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Weekend Goals and Accomplishments 5/30 - 6/1Follow

#1 May 30 2014 at 8:04 AM Rating: Excellent
I successfully recreated a thorny bug in the software I support so I am in a HAPPY FRIDAY mood.

My goals:

1. I hit BLM 50 last night and slapped on all the iLvl gear I'd collected, taking me to iLvl 59 just from random junk. So I'll be attempting some of the 50 dungeons to get some myth tomes to get those numbers up.
2. Started BLM relic quest. Would like to get through the TotM-clone stage of it.
3. Get Maurader to 30 and unlock WAR since I've already taken GLD to 15.
#2 May 30 2014 at 9:41 AM Rating: Good
1. Again, Titanic Sawfish.

Over 2900 fish caught there now, not a sawfish among them.

2. Gather Tomes

My retainers are hitting 50, and I want to boost their iLvl without having to buy high level crafted stuff all over again. So keep upgrading my WHM and MNK, and pass the hand-me-downs to the retainters.

3. Work on WHM Relic

At the Hydra stage. The DF group I tried this in last time quickly dropped two members, and our valiant attempts to kill the beast with six (one tank, me the only healer) didn't quite work out -- close, but in the end just not enough.
#3 May 30 2014 at 9:42 AM Rating: Good
Level CRP 10 > 25, WVR 1 > 15, and BTN from 34 > 36. Already have my HQ Laurels gathered for the class quest.

Synth a crapton of food. I mean TONS of food. When I'm out gathering mats in the field I get popup messages every 3 or 4 minutes. "The XXX you put up for sale has sold for 7k, 21k, 4.2k, 25k......." My server's economy is good and I'm trying to cash in as much as possible so I can:

Put another 100k in the FC house pool. Smiley: nod

Maybe squeeze in a Levi EX run or two. Gonna take it pretty easy this weekend in terms of events.
#4 May 30 2014 at 10:09 AM Rating: Good
Laverda wrote:
1. Again, Titanic Sawfish.

Over 2900 fish caught there now, not a sawfish among them.

2. Gather Tomes

My retainers are hitting 50, and I want to boost their iLvl without having to buy high level crafted stuff all over again. So keep upgrading my WHM and MNK, and pass the hand-me-downs to the retainters.

3. Work on WHM Relic

At the Hydra stage. The DF group I tried this in last time quickly dropped two members, and our valiant attempts to kill the beast with six (one tank, me the only healer) didn't quite work out -- close, but in the end just not enough.

Are you fishing at the right spot? I caught mine by going deep into Imperial territory by the Castrum and fishing off the south cliff, stealth on, with two soldiers chatting casually behind me. I used lugworms since it's a double mooch off a level 7 fish to start the chain.
#5 May 30 2014 at 11:24 AM Rating: Good
4,780 posts
We're getting farther on Twintania, so I'm happy already for the course of my week.

We've got the same group active for Twin tonight as we did last night, so I'm hoping for some progress learning the twister phase. If we get lucky, the clear may happen tonight.

Other than that, RP events helps continue plots out, and perhaps a first ever barbecue with my character Hyrist hosting it.

Fun times ahead, hopefully. >.>
#6 May 30 2014 at 12:10 PM Rating: Good
1,556 posts
Homework and leveling Hito Yu's CNJ, THM, and ACN. Why am I doing this to myself again?
#7 May 30 2014 at 1:57 PM Rating: Good
Catwho wrote:
Are you fishing at the right spot? I caught mine by going deep into Imperial territory by the Castrum and fishing off the south cliff, stealth on, with two soldiers chatting casually behind me. I used lugworms since it's a double mooch off a level 7 fish to start the chain.

That's the spot. I started out at the highest cliff for the great view of Vesper Bay, but when it was clear this wouldn't be as easy as the class quest double mooch, I moved down there to 10-7 to be sure that wasn't an issue. That's where I've stayed ever since. I used to fish all time of day and weathers, now I limit it to daytime when blue sky is visible. Lugworms, with either HQ Tomato Pie or HQ Stuffed Artichoke depending on what's available on the MB. Fully melded HQ Fisher gear, fully melded HQ belt, fully melded accessories (junk to carry Gathering+3 / Perception+3 melds) except earrings.

It seems like it should be a breeze, but it's turning out to be more like non-widescan camping Valkurm Emperor in the old days.

At least the stacks of Silver Sharks are selling nicely.
#8 May 30 2014 at 5:15 PM Rating: Good
1,104 posts
So far I've

Leveled PLD to 47
Promoted to Chief Flame Sergeant
Got my first AF pieces
Killed Garuda (fun fight)

Edited, May 31st 2014 4:41am by BrokenFox
#9 May 30 2014 at 5:33 PM Rating: Excellent
2,824 posts
MarioKart trumps FFXIV this weekend. Goals are to not forget my password while I'm playing the new shiny.

Edited, May 30th 2014 5:34pm by baelnic
#10 May 30 2014 at 5:34 PM Rating: Decent
1,104 posts
Mario Kart Double Dash will forever reign supreme Smiley: mad
#11 May 30 2014 at 5:35 PM Rating: Good
2,824 posts
BrokenFox wrote:
Mario Kart Double Dash will forever reign supreme Smiley: mad

64 is king.
#12 May 31 2014 at 5:07 PM Rating: Good
125 posts
Get my Dragoon to 34 for Blood for Blood so my 34 Bard will be sexy
Work on getting my Monk and getting it to 34- (Which may not happen)
Craft some high level crafting gear to spiritbond (Working on melding materia to my 50 Alchemy, and 50 Weaver)
Whip my Chocobo Fausto into shape to help me more out in the field (He's only Rank 4 Healer anybody have a good way to level him fast?)

