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2.3+ Slowly coming in.Follow

#1 Apr 26 2014 at 8:06 AM Rating: Excellent
12,820 posts

  • Gun and Dagger class/jobs were both confirmed and coming sooner than people think. Apparently soon after 2.3. (He said we are saving this info for E3-Announcements, looking forward to June 10th!)
  • The gun class isn't what people are expecting it to be.
  • Frontlines are aiming to be in 2.3! (They made it seem like it was an 8v8v8, not confirmed though)
  • Yoshi said Summoners will be getting Leviathan AND Ramuh pets, no mentioned when they would arrive.
  • Black Mage buffs and Summoner pet rebalancing to make others useful coming.
  • Yugiri's face was apparently shown to Nakamura, who gasped. No images as of yet.
  • Gold Saucer will be BIG. He wants the games to encompass more than just playing with friends. (Hints at match making and chocobo races.)
  • Personal rooms for your FC housing mentioned again. He said it would be like a mog house from ff11 with decorating.
  • The new 2.3 Dungeon will be outside, and deal with water, supposedly in La noscea.
  • Crafters are getting something to do with salv- (He was cut off, people thought it was salvage, but he claims that he wasn't going to say salvage.)
  • Phantasia Potions for sale in May!

Smaller Less Important Tid-bits:

  • People complained about still going to the waking sands, solution is coming.(Urianger is staying behind because of the twins are fighting and he doesn't want to leave Alisae(the female twin) behind on her own. Apparently as part of the story, they will make the move in 2.3) So no more waking sands trips!
  • Hildibrand was originally supposed to be a Lalafell.
  • Yoshi said to watch the Hildibrand cutscenes again and pay attention to a reoccurring person in the back ground stalking Nashu. He said he was surprised no one caught this.
  • Gerolt's name in japanese is Gero, which literally means "barf", is getting a personal story to explain his rocky past where he was not such a nice person.
  • Stitches in the moogle* are being removed because japanese players find them scary. (Was unclear if he meant the moogle pet or the moogle housing item)
  • Housing Instruments if all played at the same time will play a memorable song.

Guess at E3 and "soon after (2 weeks - 3 months again) we'll know for sure. As for the Hildy stuff, I noticed a lot of it but I mostly did it to get through to Gilgamesh so I didn't pay much mind to "little things."

Hopefully the Gun class has some creativity to it considering a lot are expecting it to be at least somewhat seen in the FF series (either 'Gun Mage', Corsair/Gambler, 'Gunner' in FFVIII etc.) based on:


#2 Apr 26 2014 at 9:05 AM Rating: Excellent
4,780 posts
My girlfriend will be happy about the gunner class.
#3 Apr 26 2014 at 9:19 AM Rating: Default
5,055 posts
I hope the new dagger class thief and ninja is job (or vice versa) though if so it would make all the other classes I leveled useless because once we get thief or ninja all those other classes i lvled and elics i upgraded and atmas i farmed and capped tomes I got to increase il on those job would have all been a waste of time because i wont be playing them anymore after thief hits. SE should think about that whrn implementing new jobs and make it so that the newer classes have an easier or faster time redoing old content that took month (atma farming and animus upgrading), because ppl might be disinterested in leveling newjobs for fear of going though all that stuff again

im dying to know what the momorble song is now. (someone lemme know :p)

ALso the new dungeon will be outdoors? do they mean outdoor dungeon or open world non instanced dungeon? because its not like qeve never had an outdoor dungeon already (brayflox) so its not like thats a huge tidbit

Edited, Apr 26th 2014 10:21am by DuoMaxwellxx
#4 Apr 26 2014 at 9:26 AM Rating: Good
4,780 posts
DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
I hope the new dagger class thief and ninja is job (or vice versa) though if so it would make all the other classes I leveled useless because once we get thief or ninja all those other classes i lvled and elics i upgraded and atmas i farmed and capped tomes I got to increase il on those job would have all been a waste of time because i wont be playing them anymore after thief hits. SE should think about that whrn implementing new jobs and make it so that the newer classes have an easier or faster time redoing old content that took month (atma farming and animus upgrading), because ppl might be disinterested in leveling newjobs for fear of going though all that stuff again

im dying to know what the momorble song is now. (someone lemme know :p)

ALso the new dungeon will be outdoors? do they mean outdoor dungeon or open world non instanced dungeon? because its not like qeve never had an outdoor dungeon already (brayflox) so its not like thats a huge tidbit

Edited, Apr 26th 2014 10:21am by DuoMaxwellxx

Why would they? There are alternative gearing up paths to the the 'relic' weapon which will never be as powerful as the latest endgame Raid weapon anyways so it's all a moot point. Those who peruse Relic/Zodiac should do so with the knowledge that it's effectively it's own quest line for it's own sake - you do it for the accomplishment and promised customization, not for best performance. You can level other classes and gear them by skipping them entirely.

