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FFXIV Online Community seems to be dying?Follow

#52 Jun 02 2014 at 11:42 AM Rating: Excellent
Trust me, I played consistently (and pretty hardcore) up through the end of WoTG. So either you have your timeframe wrong, or your server was just really dead in general...

Different server cultures, maybe?

I was on Garuda, which later merged with Lakshmi (however it was spelled). Server was far from dead. Sky, on the other hand, was a husk of its former self.

Also, please note... I'm just playing Devil's Advocate here. Me, personally, I do not believe Sky was ever completely obsolete. I'm only bringing this all up to show that we can't say content in XIV is being made obsolete, but then point to XI and say that game magically did it right. Even content that's still frequented by a small portion of players still has its place.

Bartel, you say you were in one of the top NA endgame shells, so I'm not surprised your group had the stomach to carry on in Sky. Most players found Sky to be incredibly boring though, and the second ToAU produced gear that was closely comparable and accessible through tiered NM and token systems, those people ditched Sky and never thought twice about it.

Edited, Jun 2nd 2014 10:50am by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#53 Jun 02 2014 at 11:50 AM Rating: Good
6,899 posts
Could be, I just know that in primetime, you couldn't go up there without seeing at least 2-3 linkshells still camping popsets. Certainly it wasn't like in the old days, where you'd find 4 groups camping Ulli spawn and a line to spawn Gods, but I think that had more to do with people getting what they wanted and being done than it did with the content becoming obsolete. It also probably had a lot to do with them massively easing the congestion in Sky by removing the ridiculous 8-16 hour windows on some of the NMs to spawn. Being able to farm Ulli pops and get 1 every hour or two certainly sped up the process and decreased the ridiculous amount of time linkshells needed to spend at certain camps.

That said, I still disagree that the content was obsolete, mainly because the gear itself wasn't obsolete. Pre-Abyssea, name me one piece of gear that could compete with Byakko's Haidate on the jobs that could use it. I certainly can't think of one. Same for Crimson cuisses, kirin's osode(situationally) and even some of the Neptunal Abjurations. Many of those were BiS for certain builds until Abyssea came through and smashed the notion of level 75 gear.

Edited, Jun 2nd 2014 1:52pm by BartelX
#54 Jun 02 2014 at 11:56 AM Rating: Excellent
Posting this here just so you see it:

Bartel, you say you were in one of the top NA endgame shells, so I'm not surprised your group had the stomach to carry on in Sky. Most players found Sky to be incredibly boring though, and the second ToAU produced gear that was closely comparable and accessible through tiered NM and token systems, those people ditched Sky and never thought twice about it.

I don't think people left sky because they got the gear they wanted... I think most people left sky because when ToAU launched, they could gear gear that was either just as good or nearly as good without all the standing around, grinding and linkshell politicking.

ToAU was just designed with a lot more thought than RoZ, which isn't surprising. Once sky exp camps were made obsolete, the ONLY reason to go up there would be to grind for drops that were just slightly better (or equal) than what could be obtained through more fun, accessible means.

My point though is that for the majority of players, Sky became "obsolete," and Sea was never even viable in the first place. So it's wrong to romanticize FFXI's endgame scene (pre-Abby) as this great thing that FFXIV should strive to be like.

For that matter, a lot of people who loved XI's endgame pre-Abby tended to strongly dislike it post-Abby.

EDIT: Also, again, please note that I'm not trying to hate on XI. I'd actually like XIV to take some pages from XI's playbook and have something like Dynamis in the game. All I ask is that people try to keep realistic perspective and not freak out over content getting older. This is an MMORPG; it happens. It has always happened. And in ARR, a game where we literally won't ever wear or carry as much gear per job as we did in XI, it will happen more often... but this isn't a new thing.

Edited, Jun 2nd 2014 11:07am by Thayos

Edited, Jun 2nd 2014 11:08am by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#55 Jun 02 2014 at 12:19 PM Rating: Good
542 posts
Thayos wrote:
Also, please note... I'm just playing Devil's Advocate here. Me, personally, I do not believe Sky was ever completely obsolete. I'm only bringing this all up to show that we can't say content in XIV is being made obsolete, but then point to XI and say that game magically did it right. Even content that's still frequented by a small portion of players still has its place.

The differences between the way FFXI handled end game updates and the way FFXIV handles end game updates is the precise reason why we can say that.

