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Rogue/Ninja ConfirmedFollow

#177 Jun 23 2014 at 12:20 AM Rating: Good
1,079 posts

So if Rogue/NIN have similar mechanics to THF, then I will just make sure I just glamour my NIN to THFish gear. (That is, if I want to feel like a THF. I like the look of the daggers more so than kunai.)

That'll fill my appetite.

Edited, Jun 23rd 2014 2:21am by Stilivan
Articus Vladmir
#178 Jun 23 2014 at 2:47 AM Rating: Excellent
1,313 posts
Stilivan wrote:

So if Rogue/NIN have similar mechanics to THF, then I will just make sure I just glamour my NIN to THFish gear. (That is, if I want to feel like a THF. I like the look of the daggers more so than kunai.)

That'll fill my appetite.

Edited, Jun 23rd 2014 2:21am by Stilivan

Howabout the animations though? Don't tell me daggers and katanas will use the same animations? Isn't that a bit of a step down from ffxi? As far as I know systems like glamours/transmogrify do not effect the animation. None of that makes any sense. I'm fairly sure that katanas will exist and only be equipped by NIN upon unlocking the job soul at ROG30. Up until then, you will use daggers. If they aren't two different weapon types with separate animations then SE is really slippin.
#179 Jun 23 2014 at 2:52 AM Rating: Decent
Transmigration wrote:
Stilivan wrote:

So if Rogue/NIN have similar mechanics to THF, then I will just make sure I just glamour my NIN to THFish gear. (That is, if I want to feel like a THF. I like the look of the daggers more so than kunai.)

That'll fill my appetite.

Edited, Jun 23rd 2014 2:21am by Stilivan

Howabout the animations though? Don't tell me daggers and katanas will use the same animations? Isn't that a bit of a step down from ffxi? As far as I know systems like glamours/transmogrify do not effect the animation. None of that makes any sense. I'm fairly sure that katanas will exist and only be equipped by NIN upon unlocking the job soul at ROG30. Up until then, you will use daggers. If they aren't two different weapon types with separate animations then SE is really slippin.

Yes daggers and katanas will use the same animation because they'll be the same weapon type (rogue and ninja).

And yes it's a step down from FFXI, most of FFXIV in general is other than graphic quality and interface
#180 Jun 23 2014 at 10:13 AM Rating: Default
1,079 posts
Transmigration wrote:
Stilivan wrote:

So if Rogue/NIN have similar mechanics to THF, then I will just make sure I just glamour my NIN to THFish gear. (That is, if I want to feel like a THF. I like the look of the daggers more so than kunai.)

That'll fill my appetite.

Edited, Jun 23rd 2014 2:21am by Stilivan

Howabout the animations though? Don't tell me daggers and katanas will use the same animations? Isn't that a bit of a step down from ffxi? As far as I know systems like glamours/transmogrify do not effect the animation. None of that makes any sense. I'm fairly sure that katanas will exist and only be equipped by NIN upon unlocking the job soul at ROG30. Up until then, you will use daggers. If they aren't two different weapon types with separate animations then SE is really slippin.

Find me a class > job where the fighting animation changes....
Articus Vladmir
#181 Jun 23 2014 at 10:29 AM Rating: Default
12,820 posts
Stilivan wrote:
Transmigration wrote:
Stilivan wrote:

So if Rogue/NIN have similar mechanics to THF, then I will just make sure I just glamour my NIN to THFish gear. (That is, if I want to feel like a THF. I like the look of the daggers more so than kunai.)

That'll fill my appetite.

Edited, Jun 23rd 2014 2:21am by Stilivan

Howabout the animations though? Don't tell me daggers and katanas will use the same animations? Isn't that a bit of a step down from ffxi? As far as I know systems like glamours/transmogrify do not effect the animation. None of that makes any sense. I'm fairly sure that katanas will exist and only be equipped by NIN upon unlocking the job soul at ROG30. Up until then, you will use daggers. If they aren't two different weapon types with separate animations then SE is really slippin.

Find me a class > job where the fighting animation changes....

