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Greed Party and Loot thievesFollow

#1 Apr 21 2014 at 2:33 AM Rating: Good
1,500 posts
I guess we don't talk much about it because there isn't really anything anyone can do about it.

Either way I hope people reading this could give me their opinion on the situation and if you agreed with the way I handled it.

I was the leader of a PF for BC Turn 1, the comment was set to "Greed party, choose 1 item, max 2 persons per item, any uncalled items are free (greed) loot"

The group was doing really good and after our 3rd run the Bard hands dropped, in this case a bard and a white mage had asked for the loot, I just hit the macro to show everyone's lot before asking both the bard and the white mage to greed for the hands. I guess you already figured out that the Bard looted need instead of greed and got the hands without contest.

I didn't say anything inside the dungeon, as soon as everyone stepped out I just kicked the Bard from the Party apologized to the Healer (to be honest because I felt a bit powerless with the whole situation) and told him that I'll reform the PF and lock the Bard hands for him exclusively.

People in the party asked if I had kicked her or the Bard had left on her own, I told them (with a bit of a frustration in me) "I kicked the cheater", some expressed their disappointment towards her actions and I believe a person even blacklisted her. However a moments later not to my surprise the Bard send me a tell apologizing for the mistake:

Bard: I'm sorry I didn't mean to need them, but I understand why you kicked me.
Me: sure, I have seen many of those "mistakes" before, either way what's done is done.
(In fact I have seen people needing gear left and right in "greed only" parties since the beginning of the PF implementation, but I take it as it is and I understand that sort of dishonest people is everywhere)

It's my personal impression (and I really don't think to be far from the truth) that 9 of each 10 of these "mistakes" are intentional, However I feel that there was merit on letting the Bard apologize for her actions and keep going with the group.

So... how do you think about it? Would you have handle it differently?

I do believe though, that SE owns us some looting configuration settings on the PF, at least the ability to remove "Need" from the looting options, it could help those groups.
"Maybe it means: you're the evil man, and I'm the righteous man, and Mr. Nine-millimeter here, he's the shepherd protecting my righteous *** in the Valley of Darkness." - Jules.
FFXIV: Mabel Rand (Gugnir)
FFXI: Kenage, retired.
K&K forever!,
#2 Apr 21 2014 at 3:35 AM Rating: Excellent
1,556 posts
This is exactly why a master loot system needs to be implemented. I am really surprised, at the advent of the party finder, that no master loot system was implemented next to it. :(

I think what you did is fine. In a greed party, need should never be used. You did just as I do: posted who wanted what before the chests were opened so they KNOW who needs what and have no excuse.

I would honestly prefer to make a thread on my server forums for known loot thieves but they don't like name/shame over there so it seems, for now, people will get get away with it with word of mouth being the only way to warn others.

Sorry this happened, Ken. Maybe post it over on the OF to demonstrate that additional loot rules need to be created.
#3 Apr 21 2014 at 3:35 AM Rating: Good
542 posts
As with anything else, there are liars and cheaters, and there are honest mistakes. It can be pretty difficult to differentiate between the two in a text based game where people can do and say whatever they want. I'd give a player a chance to apologize for a "mistake" but I'd be weary of playing with that player again. Not because I think they are definitely a cheater or that mistakes are not possible, but because I couldn't rule it out.

I agree with the last part of your post too, though. Need/greed works fine in random duty finder groups but I'd rather see more options for premades. In a game where you can play multiple jobs, the idea that an option should exist where one can play the job that best contributes to the group at the time while still having a fair shot at the items they're actually looking for is an absolute no brainer. With the current system, if people want that option, they have to place faith in every random member that joins not to swipe whatever gear they want if it happens to be for a job that they're currently playing, and if they do there's absolutely nothing anyone can do about it.
#4 Apr 21 2014 at 7:14 AM Rating: Good
12,820 posts
According to new rules and what GM states, you can report them and they can actually get a temp suspension. You can't "accidentally need" on an item because when it pops up even while you're hitting confirm it only "confirms" the windows, none of the options. This is why I miss the XI system and why Need/Greed/Pass is a **** system in general. You can ninja stuff in XI no one denies that, but you can also see who will try to since if you don't see that --- by their name, you can either sit there till time expire or report them (XIV) as they're trying to steal and break the agreement when joining the party.

