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Rogue/Ninja ConfirmedFollow

#77 Jun 11 2014 at 5:49 PM Rating: Good
3,737 posts

D'OH Smiley: banghead

Lock'e's damage rarely centered around his actual skills though, and had more to do with his weapon choice early game.

Late game, everyone had magic and his definition kinda fell by the wayside, as did all non-magic centered characters.

Zidane was an interesting theif take, very little of his skill set had to do with dealing and the Trance thing, and his personal definition outshines his thief nature. That and... those dual-swords, not sure what about them screamed 'thief'.

Tidus had the steal ability, but the skill-set was accessible by all characters eventually. He defined himself more as light/speed DPS than a traditional thief. (He was also a sword and board weilder.)

Vaan... well, none of those characters had definition unless you gave it to them. They were more FFVIII style than anything else. Same can be said with any game that pushed individual definition down to weapon type and limit breaks.

Very true. But that's kind of my point. Thief as a class has been defined already in the FF (universe? continuum? hallucination?) series pretty badly thus far. Those characters that actually walk around as identifiable thieves tend to just be quick damage dealers with the Steal or Mug ability. In FFXI they had to make a job out of it, but even then.... it was a light damage dealer with the Steal ability. They fleshed it out a little by giving it things to do besides stab... but it pretty much boiled down to stab.

I'm having a hard time finding this very specific definition of thief that is apparently missing from the proposed class in FFXIV. Also, I feel it necessary to point out again that this is NOT FFXI.
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#78 Jun 11 2014 at 5:55 PM Rating: Excellent
4,780 posts
I think it's a better argument instead to say rather than it's not FFXI, that this is simply another Final Fantasy title.

No Final Fantasy ever really shared the same definitions for classes beyond the static mage counts. (Red, White, Black, Blue) And, past V, they ceased to have relevancy in anything but spin-off series and special editions.

Yeah, Vivi was Black Mage, but when did Black Mages dual cast with swordsmen?

And what was this skillset on Dragoon beside Jump? That was never seen before? Freya made a lot of interesting firsts there. And woah, what the heck, Wyvern?(FFXI) what the heck is that doing there, and why is it nerfing my DRG???

See, different games, different iterations of classic icons. To me, ROG/NIN is Thief/Ninja from FFI given FFXIV identity and unique definition. Those who were looking specifically for bandit/thief from other games, well, there's glamours, and perhaps a second job later on.

I'm still hoping for Templar for my Lancer, so I've warmed the waiting bench for you.
#79 Jun 11 2014 at 6:07 PM Rating: Good
3,825 posts
Archmage Callinon wrote:
THF has typically been straight up support or battleflow management.

Only in FFXI. In other FF games that have had thieves in them, they've been sources of damage and stealing things.

Locke.. Zidane.. Tidus (sort of).. Vaan

I can also pull out Yuffie who's a ninja that spends most of her time stealing things.
Sorry, I guess I view stealing recovery items, Gil, and exclusive weapons as party support :p
#80 Jun 11 2014 at 6:08 PM Rating: Good
4,175 posts
Archmage Callinon wrote:
I'm having a hard time finding this very specific definition of thief that is apparently missing from the proposed class in FFXIV. Also, I feel it necessary to point out again that this is NOT FFXI.

As many times as you point it out(correctly of course), people will still refer back to XI because it's the only representation we have of the THF job as it operates within the parameters of MMO mechanics. Not making excuses for it, but the comparisons will be made for that reason.

Edited, Jun 11th 2014 8:09pm by FilthMcNasty
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#81 Jun 11 2014 at 7:09 PM Rating: Excellent
Hyrist wrote:
However, it did seem like both Class and job did a lot of strafing attacks, even while solo, so there may be a mechanic close to sneak-attack where bonus damage is done when not attacking the front, sadly we saw no damage numbers for us to figure out if such damage is really burst or not.

What gets me wondering about this is the current status of solo-positional combat. On my DRG, it takes some pretty specific timing to try to get Impulse Drive to proc Disembowel while soloing without stunning or waiting for an enemy charge attack. Trying to get Heavy Thrust off from the flank is near impossible. I noticed the movement as well and wonder if it was a functional part of the gameplay or just showing a Rogue moving around because that's what they're "supposed to do."
#82 Jun 11 2014 at 8:07 PM Rating: Excellent
5,745 posts
Aximundi wrote:
What i don't like is they seem to have added ninja because more people want ninja then thief im ok with that. Then going on to sound like they are saying well you have ninja so you don't get thief is just dumb...

