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Your thought on Elite HuntsFollow

#27 Jul 11 2014 at 2:53 AM Rating: Good
4,511 posts
Valkayree wrote:
My server Lamia has been pretty good about it. The sad part is that the parties operate during the NA morning hours and by the time I get off of work, the three scouring parties have eliminated every S and A rank out there. Smiley: bah They seriously need to make S and A ranks spawn more often for the ppl who play in the afternoons. But, if you happen to be off that day from work, are in one of those parties, and make it to the nm within a reasonable amoutn of time after it is spawned, you might be able to get in 1 hit in the 4 seconds before it dies. Just make sure that you are in a party so you can get the maximum credit.

For the record:

S rank - spawns 1 per week (need large party)
A rank - spawns 1 per day (need small party)
B rank - spawns 1 per hour (soloable)

The weekly hunt is B rank, spawns 1 per hour, and is soloable.

I have some issues with this statement.

I've not seen any information towards this fact posted by the developer (if so, please link it), and for people to state that A rank respawns are a day (when barely a day went by and anyone could have killed the A rank in between without people noticing), or even that S rank takes a week when surely no one could have physically been to the future yet to see if it happened to spawn 6 days from now, not to mention waited around in the exact same spot (even if it happened to respawn in that exact same spot).

It just sounds like baseless speculation to me, nothing that can be taken as fact. If there's any information put forward by a developer and not something random person #828 put on a wiki somewhere, please link it.

Because those respawns sound rediculous @_@;
#28 Jul 11 2014 at 4:59 AM Rating: Good
863 posts
As someone who has not played since november, what makes these different from FATEs other than not showing up on the map?
#29 Jul 11 2014 at 8:21 AM Rating: Good
2,550 posts
Catwho wrote:
This also might bring some of the much-sought-after forced socialization into XIV, since you can form a party of 8 people camping, spread throughout the zone waiting for a pop, and shoot the sh*t together until it actually spawns.

Some of my more interesting conversations early in my HNM days in XI came while waiting for Adamantoise to spawn at 2AM.

Actually, the first day just running around doing normal quests I ran across 3 or 4 rank B and one rank A. My first kill was a rank A... As soon as I was about to hit him the entire world of hunters swarmed on him, and I got a couple of hits in there and got 80 myth and 30 soldiery and something like 20 seals. I was pleased.

The next morning, I joined a hunt party in pf. Met some cool folks in there. Basically we all spawned to a different location and ran around looking until someone shouted a location. We would all port there, wait until all the groups got their members to the spot, then kill the beast in 4 seconds. In about 2 hours I killed 3 or 4 rank A, about 10 rank B, and made a nice chunk of myth and soldiery. I have 180 allied seals, but I need 750 for sands, bleh.
#30 Jul 11 2014 at 8:24 AM Rating: Excellent
2,550 posts
Belcrono wrote:
As someone who has not played since november, what makes these different from FATEs other than not showing up on the map?

1. Unique monster
2. No map indicator, no time, just an icon over the head letting you know it's a hunt target.
3. Rank A are not soloable by a level 50. They don't scale down in difficulty if few folks are present, like FATEs.
4. you get allied seals instead of grand company seals. Allied seals buy different things than grand company seals.

Edited, Jul 11th 2014 9:25am by Valkayree
#31 Jul 11 2014 at 6:09 PM Rating: Decent
424 posts
The system seems dumb so far to me, for these monsters being called Elites, they sure do melt like butter. Easy fix would be to just increase the HP on the mobs.

#33 Jul 12 2014 at 12:14 AM Rating: Good
542 posts
I'm a little mixed on these so far. The concept seems nice to me, but the implementation seems a little odd.

For one thing, they went with the choice of giving the vast majority of these things extremely low HP, and requiring an adequate contribution level in order to get any decent amount of seals or credit for your weekly hunt. This not only leads to a situation where the things die so quick that you're likely to be unable to get there before one person pulls it and it gets zerged down, but also a situation where even if you do make it in time to kill it, if you're not already in a party that also has people who were lucky enough to get there in time, you still get no credit. Which I've actually seen happen personally. Someone shouted that Naul was up, and I was pretty close by. By the time I got there, someone had pulled and he was at 50% health. I got off literally one shield lob before he died, which IIRC gave me 1 allied seal, and didn't give me credit toward my weekly.

I've also tried hunt parties which have members all searching around the world and calling people in when they see one. This seemed far more efficient than trying to get the weekly hunt, since even one A rank gives as many seals as the bonus from the weekly which was massively overcamped. This can work, but it seems to be the most fun when there's the fewest people playing. The more people in the world that want to participate, the less likely you are to get to get to see a decent amount of mobs in a reasonable amount of time.

