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Rogue/Ninja ConfirmedFollow

#52 Jun 11 2014 at 11:16 AM Rating: Default
12,820 posts
LebargeX wrote:
SCH and SMN both branch from ACN. There's no saying THF and NIN won't both branch from ROG (sp?).

Edited, Jun 10th 2014 4:58pm by LebargeX

It sounded like recently they confirmed Ninja was the job from Rogue and that Rogue is essentially Thief as is, just probably without the Thief like abilities from throughout the series.

#53 Jun 11 2014 at 11:16 AM Rating: Excellent
1,313 posts
FilthMcNasty wrote:
Transmigration wrote:
I'm with the newbie. SE has made a big mistake pigeonholing all potential thieves in to the NIN job. People who enjoy THF are not the same people who enjoy NIN.

THF and NIN went hand in hand in XI. Without the other, one was worthless. Two of any combination of these jobs was godlike though. They shared a lot of similarities.

It also makes sense that NIN not come from a tanking class.

I wasn't speaking from an FFXI pov. People who are in to the idea of a Thief are not always in to Ninjas.
#54 Jun 11 2014 at 11:18 AM Rating: Decent
12,820 posts
Transmigration wrote:
FilthMcNasty wrote:
Transmigration wrote:
I'm with the newbie. SE has made a big mistake pigeonholing all potential thieves in to the NIN job. People who enjoy THF are not the same people who enjoy NIN.

THF and NIN went hand in hand in XI. Without the other, one was worthless. Two of any combination of these jobs was godlike though. They shared a lot of similarities.

It also makes sense that NIN not come from a tanking class.

I wasn't speaking from an FFXI pov. People who are in to the idea of a Thief are not always in to Ninjas.

I've honestly never seen the idea that a Ninja is a Thief, even mechanically. Thiefs never go about learning Ninjitsu for example, sure both can use stealth for what they do (their only true connection), otherwise I can't really name a game that has both that linked the two without calling one "Assassin."


#55 Jun 11 2014 at 11:21 AM Rating: Good
1,313 posts
Theonehio wrote:

I've honestly never seen the idea that a Ninja is a Thief, even mechanically. Thiefs never go about learning Ninjitsu for example, sure both can use stealth for what they do (their only true connection), otherwise I can't really name a game that has both that linked the two without calling one "Assassin."

I agree with you 100%. The general idea of a thief has nothing to do with a ninja. They are from two completely different schools of combat and outlooks. To take a main job people have been holding their breath for (and rightfully so, this is FF) and turn it in to a watered down version of itself that only serves useful to get to Ninja was not a good idea.
#56 Jun 11 2014 at 11:22 AM Rating: Good
5,745 posts
Transmigration wrote:
I wasn't speaking from an FFXI pov. People who are in to the idea of a Thief are not always in to Ninjas.

There was also a guy who came here posting about how he liked swords, but didn't like tanking. So he was trying to play GLD like a DPS and thought it completely unreasonable that members of his party were expecting him to tank.

No game can please everyone all the time.
#57 Jun 11 2014 at 11:32 AM Rating: Excellent
3,441 posts
svlyons wrote:
Transmigration wrote:
I wasn't speaking from an FFXI pov. People who are in to the idea of a Thief are not always in to Ninjas.

There was also a guy who came here posting about how he liked swords, but didn't like tanking. So he was trying to play GLD like a DPS and thought it completely unreasonable that members of his party were expecting him to tank.

No game can please everyone all the time.

I can kinda see where the guy is coming from (though trying to DPS as a GLD is LOL-worthy as the game tells you everywhere that you're supposed to be tanking). You see this in FFXI too -- single-handed swords do pathetic damage for the most part (unless you're talking about some of those ridiculous hard to get swords from (H)NMs, at least they were hard to get back in the day, not sure how they are now), and Greatswords are kinda Meh, unless you're one of three jobs in the game, and one of them is almost always asked to tank.

Here, in FFXIV, swords are yet again... tank weapons. Heck, daggers are tank weapons, but thankfully once you get past the first 20 levels or so they are fairly easy to avoid (which I did because I think dagger+shield looks so silly).

