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Mark System UpdateFollow

#1 Jul 07 2014 at 6:45 AM Rating: Excellent
1,339 posts
Forgive me if by the time I type this someone else has posted; I've ever got inflamed arthritis in my right hand or broke something so yeah.

Anyway, looks like there's a couple of pertinent facts about the upcoming system that really should give people something to do. Some of this has been known, but not everyone's good at keeping up to date about everything in the patch.

  • Allied Seals from Hunts are not capped in terms of limiting how often you can get them (like Mythology they'll have a hard cap but not soft cap)
  • Daily Hunts are apparently just killing normal enemies out in the world. They give seals, and it's randomly generated per person (like daily beast tribe quests are).
  • Elite Hunts (weekly) are either the lesser hunt NMs or FATE bosses. This hunt is the same for everyone on a server that week.
  • There are basically NM and HNMs that spawn out in the world now tied to this system.
  • Elite Marks are randomized in where they will appear within a zone; it isn't always in the same place.
  • Some Elite Marks only spawn in certain conditions (weather, time, day, etc.). FFXI NM lovers will be in heaven.
  • Killing an Elite Mark still gives you seals even if you've already done a weekly. This is how the rushers will be able to get their sets first.
  • Credit works like FFXIV normal rules: if you do enough actions/enmity you get credit for that Mark. No FFXI claim systems.

It should also be noted that way back when this was announced and rewards were discussed, it was mentioned that Oil of Time/Sands of Time were going to be purchaseable rewards. I'd expect them to hold true on this considering preliminary patch notes state that they're making them buying with either Myth or Soldiery.


Edited, Jul 7th 2014 8:52am by Viertel
#2 Jul 07 2014 at 7:07 PM Rating: Default
5,055 posts
boo i was hoping elites would be NMs only no fate bosses... yawn... also whats the difference between a hard/soft cap?
#3 Jul 07 2014 at 7:16 PM Rating: Excellent
3,737 posts
also whats the difference between a hard/soft cap?

In this context it means there's no weekly (or other periodic) cap, just a cap on how many you can hold at any one time (a hard cap).
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#4 Jul 07 2014 at 7:54 PM Rating: Good
1,824 posts
Based on the NPC selling them, the oil/sand won't be sold directly for tomes, but might cost Rowena Tokens or something like that.
#5 Jul 07 2014 at 9:12 PM Rating: Excellent
Thanks for the info and the link.

The patch notes say the you can buy Oil/Sand directly with Allied Seals.

Allied Seals and Rewards
Allied Seals received from the Hunt can be exchanged for exclusive wares by speaking with the Hunt Billmaster at your Grand Company. Rewards include weapons, armor, minions, sands of time, oil of time, and alexandrite.
#6 Jul 07 2014 at 9:47 PM Rating: Good
1,824 posts
Gnu wrote:
Thanks for the info and the link.

The patch notes say the you can buy Oil/Sand directly with Allied Seals.

Allied Seals and Rewards
Allied Seals received from the Hunt can be exchanged for exclusive wares by speaking with the Hunt Billmaster at your Grand Company. Rewards include weapons, armor, minions, sands of time, oil of time, and alexandrite.

Yes, and you can also buy them from the NPC in Mor Dhona. Aelina is the NPC that upgrades weapons and sells other stuff that sometimes indirectly cost tomes.

The following items are now available for trade from Aelina in Mor Dhona at Revenant's Toll (X:22 Y: 6):
Sands of Time / Oil of Time / Wolf Marks
#7 Jul 08 2014 at 4:09 AM Rating: Default
12,820 posts
Yep, found the "keep players busy until 2.4" grind.

#8 Jul 08 2014 at 9:26 AM Rating: Default
5,055 posts
Theonehio wrote:
Yep, found the "keep players busy until 2.4" grind.

and what is that? allied seals?
#9 Jul 08 2014 at 9:41 AM Rating: Decent
12,820 posts
DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
Theonehio wrote:
Yep, found the "keep players busy until 2.4" grind.

and what is that? allied seals?

Pretty much, throw in CT for the UIA Tomes/Oil, as people are already done with Ramuh Extreme (or getting closed to being done accessory wise.)

