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what I wish this game had...Follow

#52 May 28 2014 at 1:39 PM Rating: Good
5,729 posts
Hyanmen wrote:
They absolutely should fix their server infrastructure. Which is why I am asking how come we are suddenly advocating for SE to design encounters around the server problems instead of, you know, actually fixing the server problems. It makes no sense considering the server problems affect only a portion of the game's playerbase but watering down content would affect everyone.

Maybe because it's because theoretically it's easier to make plumes smaller or landslide cast time longer or something than it is to get all the servers better optimized for everyone? Tweaking fight mechanics is something they could do right now instead of waiting for the mythical "someday" when servers issues actually get resolved.
75 Rabbit/75 Sheep/75 Coeurl/75 Eft/75 Raptor/75 Hippogryph/75 Puk
75 Scorpion/75 Wamoura/75 Pixie/75 Peiste/64 Sabotender
51 Bird/41 Mandragora/40 Bee/37 Crawler/37 Bat

Items no one cares about: O
Missions no one cares about: O
Crafts no one cares about: O
#53 May 28 2014 at 1:51 PM Rating: Decent
Karlina wrote:
Hyanmen wrote:
They absolutely should fix their server infrastructure. Which is why I am asking how come we are suddenly advocating for SE to design encounters around the server problems instead of, you know, actually fixing the server problems. It makes no sense considering the server problems affect only a portion of the game's playerbase but watering down content would affect everyone.

Maybe because it's because theoretically it's easier to make plumes smaller or landslide cast time longer or something than it is to get all the servers better optimized for everyone? Tweaking fight mechanics is something they could do right now instead of waiting for the mythical "someday" when servers issues actually get resolved.

So as the result everyone would be inconvenienced, instead of a small portion of players like today. The server problems would still make playing the game a chore for the same people, while the rest of us would have to play a watered down game until the server issues are resolved. I can see why SE hasn't done this. It would **** everyone off.
#54 May 28 2014 at 1:55 PM Rating: Good
6,899 posts
Hyanmen wrote:
Karlina wrote:
Hyanmen wrote:
They absolutely should fix their server infrastructure. Which is why I am asking how come we are suddenly advocating for SE to design encounters around the server problems instead of, you know, actually fixing the server problems. It makes no sense considering the server problems affect only a portion of the game's playerbase but watering down content would affect everyone.

Maybe because it's because theoretically it's easier to make plumes smaller or landslide cast time longer or something than it is to get all the servers better optimized for everyone? Tweaking fight mechanics is something they could do right now instead of waiting for the mythical "someday" when servers issues actually get resolved.

So as the result everyone would be inconvenienced, instead of a small portion of players like today. The server problems would still make playing the game a chore for the same people, while the rest of us would have to play a watered down game until the server issues are resolved. I can see why SE hasn't done this. It would **** everyone off.

How would anyone be inconvenienced? Because they made something more forgiving for a big chunk of players, and slightly easier for everyone? Oh no! Heaven forbid players actually are able to complete the content in the game! It's not like they need to water down the newest and toughest content. Let the hardcores have their T6-10 how it is now. Just tweak some of the older stuff... you know, like how they already did with the echo buff. Or is the echo buff a terrible thing too because it "watered down" the difficulty?

Also, how would the game still be a chore if they made it more forgiving? It would be LESS of a chore for those people, who now would have a bit more leeway if their connection or the server hiccups on them.

Edited, May 28th 2014 4:03pm by BartelX
#55 May 28 2014 at 2:11 PM Rating: Good
5,745 posts
Hyanmen wrote:
So as the result everyone would be inconvenienced, instead of a small portion of players like today. The server problems would still make playing the game a chore for the same people, while the rest of us would have to play a watered down game until the server issues are resolved. I can see why SE hasn't done this. It would **** everyone off.

How do you know it's a small portion of the player base? How do you know "everyone" feels the same way about this fight as you?