I could see them doing it if it was say, their new main, but again someone who decides to be that dedicated to a class will likely put the legwork in anyways.
#5 Apr 26 2014 at 10:14 AM Rating: Default
5,055 posts
which makes zero sense, first off yoshi said relic weapons would always be the BEST weapons (i mean why would anyone get a relic otherwise?) sure their are weapons that have a higher l then animus right now and thus are better but then youll be abe to upgrade that and itll be better, then something else will be better than it again etc etc though im sure at the end of the day (when the final relic quest is put out and they no longer have upgrades) it WILL be the end all be all weapon for that class.

Look at it this way... why would they make a weapon that takes all that work and timesink to get just for it to always be inferior to something else? sooo relics are designed for no other reason than to cater to masochists and waste ppls time? I doubt that. surely youve heard of risk vs reward or hard work paying off? why make you work hard for something thats not gonna be worth the effort at the end of the day?

I mean if thats what you truly believe then I would love to hear Yoshi confirm that or answer that question. I can assure you once he says "relic will never be the best weapon you can obtain" he may as well stop making upgrade quests cause no ones gonna bother anymore?

Take FFXI relic for example.. it took LOTS of work to get..... now do you think ANYONE would have gotten a relic weapon if they could just get a better one camping KB, Nidhogg or Aspi everday? No I can assure you they wouldnt have they would just wasted 1-3 hours a day praying for that claim then that drop everday then taking months and millions of gil to get something that was inferior? Point being why would anyone get animus when they can just wait 6 months for turn 9 to be easily completable by 95% of the population and its lockout removed then spend about a day farming that day to back and get something better than animus without putting in even 10% of the effort?

SO wen its all over and done with Im sure 1 of this will happen with relic:

1) it WILL be the strongest weapon in game. (which i like how the upgrade process is released in small increment at a time.. if from launch date relic consist of doing everything you did for the first relic, then getting zenith then atma and animus (plus whatever is beyond that) all from day one i woulda looked at that list and said "thats too much work Ill never finish this is my lifetime" and never have tried lol... this way its like "ok that not that bad lemme try to finish this next section before the next update so i can see and b ready for what comes next")

2. It will have some unique job/class ability, weapon skills or uber buff or debuff, that may not make it the physical (dps) strongest in the game but the fact that it can do something NO OTHER WEAPON from your job or class can will make people want it. Feel free to quote me on that for future reference when it turns out i was right (or you can throw it in my face if im wrong).

But anyway soo answer my question why make a weapon that takes all this work/long to get when you can get a better one MUCH easier? or even if not easier, much FASTER with less work? I mean sure turn 9 might not be easier than animus since theres more ppl with animus then high allagan but its "easier" in the sense that when you CAN beat it thats a 30 min affair once a week to get a weapon as opposed to an all day everyday for about a month (if youre unlucky.. which you will be) ordeal?

even if yo add the lockout time to the equation and it took you 6 kills to get t9 weapons... thats, 2 month sure, but you only do it once a week and takes 30 mins (im sure its more like 10-15 mins bu im being generous) 30 x 6 is 180 minus which is 3 hours spent getting a better weapons.. where as getting 13500 myth for all 9 books at 50 myth tomes every 6mins and 30secs takes 29.25 hours, not counting the randomness of getting all 12 atmas plus completing every task in each books.. youre look at 50 hours at least? I think Ive proven MY point, feel free to prove/elaborate on yours.

#6 Apr 26 2014 at 10:29 AM Rating: Good
5,745 posts

  • The gun class isn't what people are expecting it to be.

