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SE customer support (or lack thereof)Follow

#1 Apr 12 2014 at 9:25 AM Rating: Decent
I can't believe SE still doesn't have weekend support.

I use the software security token on my phone and it died yesterday. To remedy the situation, I went and got a new phone. However, I now can't log into the game or my SE account because I don't have an active token. I thought I had emailed the emergency removal code to my self, but I can't find it. I remember specifically logging in to get it after an FC mate of mine had the same issue. This issue also can't be handled via email or chat support (neither of which seem to be working either); it can only be handled via telephone. Which is Monday - Friday 10am-8pm my time.

Why would they have no one on hand to handle customer service issues on weekends, which I'm sure are their top traffic days outside of tome and dungeon reset days? I mean, I have other things I can do this weekend, but I really wanted to throw some time at my Leviathan weapon! (0/5 on drops so far Smiley: frown)
#2 Apr 12 2014 at 10:01 AM Rating: Decent
Well... Their phone support is US based. Why would they make their customer support phone center work anything other than M-F? I'm sure the idea of an emergency phone support would be great. However, what would keep every other little kid from thinking their problems are emergencies? I have had to call customer support several times between FFXI and FFXIV 1.0 and 2.0. The sheer amount of calls they get can be ridiculous at times. You would never get thru an emergency line because people would treat it as if it were just another weekend support...


If you are using a Software Token on your smartphone and decide to switch to a new phone, or you have deleted your Software Token application, you will need to use your Software Token’s Emergency Removal Password to remove your Software Token from the old device, after which you must re-register the token to your new device. If you are planning on switching phones or deleting the application, please be sure you have your Emergency Removal Password at hand first.

Edited, Apr 12th 2014 12:03pm by cgmiller89
#3 Apr 12 2014 at 10:26 AM Rating: Good
cgmiller89 wrote:
Well... Their phone support is US based. Why would they make their customer support phone center work anything other than M-F? I'm sure the idea of an emergency phone support would be great. However, what would keep every other little kid from thinking their problems are emergencies? I have had to call customer support several times between FFXI and FFXIV 1.0 and 2.0. The sheer amount of calls they get can be ridiculous at times. You would never get thru an emergency line because people would treat it as if it were just another weekend support...


If you are using a Software Token on your smartphone and decide to switch to a new phone, or you have deleted your Software Token application, you will need to use your Software Token’s Emergency Removal Password to remove your Software Token from the old device, after which you must re-register the token to your new device. If you are planning on switching phones or deleting the application, please be sure you have your Emergency Removal Password at hand first.

Edited, Apr 12th 2014 12:03pm by cgmiller89

Why wouldn't you have call support on weekends? I don't understand your logic. I work at an eye clinic and we're open weekends. I've worked retail in the past and was open weekends. I've worked at a restaurant and we were open weekends. All sales / customer service related (2 categories SE falls into.) I'm not even talking about an emergency line, but they should have customer service support on Saturdays. As for the quoted section, I know about that, but don't know how I didn't get the info logged somewhere when I specifically logged into my account to get it before. I'm not mad at them for not letting me know I needed the code, because I did. I'm mad that I realized I had an issue at 9pm Friday night and can't get any help for it until Monday evening.

Edited, Apr 12th 2014 12:26pm by IKickYoDog
#4 Apr 12 2014 at 2:42 PM Rating: Excellent
I agree, when you're paying 15$/month for game, you'd think support would be available 7 days a week. I mean, there's no other reason behind it other than SE not wanting to pay people to work on weekends. Is this really surprising though? SE has a horrid track record with customer service. Mostly because instead of quitting the game, you're more likely to put up with it and just wait until Monday.

#5 Apr 12 2014 at 5:15 PM Rating: Excellent
3,441 posts
Blizzard is open 7 days a week, if that matters.

So yes, some game companies DO have Phone Support 7 days a week..

Square-Enix just isn't one of them, for whatever reason. You'd think that with the success of ARR and the fact XI is still doing well enough that they are still developing content for it, you'd think they'd have enough to have 7 days/week phone support.