So I can kinda understand where a player might be annoyed that their favorite weapons are forced into specific roles, especially a well-rounded weapon like a sword. In nearly any other RPG (and MMORPG), the Sword is usually defined as a versatile weapon that can be used offensively, defensively, with strength or with agility depending on what type of sword it is. Put a curved blade on it and make it lightweight, it is an agile weapon for agile leather wearers. Make it a heavy, large curved blade and it is all about raw strength chopping power. But yet in Final Fantasy XI/XIV... swords are forever doomed to do piddly damage and are only used by tanks, 'cept for Red Mages on the off-chance they might actually swing a weapon.
#58 Jun 11 2014 at 11:38 AM Rating: Decent
1,339 posts
Theonehio wrote:
Using your amazing logic, every MMO has sh*tty Enmity systems because just about every @#%^ing MMO to exist has a Threat control/enhance/decreasing mechanic.

It's called fact. If you used your brain instead of spewing stupid you'd have realized this.

FFXI's had its threat system altered *TWICE* within the past two years. And it still sucks. DDs end up ripping hate within a minute and PLD are still only really used to initially learn content (where everyone throttles and holds back). Once the fights are learned PLD don't serve a purpose and a WAR, MNK, DRK, or SAM face-tank with more solid hold on hate and not that much more difficult to keep alive. Everything dies faster and PLD's regulated back to the closet until the next wave of content's released for the cycle to begin.

It's a terrible system and always has been. People just weren't forced to open their eyes as to how bad it really was until the Abyssea packs were released. Being hit (aka a tank's job) and your threat lowering because you're getting hit (aka doing your job) was such a moronic idea it could only have come from a Tanaka game. Having such a low ceiling (and refusing to change it) and either not giving an innate slowing down of CE/VE decay OR giving an additional boost to a ceiling cap for tanks made an already worse threat system even more moronic.

People ended up trying out different tanks throughout the years until they finally just gave up and face tanked sh*t as DDs. RDM/NIN rotating buffs and sleep spells ring any bells before the CE values were nerfed? NIN/DRK due to the ability to fire off more Stuns than Provoke with proper haste gear? NIN completely overtaking PLD due to the ability to negate a lot of hits to eliminate CE loss, until they built that into shadows, and then finally all but eliminated NIN tanking with damn near everything wiping shadows?

Tanks during the day *HAD* to have those Sneak/Trick attacks if they wanted to continue to pretend that they could hold hate effectively. And even then, it didn't help but for a few additional seconds post that SA/TA until the decay overcame the usefulness of setting it up and people gave up.

FFXI's enmity system was, is, and will continue to be terrible. Period.

FFXIV doesn't have these issues. Threat's pretty simple to maintain, so a job that boosts the tank threat is pointless. And really, outside of stealing, that's *all* Thief had going for it.

Edited, Jun 11th 2014 1:39pm by Viertel
#59 Jun 11 2014 at 12:07 PM Rating: Decent
12,820 posts
Viertel wrote:
Theonehio wrote:
Using your amazing logic, every MMO has sh*tty Enmity systems because just about every @#%^ing MMO to exist has a Threat control/enhance/decreasing mechanic.

It's called fact. If you used your brain instead of spewing stupid you'd have realized this.

What you were saying was essentially only FFXI had threat managing mechanics because it had a terrible enmity system like no other MMO has them or has bad ones. Pretty much every MMO has a "bad threat system" in some way and all of them have abilities to raise/lower/solidify it for a reason, they weren't designed for kicks, but then again I've played many, many MMOs of all styles so I guess I just have a bigger sample pool to work from.

FFXI's had its threat system altered *TWICE*

Same happened with XIV actually, between the original > 1.23 and then later 1.23 > 2.x.

FFXIV doesn't have these issues. Threat's pretty simple to maintain,

Except for SE's weird decision on certain abilities like any regens causing additional tics of (sometimes really large) hate spikes when you're full unlike in the original 1.x version, or how even if a tank runs off to grab all enemies sometimes they beeline straight for certain people even if they do nothing in certain instances, Turn 5 had an issue where the wyverns would beeline for anyone within a certain distance to the tank. Let's also not forget that SE had to boost abilities for WAR because they couldn't actually hold hate properly no matter what they did, that falls into the threat system, no? Especially if it's PURELY the tanks jobs in XIV, as you say, to hold said hate? Wouldn't them making adjustments means it's not the perfect system you're painting it out to be?