  • This really doesn't tell us much, since we don't know what it is that he thinks that other think will be a new gun class. If I had to guess, he was trying to imply that the new gun class isn't one of the following:
    - a class that uses a gunblade (since we've seen Garleans using them)
    - Ranger or Musketeer

    I suppose if they really wanted to throw us a curveball, the new gun class could be Robber => Thief. After all, people would be expecting Thief to be the dagger class, right?
    #7 Apr 26 2014 at 10:32 AM Rating: Default
    DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
    But anyway soo answer my question why make a weapon that takes all this work/long to get when you can get a better one MUCH easier? or even if not easier, much FASTER with less work? I mean sure turn 9 might not be easier than animus since theres more ppl with animus then high allagan but its "easier" in the sense that when you CAN beat it thats a 30 min affair once a week to get a weapon as opposed to an all day everyday for about a month (if youre unlucky.. which you will be) ordeal?

    even if yo add the lockout time to the equation and it took you 6 kills to get t9 weapons... thats, 2 month sure, but you only do it once a week and takes 30 mins (im sure its more like 10-15 mins bu im being generous) 30 x 6 is 180 minus which is 3 hours spent getting a better weapons.. where as getting 13500 myth for all 9 books at 50 myth tomes every 6mins and 30secs takes 29.25 hours, not counting the randomness of getting all 12 atmas plus completing every task in each books.. youre look at 50 hours at least? I think Ive proven MY point, feel free to prove/elaborate on yours.

    You can gauge effort required in time and skill. Modern MMO's never make it so time invested dictates who gets the best rewards. Skill is ultimately the best indicator because then the playerbase stands on a fairer ground. If someone is skilled enough he deserves the best reward, pure and simple. If some no-lifer has more time on their hands he doesn't automatically deserve the best rewards over someone with less time.

    To put it extremely bluntly: an MMO that punishes people for not investing a significant amount of their time is a crappy MMO and no one but the no lifers would accept such game design in the long run. Yet an MMO that punishes people for not being skilled enough is hardly unfair and much more acceptable. As long as the unskilled people have some toys to play with too.

    Most issues people have with this game boil down to this simple fact. Why can't you buy ilvl115 gear with money? Because simply having lots of money (=time) on your pocket does not mean you deserve the best loot.

    At the end of the day clearing t9 is a much bigger feat than obtaining an Animus weapon. It is clear as day when you compare the amount of Animus vs. tier 9 items in circulation today. Anyone can get himself an Animus. Only a certain people can get themselves a t9 weapon.

    This divide between Animus and t9 drops is why SE's designers, after more than a decade, finally get it.
    #8 Apr 26 2014 at 10:32 AM Rating: Excellent
    2,232 posts
    The difference between the two in the final analysis is going to be so negligible that it doesn't even matter. That's the beauty of having multiple upgrade paths available. If you have a static party or can dedicate the time required for it to clearing the most difficult content then you can pursue that path. But If you don't then you can jump online knock out a few fates for a chance at an Atma or two grab some myth tomes and have made progress as well. As long as the relic continues to be upgradable you can continue to have a main hand weapon capable of allowing you access to the content where you might be able to get something just a teeny bit better. And then later on you can upgrade your relic again when the dead end weapon you just got from the omgwtfbossofwhozitstan gets obsoleted by the next patch.

    ETA: and if none of that sound appealing you should maybe not play an MMO hehe

    Edited, Apr 26th 2014 9:33am by LebargeX
    #9 Apr 26 2014 at 10:56 AM Rating: Default
    5,055 posts
    Hyanmen wrote:
    DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
    But anyway soo answer my question why make a weapon that takes all this work/long to get when you can get a better one MUCH easier? or even if not easier, much FASTER with less work? I mean sure turn 9 might not be easier than animus since theres more ppl with animus then high allagan but its "easier" in the sense that when you CAN beat it thats a 30 min affair once a week to get a weapon as opposed to an all day everyday for about a month (if youre unlucky.. which you will be) ordeal?

    even if yo add the lockout time to the equation and it took you 6 kills to get t9 weapons... thats, 2 month sure, but you only do it once a week and takes 30 mins (im sure its more like 10-15 mins bu im being generous) 30 x 6 is 180 minus which is 3 hours spent getting a better weapons.. where as getting 13500 myth for all 9 books at 50 myth tomes every 6mins and 30secs takes 29.25 hours, not counting the randomness of getting all 12 atmas plus completing every task in each books.. youre look at 50 hours at least? I think Ive proven MY point, feel free to prove/elaborate on yours.