That's the polite alternative to simply saying, "We're not adding Thief to the game, get over it."
#83 Jun 11 2014 at 10:53 PM Rating: Excellent
You know what?

As long as it's well executed, I don't care about the lore or the immersion or whether it's a rogue or a thief or a DaggerPokeyGuy.

I've learned to accept the judgment and wisdom of content creators when it comes to their own intellectual property with the exception of George RR Martin because he apparently hates all fictional characters, especially ones he's created.

And if I dislike it I can always write fan fiction that fixes the problem. Smiley: tongue
#84 Jun 11 2014 at 11:55 PM Rating: Decent
4,175 posts
Catwho wrote:
You know what?

As long as it's well executed, I don't care about the lore or the immersion or whether it's a rogue or a thief or a DaggerPokeyGuy.

Hurray for people who value gameplay over lore and immersion!

Things change. They evolve. It's great to stick to the lore when you're making a sequel or even a trilogy, but we should expect things to change over the course of several decades. People are up in arms about this and haven't even witnessed how it will really all work together anyway so what's the fuss? I'll let you know when the sky is falling. I'm an expert on the subject you know...

Sorry Catwho. I think I just called your great, great, great, great, great, great, great grandfather an ape Smiley: lol

Edited, Jun 12th 2014 1:57am by FilthMcNasty
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#85 Jun 12 2014 at 6:54 AM Rating: Excellent
That's fine, we were all Australopithecus at one point.
#86 Jun 12 2014 at 7:58 AM Rating: Excellent
Thief became Ninja in Final Fantasy 1. They're really going back to their roots on this one
#87 Jun 12 2014 at 8:34 AM Rating: Good
2,214 posts
I just love the fact that they are still reserving the term "thief", like they are still reserving the term "ranger".

Just because Rogue is a thief class, does not disclude the creation of thief at a later date. it simply means that this satisfies their current plans, and allows them to move forward. Given time and demand, a thief job can still exist, but they have other things to worry about.

Satisfy as many as you can, it as simple a manner as possible, while providing as much as you can as fast as you can reliably. It seems like a good business model to me (though I am really tired of the gear climb...)
#88 Jun 12 2014 at 9:08 AM Rating: Excellent
756 posts
What if they didn't use the word "Thief" for the negativity. In FFXI SE didn't use the word "Pirate" and used "Corsair" instead.
I think you've been smoking the Moko...
Angus of Cerberus (retired)
#89 Jun 12 2014 at 9:23 AM Rating: Good
12,820 posts
AngusX wrote:
What if they didn't use the word "Thief" for the negativity. In FFXI SE didn't use the word "Pirate" and used "Corsair" instead.

XIV has a much more "mature" tone, though. And Limsa is full of Pirate Pirates and inner fighting while Uldah is full of prostitutes and corporate killing, they could have used Thief if they wanted, they mostly wanted to keep in line with how this game is designed as the 'standard' and 'Thief' is rarely a standard class name.


#90 Jun 12 2014 at 9:30 AM Rating: Excellent
Theonehio wrote:
AngusX wrote:
What if they didn't use the word "Thief" for the negativity. In FFXI SE didn't use the word "Pirate" and used "Corsair" instead.

XIV has a much more "mature" tone, though. And Limsa is full of Pirate Pirates and inner fighting while Uldah is full of prostitutes and corporate killing, they could have used Thief if they wanted, they mostly wanted to keep in line with how this game is designed as the 'standard' and 'Thief' is rarely a standard class name.

U'Dah needs the class "usurer" with the later evolution of "investor" Smiley: laugh

Something I miss from 1.0 - you could actually rent out booths in the market wards for your retainers.

Something I don't miss from 1.0 - An army of zombie retainers standing in the MW making it impossible to see anything.
#91 Jun 12 2014 at 9:34 AM Rating: Excellent
Something I don't miss from 1.0 - An army of zombie retainers standing in the MW making it impossible to see anything.

The market wards/retainer idea was one of those "innovative" things that sounded interesting in concept, but really, all people wanted was an auction house.

Ah, the good old days.
Thayos Redblade
#92 Jun 12 2014 at 11:44 AM Rating: Excellent
3,441 posts
Hyrist wrote:
Lock'e's damage rarely centered around his actual skills though, and had more to do with his weapon choice early game.

Like everybody else in FF6, Late Game everybody was a carbon copy of each other thanks to Magicite and leveling, if you did it right everybody had 99 in everything and knew all spells. The special skills meant almost nothing, 'cept for a few very notable exceptions.

Locke.......was not one of those exceptions. His only special command, Steal, didn't work all that often and when it did, the stuff you stole was LOL-worthy and his weapon choices were meh. You could stick him in the back row and use a ranged weapon. Probably your best bet through most of the first half of the game.

