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FFXIV: Underwhelming PS4 Retail SalesFollow

#52 May 04 2014 at 5:06 PM Rating: Excellent
darexius2010 wrote:
Catwho wrote:
Seems like I missed a party when I was giving platelets and then eating Mexican for dinner today *hic*

So I actually know a bit more about this due to a sh*t-ton of research I've done lately. I gave a History of Final Fantasy panel at Athcon last night (and I'll probably be doing this panel at many other conventions since it's a really fascinating topic.)

The historical goal for a game to be successful for Square is 200,000 units sold. Their number for a guaranteed sequel is 400K units sold, which jives with the goal that Yoshi P had stated at the launch of ARR as their intended goal - instead of a sequel, that was the goal required by SE to get the green light for an expansion pack.

This isn't the number of subscribers, might you. Our resident trolls might care about that, but SE's criteria for a successful game when they were just Square was always units sold.

Considering SE hit that number five fold (assuming their 2 million number does not include beta players who ultimately did not subscribe), the lower than expected PS4 sales don't mean anything other than the PS4 is not an established console yet and the game has only been out for a month.

Catwho, I'm just curious, but if I'm not mistaken, Athcon is an IT Security convention. How did FF enter into it? Again, just curious. Mucho respecto!

The other Athcon.
#53 May 04 2014 at 6:29 PM Rating: Excellent
3,441 posts
Another thing I think the OP needs to remember, is that some people who own PS4s also own PCs.

If you've got a good PC, and you have a copy of XIV for PC, do you really have any reason to get another copy for PS4, too? You have to look at people who own/buy a PS4 who do not already have a copy of XIV for PC for whatever reason (their PC can't handle it, or they are just starting XIV and decided to go with the PS4 version, or those who were playing it on PS3 already).
#54 May 05 2014 at 2:07 AM Rating: Good
4,175 posts
Lyrailis wrote:
Another thing I think the OP needs to remember, is that some people who own PS4s also own PCs.

If you've got a good PC, and you have a copy of XIV for PC, do you really have any reason to get another copy for PS4, too? You have to look at people who own/buy a PS4 who do not already have a copy of XIV for PC for whatever reason (their PC can't handle it, or they are just starting XIV and decided to go with the PS4 version, or those who were playing it on PS3 already).

My PC is much better hardware than any console so for performance, it's my platform of choice. I do get tired of sitting up at my desk all the time so it's nice to be able to lay back on a sofa or recliner and resume playing the game. Same was true for FFXI. I owned that game for all 3 platforms, yet I only had one active subscription.

This is the reason why the numbers are meaningless. Not every sale is a potential new subscriber. Some of these sales are just people registering the account they already have to a new console.
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#55 May 05 2014 at 2:12 AM Rating: Good
FilthMcNasty wrote:
This is the reason why the numbers are meaningless. Not every sale is a potential new subscriber. Some of these sales are just people registering the account they already have to a new console.

Yep. It's much better to look at real numbers related to potential new subscribers. Like that 3,000 new players a day quote by Yoshida from a while back.
#56 May 05 2014 at 2:46 AM Rating: Default
Lyrailis wrote:
Another thing I think the OP needs to remember, is that some people who own PS4s also own PCs.

If you've got a good PC, and you have a copy of XIV for PC, do you really have any reason to get another copy for PS4, too? You have to look at people who own/buy a PS4 who do not already have a copy of XIV for PC for whatever reason (their PC can't handle it, or they are just starting XIV and decided to go with the PS4 version, or those who were playing it on PS3 already).

The whole point isn't about systems or which is better, it's about projected sales and actual sales not even meeting 50% of what they expected. Launching on PS4 was supposed to reach whole new markets, that's why they spent 6 months converting it.

They sold around 50% of what they expected to sell (and now are stick with huge numbers of excess copies of the game), knowing the companies history they have to be very dissapointed with that.

Hyanmen wrote:
FilthMcNasty wrote:
This is the reason why the numbers are meaningless. Not every sale is a potential new subscriber. Some of these sales are just people registering the account they already have to a new console.

Yep. It's much better to look at real numbers related to potential new subscribers. Like that 3,000 new players a day quote by Yoshida from a while back.

Square are afraid to give subscriber numbers, all we know about the ps4 version so far is that it's under-performing projected sales by a huge margin.