#10 Jul 08 2014 at 9:53 AM Rating: Excellent
Farming myths for my Novus is going to be way more fun now. New dungeons, new CT, high-level roulette and hunts -- with Brayflox speed runs maybe still filling the gaps -- are going to keep me very busy. Oh, and Frontlines.

Can't wait to dive into this tonight!
Thayos Redblade
#11 Jul 08 2014 at 10:36 AM Rating: Good
4,511 posts
Only downside i have found so far is that it takes 1700 seals for one (i70 reasonably pointless) item, and you get them 1 seal at a time from the common hunts...
#12 Jul 08 2014 at 10:56 AM Rating: Excellent
KojiroSoma wrote:
Only downside i have found so far is that it takes 1700 seals for one (i70 reasonably pointless) item, and you get them 1 seal at a time from the common hunts...

How much are the Oil/Sands?

1 seal at a time?? Ouch.
#13DuoMaxwellxx, Posted: Jul 08 2014 at 11:07 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) lol one seal at a time and need 1700? well thanks that happily ruined any incentive Id have to get back to playing FFXIV 8+_ hours a day everyday like I used too.. guess its just "get on do expert roulette for alexandritemap) and do whatever the elite mark is once a week and log off... I was hoping hunts would be good enough to keep me back o playing "full time" but not if you have to do 1700 of them to get anything
#14 Jul 08 2014 at 11:09 AM Rating: Excellent
Had to go look around for info. Here's what I found:

250 Allied Seals buys 1 Mark Log
Then in Revenant's Toll:
- Sands = 3 Logs
- Oils = 2 Logs

So its 750 Seals for 1 Sand or 500 Seals for 1 Oil

Hey all,
Just randomly found an elite mark in Central Shroud and killed it with a party of 3 in a couple of minutes. It dropped:
20 allied seals 80 myth tomes(!) 20 sol tomes
Not bad for a few minutes' work!

200 for alexandrite

Not sure exactly how fast you can find and farm Elite mobs. Sounds like there will be some pop-window location/calender created any minute now. I'm sure someone is collecting data for it. "Random" pop times and locations maybe, but random within some predictable constraints is more likely.

Edited, Jul 8th 2014 1:10pm by Gnu

Edited, Jul 8th 2014 1:13pm by Gnu
#15 Jul 08 2014 at 11:10 AM Rating: Default
12,820 posts
Gnu wrote:
KojiroSoma wrote:
Only downside i have found so far is that it takes 1700 seals for one (i70 reasonably pointless) item, and you get them 1 seal at a time from the common hunts...

How much are the Oil/Sands?

1 seal at a time?? Ouch.

750/500 if I recall.

#16 Jul 08 2014 at 11:15 AM Rating: Excellent
4,511 posts
The weekly Elite Hunts do give 20 marks though.

But yeah, common hunts give 1000 gil and 1 Allied Mark.

It's a little depressing. On the upside, Oils and Sands drop in CT2, already saw one in the loot pool, and it's not too hard of a dungeon to do.
#17 Jul 08 2014 at 11:22 AM Rating: Default
5,055 posts
KojiroSoma wrote:
The weekly Elite Hunts do give 20 marks though.

But yeah, common hunts give 1000 gil and 1 Allied Mark.

It's a little depressing. On the upside, Oils and Sands drop in CT2, already saw one in the loot pool, and it's not too hard of a dungeon to do.

and yui ill get those 20 mark from elite even if youve already did your elite mark log for the week right? (if so then farming elite marks all day isnt so bad) however does doing it in the log give even MORE marks? After all the elite hunt log ever week would make no sense if its jus gonna give me the exact same reward as doing it without one would.
#18 Jul 08 2014 at 1:49 PM Rating: Decent
1,732 posts
Hmm been out of the loop a little what are allied marks? I have played very little the last month...