    You can gauge effort required in time and skill. Modern MMO's never make it so time invested dictates who gets the best rewards. Skill is ultimately the best indicator because then the playerbase stands on a fairer ground. If someone is skilled enough he deserves the best reward, pure and simple. If some no-lifer has more time on their hands he doesn't automatically deserve the best rewards over someone with less time.

    To put it extremely bluntly: an MMO that punishes people for not investing a significant amount of their time is a crappy MMO and no one but the no lifers would accept such game design in the long run. Yet an MMO that punishes people for not being skilled enough is hardly unfair and much more acceptable. As long as the unskilled people have some toys to play with too.

    Most issues people have with this game boil down to this simple fact. Why can't you buy ilvl115 gear with money? Because simply having lots of money (=time) on your pocket does not mean you deserve the best loot.

    At the end of the day clearing t9 is a much bigger feat than obtaining an Animus weapon. It is clear as day when you compare the amount of Animus vs. tier 9 items in circulation today. Anyone can get himself an Animus. Only a certain people can get themselves a t9 weapon.

    This divide between Animus and t9 drops is why SE's designers, after more than a decade, finally get it.

    i disagree. punishing someone whos unskilled is just as unfair as punishing someone who is skilled but has less time, besides, in the real world someone who has more time to do something is surely better and more skilled at in then those who dont. i.e someone who plays a fighting game for years and practices daily and knows it inside out is gonna always mop the floor with someone who may have alike and only been playing it casually for a month.

    for example those ppl hat play street fighter in the EVO tournaments.. ive been playing street fighter since street fighter 2, on my block.neighborhood/ppl who know me personally, im a street fighter master in their eyes, i can mop the floor with all of them and they wont even touch me, yet if i went up against one of those guys in EVO tournaments, theyd make me look like ive never picked up a controller a day in my life, I see them doing stuff and stringing together combos i could never even DREAM of pulling off....

    why? because im sure they live and breath street fighter.... point being, someone who has more time/plays more usually is ALWAYS gonna be better than those that dont, same with skill, ppl who play more are usually better than those who dont have time anyway, same with FFXI. i.e most of the ppl who didnt have the time to play and get relic usually sucked and didnt have the skill to beat things that were the FFXI equivalent of t9, for example how many casuals (anyone who qualifies as hardcore in my eyes has the free time to play all day and get relic or animus, casuals would be the ones going after these stuff that takes less times at they dont have all day and have lives) had CoP complete and sea access prenerf? Sll the ppl up in SEA where all the good players who had the time and the skill to get there, and that stuff back then was "t9 hard" or harder, soooo point being the ones who had all day to play were usually the ones with the skill to get stuff done while the ones that didnt have all day to play was usually the unskilled ones who wined bout how hard certain content was. Im sure FFXIV in coil;s re no different, all the ppl winning t9 right now are the hardcore players who probably play this game like its their life, the ppl who "dont have time" probably didnt even bother with coil at all until the lockout was removed.

    But anyway for what you said to make perfect sense what SE should have done is make both animus and high allagan 115, pl who have all day to play but not the skill to beat coil have an equally powerful weapon as those who dont have all day but have more skill thus at the end of the day we both have the same weapon (equal) just one took more time to get and the other took more skill) thus both parties are happy and we wouldnt be having this discussion.

    Though if you wanna get technical this whole discussion is Yoshi's fault anyway because HE said "relic would ALWAYS be the best (or most powerful forgot which) weapon in game" yet every patch has a weapon with a higher il then relic

    So until he comes out and retracks that statement, explain what he meant or elaborate on it etc etc, then theres argument are NEVER gonna cease simply because relic keeps getting shown up by other weapons despite what the games creator said. So I blame this ENTIRE discussion/argument on him
    #10 Apr 26 2014 at 11:00 AM Rating: Good
    1,339 posts
    DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
    which makes zero sense, first off yoshi said relic weapons would always be the BEST weapons (i mean why would anyone get a relic otherwise?)

    Always relevant != BEST.
    #11 Apr 26 2014 at 11:18 AM Rating: Default
    5,055 posts
    he never said always relevant he said always best
    #12 Apr 26 2014 at 11:41 AM Rating: Good
    4,780 posts
    Duo I really wish I had the alertness of mind right now to give a full concrete opinion on this. (I'm incredibly sick right now and waiting on my insurance card to go to the doctor's) I get a bit of your justification of where you're coming from, but I don't know exactly how SE could utalize the sort of weapons you're thinking of without destroying the more or less casual (if RNG riddled) grinding path the Zodiac Weapon paths follow.