It would be interesting if SE did a Eorzea survey (like the Vana'diel survey in FFXI) when ARR's 1 year anniversary rolls around this summer. Maybe we could find out exactly how many people are only as far as Titan EX in the Extreme Primal path of the game and how many people are past it.
#56 May 28 2014 at 2:31 PM Rating: Excellent
542 posts
I don't really have a problem with having difficult fights in the game. Considering that players can challenge these fights an infinite number of times, I think the bosses themselves work well enough as their own "training mode." As with many difficult video games, if something is overly challenging, you learn by getting your butt kicked until you're the one doing the butt kicking.

Although while I don't have a problem with the current primal difficulty (I'd prefer if the fights were more dynamic rather than being a set script, because I think it'd be much more fun and exciting than "watch out, he's going to use plumes next!" every time but that might be getting a bit off topic), I think the game would be helped tremendously by some real alternative end game content that's actually inviting to new players. Primals and coil both have a "don't join if you can't keep up" mentality. Whether it's your internet connection, your inexperience, or you're just not as good at executing higher tier boss mechanics as others, this type of content can be stressful for some players. Even CT, which is supposedly designed to be the casual content, has been a giant troll fest since day one, where the minute anything goes wrong an entire alliance starts bickering with one another and pointing fingers at everyone else.

SE's previous MMO, FFXI, had plenty of content like this. Sky, sea, limbus, dynamis, ZNM, even abyssea down the line just to name a few. Not all of this content was similar to each other, but something they all had in common is that inviting new friends is almost always a benefit and not a burden. If you wanted to do any one of these events, you could easily ask your friends and be met with a "Sure, I'll come along!" rather than have them biting their finger nails thinking "I don't know, I haven't watched any videos yet and I might make mistakes, and I don't want the others we have to pick up to get mad at me for holding us back" or "My internet connection isn't the most solid right now, I'd probably just slow you down," etc. As long as each and every major end game patch is "More coil, more CT, more primals" we're going to see the same mentality in each and every bit of legitimate end game content. Give people some legitimate alternatives and those who want to enjoy end game without all the baggage that comes along with their current style of end game can start having fun.
#57 May 28 2014 at 2:44 PM Rating: Good
542 posts
Hyanmen wrote:
So as the result everyone would be inconvenienced, instead of a small portion of players like today. The server problems would still make playing the game a chore for the same people, while the rest of us would have to play a watered down game until the server issues are resolved. I can see why SE hasn't done this. It would **** everyone off.

SE's been nerfing stuff like crazy since the game's release. AK, Pharos, Garuda HM, original coil, not to mention blatant echo buffs allowing things like warrior having over 15k HP. I'm not going to say whether SE should or shouldn't adjust the difficulty of titan, but I will say that almost certainly if the player base hasn't been pissed off by all the previous, I find it highly unlikely that they'd be pissed off by Karliina's suggestion.
#58 May 28 2014 at 2:58 PM Rating: Good
6,899 posts
Susanoh wrote:
I don't really have a problem with having difficult fights in the game. Considering that players can challenge these fights an infinite number of times, I think the bosses themselves work well enough as their own "training mode." As with many difficult video games, if something is overly challenging, you learn by getting your butt kicked until you're the one doing the butt kicking.

Although while I don't have a problem with the current primal difficulty (I'd prefer if the fights were more dynamic rather than being a set script, because I think it'd be much more fun and exciting than "watch out, he's going to use plumes next!" every time but that might be getting a bit off topic), I think the game would be helped tremendously by some real alternative end game content that's actually inviting to new players. Primals and coil both have a "don't join if you can't keep up" mentality. Whether it's your internet connection, your inexperience, or you're just not as good at executing higher tier boss mechanics as others, this type of content can be stressful for some players. Even CT, which is supposedly designed to be the casual content, has been a giant troll fest since day one, where the minute anything goes wrong an entire alliance starts bickering with one another and pointing fingers at everyone else.

SE's previous MMO, FFXI, had plenty of content like this. Sky, sea, limbus, dynamis, ZNM, even abyssea down the line just to name a few. Not all of this content was similar to each other, but something they all had in common is that inviting new friends is almost always a benefit and not a burden. If you wanted to do any one of these events, you could easily ask your friends and be met with a "Sure, I'll come along!" rather than have them biting their finger nails thinking "I don't know, I haven't watched any videos yet and I might make mistakes, and I don't want the others we have to pick up to get mad at me for holding us back" or "My internet connection isn't the most solid right now, I'd probably just slow you down," etc. As long as each and every major end game patch is "More coil, more CT, more primals" we're going to see the same mentality in each and every bit of legitimate end game content. Give people some legitimate alternatives and those who want to enjoy end game without all the baggage that comes along with their current style of end game can start having fun.

