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Looks Like the PS4 Made a Difference (2 Million+ Registered)Follow

#102 Apr 21 2014 at 7:33 AM Rating: Default
1,036 posts
sadboys2002 wrote:
darexius2010 wrote:
sadboys2002 wrote:
Yikes, every post that doesn't praise the game 100% in this thread is hidden... no wonder it's a dead forum

lol Go back to school and take reading. Clearly you're not good at it or haven't spent any time looking at this forum with your 1 post.

It took me 5 minutes of browsing the forum to realize why it's dead. Any post that isn't brainless fanboying gets hidden from view. What an awful system, of course people dont want to bother posting in a forum where if they post an unpopular opinion, it will get filed away/hidden from view. What an archaic system to have, even the official forum would be much better. Zam should restructure its fansite forums.

Even my first post got hidden. What a great way to welcome a new member *scoff*. Of course no one is going to acknowledge my questions about the games popularity and the likelihood of an expansion/utility&rogue classes. My post got hidden because I didn't say "I LOVE SQUARE ENIX & ZAM!!!" How very very sad. Even 4chan would encourage more intelligent discussion than this overly filtered & censored drivel

Edited, Apr 21st 2014 8:43am by sadboys2002

A long time ago the Allakhazam boards had a good name. Back in the Everquest days, and early FFXI, we used to share information on mobs, tactics, drops, etc in conjunction with Ilia and it was very rare to see a Default rating let alone a Sub-Default. Sadly, the years haven't been too kind and after the original owners sold the board on the place went downhill fast which is when most of the contributing members worth a damn moved on to pastures new. The forums are some select little clique now where any view that opposes the prevailing mob mood is rated down in short order in some pathetic attempt at censorship. Even sadder is the figurehead of this mood all too often appears to be an admin who seems of the opinion he is always correct and literally spams the everliving crap out of every thread I seem to view. The general result being any views counter to his own are continually rebuked until his cronies rate the replies down to Sub-Default. He'll presumably claim he's a player who just happens to mod the forums but I personally feel he's doing a pretty bad job of it by dominating threads and turning a blind eye to mob rule.

Briefly, the more posts you have to your name the harder it is to rate you down, so you'll find that the most prolific spammers of these threads are protected pretty much from ever dipping below decent but, as you found out yourself, people less inclined to post every 5 seconds are far more easily silenced. Admins, also, are locked at Excellent, which means regardless of what he posts Thayos's opinions will always remain visible.

So, in short, welcome to the forums but don't build your hopes up of finding any real discussions here that may happen to involve any real criticism of S-E.
Fey :: Excalibur :: FFXIV
Releaser :: Fenrir :: FFXI
Grizzlebeard :: Drinal :: EQ
Crossbones :: Aggramar :: WoW
#103 Apr 21 2014 at 7:42 AM Rating: Excellent
No, any post that isn't at a certain level of maturity gets hidden from view.

We're a bunch of old farts. Most of us are in our thirties on up and we've been on the Internet longer than some new posters have been alive.

Despite that, new posters are welcome even if they criticize the game provided their arguments are posted in a thoughtful, mature, logical way with supporting evidence. "this game is dieing" posts aren't going to get very far because the evidence doesn't support it. "SE's customer service is ****" on the contrary will probably get a lot of sympathy because, again, the evidence is there that SE has historically had pretty bad customer service.
#104 Apr 21 2014 at 8:24 AM Rating: Excellent
The forums are some select little clique now where any view that opposes the prevailing mob mood is rated down in short order in some pathetic attempt at censorship. Even sadder is the figurehead of this mood all too often appears to be an admin who seems of the opinion he is always correct and literally spams the everliving crap out of every thread I seem to view.

Wow, really?

Posts like this are why I end up posting so often... because, seriously, it's totally wrong.

Read more than one thread, and you'll see how wrong this is.

