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Letter From the Producer LVII (Information on Hunts)Follow

#1 Jul 07 2014 at 9:49 AM Rating: Excellent
2,550 posts

Some good info in there. Looks like fun!
#2 Jul 07 2014 at 9:53 AM Rating: Excellent
Open-world content that you can do with your in-game friends?

Yep, I can't wait!

They're also adding a new random treasure map that might drop in the loot pools of other chests. Depending on what can be found in those rare chests, this might resurrect treasure hunting as a good open-world pastime, too.

Between hunts, maps and CT2, this is looking like a great update for group play. Frontlines should also be good for friends who are in the same GCs.
Thayos Redblade
#3 Jul 07 2014 at 9:41 PM Rating: Excellent
This should be a great patch. Excited for the hunts, and the addition to housing :).

Edit: Irony is that you can't boot someone from your FC if you let them have a room... Hopefully that's a rare occurrence.

Edited, Jul 7th 2014 10:41pm by desmar
#4 Jul 07 2014 at 11:01 PM Rating: Excellent
1,104 posts
Awesome. Loved doing the Monster Hunts in FF12 and hunting down NMs in FF11. Will definitely be taking part in this.
#5 Jul 08 2014 at 3:41 PM Rating: Excellent
2,550 posts
desmar wrote:
This should be a great patch. Excited for the hunts, and the addition to housing :).

Edit: Irony is that you can't boot someone from your FC if you let them have a room... Hopefully that's a rare occurrence.

Edited, Jul 7th 2014 10:41pm by desmar

They are working on it?
#6 Jul 08 2014 at 10:20 PM Rating: Excellent
3,737 posts
Valkayree wrote:
desmar wrote:
This should be a great patch. Excited for the hunts, and the addition to housing :).

Edit: Irony is that you can't boot someone from your FC if you let them have a room... Hopefully that's a rare occurrence.

Edited, Jul 7th 2014 10:41pm by desmar

They are working on it?

Wow, that's a colossal oversight. I'm glad they're working to fix it, but I'm amazed they let that one get by them.
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#7 Jul 09 2014 at 1:19 AM Rating: Decent
4,175 posts
I'm not certain why they decided to add this feature. Though I'm not a big fan of FC housing, it would seem to be a place that your entire FC would gather. This isn't a jab at the idea, but a private chamber tied to a property that is supposed to be open to your FC doesn't really fit.
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#8 Jul 09 2014 at 8:13 AM Rating: Default
1,732 posts
What ever happened to personal housing?
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#9 Jul 09 2014 at 8:16 AM Rating: Default
12,820 posts
He doesn't want to give it to us. He said 2.4 at the latest, but Yoshi P says a lot of things.

#10 Jul 09 2014 at 3:52 PM Rating: Excellent
4,780 posts
FilthMcNasty wrote:
I'm not certain why they decided to add this feature. Though I'm not a big fan of FC housing, it would seem to be a place that your entire FC would gather. This isn't a jab at the idea, but a private chamber tied to a property that is supposed to be open to your FC doesn't really fit.

I don't agree. Our Free Company is having a field day with the extra rooms, some of our members utalizing it to add more public spaces for things that just have difficulty showing up in the public areas, such as a kitchen or private study. And it was likely quite easier for the server team to produce this quickily while they were hammering out the logistic nightmare Personal Housing wound up becoming.

There's a patently obvious trend when it comes to the FFXIV Team's progression path: They were, in no way, prepared for the level of success they hit initially, and we're still feeling the effects, because they anticipated a much slower growth. Inevitably, when the bubble pops and the population subsides, we'll be getting a bit more balanced. But as it is, they can't add servers fast enough - this is most apparent in anything related to housing.

Theonehio wrote:
He doesn't want to give it to us. He said 2.4 at the latest, but Yoshi P says a lot of things.

Smiley: disappointed

This, right here, is the reason why people who claim to be merely 'critical' get a bad reputation on these boards.
#11 Jul 09 2014 at 4:01 PM Rating: Excellent
There's a patently obvious trend when it comes to the FFXIV Team's progression path: They were, in no way, prepared for the level of success they hit initially, and we're still feeling the effects, because they anticipated a much slower growth. Inevitably, when the bubble pops and the population subsides, we'll be getting a bit more balanced. But as it is, they can't add servers fast enough - this is most apparent in anything related to housing.


There's a dev response on the OF forums in a thread about how new housing plots are already almost sold out. The devs are "monitoring" the situation, but sounds like they may be limited in how much more FC housing they can add without cutting into personal housing capacity.

That would really suck if some FCs are left homeless, but at least the game is successful.
Thayos Redblade
#12 Jul 09 2014 at 4:08 PM Rating: Good
Thayos wrote:
There's a patently obvious trend when it comes to the FFXIV Team's progression path: They were, in no way, prepared for the level of success they hit initially, and we're still feeling the effects, because they anticipated a much slower growth. Inevitably, when the bubble pops and the population subsides, we'll be getting a bit more balanced. But as it is, they can't add servers fast enough - this is most apparent in anything related to housing.