If we must have Need/Greed/Pass, they can at least change it to where the leader can disable 'need' in the loot settings and as well as change Greed to where people who have the actual class leveled can greed on it..seen far too many caster loot go to people who don't have THM/ACN unlocked, let alone beyond level 10 if they do and have no plans to level it. (I kept tabs and 1 month later, the person still didn't level acn/thm.)


#5 Apr 21 2014 at 7:29 AM Rating: Good
2,010 posts
Theonehio wrote:
According to new rules and what GM states, you can report them and they can actually get a temp suspension. You can't "accidentally need" on an item because when it pops up even while you're hitting confirm it only "confirms" the windows, none of the options.

There just needs to be a master loot system. SE should have foreseen people wanting gear for classes other than the one they are running on, and need\greed should really only be in random dungeons.

Then again - be careful when running with random people. There's always that element of risk when you play with people you don't know.

#6 Apr 21 2014 at 7:47 AM Rating: Good
I like the idea of being able to disable the "need" button. Have it be something that the party leader can pop up at dungeon start for a vote and as long as the majority of the party agrees, it's done and can't be change.

"Party Leader has implemented a request to disable the 'Need' button for the loot list. Choose Yes to agree and No to disagree."

That way a party leader can't ninja change it when he sees something he wants midway through the run.

Edited, Apr 21st 2014 9:48am by Catwho
#7 Apr 21 2014 at 8:51 AM Rating: Good
589 posts
Catwho wrote:
I like the idea of being able to disable the "need" button. Have it be something that the party leader can pop up at dungeon start for a vote and as long as the majority of the party agrees, it's done and can't be change.

"Party Leader has implemented a request to disable the 'Need' button for the loot list. Choose Yes to agree and No to disagree."

That way a party leader can't ninja change it when he sees something he wants midway through the run.

Edited, Apr 21st 2014 9:48am by Catwho

I'm not sure that fixes anything since I can still greed on anything that's in the loot list. And then there will be threads calling people who greed everything Loot thieves as well.
#8 Apr 21 2014 at 9:10 AM Rating: Good
Since loot tables are essentially known day 1 now, could they not program some sort of item select feature prior to entering a dungeon? Before entering, everyone checks off one item they want, if more then one person want it, it's available to be greeded on by the members who selected it only?

The screen could show up prior to everyone entering the dungeon, everything else could be free lot. If the leader happens to kick someone because they want that item for themselves or someone else, too bad, can't lot it. I don't know, I know it seems a bit complicated, but it's clear you can't trust people over a video game item nowadays, so what do you do?

#9 Apr 21 2014 at 9:12 AM Rating: Decent
I got screwed out of a Vortex Ring of Casting the other night this way. I was loafing in RevToll and some guy had been shouting for a half an hour that they needed one tank for Garuda EX. I looked at his party in PF and saw one BLM. I need the ring for my SMN still.

So I send the guy a tell that I'd come OT for him but I want a fair greed on the caster's ring if it drops. The BLM says okay and I switch to WAR and join. We wipe a couple times to low DPS in the sisters phase until Echo hits 15% and then get a fairly decent win. I offer to go again, leader says sure, we go back. Same deal, Echo to 15% and a win. Caster Ring drops! I said "w00t!" and hit greed for a 79. Said "Roll on it [BLM], let's go for it! :D"

BLM just said one word. "Need"

He rolled an 11, took it, and jumped in the exit. The party was disbanded before Mor Dhona was even done loading.
#10 Apr 21 2014 at 9:48 AM Rating: Good
2,010 posts
Yea that really sucks, but in the leader's defense he probably didn't really have much control over what the blm was going to do either. You should have cleared it with the BLM himself. Who knows, the dude might have told you he was going to roll need. These other solutions of greying out buttons and etc are all just overly complicated ways of dealing with the issue. Master looter, leader of the party hands out loot. It's that simple - then you just have one person to blame for all the problems in the world.

#11 Apr 21 2014 at 2:34 PM Rating: Good
589 posts
DarkswordDX wrote:
I got screwed out of a Vortex Ring of Casting the other night this way. I was loafing in RevToll and some guy had been shouting for a half an hour that they needed one tank for Garuda EX. I looked at his party in PF and saw one BLM. I need the ring for my SMN still.