Edited, Apr 12th 2014 7:15pm by Lyrailis
#6 Apr 12 2014 at 6:03 PM Rating: Excellent
5,729 posts
A lot of big companies don't have weekend support. UPS doesn't and it drives me nuts. Especially considering that you have to pay extra for saturday delivery but there's no support available if something goes wrong.

</personal gripe>
75 Rabbit/75 Sheep/75 Coeurl/75 Eft/75 Raptor/75 Hippogryph/75 Puk
75 Scorpion/75 Wamoura/75 Pixie/75 Peiste/64 Sabotender
51 Bird/41 Mandragora/40 Bee/37 Crawler/37 Bat

Items no one cares about: O
Missions no one cares about: O
Crafts no one cares about: O
#7 Apr 12 2014 at 6:36 PM Rating: Good
I'm of the belief that if you're going to offer a 24/7 service, you should have at least 7 day support.
#8 Apr 12 2014 at 6:45 PM Rating: Good
I'm under the belief that you were instructed to keep the emergency removal code for a reason.

But hey, what do I know....

Edited, Apr 12th 2014 8:46pm by darexius2010
#9 Apr 12 2014 at 7:14 PM Rating: Decent
darexius2010 wrote:
I'm under the belief that you were instructed to keep the emergency removal code for a reason.

But hey, what do I know....

Edited, Apr 12th 2014 8:46pm by darexius2010

Your lack of a sense of humor is disappointing.

Suppose I was getting an error code upon login, preventing me from playing the game. What do I do then?

I already admitted to accessing the code and misplacing it, funny guy. But thank you for stating the obvious.

Edited, Apr 12th 2014 9:14pm by IKickYoDog
#10 Apr 12 2014 at 7:30 PM Rating: Decent
IKickYoDog wrote:
darexius2010 wrote:
I'm under the belief that you were instructed to keep the emergency removal code for a reason.

But hey, what do I know....

Edited, Apr 12th 2014 8:46pm by darexius2010

Your lack of a sense of humor is disappointing.

Suppose I was getting an error code upon login, preventing me from playing the game. What do I do then?

I already admitted to accessing the code and misplacing it, funny guy. But thank you for stating the obvious.

Edited, Apr 12th 2014 9:14pm by IKickYoDog

In my 8 years of FFXI, my time with FFXIV 1.0, and with FFXIV 2.0, I've never once encountered an error where one of the following statements weren't true:

1) I screwed something up, in which case it's not SE's problem nor should they support it.
2) Everyone else was experiencing the exact same issue and it was resolved promptly by SE.
3) A single instance of an issue occurred and didn't occur again.

One of these three have always been true because I practice sane computing habits, I don't do anything obviously stupid or fishy, and I don't abuse the system, whether software or hardware, that I'm playing the game on.

Never once had an issue.

So since you have a sense of humor, you tell me why it makes sense for SE to have 24/7 support when having it isn't expressly needed in the first place?

Edited, Apr 12th 2014 9:31pm by darexius2010
#11 Apr 12 2014 at 8:00 PM Rating: Good
darexius2010 wrote:
IKickYoDog wrote:
darexius2010 wrote:
I'm under the belief that you were instructed to keep the emergency removal code for a reason.

But hey, what do I know....

Edited, Apr 12th 2014 8:46pm by darexius2010

Your lack of a sense of humor is disappointing.

Suppose I was getting an error code upon login, preventing me from playing the game. What do I do then?

I already admitted to accessing the code and misplacing it, funny guy. But thank you for stating the obvious.

Edited, Apr 12th 2014 9:14pm by IKickYoDog

In my 8 years of FFXI, my time with FFXIV 1.0, and with FFXIV 2.0, I've never once encountered an error where one of the following statements weren't true:

1) I screwed something up, in which case it's not SE's problem nor should they support it.
2) Everyone else was experiencing the exact same issue and it was resolved promptly by SE.
3) A single instance of an issue occurred and didn't occur again.

