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Your thought on Elite HuntsFollow

#52 Jul 12 2014 at 10:14 PM Rating: Excellent
230 posts
Catwho wrote:
Some of them are. The new Tamtara HM is probably the single most well planned out dungeon in the game, picking up on a storyline you barely brushed on at level 15 and running with it - and leaving a great follow up possible to boot.

Frontlines is enormously fun, esp now that they fixed the queue problem.

Other stuff isn't as great, but they can't hit home runs every time.

Omg.. Tamtara was an amazing dungeon.. This is my favorite dungeon so far. The storyline alone for it was priceless.. Well done SE.
#53 Jul 12 2014 at 11:17 PM Rating: Excellent
542 posts
sandpark wrote:
If there is no claim system governing how many players can tackle each mark. The rewards for over-manning content should decrease drastically.
As far as talking about third party apps monopolizing stuff. In an open world system, someone will always find some way to gain an edge. That is the nature of an open source system. Should open world stuff not exist? I say it should.

The only solutions I saw in XI were pop items, tiered spawns, and the abyssea tracking system. The one where you had to kneel to see what direction the monster was popping in. But yeah as Hyrist said, they could do alot more implementing hunting systems to make contact with these suckers.

I don't think anyone here is saying that open world content shouldn't exist. Just that the current implementation of hunts is extremely limiting and apparently highly exploited by players using third party apps. As you already mentioned, FFXI later in its life provided open world content that didn't run into the issue of being heavily exploited and denied from other players through the use of third party apps. It also, at times, didn't run into the issue of creating content that wasn't sustainable for a large number of players to progress in a reasonable amount of time (by comparison, with hunts/world spawn HNMs, the more people are interested, the less content you're likely to complete). Hunts in FFXIV ARR are heavily bound by both of these issues.
#54 Jul 13 2014 at 7:12 AM Rating: Default
12,820 posts
Seriha wrote:
That was the basically the glaring flaw of XI's (H)NM system for the longest time, and while not as dramatic this time around with XIV's incarnation since we're not looking at Ridills or Peacock Charms, it's still pretty dumb

Unlike XIV's iteration, however, I can spawn most of the HNMs or go into a BCNM/KSNM/ISNM type place or go into a fracture...or spawn them in Abyssea and so on. So while we aren't looking at actual gear worth something (since basic stat gear is just..boring as **** but that's standard MMO design now) they could have easily copied XI properly and made say a ZNM system, where you go from the low end to the high end in order and still offer a challenge to the players while being rewarding.

Idea overlap is inevitable after a point, as there are really only so many ways one can express variants of Kill X, Fetch Y, Go To Z, and Defend Q type content or combinations thereof.

True and ironically enough, MMOs these days still do this with the hundreds of copy/pasted quests every update. At least in PSO2 it was more fun since they tend to be more interactive, like I can actually hop into a turret or have random gunship allies helping out and so on.

#55 Jul 13 2014 at 10:35 AM Rating: Excellent
The use of third-party apps has already ruined the hunt system. And this is why we can't have nice things.
Thayos Redblade
#56 Jul 13 2014 at 10:44 AM Rating: Excellent
392 posts
at first i didn't like this, but after carefully reading everything, i do enjoy it. The one problem i have with it is that the offered elite mark on the boards should be different. however, i do like that they basically tell you each week where a B rank will spawn. So after this week, i will know that i can go to Dragaonhead and hunt Naul once he is no longer the week's mark.

I have yet to find one of these hunter-schalors too. I know they give you helpful information about marks in that zone.
#57 Jul 13 2014 at 10:56 AM Rating: Excellent
972 posts
Susanoh wrote:
sandpark wrote:
If there is no claim system governing how many players can tackle each mark. The rewards for over-manning content should decrease drastically.
As far as talking about third party apps monopolizing stuff. In an open world system, someone will always find some way to gain an edge. That is the nature of an open source system. Should open world stuff not exist? I say it should.