Overall it seems about as fun as FFXI NM hunting, maybe a bit more actually, but I never really found that to be an overly fun event to begin with. More of a time sink than anything. Treasure maps are far more fun to me than open world spawns. If treasure maps were fully fleshed out, they could be end game content along the same lines as ZNM was which I found far more enjoyable than traditional open world spawns, mainly because I spent my time doing more than just waiting around.
#34 Jul 12 2014 at 12:16 AM Rating: Decent
1,104 posts
Damn, I was considering reactivating my account for this. I'll wait.
#35 Jul 12 2014 at 12:46 AM Rating: Excellent
5,729 posts
I don't mind that they're so weak necessarily. I just think it's very odd that they made them so weak AND gave everyone the same mob as the weekly. They need to either give everyone a different target (like with dailies), or buff the HP of whatever the mark of the week is. Either option would solve a lot of the issues.

I just don't get this game some times. I look at issues like this and can only think "how did the devs not see this coming a mile away?"
75 Rabbit/75 Sheep/75 Coeurl/75 Eft/75 Raptor/75 Hippogryph/75 Puk
75 Scorpion/75 Wamoura/75 Pixie/75 Peiste/64 Sabotender
51 Bird/41 Mandragora/40 Bee/37 Crawler/37 Bat

Items no one cares about: O
Missions no one cares about: O
Crafts no one cares about: O
#36 Jul 12 2014 at 2:25 AM Rating: Default
4,175 posts
Karlina wrote:
I just don't get this game some times. I look at issues like this and can only think "how did the devs not see this coming a mile away?"

Sadly, people have been saying this for years now. The idea of hunts seemed to me like an extension of the FATE system. If you added a sound effect and a minimap icon to it people would never know the difference. I was hopeful that it would be something at least slightly different, but unfortunately it's not.

You wait months for a content patch, but all you get is more of the same content. I've given up hope for now. Maybe I'll just back off until the expansion comes out and see if anything worthwhile has been added.
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#37 Jul 12 2014 at 2:26 AM Rating: Excellent
542 posts
Karlina wrote:
I don't mind that they're so weak necessarily. I just think it's very odd that they made them so weak AND gave everyone the same mob as the weekly. They need to either give everyone a different target (like with dailies), or buff the HP of whatever the mark of the week is. Either option would solve a lot of the issues

I agree that giving everyone the same weekly is a really odd decision. But I'm not sure if making adjustments to just that would solve a lot of the issues people have with it (although it would be a start). It might help for people who just want to collect their rewards from the board and be done with it, but for anyone who wanted to engage themselves in the content as a whole, moreso than just once a week, everything else would remain roughly the same as it is now.
#38 Jul 12 2014 at 2:38 AM Rating: Default
FilthMcNasty wrote:
Karlina wrote:
I just don't get this game some times. I look at issues like this and can only think "how did the devs not see this coming a mile away?"

Sadly, people have been saying this for years now. The idea of hunts seemed to me like an extension of the FATE system. If you added a sound effect and a minimap icon to it people would never know the difference. I was hopeful that it would be something at least slightly different, but unfortunately it's not.

You wait months for a content patch, but all you get is more of the same content. I've given up hope for now. Maybe I'll just back off until the expansion comes out and see if anything worthwhile has been added.

Do you also get upset when a new fantasy rpg has swords and fire spells in it? Simplify everything enough and it becomes all the same (and helps strawman arguments).
#39 Jul 12 2014 at 6:57 AM Rating: Decent
12,820 posts
Hyanmen wrote:
FilthMcNasty wrote:
Karlina wrote:
I just don't get this game some times. I look at issues like this and can only think "how did the devs not see this coming a mile away?"

Sadly, people have been saying this for years now. The idea of hunts seemed to me like an extension of the FATE system. If you added a sound effect and a minimap icon to it people would never know the difference. I was hopeful that it would be something at least slightly different, but unfortunately it's not.

You wait months for a content patch, but all you get is more of the same content. I've given up hope for now. Maybe I'll just back off until the expansion comes out and see if anything worthwhile has been added.

Do you also get upset when a new fantasy rpg has swords and fire spells in it? Simplify everything enough and it becomes all the same (and helps strawman arguments).

The irony of this post.

Anyway, looks like people are using XIV-APP to bee line straight to Elite marks as they pop and it's causing quite the stir, so while XIV-APP may be "ok'd" by SE, that may soon change.