Also, the way this site's karma system is set up, it's nearly impossible for the "prevailing mob mood" to be rated down and censored. The only way for a post to be hidden from view is for more people to rate it down than rate it up. If the prevailing mob mood were as negative as you think it is, these posts wouldn't get hidden.

I don't believe I'm always right, but I do believe it's my job to correct misinformation. Hence this post, and many other posts I've made.

"SE's customer service is sh*t" on the contrary will probably get a lot of sympathy because, again, the evidence is there that SE has historically had pretty bad customer service.

EXACTLY. Notice I haven't posted in that thread at all... because regardless of whether that customer service rep was doing his or her job properly, it's very well known that SE's customer service infrastructure really falls short in NA.

Edited, Apr 21st 2014 7:26am by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#105 Apr 21 2014 at 8:30 AM Rating: Default
Catwho wrote:
No, any post that isn't at a certain level of maturity gets hidden from view.

Idk. I think that's a load of poo.

You might disagree and that's fine but how is this such an immature, spam post that nobody should even bother reading it, and it should get hidden?

FilthMcNasty wrote:
200k registrations != 200k people Catwho. IIRC you were one of the people who upgraded your SE to a CE? You count as two registrations. Did you purchase and register the game for other platforms like PS3 or PS4? Perhaps you count as 3 or 4. That's been my whole point here. If 500k were a number that represented unique users then it would be plausible to estimate how many of those might stick around. It doesn't.

As for concurrent logins... Remember when WoW was dying and they lost 4 million subscribers? It's not a coincidence that those numbers were taken at the end of an expansion's lifespan. If I were SE and wanted to make myself look good I would quote numbers taken just after releasing a content patch. That's the time people are most likely to reactivate their subscription. There are more factors involved here than just how many different registration codes have been entered.

C'MON! That post is soooo offensively bad and "immature" that it should hidden from public view? Nonsense! my first post got hidden too, and it was mostly just some questions about how the game is doing lately..

why would anyone bother taking the time posting out their thoughts on this board, if it could just get hidden/ignored? What's the point? They would just go find a board where they dont have to worry about having their thoughts censored out. well I'm just saying maybe this fansite should make some improvements on that. Like people should rated down 20+ times before something so extreme as a hidden post.

I'd love a new forum to browse for XIV info/discussion but not if it's a bunch of overly censored fluff.

Edited, Apr 21st 2014 10:33am by sadboys2002

Edited, Apr 21st 2014 10:35am by sadboys2002
#106 Apr 21 2014 at 8:32 AM Rating: Excellent
50,767 posts
preludes wrote:
Sub-default was good in it's time but it really has a negative impact on a forum like this,
"When it didn't affect me it was good, but now that it has it's awful!"
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#107 Apr 21 2014 at 8:34 AM Rating: Default
lolgaxe wrote:
preludes wrote:
Sub-default was good in it's time but it really has a negative impact on a forum like this,
"When it didn't affect me it was good, but now that it has it's awful!"

this... There's no way such a system was ever good, even if it wasnt abused so much in the past, it's definitely not a good setup. just because you're only now being affected by the forum censorship doesnt mean it was ever good.
#108 Apr 21 2014 at 8:36 AM Rating: Excellent
Sadboys, you're totally right about that post not being bad or offensive.

However, this post was written by one of our forum members who seems to be negative about pretty much everything, and he's also been known to be somewhat confrontational toward other members in his posts. That, more than his negative tone, is probably why so many people rate down more benign posts like this (also, keep in mind that Filth actually has quite a bit of respect among much of the crowd that you're accusing of censorship, myself included).

That said, I'm not going to defend this site's karma system... it was here long before I was (and I've been an admin for a very long time now)... but the karma system is the law of the land here.

Seriously, if you don't like the community or the infrastructure of these boards, then I'm kind of surprised that you're here.

Edited, Apr 21st 2014 7:39am by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#109 Apr 21 2014 at 8:58 AM Rating: Default
Thayos wrote:
Seriously, if you don't like the community or the infrastructure of these boards, then I'm kind of surprised that you're here.