The only solutions I saw in XI were pop items, tiered spawns, and the abyssea tracking system. The one where you had to kneel to see what direction the monster was popping in. But yeah as Hyrist said, they could do alot more implementing hunting systems to make contact with these suckers.

I don't think anyone here is saying that open world content shouldn't exist. Just that the current implementation of hunts is extremely limiting and apparently highly exploited by players using third party apps. As you already mentioned, FFXI later in its life provided open world content that didn't run into the issue of being heavily exploited and denied from other players through the use of third party apps. It also, at times, didn't run into the issue of creating content that wasn't sustainable for a large number of players to progress in a reasonable amount of time (by comparison, with hunts/world spawn HNMs, the more people are interested, the less content you're likely to complete). Hunts in FFXIV ARR are heavily bound by both of these issues.

Let's be honest here. Any spawn system that has neither pop items(semi-instanced) or ongoing requirements(tiers or hunting/track system) and can be claimed will be manipulated someway by some user to gain an advantage.

The problem with hunts is not so much a HP problem. Stacking that higher wouldn't make the fights more fun, only increase the odds of a larger group of people getting credit, larger groups=big time lag. And there would still be people complaining they get to monster too late.
In the video I linked it shows more than the intended party size attacking a monster. One might say SE should have seen mob zerging coming. Maybe they should have put a claiming system in place. That would keep it fair per group but at the cost of the majority partaking in hunts.

The major problem I see is the rates of reward acquisition not the rewards themselves. Yoshi has designed most content rewards to be acquirable via different avenues of content. Hunts are supposed to be an alternative route to doing endgame besides dungeons. Not all content is created equal and can please everyone. Some choose to spend their most time in frontlines, some dungeons, some treasure hunts, some wolve's den, etc,etc.
If all of those contents offered the best/similar rewards just like dungeons and hunts, would those events be spammed in companies/linkshells as well?
I say no unless one content was tuned to dish out rewards faster.

The fun isn't the reward. The fun isn't getting to hit a monster two times or 100 times, if no danger is present. The fun isn't spamming one content because the rewards come faster. That kind of false fun is what breeds content, greediness, loathing, dread, feeling of unfairness.
The fun should be the content itself. And this content wasn't designed to be bum-rushed by the server like fates. The current reward distribution has triggered this mentality in players.

Edited, Jul 13th 2014 1:01pm by sandpark
#58 Jul 13 2014 at 11:06 AM Rating: Excellent
SaitoMishima wrote:
I like the idea of the hunts and the gear. I don't particularly care for how it was implemented. Monsters should last longer. Everything is immediately zerged before you get to it plus the minimal notes you receive for the kill just make it not worth it. I understand people saying you shouldn't attack new content because everyone is doing it, but I feel like the devs should have foreseen this and made them harder to kill or last long enough for people to get to them and kill them. THEN when things begin to die down and people arent doing them so much start to lower their hp or wtv.. But as it stands now, I have wasted two days (roughly 10 game play hours I squeeze between rl stuff) and only have 100 notes to show for it from the zerge of the HL spawns.. Again, I love the idea behind hunts, I really do. But at the moment its too frustrating and im not going to bother for a while.

On a side note and off subject... I LOVE front lines. Its a ton of fun. Just started it today and have been spamming it.

No matter how long it lives there will always be those really slow people that just miss it and will complain the same way people complain now. It's not a design flaw. It's a "I, for some unknown reason, think that the internet should be a nice place with friendly and caring people everywhere" syndrome. I haven't touched hunts. Won't for a while. Once things die down, I will try them out. Until then let people run around like headless chickens and whine about some random person they don't know killing something instead of wasting their precious game time waiting on other people they also don't know to get there (forever btw) cause there will always be one more "otw".

