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Looks Like the PS4 Made a Difference (2 Million+ Registered)Follow

#79 Apr 18 2014 at 1:38 PM Rating: Decent
2,232 posts
Since you just edited I'll amend my reply.
It just sounds like you're really mad that it's taking too long to get the most powerful gear in the game. Yoshi said he would be surprised if anybody was done by the next patch. Why are you angry?

Edited, Apr 18th 2014 12:41pm by LebargeX
#80 Apr 18 2014 at 1:46 PM Rating: Decent
1,732 posts
LebargeX wrote:
Since you just edited I'll amend my reply.
It just sounds like you're really mad that it's taking too long to get the most powerful gear in the game. Yoshi said he would be surprised if anybody was done by the next patch. Why are you angry?

Edited, Apr 18th 2014 12:41pm by LebargeX

I am not friggin mad about it taking time, I played FFXI for like 7 years so i dont mind grind or time. I dont like staring at a map for 3 hours doing nothing.. I also dont like the randomness off this sh*t. I have heard you complain too about this stuff as well as most of our FC. I just think this whole atma thing is stupid. I think the books was a good idea except adding fates to it that can take over 25 hours to pop is ridiculous.

Edited, Apr 18th 2014 3:55pm by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#82 Apr 18 2014 at 2:20 PM Rating: Good
595 posts
Explain to me how a thread about promising subscription numbers turns into a thread for one guy to ***** about unrelated nonsense. If you don't want to grind fates, make friends and grind coil. If you don't want to make friends and grind coil, then maybe you need to re-think why you're even here.
#83 Apr 18 2014 at 2:40 PM Rating: Excellent
Let's bring it back with another link!

Final Fantasy XIV Has Attracted 2 Million Players

Smiley: clown
Thayos Redblade
#84 Apr 18 2014 at 3:17 PM Rating: Good
1,570 posts
Thayos wrote:
Now, to be perfectly clear, I do believe this type of content is good for XIV. Could the atma content have been implemented a bit smarter? Yeah... the RNG could have been calculated to provide improving returns for the amount of FATES you do in a zone with the quest active and a zenith equipped, or something like that.
You know they wouildn't do that seeing that the whole point of implementing Atma the way they did was to elongate playtime as much as they could. The extra bodies out in the world is just gravy but the clear intent here was to pacify the idiots that were crying about having nothing to do in-game.
To bring this back to the OP (which is the success of the PS4 launch and the continued influx of new players), the atma farming was probably designed to include FATE grinding as a way to populate "newb" content at a time when lots of new people are coming into the game. Shrewd move by SE, imo.
Except that if the number of new players is as considerable as the reports indicate then there is plenty of help within their own ranks. People at level cap already resent having their levels taken away, and a good number seem to have burned themselves out on FATEs while leveling, so throwing yet even more FATEs for progression is questionable at best. Especially with how "well" they went over when Crystal Tower and beastman dailies required FATEs.

The concept of Atma isn't bad per se because what they did is take the splinters of Atiesh/shards of Val'anyr from WoW and tie them to FATEs instead of raid bosses. The problem is more WHERE they are in progression; hardcore players should be the ones dealing with that stuff (much like splinters and shards dropped only inside their respective raid dungeons and nowhere else in the game) rather than those who either don't care for Coil or can't/won't do it.

I had no problem with farming my tomes then getting three HM primal kills to get my relic because that was actually reasonable. I could prepare for it (I have all items and the three +1 items for my relic by the time I killed HM Titan) and pace myself around it. RNG screws that up more often than not, and when you tie said RNG to FATEs you're asking for trouble because you have RNG on top of RNG.
Products of boredom: 1 2 3 4 5
Hopes for FFXIV: Fencer | Red Mage
#85 Apr 18 2014 at 3:26 PM Rating: Excellent
RNG screws that up more often than not, and when you tie said RNG to FATEs you're asking for trouble because you have RNG on top of RNG.

Good points.

The biggest question now is whether SE might attempt to go to the third layer of RNG.... a RNG within a RNG within a RNG.. that would be very risky... with that much RNG, a player's mind may slip into oblivion.
Thayos Redblade
#86 Apr 18 2014 at 5:20 PM Rating: Decent
2,232 posts
HonkeyKong29 wrote:
LebargeX wrote:
Since you just edited I'll amend my reply.
It just sounds like you're really mad that it's taking too long to get the most powerful gear in the game. Yoshi said he would be surprised if anybody was done by the next patch. Why are you angry?

Edited, Apr 18th 2014 12:41pm by LebargeX

Obviously you can't read. It's not the fact you have to grind, it's what they're forcing you to grind. They're making you replay old content for hours on end to get your atma weapon, then they make you camp out in the middle of nowhere for hours waiting on a FATE to pop. Staring at a map for four plus hours is ridiculous.... I'd much rather have to complete 10 fates that spawn every 15-20 min than 3 fates that spawn every four hours. Get it yet??