There's a dev response on the OF forums in a thread about how new housing plots are already almost sold out. The devs are "monitoring" the situation, but sounds like they may be limited in how much more FC housing they can add without cutting into personal housing capacity.

That would really suck if some FCs are left homeless, but at least the game is successful.

6 months before it goes free to play! You just wait for TESO and Wildstar to come out! Crazy we're approaching the one year mark already.

#13 Jul 09 2014 at 4:28 PM Rating: Excellent
6 months before it goes free to play! You just wait for TESO and Wildstar to come out! Crazy we're approaching the one year mark already.

I often wondered whether people who said that were trolling or actually being serious.
Thayos Redblade
#14 Jul 09 2014 at 4:38 PM Rating: Excellent
11,159 posts
I'd lean toward serious. :P
Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
#15 Jul 09 2014 at 4:44 PM Rating: Excellent
Interesting read on that topic:

I must say, I agree with the expert.

Edited, Jul 9th 2014 3:44pm by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#16 Jul 09 2014 at 4:45 PM Rating: Excellent
1,310 posts
Thayos wrote:
6 months before it goes free to play! You just wait for TESO and Wildstar to come out! Crazy we're approaching the one year mark already.

I often wondered whether people who said that were trolling or actually being serious.

Serious until they're proven wrong at which point they were kidding the entire time!
#17 Jul 09 2014 at 5:00 PM Rating: Good
11,159 posts
Derail time?

I will agree that F2P needs to normalize. In arguing with you (Thayos) and others in the past relative to various games out there, trying to cite that some aren't implicitly predatory in their pricing seems to fly under the radar en lieu of the fact those that exist, well, exist. On that end, I do see more mainstream titles attempting to steer clear of pay-to-win scenarios. I don't think I've ever run into Bartle's alleged example of getting 17 items for a quest, only to suddenly have to pay for the 18th, though. That just feels pretty strawman.

And while the quote seemed poorly credited, I assume Bartle went on to say this:
"Most people working in the games industry are there because they like making games. They want you to play them because they're fun, not because they subject you to cheap psychological tricks. They want to say things through their games. They want to make money, of course, but money is a side issue."

As a fellow artist, I agree with this save the bold. The sub model in itself is its own psychological trick where setting aside x amount of cash per month instills a sense of wanting to get your money's worth out of it. Not a new argument from me, as regulars would know. I'm also not one to call the monthly fees trivial, especially if you happen to take interest in multiple games. Without the required sub, people are instead free to come and go as they please. You may still encounter stuff like daily/weekly caps, yes, but if RL suddenly decides to sh*t on you, you're not suddenly missing a (significant) portion of your investment.

So, while I don't see F2P games going away anytime soon, what I do see is those that insist on maintaining the sub model lowering their prices. $12-15 has been the standard for a while now on a per month basis. What'll happen if we start looking at $7-10 instead? I know the relative argument might be that games are getting more expensive to make as time goes on, thus the prices should actually go up, but this is where engine leasing steps in with a side of competition. If you're a juggernaut like SE or Blizzard, then yeah, maybe you could do everything from scratch. Indy devs have a higher mountain to climb, which also feeds into my usual "hungrier" debate about F2P ambitions. Part of me also feels Bartle may be over-estimating the value of "whales" that do spend the big bucks. It's not a couple big spenders supporting these games in most cases. Rather, it's the glut of lesser purchases.

Edit: And to be more on topic, as someone who's wanted more meaningful XIV open world endgame, I'd say this is a step in that direction. I do have my critiques and concerns about the system, though.

Edited, Jul 9th 2014 7:09pm by Seriha
Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
#18 Jul 09 2014 at 5:35 PM Rating: Excellent
Not trying to derail the thread completely, but in that moment of discussion, I found a few articles about how the F2P bubble may have already burst. A lot of people who were convinced that XIV would fail as a P2P game probably just didn't realize that F2P might just be a passing phase, and that there are more than enough gamers out there to support high-quality P2P titles.

In regards to XIV though, there's really no debate about whether the game will/should go F2P. Of course it won't. Almost a year in, that's pretty clear now.

If the current business model ensures more patches like 2.3, then there's no need to change anything.

And yes, the hunt system seems to need some tweaking.

Edited, Jul 9th 2014 4:36pm by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#19 Jul 09 2014 at 5:39 PM Rating: Decent
4,780 posts
I'd like to see the model play out to it's completion before I make such a claim that it does not need changing. Anything can be improved over time, including how updates are done to this game, and changing game markets may necessitate such changes.

However, the course of updates coming towards our first Expansion seems fairly bright, in my opinion. Sure, there are typical pratfalls a company with circumstances we previously listed will always stumble over. However, overall there has been a very steady flow of content, and something for me to enjoy in each.