Sounds mean I know, but it's reality. lol
#59 Jul 13 2014 at 11:35 AM Rating: Excellent
542 posts
sandpark wrote:
Let's be honest here. Any spawn system that has neither pop items(semi-instanced) or ongoing requirements(tiers or hunting/track system) and can be claimed will be manipulated someway by some user to gain an advantage.

And this is precisely one of the reasons why those spawn methods work out much better, IMO. The current method where something just pops out of thin air and whoever gets there first gets first dibs is highly competitive. In the amount of time it takes for you to run around looking for your target, someone else with a third party app can scan the zone in a small fraction of the time. This isn't just a small advantage. It completely undermines the whole concept of trying to find your target, and allows anyone who's cheating a massive advantage over anyone who isn't. If you're using the system as intended, either running around on your mount checking known spawn locations, sitting in one spot hoping it'll pop in a specific location, or whatever the intended use was, then every time someone else with a radar app pops in and easily finds if/where a mob has spawned and dispatches it, you're losing out on content because you don't have the same advantage.

Even without the cheating, I don't think the system would be ideal, but with cheating it seems completely worthless. A "hunt" system where the best way to "hunt" your intended target is to download third party apps that let you know where it is. As long as this continues, this content and any intention that was had for it is a complete bust, IMO.

The major problem I see is the rates of reward acquisition not the rewards themselves. Yoshi has designed most content rewards to be acquirable via different avenues of content. Hunts are supposed to be an alternative route to doing endgame besides dungeons. Not all content is created equal and can please everyone. Some choose to spend their most time in frontlines, some dungeons, some treasure hunts, some wolve's den, etc,etc.
If all of those contents offered the best/similar rewards just like dungeons and hunts, would those events be spammed in companies/linkshells as well?
I say no unless one content was tuned to dish out rewards faster.

Changing rewards so that hunts were not quite as desirable could work in alleviating the congestion of players doing it, sure. I wouldn't mind seeing the entire concept overhauled myself, but downplaying it to the point where it wasn't so highly desired and putting more lucrative rewards and more effort into creating other systems could have the same effect.
#60 Jul 13 2014 at 12:10 PM Rating: Decent
Thayos wrote:
The use of third-party apps has already ruined the hunt system. And this is why we can't have nice things.

Ehh I wouldn't say it was really a 'nice thing' to begin with. It just seems more lazy and not really well thought out.

StateAlchemist, Om nom nom... wrote:
[No matter how long it lives there will always be those really slow people that just miss it and will complain the same way people complain now. It's not a design flaw. It's a "I, for some unknown reason, think that the internet should be a nice place with friendly and caring people everywhere" syndrome. I haven't touched hunts. Won't for a while. Once things die down, I will try them out. Until then let people run around like headless chickens and whine about some random person they don't know killing something instead of wasting their precious game time waiting on other people they also don't know to get there (forever btw) cause there will always be one more "otw".

Sounds mean I know, but it's reality. lol

so basically you think everyone else should have this "oh I'll get to it when I get to it" or "I'll try it in a few months down the line" attitude towards content? I don't get what you're saying here, do you think that's normal for a subscriber to have such expectations for new content... like that they might want to participate in it

Edited, Jul 13th 2014 2:16pm by lass5

Edited, Jul 13th 2014 2:17pm by lass5
#61 Jul 13 2014 at 12:14 PM Rating: Default
972 posts
Susanoh wrote:

And this is precisely one of the reasons why those spawn methods work out much better, IMO. The current method where something just pops out of thin air and whoever gets there first gets first dibs is highly competitive. In the amount of time it takes for you to run around looking for your target, someone else with a third party app can scan the zone in a small fraction of the time. This isn't just a small advantage. It completely undermines the whole concept of trying to find your target, and allows anyone who's cheating a massive advantage over anyone who isn't. If you're using the system as intended, either running around on your mount checking known spawn locations, sitting in one spot hoping it'll pop in a specific location, or whatever the intended use was, then every time someone else with a radar app pops in and easily finds if/where a mob has spawned and dispatches it, you're losing out on content because you don't have the same advantage.