The reasons why people say that FFXIV content is made obsolete is because the game follows a basic tiered vertical progression design, where new content and new equipment will seemingly always replace the old content and old equipment. The old content becomes both easy and unrewarding. If we're going to try and compare FFXIV's content obsolescence to FFXI's at all, the only thing I can say that is similar is that as long as the game follows the path it's currently on, we're going to see a lot more garrisons and a lot less sky in FFXIV.

Edited, Jun 2nd 2014 2:20pm by Susanoh
#56 Jun 02 2014 at 12:32 PM Rating: Excellent
The reasons why people say that FFXIV content is made obsolete is because the game follows a basic tiered vertical progression design, where new content and new equipment will seemingly always replace the old content and old equipment.

Right... but XI's endgame was uber grindy and boring until it was made fun, at which point all that content with staying-power became largely "obsolete."

Currently in XIV, the only gear that's really obsolete for endgame is darklight gear, which wasn't even top-tier endgame gear when ARR was launched. Gear that's level i90 is still totally viable for most endgame battles, and most players are still either working on BC1 or are in the very early stages of BC2. I can look in the party finder every day and see people farming for i90 gear from BC1.

So it's just not accurate when people imply that gear in ARR is made obsolete so quickly. In fact, ARR will be at least a year old by the time any i90 gear is really, truly not viable for endgame. To have gear be viable for an entire year (at least) seems pretty legit. This isn't the breakneck gear treadmill that some people are making it out to be.
Thayos Redblade
#57 Jun 02 2014 at 12:33 PM Rating: Good
6,899 posts
Thayos wrote:
Posting this here just so you see it:

Bartel, you say you were in one of the top NA endgame shells, so I'm not surprised your group had the stomach to carry on in Sky. Most players found Sky to be incredibly boring though, and the second ToAU produced gear that was closely comparable and accessible through tiered NM and token systems, those people ditched Sky and never thought twice about it.

I don't think people left sky because they got the gear they wanted... I think most people left sky because when ToAU launched, they could gear gear that was either just as good or nearly as good without all the standing around, grinding and linkshell politicking.

ToAU was just designed with a lot more thought than RoZ, which isn't surprising. Once sky exp camps were made obsolete, the ONLY reason to go up there would be to grind for drops that were just slightly better (or equal) than what could be obtained through more fun, accessible means.

My point though is that for the majority of players, Sky became "obsolete," and Sea was never even viable in the first place. So it's wrong to romanticize FFXI's endgame scene (pre-Abby) as this great thing that FFXIV should strive to be like.

For that matter, a lot of people who loved XI's endgame pre-Abby tended to strongly dislike it post-Abby.

EDIT: Also, again, please note that I'm not trying to hate on XI. I'd actually like XIV to take some pages from XI's playbook and have something like Dynamis in the game. All I ask is that people try to keep realistic perspective and not freak out over content getting older. This is an MMORPG; it happens. It has always happened. And in ARR, a game where we literally won't ever wear or carry as much gear per job as we did in XI, it will happen more often... but this isn't a new thing.

But don't you see that this is exactly what we're talking about? I want multiple avenues of content, so that people can pick and choose what they want to do. So basically, instead of being forced to do Coil for the best gear, how about giving 2-3 other options of content style to get the same gear in different ways?

We're going to have to agree to disagree on sky. I personally loved sky, and often volunteered to go up because I just liked the area a lot and once it wasn't as grindy, found it to be quite enjoyable building full popsets in a night's work. I don't think a lot of people stopped doing sky simply because ToAU came out. I think a lot stopped because it was another option for them to try, which just diluted the overall number of people that NEEDED to go to sky, and many people who had been doing it for years wanted to try out the new content. That said, sky still offered gear that stuff from ToAU couldn't even match in several situations, and was always bustling with people during primetime on my servers, so I can't fathom how it could have been considered obsolete at that time.

Also, I'd just like to point out that I'm definitely not trying to romanticize FFXI endgame. I know it for what it was... an endless grind before Abyssea, with gear coming in super small doses and super far apart. I'm not saying THAT is the right solution. I'm saying the idea of having many avenues of content is. There's a very distinct difference there.

What I dislike about XIV's endgame is just how vertical it is, and how "caged in" I felt. I didn't feel like I had options. It was pretty much a straight progression upwards, and as soon as you got past 1 hurdle, you just moved up to the next, as opposed to moving laterally to something similar, or even avoiding that aspect altogether in favor of something else equally as rewarding.