This is an excellent post and I agree with everything you said, especially the last paragraph. I feel like a lot of players are turned off by the current content because one small slip up causes a wipe and then everyone gets pissed about it and bails. I'm also quite tired of the same stuff just recycled with new models... literally every update just adds a primal, some hard modes, more CT, or more Coil. How about some alternatives? How about some completely new forms of endgame content with a different design approach? I'd love to see more open world content, where you have to navigate the map through enemy strongholds. I'm tired of instanced boss battles... heck the open world stuff can drop the same gear that the instanced stuff does, maybe at a lower rate or something to give people alternative methods of gearing than just mashing DF roulette... just my opinion obviously.

Edited, May 28th 2014 4:59pm by BartelX
#59 May 28 2014 at 5:08 PM Rating: Default
Susanoh wrote:
Hyanmen wrote:
So as the result everyone would be inconvenienced, instead of a small portion of players like today. The server problems would still make playing the game a chore for the same people, while the rest of us would have to play a watered down game until the server issues are resolved. I can see why SE hasn't done this. It would **** everyone off.

SE's been nerfing stuff like crazy since the game's release. AK, Pharos, Garuda HM, original coil, not to mention blatant echo buffs allowing things like warrior having over 15k HP. I'm not going to say whether SE should or shouldn't adjust the difficulty of titan, but I will say that almost certainly if the player base hasn't been pissed off by all the previous, I find it highly unlikely that they'd be pissed off by Karliina's suggestion.

That's another design choice entirely. Content and its rewards will lose their relevance over-time, whether the devs like it or not. The rewards will no longer justify the difficulty, so it makes sense for SE to make old content easier. The solution proposed here makes all content, whether old or cutting-edge, more forgiving from the get-go. On one hand I can understand why being stuck on Twintania or Titan EX can be frustrating. On the other hand you don't get to rush through easy content like Ifrit HM and complain about having nothing to do.

How would anyone be inconvenienced? Because they made something more forgiving for a big chunk of players, and slightly easier for everyone? Oh no! Heaven forbid players actually are able to complete the content in the game! It's not like they need to water down the newest and toughest content. Let the hardcores have their T6-10 how it is now. Just tweak some of the older stuff... you know, like how they already did with the echo buff. Or is the echo buff a terrible thing too because it "watered down" the difficulty?

Also, how would the game still be a chore if they made it more forgiving? It would be LESS of a chore for those people, who now would have a bit more leeway if their connection or the server hiccups on them.

The game not challenging the players would be a great inconvenience to many. The few hardest encounters tuned the way they are is not a matter of "punishing" players. There is demand for these sort of encounters and in the eyes of many the quality of an MMO has to do with providing said encounters. Also interesting how now you advocate for only tuning the older content even though you did not make that kind of a distinction before. Anyway, the game would still be a chore since the servers would fail these people time and time again. A band-aid would, in theory, help to alleviate some of the stress but the actual disease would remain. The players suffering from bad connection are no more than lost subscriptions as long as the underlying issue is not dealt with.

How do you know it's a small portion of the player base? How do you know "everyone" feels the same way about this fight as you?

It would be interesting if SE did a Eorzea survey (like the Vana'diel survey in FFXI) when ARR's 1 year anniversary rolls around this summer. Maybe we could find out exactly how many people are only as far as Titan EX in the Extreme Primal path of the game and how many people are past it.

It's a mere hunch that people having constant connection issues due to SE's incompetence are not going to stick around for 9 months waiting for a proper fix. I had the connection issues too last year but it went away. More importantly SE knows exactly what the clear rate on Titan EX is and if not enough people are clearing it, SE knows to change things up.