    For me, I do not attribute these weapons to the FFXI weapons of Yore, but more along the lines of the Moogle Trial weapons. In which case I don't feel all that bad that they don't end up being the best thus far.

    They did, once long ago in the Tanaka era, had in mind rare weapons that only one player could posses at a time, but I doubt that idea made it through the remake.

    Personally, I hope the shape of the weapons we have change somewhere down the line. But, there's always Glamour.

    Edited, Apr 26th 2014 1:42pm by Hyrist
    #13 Apr 26 2014 at 12:46 PM Rating: Decent
    1,339 posts
    DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
    he never said always relevant he said always best

    Nope. You're the only one that keeps saying best.

    Try again.
    #14 Apr 26 2014 at 12:59 PM Rating: Default
    DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
    i disagree. punishing someone whos unskilled is just as unfair as punishing someone who is skilled but has less time, besides, in the real world someone who has more time to do something is surely better and more skilled at in then those who dont. i.e someone who plays a fighting game for years and practices daily and knows it inside out is gonna always mop the floor with someone who may have alike and only been playing it casually for a month.

    for example those ppl hat play street fighter in the EVO tournaments.. ive been playing street fighter since street fighter 2, on my block.neighborhood/ppl who know me personally, im a street fighter master in their eyes, i can mop the floor with all of them and they wont even touch me, yet if i went up against one of those guys in EVO tournaments, theyd make me look like ive never picked up a controller a day in my life, I see them doing stuff and stringing together combos i could never even DREAM of pulling off....

    why? because im sure they live and breath street fighter.... point being, someone who has more time/plays more usually is ALWAYS gonna be better than those that dont, same with skill, ppl who play more are usually better than those who dont have time anyway, same with FFXI. i.e most of the ppl who didnt have the time to play and get relic usually sucked and didnt have the skill to beat things that were the FFXI equivalent of t9, for example how many casuals (anyone who qualifies as hardcore in my eyes has the free time to play all day and get relic or animus, casuals would be the ones going after these stuff that takes less times at they dont have all day and have lives) had CoP complete and sea access prenerf? Sll the ppl up in SEA where all the good players who had the time and the skill to get there, and that stuff back then was "t9 hard" or harder, soooo point being the ones who had all day to play were usually the ones with the skill to get stuff done while the ones that didnt have all day to play was usually the unskilled ones who wined bout how hard certain content was. Im sure FFXIV in coil;s re no different, all the ppl winning t9 right now are the hardcore players who probably play this game like its their life, the ppl who "dont have time" probably didnt even bother with coil at all until the lockout was removed.

    But anyway for what you said to make perfect sense what SE should have done is make both animus and high allagan 115, pl who have all day to play but not the skill to beat coil have an equally powerful weapon as those who dont have all day but have more skill thus at the end of the day we both have the same weapon (equal) just one took more time to get and the other took more skill) thus both parties are happy and we wouldnt be having this discussion.

    Though if you wanna get technical this whole discussion is Yoshi's fault anyway because HE said "relic would ALWAYS be the best (or most powerful forgot which) weapon in game" yet every patch has a weapon with a higher il then relic

    So until he comes out and retracks that statement, explain what he meant or elaborate on it etc etc, then theres argument are NEVER gonna cease simply because relic keeps getting shown up by other weapons despite what the games creator said. So I blame this ENTIRE discussion/argument on him

    Whether mastering Street Fighter takes time or not is completely irrelevant because the bottom line is that mastering that game requires actual skill. So does clearing T9. The fact is that anything that doesn't require skill is completely inferior to something that does, regardless of the game. Do you think SF or DoTA or any other similar game would be as popular if they didn't require skill at all, only time investment? No, they would be crappy games that no one wants to play. When your game requires skill you legitimize the effort put in the game. If your game only requires time it would be a laughing stock of the gaming world. Nobody but the people grinding it would take it seriously.

    Now let's go back to ARR. Animus only requires time, not skill. T9 requires skill (and time). Thus T9 is automatically superior in all ways to Animus. Regardless of the game, or the genre, only games that take actual skill to excel in are seen in a high esteem, regardless of the time investment. But time investment alone makes for a crappy game. Always and inevitably.