Yeah, I think that's what he was meaning since Ninja isn't Thief/Rogue, but it's clear they're designing the daggers to basically fit both even though there will be some Katanas, it probably won't be "katana" but a glorified dagger. That's one of my gripes with this game compared to XI, the lack that went into the animations in some areas. XI's was simplistic but you can tell they put care into each race/gender's animations.

Whelp come 2.3 update I'll know >.>

#182 Jun 23 2014 at 10:58 AM Rating: Decent
1,313 posts
Stilivan wrote:

Find me a class > job where the fighting animation changes....

All of the other class>jobs use the same weapon. A katana not only looks completely different than a dagger, the way you strike with it is also completely different. If they really are considered the same thing and will share animations.. well then that is just silly and careless.

While they're at it, why don't they just add a knight class and have it evolve in to samurai. Then when we ask "why no DRK?", they can say because they're bad guys and samurai uses a 2h sword so same thing guys!1!11!

Edited, Jun 23rd 2014 1:45pm by Transmigration
#183 Jun 23 2014 at 12:10 PM Rating: Default
By the way, if skills like Steal are too difficult/confusing for this team to conceptualize in their game, I seriously wonder how they're going to be handle Blue Magic lol

sometimes I wish they would just say "we have to focus our resources and we feel that this is the best approach to take" instead of all these weird excuses they always make. This isn't the first time they've said something weird to cover up their decisions

It's like... we're not children yoshida, you can speak to us like grown ups

Edited, Jun 23rd 2014 2:12pm by lass5
#184 Jun 23 2014 at 12:37 PM Rating: Decent
1,079 posts
lass5 wrote:
By the way, if skills like Steal are too difficult/confusing for this team to conceptualize in their game, I seriously wonder how they're going to be handle Blue Magic lol

sometimes I wish they would just say "we have to focus our resources and we feel that this is the best approach to take" instead of all these weird excuses they always make. This isn't the first time they've said something weird to cover up their decisions

It's like... we're not children yoshida, you can speak to us like grown ups

Edited, Jun 23rd 2014 2:12pm by lass5

The way they address thing is vague on purpose. Most likely because they don't know themselves, because it hasn't been a finalized position. If he is straight with us and says THF will never be in the game for example, people will always use what he says as fact... until the day he releases THF, and then he will look like a liar.

They're trained to answer those questions in that way because of that.... the fact that they are should at least be a sign they are still struggling to find a way to fit it into Eorzea.

Theonehio wrote:

Yeah, I think that's what he was meaning since Ninja isn't Thief/Rogue, but it's clear they're designing the daggers to basically fit both even though there will be some Katanas, it probably won't be "katana" but a glorified dagger. That's one of my gripes with this game compared to XI, the lack that went into the animations in some areas. XI's was simplistic but you can tell they put care into each race/gender's animations.

Whelp come 2.3 update I'll know >.>

There's not even different animations between races, that is correct. I WAS dissapointed at that difference about this game when I learned of it, but honestly it's a cosmetic thing and doesn't matter in the end.

There will be a wide variety of dagger looks, some will look like kunai, others will like like swords. (Just like the promotional video for NIN.) I will be content with what they give for it as it is still considered a dagger class.

I'm pretty sure it takes a lot of strain to have so many different animations... which they claimed plagued the PS2 making it impossible to add different weapons in the game because of the animations. They probably did it to avoid that issue from happening again. It's not that they don't care. Everything was done by choice. Sometimes being more efficient for the sake of the future matters more than instant visual gratification for their consumers.

Edited, Jun 23rd 2014 2:43pm by Stilivan
Articus Vladmir
#185 Jun 23 2014 at 12:50 PM Rating: Good
3,737 posts
I'm pretty sure it takes a lot of strain to have so many different animations... which they claimed plagued the PS2 making it impossible to add different weapons in the game because of the animations. They probably did it to avoid that issue from happening again. It's not that they don't care. Everything was done by choice. Sometimes being more efficient for the sake of the future matters more than instant visual gratification for their consumers.

So... PS3 limitations?

The way they address thing is vague on purpose. Most likely because they don't know themselves, because it hasn't been a finalized position. If he is straight with us and says THF will never be in the game for example, people will always use what he says as fact... until the day he releases THF, and then he will look like a liar.