Edited, May 28th 2014 11:21pm by Hyanmen
#60 May 28 2014 at 5:38 PM Rating: Good
1,004 posts
FilthMcNasty wrote:
lolgaxe wrote:
Keysofgaruda wrote:
I would rather see the game shift from "one shot mechanics" to player skill determining fights.
Won't ever happen. Cuts into revenue. Substantially cuts into revenue, in fact.

All the revenue I have says that the very same people who are against "one-shot mechanics" would turn around and lobby for experience point death penalties Smiley: sly

Actually no, even in the ffxi era i was against the experience loss. Especially since i played smn. Keeping exp capped in campaign got pretty boring eventually. Nothing made me cringe more than watching both tanks, 2 DD and a healer level down to 74 and having to stop killing sky gods (we were low manning).

I think the weekness and loss of mp (which can be pretty substantial) is enough right now.
#61 May 28 2014 at 7:47 PM Rating: Good
6,899 posts
Hyanmen wrote:
How would anyone be inconvenienced? Because they made something more forgiving for a big chunk of players, and slightly easier for everyone? Oh no! Heaven forbid players actually are able to complete the content in the game! It's not like they need to water down the newest and toughest content. Let the hardcores have their T6-10 how it is now. Just tweak some of the older stuff... you know, like how they already did with the echo buff. Or is the echo buff a terrible thing too because it "watered down" the difficulty?

Also, how would the game still be a chore if they made it more forgiving? It would be LESS of a chore for those people, who now would have a bit more leeway if their connection or the server hiccups on them.

The game not challenging the players would be a great inconvenience to many. The few hardest encounters tuned the way they are is not a matter of "punishing" players. There is demand for these sort of encounters and in the eyes of many the quality of an MMO has to do with providing said encounters. Also interesting how now you advocate for only tuning the older content even though you did not make that kind of a distinction before. Anyway, the game would still be a chore since the servers would fail these people time and time again. A band-aid would, in theory, help to alleviate some of the stress but the actual disease would remain. The players suffering from bad connection are no more than lost subscriptions as long as the underlying issue is not dealt with.]

So apparently because I didn't specifically mention the distinction before, you just made the assumption that I meant all content. Perhaps this is a lesson not to make assumptions?

I guess we're just going to have to agree to disagree however, as I see the solution that has been proposed (slightly longer times to get out of AoE in certain fights or slightly smaller hit areas) as a solution that absolutely would alleviate a lot of the problems. Give people a quarter or half second more to dodge or a smaller area to get out of, and the people with latency issues or slower ISP's get the time to move out. It changes nothing for the skilled players other than that they are STILL out of the way. And as I said, keep the hardest content the same until the next challenge comes out. I never said the hardcores shouldn't have their challenge...

And if that still makes you angry, then make it so that you can opt to challenge the content in "Original Mode" with the original timers/hitbox or "Optimized Mode" or something like that. That way no one can be upset, and since they already have all the code for this version, it wouldn't even require much extra work. Everyone wins.

Edited, May 28th 2014 9:50pm by BartelX
#62 May 28 2014 at 11:29 PM Rating: Default
4,175 posts
Keysofgaruda wrote:
FilthMcNasty wrote:
lolgaxe wrote:
Keysofgaruda wrote:
I would rather see the game shift from "one shot mechanics" to player skill determining fights.
Won't ever happen. Cuts into revenue. Substantially cuts into revenue, in fact.

All the revenue I have says that the very same people who are against "one-shot mechanics" would turn around and lobby for experience point death penalties Smiley: sly

Actually no, even in the ffxi era i was against the experience loss. Especially since i played smn. Keeping exp capped in campaign got pretty boring eventually. Nothing made me cringe more than watching both tanks, 2 DD and a healer level down to 74 and having to stop killing sky gods (we were low manning).

I think the weekness and loss of mp (which can be pretty substantial) is enough right now.

I don't really see the point of weakness outside of solo play. In a group setting, you're likely to spend that much time getting back to a boss and trying to amend your strategy. Solo? Why are you dying when you can just leash the mob back to it's spawn? Even if you did die. Go refill your frosty mug of [insert preferred beverage here] and you're right back in there.
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#63 May 29 2014 at 3:12 AM Rating: Default
BartelX wrote:
So apparently because I didn't specifically mention the distinction before, you just made the assumption that I meant all content. Perhaps this is a lesson not to make assumptions?