Edited, Jun 2nd 2014 2:37pm by BartelX
#58 Jun 02 2014 at 12:42 PM Rating: Good
1,310 posts
Thayos wrote:
Also, that "obsolete" gear in XIV becomes the new stepping stone gear for players to gear up to however the current endgame iLevel is currently set. So, the gear actually isn't made obsolete... it's still actually very useful, but in a different way.

Also, having content that goes out of style is also common in MMOs, even in our beloved FFXI. Remember Garrison, Conquests and the ENM system? Obsolete. Remember how when ToAU came out, most players just stopped getting Sky access? Yep, Sky was made obsolete too. Also, most players never even got Sea access... so, really, Sea shouldn't ever even be mentioned in these conversations.

Most people claim FFXI didn't "obsolete" content until Abyssea, but that's just not true. Content had already become obsolete years earlier.

I have many fond memories of FFXI where people would wrist themselves if SE announced new gear that wasn't better than the current high end gear. And then they'd wrist themselves again when it was. It's rather nostalgic, then, that the tradition continues in FFXIV:

Latest gear is not the BIS? Well that was pointless. Now I'm going to be bored until the next patch!

Latest gear is the BIS? OMG what's was the point of getting my BIS gear if they're just going to replace it!
#59 Jun 02 2014 at 12:44 PM Rating: Excellent
Totally agree on that. XIV needs more paths. I am hoping that comes with the expansion... That seems to be the logical time to expect those kinds of additions, and they can't come soon enough.
Thayos Redblade
#60 Jun 02 2014 at 12:48 PM Rating: Decent
6,899 posts
Xoie wrote:
Thayos wrote:
Also, that "obsolete" gear in XIV becomes the new stepping stone gear for players to gear up to however the current endgame iLevel is currently set. So, the gear actually isn't made obsolete... it's still actually very useful, but in a different way.

Also, having content that goes out of style is also common in MMOs, even in our beloved FFXI. Remember Garrison, Conquests and the ENM system? Obsolete. Remember how when ToAU came out, most players just stopped getting Sky access? Yep, Sky was made obsolete too. Also, most players never even got Sea access... so, really, Sea shouldn't ever even be mentioned in these conversations.

Most people claim FFXI didn't "obsolete" content until Abyssea, but that's just not true. Content had already become obsolete years earlier.

I have many fond memories of FFXI where people would wrist themselves if SE announced new gear that wasn't better than the current high end gear. And then they'd wrist themselves again when it was. It's rather nostalgic, then, that the tradition continues in FFXIV:

Latest gear is not the BIS? Well that was pointless. Now I'm going to be bored until the next patch!

Latest gear is the BIS? OMG what's was the point of getting my BIS gear if they're just going to replace it!

And this is why I'd advocate a lateral gear situation. For instance with DPS, how about gear with major critical hit bonuses comes from a couple different content avenues. Then gear with big attack bonuses comes from another avenue, while gear with attack speed increases comes from somewhere else. Or heck, make all the different types drop from all content, but at massively varying percentages. It would be cool to have multiple types of gear that come from different places, so people could choose to mix and match based on the situation there in, or go for a full build of one type of gear if that's what they like.

Sure, min/max players would still find a "BiS" for each piece, but if the content itself was tailored specifically for certain types of gear... for instance bosses that take double/half damage from critical hits, or attack more/less often depending on how often THEY are attacked, or stuff like that, I think it would work great.

These are just ideas that I think would make the endgame feel more dynamic. That's all I'm really looking for.
#61 Jun 02 2014 at 1:14 PM Rating: Excellent
542 posts
Thayos wrote:
The reasons why people say that FFXIV content is made obsolete is because the game follows a basic tiered vertical progression design, where new content and new equipment will seemingly always replace the old content and old equipment.

Right... but XI's endgame was uber grindy and boring until it was made fun, at which point all that content with staying-power became largely "obsolete."

Currently in XIV, the only gear that's really obsolete for endgame is darklight gear, which wasn't even top-tier endgame gear when ARR was launched. Gear that's level i90 is still totally viable for most endgame battles, and most players are still either working on BC1 or are in the very early stages of BC2. I can look in the party finder every day and see people farming for i90 gear from BC1.