So I send the guy a tell that I'd come OT for him but I want a fair greed on the caster's ring if it drops. The BLM says okay and I switch to WAR and join. We wipe a couple times to low DPS in the sisters phase until Echo hits 15% and then get a fairly decent win. I offer to go again, leader says sure, we go back. Same deal, Echo to 15% and a win. Caster Ring drops! I said "w00t!" and hit greed for a 79. Said "Roll on it [BLM], let's go for it! :D"

BLM just said one word. "Need"

He rolled an 11, took it, and jumped in the exit. The party was disbanded before Mor Dhona was even done loading.

Get ready to rate me down. Same situation kinda. Lets reverse this. I was a BLM, not the one your talking about but same set up. It was just a clear party. A tank joins in and says, "THIS IS A GREED PARTY IM ROLLING ON CASTING RING!!" I R TANK WHAT I SAY GOES!!. I'm like I did NOT join a greed party why is this guy getting to make this party what HE wants? The leader just says I don't care its just a clear party. So guess what drops? and guess what EYE hit. Yeah I did that and felt guiltless. I don't deal well with premadonna tanks.
#12 Apr 21 2014 at 2:51 PM Rating: Decent
78 posts
The problem with Master Loot is just the same as when SE implemented the kick option. You a PF that it said to be Greed but the party is over half of the same FC. Then the item you want to Greed on drops but at the same time the Party Leader buddy wanted too. So he gives the item to his body and then kick you of the party.

When it comes to PF, there is really not a easy 100% fair system where people cannot steal items. Adding a system where you can preset the items will be complicated to program and debug. That is why there is a lot of PF that they just go for Need > Greed to avoid the problems of people ninja items.
#13 Apr 21 2014 at 3:11 PM Rating: Decent
5,745 posts
nonameoflevi wrote:
I don't deal well with premadonna tanks.

But I guess you don't mind using them to your own ends. Whether you were in the "right" or not, you made yourself an enemy with that tank, and there aren't nearly as many tanks to go around as there are DPS.

I'm curious, did you say anything in response to the tank to disagree with him before registering for the duty? Or did you not say anything, because you didn't want him to bail which would have forced you to wait around longer?
#14 Apr 21 2014 at 3:38 PM Rating: Good
181 posts
I for one hate the whole need greed system specially since we all have multiple jobs and all put in the same effort to achieve the goal it is simple not fair. If I'm sitting in pf for 30 min on my drg while we only need a tank, party ask me to switch to pld to speed the process along another drg joins drg loot drops and now I have no real claim to it. The whole system I'd bogus
#15 Apr 21 2014 at 4:29 PM Rating: Good

Get ready to rate me down. Same situation kinda. Lets reverse this. I was a BLM, not the one your talking about but same set up. It was just a clear party. A tank joins in and says, "THIS IS A GREED PARTY IM ROLLING ON CASTING RING!!" I R TANK WHAT I SAY GOES!!. I'm like I did NOT join a greed party why is this guy getting to make this party what HE wants? The leader just says I don't care its just a clear party. So guess what drops? and guess what EYE hit. Yeah I did that and felt guiltless. I don't deal well with premadonna tanks.

The difference is that I had a promise beforehand. I don't go in to a party barking orders. That's a D-bag thing, not a tank thing.

What was funny was, RIGHT before I joined that party I was talking with some people about why tanks never want to do anything to help anyone on our server. We stick to our FCs and our close circles of friends and we don't join your PF runs that you shout and beg for a tank for a half hour and wonder why you can't find one. Why?

You use us like yesterday's toilet paper, that's why. You'll bring us along just long enough to get what YOU want, then turn around and **** on us. And if we don't like it, well we're just "primadonnas" and you go whine on the forums about us. Even a fair greed roll on the item we need, win or lose, for our non-tank main job which has no decent drop from that content, is FAR too much to ask in return for doing the hard work in a fight that nobody else will help you with.