One of these three have always been true because I practice sane computing habits, I don't do anything obviously stupid or fishy, and I don't abuse the system, whether software or hardware, that I'm playing the game on.

Never once had an issue.

So since you have a sense of humor, you tell me why it makes sense for SE to have 24/7 support when having it isn't expressly needed in the first place?

Edited, Apr 12th 2014 9:31pm by darexius2010

Not everyone is a tech guru, or even technologically literate. Some people play on a console that requires zero tech knowledge to operate or maintain. SE offers their service on both platforms and knows that the whole of their playerbase will not be able to troubleshoot every problem that arises. That's where the term customer service comes into play. It doesn't matter that it's an instanced server issue that is happening to everyone. It doesn't matter that it may be a hardware issue. If I can turn on my computer and see the screen, then see the login screen, and get into the game, but then stutter-screen everything once in, there should be someone there to help troubleshoot.

If I signed up for Netflix and couldn't get it to work on my laptop because of a firewall I had set up, then got told by the company that I basically need to figure it out myself, I'd just quit it.

Why? Because someone is having an issue accessing your product. As a corporate policy, you should want to not only provide an enjoyable and useable product, but also want as many people to successfully use it to keep them subscribing. If they have an issue, you should want to be there to help them make the product useable again, within reason.

My issue of losing my code is just a vehicle for bringing up a larger issue. I'm not advocating 24/7 support. I'm advocating 7 day support. Huge difference. As someone posted before, Blizzard, among other companies, has 7 day support. For ***** n giggles I just called Best Buy and they also have 24/7 support. They don't even have 24/7 running services. All I'm asking for is 8 hours of accessibility on weekends in case something comes up. I'll sit on hold for 20 minutes if I have to. So, please, tell me how that is unreasonable.
#12 Apr 13 2014 at 12:34 AM Rating: Decent
I don't recall saying that it's unreasonable to want 7 day support. I feel it's unreasonable to use a problem you created as a vehicle to bust on their support structure. If you call in, unless things have changed since a close friend of mine called in with the same issue, they're going to refuse service to you because you don't have the code. My buddy knew everything about the account, but because he didn't have his recovery code, they assumed it was a possible hijack attempt and refused to help him.

This isn't a firewall issue. This isn't an inability to log in because you forgot to turn your computer on. It isn't unreasonable to ask for 7 day support. It IS unreasonable to demand that SE double as Microsoft support, as your ISP's support, or as your antivirus diagnostic team. That's not what they are there for, and that's most likely why they aren't available 7 days a week.

I can't say enough, I'm not arguing against what you're going through. It sucks. I'd never dispute that and I do hope you get it resolved. Being away from the game.... Well, it sucks.
#13 Apr 13 2014 at 12:40 AM Rating: Excellent
darexius2010 wrote:
I don't recall saying that it's unreasonable to want 7 day support. I feel it's unreasonable to use a problem you created as a vehicle to bust on their support structure. If you call in, unless things have changed since a close friend of mine called in with the same issue, they're going to refuse service to you because you don't have the code. My buddy knew everything about the account, but because he didn't have his recovery code, they assumed it was a possible hijack attempt and refused to help him.

This isn't a firewall issue. This isn't an inability to log in because you forgot to turn your computer on. It isn't unreasonable to ask for 7 day support. It IS unreasonable to demand that SE double as Microsoft support, as your ISP's support, or as your antivirus diagnostic team. That's not what they are there for, and that's most likely why they aren't available 7 days a week.

I can't say enough, I'm not arguing against what you're going through. It sucks. I'd never dispute that and I do hope you get it resolved. Being away from the game.... Well, it sucks.

That's what I'm trying to get at. My friend had this same issue, called in, and got it resolved. I just want the opportunity to do the same without waiting almost 3 days to do so.

EDIT: What's up with Chrome suddenly double-quoting everything?