    Literally the whole gaming world disagrees with you, DuoMaxwellxx. Spending X hours on Animus doesn't make you entitled to the best stuff because the real accomplishments are always based on skill (and time, admittedly). You are not equal to those with skill. Not in ARR, not in Street Fighter, not in DoTA. Not in any popular game ever. The simple reason is that time invested =/= skills acquired. You can play for 100 000 hours and still not be the best out there. Time alone does not and should not cut it, even though it does help.

    The only people who would disagree are those with no skill but a lot of time on their hands. Did I just accidentally describe the FFXI playerbase?

    Edited, Apr 26th 2014 7:05pm by Hyanmen
    #15 Apr 26 2014 at 1:14 PM Rating: Default
    12,820 posts
    Hyanmen wrote:
    The only people who would disagree are those with no skill but a lot of time on their hands. Did I just accidentally describe the FFXI playerbase?

    No, you described any MMORPG playerbase ever since the turn of the Graphical MUD days.

    svlyons wrote:

  • The gun class isn't what people are expecting it to be.

  • This really doesn't tell us much, since we don't know what it is that he thinks that other think will be a new gun class. If I had to guess, he was trying to imply that the new gun class isn't one of the following:
    - a class that uses a gunblade (since we've seen Garleans using them)
    - Ranger or Musketeer

    I suppose if they really wanted to throw us a curveball, the new gun class could be Robber => Thief. After all, people would be expecting Thief to be the dagger class, right?

    It would be weird for us to use Gunblades, lore wise, even with the help of Cid. Ranger would likely still be Archer without songs, so it wouldn't really be any different to be honest since Rangers in any MMO usually fall under either pure ranged DPS, type that can set traps (though this falls into assassin lines too at times) or "support" types that can debuff heavily, which is what SMN is in XIV.

    Musketeer is the only one we haven't seen in FF before if it actually is something unique, otherwise they could have easily expanded on Corsair from XI, since aside bias, the setup was pretty awesome..who wouldn't want an actual support role in this game? Hell it could enhance debuffs to further boost certain classes DPS and it wouldn't change the balance at all since people already prefer casters to close range DPS for example.

    Edited, Apr 26th 2014 12:18pm by Theonehio

    #16 Apr 26 2014 at 1:20 PM Rating: Good
    2,010 posts
    would have all been a waste of time because

    Ironic, considering that's the purpose of gaming. To waste time in an enjoyable way.

    You know, this is another one of those situations that is kind of unique to XI players - the idea that a piece of equipment should always be the best piece of equipment even as years progress. It's an unsustainable model. XI stagnated because at one point, there were pieces of gear that never got replaced. The best you could hope for were sidegrades to be used in macros, and min-maxing became the only way to progress your character. It didn't weed out the good players from the bad, it just weeded out the ones willing to crunch numbers and learn to program intricate macros (i.e. spellcast) to maximize this massive amount of equipment we were toting around.

    Should there be pieces of equipment that are upgraded\repaired\enhanced so they are competitive with new pieces coming out? Absolutely. But don't confuse staying competitive with having an edge over another player just because you happened to complete some content a year ago. Upward mobility is a better model. Don't expect this game to travel back in time to when we ran around in okotes and leaping boots forever.
    #17REDACTED, Posted: Apr 26 2014 at 1:21 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Hm... Nah, just any pre-WoW MMORPG playerbase. What a coincidence that the game became so popular too... probably not because the devs finally understood that players prefer the game to require skill over gil. Thanks for correcting me though. FFXI playerbase is always the obvious choice, I have to broaden my views to include other EQ clones too.
    #18 Apr 26 2014 at 2:19 PM Rating: Good
    11,159 posts
    I dunno, MMOs still like to throw out some heavy currency sinks for progression, too. It's certainly not an either:or thing. That said, I do think some more time-intensive, but laid back methods of play get the short end of the progression stick and the only reason why that happens is because players who think they're more skillful would complain (Such types tend to use terms like "welfare kiddies"). Hell, too often the most important "skill" is just getting warm bodies to actually participate in content. XI players past and present can certainly understand that with the total absence of matchmaking systems beyond /search and shout spam.