Never again. I hope the next time you need a tank in a PF party you sit there waiting until you die of old age. They can carve that post on your epitaph. Smiley: glare

Edited, Apr 21st 2014 6:30pm by DarkswordDX
#16 Apr 21 2014 at 4:41 PM Rating: Good
3,441 posts
DarkswordDX wrote:

Get ready to rate me down. Same situation kinda. Lets reverse this. I was a BLM, not the one your talking about but same set up. It was just a clear party. A tank joins in and says, "THIS IS A GREED PARTY IM ROLLING ON CASTING RING!!" I R TANK WHAT I SAY GOES!!. I'm like I did NOT join a greed party why is this guy getting to make this party what HE wants? The leader just says I don't care its just a clear party. So guess what drops? and guess what EYE hit. Yeah I did that and felt guiltless. I don't deal well with premadonna tanks.

The difference is that I had a promise beforehand. I don't go in to a party barking orders. That's a D-bag thing, not a tank thing.

What was funny was, RIGHT before I joined that party I was talking with some people about why tanks never want to do anything to help anyone on our server. We stick to our FCs and our close circles of friends and we don't join your PF runs that you shout and beg for a tank for a half hour and wonder why you can't find one. Why?

You use us like yesterday's toilet paper, that's why. You'll bring us along just long enough to get what YOU want, then turn around and **** on us. And if we don't like it, well we're just "primadonnas" and you go whine on the forums about us. Even a fair greed roll on the item we need, win or lose, for our non-tank main job which has no decent drop from that content, is FAR too much to ask in return for doing the hard work in a fight that nobody else will help you with.

Never again. I hope the next time you need a tank in a PF party you sit there waiting until you die of old age. They can carve that post on your epitaph. Smiley: glare

Edited, Apr 21st 2014 6:30pm by DarkswordDX


@nonameoflevi: Try tanking yourself. It takes a lot more work than being a DPS. And while you're doing this, try to remember that without tanks, you're not gonna do the content, period. No Tanks or Heals = You have to wait. Every time you pull hate and have something chewing on your face, it is the Tank who saves you, and the Healer who keeps you from dying.

To try show a little more respect in the future, for the people who keep your butt alive, and the people who enable you to do the content in the first place.

Some tanks take it too far and get bossy, but most of us only do that kinda thing after we've been shat on for days/weeks/months/years. It gets old. A lot of us (myself included) tank because we enjoy the feeling of being helpful, we enjoy the teamwork aspect of tanking (I take the hits so everybody else can survive). Some of us enjoy that feeling we get when we know that we're protecting everybody else in the group, that feeling we get when we keep our watchful eye over everybody else. When we kill a boss and nobody died the whole fight. When a dangerous mob goes after a squishy in the group and we taunt it off him/her in the nick of time.

But despite our warm hearts, and the willingness to put ourselves in direct danger for everybody's benefit, we get shat upon. And damn, it gets frustrating sometimes.

So don't be quick to throw the "primadonna" term around so much. You might wanna think about how things look from our PoV. Some tanks are tanks just because of shorter queues. But yet many people tank because they enjoy it, or at least they would if it weren't for all the greedy, whiny, jerks out there who turn what should be a fun time into a sour hour.
#17 Apr 22 2014 at 5:45 AM Rating: Good
2,689 posts
I refuse to make anything other than normal need/greed parties in Party Finder and what I do is limit how many of different classes can join. So for example, I never invite more than 2 healers or 2 casters to Turn 2. That way those people have a decent shot at getting the gear they need. I make it very clear I'm not messing with the need/greed rules in my PF comment and if you don't like it, don't join. What tends to happen is people stick with the runs longer and things work out much more civilly.

Endless numbers of people shoot me tells or join PF and try and get people to greed and I just let them know politely that it isn't going to happen. I make it clear to the whole group no one is required to pass to anyone else on anything. I do ask people to let others know asap when they don't NEED an items so that other party members don't zone out assuming it's already taken.

Blogging again!
#18 Apr 22 2014 at 6:21 AM Rating: Decent
589 posts
Lyrailis wrote:
DarkswordDX wrote:

Get ready to rate me down. Same situation kinda. Lets reverse this. I was a BLM, not the one your talking about but same set up. It was just a clear party. A tank joins in and says, "THIS IS A GREED PARTY IM ROLLING ON CASTING RING!!" I R TANK WHAT I SAY GOES!!. I'm like I did NOT join a greed party why is this guy getting to make this party what HE wants? The leader just says I don't care its just a clear party. So guess what drops? and guess what EYE hit. Yeah I did that and felt guiltless. I don't deal well with premadonna tanks.