Even without the cheating, I don't think the system would be ideal, but with cheating it seems completely worthless. A "hunt" system where the best way to "hunt" your intended target is to download third party apps that let you know where it is. As long as this continues, this content and any intention that was had for it is a complete bust, IMO.

How big is the percentage of monsters that pop into thin air? Do all marks work in this manner? I know this advantage, it is like wide-scan for beastmaster. I wasn't implying that this advantage was fair. It would be if everyone played on pc. Because then you could say, what is stopping everyone from getting that app themselves.
But if everyone is using the app and knows where things will spawn. It defeats the purpose.

I think there should be some progression to getting S rank monsters.
What are the options?
A)Pop items(require crafted items or drops from weaker monsters to pop)
B)Tracking/Hunting/Trapping/Habitat knowledge systems
C)Tiered(Require drops from weaker ranked marks to pop)
D)Currency buys(Buy mark pop items with allied seals or some unique mark currency gained from defeating marks)

I would prefer an elaborate option B. That would keep Hunts 100% open world and distinguish this from other content like dungeons or future instances. Where in those you have to progress in tiers and grind instead of a case by case basis. If SE wants to keep the random spawns with no tell tale signs, they need to introduce what the app accomplishes an in game system.

Susanoh wrote:
Changing rewards so that hunts were not quite as desirable could work in alleviating the congestion of players doing it, sure. I wouldn't mind seeing the entire concept overhauled myself, but downplaying it to the point where it wasn't so highly desired and putting more lucrative rewards and more effort into creating other systems could have the same effect.

I am sure this was their plan to begin with. The player base just has an it has to be 100% perfect from the get go or you hear it from us the day after it releases. It takes time to introduce new systems and see the metrics of how things are playing out.
#62 Jul 13 2014 at 12:22 PM Rating: Good
230 posts
StateAlchemist, Om nom nom... wrote:
SaitoMishima wrote:
I like the idea of the hunts and the gear. I don't particularly care for how it was implemented. Monsters should last longer. Everything is immediately zerged before you get to it plus the minimal notes you receive for the kill just make it not worth it. I understand people saying you shouldn't attack new content because everyone is doing it, but I feel like the devs should have foreseen this and made them harder to kill or last long enough for people to get to them and kill them. THEN when things begin to die down and people arent doing them so much start to lower their hp or wtv.. But as it stands now, I have wasted two days (roughly 10 game play hours I squeeze between rl stuff) and only have 100 notes to show for it from the zerge of the HL spawns.. Again, I love the idea behind hunts, I really do. But at the moment its too frustrating and im not going to bother for a while.

On a side note and off subject... I LOVE front lines. Its a ton of fun. Just started it today and have been spamming it.

No matter how long it lives there will always be those really slow people that just miss it and will complain the same way people complain now. It's not a design flaw. It's a "I, for some unknown reason, think that the internet should be a nice place with friendly and caring people everywhere" syndrome. I haven't touched hunts. Won't for a while. Once things die down, I will try them out. Until then let people run around like headless chickens and whine about some random person they don't know killing something instead of wasting their precious game time waiting on other people they also don't know to get there (forever btw) cause there will always be one more "otw".

Sounds mean I know, but it's reality. lol

To be completely honest I understand this sentiment and agree with it to some extent. But I think its a bit dishonest to say that no matter how long it lives there will always slow people and an endless amount of people shouting otw, so much so that people have to wait all day. For example behemoth and odin have a crap load of health. In my experience I rarely ever see people miss these fights on account of them dying too quickly. Now those are extreme examples but I think you get my point. It would significantly cut down on the amount of people complaining about this issue. Again, those are extreme examples of health lol. I wouldn't take it quite to that extent. However..