So it's just not accurate when people imply that gear in ARR is made obsolete so quickly. In fact, ARR will be at least a year old by the time any i90 gear is really, truly not viable for endgame. To have gear be viable for an entire year (at least) seems pretty legit. This isn't the breakneck gear treadmill that some people are making it out to be.

You and I must be talking about completely different things. I don't consider content that remains active with multiple linkshells farming it for years, that drops some nice and desirable rewards for years, and that has content that remains level appropriate for years, to be obsolete. If you do, then your definition of obsolete content is wildly different from mine, but more importantly than the definition of one word is the actual differences in game design. When people refer to FFXIV going obsolete, they (and myself) are most likely referring to the design choice to make new content tuned to a higher level (or "item level" in this case) and drop higher level rewards, which in effect makes older content both easier and unrewarding. Sky did not do this, and it didn't suffer the effects of content that does this either. As I and others have stated, we've seen first hand lots of participation years down the line, we know that it had appropriate rewards, and the difficulty remained about what you would expect from an end game FFXI event. When people talk about FFXIV content becoming obsolete too quickly and saying that they preferred FFXI design, these are the differences that they are referring to.

Also, compared to a horizontal progression system, having gear be viable for one year is quite a treadmill. If the game were to follow its current path, what we're going to see is a game where the newest content is difficult and restriced, and the content from the previous patch is quickly farmed. This really doesn't have that much of an effect right now. The effects can certainly be seen (edit: just for example, I get a queue time of at least 27 minutes on any job in crystal tower, in a cross server duty finder queue. This is, what, 5 months after release?), but a decent amount of the content in this game is still viable. As the game progresses though, we're going to see more and more content left behind in terms of progression. FFXI didn't build up to having a decent amount of content in a single patch. It did it over years and years. This is why players who liked easy going farming in the open world could go and do sky and sea, people who liked secluded "raid" like instances could do dynamis and limbus, etc. and all were relevant for progress. In a vertical progression game like FFXIV, years later we are very likely to be in the exact same situation we are in now. Players will be farming a patch that game out a few months ago, and trying to complete and obtain items from restricted content for 3-6 months until that becomes the new "farm" content and some new stuff comes out in a never ending cycle. Meanwhile, every time that new content comes out with higher equipment requirements and a higher tier of rewards, yet another level of viable end game content gets shaved off the bottom.

Edited, Jun 2nd 2014 3:19pm by Susanoh
#62 Jun 02 2014 at 2:01 PM Rating: Excellent
4,175 posts
Thayos wrote:
1) its experience camps were totally made obsolete, and 2) the vast majority of NM drops there were made obsolete.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but much of the gear in Sky is still desired. The synergy augments for a lot of pieces still make them a part of people's normal gearswaps. SiS or ***** is situational' still applies to FFXI like it always did.

Exp camps being obsoleted just makes sense. They didn't revamp Sky(though DM did get an update) because they didn't really need to and they wanted people to level on new mobs in new areas. I completely agree that it's false to say that XI never obsoleted content, but it's also false to say they obsoleted the majority of it. Sky gear still finds its way into TP/WS, healing, kiting and other gearsets that players still consider desirable. Not every piece is up to par with things that have come since 75 cap, but the majority still find use(however limited) and are not just trophies.
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#63 Jun 02 2014 at 2:08 PM Rating: Good
There's a difference between "irrelevant" and "worth the time invested." We also did run {sky} up until I quit HNMs and endgame, but it was just a small aspect of what we were doing, and it became much more efficient since we only needed a party to handle almost the entire zone until we had the pop sets ready to go. It became much more worthwhile for us to farm other aspects of the game, especially as we acquired more Salvage gear and some of the old {sky} things became obsolete.

I'll agree that {sky} was still farmed up until Abyssea. It just wasn't where we spent 3-4 nights a week any more.
#64 Jun 02 2014 at 2:08 PM Rating: Good
6,899 posts
Susanoh wrote:
Meanwhile, every time that new content comes out with higher equipment requirements and a higher tier of rewards, yet another level of viable end game content gets shaved off the bottom.