So much to do, this list could go on forever... Must focus!!! LOL

Edited, May 31st 2014 7:08pm by SirLuciousLeftfoot
#13 Jun 01 2014 at 9:09 AM Rating: Excellent
Finished another book toward my animus... Still have three or four more to go.

Also bagged my first Odin! I was expecting him to be bigger. Got silver though. Next time, I will know enough to get gold hopefully.
Thayos Redblade
#14 Jun 01 2014 at 9:09 AM Rating: Excellent
Finished another book toward my animus... Still have three or four more to go.

Also bagged my first Odin! I was expecting him to be bigger. Got silver though. Next time, I will know enough to get gold hopefully.
Thayos Redblade
#15 Jun 01 2014 at 9:10 AM Rating: Excellent
Finished another book toward my animus... Still have three or four more to go.

Also bagged my first Odin! I was expecting him to be bigger. Got silver though. Next time, I will know enough to get gold hopefully.
Thayos Redblade
#16 Jun 01 2014 at 9:10 AM Rating: Excellent
Dang phone!

Edited, Jun 1st 2014 8:11am by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#17 Jun 01 2014 at 9:34 AM Rating: Excellent
Finished my relic for BLM in one epic spam session yesterday morning.

I blew a Copperbell HM this morning, so I might spend some quality time with my marauder this afternoon after all. Smiley: frown
#18 Jun 01 2014 at 11:55 AM Rating: Good
Had some good and bad last night.

Good: Got BTN to 36, and halfway to 37. Put about 40k worth of Mugwort for sale and upgraded all my gathering gear. Synthed about 150k worth of food, mostly cabbage but a few Pastry Fishies too, to put up. Saw Craftman's Command and Competence Materia lvIII for sale petty cheap and blew 130k on 5 of each. I melded up enough control to do 2* recipes. Now I need the CC skills to HQ them. And a lvl 50 BTN for Cluster farming!

Bad: I screwed up a meld request and wasted a Craftmans Comp. materia on my pants for one point of craftsmanship! ;_; I did meld the rest of my left side properly (no overmelds yet). And someone on the AH cut my throat on HQ Toast. It was selling steady at 4.2. I listed 30 pieces in sets of 5 for 4195. An hour later someone had like 7 sets of ten up for 2.2k.

I put 2 pieces up for 1.5k (below the NQ rate Smiley: lol ) just to say "***** you!" and pulled the rest all down. Price was back up to 4k this morning and half of them were sold by lunch.
#19 Jun 01 2014 at 11:55 AM Rating: Decent
1,004 posts
Thayos, odin changes his race depending on which race was the one to kill him. If a taru kills him he will be a taru the next time he spawns. Hes really tiny when he looks like that lol.
#20 Jun 02 2014 at 1:09 AM Rating: Good
1,556 posts
Got Hito Yu's THM to 26 for swiftcast, CNJ to 12...13ish? Need to get 2 more levels. And managed to start working on ACN. Ran a bunch of Moogle tonight and picked up my slaying necks for both Hitome and Hito Yu. Managed to pick up some MNK boots from T8 on Hito Yu as well.

Then spent the entire day doing school-related stuff including a midterm!

Overall, a pretty good weekend. Hope you all got your stuff done and have a great week!
#21 Jun 02 2014 at 2:07 AM Rating: Excellent
Just beat the infamous "Giant Seps" FATE. Wasn't a big deal... just did some work with the game running in the background until the FATE popped. When it did, I shouted for some help, and after a few people arrived we took it down!
Thayos Redblade
#22 Jun 02 2014 at 7:33 AM Rating: Excellent
In the end I only got marauder to 27. That's okay though, because I ran Copperbell HM again and didn't ***** it up this time as badly - in fact I carried a pretty badly geared DRG throughout most of the run. Unfortunately, his gear hit 0% durability by the last boss and we just didn't have the DPS.

Still, I defeated the flambeaus and vindicated my decision to switch over to BLM for endgame activities!
#23 Jun 02 2014 at 8:53 AM Rating: Good
Last night was a bit of a bust for my personal goals. I logged in and took BTN to 38 farming up a buttload of Mugwort for sale. Then switched to CUL and got about 10 synths in before my FC decided they needed a fourth for more goddamned Brayflox runs and I was it. Spent the rest of the evening helping other people cap tomes by throwing Flare rotations at things. Deposited 50k in the FC bank instead of my goal of 100k.

I hate Brayflox. So, so much. I used to think I hated Wanderer's Palace, but Speedflox Nonstop is three times worse. Even the music sucks. The only upside was helping our new tank and WHM cap their tomes, and both had enough for a Weathered piece. We'll make 1337sauce out of both of them yet.

Edited, Jun 2nd 2014 10:56am by DarkswordDX
#24 Jun 02 2014 at 11:20 AM Rating: Good
4,780 posts
No real advancement on Twintania beyond what was made Thursday. We've proven we can consistently get to the Twister Phase. It's just getting past that with 3 characters in melee range will be the last major hurtle to jump through.

RP night was actually not my host night, and there were some interesting, albiet somewhat stressful RP twists. Still, had a good time.

Got to get off my rump and start myth grinding though. That Animus isn't going to make itself.
#25 Jun 02 2014 at 12:59 PM Rating: Excellent
8,779 posts
Working on atma book 2. Finally downed Levi EX. CNJ wand and a mirror dropped. WHM hit 50 so now I have a dps, heals and tank all at max level. Just need to gear up the WHM now. You can only get so far as a healer in Noct accessories.

Edited, Jun 2nd 2014 12:00pm by Quor
#26 Jun 02 2014 at 1:48 PM Rating: Good
1,104 posts
Hit 50 on my PLD last night. Ran a few dungeons. Time to finish up the main story and start on my Relics!
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