The idea that I would like to get across is that higher ranked hunt mobs shouldn't be able to be zerged to death in 10 seconds.. Don't get me wrong, I agree wholeheartedly that people shouldn't have to wait on other people to attack or kill a hunt mob. Its not the players burden to shoulder, its the devs burden. I wouldn't so much call it a design flaw either, but Its not as if they are unable to implement fixes for this complaint. Yoshi-P has gone on and on and on about Hunts in interviews in an attempt to get new players to join and old players to come back. I've read on numerous occasions Yoshi-P wanting to fix things because they become to stressful on players and I would argue that this issue with Hunts is one of those stressful things that should be looked into. Maybe a boost in health isn't necessarily the answer but I know there IS a fix of some sort they could implement to relieve the situation with hunts. Hunts can and should be improved on is all I'm saying. If there are this many people complaining then obviously its an issue/stress and I don't think people should be dismissive about it.

Edit: While I don't normally agree with lass5 he makes a very valid point. Shouldn't we be able to enjoy content when it comes out? Like I said above, Hunts is one of the main bulletins for this patch and a big reasons for players coming back from unsubscribing(I personaly have several friends coming back for this and frontlines). Is it right that they come back and are unable to enjoy the content?

Edited, Jul 13th 2014 2:31pm by SaitoMishima
#63 Jul 13 2014 at 12:33 PM Rating: Default
972 posts
lass5 wrote:
Thayos wrote:
The use of third-party apps has already ruined the hunt system. And this is why we can't have nice things.

Ehh I wouldn't say it was really a 'nice thing' to begin with. It just seems more lazy and not really well thought out.

StateAlchemist, Om nom nom... wrote:
[No matter how long it lives there will always be those really slow people that just miss it and will complain the same way people complain now. It's not a design flaw. It's a "I, for some unknown reason, think that the internet should be a nice place with friendly and caring people everywhere" syndrome. I haven't touched hunts. Won't for a while. Once things die down, I will try them out. Until then let people run around like headless chickens and whine about some random person they don't know killing something instead of wasting their precious game time waiting on other people they also don't know to get there (forever btw) cause there will always be one more "otw".

Sounds mean I know, but it's reality. lol

so basically you think everyone else should have this "oh I'll get to it when I get to it" or "I'll try it in a few months down the line" attitude towards content? I don't get what you're saying here, do you think that's normal for a subscriber to have such expectations for new content... like that they might want to participate in it

No she isn't saying everyone should anything else. She is saying that when an attraction first opens, like an themepark. It is packed 24-7, a lot of people want to see the experience first. So that equates to that park being jam packed. You have to wait in lines to access the entire set of rides.

And there are more rides besides Hunts introduced this patch. I guess this is the most popular one because it is more fun than the other rides? Oh wait... It isn't because if it was, there wouldn't be 100 threads on the official forums complaining.

Edited, Jul 13th 2014 2:43pm by sandpark
#64 Jul 13 2014 at 12:45 PM Rating: Excellent
lass5 wrote:
so basically you think everyone else should have this "oh I'll get to it when I get to it" or "I'll try it in a few months down the line" attitude towards content? I don't get what you're saying here, do you think that's normal for a subscriber to have such expectations for new content... like that they might want to participate in it

No not really. Just that people know what they are getting into. It's common sense that new content gets crowded. So if they partake immediately, well then not only are they willingly accosting themselves with this affliction, but indeed are inadvertently contributing to it as well.
#65 Jul 13 2014 at 1:04 PM Rating: Default
just have to respectfully disagree with your angle that it's just common sense that this is how things naturally are when games are content updated. I think we're all aware that the fact of it being new isn't the only reason the hunts are a fail, but even if so, it's not really a fair excuse.