To even further add on this and show the distinction between the vertical progression of XIV and the horizontal progression of XI, as soon as that newer better gear comes out, it is inherently better and stronger than old gear, making the old gear on your characters basically vendorable or stuff you throw onto your retainer. That is pretty much exactly why I stopped playing WoW and definitely had a factor in my hiatus from XIV. I don't want to spend time working towards a gearset only to have it be useless in 3-6 months when the newer set comes out and trumps it in every way. Some people find that fun to constantly go through new gear, I personally like the longevity and versatility you got out of pieces in XI. Even without gear swapping, I'd much rather have a few different sets of gear for different situations than the 1-2 generic sets with almost identical stats that each class has now.
Catwho wrote:
I'll agree that {sky} was still farmed up until Abyssea. It just wasn't where we spent 3-4 nights a week any more.

Agreed, and it was the same for us. We only did 1 night a week, and usually it was anywhere from 6-12 people that went. It certainly wasn't nearly as active as when it launched, but that's completely expected with so many avenues and alternatives available. If you feel like farming sky one night a week you can, if you feel like doing other stuff, you can do that too. It might have been weighted less heavily post-ToAU, but it certainly wasn't obsolete.

Edited, Jun 2nd 2014 4:13pm by BartelX
#65 Jun 02 2014 at 2:35 PM Rating: Excellent
Sorry to burst your bubble, but much of the gear in Sky is still desired.

The FFXI development team has done a good job of finding ways to make irrelevant content more relevant again. A bulk of the content updates before I stopped playing seemed geared toward this (such as getting people to go back to Dynamis, Salvage, etc.). And, perhaps, the XIV development team will borrow this page from the playbook to keep the various zones of ARR relevant, as well.

As for gear, this is just a totally different game. It's true that endgame gear (unless it's upgradable, like the Zodiac Weapons) probably has a shelf life of about a year, which is different than the early days of XI. On the flipside, there is nothing in XIV that takes months or years to acquire... and the development team has made it pretty clear they have no interest in creating an endgame based on long-term grinding.

With that in mind, the question is: How to create multiple endgame paths in a vertical system that everyone can be happy with?

To be honest, I don't think the "treadmill" aspect of ARR is ever going to change. It's one of the game's key design principles, and it seems to be the trade off for not having such long, tedious grinds as the olden-day MMOs once did.

Edited, Jun 2nd 2014 1:35pm by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#66 Jun 02 2014 at 2:45 PM Rating: Good
I'm in a similar situation to Bartel. The game just keeps throwing the same damn content at you every update but with a new skin and some slightly new mechanics. It's been dungeons, primal, Coil, dungeons, primal, Coil, some more primal with no coil.

Here's the issue, I don't have the schedule to participate in Coil, but want that challenge. Getting soldiery tomes for slightly more inferior gear gets old in a hurry. They're going to have to find some balance somewhere to give a variety of obtaining gear. If the cycle is just going to continue to be big boss primal style fight, CT type dungeon every 6 months and a hardcore Coil style dungeon, I'll just stop playing. They finally offered a long term project in the relic weapon quest...and it was brutally implemented and even more boring than soldiery tome farming.

Since XI was really my only other MMO that I heavily invested time into, I guess this comes to me as a surprise. What I'm gathering though, is the new WoW style mmo's all do this and just make content obsolete so people constantly can get new loot. It's a damn shame the game is turning out like this cause I love the community, have made a ton of friends and the world is something I enjoyed exploring and already have fond memories of from Day 1 Alpha testing. The whole ilvl thing seems to have ruined MMO's since 99% of the time, the higher ilvl piece will be better. XI had something going with items such as Emp Pin, Lizzie Boots, Peacock Charm, O. Koté's being so good until 75 and beyond.

BCNM, Hakutaku for O.Hat, Dynamis, Sky, the events were limitless after awhile...I know it was further into FFXI's life span, but the way XIV is going, there's never going to be that variety. Even 5 years down the road, everything we've done now will be there for ***** and giggles.

#67 Jun 02 2014 at 2:47 PM Rating: Good
6,899 posts
Thayos wrote:
With that in mind, the question is: How to create multiple endgame paths in a vertical system that everyone can be happy with?

I think I came up with a pretty admirable solution to this. Give each "avenue" of endgame a different gear set that prioritizes different stats. Keep Coil drops as the "best of the best", but make other alternative content give out gear that might have different stat varieties, but offers different build options, such as a critical hit/critical magnifier build, a "haste" build, an attack damage build, A DoT build, a +healing% build, etc etc ad infinitum. With all of the relevant stats FFXIV has, they could easily incorporate gear sets that specifically tailor your character to however you really want it.