    Edited, Apr 26th 2014 4:21pm by Seriha
    Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
    #19 Apr 26 2014 at 4:43 PM Rating: Default
    5,055 posts
    time wasted does not equal skill? i have to disagree. i.e if you play call of duty for 1000 hours and youre not getting better or improving on stratagies or things you did 500 hours ago, you. e doing something. by your logic if doing something for awhile doesnt make you better then progression groups who do t5 or 9 over andover arent learning or getting better with each attempt thus will NEVER beat it and only the "naturally skilled" can? ummm no skill is something aqquired orlearned over TIME, repitition and practice until you get better. point being time spent is and can very wellbe a determing factor to skill.

    also ifzodiac is an inferior option for the unskilled why the long timesink quest? just put itas a drp in a MUCH easier than coil new extreme primal, crystal tower floor or a 30 min quest. bottom line is dont make someone work their butt off for weeks or months for "garbage" that is inferior to something you can get in a day or week. instead make it equal too or better
    #20 Apr 27 2014 at 3:41 AM Rating: Good
    1,313 posts
    Wow, this is the answer to my ARR prayers.

    *Gun and Dagger classes sound interesting. I'm not interested in any of the current classes so this is very relieving.
    *Frontlines - Yes please! I've been hoping for team battles, seems we're getting them.
    *Gold Saucer to include matches and Chocobo Racing! Two more things I've been wanting!
    *2.3 outside dungeon having to do with water? Does this mean swimming is in the works? Just another thing I've been hoping for.

    This information is like christmas to me. I was on the fence about sticking with ARR or switching back to WoW for WoD expansion. This post pretty much sealed the deal for me. Long live ARR! :D
    #21 Apr 27 2014 at 5:01 AM Rating: Good
    3,825 posts
    I predict the gun job is tank or healer role. I don't recall a gun wielding tankish class in previous games but gun toting chemists would be to obvious if it's supposed to be something we don't expect.
    #22 Apr 27 2014 at 8:19 AM Rating: Excellent
    1,556 posts
    Mmm buffs for BLM. I'm good to go!
    #23 Apr 27 2014 at 11:25 AM Rating: Good
    3,599 posts
    DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
    I hope the new dagger class thief and ninja is job (or vice versa) though if so it would make all the other classes I leveled useless because once we get thief or ninja all those other classes i lvled and elics i upgraded and atmas i farmed and capped tomes I got to increase il on those job would have all been a waste of time because i wont be playing them anymore after thief hits. SE should think about that whrn implementing new jobs and make it so that the newer classes have an easier or faster time redoing old content that took month (atma farming and animus upgrading), because ppl might be disinterested in leveling newjobs for fear of going though all that stuff again

    im dying to know what the momorble song is now. (someone lemme know :p)

    ALso the new dungeon will be outdoors? do they mean outdoor dungeon or open world non instanced dungeon? because its not like qeve never had an outdoor dungeon already (brayflox) so its not like thats a huge tidbit

    Edited, Apr 26th 2014 10:21am by DuoMaxwellxx

    I'm hoping that the class is a Split Job situation:

    Scoundrel Class
    Ninja Job
    Thief Job

    This would make the most sense given the current naming convention of traditional FF classes being jobs, and could serve to give us various additional roles.

    Mainly, I gave up on my animus weapon knowing that thf and/or ninja are coming.

    Additionally, I'm expecting the gun class to somehow be a healer or tank, weirdly. We have too many ranged DPS's and Yoshi-P said he would only ad dnew classes if they filled a gap. Otherwise we could get a support.
    #24 Apr 27 2014 at 8:21 PM Rating: Good
    5,745 posts
    Perrin wrote:
    I predict the gun job is tank or healer role. I don't recall a gun wielding tankish class in previous games but gun toting chemists would be to obvious if it's supposed to be something we don't expect.

    A gun wielding tankish class? That seems strange that a ranged weapon class would try and keep its target inches away the entire fight. I guess it would be a job that specializes in execution style gunfire.
    #25 Apr 28 2014 at 7:10 AM Rating: Good
    Could be a Gun Mage style class too - last time we had that was X-2, I think. (Corsair from XI was close.)
    #26 Apr 28 2014 at 7:22 AM Rating: Decent
    4,511 posts
    Poor Musketeer Guild. Guess they never were able to make it an interesting job after all and it will continue to be unused.

    But yeah, my best guess was a Gun-mage as well, though i'm quietly hoping for an Engineer with a gun and a robot pet we can customize (Yay, gun-wielding puppeteer!)
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