The overall community seems fine here, I'm specifically talking about all the censorship which makes it LOOK like a fanboy circlejerk. Clearly there is intelligent discussions stating opinions on both sides of a given argument, but how is it fair that one side is always muted/hidden within a few minutes of posting?

why am I here? I'm just trying out various fan forums. I'm just saying that when like 10+ posts were hidden when I entered this thread, for no real reason other than vaguely criticizing SE/ARR or making some other kind of unpopular opinion.

All the posts that were hidden were all perfectly well thought out opinions. I guess I just don't think a post should be hidden because a few disgruntled superfans didn't like what they were reading. It doesn't mean they were bad posts.

idk how much power you have here, but you should REALLY make the suggestion that much more rate downs be required before the drastic stage of a post being hidden as spam. Usually on other forums if a post reaches that stage, the post was just completely useless like "lol dis game suk", but I see opinions being made concisely and thoughtfully and they still get hidden away. Very strange.

Edited, Apr 21st 2014 10:59am by sadboys2002
#110 Apr 21 2014 at 9:04 AM Rating: Decent
5,745 posts
sadboys2002 wrote:
lolgaxe wrote:
preludes wrote:
Sub-default was good in it's time but it really has a negative impact on a forum like this,
"When it didn't affect me it was good, but now that it has it's awful!"

this... There's no way such a system was ever good, even if it wasnt abused so much in the past, it's definitely not a good setup. just because you're only now being affected by the forum censorship doesnt mean it was ever good.

To the contrary, this system works just fine. People rate up what they want to see more of, and they rate down what they want to see less of. It's not a bad analogue of real life. You can't just say whatever is one your mind all the time because there are typically immediate social repercussions. And if you're the kind of person who has no filter or just ignores the reactions of others, the people around you simply start to tune you out and avoid you.
#111 Apr 21 2014 at 9:11 AM Rating: Default
svlyons wrote:
sadboys2002 wrote:
lolgaxe wrote:
preludes wrote:
Sub-default was good in it's time but it really has a negative impact on a forum like this,
"When it didn't affect me it was good, but now that it has it's awful!"

this... There's no way such a system was ever good, even if it wasnt abused so much in the past, it's definitely not a good setup. just because you're only now being affected by the forum censorship doesnt mean it was ever good.

To the contrary, this system works just fine. People rate up what they want to see more of, and they rate down what they want to see less of. It's not a bad analogue of real life. You can't just say whatever is one your mind all the time because there are typically immediate social repercussions. And if you're the kind of person who has no filter or just ignores the reactions of others, the people around you simply start to tune you out and avoid you.

This kind of system is definitely not reflective of real life. If you give an unpopular opinion, your voice doesn't get stapled shut. Maybe in orwell's 1984. if there's nothing wrong with the system then why were 10 posts in this thread hidden for reasons unknown? They just didn't blindly support/clap their hand for anything Square enix says/does. They were clear, well thought out posts. In any other thread, they would have stayed hidden too. The admin went and rated them back up in this one due to the complaining.

Edited, Apr 21st 2014 11:15am by sadboys2002
#112 Apr 21 2014 at 9:37 AM Rating: Excellent
2,232 posts
supermegazeke wrote:
FilthMcNasty wrote:
The number does not represent people.

I let my cat play sometimes.

My cat pulled twintania the other night!
#113 Apr 21 2014 at 9:40 AM Rating: Excellent
This kind of system is definitely not reflective of real life.

Yes, it is.

If you're chatting among a group of people and you start acting out of sorts or against social norms -- and if you keep doing it again and again -- that group will definitely begin tuning you out and hoping that you'll leave... and you probably wouldn't be invited to the next gathering.

This forum community is more of a dinner party group dynamic than a citizen/government dynamic.

My cat pulled twintania the other night!