Zidane was an interesting theif take, very little of his skill set had to do with dealing and the Trance thing, and his personal definition outshines his thief nature. That and... those dual-swords, not sure what about them screamed 'thief'.

Zidane was pretty much your main physical DPS through a huge chunk of the game. Freya joined for awhile, then she left, you didn't get Steiner as a permanent member for a good long while, meanwhile Zidane was there, and he's always been there. There's also that Amarant guy, but again, he joins late and has all the problems any late-joiner has in many RPGs. Zidane had lots of time to learn all of his skills and things to really put him to good use, and once you started to where you could trance often... nobody else came close to the kind of damage Zidane was capable of wreaking. And those Swallow-type weapons were just ridiculously powerful compared to everybody else. And his ridiculous speed also compounded the problem a lot of other games had: The Main Character does most of the work, everybody else is just support.

Tidus had the steal ability, but the skill-set was accessible by all characters eventually. He defined himself more as light/speed DPS than a traditional thief. (He was also a sword and board weilder.)

Tidus wasn't even the Rogue/Thief, Rikku was. And Rikku was the one who had the Steal Ability in the first place (until someone else got to her area of the Sphere Grid which was NOT easy to do unless you were Kimahri. If you put Kimahri down Rikku's path, then you wound up with problems with a boss fight later on, because of how weak he ends up being if you do that. Yeah, Kimahri is awesome against machines if you send him down Rikku's path, but when he has to fight his cousins, you're in for some pain.

And Rikku.... Rikku was all about Item Support. Al-Bhed Potions were ridiculously powerful when you first got them (and ridiculously easy to get too!), the Mix command could do ridiculous things, and she Insta-killed all Machines with Steal. Oh and her Speed was ridiculous. So I guess we could say she had her own unique little things being a thief type class.

Vaan... well, none of those characters had definition unless you gave it to them. They were more FFVIII style than anything else. Same can be said with any game that pushed individual definition down to weapon type and limit breaks.

Yes... FF12... another "Everybody can be everything" game. See, this is why I enjoyed FF4 and FF9 the most -- who you are actually affected what you could do in the group. We didn't ever see Rosa smacking anything over the head with her cane and doing 9999, did we? No of course not. Let that job go to Cecil and Kain. Oh wait.

Thief/Ninja? Edge is calling; "He says Hello, remember me?" The problem with Edge, was his Steal almost never worked whatsoever. Thankfully he had Throw as well.


Characters and their jobs actually made a difference and you couldn't cheese the system (Magicite in FF6, Junction in FF8, Sphere Grid in FFX, Licenses in FF12) to make everybody overpowered demigods.

/rant off
#93 Jun 12 2014 at 11:45 AM Rating: Decent
1,339 posts
Turin wrote:
People crying about no THF must be some of the most stupid people playing this game.

No, they're NOT stupid.

Are they misguided in thinking that there's actually enough to being a Thief (within Final Fantasy constraints) to warrant a full job within FFXIV's framework? Absolutely.

The problem becomes when people don't want to face the facts and try to state that...
Karlina wrote:
But they have the look and feel of the classic jobs, and that's an important aesthetic to many people. some sort of compelling reason to add Thief. It isn't.

Thief has always been about Mug and Steal. Designing an entire class/job around a 2-5 minute cooldown where you *attempt* to steal an item from a monster is not enough justification within FFXIV. Thief's always been this one-trick-pony with Attack and Steal, or Attack/Steal/Mug....and that's it. And that's not enough to design a job around. SA/TA, ignoring threat components, are nothing more than positional attacks which two melee DPS classes already have. Treasure Hunter, again, is pointless in this game since loot comes from chests with pre-determined amounts already decided so that doesn't fit into FFXIV.

I'm sorry but people being heartbroken for not going to ever get Thief in FFXIV were setting themselves up for disappointment.
#94 Jun 12 2014 at 11:55 AM Rating: Good
3,441 posts
Thief has always been about Mug and Steal. Designing an entire class/job around a 2-5 minute cooldown where you *attempt* to steal an item from a monster is not enough justification within FFXIV. Thief's always been this one-trick-pony with Attack and Steal, or Attack/Steal/Mug....and that's it. And that's not enough to design a job around. SA/TA, ignoring threat components, are nothing more than positional attacks which two melee DPS classes already have. Treasure Hunter, again, is pointless in this game since loot comes from chests with pre-determined amounts already decided so that doesn't fit into FFXIV.