That's true.. Blizzard got a lot of backlash when they added server transfers between PvP and PvE realms... and then again when they added faction changes. Both of those were things they said would never be implemented... right up until they implemented them.

When the community is that hostile to a change in philosophy, it's better not to be clear about your philosophy.
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#186 Jun 23 2014 at 1:20 PM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
lass5 wrote:
Quor wrote:
The way I see it, Thief became Ninja in FF1. That's enough for me.

And when did the Final Fantasy Bard start off as an Archer? ...sorry, I know what you're saying, but I think it's more of an excuse/justification

since the first title, the series has evolved a lot.

I see Ninja as a job with eastern influences, katanas, throwing abilities, ninjutsu magic

But when I think of Thief I think of a character like Zidane and having more of a western influence in weapons/equipment and a completely physical attack style.

I understand that because of the class with an equipped job stone system that FFXIV went with, it makes sense for Ninja to come from a base "Rogue", but I feel like the game should be getting a Thief job by now

I don't even know why they're still perpetuating the class system when it's set up so we never use the class again after unlocking our jobs. It just seems limiting to the dev team in regards to new jobs more than anything.

Edited, Jun 22nd 2014 2:57am by lass5

Tactics I think. You needed a certain minimum level of archer to unlock bard I think. Or maybe it was dancer.

Regardless, it was more a tongue in cheek response for me. FF has always been unique to the game, so expecting something because it's "tradition" is asking for trouble. If FF11 followed in that, then you'd need to be a DRK before you could become a PLD, and SMN couldn't sub WHM past level 20. So just as 11 had no obligation to follow 4, so does 14 have no obligation to follow 11.

My FF1 comment was meant to highlight the oddity in expecting previous games to determine how current games work. You gotta take each game as its own entity. Sure there is obviously some overlap (I.e. DRG has almost always had Jump as a skill), but it's better to look at each game on its own merits and let things flow from there.
#187 Jun 23 2014 at 1:21 PM Rating: Decent
1,313 posts
Stilivan wrote:
it's a cosmetic thing and doesn't matter in the end.

I realize that you're totally fine with there not being a thief job, but aesthetics are important. Pretty animations and environments were about the only thing this game had at one point. It's still one of the few real pros vs other AAA mmos on the market. Even if you could just use glamours to make your NIN look like a THF, it still won't play like one. It's like those mexicans who put GTR stickers on their V6 Mustangs. It doesn't turn it in to a skyline, nor will it ever perform like one. Putting a beret on your head and a dagger in your hand will not make your ninja in to a thief. They don't even attack the same way. Ninjas slash with their weapons and thieves stab with their daggers. I suppose a kukri could behave somewhat like a katana, but even that is a stretch.

I'm just not buyin it. They didn't have the resources, they couldn't do both, so they went with the far east option. There is no other logical explanation other than the devs figured they would please the masses (or just Japan) more with NIN than THF.
#188 Jun 23 2014 at 1:29 PM Rating: Good
Quor wrote:
My FF1 comment was meant to highlight the oddity in expecting previous games to determine how current games work. You gotta take each game as its own entity. Sure there is obviously some overlap (I.e. DRG has almost always had Jump as a skill), but it's better to look at each game on its own merits and let things flow from there.

That is normally what I do honestly.

I mean, if a FF15 (and I have no idea if the characters are even going to resemble classic jobs) character advanced from a Thief to a Ninja, you're not going to hear a peep from me.

I guess the reason I complain for FF14 is because it's been sold to us as "Final Fantasy Online" and it's nostalgia central. It's hard to suddenly say "it's its own entity" when we've already seen Lightning from FF13 in the game.

So if they're going the nostalgia/Final Fantasy Online/throwback route, then let me play as a character like Zidane. Aka the main character from the overall best Final Fantasy game to date.

Edited, Jun 23rd 2014 3:29pm by lass5
#189 Jun 23 2014 at 1:31 PM Rating: Decent
1,104 posts
Aside from aesthetics, NIN makes THF redundant. That's the reason it's a class now (Rogue) and not a job. It has nothing to do with a lack of resources. If SE wanted the THF job in the game, it would be in the game.

Glamouring your gear to make yourself look like a Thief is the only option for you Ninja haters. You damn heretics.