You gave me no choice dude. Either I assume that you mean all content or I assume that you mean only a part of the contents. The absolutely logical conclusion out of your posts was that you meant all contents because nothing was hinted otherwise, explicitly or implicitly. Try to work on your writing skills so these misunderstandings do not happen again.

I guess we're just going to have to agree to disagree however, as I see the solution that has been proposed (slightly longer times to get out of AoE in certain fights or slightly smaller hit areas) as a solution that absolutely would alleviate a lot of the problems. Give people a quarter or half second more to dodge or a smaller area to get out of, and the people with latency issues or slower ISP's get the time to move out. It changes nothing for the skilled players other than that they are STILL out of the way. And as I said, keep the hardest content the same until the next challenge comes out. I never said the hardcores shouldn't have their challenge...

And if that still makes you angry, then make it so that you can opt to challenge the content in "Original Mode" with the original timers/hitbox or "Optimized Mode" or something like that. That way no one can be upset, and since they already have all the code for this version, it wouldn't even require much extra work. Everyone wins.

If SE deems this necessary (they have the all the information; you don't) then they will do that. Until then the "problems" affect only those few who have stuck around for 9 months playing a game they can't even play properly. I can bet you a moderate sum of money the people meeting said criterium are not numerous. I sure as hell wouldn't let myself be screwed for that long without finding some greener pastures.
#64 May 29 2014 at 7:09 AM Rating: Default
6,899 posts
Hyanmen wrote:
BartelX wrote:
So apparently because I didn't specifically mention the distinction before, you just made the assumption that I meant all content. Perhaps this is a lesson not to make assumptions?

You gave me no choice dude. Either I assume that you mean all content or I assume that you mean only a part of the contents. The absolutely logical conclusion out of your posts was that you meant all contents because nothing was hinted otherwise, explicitly or implicitly. Try to work on your writing skills so these misunderstandings do not happen again.

No reason to get defensive. I said they should design encounters to account for the server instability. Nowhere did I say all content should be designed that way. Hence, you made an (inaccurate) assumption. It's not a big deal, it happens. I thought it was pretty much common sense that I was talking about stuff like Titan EX and Twintania, stuff that has been out for a few months... since I specifically mentioned them in one of my earlier posts as a reference to the type of content I was talking about.

Bartel, earlier in the thread wrote:
even WITH the echo boost, a huge portion of the games population can't get past stuff like Titan Ex or Twintania.

Apparently I was mistaken and wasn't clear enough for you, so hopefully now you comprehend what I was talking about.

Hyanmen wrote:
Bartelx wrote:
I guess we're just going to have to agree to disagree however, as I see the solution that has been proposed (slightly longer times to get out of AoE in certain fights or slightly smaller hit areas) as a solution that absolutely would alleviate a lot of the problems. Give people a quarter or half second more to dodge or a smaller area to get out of, and the people with latency issues or slower ISP's get the time to move out. It changes nothing for the skilled players other than that they are STILL out of the way. And as I said, keep the hardest content the same until the next challenge comes out. I never said the hardcores shouldn't have their challenge...

And if that still makes you angry, then make it so that you can opt to challenge the content in "Original Mode" with the original timers/hitbox or "Optimized Mode" or something like that. That way no one can be upset, and since they already have all the code for this version, it wouldn't even require much extra work. Everyone wins.

If SE deems this necessary (they have the all the information; you don't) then they will do that. Until then the "problems" affect only those few who have stuck around for 9 months playing a game they can't even play properly. I can bet you a moderate sum of money the people meeting said criterium are not numerous. I sure as hell wouldn't let myself be screwed for that long without finding some greener pastures.

Well, since you have absolutely no proof of what you're saying, and I have no proof either, this argument is pointless. In my opinion, you would lose that moderate sum of money, but then again, your claim of "not numerous" is so vague it wouldn't really matter. In the end, it's all opinions, and in my opinion, you're dead wrong on the number of people still having connection issues. But like I said, that's just my opinion and there's no way to prove either side so why don't we just drop it.