Hell there's still people wanting more changes to PLD since early on they have it a lot rougher than War (something people call...balance issues?) especially if you end up with sync'd players and you're a fresh GLA/PLD for example. Didn't they create Defiance and Shield Oath with the mindset of helping them hold hate...almost you say, they gave THF in XI tools to manage it...? Ever notice what happens when a tank goes off to tank without Defiance and Shield Oath? Chances are all hell breaks loose.

Once again, all MMOs have those tools for a reason, it wasn't something localized to XI.

Edited, Jun 11th 2014 11:11am by Theonehio

#60 Jun 11 2014 at 12:27 PM Rating: Excellent
1,310 posts
Lyrailis wrote:
[quote]But yet in XIV... I can't remember the last time my CNJ actually pulled hate unless the tank just plain wasn't doing his job right. Occasionally, one out of 4 mobs will come over and chew on me for a second before the tank throws a Provoke or something.

Just wait till you graduate to speed runs Smiley: laugh
#61 Jun 11 2014 at 1:15 PM Rating: Good
2,120 posts
Transmigration wrote:
Theonehio wrote:

I've honestly never seen the idea that a Ninja is a Thief, even mechanically. Thiefs never go about learning Ninjitsu for example, sure both can use stealth for what they do (their only true connection), otherwise I can't really name a game that has both that linked the two without calling one "Assassin."

I agree with you 100%. The general idea of a thief has nothing to do with a ninja. They are from two completely different schools of combat and outlooks. To take a main job people have been holding their breath for (and rightfully so, this is FF) and turn it in to a watered down version of itself that only serves useful to get to Ninja was not a good idea.

Like someone mentioned on the 1st page, that's exactly how it was in the original Final Fantasy. Thief was one of the weakest starting jobs to play, but it could later turn into a powerful Ninja. So it's not completely unheard of.

I understand people thinking of and wanting other versions of Thief though.
#62 Jun 11 2014 at 1:16 PM Rating: Good
I think alot of the problem people have with no thief is that basically it means no AF no thief look and feel.
Finding the class you like want to play is to me at least is the most important part. If you don't have a class you like relate to the game sucks to play. That's the situation i am now, Bard isnt anything like it was in 11 ,sounds like thief were cut out for Ninja ,and i dont see Puppermaster or fencer being added any time soon.

My hype level was over 9000 at the added class/jobs with knives and was even higher when they showed rogue and then it switched to ninja and i was like ****....

My problem with the class system ff14 has is basically after 30 classes are sh*t and they don't need to be.There should be a difference between a class and a job other then cross class abilities.You can very much tell they want to go down the Arcanist route and have 2 jobs from one class. I cant expect them to actually fill out the outer sides until the expansion or a little before maybe. So still quite a ways away.

Looking at Wildstar they released with 10 classes basically that cater to a wild playstyle. FF14 is just now getting 10 and each of them are so pigeonholed into what they have that having Arcanist around makes it so much more obvious how much that sucks.

Edited, Jun 11th 2014 3:22pm by Aximundi
#63 Jun 11 2014 at 1:24 PM Rating: Excellent
3,441 posts

I think alot of the problem people have with no thief is that basically it means no AF no thief look and feel.
Finding the class you like want to play is to me at least is the most important part. If you don't have a class you like relate to the game sucks to play.

No reason they can't have Unique special armor rewarded by Rogue quests, kinda like that one Gladiator body that you get at Lv15-ish that is Unique.

And thanks to Glamours, you can even use that look at Lv50 when you're a Ninja!
#64 Jun 11 2014 at 1:27 PM Rating: Decent
4,175 posts
Transmigration wrote:
I agree with you 100%. The general idea of a thief has nothing to do with a ninja. They are from two completely different schools of combat and outlooks. To take a main job people have been holding their breath for (and rightfully so, this is FF) and turn it in to a watered down version of itself that only serves useful to get to Ninja was not a good idea.

They're both stealth based characters who strike opportunistically. One uses misdirection while the other uses jutsu, but they accomplish similar tasks. There are more similarities to the job/class combo that don't come only from FFXI.