The difference is that I had a promise beforehand. I don't go in to a party barking orders. That's a D-bag thing, not a tank thing.

What was funny was, RIGHT before I joined that party I was talking with some people about why tanks never want to do anything to help anyone on our server. We stick to our FCs and our close circles of friends and we don't join your PF runs that you shout and beg for a tank for a half hour and wonder why you can't find one. Why?

You use us like yesterday's toilet paper, that's why. You'll bring us along just long enough to get what YOU want, then turn around and **** on us. And if we don't like it, well we're just "primadonnas" and you go whine on the forums about us. Even a fair greed roll on the item we need, win or lose, for our non-tank main job which has no decent drop from that content, is FAR too much to ask in return for doing the hard work in a fight that nobody else will help you with.

Never again. I hope the next time you need a tank in a PF party you sit there waiting until you die of old age. They can carve that post on your epitaph. Smiley: glare

Edited, Apr 21st 2014 6:30pm by DarkswordDX


@nonameoflevi: Try tanking yourself. It takes a lot more work than being a DPS. And while you're doing this, try to remember that without tanks, you're not gonna do the content, period. No Tanks or Heals = You have to wait. Every time you pull hate and have something chewing on your face, it is the Tank who saves you, and the Healer who keeps you from dying.

To try show a little more respect in the future, for the people who keep your butt alive, and the people who enable you to do the content in the first place.

Some tanks take it too far and get bossy, but most of us only do that kinda thing after we've been shat on for days/weeks/months/years. It gets old. A lot of us (myself included) tank because we enjoy the feeling of being helpful, we enjoy the teamwork aspect of tanking (I take the hits so everybody else can survive). Some of us enjoy that feeling we get when we know that we're protecting everybody else in the group, that feeling we get when we keep our watchful eye over everybody else. When we kill a boss and nobody died the whole fight. When a dangerous mob goes after a squishy in the group and we taunt it off him/her in the nick of time.

But despite our warm hearts, and the willingness to put ourselves in direct danger for everybody's benefit, we get shat upon. And damn, it gets frustrating sometimes.

So don't be quick to throw the "primadonna" term around so much. You might wanna think about how things look from our PoV. Some tanks are tanks just because of shorter queues. But yet many people tank because they enjoy it, or at least they would if it weren't for all the greedy, whiny, jerks out there who turn what should be a fun time into a sour hour.

Just a quick fyi, i90 SCH i80 WHM i84 PLD i80 WAR so everyone decrying go try and heal and tank yourself I've BEEN doing that. Preaching to the choir about what is and is not a premadonna tank? I got Sword and Shield to 50 in 1.0 ...come at me bro if you understand that pain. Again this was a clear party, pre echo buff, and the tank decided to make it his PERSONAL GREED party AFTER he joined via PF.
#19 Apr 22 2014 at 6:25 AM Rating: Good
1,556 posts
Lyrailis wrote:
And while you're doing this, try to remember that without tanks, you're not gonna do the content, period. No Tanks or Heals = You have to wait. Every time you pull hate and have something chewing on your face, it is the Tank who saves you, and the Healer who keeps you from dying.

Here we go again. This type of attitude is such a plague in the MMO community. It has almost gotten tiring trying to dignify these types of posts with responses.

Incoming massive derailment. This could have been such a simple thread, too.

Lyrailis wrote:
Try tanking yourself.

Don't mind if I do. We can take out the measuring tape if you like, though. I wouldn't be surprised if my tank was 50, more geared, and more experienced than and before yours.

Lyrailis wrote:
It takes a lot more work than being a DPS.

Which is why I know this is complete bullsh*t you've spouted since I also DPS and heal. One, healing in this game is far and away the most stressful and taxing role available (not to mention thankless). Don't even try to compare DPS and tanking to it. Two, maximizing DPS is by far more taxing than tanking 95% of this game's encounters.

Lyrailis wrote:
To try show a little more respect in the future, for the people who keep your butt alive

You mean the healer.