#190 Jun 23 2014 at 1:35 PM Rating: Excellent
3,737 posts
Transmigration wrote:
Stilivan wrote:
it's a cosmetic thing and doesn't matter in the end.

I realize that you're totally fine with there not being a thief job, but aesthetics are important. Pretty animations and environments were about the only thing this game had at one point. It's still one of the few real pros vs other AAA mmos on the market. Even if you could just use glamours to make your NIN look like a THF, it still won't play like one. It's like those mexicans who put GTR stickers on their V6 Mustangs. It doesn't turn it in to a skyline, nor will it ever perform like one. Putting a beret on your head and a dagger in your hand will not make your ninja in to a thief. They don't even attack the same way. Ninjas slash with their weapons and thieves stab with their daggers. I suppose a kukri could behave somewhat like a katana, but even that is a stretch.

I'm just not buyin it. They didn't have the resources, they couldn't do both, so they went with the far east option. There is no other logical explanation other than the devs figured they would please the masses (or just Japan) more with NIN than THF.

You've broken the Assume-o-Tron!

Seriously, we have all of 4 pictures and a few minutes of commentary on the subject. Maybe there'll never be an official Thief class in FFXIV. Maybe Thief is coming later as a branching path on the Rogue class the way Summoner and Scholar branched off from Arcanist. We don't know. I feel pretty confident in saying that this is not the last new class/job we're ever going to see though.
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#191 Jun 23 2014 at 1:35 PM Rating: Excellent
8,779 posts
Theonehio wrote:
Stilivan wrote:
Your ninja can look like a Thief, and since it will have all the abilities Rogue would have had, what's the big deal?

Don't tell me the ninjitsu. My thief used ninjitsu all the time in FFXI for those shadow things... I think I can get over it.

Right now, perhaps the game is too immature for a true Thief job.

It's more along the lines of:

Which game did Thief/Rogue learn Ninjitsu as a main form of combat? And I mean THIEF and Rogue, not Assassin which can blur the lines. Guess what else a Thief could do in FFXI? Cast White Magic, Black Magic, Blue Magic, Geomancy (by definition), Storm Spells and so on, the subjob system doesn't change the main role in terms of design, a Thief natively doesn't learn stuff like that.

Edited, Jun 22nd 2014 7:27am by Theonehio

Actually, we can go back to FF1 for that too. Thief became Ninja and learned how to use some black magic up to level 3 (of 8). They couldn't learn all the spells a black mage could, but they could learn most. A kind of proto ninjutsu if you will.

As for the aforementioned steal as a complex mechanic, the problem with the offered ideas (such as the dagger that kills an enemy being stolen from that enemy) you create the issue of content that requires a specific class. Unless you make steal CCable to every job and class of course. But then there goes the uniqueness of thief.

Which leads me to believe any steal ability will be focused on intangible stuff that doesn't make or break encounters. You can win fights without the Rage of Halone debuff, but it makes life easier on your tanks when you have it. Something similar would work for ROG and NIN. Maybe stealing attributes temporarily, or resists before a burn phase to up caster damage. Some form of exposed armor debuff would fit in very well, as it's very roguey and is a boost that's nice but not necessary to beat content with. Make the two mutually exclusive; either you apply physical vulnerability or you apply magical. That would be an effective addition to the game.
#192 Jun 23 2014 at 2:20 PM Rating: Good
1,079 posts
Transmigration wrote:
Stilivan wrote:
it's a cosmetic thing and doesn't matter in the end.

I realize that you're totally fine with there not being a thief job, but aesthetics are important. Pretty animations and environments were about the only thing this game had at one point. It's still one of the few real pros vs other AAA mmos on the market. Even if you could just use glamours to make your NIN look like a THF, it still won't play like one. It's like those mexicans who put GTR stickers on their V6 Mustangs. It doesn't turn it in to a skyline, nor will it ever perform like one. Putting a beret on your head and a dagger in your hand will not make your ninja in to a thief. They don't even attack the same way. Ninjas slash with their weapons and thieves stab with their daggers. I suppose a kukri could behave somewhat like a katana, but even that is a stretch.