Edited, May 5th 2014 4:50am by preludes
#57 May 05 2014 at 2:55 AM Rating: Good
preludes wrote:

Square are afraid to give subscriber numbers, all we know about the ps4 version so far is that it's under-performing projected sales by a huge margin.

Maybe if you say it one more time it'll actually become true? Keep trying.
#58 May 05 2014 at 4:54 AM Rating: Default
Hyanmen wrote:
preludes wrote:

Square are afraid to give subscriber numbers, all we know about the ps4 version so far is that it's under-performing projected sales by a huge margin.

Maybe if you say it one more time it'll actually become true? Keep trying.
#59 May 05 2014 at 5:16 AM Rating: Excellent
3,441 posts
My PC is much better hardware than any console so for performance, it's my platform of choice. I do get tired of sitting up at my desk all the time so it's nice to be able to lay back on a sofa or recliner and resume playing the game. Same was true for FFXI. I owned that game for all 3 platforms, yet I only had one active subscription.

Why not have both?

I'm currently remodeling my gaming room, and I plan to have a recliner chair, with a PC hooked up to a large TV. I'm going to use a tray that rests across the chair's arms for the KB/mouse so I can kick my feet out, lean back, etc and still be able to use the PC and all of its games. So yay for doing both!

The whole point isn't about systems or which is better, it's about projected sales and actual sales not even meeting 50% of what they expected. Launching on PS4 was supposed to reach whole new markets, that's why they spent 6 months converting it.

I wasn't trying to say which system was better; I was providing more reasons as to why some PS4 owners have not bought XIV -- they don't need to, because they already own a PC copy and their PC is more than good enough to handle the game. If this were a PS4 exclusive title, then maybe you could judge its sales, but it isn't.

As for reaching whole new markets being the goal, that's half of the goal. The other half is to give PS3 users an upgrade option. I've read many things that tells me the game did not run all that well on PS3 and a lot of PS3 players who bought a PS4 were excited about the PS4 release. Releasing it for PS4 allows PS3 players who own a PS4 to have a much better play experience.

They sold around 50% of what they expected to sell (and now are stick with huge numbers of excess copies of the game), knowing the companies history they have to be very dissapointed with that.

Given it is not an exclusive title, this sort of thing is difficult to predict ahead of time. How many PS4 owners also have PCs? How many PS3 owners are willing to buy a PS4? How good is PS4 availability? etc etc etc.

This kind of thing can be hard to predict ahead of time. It isn't like the copies of the game will go bad; they'll eventually sell even if the sales were as poor as you're trying to make out, especially as more PS4s are made and released and more people get their hands on them.

I'd have to ask as for your reasoning behind making this thread in the first place -- is this meant to be SE-bashing or maybe a "sky is falling" thread or something? Not real sure as to your intentions with this thread TBH.
#60 May 05 2014 at 5:16 AM Rating: Good
preludes wrote:
Hyanmen wrote:
preludes wrote:

Square are afraid to give subscriber numbers, all we know about the ps4 version so far is that it's under-performing projected sales by a huge margin.

Maybe if you say it one more time it'll actually become true? Keep trying.

Nope, still not true. Maybe once more?

Link TL;DR: PS4 ARR doesn't overperform like the PS3 ARR did: The Spinning.

#61 May 05 2014 at 6:55 AM Rating: Good
6,899 posts
preludes wrote:
Also you know the 2 million registered players is almost meaningless, it's xiv v1 players, beta players from every platform etc. It's a highly padded meaningless number.

You really need to give this a rest. It's like your one crutch that you're clinging to for dear life, and it's pathetic. Almost every argument you've made on these forums includes this gem and has been so easily countered with factual links or direct quotes from the producer himself. Do you work on the game; do you know the actual numbers? No? Then seriously just shut your yap about it. No one gives a crap what you think you know, especially when it's disproven or called into major question instantly every time you post it.

You're just being foolish if you think that low ps4 sales have no bearing on your argument, and are even more foolish to be arguing after this was posted:
Hyanmen wrote:

Sales ratio compared to the amount of consoles sold:
PS3: 0,0184 copies of ARR per console
PS4: 0,0574 copies of ARR per console

ARR has sold at a 3x higher ratio on PS4 to PS3 based on total number of consoles in Japan. There's absolutely nothing you can say to counter this. Don't bring up your bullsh*t overall sales numbers, because they are taken out of context of the market, which makes them absolutely meaningless.

