play times with persistent, repetitive tasks which is precisely what purely casual players want to have absolutely nothing to do with. I'd go as far to say that ultimately, hardcore content is entirely based on grinding. Even if there are extremely challenging fights to tackle, like the Coil, that require a culmination of top gear and skills to win, only the truly hardcore will have the rewards derived from grinding that will allow them the best chance at winning and only they have the time to coordinate successful completions (which is yet another component casual players don't have the luxury of).

The relative ease of the grind grossly mischaracterizes whether it's casual or not. Players always optimize their grinds for maximum ease so it's not really the challenge that makes it difficult: it's the sheer amount of time and repetition required to make progress.

Content meant for casual players is denoted by significant rewards you can earn in a short amount of limited playtime.

So Duty Roulette is casual. You get a big daily reward of various currencies for completing relatively simple and quick Duty Finder content.
Running Brayflox HM a million times to collect even more Myth is not casual even though the dungeon is one of the Roulette dungeons. It's not the ease, but the repetitiveness for lower-than-Roulette rewards that makes the difference.

Syrcus Tower, with a major weekly reward, is mostly casual (though maybe if you're trying your luck at an Oil it's a bit less so). The armor drops let your make significant progress in a short playtime considering how long it would take to collect the soldiery for the equivalent rewards.
Hunting a million overworld NMs for Sands of Time, on the other hand, is definitely not casual. Sure, it's easier and more accessible than the Coil, but it's still not casual when you consider the sheer amount time and coordination needed to collect the rewards. Purely casual players just aren't going to bother with this activity.

I think there are people who do straddle a broad grey area between casual and hardcore whether by circumstance or by choice. When I was bedridden with an illness a few weeks back, I passed the days grinding an Atma relic for my white mage, something I normally wouldn't have the time or inclination to do but for the fact that I needed something simple to take my mind off my suffering. And some people who were once masters of Turn 5 only jump on twice a week these days because they're a lot more busy than they used to be. And other people are willing to put in extra play time to accomplish certain grinding goals but they aren't willing to go that far for everything. So I know there are people who would describe themselves as casual players and yet still get involved in grinding now and then.

But if we're just talking solely about the characteristics of casual play, grinding is definitely not on the menu.
#165 Jul 24 2014 at 8:28 PM Rating: Decent
4,175 posts
Montsegurnephcreep wrote:
Again, the lockout isn't arbitrary. It's in place to keep people from gearing out in a week and un-subbing for 3-4 months. It's also in place to foster players spreading their time around in the world of Eorzea. I understand why you want unrestricted access to raids if that's what you really enjoy, but I can almost guarantee you that if that happened; players who used to be about it would burn out quickly.

It could of been the same as CT and ST. You allow one piece of gear/week, but allow multiple entries. It's also the same reason I haven't bothered with T6-9, pugging just sucks. It's unbelievable how terrible the general population is at this game and it gets old quick. Yet, you run with 7 other competent people and the content is almost a joke. I get people are worried about carries and fc's selling runs, but really, no one cared about it with primals.

I know people have some luck with pugging, but once you're always the last one dying and near the top of the parser against people who are far better geared, the sh*t gets old real fast. The 8 man limit is a pain in the *** since most group of friends have more then 8, but not quite 16. So it would be nice to run through with them a few times a week.

If that's the only gripe, they should have just added a limitless DF tier. You can queue up as many times as you like, but you can only receive loot from bosses once in that week. People get a DF version of content that's nerfed but still carries most of the same mechanics so the scrubs can practice and everyone gets a slightly lower ilvl piece of the same gear dropped in normal or hardmode raids.

Real endgame(normal and hardcore 8 mans) shouldn't ever be something you can expect to defeat with a DF group. That's my personal feeling on the matter, but I think that's what is leading to so much of the frustration players have not being able to defeat certain content. As you said, you get into PUGs with people who have no clue what they're doing. Don't you think that would be avoided if there were difficult trials in the way of them even being able to enter the raid?

ARR is a progression game with no logical steps to the progression. One update introduces new and challenging coil turns and the next undermines all that by adding almost identical reward to facerollol content.

Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#166 Jul 24 2014 at 9:33 PM Rating: Decent
FilthMcNasty wrote:
Montsegurnephcreep wrote:
Again, the lockout isn't arbitrary. It's in place to keep people from gearing out in a week and un-subbing for 3-4 months. It's also in place to foster players spreading their time around in the world of Eorzea. I understand why you want unrestricted access to raids if that's what you really enjoy, but I can almost guarantee you that if that happened; players who used to be about it would burn out quickly.