This isn't really game design that I feel was approached with any planning or major intelligence or creativity, my hope is that the 'hunts' were something created by Yoshida's interns while he's working on the expansion

Edited, Jul 13th 2014 3:04pm by lass5
#66 Jul 13 2014 at 1:15 PM Rating: Excellent
740 posts
lass5 wrote:
just have to respectfully disagree with your angle that it's just common sense that this is how things naturally are when games are content updated. I think we're all aware that the fact of it being new isn't the only reason the hunts are a fail, but even if so, it's not really a fair excuse.

This isn't really game design that I feel was approached with any planning or major intelligence or creativity, my hope is that the 'hunts' were something created by Yoshida's interns while he's working on the expansion

Edited, Jul 13th 2014 3:04pm by lass5

First Law of Successful Product Design: Do not design your product for how you want people to behave. Do not design your product for how people should behave. Design your product for how you know they are going to behave regardless.

If they had obeyed this rule, they would have given the elite marks way more hp, since it's obvious they're going to get zerged at first. Oh well.

Edited, Jul 13th 2014 3:17pm by BayouGeorge
#67 Jul 13 2014 at 1:22 PM Rating: Decent
972 posts
Game content isn't the only reason for congested content, and it is not a fair excuse. But it does work like this. This is the nature of a themepark mmo. What gets created gets consumed. The only thing standing in the way of indulgence is the will or laws.

Would you say SE has done a good job for the most part?
If you answered yes. Then that is all that matters. Nothing is absolute perfect for each individual when aiming for pleasing everyone.
#68 Jul 13 2014 at 1:26 PM Rating: Excellent
lass5 wrote:
just have to respectfully disagree with your angle that it's just common sense that this is how things naturally are when games are content updated. I think we're all aware that the fact of it being new isn't the only reason the hunts are a fail, but even if so, it's not really a fair excuse.

This isn't really game design that I feel was approached with any planning or major intelligence or creativity, my hope is that the 'hunts' were something created by Yoshida's interns while he's working on the expansion

Edited, Jul 13th 2014 3:04pm by lass5

I am sure it has other issues, but I was only referring to the one. Players flock to new content = players complaining about players = players blaming developers. As far as that ONE aspect of the problem with will work itself out. On the bright-side, while I am fishing or whatnot I can get a chuckle over the arguments and ragers in /sh chat.
#69 Jul 13 2014 at 1:43 PM Rating: Excellent
11,159 posts
It's a dangerous game to be hyping players up over new content they won't actually be able to experience until months after the fact. Congestion may be the accepted norm, but it's hard to deny Hunts couldn't have been done better in this case. Either way, I'm a firm a believer in how a game is designed will influence how players play. Thus, if cheating is possible, people will cheat. If monopolizing something yields a considerable advantage, you can bet it'll be monopolized. Right now, the only real advantage of Hunts is not needing to do CT2 or BC2 for oils/sands, which have their respective lockouts. An understandable allure, yes, but the appeal to greed seems to outweigh any potential altruism.
Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
#70 Jul 13 2014 at 2:34 PM Rating: Good
1,004 posts
I don't understand the people saying "just wait for this to die down". It isn't going to die down. Yeah it's new content and people are flooding it. It's also the only place outside of coil where people can get sands of time. People need sands and they need a hell of a lot of points to get one. More than one even. As long as there are no other ways to obtain sand outside of coil this content will remain flooded. When CT starts dropping sand it will help but not eliminate this since sand will be a once per week drop.

After experiencing hunts for the past few days I have no doubt in my mind that this system is broken and needs fixing. I was literally 10 seconds away from Naul when he popped but by the time I got there he was dead. I couldn't even find any other marks at all because I assume they would constantly be killed before I found them. By now you would think SE could figure something out that would work but instead give us this system that clearly doesn't.

Also no, these mobs are nothing like FFXI NM's at all. in FFXI the entire server wasn't fighting over a spawn. You competed with a few people at most and that was it. HNM was a little different, but that's because it was designed that way. Here I'm competing with literally everyone because they all have the same mobs to kill. And they don't even drop anything cool. They don't drop anything at all.
#71 Jul 13 2014 at 2:50 PM Rating: Decent
12,820 posts
Even in XI's Magian Trials you got full credit as long as you're in party (and within exp range which chances are you will be.)