#40 Jul 12 2014 at 7:41 AM Rating: Excellent
Theonehio wrote:
Anyway, looks like people are using XIV-APP to bee line straight to Elite marks as they pop and it's causing quite the stir, so while XIV-APP may be "ok'd" by SE, that may soon change.

Interesting. Didn't think about that... but yeah even if they don't the issues will die down after the initial rush to complete new content. I never did condone the use of third party applications to get THAT kind of advantage in-game...
#41 Jul 12 2014 at 8:21 AM Rating: Good
4,780 posts
StateAlchemist, Om nom nom... wrote:
Theonehio wrote:
Anyway, looks like people are using XIV-APP to bee line straight to Elite marks as they pop and it's causing quite the stir, so while XIV-APP may be "ok'd" by SE, that may soon change.

Interesting. Didn't think about that... but yeah even if they don't the issues will die down after the initial rush to complete new content. I never did condone the use of third party applications to get THAT kind of advantage in-game...

It's another reason why I don't support theses kinds of content. It was something heavily exploited in FFXI as well, though the drops there unique, and the spawns rare.

All it takes is one Linkshell. The members of the LS do not even have to be aware that any member is using the tool. They just have to have the tool and send out a call in the LS that they located one. The rest of the LS is unaware of the cheating involved and the content gets monopolized by a few.

Edited, Jul 12th 2014 10:22am by Hyrist
#42 Jul 12 2014 at 8:34 AM Rating: Decent
12,820 posts
Yep, so if it's a modified radar that seems to come prepackaged, might end up needing to be changed or if it's a custom plugin. One I knew of vanished or was renamed but this one I'm not sure if it's custom or not, but I do notice quite a lot of people mentioning it's better to use if you stand any chance.

I didn't mind it in XI since anything truly worthwhile was made force popped or set in BC style arenas over the years (or something like the fracture system)..but it was to be expected, especially since most people seem to only go after Naul since he can be one shotted pretty much lol. (Not literally, just..has like no HP.)


#43 Jul 12 2014 at 9:26 AM Rating: Excellent
740 posts
Raylo wrote:
Lollerfell wrote:
I've been gone for a while, so someone please inform me what value comes from elite marks? I checked the gear, and none of it is comparable to what I'm using now. Is it something else?

The seals can be traded for items that can be traded for Oils of Time and Sands of Time, which are used to turn i100 weathered gear into it's i110 form.

Maybe I'm missing something, but what confuses me is the new i70 gear. Why does it cost 1000-2000 notes for i70, when you can buy preexisting i90 for 20-40 notes?
#44 Jul 12 2014 at 9:42 AM Rating: Decent
972 posts
Stilivan wrote:
It is as if they forgot people play this game.

I don't understand why the weekly elite mark is the SAME ONE FOR EVERYONE! That's stupid! Especially when they can be killed so easily! Why not spread them out? Doesn't everyone get a reward? So no one loses out if people get assistance! Duh! The enemies need to be stronger.

It should be:

B is 4 man

A is 8 man

S is 16+

That would make it more epic.

This one here seems to show 16 people farming an A rank. Do people farm B rank in overly huge parties too? If that is the case I don't think Hp would solve making them fun. That would be like fighting a marmot outside a starter zone that just lives longer.

I would think they shouldn't give specific targets, just a big *** list you could tackle in any order.

The lowest rank should be solo. Gives someone something to chase when they don't feel like grouping up.
A should be 4-8 people. The groups choice to low man it or go slightly bigger.
S should be 16+ just like HNM, as long as they don't give unique better than all drops.

Marks can't be as difficult as dungeon bosses, I mean requiring performance that latency would affect adversely.
But they need to be more than just pile more HP on it to fix it.

If there is no claim system governing how many players can tackle each mark. The rewards for over-manning content should decrease drastically.
As far as talking about third party apps monopolizing stuff. In an open world system, someone will always find some way to gain an edge. That is the nature of an open source system. Should open world stuff not exist? I say it should.

The only solutions I saw in XI were pop items, tiered spawns, and the abyssea tracking system. The one where you had to kneel to see what direction the monster was popping in. But yeah as Hyrist said, they could do alot more implementing hunting systems to make contact with these suckers.
#45 Jul 12 2014 at 9:45 AM Rating: Default
The new content/activities don't feel well planned out. it just doesn't seem like they really know what they're doing lately.
#46 Jul 12 2014 at 11:33 AM Rating: Excellent
Some of them are. The new Tamtara HM is probably the single most well planned out dungeon in the game, picking up on a storyline you barely brushed on at level 15 and running with it - and leaving a great follow up possible to boot.