I'm just not buyin it. They didn't have the resources, they couldn't do both, so they went with the far east option. There is no other logical explanation other than the devs figured they would please the masses (or just Japan) more with NIN than THF.

Let's be clear:

**Rogue has roots with Thief. Rogues are very similar to thieves. One can assume they will get a couple Rogue type abilities.

**Rogue turns into Ninja, like Gladiator turns into Paladin. Paladin can still use Gladiator abilities. Ninja can assumably use Rogue abilities.

**The rogue in the video was displayed using dagger like weapons while the ninja were using kunai like weapons. They were described to be weapons of the same class.

Therefore, Ninja will be very similar to Thief, and it is possible that it could replace the Thief job because it's not confirmed whether or not Rogue will get steal and other various things we know Thief would usually have.

So it isn't a stretch from Thief to Ninja in that regard. If Ninja plays so close to Thief, then there probably won't be a thief job. Will it matter then? At that point, it's just a label. It's not like all the armor you will get will be Ninja-y. Probably just the AF.

Articus Vladmir
#193 Jun 23 2014 at 9:33 PM Rating: Good
1,313 posts
I have no idea why anybody still thinks thief is even a possibility in the future. Did you guys read/listen to the hogwash that came out of Yoshi's mouth regarding the job? If he hadn't said those things, I'd just be holding out for thief and congratulating the anime boys. Thief is the job I was hoping for since 1.0, and reasonably so. If you see it as mechanically similar to thief, thats fantastic; it still blows that we're not getting a thief. Couple that with the comments about the gun class "not being what we think it is" leads me to think we will not be getting a msk/cor/pir straight up gun dps job either (the other job I was hoping for).

So far 2/3 jobs I was looking forward to were altered and "evolved" in to something I am not interested in, Arcanist being the 1st. 3rd will be the gun class, so I am a bit bummed right now. Rate me down, disagree, whatever makes you feel good. I do not like the direction SE has gone with the classes/class system in this game, and neither do a lot of other folks.
#194 Jun 23 2014 at 9:36 PM Rating: Decent
1,104 posts
Transmigration wrote:
Thief is the job I was hoping for since 1.0, and reasonably so. If you see it as mechanically similar to thief, thats fantastic; it still blows that we're not getting a thief.

"It sucks that we're not getting the class that I want, even though we're getting the class that I want."

Dude, Ninja.. Thief.. it's the same **** at the end of the day. Just wear some thief looking gear and get over it.
#195 Jun 23 2014 at 10:23 PM Rating: Decent
1,313 posts
BrokenFox wrote:
Transmigration wrote:
Thief is the job I was hoping for since 1.0, and reasonably so. If you see it as mechanically similar to thief, thats fantastic; it still blows that we're not getting a thief.

"It sucks that we're not getting the class that I want, even though we're getting the class that I want."

Dude, Ninja.. Thief.. it's the same sh*t at the end of the day. Just wear some thief looking gear and get over it.

I'm not taking it personally or anything. It's just a game. Saying that they are the same is however, complete incorrect. By that logic RNG and BRD, WAR and DRK, WHM and SCH, are all the same. I think you're confusing the words similar and same. You could have a trinity based MMO with only 3 classes if you wanted, but it wouldn't be very fun.
#196 Jun 23 2014 at 11:19 PM Rating: Decent
1,079 posts
Eh, does everything have to be so extreme?

We're getting a NIN. It MIGHT be similar to THF in many aspects. We still don't know. But that doesn't mean it bars THF from being in the game for forever, it's just not what this game needs for the time being as they probably feel. The game is young. Be patient my friend! Don't draw extremes from statements (it happens when we read too much into things.)

For now, NIN is good enough to appease dagger wielding awesome goodness.
Articus Vladmir
#197 Jun 24 2014 at 4:09 AM Rating: Good
12,820 posts
BrokenFox wrote:
Transmigration wrote:
Thief is the job I was hoping for since 1.0, and reasonably so. If you see it as mechanically similar to thief, thats fantastic; it still blows that we're not getting a thief.

"It sucks that we're not getting the class that I want, even though we're getting the class that I want."

Dude, Ninja.. Thief.. it's the same sh*t at the end of the day. Just wear some thief looking gear and get over it.

To be fair that's like saying White Mage and Blue Mage are the same since both cast magic at the end of the day.