Lyrailis wrote:
Some tanks take it too far

Lyrailis wrote:
It gets old.

Yeah...........No kidding.

Lyrailis wrote:
A lot of us (myself included) tank because we enjoy the feeling of being helpful, we enjoy the teamwork aspect of tanking (I take the hits so everybody else can survive). Some of us enjoy that feeling we get when we know that we're protecting everybody else in the group, that feeling we get when we keep our watchful eye over everybody else. When we kill a boss and nobody died the whole fight. When a dangerous mob goes after a squishy in the group and we taunt it off him/her in the nick of time.

Some of us tank because we have all roles leveled up and can provide the party with whatever they need.

If I ever see this attitude in my PF groups, I auto boot the person and hop on my tank. If you think you're a special snowflake, I'll be glad to demonstrate just how wrong you are.

Lyrailis wrote:
So don't be quick to throw the "primadonna" term around so much.

But that's exactly what you are.

Lyrailis wrote:
You might wanna think about how things look from our PoV.

Looks like a nice, cushy job actually. Know how I know? Because I do it on a daily basis. Random dungeons, primals (hard and extreme), all turns in the first coil, and the first two in the second. I heal the third on one character and DPS on the other and DPS the fourth.

Know what T6, T7, and T8 consist of? Nothing that is remotely stressful for a MT. You may have had a point if you were to consider the last half of T9 but I highly doubt this is where you were coming from.

I see you're currently leveling healer. Let me know when you've played it at 50. I'm sure you'll love the role change on something like Titan. Smiley: oyvey

After you're 50 and have had some fun with your healer, feel free to chastise other players for calling a spade a spade.

nonameoflevi wrote:
I have zero tolerance for premadonna tanks.

Pretty much this.

Edited, Apr 22nd 2014 8:34am by HitomeOfBismarck
#20 Apr 22 2014 at 7:32 AM Rating: Excellent
2,010 posts
@nonameoflevi: Try tanking yourself. It takes a lot more work than being a DPS. And while you're doing this, try to remember that without tanks, you're not gonna do the content, period. No Tanks or Heals = You have to wait. Every time you pull hate and have something chewing on your face, it is the Tank who saves you, and the Healer who keeps you from dying.

I am in the unique position of having done all three roles (I'm lumping support into healing, mind), and having done it across multiple games over many years. XI, WoW, Rift, now XIV. This idea that tanking is this incredibly hard job is kind of a smokescreen. Is it challenging? It is. You have to know pretty much how everything is supposed to play out to be successful, and there is a lot of pressure on you, as a tank, to know more than the rest of the party. It's unfair, and that leads many tanks who DO possess this expected knowledge to kind of be jerks about it.

But that doesn't mean that other jobs aren't as important.

I'll give you a story to illustrate the importance of everyone being able to adapt to the changing battle and how each role is important in its own way. Last night I went into my first ever Haukke Manor. Wicked dungeon - it was like Scholomance meets Shadowfang Keep but like 99999999 times more awesome. These places really *feel* like real dungeons. Like real places.

I digress. The tank we had was really struggling, and I mean REALLY struggling squishy, couldn't keep threat, lot of deaths through that dungeon. For the most part, the party just plodded along, and many of the mobs ended with me and the other dps finishing them off as the healer went down, and then the tank. It was sloppy, REALLY sloppy. But to the party's credit, there wasn't rage or fights, just a few scattered comments and then the rest of us adapted to the tank's weaknesses.

We wiped on the first try at the last boss, and I was busy doing lamps and adds so I didn't see exactly what went on, but the second time I think the healer just gave up trying so hard to keep the tank alive. He kept him up through about the 50% mark, and then switched to healing me and the archer full time. I didn't use the LB (as drg I've been told mostly to use it) because it didn't look like it would be a good idea, and sure enough, the healer used it and we ended up downing the boss as the tank lie on the floor.