On a side note, I realize that people feel burned that it's rogue and not thief. Just take a deep breath, realize that most of the game was modeled after WoW and take it as a nod to WoW players. Clearly Yoshi is trying to steal the WoW player base Smiley: nod
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#65 Jun 11 2014 at 1:54 PM Rating: Good
1,313 posts
svlyons wrote:

No game can please everyone all the time.

FilthMcNasty wrote:

On a side note, I realize that people feel burned that it's rogue and not thief. Just take a deep breath, realize that most of the game was modeled after WoW and take it as a nod to WoW players. Clearly Yoshi is trying to steal the WoW player base Smiley: nod

Since Filth brought up WoW. WoW is a game that pleases everyone 90% of the time when it comes to class roles (Some people want warlock and shaman tanks, melee hunters, etc.). The way they do it is through specs. Death Knight (similar to dark knight) is a tank and a dps. You can spec yours to do either or, or have both specs saved so you can switch when needed (before battle). Druids can heal, melee, or ranged magic dps depending on the spec and form they take. I could go on forever, but the point is that SE could have put more effort out and had NIN and THF as two unique jobs. The lore part makes no sense to me at all. You can't have a THF because they won't belong in guilds? Wasn't the prince of thieves living in Jeuno and hailed from Norg? Didn't thieves join linkshells? I won't call it lazy design, but I will say that it's silly reasoning.

As you can tell, I was one of those people waiting on THF. Every level I gained on my MNK was only in preparation for THF. Without that to look forward to and no information on the gun class, I'm not sure what I'll be doing because none of the current jobs interest me.

SE should have done away with the class system all together in 2.0 and went back to the job system. Then perhaps this would have never happened. They wouldn't be able to hide behind their 30 levels of "rogue" as a reason not to further develop it in to a proper thief. Instead we play a class that's similar to what we wanted only to be transformed in to xNarutoXonimushazNINJAgaidenManxX. Not feelin it.

***and wow rogues are not ninjas nor do they turn in to them, so if he wanted to steal WoW players, he made a mistake.
***I am glad NINis in the game now for those who wanted it, I'm just jealous that I didn't get my job too.

Edited, Jun 11th 2014 3:59pm by Transmigration
#66 Jun 11 2014 at 2:13 PM Rating: Excellent
3,441 posts

Try to keep in mind, though, in WoW you cannot change your class, ever. It is easier to get another character to max level and geared for Endgame, sure, but in FFXI and FFXIV, you're meant to have a single character, as this character can be any job/class and change almost at a whim.

Though I will agree that it is nice that each WoW Class has options -- Three of them per class (4 for Druid). Each of these specs plays differently (especially for the Pure DPS classes that have 3 different DPS specs).

It'd been a little nicer if each Class had two or three Jobs that could have completely changed the direction of the Class. For example, Gladiator could have had Paladin and maybe, I don't know, Knight. The Knight could have been a DPS Job, and the Knight Soul Gem could have added bonuses and traits that allow the Gladiator's base abilities to be used in a DPS way, such as removing the extra threat from Savage Blade/Rage of Halone, adding new DPS abilities that allow you to DPS, giving you access to the Marauder's Bleeds, as well as traits that boost DPS from stats found on Gladiator Gear (Parry, Dodge, etc), or maybe convert them entirely (A Trait that converts Parry to, say, Extra Damage).

That way, someone who leveled Gladiator could go Tank or DPS (but obviously can't switch in the middle of battle) without having to level a whole 'nuther DoW/DoM and as a bonus, would be able to DPS with a sword in hand, maybe even Sword&Board DPS (shield bashes could be made much more deadly in damage, but remove the stun).

Just some examples/ideas/musings.
#67 Jun 11 2014 at 3:36 PM Rating: Good
3,737 posts
Lyrailis wrote:
It'd been a little nicer if each Class had two or three Jobs that could have completely changed the direction of the Class. For example, Gladiator could have had Paladin and maybe, I don't know, Knight. The Knight could have been a DPS Job, and the Knight Soul Gem could have added bonuses and traits that allow the Gladiator's base abilities to be used in a DPS way, such as removing the extra threat from Savage Blade/Rage of Halone, adding new DPS abilities that allow you to DPS, giving you access to the Marauder's Bleeds, as well as traits that boost DPS from stats found on Gladiator Gear (Parry, Dodge, etc), or maybe convert them entirely (A Trait that converts Parry to, say, Extra Damage).