At the same time, if they made content that played to these specific sets, such as bosses that were weak/strong to criticals, number of attacks delivered in a specific time, or even had an ability response to certain things (lets say you build an entire healing+ set on whm, but if you heal for over a certain amount, it causes a mega-AoE)... this would allow players to custom build their sets to the content, but mix and match gear as well for what they like best or for the min/maxers, they could determine which set is best for EACH type of content. It allows those players to min/max to their hearts content, while allowing casual players many avenues to find gear that they like or that works for them.

Edited, Jun 2nd 2014 4:50pm by BartelX
#68 Jun 02 2014 at 2:58 PM Rating: Excellent
I like your idea, Bartel. My only concern is people will only be more upset at literally having more gear that becomes "obsolete" after a year.
Thayos Redblade
#69 Jun 02 2014 at 3:08 PM Rating: Default
6,899 posts
Hmm, I'd say the solution to that is to make the gear upgradeable down the line when more content is released, or make the ability to add other stats to the gear through a secondary system. Smiley: nod
#70 Jun 02 2014 at 3:11 PM Rating: Excellent
Problem solved. We keep vertical progression, new gear is obtainable without months of grinding and players could always choose to upgrade their old gear through quests (requiring drops from old content, perhaps).

Quick, call Yoshi-P!
Thayos Redblade
#71 Jun 02 2014 at 3:21 PM Rating: Decent
6,899 posts
I love how easy it is to play armchair developer! Clearly I must know better than them! Right! Right? ...right? Smiley: sly

Edited, Jun 2nd 2014 5:22pm by BartelX
#72 Jun 02 2014 at 3:22 PM Rating: Good
11,159 posts
Not a fan of XI's recent habit of throwing new junk into old content myself, but I pretty much see that as the last resort of a skeleton crew. To that end, recreating the RME scenario by having old stuff get upgraded is a risky proposition. I could break out into a Frozen-style "Let It Go!" chorus, but I sing like a cat in heat. You're welcome. >.>
Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
#73 Jun 02 2014 at 3:32 PM Rating: Good
It's not so much "new junk into old content" as it is "new junk into old content that has been re-tuned to actually be hard again."

My team of 5-6 friends that still play XI had gotten spoiled by being able to do almost ANYTHING with our core group - or less. We don't need no stinkin alliance! Heck, we don't even need a full party for most things. Except... Ark Angel hard mode was actually, you know, friggin hard. We really did have to pull in six people to defeat AA Hume in hard mode because he is a *******.

Edited, Jun 2nd 2014 5:33pm by Catwho
#74 Jun 02 2014 at 3:34 PM Rating: Excellent
Hey, if letting people upgrade their old gear through Magian/Zodiak-style questing makes them feel better about progression/variety, then why not let them?

I actually enjoy upgrading gear, so I'd be in favor of this. They could still have the newest raid gear be the overall BiS pieces, which would also keep more hardcore players happy.
Thayos Redblade
#75 Jun 02 2014 at 3:49 PM Rating: Excellent
4,175 posts
Thayos wrote:
To be honest, I don't think the "treadmill" aspect of ARR is ever going to change. It's one of the game's key design principles, and it seems to be the trade off for not having such long, tedious grinds as the olden-day MMOs once did.

I don't disagree, but anyone with experience in those 'olden-day' MMOs should understand why it would upset people in ARR.

It's been nearly 7 years since I obtained my Byakko's Haidate, yet if I reactivated and logged in today I could make them as valuable to me as they were the day I got them. Weeks, months or even years of grinding out gear in XI was rewarded by gear that has lasted the better part of a decade now.

People are unsure of how much mileage they will get for their grind in XIV so it's normal that they're not thrilled with the prospect of grinding out a piece that will possibly be converted to inventory -1 when 2.3 hits.
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#76 Jun 02 2014 at 4:37 PM Rating: Good
It's been nearly 7 years since I obtained my Byakko's Haidate, yet if I reactivated and logged in today I could make them as valuable to me as they were the day I got them.

Naw, they got replaced a couple of times over between Abyssea and Adoulin with Haste +6% and 7% stuff. (Like Otronif Brais, which took the skill of a kumquat to obtain in Yorcea Weald Skirmish.) Max gear haste is still at the same hard cap, of course, but the extra % on the legs from other stuff let us play more with other gear status in other slots.
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