#198 Jun 24 2014 at 12:41 PM Rating: Excellent
Transmigration wrote:

I'm not taking it personally or anything. It's just a game. Saying that they are the same is however, complete incorrect. By that logic RNG and BRD, WAR and DRK, WHM and SCH, are all the same. I think you're confusing the words similar and same. You could have a trinity based MMO with only 3 classes if you wanted, but it wouldn't be very fun.

Let's look at the core of this game though. You take a class and unlock a job at lv30 and you get a robust 5 abilities that differ from the class. If you follow that logic, the Rouge class will contain the majority of the abilities. These abilities probably include increased stealth, speed, dual wield,stealing, and trick attacks. If anything, people who like NIN should be upset because so many of the abilities will be THF in nature. However, as someone who's played FF since the beginning of the series, THF and NIN are basically one of the same. RNG and BRD are not, sorry to burst your bubble. Neither is WAR and DRK. Now Fighter and WAR yes, but that's probably due to translation reasons. FFXIV doesn't offer very good job diversity regardless. I'm still upset about how they made BRD out of archer instead of a true support class.
#199 Jun 24 2014 at 12:52 PM Rating: Default
1,104 posts
Theonehio wrote:
BrokenFox wrote:
Transmigration wrote:
Thief is the job I was hoping for since 1.0, and reasonably so. If you see it as mechanically similar to thief, thats fantastic; it still blows that we're not getting a thief.

"It sucks that we're not getting the class that I want, even though we're getting the class that I want."

Dude, Ninja.. Thief.. it's the same sh*t at the end of the day. Just wear some thief looking gear and get over it.

To be fair that's like saying White Mage and Blue Mage are the same since both cast magic at the end of the day.

Except it isn't like that all.

BLU and WHM are nothing alike, while THF and NIN are very much alike, as so many in this thread have already pointed out.

Edited, Jun 24th 2014 2:53pm by BrokenFox
#200 Jun 24 2014 at 1:41 PM Rating: Good
5,745 posts
It's like comparing apples to oranges, which is actually a valid analysis. Apples and Oranges have some things in common but they aren't identical. Ninja and Thief have some things in common, but they aren't identical. White Mage and Blue Mage have some things in common, but they aren't identical.

Is one pair more similar than another pair? I have no idea. In general, there's no objective measurement for the similar-ness of two things.
#201 Jun 24 2014 at 2:06 PM Rating: Decent
12,820 posts
BrokenFox wrote:
Theonehio wrote:
BrokenFox wrote:
Transmigration wrote:
Thief is the job I was hoping for since 1.0, and reasonably so. If you see it as mechanically similar to thief, thats fantastic; it still blows that we're not getting a thief.

"It sucks that we're not getting the class that I want, even though we're getting the class that I want."

Dude, Ninja.. Thief.. it's the same sh*t at the end of the day. Just wear some thief looking gear and get over it.

To be fair that's like saying White Mage and Blue Mage are the same since both cast magic at the end of the day.

Except it isn't like that all.

BLU and WHM are nothing alike, while THF and NIN are very much alike, as so many in this thread have already pointed out.

Edited, Jun 24th 2014 2:53pm by BrokenFox

Hmm...I don't know, plenty of games I played Ninja and Rogue (Thief) and I'm damn sure only one of those had me casting magic, casting clones, striking with katanas, had a storyline based around China or Japan (depending on MMO or game in question), using signature 'ninja stars' and was much more stealth based, whereas the other was purely about stealing/mugging, mostly used daggers, had certain types of debuffs and had absolutely nothing to do with magic (known as ninjitsu.)

I guess due to the genericness of the MMO genre now everything being universalized so "no one is better than the other" blurred people's perceptions over the years. Since as said, saying these two being alike would be Blue Mage and White Mage are exactly the same since you know, both are Mage classes after all. If they're not alike, how are Ninja and Thief (Rogue) alike when largely one has never, ever been about Ninjitsu, Katanas and pure stealth based gameplay, ever? They are alike simply due to Rogue being the base class and Ninja being the Job..otherwise...I must have missed the past 24ish years of RPGs and video games if Ninja and Thief are one in the same.


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