#72 Jul 13 2014 at 3:43 PM Rating: Default
972 posts
Sand could drop multiple times on coil per week if SE wanted/needed to tune it. SE will adjust anything that needs tuning if player demand is there. Obviously, there is with all the complaints. I just hope that things get fixed without changing this into a quasi open world event just so everyone can get "rewards".

The whole server didn't fight over one spawn in XI because rewards were horizontal. And a lot of those NM dropped top of the line gear for their level. And XIV does drop something, or people wouldn't be clamoring for kills. Adjustments will be made across the board. I like how ARR spreads out rewards across multiple contents versus making one monster dropping a one of a kind drop like Adaman Hauberk or something with low drop rates. A snowflake is cool to watch. Until you realize that regardless of your time invested or skill. A degree of luck still determines if you get your hard earned gear. Then a select few hoard the select spawns with third party apps while the rest of the server gets relegated to other content.

The rewards for hunts need to be toned down. Or the rewards for other content need to be toned up. And the hunts will die down eventually, Because unlike XI this game introduces content that usurps previous content periodically versus one gear remaining the best for 5-8 years. Whether this shorter life span gear or vertical progression is a good thing is up to the interpreter.
#73 Jul 13 2014 at 4:01 PM Rating: Good
1,339 posts
The abyssmal amount of seals per kill doesn't really bug me. The limits on the hunts is pitifully small, but that doesn't bug me. People that want to zerg the **** out of the Hunts in a massive, coordinated group doesn't bug me.

Even using FFXIV's equivalent to ApRadar (there are several different ones) honestly doesn't bug me; all it mainly does is show an overlay. FFXI's /fillmode would have been a bigger issues here than any radar system is.

What has killed my desire is their refusal design something like this and not take into account monster draw distance. It's just like Odin and Behemoth all over again except this time it's actually used for real gear upgrades. Their refusal to adjust it so that monsters *always* take precedence over players, and your party members *always* take precedence over other players is the final straw.

I missed four S Rank hunts as of the past three hours. Not because I was late (I got to one @ 90%, one @ 50%, and another I think 80%, and I can't remember the fourth) but because the monster disappeared on screen for every single one of our group so we didn't get a damned thing each time. We're there, we're at the hunt, we're actually at good health percentages, but can't do anything because of a serious design flaw.

I'm a tank in SBCoB and all of our oils/sands have been going to DPS and then our healers. This is the *ONLY* way for me to get gear upgrades because I can go no further with Soldiery and outside of the first week where I got 3 accesories, a belt, and legs nothing else has dropped. Due to several vacations right noe we're on a month hiatus in my group so this was *literally* my own hopes of improving my gear as our MT.

And now because I can't do the hunts due to ****-poor decisions on their part (and stubborn refusal with the mob-draw debacle that's been in since 2.0) I'm stuck for at least a month. I guess next week I could try for a Tomestone for my MNK or BLM from Syrcus Tower but there's not much to look forward to until the main crew gets done with hunts or something's fixed on SE's end.

All the teleport hacking in the world won't help me when the monster will not show up on my screen.
#74 Jul 13 2014 at 4:05 PM Rating: Decent
972 posts
Viertel wrote:
The abyssmal amount of seals per kill doesn't really bug me. The limits on the hunts is pitifully small, but that doesn't bug me. People that want to zerg the sh*t out of the Hunts in a massive, coordinated group doesn't bug me.

Even using FFXIV's equivalent to ApRadar (there are several different ones) honestly doesn't bug me; all it mainly does is show an overlay. FFXI's /fillmode would have been a bigger issues here than any radar system is.