One-Trick Ponies don't work in MMORPGs. They never did. Heck, Thief in FFXI is usually LOL-worthy, unless you REALLY need that Trick Attack. Otherwise, the only reason you want a THF is for Treasure Hunter, and that was only because of how Loot worked.

That, and FFXI had the whole "Job Overload" thing going with it, where they had far more jobs than we really needed and some of those jobs were just too close to each other (we have at least 4 jobs that swing 2H weapons and do high damage weaponskills with a couple nuances stacked on, for example).

FFXIV appears to be more about quality than quantity. Each Class is supposed to be unique in its own way, and no two classes should feel too similar to each other.
#95 Jun 12 2014 at 12:27 PM Rating: Good
1,310 posts
Thayos wrote:
Something I don't miss from 1.0 - An army of zombie retainers standing in the MW making it impossible to see anything.

The market wards/retainer idea was one of those "innovative" things that sounded interesting in concept, but really, all people wanted was an auction house.

Ah, the good old days.

The wards/retainer concept was roughly how markets were done in MMOs in the 90's actually until SE came up with the brilliant idea of the Auction House for FFXI, which nearly every modern MMO has copied in some form since. So it was actually a return to old school, not innovation.
#96 Jun 12 2014 at 12:33 PM Rating: Good
1,313 posts
Turin wrote:
People crying about no THF must be some of the most stupid people playing this game. The only difference between a Lancer and a Dragoon are jumps, the only difference between Archer and Bard are songs. The way that the job/class system is set up, Rogue and Ninja will play identically except that Ninja will get a few job specific abilities. Stop getting your panties in a bunch over the name, because in the end, the name is going to be the biggest difference between them.

You're the only one who sounds/looks stupid. Nothing about your argument gives any good reason why we didn't get NIN and THF as separate classes as they play and feel completely different. With Arcanist for example, do SCH and SMN share that many similarities? No, they don't. It could have been done, but they chose not to do it.
#97 Jun 12 2014 at 12:48 PM Rating: Good
1,104 posts
Xoie wrote:
Thayos wrote:
Something I don't miss from 1.0 - An army of zombie retainers standing in the MW making it impossible to see anything.

The market wards/retainer idea was one of those "innovative" things that sounded interesting in concept, but really, all people wanted was an auction house.

Ah, the good old days.

The wards/retainer concept was roughly how markets were done in MMOs in the 90's actually until SE came up with the brilliant idea of the Auction House for FFXI, which nearly every modern MMO has copied in some form since. So it was actually a return to old school, not innovation.

Haha. I remember complaining about the Market Wards (amongst a lot of other things) back in 1.0 and caught a lot of flack for it around here.


Dumbasses. Fortunately most of those people seem to be gone.
#98 Jun 12 2014 at 12:49 PM Rating: Excellent
1,310 posts
Transmigration wrote:
With Arcanist for example, do SCH and SMN share that many similarities? No, they don't. It could have been done, but they chose not to do it.

Except for a handful of job abilities, the obviously different pets, and SMN cross-classing Archer while SCH cross-classes Conjurer, the spell/ability list is identical. They have same debuffs (even the AoE debuffs), the same Ruin spells, the same Rouse and Sustain pet buffs, the same Physick and Resurrect spells and they restore their MP the same way. It's only about 5 job abilities apiece that really distinguish them, surprisingly.
#99 Jun 12 2014 at 12:51 PM Rating: Excellent
1,313 posts
BrokenFox wrote:


Dumbasses. Fortunately most of those people seem to be gone.

That seemed to be the attitude back then. I remember when I got sub-defaulted for mentioning that jump would be nice. I'd like to know how many of those imbeciles still feel so adamantly against it now that they realize how fun and convenient it can be.
#100 Jun 12 2014 at 1:03 PM Rating: Decent
1,104 posts
Most of them are probably playing. That attitude was just pure elitist *********

But anyway back OT:

NIN! Hell yes! I see where people are coming from with the THF complaint as that job has a very different vibe and look compared to NIN, but you'll get your fix with the Rogue class quests.
#101 Jun 12 2014 at 1:08 PM Rating: Good
2,120 posts
Transmigration wrote:
BrokenFox wrote:


Dumbasses. Fortunately most of those people seem to be gone.

That seemed to be the attitude back then. I remember when I got sub-defaulted for mentioning that jump would be nice. I'd like to know how many of those imbeciles still feel so adamantly against it now that they realize how fun and convenient it can be.

I'd put jump in the "adding things just for the sake of adding them" category along with the scattered bits of poor voice acting. Things that haven't really done much for me, but seem to make others happy just by being there.
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