Lastly, if the game is so terrible and doing so badly, why does it have an 83 metacritic score from professional reviews, and a 73 from fans? (Btw, that 73 score is higher than WoW just fyi) Why are there countless articles talking about it's success, and why does every word that comes straight from the devs and producer himself support the notion that the game is highly successful? So the fans like it, the reviewers like it, and the devs themselves are happy with it. What more do you want?

Edited, May 5th 2014 10:08am by BartelX
#62 May 05 2014 at 7:36 AM Rating: Good
2,232 posts
Yeah it's funny. Thayos called him out in the other thread. Preludes claimed Yoshi himself wasn't an 'official source' when quoting the good numbers, but some third party media site reporting on some other third party's data is good enough to prove the game is d00med.

Somebody needs his juicebox and a nap lol.
#63 May 05 2014 at 11:25 AM Rating: Default
4,175 posts
BartelX wrote:
ARR has sold at a 3x higher ratio on PS4 to PS3 based on total number of consoles in Japan.

Another meaningless number. They've been producing PS3s for how long now? Of course the ratio would favor PS4 because they haven't released nearly as many consoles. So we've got one side using meaningless numbers to prove that the game isn't doing well and the other side using more meaningless numbers to prove that it is doing well...

The only ratio that matters is the ratio of accounts(not registrations) vs the number of subscribers. We don't have those numbers because SE doesn't release them so it's kinda pointless to argue it until we do.
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#64 May 05 2014 at 11:27 AM Rating: Good
Now, a number I think Sony might be interested in - as would SE - is how many people finally caved in and bought a PS4 because XIV came out on it.

I know three off the top of my head. I'll probably personally be a fourth when I can justify the cash expenditure in a few months.
#65 May 05 2014 at 11:43 AM Rating: Good
FilthMcNasty wrote:
They've been producing PS3s for how long now? Of course the ratio would favor PS4 because they haven't released nearly as many consoles.

How does that change anything? You just took a massive leap and said that not releasing as many consoles equals the numbers I posted are meaningless.

In other news, bass is a fish so Porsche's do not handle well on ice.
#66 May 05 2014 at 11:43 AM Rating: Decent
6,899 posts
FilthMcNasty wrote:
BartelX wrote:
ARR has sold at a 3x higher ratio on PS4 to PS3 based on total number of consoles in Japan.

Another meaningless number. They've been producing PS3s for how long now? Of course the ratio would favor PS4 because they haven't released nearly as many consoles. So we've got one side using meaningless numbers to prove that the game isn't doing well and the other side using more meaningless numbers to prove that it is doing well...

The only ratio that matters is the ratio of accounts(not registrations) vs the number of subscribers. We don't have those numbers because SE doesn't release them so it's kinda pointless to argue it until we do.

And then there's your side, which brings absolutely nothing to the discussion other than the same rhetoric you've been spewing for weeks about registrations =/= subscribers. While it's obvious that not all registrations = subscribers, you have absolutely no way of knowing what the ratio is, and the only evidence we have of how successful the game is are direct quotes from Yoshi himself on the numbers. You can choose to believe them or not, but it's certainly a more credible source than what anyone else can offer, which is nothing but assumptions. Unless you can show me raw numbers of how many of the "registrations" are duplicates or anything else, your point of view is just as useless, in fact more-so given the fact that there is word of mouth from the director pointing out that the numbers are quite healthy and growing daily. I'll take that over the guesses of a known antagonist of the game.
#67 May 05 2014 at 12:54 PM Rating: Excellent
595 posts
VGCharts says it's the best selling PS4 game since it's been out.
#68 May 05 2014 at 12:55 PM Rating: Excellent
3,441 posts
DomfranciscoOfIfrit wrote:
VGCharts says it's the best selling PS4 game since it's been out.

Sounds like the XIV "problem" preludes keeps harping on about is more like a "low console sales" (or low availability either/or) to me.