My cat wrote this forum post!

Edited, Apr 21st 2014 8:41am by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#114 Apr 21 2014 at 9:43 AM Rating: Excellent
2,232 posts
No for reals man... I was standing a bit too close and he jumped on my kb and I took a couple steps forward... then face pulled the whole mess...
#115 Apr 21 2014 at 10:03 AM Rating: Default
Thayos wrote:

Also, the way this site's karma system is set up, it's nearly impossible for the "prevailing mob mood" to be rated down and censored. The only way for a post to be hidden from view is for more people to rate it down than rate it up. If the prevailing mob mood were as negative as you think it is, these posts wouldn't get hidden.

This isn't true, since once you get to a point you can't vote anymore.
#116 Apr 21 2014 at 10:06 AM Rating: Excellent
This isn't true, since once you get to a point you can't vote anymore.

I'm getting too old for this.
Thayos Redblade
#117 Apr 21 2014 at 10:20 AM Rating: Excellent
Like I said up thread, some of us have been online longer than some other posters have been alive. Smiley: laugh

(1990 Prodigy connection here Smiley: nod)

#118 Apr 21 2014 at 10:22 AM Rating: Good
5,745 posts
sadboys2002 wrote:
svlyons wrote:
sadboys2002 wrote:
lolgaxe wrote:
preludes wrote:
Sub-default was good in it's time but it really has a negative impact on a forum like this,
"When it didn't affect me it was good, but now that it has it's awful!"

this... There's no way such a system was ever good, even if it wasnt abused so much in the past, it's definitely not a good setup. just because you're only now being affected by the forum censorship doesnt mean it was ever good.

To the contrary, this system works just fine. People rate up what they want to see more of, and they rate down what they want to see less of. It's not a bad analogue of real life. You can't just say whatever is one your mind all the time because there are typically immediate social repercussions. And if you're the kind of person who has no filter or just ignores the reactions of others, the people around you simply start to tune you out and avoid you.

This kind of system is definitely not reflective of real life. If you give an unpopular opinion, your voice doesn't get stapled shut. Maybe in orwell's 1984. if there's nothing wrong with the system then why were 10 posts in this thread hidden for reasons unknown? They just didn't blindly support/clap their hand for anything Square enix says/does. They were clear, well thought out posts. In any other thread, they would have stayed hidden too. The admin went and rated them back up in this one due to the complaining.

Edited, Apr 21st 2014 11:15am by sadboys2002

Your opinion doesn't get stapled shut here either. Anyone can expand a sub-default post or thread and see what's in it. The only thing that completely disappears is when a post gets completely unrated, and that's very rare.
#119 Apr 21 2014 at 10:53 AM Rating: Excellent
The admin went and rated them back up in this one due to the complaining.

Wait, what?

The mob controls the ratings; I don't control the mob.

Edited, Apr 21st 2014 9:55am by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#120 Apr 21 2014 at 11:02 AM Rating: Decent
1,556 posts
sadboys2002 wrote:
darexius2010 wrote:
sadboys2002 wrote:
Yikes, every post that doesn't praise the game 100% in this thread is hidden... no wonder it's a dead forum

lol Go back to school and take reading. Clearly you're not good at it or haven't spent any time looking at this forum with your 1 post.

It took me 5 minutes of browsing the forum to realize why it's dead. Any post that isn't brainless fanboying gets hidden from view. What an awful system, of course people dont want to bother posting in a forum where if they post an unpopular opinion, it will get filed away/hidden from view. What an archaic system to have, even the official forum would be much better. Zam should restructure its fansite forums.