What has killed my desire is their refusal design something like this and not take into account monster draw distance. It's just like Odin and Behemoth all over again except this time it's actually used for real gear upgrades. Their refusal to adjust it so that monsters *always* take precedence over players, and your party members *always* take precedence over other players is the final straw.

I missed four S Rank hunts as of the past three hours. Not because I was late (I got to one @ 90%, one @ 50%, and another I think 80%, and I can't remember the fourth) but because the monster disappeared on screen for every single one of our group so we didn't get a damned thing each time. We're there, we're at the hunt, we're actually at good health percentages, but can't do anything because of a serious design flaw.

I'm a tank in SBCoB and all of our oils/sands have been going to DPS and then our healers. This is the *ONLY* way for me to get gear upgrades because I can go no further with Soldiery and outside of the first week where I got 3 accesories, a belt, and legs nothing else has dropped. Due to several vacations right noe we're on a month hiatus in my group so this was *literally* my own hopes of improving my gear as our MT.

And now because I can't do the hunts due to ****-poor decisions on their part (and stubborn refusal with the mob-draw debacle that's been in since 2.0) I'm stuck for at least a month. I guess next week I could try for a Tomestone for my MNK or BLM from Syrcus Tower but there's not much to look forward to until the main crew gets done with hunts or something's fixed on SE's end.

All the teleport hacking in the world won't help me when the monster will not show up on my screen.

I know that pain. I played XI on xbox360 and would always have trouble finishing Besieged or things showing up on screen, Sorry to hear that.

Playing on PC?

Edited, Jul 13th 2014 6:06pm by sandpark
#75 Jul 13 2014 at 5:24 PM Rating: Excellent
542 posts
sandpark wrote:
I am sure this was their plan to begin with. The player base just has an it has to be 100% perfect from the get go or you hear it from us the day after it releases. It takes time to introduce new systems and see the metrics of how things are playing out.

SE has decided to make this the only activity in the entire game that awards sand and oils of time with no lockout. The mobs involved melt in seconds, the weekly elite hunt is the same for everyone. It doesn't take months of analysis and data to realize what the outcome was going to be. Being the only path to progress in terms of having top tier equipment for the entire left and right side outside of coil (and now a possible weekly lockout oil/accessories but not sands/left side equipment in CT), there is absolutely no doubt what was going to happen. A lot of players looking to progress were going to want to participate, and the content would get zerged. I don't see how anyone could have predicted any different, let alone the people who develop this game.
#76 Jul 13 2014 at 5:49 PM Rating: Decent
972 posts
Susanoh wrote:
sandpark wrote:
I am sure this was their plan to begin with. The player base just has an it has to be 100% perfect from the get go or you hear it from us the day after it releases. It takes time to introduce new systems and see the metrics of how things are playing out.

SE has decided to make this the only activity in the entire game that awards sand and oils of time with no lockout. The mobs involved melt in seconds, the weekly elite hunt is the same for everyone. It doesn't take months of analysis and data to realize what the outcome was going to be. Being the only path to progress in terms of having top tier equipment for the entire left and right side outside of coil (and now a possible weekly lockout oil/accessories but not sands/left side equipment in CT), there is absolutely no doubt what was going to happen. A lot of players looking to progress were going to want to participate, and the content would get zerged. I don't see how anyone could have predicted any different, let alone the people who develop this game.

For now yes. That doesn't mean there can't be adjustments in the next few weeks. Perhaps they allowed it to be unlimited to see if they're servers could withstand huge loads in tight areas. Perhaps they allowed it to see if people preferred this over dungeons. Or perhaps they plan to remove the lockout timers from dungeons.

If the answer is obvious then why do people presume that SE is dumb or do not know how to implement content competently, I didn't say perfectly. Maybe the obvious answer is they meant to for reasons only known to the developers. I am not defending them. I am just saying they have turned this game around pretty good.

They are not idiots.

Edited, Jul 13th 2014 7:51pm by sandpark
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