It could of been the same as CT and ST. You allow one piece of gear/week, but allow multiple entries. It's also the same reason I haven't bothered with T6-9, pugging just sucks. It's unbelievable how terrible the general population is at this game and it gets old quick. Yet, you run with 7 other competent people and the content is almost a joke. I get people are worried about carries and fc's selling runs, but really, no one cared about it with primals.

I know people have some luck with pugging, but once you're always the last one dying and near the top of the parser against people who are far better geared, the sh*t gets old real fast. The 8 man limit is a pain in the *** since most group of friends have more then 8, but not quite 16. So it would be nice to run through with them a few times a week.

If that's the only gripe, they should have just added a limitless DF tier. You can queue up as many times as you like, but you can only receive loot from bosses once in that week. People get a DF version of content that's nerfed but still carries most of the same mechanics so the scrubs can practice and everyone gets a slightly lower ilvl piece of the same gear dropped in normal or hardmode raids.

Real endgame(normal and hardcore 8 mans) shouldn't ever be something you can expect to defeat with a DF group. That's my personal feeling on the matter, but I think that's what is leading to so much of the frustration players have not being able to defeat certain content. As you said, you get into PUGs with people who have no clue what they're doing. Don't you think that would be avoided if there were difficult trials in the way of them even being able to enter the raid?

ARR is a progression game with no logical steps to the progression. One update introduces new and challenging coil turns and the next undermines all that by adding almost identical reward to facerollol content.

There were some barriers in place (and still are). You couldn't access Levi EX or Mog EX without first defeating Garuda, Titan and Ifrit EX, but people cried and got that taken away. Problem there was that Levi and Mog Ex were 10x easier then those 3 extremes prior to them, so it should of almost been inverted. They seem to have a hell of time gauging what the community will have trouble with (which is why public test servers are so nice). Then you can't move onto second coil without defeating T5, problem again, as time went on people got carried (through that and EX primals). So then you step into PF assuming you're joining people who have legitimately won their fights only to find out they were carried through the whole process.

Of course, there's really no way around this, as fights get easier one less person isn't gonna make a lick of difference. So people are always going to get by when they shouldn't. Much of this is frustrating to me personally since I can't join a static with my shift work, I'm never off the same day more then one week at a time. So it's obviously not fair to 7 other people to bend around my schedule week after week. So I really feel they need to unlock coil to multiple runs but 1 item/week. Then of course, I'm being selfish and the game doesn't revolve around me. Only thing is, 90% of statics are constantly looking for new members cause it's a pain in the *** keeping 8 people together week after week. So I don't know what they need to do, but my guess is they'll just stay the course and keep going with this.

#167 Jul 24 2014 at 11:35 PM Rating: Excellent
Again, the lockout isn't arbitrary. It's in place to keep people from gearing out in a week and un-subbing for 3-4 months.

The lockout is arbitrary, and others have since explained why perfectly well. Coil should be like CT and ST. That would still do the job of keeping people from gearing too fast. Instead, SE has a system in place that blocks people from going through content with more than an extremely small segment of their in-game friends. It makes no sense.

As I said before, imagine if FFXI had taken a similar path? Man, that would have been a nightmare. Already fought one sky god? Boom, can't fight that god again for a week! Already killed that Kirin? Not again for a week! Already did that story mission? Can't help anyone else with it for a week! Can you imagine how badly that would have crippled endgame linkshells? It would have been terrible.

Also, Xoie nailed it in terms of what's hardcore vs. not hardcore. Absolutely nailed it. Couldn't agree more.

Filth, the one thing I agree with on is that I'm sometimes conflicted in my identity as a player. Right now I happen to have a bit more time in my schedule to play (past couple weeks have been really nice, actually), so I can unleash my inner 2005 upon Eorzea. Usually, though, my playtime is a bit more limited, so I'm confined to playing a more "casual" schedule even though I'm hardcore at heart.

Edited, Jul 24th 2014 10:44pm by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#168 Jul 25 2014 at 12:58 AM Rating: Excellent
11,159 posts
Again, the lockout isn't arbitrary. It's in place to keep people from gearing out in a week and un-subbing for 3-4 months. It's also in place to foster players spreading their time around in the world of Eorzea. I understand why you want unrestricted access to raids if that's what you really enjoy, but I can almost guarantee you that if that happened; players who used to be about it would burn out quickly.