Frontlines is enormously fun, esp now that they fixed the queue problem.

Other stuff isn't as great, but they can't hit home runs every time.
#47 Jul 12 2014 at 11:44 AM Rating: Decent
4,175 posts
Hyanmen wrote:
FilthMcNasty wrote:
Karlina wrote:
I just don't get this game some times. I look at issues like this and can only think "how did the devs not see this coming a mile away?"

Sadly, people have been saying this for years now. The idea of hunts seemed to me like an extension of the FATE system. If you added a sound effect and a minimap icon to it people would never know the difference. I was hopeful that it would be something at least slightly different, but unfortunately it's not.

You wait months for a content patch, but all you get is more of the same content. I've given up hope for now. Maybe I'll just back off until the expansion comes out and see if anything worthwhile has been added.

Do you also get upset when a new fantasy rpg has swords and fire spells in it? Simplify everything enough and it becomes all the same (and helps strawman arguments).

There are a large group of people waiting in a zone to participate in an event. The only difference between this and a FATE is that a FATE has a signal of when and where it's started. With hunts you need a player to notify you(or as we're seeing, FFXIV APP's map tools) before you rush off to participate. You might be forgetting, but I actually spoke up for SE when this was first announced because I thought it would work differently. It doesn't and subsequently, it's become another 'more of the same' addition.

There is a difference between RPG games having swords and spells, and an RPG that continues to use the same sword model, spell effect, ect. That's what is happening with this event. It's nearly identical to something you already have. SE could have just tacked these rewards onto FATEs and actually spent some time trying to bring something different to the table for the hunt system.
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#48 Jul 12 2014 at 2:48 PM Rating: Good
1,310 posts
BayouGeorge wrote:
Maybe I'm missing something, but what confuses me is the new i70 gear. Why does it cost 1000-2000 notes for i70, when you can buy preexisting i90 for 20-40 notes?

Unless they can be upgraded or have some hidden purpose, my guess would be for nothing more than glamor swag. Even the gil-based prices for those sorts of things can be insane even though they serve no functional purpose.
#49 Jul 12 2014 at 6:50 PM Rating: Excellent
2,232 posts
The hunt mobs could spawn from a bill which would be obtained based on a timer.
B = hourly
A = daily
S = weekly

When you read the bill the mob spawns in the zone then you go find it like a treasure HUNT.

Get a group together with a bunch of players who have bills and Zerg away or not but then at least you're not creating Fates without the little blue circle on the map which is really all this is.

Of course my idea is just treasure maps without the map or chest I guess so idk lol

Edited, Jul 12th 2014 5:51pm by LebargeX
#50 Jul 12 2014 at 8:48 PM Rating: Excellent
11,159 posts
Idea overlap is inevitable after a point, as there are really only so many ways one can express variants of Kill X, Fetch Y, Go To Z, and Defend Q type content or combinations thereof. But I know when expressing desires for content accessible to all without all sorts of inane hoop jumping or unreasonable requirements, it also carries the caveat of not being on a first come, first served basis. That was the basically the glaring flaw of XI's (H)NM system for the longest time, and while not as dramatic this time around with XIV's incarnation since we're not looking at Ridills or Peacock Charms, it's still pretty dumb that a player can log on for hours and not see a given mob because they were perhaps too slow to get to it or just couldn't build that required credit through actions. **** like that will destroy morale if it happens enough, but I'm also aware some players thrive on creating that kind of exclusion. Promoting such behavior, even if not intentionally, isn't cool.
Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
#51 Jul 12 2014 at 10:09 PM Rating: Excellent
230 posts
I like the idea of the hunts and the gear. I don't particularly care for how it was implemented. Monsters should last longer. Everything is immediately zerged before you get to it plus the minimal notes you receive for the kill just make it not worth it. I understand people saying you shouldn't attack new content because everyone is doing it, but I feel like the devs should have foreseen this and made them harder to kill or last long enough for people to get to them and kill them. THEN when things begin to die down and people arent doing them so much start to lower their hp or wtv.. But as it stands now, I have wasted two days (roughly 10 game play hours I squeeze between rl stuff) and only have 100 notes to show for it from the zerge of the HL spawns.. Again, I love the idea behind hunts, I really do. But at the moment its too frustrating and im not going to bother for a while.

On a side note and off subject... I LOVE front lines. Its a ton of fun. Just started it today and have been spamming it.
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