That way, someone who leveled Gladiator could go Tank or DPS (but obviously can't switch in the middle of battle) without having to level a whole 'nuther DoW/DoM and as a bonus, would be able to DPS with a sword in hand, maybe even Sword&Board DPS (shield bashes could be made much more deadly in damage, but remove the stun).

Just some examples/ideas/musings.

Yeah, this is a thought I had when the game was still in beta and I was concerned over the limits of the armory system. It's a cool idea, and there's plenty of time ahead to implement it and flesh out these classes the way Arcanist has already been. I think Arcanist is actually a really good example of what is possible, and it's just a matter of time before the other classes get similar treatment (although I'd appreciate a better way to handle bonus stats).

The idea of specs for every job in the game is probably not realistic when you consider the armory system exists. But some form of customization would be nice to have. Maybe not full-blown talent trees, but something to help me tweak the way I play to suit my own playstyle.

As for rog->nin.. meh. I have no problem with the progression, especially since FF1 did it already. I know people are disappointed that there's no FFXI THF here, but honestly they'd have been disappointed with the way THF would have to work in FFXIV anyway. I agree the line about thieves not fitting the lore is too weak.
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#68 Jun 11 2014 at 3:41 PM Rating: Default
Lyrailis wrote:

I think alot of the problem people have with no thief is that basically it means no AF no thief look and feel.
Finding the class you like want to play is to me at least is the most important part. If you don't have a class you like relate to the game sucks to play.

No reason they can't have Unique special armor rewarded by Rogue quests, kinda like that one Gladiator body that you get at Lv15-ish that is Unique.

And thanks to Glamours, you can even use that look at Lv50 when you're a Ninja!

That's not really the point i was making Ninja's are not thief's and Thief's are not Ninjas. So i can look like a thief if i dye some thiefy stuff green i still have to use Ninja abilities.

When i left FF11 they had 20 jobs yes that's a couple expansions in but when it was released they had 12 that fit a lot of play styles and after 30 the base jobs were not pointless WAR THF WHM RDM MONK etc all were super useful past level 30.
This game after 4 years is just now getting 10........ in total

As for lore a rogue is a very western idea a thief going into a ninja makes some sense i guess and the argument that it happened in FF1 is kind of silly.
You don't have to have a thief guild.. if there a monk guild or a warrior guild .. no they are extensions of your class

What i don't like is they seem to have added ninja because more people want ninja then thief im ok with that. Then going on to sound like they are saying well you have ninja so you don't get thief is just dumb....but it's ok because thief's became rogues and you can be a rogue.....

Edited, Jun 11th 2014 5:57pm by Aximundi
#69 Jun 11 2014 at 3:52 PM Rating: Decent
4,175 posts
Transmigration wrote:
SE could have put more effort out and had NIN and THF as two unique jobs. The lore part makes no sense to me at all. You can't have a THF because they won't belong in guilds? Wasn't the prince of thieves living in Jeuno and hailed from Norg? Didn't thieves join linkshells? I won't call it lazy design, but I will say that it's silly reasoning.

I still think rogue and ninja are a good fit. When you listen to the explanation from the E3 live letter it might make more sense. They're both stealth based, rely heavily on positioning and (at least from the descriptions) use their tools to impact battles in ways other than just brute force. Also worth pointing out, thieves evolved into rogues. THF didn't have a guild(which all classes do) until they evolved and the idea of a guild meshes better with THF and NIN being tied together for reasons I mentioned above.