Edited, Jul 8th 2014 3:50pm by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#19 Jul 08 2014 at 2:11 PM Rating: Excellent
11,159 posts
They're new currency tied to the Hunt system added this patch.
Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
#20 Jul 08 2014 at 2:15 PM Rating: Excellent
4,780 posts
The weekly marks may go for 20, but I got 5 of a mark I just passed by on the way to look for another one, and it wasn't on any Elite Marks. Killed it, solo, with a touch of difficulty (mainly cause I left my chocobo in the stables). And got like 30 Myth and 10 Sol for it.

Honestly, if I just roamed around chocoback looking for these things, I don't think the Allied Marks would move all that slowly, and it gives me reason to go exploring again.
#21 Jul 08 2014 at 3:30 PM Rating: Excellent
2,550 posts
Lol I haven't even got on the game for long enough to try it out, but I heard that one of the elite hunts dropped a book that you buy with 250 allied seals, so that is possible as well.

I've personally made 3 million gil today off of furniture. Sold a Morbol Awning for 900k Smiley: grin And I put my mrd and acn retainers on XIV ventures, first thing =D. Cap-it-al-eyes. I'll likely start up a XIV venture thread soon.

I've also been desynthing things on the leatherworker over lunch. Got it up to 37 in about 30 minutes. I unlocked CT this morning, so I need to try that out this afternoon. And I want to run out and kill random NMs too, but I wonder about the spawn rate... Will I get home and they be all dead?

But I am literally one fate and 70 enemies away from my paladin novus, so I need to do that, and frontlines I really want to try. Aaaaaaahhhh! Too much to do. Can't even think about crafting the shiny gear or Ramuh (need Moogle Ex first).
#22 Jul 08 2014 at 3:31 PM Rating: Excellent
2,550 posts
DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
KojiroSoma wrote:
The weekly Elite Hunts do give 20 marks though.

But yeah, common hunts give 1000 gil and 1 Allied Mark.

It's a little depressing. On the upside, Oils and Sands drop in CT2, already saw one in the loot pool, and it's not too hard of a dungeon to do.

and yui ill get those 20 mark from elite even if youve already did your elite mark log for the week right? (if so then farming elite marks all day isnt so bad) however does doing it in the log give even MORE marks? After all the elite hunt log ever week would make no sense if its jus gonna give me the exact same reward as doing it without one would.

I think that the hunt log gives a bonus.
#23 Jul 08 2014 at 4:47 PM Rating: Good
4,511 posts
Just did it. You get 3 seals per kill of the Elite Mark, which you can do endlessly. And the 20 mark reward from the bills you can only collect once a week.

So essentially worthless.
#24 Jul 08 2014 at 5:42 PM Rating: Excellent
4,780 posts
KojiroSoma wrote:
Just did it. You get 3 seals per kill of the Elite Mark, which you can do endlessly. And the 20 mark reward from the bills you can only collect once a week.

So essentially worthless.


It depends on the rank of the mark you're taking on.

A unlisted A mark will give you 5, an unlisted B mark will give you 3.

You wont get your Elite mark crossed off unless you get full participation points, so no bonus if you just tag it. (Which means "wait till everyone gets here" is a load of bull, it just means everyone suffers.)

So in the end, if you spot an elite on the field, Kill it (if you can) get the easy seals, and don't get pent up on seal gathering quickly. Heck, what I want out of it... is quite expensive.
#25 Jul 08 2014 at 6:39 PM Rating: Default
5,055 posts
ok Im confused. I just did non elite mark it was the kobold quarrymen. I killed all 4 and got 5 seals and the mark was crossed off... but if i keep killing them I no longer get seals.... so you cant repeat daily marks all day for seals if you wanted too can you? (unless you have to go to the grand company and pick up a new poster everytime you complete it?)
#26 Jul 08 2014 at 7:14 PM Rating: Excellent
3,737 posts
DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
ok Im confused. I just did non elite mark it was the kobold quarrymen. I killed all 4 and got 5 seals and the mark was crossed off... but if i keep killing them I no longer get seals.... so you cant repeat daily marks all day for seals if you wanted too can you? (unless you have to go to the grand company and pick up a new poster everytime you complete it?)

Daily marks are once-per-day. Elite marks will be assigned to you once-per-week, but if you kill something else that's an elite mark you'll keep getting credit for them. People on my server have been forming Hunt linkshells to capitalize on that.
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
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