Edited, May 29th 2014 9:10am by BartelX
#65 May 29 2014 at 7:27 AM Rating: Default
BartelX wrote:

No reason to get defensive. I said they should design encounters to account for the server instability. Nowhere did I say all content should be designed that way. Hence, you made an (inaccurate) assumption. It's not a big deal, it happens. I thought it was pretty much common sense that I was talking about stuff like Titan EX and Twintania, stuff that has been out for a few months... since I specifically mentioned them in one of my earlier posts as a reference to the type of content I was talking about.

Listing Coil 2 along with Titan EX and Twintania is completely logical when the topic deals with content of which design does not take into account server instability. If Coil 2 is not such content then please correct me.

There was absolutely no reason whatsoever to jump into the conclusion that you didn't mean Coil 2 in your posts since it falls into the umbrella of the topic being discussed and you never stated otherwise, neither explicitly or implicitly. According to you I should have just assumed that based on nothing at all.

I don't mind that, but you do not get to turn this on me when you are the one being vague and I am merely discussing the topic at hand.

Edited, May 29th 2014 1:28pm by Hyanmen
#66 May 29 2014 at 8:11 AM Rating: Default
6,899 posts
You made an assumption, based on you thinking my posts were too vague. It was the wrong assumption, and that's completely ok. Like I said, I thought it was common sense since I mentioned specific examples but clearly you thought I was implying all. It doesn't change the fact that I wasn't, which I even stated specifically in the post before you tried to call me out on it. You're trying to argue over a point I never made and that's the bottom line. Chalk it up as a misunderstanding and move on.
#67 May 29 2014 at 11:20 AM Rating: Decent
2,824 posts
I've always wondered why they didn't make DPS checks "waves of monsters" instead of an enrage mechanic. Then you'd reward tokens/gear for ever X number of monsters defeated. That way the new players to the encounter can still get the first reward while the best of the best could complete the whole thing and get all the rewards. You can adjust the encounters by a negative regen rate to both HP and MP so that it's really the total DPS that determines how far people can go. No one shot mechanics, new players still get rewards, and it still gives that hectic "holy crap" feeling.

Edited, May 29th 2014 11:22am by baelnic
#68 May 29 2014 at 1:51 PM Rating: Default
3,825 posts
That would actually be amazing
#69 May 29 2014 at 1:56 PM Rating: Excellent
5,745 posts
Perrin wrote:
That would actually be amazing

For BLMs and BRDs. ;-)
#70 May 29 2014 at 3:24 PM Rating: Good
2,824 posts
svlyons wrote:
Perrin wrote:
That would actually be amazing

For BLMs and BRDs. ;-)

You don't have to have to have tons of mobs in each wave. There is no reason why AoE would rule the day. For instance you can have mobs have ranged attacks and have leashes to certain areas. This means they'd be out of AoE range. Or they could have a mechanic that reflected AoE spells. Or really whatever the designers wanted to do.

But this also solves the progression perception problem. As long as you get another monster in you'll always feel like you're doing more.

Edited, May 29th 2014 3:31pm by baelnic
#71 May 29 2014 at 3:49 PM Rating: Good
1,422 posts
So, basically, the "Kill as many mobs as you can in 5 minutes" leves, but for light/full parties?

...that actually sounds pretty fun!
#72 May 29 2014 at 3:52 PM Rating: Default
6,899 posts
baelnic wrote:
I've always wondered why they didn't make DPS checks "waves of monsters" instead of an enrage mechanic. Then you'd reward tokens/gear for ever X number of monsters defeated. That way the new players to the encounter can still get the first reward while the best of the best could complete the whole thing and get all the rewards. You can adjust the encounters by a negative regen rate to both HP and MP so that it's really the total DPS that determines how far people can go. No one shot mechanics, new players still get rewards, and it still gives that hectic "holy crap" feeling.

This is kinda like what Behest was in 1.0, and it was fun. It was actually one of my favorite activities in the game. I'm really not sure why they canned it tbh.
#73 May 29 2014 at 4:15 PM Rating: Default
12,820 posts
RajiFarlander wrote:
So, basically, the "Kill as many mobs as you can in 5 minutes" leves, but for light/full parties?