So you'd rather spend 20 minutes killing stuff while waitng for up to 200 minutes than spend 6 minutes killing stuff while waiting 240 minutes.

10 fates x 20 minute spawns = 200 minutes
3 fates spawn in 4 hours = 240 minutes.

So your game breaking world ending argument is over 40 minutes of waiting...15 of which would be spent killing mindless crap.

Or are you saying that those 3 fates pop 4 hours in between? So it takes 12 hours to complete all 3?

To Nash sorry should have quoted I wasn't replying to your post. Waiting 25 hours sucks. And yes I've said I'm tired of doing fates. But that doesn't change the fact that this system provides a viable alternative to people who aren't in a position to grind out high end content. Like me. So I'll say I'm tired of doing fates. And keep doing them a couple at a time while I'm doing all the other stuff the game has to offer. When it comes time to do my books maybe we can commiserate on that too :)
#87 Apr 19 2014 at 1:35 PM Rating: Default
4,175 posts
Thayos wrote:
Again, you're proving my point and taking things out of context... that's why I'm not jumping up to find those "sources" you keep talking about. Smiley: wink

Out of context doesn't mean what you think it means.

I wouldn't expect you to 'jump up' to find any source at all Thayos. You can't even be bothered to read the sources you post here yourself Smiley: wink
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#88 Apr 19 2014 at 1:56 PM Rating: Excellent
2,010 posts
Thayos wrote:

Also, might do you some good to learn that I'm not a blind SE fan boy.

Oh, I dunno. I remember a few times wanting smack the blind optimism out of you, but it's water under the bridge now :P

Thayos wrote:
Probably because the forum community here has become so toxic they've moved elsewhere. The FFXIV Reddit forum has a problem with too many people bragging about their big shiny weapons.

I'm pretty sure some of our posters don't actually play the game anymore, so they'd have no shiny weapons to brag about.

Re: reddit - yea it's insane the amount of hits for reddit threads I get when looking things up. Big, big community there.

Re: posters not playing the game anymore - maybe folks will slowly start to trickle back, as they have time and inclination. I was just reading an interview with Yoshi-P over at gamasutra and one of the comments he made was that he wanted to make the game fun first, and profits, if they happened, were a much lower priority in this specific case. Of course, SE's main goal as a business is to make money, but for YP, it was about recovering the Final Fantasy name. His number one focus was what the players were telling him, and he corrected (most) the problems and as a reward, the players are chattering among themselves and subscriptions are increasing. This is the correct way to produce a good or service.

Are there still things that could be improved? Sure. Personally I don't know why macros don't have the text written across them or why they don't display tooltips or even why in the great long list of macros they are all generic GRAY, but I imagine that either these are things that will be improved later on, or something that I just don't know how to fix yet.

These issues are so small compared to what I remember from two years ago though, that in no way would it cause me to stop playing or tell anyone else not to try it.

3 second delay for any action in user interface = unplayable
Macros that are hard to differentiate from one another = eh. Stupid, but tolerable.

#89 Apr 19 2014 at 4:15 PM Rating: Excellent
Agreed about the game and YP's goals. And I do agree that I'm an optimist.... But not a blind optimist. Like I said, I just have a hard time getting myself worked up over things that aren't a big deal.

And you must admit, there are more reasons to be optimistic than pessimistic about FFXIV, regadless of what anyone's secret sources say. Smiley: wink
Thayos Redblade
#90 Apr 20 2014 at 4:09 AM Rating: Good
542 posts
Torrence wrote:
Are there still things that could be improved? Sure. Personally I don't know why macros don't have the text written across them or why they don't display tooltips or even why in the great long list of macros they are all generic GRAY, but I imagine that either these are things that will be improved later on, or something that I just don't know how to fix yet.

In the macros menu, right click on the icon in the upper right when you have a macro selected and you're given a list of quite a few icon options.

Type /macroicon [action name] in the box for syntax to assign an icon used for another skill. Might need quotes around the action name, been a while since I've messed with it.

Edited, Apr 20th 2014 6:10am by Susanoh
#91 Apr 20 2014 at 11:28 AM Rating: Default
It's sad to come here sometimes, when you see an admin accounting for like 20% of the posts.

I wish Zam would realise why people would come to a forum like this and adapt it accordingly. This place is stuck in the past and the traffic it gets shows it.
#92 Apr 20 2014 at 12:34 PM Rating: Good
preludes wrote:
It's sad to come here sometimes, when you see an admin accounting for like 20% of the posts.