This fear that everyone will have everything maxed in a week is really one of those myths that just needs to go away. Will it apply to the no-lifers? Some, sure. It won't magically give the casual players, or at least those more time budgeted, everything instantly. On the other hand, I see people commonly posting enough that they hit the tome cap or finish their weekly coil and are then... bored. Not so much because there's nothing to do, but rather it's not worth doing for them because they can't get the most out of it. And I think that's a far, far greater risk to subs than the niche demographic who would quit because they got everything within the first month of a patch cycle.
Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
#169 Jul 25 2014 at 1:11 AM Rating: Excellent
If you have a fc of 12 people and 8 do their weekly coil, then four are left out. That is dumb and arbitrary.
Thayos Redblade
#170 Jul 25 2014 at 7:00 AM Rating: Good
4,175 posts
Seriha wrote:
Again, the lockout isn't arbitrary. It's in place to keep people from gearing out in a week and un-subbing for 3-4 months. It's also in place to foster players spreading their time around in the world of Eorzea. I understand why you want unrestricted access to raids if that's what you really enjoy, but I can almost guarantee you that if that happened; players who used to be about it would burn out quickly.

This fear that everyone will have everything maxed in a week is really one of those myths that just needs to go away. Will it apply to the no-lifers? Some, sure. It won't magically give the casual players, or at least those more time budgeted, everything instantly. On the other hand, I see people commonly posting enough that they hit the tome cap or finish their weekly coil and are then... bored. Not so much because there's nothing to do, but rather it's not worth doing for them because they can't get the most out of it. And I think that's a far, far greater risk to subs than the niche demographic who would quit because they got everything within the first month of a patch cycle.

It's not a myth. It's a mechanic that was carried into ARR from other games. It's to keep people from farming gear endlessly and burning through content that's supposed to have a lifespan of 'until the next update comes'. I'd be willing to wager any amount that if there were no lockouts, the tell spam you receive would increase exponentially with "Do you need [insert gear here] from [insert raid here]? $8.95 go to [insert RMT website here] and use [insert code here] for yada yada".

I completely agree that boredom is a big factor in why people un-sub or quit entirely, but ^ makes it so raid lockouts can't be removed until the content is obsoleted. This goes right back to the point that there isn't enough to do. The game needs more varied content. You can only have one current raid tier. This is why you always see people calling for events like BCNM, dynamis, salvage, nyzul, ect. ect.

Regardless of whether it takes you 3 hours, 3 days or 3 months to gear up, it's nice to have something to do inbetween so you don't burn out.

Thayos wrote:
If you have a fc of 12 people and 8 do their weekly coil, then four are left out. That is dumb and arbitrary.

Are you really suggesting that raids cater to the size of your FC? I don't follow your logic. You want SE to make raids so that you can take your entire FC, no matter the size? You really want them to attempt to balance that? Just think about what you're asking for here. I hope it doesn't take you too long Smiley: lol

Edited, Jul 25th 2014 9:00am by FilthMcNasty
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#171 Jul 25 2014 at 7:38 AM Rating: Decent
1,674 posts
FilthMcNasty wrote:
It's not a myth. It's a mechanic that was carried into ARR from other games. It's to keep people from farming gear endlessly and burning through content that's supposed to have a lifespan of 'until the next update comes'. I'd be willing to wager any amount that if there were no lockouts, the tell spam you receive would increase exponentially with "Do you need [insert gear here] from [insert raid here]? $8.95 go to [insert RMT website here] and use [insert code here] for yada yada".

Yeah, and there are ways around that. Giving Coils the same mechanic as Syrcus Tower has now is a start, in that you are allowed to go back and do an earlier Turn again and again in the event that you have someone or multiple someones that you need help to get through something.

Additionally, they can make it so that to avoid people just spamming the same Turn over and over until they get what they want, once someone completes a Turn for the week, you can't lot on anything from there, even if you got nothing there during your weekly clear. In other words, feel free to go back and help people, but if you didn't get a drop you wanted from Turn 6 this week, you still need to wait for another chance next week.

The only person that might get some advantage from this is the person or persons that a team is taking with them to help get it cleared for them, but even then they have just as high or as low odds of getting the drop they want as anyone else due to the RNG on what the coffers will have in them. Will they have a better chance at picking up some random gear for a non-primary job they don't need or want? Yeah, probably, but that's a drawback I'm willing to accept if it means less people are left behind.

In short, there are ways to customize the mechanics so that you don't have a ton of people who are probably very capable of raiding at the end-game, but either due to schedules making static commitment impossible, or luck, or a misbalanced number of FC members, or whatever, simply aren't able to.
#172 Jul 25 2014 at 7:48 AM Rating: Good
4,175 posts
Satisiun wrote:
The only person that might get some advantage from this is the person or persons that a team is taking with them to help get it cleared for them, but even then they have just as high or as low odds of getting the drop they want as anyone else due to the RNG on what the coffers will have in them.