...that actually sounds pretty fun!


1. Behest
2. Certain NM Guildleves (Faction Leves)
3. Caravan Escort
4. Hamlet Defense (basically a semi type of successor to Campaign from XI, only your crafter/gatherer could be involved too!)

Quite a lot they need to bring back.

#74 May 29 2014 at 11:58 PM Rating: Decent
1,556 posts
Here's the conclusion I can come to after reading most of these posts:

Titan Ex should have been gated much more heavily than it was. In fact, all of the extremes probably should have. They are not meant for the 'casual' playerbase, no matter how you look at it.

Titan Ex should have been the final primal in the set of three like he was in the hard mode versions. They only did this to change it up...but it back fired on them.

These fights are extremely unforgiving. If you haven't done your research, if you haven't come prepared, and if you cannot see 4 steps ahead of you, these aren't the fights for you.

Dodging is very much a skill but I think some of you fail to realize why it is such. This game rewards you for preparation and foresight, for raid awareness, and accountability for your own actions (namely, rotations and job-specific roles). You may think that the ability to dodge is pretty simple to master...but how are you with multitasking? I'm guessing many aren't very good at it. When you have to be fully aware of what is going on, know what is coming well in advance, and have to perform your rotation flawlessly, it seems dodging is not such a simple skill after all.

Heck, turn 9 is a great example. Dodging was our group's biggest problem yet we knew what was coming (because I was calling it) and all knew our jobs fairly well. So why is that? Well, let's examine the fight. There's a video below the explanation if this doesn't make sense.

There are split second decisions you need to make in turn 9 that have nothing to do with knowing something is coming up or not. The tethered target is randomly selected. The thunderstruck target is randomly selected. The thermionic target is randomly selected. Each divebomb target is randomly selected. So on and so forth. Have no idea what I'm talking about? Well, if you really care, you can view our third downing of T9 when I was on my i91 bard. If you think skill doesn't matter at all when you have such a huge gear deficit compared to the rest of your group, you are very much mistaken. As you can see, I do not die at all despite having the 2nd lowest HP, lowest MDEF, and lowest DEF. DEF and MDEF on armor matters on quite a few mechanics in this fight: anyone who has been double meteor streamed can tell you this. Despite this, I don't die and do most of the raid calling. I actually did drop to 89 HP on Mega Flare, though. :)

As you can see, this is pretty much Queen from Tera when it comes to being responsible for your own debuffs. Two double fires and you're dead. Two double ices and you're dead. If you drop a thunder on the group, they will (likely) die and cause a paralysis that cannot be leeched or esuna'd. All these debuffs require you to make split section decisions within seconds of getting them. For instance, if you get thunderstruck, you have about 4~5 seconds to move away from the group until it detonates. This is the definition of reaction that some of you complain is lacking in this game.

As you can see: the tank uses alarms and notifications. This is standard fare in any MMO with this type of raiding environment: especially in WoW. DBM (if you aren't familiar with it..go look it up) pretty much does what notifications do. If you don't think this is fun, again: endgame content isn't for you.

Viertel wrote:
Catwho wrote:
Now that I'm doing the dungeons again as a DPS, I'm noticing how some of the mechanics are used as training modes for other dungeons and for the boss fights. Like you get a preview of the Demon Wall dance when you fight Isgebind in Stone Vigil.

It's not even that. Some of the bosses are literal pre-cursors to endgame fights.

Stone Vigil's second boss is a mini-Twintania. She does a Poison Swipe (Death Sentence), flops onto the tank (Plummet), and throws out a literal twister (just not insta-kill). It isn't the entire fight, but the mechanics and Twintania is merely a souped up model. Sadly, it never really dawned on me until I did a duty roulette as a SCH and could actually just look at the fight objectively.

I'm sure there are others, but that's the most prominent one off the top of my head.

I'd just like to +1 this. Almost every fight and every dungeon I can think of trains you for everything in a dungeon, the 1st, or the 2nd coil. Here are some I came across today:

The Lost City of Amdapor's first boss has a mechanic that tethers a target and draws you in. Did you know that you can control which direction you are ejected from the boss? Well, this is very important for Turn 6's boss: Raflesia. She has a similar mechanic. However, she cleaves right after spitting you out unlike the first boss of TLCoA.