Edited, Apr 13th 2014 2:41am by IKickYoDog
#14 Apr 13 2014 at 12:44 AM Rating: Good
Dunno. What version number are you using? The latest beta build isn't doing that.
#15 Apr 13 2014 at 12:47 AM Rating: Good
Version 34.0.1847.116 m
#16 Apr 13 2014 at 6:08 AM Rating: Good
6,899 posts
darexius2010 wrote:
I don't recall saying that it's unreasonable to want 7 day support. I feel it's unreasonable to use a problem you created as a vehicle to bust on their support structure. If you call in, unless things have changed since a close friend of mine called in with the same issue, they're going to refuse service to you because you don't have the code. My buddy knew everything about the account, but because he didn't have his recovery code, they assumed it was a possible hijack attempt and refused to help him.

This isn't a firewall issue. This isn't an inability to log in because you forgot to turn your computer on. It isn't unreasonable to ask for 7 day support. It IS unreasonable to demand that SE double as Microsoft support, as your ISP's support, or as your antivirus diagnostic team. That's not what they are there for, and that's most likely why they aren't available 7 days a week.

Way to pull an argument out of context. Please show me where the OP demanded anything? All that was pointed out was that it's very unfortunate not to have support 7 days a week, considering the service is 7 days a week. The OP also never suggested 24/7 support like you tried to imply. Heck, the OP even admitted that it was their fault for misplacing the removal code. That doesn't mean there shouldn't be weekend support to resolve other compatibility or technical issues. It's great that in your 8 years you've never had an issue, however that doesn't mean that thousands of other people don't have issues that could be resolved by support. It also doesn't change the fact that it's pretty cruddy for a company as big as SE not to have weekend support for a game with over a million subs.
#17 Apr 13 2014 at 8:29 AM Rating: Decent
BartelX wrote:
darexius2010 wrote:
I don't recall saying that it's unreasonable to want 7 day support. I feel it's unreasonable to use a problem you created as a vehicle to bust on their support structure. If you call in, unless things have changed since a close friend of mine called in with the same issue, they're going to refuse service to you because you don't have the code. My buddy knew everything about the account, but because he didn't have his recovery code, they assumed it was a possible hijack attempt and refused to help him.

This isn't a firewall issue. This isn't an inability to log in because you forgot to turn your computer on. It isn't unreasonable to ask for 7 day support. It IS unreasonable to demand that SE double as Microsoft support, as your ISP's support, or as your antivirus diagnostic team. That's not what they are there for, and that's most likely why they aren't available 7 days a week.



Darexius2010 wrote:
I can't say enough, I'm not arguing against what you're going through. It sucks. I'd never dispute that and I do hope you get it resolved. Being away from the game.... Well, it sucks.

Edited, Apr 13th 2014 10:30am by darexius2010
#18 Apr 13 2014 at 8:35 AM Rating: Excellent
I worked for a weekend support type call center once. (I say once, I worked there for seven years...) There are absolutely options out there for a third party, secondary support center.

SE just doesn't want to pay for it.
#19 Apr 13 2014 at 8:39 AM Rating: Decent
Catwho wrote:
I worked for a weekend support type call center once. (I say once, I worked there for seven years...) There are absolutely options out there for a third party, secondary support center.

SE just doesn't want to pay for it.

And for good reason, I might add. The cost of competent third-party support is enough to make you want to kill yourself, not to mention weekend support.

Which is exactly why I don't employ weekend support for my software company. If the volume isn't there, why am I literally dropping my first and third born for it?
#20 Apr 17 2014 at 3:39 PM Rating: Excellent
660 posts
I don't pretend to know what Square Enix can and can't afford. What matters is they have a 24/7 service so it is their duty to provide 24/7 support for their customers who use and pay for that service, especially if the customers are asking for it. Managing the cost isnt for the customer to care about, only level of support when they need it.

If SE was treated like a corporate contractor that **** wouldnt fly.
#21 Apr 17 2014 at 4:43 PM Rating: Decent
4,175 posts
They contracted the bulk of their own work to China for FFXIV. Why would you think they'd cough up the extra dime to have weekend service? Also, they've never really given a damn about CS. This company has been around for decades, yet they barely started to acknowledge their community a few years ago...
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
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