Even my first post got hidden. What a great way to welcome a new member *scoff*. Of course no one is going to acknowledge my questions about the games popularity and the likelihood of an expansion/utility&rogue classes. My post got hidden because I didn't say "I LOVE SQUARE ENIX & ZAM!!!" How very very sad. Even 4chan would encourage more intelligent discussion than this overly filtered & censored drivel

Edited, Apr 21st 2014 8:43am by sadboys2002

1) The posts that have been hidden are usually written by blatantly obtuse people (see: preludes) who only serve to stir up **** while contributing nothing to the thread topic. Stick around and find out. The fact that they're hidden means a majority of the playerbase on ZAM does not agree with them and/or finds their posting style to be caustic.

2) Your first post was probably hidden because you are following the trends found in #1.

You're welcome to visit the OF. They have some really detailed, intelligent discussions over there (or so I'm told).
#121 Apr 21 2014 at 11:04 AM Rating: Decent
1,732 posts
Thayos wrote:
Taken and giant seps are not part of the normal fate rotation.
These particular fates are on there own random timer.. And was confirmed it in the same thread that it was not true for some fates.. I know that taken spawned yesterday less than 1/2 hour apart during the day... Completely random..

I found one of those threads, and SE's rep said they looked into it and the key to spawning these FATEs faster is just to clear more FATEs.

Looks like these FATEs pop according to a RNG and not as part of a FATE chain (which is probably how they all pop, only these few FATEs have less generous RNG percentages). But clearing out other FATEs provides more opportunities for these less-likely FATEs to pop.

So yeah, it's random. Yeah, it sucks when you're up against it. And yeah, clearing out other FATEs does help.

See this is why people get angry you posted this something twice.. When it has been proven this aint true for some of the fates not all fates are on with the other fates and it has been proven this reps does not not know what he is talking about in this instance. Most fates in general are but not all...

I have seen my self this is not true as other I know... I dont think the rep is intentionally lieing, I just dont think he knows what he is talking about here. I doubt any rep knows everything there is to know about this game.

Edited, Apr 21st 2014 1:07pm by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#122 Apr 21 2014 at 11:16 AM Rating: Excellent
See this is why people get angry you posted this something twice.. When it has been proven this aint true for some of the fates not all fates are on with the other fates and it has been proven this reps does not not know what he is talking about in this instance. Most fates in general are but not all...

I actually did search for those discussions you referenced, but the only convos I found were the ones with the SE reps and a few others hypothesizing on whether these FATEs are part of FATE chains (feedback on those was divided).

I don't really frequent reddit or the official forums (I usually look at the OF just to check out the dev tracker), and I've had no reason to study those specific FATEs yet, because I haven't hit that roadblock. Rather than get angry, I'd actually love it if you'd just post some links to the convos you're referencing... I'm probably not the only one who'd really like to see them.

There's so much chatter about this stuff on different sites, finding specific convos can be like finding a needle in a haystack relying only on satellite imagery.

Edited, Apr 21st 2014 10:18am by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#123 Apr 21 2014 at 11:34 AM Rating: Default
1,732 posts
Thayos wrote:
See this is why people get angry you posted this something twice.. When it has been proven this aint true for some of the fates not all fates are on with the other fates and it has been proven this reps does not not know what he is talking about in this instance. Most fates in general are but not all...

I actually did search for those discussions you referenced, but the only convos I found were the ones with the SE reps and a few others hypothesizing on whether these FATEs are part of FATE chains (feedback on those was divided).

I don't really frequent reddit or the official forums (I usually look at the OF just to check out the dev tracker), and I've had no reason to study those specific FATEs yet, because I haven't hit that roadblock. Rather than get angry, I'd actually love it if you'd just post some links to the convos you're referencing... I'm probably not the only one who'd really like to see them.

There's so much chatter about this stuff on different sites, finding specific convos can be like finding a needle in a haystack relying only on satellite imagery.

Edited, Apr 21st 2014 10:18am by Thayos

I told you I haves seen it with my own eyes it aint true.. Believe what you want to believe because no matter what I post you will comeback with he same thing and say the same thing over and over and over, Till I give up so you think your right since you got last word.