I'm interested in seeing how they handle expansions.
#20 Jul 09 2014 at 6:00 PM Rating: Decent
4,175 posts
Hyrist wrote:
There's a patently obvious trend when it comes to the FFXIV Team's progression path: They were, in no way, prepared for the level of success they hit initially, and we're still feeling the effects, because they anticipated a much slower growth. Inevitably, when the bubble pops and the population subsides, we'll be getting a bit more balanced. But as it is, they can't add servers fast enough - this is most apparent in anything related to housing.

Can't subscribe to this idea. I haven't personally seen the dev team themselves use it as an excuse. That said, it would be hard to brag on your login numbers during beta testing and then to turn around and act like you didn't expect people to be logging in to play your game beyond launch. I also realize that it's a large undertaking to implement servers for player housing, but this isn't an idea that's only been kicked around for a few months. Again, I haven't heard them mention this reason specifically, but it wouldn't line up even if they had.
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#21 Jul 10 2014 at 8:32 AM Rating: Excellent
4,780 posts
FilthMcNasty wrote:
Hyrist wrote:
There's a patently obvious trend when it comes to the FFXIV Team's progression path: They were, in no way, prepared for the level of success they hit initially, and we're still feeling the effects, because they anticipated a much slower growth. Inevitably, when the bubble pops and the population subsides, we'll be getting a bit more balanced. But as it is, they can't add servers fast enough - this is most apparent in anything related to housing.

Can't subscribe to this idea. I haven't personally seen the dev team themselves use it as an excuse. That said, it would be hard to brag on your login numbers during beta testing and then to turn around and act like you didn't expect people to be logging in to play your game beyond launch. I also realize that it's a large undertaking to implement servers for player housing, but this isn't an idea that's only been kicked around for a few months. Again, I haven't heard them mention this reason specifically, but it wouldn't line up even if they had.

They used it. In fact, Yoshida itself stated, clearly, that it would be "Physically Impossible" to add houses quick enough if they had the prices low. They did also cite the launch issue with a delay in schedule, including housing. And going off those two they did say they would closely monitor the situation when adding new wards for Free Company houses and releasing Personal Housing.

So... yeah. Patently obvious. To anyone following closely, this should have been as clear as day. They really don't know how to deal with this much attention.

Honestly, I think the only reason why they haven't expanded their staff significantly is they're likely expecting the bubble to pop at some point. Safe business strategy, but also self-fulfilling prophecy.
#22 Jul 10 2014 at 8:32 AM Rating: Decent
4,780 posts
O,o Double post?

Edited, Jul 11th 2014 2:56pm by Hyrist
#23 Jul 10 2014 at 10:25 AM Rating: Default
4,175 posts
Hyrist wrote:
They used it. In fact, Yoshida itself stated, clearly, that it would be "Physically Impossible" to add houses quick enough if they had the prices low.

Hyrist wrote:
But as it is, they can't add servers fast enough - this is most apparent in anything related to housing.

There is a difference between being able to get the servers up and running in a reasonable amount of time, and being able to keep the costs of housing down. It could be either of these reasons or both, but the two aren't directly related.
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#24 Jul 10 2014 at 10:54 AM Rating: Excellent
2,550 posts
FilthMcNasty wrote:
I'm not certain why they decided to add this feature. Though I'm not a big fan of FC housing, it would seem to be a place that your entire FC would gather. This isn't a jab at the idea, but a private chamber tied to a property that is supposed to be open to your FC doesn't really fit.

One perk. Small housing only allow for 2 of the 3 vendors to be placed. You can place the third vendor in your private room.
#25 Jul 10 2014 at 10:58 AM Rating: Excellent
4,780 posts
We don't have to agree on the issues. But the line of the events, to me, clearly points out that they were not prepared for the load they received, and they repeatedly make this mistake with each new released content, and content delays.

The hunt marks were clearly not designed to be as popular as they are, and may have to be tuned a bit, depending if the interest continues to be high.

Personal Housing, again, that's defiantly server structure delays. The fact that they flat out stated that they're monitoring new wards for Free Company housing because it would effect availability for Personal Housing to expand too quickly was telling.

It has me speculating whether or not the unexpected initial launch and revenue was replied with or not with a temporary boost in budget or manpower, and we're still running off a development crew that intended to have a launch audience of about 400k people.

But again, speculation. I don't hold much weight in sitting here taking guesses at back room business practices - I just want to enjoy playing the game. Sadly, something I can't do from work x.x
#26 Jul 10 2014 at 11:41 AM Rating: Excellent
Hyrist wrote:
It has me speculating whether or not the unexpected initial launch and revenue was replied with or not with a temporary boost in budget or manpower, and we're still running off a development crew that intended to have a launch audience of about 400k people.

That's actually actually probably not that far from the truth. Likely a lot of the crew during development was contracted for a specific period of time, and their choices are to extend the contract, let them go, or rarely, hire them on full time.

I'm sure they extended some contracts and even hired some people, but not all of them. There are some people you need during crunch time that would be twiddling their thumbs for 50% of the work day after launch (e.g. additional internal QA testers, voice actors and models, etc.)

That's actually become a sore point among some game developers. They're hired/fired/rehired in a perpetual cycle of uncertainty.
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