Obviously, you're not going to buy PS4 XIV if you don't actually own a PS4 lol.
#69 May 05 2014 at 2:08 PM Rating: Good
6,899 posts
DomfranciscoOfIfrit wrote:
VGCharts says it's the best selling PS4 game since it's been out.

Not only that, but it accounts for more than 25% of the TOTAL game sales for the PS4 last week. I'd say that's pretty darn good if you ask me.

Edited, May 5th 2014 4:12pm by BartelX
#70 May 05 2014 at 2:48 PM Rating: Excellent
I guess SE (or this third party website) was expecting that everyone who bought a PS4 would pick up the game or something? Smiley: dubious
#71 May 05 2014 at 2:50 PM Rating: Default
4,175 posts
Hyanmen wrote:
FilthMcNasty wrote:
They've been producing PS3s for how long now? Of course the ratio would favor PS4 because they haven't released nearly as many consoles.

How does that change anything? You just took a massive leap and said that not releasing as many consoles equals the numbers I posted are meaningless.

In other news, bass is a fish so Porsche's do not handle well on ice.

No, that's not what I said at all. I didn't say anything about your post. What I did say was that the ratio of sales to consoles is meaningless. You need to work on your comprehension, especially when responding to posts that aren't even directed at you. Put your shield down.

BartelX wrote:
And then there's your side, which brings absolutely nothing to the discussion other than the same rhetoric you've been spewing for weeks about registrations =/= subscribers.

Go look up the word rhetoric. I'm not here trying to persuade or convince anyone of anything. This is rhetoric. We're all aware that ARR has something to do with SE projecting profits, but nowhere in their financial report does it show how much ARR itself contributed to the projected earnings; much less that SE was in danger of going under and ARR pulled them out of the toilet. Yes the numbers are accurate, but they do nothing to prove what the writer is trying to claim.

I'm not posting numbers and making claims. The only reason I brought up the registered users thing is that people are putting weight in these numbers that doesn't belong.

BartelX wrote:
Unless you can show me raw numbers of how many of the "registrations" are duplicates or anything else, your point of view is just as useless, in fact more-so given the fact that there is word of mouth from the director pointing out that the numbers are quite healthy and growing daily.

We don't have the numbers that matter so we can't prove anything. Thanks for pointing out that your ratio was useless though. At least we agree on something...

Edited, May 5th 2014 4:51pm by FilthMcNasty
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#72 May 05 2014 at 3:11 PM Rating: Excellent
6,899 posts
The only thing I agree on is that one of us doesn't understand what the word rhetoric means...

Rhetoric: the art or skill of speaking or writing formally and effectively especially as a way to persuade or influence people

I was actually giving you a veiled compliment there, because you can certainly be persuasive in your assumptions. Apparently you'd rather just attempt to belittle my intelligence over a comment you clearly didn't understand... some things never change.

Edited, May 5th 2014 5:22pm by BartelX
#73 May 05 2014 at 4:21 PM Rating: Decent
While you ladies argue about projected sales and subscription numbers and PS4 sale to unit ratios, there're children starving in Africa and Russia is flirting with war.

#74 May 05 2014 at 4:27 PM Rating: Decent
FilthMcNasty wrote:
Hyanmen wrote:
FilthMcNasty wrote:
They've been producing PS3s for how long now? Of course the ratio would favor PS4 because they haven't released nearly as many consoles.

How does that change anything? You just took a massive leap and said that not releasing as many consoles equals the numbers I posted are meaningless.

In other news, bass is a fish so Porsche's do not handle well on ice.

No, that's not what I said at all. I didn't say anything about your post. What I did say was that the ratio of sales to consoles is meaningless.

And I said that what you said (again, bolded) is a massive leap. Which it is. Do keep spinning though, that is what you do best.
#75 May 05 2014 at 4:29 PM Rating: Good
darexius2010 wrote:
While you ladies argue about projected sales and subscription numbers and PS4 sale to unit ratios, there're children starving in Africa and Russia is flirting with war.


Oh, living next to the border of Russia and in one of the most geopolitically important regions for them I know full well about what Russia is up to and who might be next.

What else do you suggest I can do but try to keep living and take my mind off the fact?
#76 May 05 2014 at 4:35 PM Rating: Decent
No no no, please don't misunderstand. That wasn't an attack on anyone. It was a lol. Nothing more, nothing less.
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