I guess I just don't understand the hyper-sensitivity about lore and immersion. If adding classes and jobs adds dimension and depth to the gameplay, lore be damned because the game needs more of that.
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#70 Jun 11 2014 at 4:02 PM Rating: Default
Keeper of the Shroud
13,632 posts
People crying about no THF must be some of the most stupid people playing this game. The only difference between a Lancer and a Dragoon are jumps, the only difference between Archer and Bard are songs. The way that the job/class system is set up, Rogue and Ninja will play identically except that Ninja will get a few job specific abilities. Stop getting your panties in a bunch over the name, because in the end, the name is going to be the biggest difference between them.
#71 Jun 11 2014 at 4:27 PM Rating: Excellent
11,159 posts
Yeah, I'm just kind of seeing Rogue as getting the basic dagger techniques with a side of stealth and movement stuff. Pick up Ninja and then you can hand jive with the rest of the Naruto cast. Presuming a continued interest in 2 jobs per class, the alternative Rogue branch could then be Treasure Hunter... because Locke hated being called a thief.
Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
#72 Jun 11 2014 at 4:35 PM Rating: Good
5,729 posts
Turin wrote:
People crying about no THF must be some of the most stupid people playing this game. The only difference between a Lancer and a Dragoon are jumps, the only difference between Archer and Bard are songs. The way that the job/class system is set up, Rogue and Ninja will play identically except that Ninja will get a few job specific abilities. Stop getting your panties in a bunch over the name, because in the end, the name is going to be the biggest difference between them.

But they have the look and feel of the classic jobs, and that's an important aesthetic to many people. They could have rolled jumps into Lancer and left it at that, but they didn't because people want the spikey armor and the name "Dragoon". It's all part of the Final Fantasy experience, having nothing to do with gameplay issues. Some people just want the green outfit and the word "Thief" in their character sheet, and that's not unreasonable.
75 Rabbit/75 Sheep/75 Coeurl/75 Eft/75 Raptor/75 Hippogryph/75 Puk
75 Scorpion/75 Wamoura/75 Pixie/75 Peiste/64 Sabotender
51 Bird/41 Mandragora/40 Bee/37 Crawler/37 Bat

Items no one cares about: O
Missions no one cares about: O
Crafts no one cares about: O
#73 Jun 11 2014 at 4:59 PM Rating: Excellent
3,825 posts
After a day to cool off, I'm glad NIN fans are getting what (I hope) they want. I'm not as grumpy about no THF now, and possibly NIN with Rogues stuff is XI Thiefy. Rogue sounds like a debuff support class with it's weapon coatings, party support is why I like BRD and it's why I loved and wanted THF. I'd love TA/SA mechanics, but the more I thought about it... the less it's really needed in the current combat system. The debuff stuff though, that has room. So if I have to dye my NIN gear green to make myself happy, so be it ^.^

Turin wrote:
People crying about no THF must be some of the most stupid people playing this game. The only difference between a Lancer and a Dragoon are jumps, the only difference between Archer and Bard are songs. The way that the job/class system is set up, Rogue and Ninja will play identically except that Ninja will get a few job specific abilities. Stop getting your panties in a bunch over the name, because in the end, the name is going to be the biggest difference between them.

That is exactly why people are upset though, THF and NIN are not similar other than evasion. NIN is usually debuff and/or non-MP spells. THF has typically been straight up support or battleflow management.

Edited, Jun 11th 2014 11:05pm by Perrin
#74 Jun 11 2014 at 5:16 PM Rating: Excellent
3,737 posts
THF has typically been straight up support or battleflow management.

Only in FFXI. In other FF games that have had thieves in them, they've been sources of damage and stealing things.

Locke.. Zidane.. Tidus (sort of).. Vaan

I can also pull out Yuffie who's a ninja that spends most of her time stealing things.
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#75 Jun 11 2014 at 5:39 PM Rating: Excellent
1,310 posts
Archmage Callinon wrote:
THF has typically been straight up support or battleflow management.

Locke.. Zidane.. Tidus (sort of)Rikku.. Vaan

I can also pull out Yuffie who's a ninja that spends most of her time stealing things.

#76 Jun 11 2014 at 5:43 PM Rating: Good
4,780 posts
Lock'e's damage rarely centered around his actual skills though, and had more to do with his weapon choice early game.

Late game, everyone had magic and his definition kinda fell by the wayside, as did all non-magic centered characters.

Zidane was an interesting theif take, very little of his skill set had to do with dealing and the Trance thing, and his personal definition outshines his thief nature. That and... those dual-swords, not sure what about them screamed 'thief'.

Tidus had the steal ability, but the skill-set was accessible by all characters eventually. He defined himself more as light/speed DPS than a traditional thief. (He was also a sword and board weilder.)

Vaan... well, none of those characters had definition unless you gave it to them. They were more FFVIII style than anything else. Same can be said with any game that pushed individual definition down to weapon type and limit breaks.
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