What's my point? It wasn't to bash the tank we had. I don't know why he was so squishy but I imagine it's just low gear or something. He tried his best, but if the other three of us didn't have a clue what we were doing or couldn't adapt to the changing encounter and use abilities maybe we wouldn't as a normal DPS, that party likely would have failed. Every single member of the party is important and it's really important to know all the tools at your disposal. It's easy to dismiss DPS as a robot just doing a rotation, but a good DPS can take up slack for a bad tank when needed. That was especially true in XI when you'd have like, a Samurai grab a mob if your Paladin went down or whatever. That's exactly what I was doing in that manor (except no third eye ; ;). Does it mean a DPS is meant to tank? Of course not, but taking a hit or two so the tank has a chance to get back on his feet is one of those times you need to know how to break out of that rotation and find your Bloodbath, Keen Flurry and Second Wind buttons (etc.) This idea that other jobs (and by extension, other people) are so disposable is just... it's just a sh*tty attitude.

I get that deals are made and things agreed to beforehand, but that sort of thing only works in closed groups where you are friends with everyone involved and they have a stake in your improvement. You can't join a party, tell a BLM sorry bud, I'm more important than you because I'm the tank and you are just a replaceable DPS, and expect to get what you want. That's ignorant and you don't know that he IS a replaceable DPS. This guy might know where his sleep button is. The blm you replace him with might not. In either case, it's still important to have that great DPS because I have news for you: the better your DPS, the faster and smoother the encounter goes and the more likely it will succeed if something unexpected happens.

So the moral of the story is. I dunno. I got lost somewhere in that rant.

But Haukke Manor was super @#%^ing fun.

Edited, Apr 22nd 2014 9:34am by Torrence
#21 Apr 22 2014 at 7:42 AM Rating: Decent
12,820 posts
Lyrailis wrote:
@nonameoflevi: Try tanking yourself. It takes a lot more work than being a DPS. And while you're doing this, try to remember that without tanks, you're not gonna do the content, period. No Tanks or Heals = You have to wait. Every time you pull hate and have something chewing on your face, it is the Tank who saves you, and the Healer who keeps you from dying.

My main is Warrior
My 2ndary Main is Scholar
My 3rd main is Summoner.

Tanking on some content...most content actually, is so mindless and easy I wouldn't say it's a lot of work. DPS, especially MNK/DRG has to have proper positioning and usually avoiding a lot of stuff which lowers their overall DPS at times, unlike BRD, SMN and BLM, though BLM is debatable on some content. WHM/SCH has more work to do than even DPS at times, e.g Turn 7 and Turn 8.

This is why SE introduced 'swap' mechanics to almost every ******* content now for Healers and Tanks, because it's such easy and mindless work you can single tank/heal everything, so they had to force us to use two tanks and two heals even though some gotten around it.

#22 Apr 22 2014 at 8:04 AM Rating: Excellent
I think the most difficult part of tanking in XIV is that the tank is expected to be the party leader. While the mechanics of tanking are themselves not that difficult, it's assumed by the rest of the group that you know the dungeon. You know the map, you know the gimmicks of each boss, you know where to go and what to do and can relay that information to the rest of the group.

That said, Crystal Tower is sometimes full of the most derp tanks who ought to know better... but still let the Valefors fart all over the alliance.
#23 Apr 22 2014 at 8:13 AM Rating: Good
12,820 posts
Yeah, CT is usually either trolling or proves that tanks can't even handle simple mechanics. Face the dragon's *** to the hard is that? lol.

It's true, they expect you to lead and know the dungeon inside out even if it's your first time, but the beauty of being a tank or healer, you can let derps die. DPS like to pull or attack monsters not even focused since they feel they can "solo while everyone else focus on the actual target"? Have fun being monster chow. DPS like to try to set the pace of the dungeon? Enjoy tanking 2-4 mobs that'll turn you into a hump toy because I sure as hell won't save you >.>.


#24 Apr 22 2014 at 8:15 AM Rating: Good
1,556 posts
Which is funny because our tank is silent during raids and our healer is the one who is expected to know everything/call everything. IDK if you've watched T8 healing, but it is one of the more stressful things to do in the game: especially if you try to 5 DPS it.

Same with turn 6...turn 7...and turn 9. I like it and hate it. I like the fact that they've made healing so involved. I hate it because it doesn't feel like the workload is evenly distributed.
#25 Apr 22 2014 at 8:24 AM Rating: Decent
3,441 posts
@Hitome, others:

So, somehow Primadonna Healer > Primadonna Tank, right?