Aurum Vale is a good example of boss building. The final fight is a nice combination of what you have learned throughout the dungeon. Worth mentioning: the 2nd boss will train you for the Halatali HM's boss that uses an eye of the beholder type attack.

There are various hints about Turn 6 trash in The Lost City as well regarding the mold colonies. Don't kill them in time? More molds spawn. In T6, it causes a pretty big explosion. Twintania's twisters are the reverse of Raflesia's blighted bouquet.

Soaking mechanics for the laser in turn 6 are imperative for turn 9 thermionic (aka: the more bodies, the less damage you take). The same is true for gaseous bomb (turn 8). More bodies = less damage taken.

Allagan field (turn 8) = accountability for your own debuffs which trains you for the last phase of turn 9.

Turn 7 trash has a chimera mob in it as well as a snake similar to the first coil's turn 1 boss.

You are trained for Lunar Dynamo (Turn 9) from Diabolos' attack in Lost City called Ultimate Terror which has the same doughnut shape and properties.

I could probably think of more if I were to examine every encounter and every trash pull more closely..but the point is: this 'training' element already does exist in the game as previously mentioned. This is especially true for the primals since you have a story version, hard mode version, and extreme version with pretty similar mechanics.

I don't need a VPN to kill Titan, Twin, or even Turn 9. It helps but it isn't necessary. The fact that you are having trouble with these fights 7 months after they have been released/on farm and have received nerfs (via fight mechanic changes/echo buff) probably paints a better picture than any.

You can argue about game design philosophy all you like I suppose. So what if they make Titan Ex and Twintania easier than they already have? The next thing you will be complaining about is Turn 7. OK so they nerf Turn 7. Then you'll complain about 9.

Please just learn to accept your limitations instead of the entitled behavior displayed. It took me around 25 hours to learn and down T9. Twintania took around 20 hours 6 months ago. Titan Ex took around 5 hours.

If you can't put in the time and lack the skill involved to do these encounters, just come to terms with it. Stop acting childish. It's @#%^ing frustrating to see some of you back pedal when your level of skill is brought into question. I suppose you think that you should be able to play Rach's 3rd piano concerto after just a year of piano as well. The real world doesn't work this way: why do you think a game (built by people who exist in the real world) would be any different?

Edited, May 30th 2014 2:15pm by HitomeOfBismarck
#75 May 30 2014 at 3:33 AM Rating: Good
4,175 posts
This idea has worked well in many of the games I've seen it in. It's a fun event on it's own and would be a nice addition to the game, but it's not really a substitute for an enrage mechanic on a boss. I prefer the idea of defeating a boss rather than just holding it's attention long enough for it to sprinkle gear on me before it walks/flies/warps away.

If I don't fear defeat, I'm not thrilled by victory - McNasty 2014 Smiley: grin

Edited, May 30th 2014 5:34am by FilthMcNasty
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#76 May 30 2014 at 7:43 AM Rating: Decent
6,899 posts
If you can't put in the time and lack the skill involved to do these encounters, just come to terms with it. Stop acting childish. It's @#%^ing frustrating to see some of you back pedal when your level of skill is brought into question. I suppose you think that you should be able to play Rach's 3rd piano concerto after just a year of piano as well. The real world doesn't work this way: why do you think a game (built by people who exist in the real world) would be any different?

Well let's see. I haven't played since March roughly. Everything I've posted is observations from other people in this forum or other FFXIV forums, or my direct experiences in game from when I did play. From what I've read, nothing has really changed server stability-wise since then. Just because you don't have connection issues doesn't mean others don't, and it certainly doesn't give you the right to pass judgement on who you think is skilled or not. You know nothing about each situation other than assumptions you make about player skill simply because you can't fathom other people have connection problems, or problems finding a good static to clear the content.

It's funny how you call people out for acting childish, yet go and post another bitter rant about how unskilled others are. Yeah, we're the ones being childish. Smiley: rolleyes

Edited, May 30th 2014 9:45am by BartelX
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