Yes, they could move the entry lockout to a gear lockout but...

Seriha wrote:
I see people commonly posting enough that they hit the tome cap or finish their weekly coil and are then... bored. Not so much because there's nothing to do, but rather it's not worth doing for them because they can't get the most out of it.

Seriha is suggesting that people don't want to participate because there is nothing to gain. If you are locked out of gear, then you're locked out of the reason you would have to be there in the first place. There are probably people who would just assist other players for the sake of helping, but many of them are the same people calling for more ways to obtain the gear they would be locked out of from raids...

Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#173 Jul 25 2014 at 8:02 AM Rating: Good
1,674 posts
FilthMcNasty wrote:
Yes, they could move the entry lockout to a gear lockout but...

Seriha wrote:
I see people commonly posting enough that they hit the tome cap or finish their weekly coil and are then... bored. Not so much because there's nothing to do, but rather it's not worth doing for them because they can't get the most out of it.

Seriha is suggesting that people don't want to participate because there is nothing to gain. If you are locked out of gear, then you're locked out of the reason you would have to be there in the first place. There are probably people who would just assist other players for the sake of helping, but many of them are the same people calling for more ways to obtain the gear they would be locked out of from raids...

Well, my primary concern is more about just giving people better opportunities to partake in content that they otherwise are not able to do for reasons that are out of their control, but of course I can see where there would be a lack of incentive to keep doing the same, grueling, end-game fights again and again just for the sake of being a friend or feeling altruistic.

I'd like to believe that if the development team put a little thought in to it, they could find some way to offer incentives to those who already have a clear to go back and do it again, even if the incentive isn't another shot at that same, i110 gear they want so badly. A boatload of Myth if someone is flagged as this being their first attempt at a weekly clear? Alexandrite? A blood splattered log to add to their collection of them to put to sands/oils of time? Yet another type of currency that can be traded in for the gear they want after they get enough? Though the last one has me seeing flashbacks to Voidwatch and those tokens ... ugh.

Anyway. It just seems like there is a variety of ways that they could figure this out, but either think it's not an issue (which would be unfortunate), or don't know the best way to approach it.
#174 Jul 25 2014 at 8:17 AM Rating: Excellent
Exactly.... This arbitrary lockout completely removes the option for people to reenter coil to help their in-game friends. SE could very easily limit people's gear attempts while still allowing them the right to reenter content.

As it stands, the lockouts really cripple FCs of all sizes by only allowing access to select groups. The biggest challenge in the game is simply finding people to do this content with you on a consistent basis. It's weird. No chance for a larger group to work through coil together, taking turns rotating people in and out to clear the content, which was how so many people advanced in XI.
Thayos Redblade
#175 Jul 25 2014 at 9:10 AM Rating: Excellent
11,159 posts
It's not a myth. It's a mechanic that was carried into ARR from other games. It's to keep people from farming gear endlessly and burning through content that's supposed to have a lifespan of 'until the next update comes'

I've said it before, but that feeling of discontent in being unable to gear multiple jobs at a good pace is only to worsen as they add more jobs. Telling people to get around it by leveling new characters otherwise defeats the purpose the job system. Basically, the subset of the sub-10% that this would even apply to are not what I'd consider statistically significant for holding more reasonable players back.

I'd be willing to wager any amount that if there were no lockouts, the tell spam you receive would increase exponentially with "Do you need [insert gear here] from [insert raid here]? $8.95 go to [insert RMT website here] and use [insert code here] for yada yada".

Just... no. Don't even go there. It's bad enough the RMT bogeyman has Yoshi scared away from making crafting useful, but to really assert this is even a thing would suggest a far broader failure of their anti-spam system and GMs behind the scenes. Don't punish players because the RMTs exist. XI did that. Let's not repeat it here.
Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
#176 Jul 25 2014 at 10:01 AM Rating: Excellent
SE just announced 12 people got banned and a bunch more suspended. We're guessing it's because of Hunts, but they didn't say.

Edit: Aaaaaaaaand NERF INCOMING!

Lodestone wrote:
At the following time, in order to address issues in the NA/EU language versions, as well as make adjustments related to Elite Marks, we will be performing maintenance on all Worlds.
During this period, FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn will be unavailable.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your understanding.

*The World Transfer Service will be suspended 15 minutes before maintenance begins, and will be unavailable until maintenance has ended.

[Date & Time]
Jul. 29, 2014 from 12:00 a.m. to 3:00 a.m. (PDT)

* The completion time may be subject to change.

[Affected Service]

Edited, Jul 25th 2014 12:05pm by Catwho
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