I wish Zam would realise why people would come to a forum like this and adapt it accordingly. This place is stuck in the past and the traffic it gets shows it.

True talk. Not being so scared of banning the obvious trolls would go a long way in making this space more accommodating.
#93REDACTED, Posted: Apr 20 2014 at 1:22 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) So, are you guys saying that this game is still making tons of money?
#94 Apr 20 2014 at 2:30 PM Rating: Excellent
OK, let's squash this bug now... I have only locked one "negative" thread during the past year or so, and that's because it was a duplicate thread. Also, only one person that I know of has been banned, and he wasn't even banned for trolling, but for breaking other forum rules. I also do not "hide" posts or threads that I don't agree with.

With that clarified, you may carry on. :)

Thayos Redblade
#95 Apr 20 2014 at 2:42 PM Rating: Excellent
I've never known Thayos to ban/hide things on this forum without just cause based on the rules of the forum, which can be found here. Even if he did, he'd be within his right to:

Any post deemed off topic by moderation staff may be locked, moved or removed at the discretion of the moderator, with or without notice.

If you believe a post is in the wrong forum, please submit it for review to a moderator, or use the report forum post function.

If you have a complaint, you can contact any staff member and state your claim or use the Report button above any post. At worst, Thayos just speaks his mind a lot :P
#96 Apr 20 2014 at 4:27 PM Rating: Default
Thayos wrote:
OK, let's squash this bug now... I have only locked one "negative" thread during the past year or so, and that's because it was a duplicate thread. Also, only one person that I know of has been banned, and he wasn't even banned for trolling, but for breaking other forum rules. I also do not "hide" posts or threads that I don't agree with.

With that clarified, you may carry on. :)

The forum has it's own moderation system, the sub default system really should be removed in my opinion.

Why do people post here?
A) To post something controversial.
B) To argue with someone that said something bad, which is entertaining (you can't be a white knight if you've nobody to argue with).
C) You were already banned from the official forums.

Sub-default was good in it's time but it really has a negative impact on a forum like this, at least with how popular the official forums are anyway. If you want to retain the only niche this forum has you should do away with the sub-defaults.
#97 Apr 20 2014 at 4:34 PM Rating: Default
sadboys2002 wrote:
Yikes, every post that doesn't praise the game 100% in this thread is hidden... no wonder it's a dead forum

lol Go back to school and take reading. Clearly you're not good at it or haven't spent any time looking at this forum with your 1 post.
#98 Apr 20 2014 at 5:32 PM Rating: Excellent
It's also worth noting that I'm not a paid admin... haven't been for a very long time.

My only "responsibility" as an unpaid admin is to make sure the forums are free of spam and extremely blatant trolling, and the well-known Negative Nancies on this board (FilthMcNasty & Preludes, for example) don't ever cross that line. In fact, they often make great points that are worthy of discussion. Filth and I go after each other sometimes, but I value what he brings here. Seriously, to get banned for trolling, your posts must be borderline psychotic (and even then, you'd be warned before being banned). Negativity doesn't matter.

And yeah, I do speak my mind... because I can. Smiley: smile I'm literally not paid to be a forum janitor. The good thing is, you may argue with me to your heart's content, and you're bound to be backed by at least a few people. If you're gonna argue, though, be ready for a rebuttal. That has always been the culture here at ZAM. Our admins don't have a history of being silent, watchful observers. Other sites have often been better for looking up data, but ZAM has traditionally been the place for game-related conversations with more than 10 chars per post.

Now, my next problem... why am I only the author of one thread on Page 1 of my personal blog? Smiley: frown

Edited, Apr 20th 2014 4:46pm by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#99 Apr 20 2014 at 6:55 PM Rating: Good
2,010 posts
Susanoh wrote:

In the macros menu, right click on the icon in the upper right when you have a macro selected and you're given a list of quite a few icon options.

Type /macroicon [action name] in the box for syntax to assign an icon used for another skill. Might need quotes around the action name, been a while since I've messed with it.

Thanks for the reply. I see what you mean. It's *less* obnoxious now, but I'd still have preferred /macroicon to just carry over without the extra work.

And I wish the text displayed across the button itself ; ;
Some of us just aren't *visual* ppls.

#100 Apr 21 2014 at 1:22 AM Rating: Good
424 posts
FilthMcNasty wrote:
The number does not represent people.

I let my cat play sometimes.
#101REDACTED, Posted: Apr 21 2014 at 6:38 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) It took me 5 minutes of browsing the forum to realize why it's dead. Any post that isn't brainless fanboying gets hidden from view. What an awful system, of course people dont want to bother posting in a forum where if they post an unpopular opinion, it will get filed away/hidden from view. What an archaic system to have, even the official forum would be much better. Zam should restructure its fansite forums.
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