It kind of goes like this reps dont know everything about this game.. It would like expecting a ford sales person to know everything about a ford car and be able to fix a transmission...

Anyway I am done.. Believe what you want I dont care..

Edited, Apr 21st 2014 1:36pm by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#124 Apr 21 2014 at 11:36 AM Rating: Excellent
2,232 posts
I thought of you yesterday Nash... and I felt really bad.

I was in Coerthas beating on the cyclops and everyone died. So I homeported and went back and thought to myself, well, I need to do a leve here for my book, so I'll do that, oh and look it's right by the spawn point for that FATE I need too in my book. I was halfway through the leve when Seps popped. Me and a DRG were the only 2 people there and we killed it.

I zoned into Eastern LaNocsea and the waterblob was already up. I killed him 2/3 of the way with a few other people, maybe 4 or 5 tops, job done there.

I ported to east shroud, and since that FATE is actually a 2 parter, I had my map open and kept my eyes peeled. I ran around the lowbie area crushing fates as my MNK for about 15 minutes or so and then the little NPC to start the FATE popped on my map. I choco'd over to sylph land, spammed holy til my MP ran out, and my book FATEs were done. There were about 10 or 12 at that one.

Total time spen on them... maybe 45 minutes...

I don't know what the 'secret' is, but it did seem that new FATEs didn't show until other FATEs were either completed or ran out. Maybe the next book won't be so bad...idk... but now maybe that everyone isn't on the same step it won't be so bad.
#125 Apr 21 2014 at 11:45 AM Rating: Decent
1,732 posts
LebargeX wrote:
I thought of you yesterday Nash... and I felt really bad.

I was in Coerthas beating on the cyclops and everyone died. So I homeported and went back and thought to myself, well, I need to do a leve here for my book, so I'll do that, oh and look it's right by the spawn point for that FATE I need too in my book. I was halfway through the leve when Seps popped. Me and a DRG were the only 2 people there and we killed it.

I zoned into Eastern LaNocsea and the waterblob was already up. I killed him 2/3 of the way with a few other people, maybe 4 or 5 tops, job done there.

I ported to east shroud, and since that FATE is actually a 2 parter, I had my map open and kept my eyes peeled. I ran around the lowbie area crushing fates as my MNK for about 15 minutes or so and then the little NPC to start the FATE popped on my map. I choco'd over to sylph land, spammed holy til my MP ran out, and my book FATEs were done. There were about 10 or 12 at that one.

Total time spen on them... maybe 45 minutes...

I don't know what the 'secret' is, but it did seem that new FATEs didn't show until other FATEs were either completed or ran out. Maybe the next book won't be so bad...idk... but now maybe that everyone isn't on the same step it won't be so bad.

Well Tes is already on her 4 th book.. Talk about luck...
By the way it is not all fates so far it is just those two so far that have been proven not to be on with other fates...
Matter of fact Tes is one that saw that the one is not on with the other fates... She saw one pop after 15 min after the last and this was during the day which is the probably one of the slowest times.. Now if it were on a timer with other fates in rotation it could never pop in 15 min...

By the way I like the books.. I just dont like that their there are fates that take 25 hours to pop. I have never waited that long.. Seps I waited 4 or 5 hours for and then about two hours the following day.. 4 to 5 hours is too long though to stand and do nothing.

now you probably jinxed yourself...

Edited, Apr 21st 2014 1:46pm by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#126 Apr 21 2014 at 11:49 AM Rating: Excellent
Believe what you want to believe because no matter what I post you will comeback with he same thing and say the same thing over and over and over, Till I give up so you think your right since you got last word.

Seriously, I don't disbelieve you. I really just want to see the convos where players talk about their testing of how these FATEs work. Your earlier posts already inspired me to learn more about the issue; until then, I had no idea that different "normal" FATES actually operated on different timers or RNGs... so you helped me!

This isn't about me "wanting the last word." Quite the opposite. I enjoy learning about this game.
Thayos Redblade
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