*rolls eyes* Sure, okay, whatever.

Yes, my healer is just starting out. But here's a protip for you: FFXIV is not the only game to have ever had Heals, Tanks, and DPS in it and thusfar I've seen very little that actually separates FFXIV from a couple other MMORPGs I've played that I won't mention right now by name (in terms of combat mechanics). Actually, while healing that Tam-Tara, I'd have to say that Healing is easier in FFXIV than it was in that other MMORPG -- in the other MMORPG, every single pull has the tank going from 100% to 20% in the matter of 2-3 seconds even on trash. It is like fighting a boss... only Trash pulls are like that.

That one time when the Archer caused lots of AoE getting thrown around? That seems like something that is fairly rare in XIV, because I've tanked all the dungeons clear up until Cutter's Cry/Stone Vigil and I've never seen a situation where there was unavoidable massive AoE. All AoEs up until this point have been avoidable.

This other MMORPG? Unavoidable AoEs are everywhere. They have "Smart Heals" for a reason.

So yes, my FFXIV Healer is still Lv18. But yanno what? I've done Endgame healing in another MMORPG and FFXIV does not appear to be all that different, in fact I'd have to say it is somewhat slower paced. That could change, sure. But something in me doubts it; the challenge in XIV appears to be more teamwork-oriented (more stuff for more people to dodge, getting hit with dodge-able stuff = insta death, emphasis on not getting hit at all, emphasis on tanks actually having to work to hold hate instead of having it impossible to lose hate, etc). Also, that other MMO doesn't draw bright orange shapes on the ground for you to dodge, nor are the graphics as easy to read as, say, Ifrit or Titan's are until most recently.

And you know what? In that other MMORPG.... Tanks get shat upon too (moreso than even here from what I've seen thusfar). Healers do too sometimes, but people blame the Tank first, Heals second. It gets old being a Tank (which is usually an unpopular job in the first place) and having to take constant verbal crap every time something minor goes wrong.

And if Tanking was so "easy", then more people would do it. But I notice, each day I open the Duty Finder both in XIV and in the other MMORPGs, I notice Tanks almost always have the Bonus. Sometimes Healers do, about 30% of the time. So if Tanks were so "easy" compared to DPS, then why is everybody on the DPS train and not hitting the DF up for some sweet Bonus rewards?

Maybe Tanking isn't as easy as you like to make out, because you're simply just used to it after all this time?

Which is funny because our tank is silent during raids and our healer is the one who is expected to know everything/call everything. IDK if you've watched T8 healing, but it is one of the more stressful things to do in the game: especially if you try to 5 DPS it.

Same with turn 6...turn 7...and turn 9. I like it and hate it. I like the fact that they've made healing so involved. I hate it because it doesn't feel like the workload is evenly distributed.

Groups and Content Vary.

Edited, Apr 22nd 2014 10:28am by Lyrailis
#26 Apr 22 2014 at 8:30 AM Rating: Decent
589 posts
Catwho wrote:
I think the most difficult part of tanking in XIV is that the tank is expected to be the party leader. While the mechanics of tanking are themselves not that difficult, it's assumed by the rest of the group that you know the dungeon. You know the map, you know the gimmicks of each boss, you know where to go and what to do and can relay that information to the rest of the group.

That said, Crystal Tower is sometimes full of the most derp tanks who ought to know better... but still let the Valefors fart all over the alliance.

I actually don't expect the tanks to know this anymore. I see a lot of people join a group and say hey I'm new to this what should I know as a tank. I actually don't care if they do or don't know just as long as they are willing to say for the duration of whatever thing we are doing. I take to heart that no one comes in this game being a perfect MMO player even at high levels. Its this kinda of thinking that will keep people from trying to tank. The expectation that you are all knowing. As someone else stated I have played a healer 1st, tank 2nd, and dps 3rd in EVERY MMO I HAVE EVER PLAYED. Rift Tera SWTOR WoW, etc. So when I'm not on tank and I see whoeverisplayingtank@thetime make all kinds of crazy demands, I refuse to tolerate it.

Tanking isn't hard its just unpopular.

Edited, Apr 22nd 2014 10:35am by nonameoflevi
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