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Favorite New Dungeon?Follow

#1 Mar 28 2014 at 12:20 AM Rating: Excellent
I'm going to say Halatali HM might be my new favorite dungeon, replacing Hauke Manor HM.

Cool music, cool concept, fun fights. Overall I'm just very impressed with it. Really liked the new Ampador, too, which really reminded me of a Promy from FFXI... but Halatali HM was just fantastic.

That last fight on Brayflox HM was pretty fun to figure out, too... took us a few tries to come up with a good strat to knock bombs away.

What's everyone else's fav dungeon of 2.2?
Thayos Redblade
#2 Mar 28 2014 at 1:06 AM Rating: Good
1,004 posts
not coil lol.

turn 6 is CRAZY compared to anything in turn 1-5. I would definatley say, harder than twintania. theres so many mechanics happening at the same time, and you get confused as hell. my group managed to get it to about 50% before we wiped. I'm going to say with full i90 gear and allagan weapons, its a real challenge. better gear will definatley be needed to make it easier on the DPS checks (theres a few). anything lower than i88 I would say shouldn't enter. for those wondering, acc cap is 490 for melee and 450 for casters (estimates as of now).

talking about the other dungeons, i'll have to go with amdapor. the music is great, and I thought the last bosses trick was pretty cool. and your right thayos, it reminded me of promy also.

Edited, Mar 28th 2014 3:08am by Keysofgaruda
#3 Mar 28 2014 at 1:17 AM Rating: Excellent
5,729 posts
Brayflox followed closely by Amdapor. Halatali can suck it.
75 Rabbit/75 Sheep/75 Coeurl/75 Eft/75 Raptor/75 Hippogryph/75 Puk
75 Scorpion/75 Wamoura/75 Pixie/75 Peiste/64 Sabotender
51 Bird/41 Mandragora/40 Bee/37 Crawler/37 Bat

Items no one cares about: O
Missions no one cares about: O
Crafts no one cares about: O
#4 Mar 28 2014 at 2:41 AM Rating: Good
1,102 posts
I love lost city so much!!!!
#5 Mar 28 2014 at 3:05 AM Rating: Good
Jack of All Trades
29,633 posts
Amdapor, by far. I like the environment, I like the music, I like the FFXI mob cameos. My only remote disappointment with the zone is that I felt the first two bosses could have been made a little more threatening.

That last fight on Brayflox HM was pretty fun to figure out, too... took us a few tries to come up with a good strat to knock bombs away.

Speaking as a WHM, I felt that a couple of Holy casts (Swiftcast to help out a bit with the second one, to allow you to move, because one cast might not create enough of a space) worked pretty well to create a safe area.

I'm sure there's more resource-efficient ways of doing it, but there is something very satisfyingly DBZ-esque about creating a sphere around you that actually knocks things away.
#6 Mar 28 2014 at 3:06 AM Rating: Good
181 posts
I'm going with Lost City also. It might not be as hard as people were expecting but it is beautifully designed.
#7 Mar 28 2014 at 5:45 AM Rating: Good
2,232 posts
Haven't run them yet but I did see a guy advertising 10 min speed runs for Halatali. I was like for realz? Lol
#8 Mar 28 2014 at 7:37 AM Rating: Excellent
2,550 posts
I ran Halatali no problem. Fun dungeon, good concept (arena style), easy enemies, good loot and tomes. My kind of map.

Haven't tried Brayflox yet.

Started lost city of Amdapoor last night right before I realized that in one hour would be emergency maintenance. 1st and second bosses were easy (I am still thrilled that those give myth tomes!) and the last boss Diabolos I think I figured out, but none of my teammates from duty finder knew really what was going on, so we wiped about 5 times before having to give up due to the maintenance.

My understanding is that you pay very close attention when entering the room to check for two doors with matching symbols (I have heard the healer does this, or that each member of the party is responsible for a symbol). One symbol is selected to be first. About 5 seconds after the start, the symbols will disappear and the doors close. One member of the team should open one of the doors that previosuly had the chosen first symbol at this time. Then the ranged dps or a healer should move over by the corresponding closed door that had the same symbol as the one now open. Diabolos will stop at around 60% and cast an Omen type attack that has a slow cast bar. When this cast bar hits 50%, the ranged DPS or heals should open that second door and it will pull everyone in and under the map, evading his big attack. At this time you should be paying attention to the doors, which should have symbols again while you travel under the map, but will lose these symbols really soon after you surface. The next set of symbols should be chosen at this time. One person should again open one of the doors for that symbol and stand next to the closed 2nd door that also had that symbol. When Diabolos gets down a bit more he will cast the Omen again, and then you open that 2nd door, get pulled under, rinse and repeat. Maybe I'll get this thing beat tonight.
#9 Mar 28 2014 at 8:00 AM Rating: Excellent
Valkayree wrote:
I ran Halatali no problem. Fun dungeon, good concept (arena style), easy enemies, good loot and tomes. My kind of map.

Haven't tried Brayflox yet.

Started lost city of Amdapoor last night right before I realized that in one hour would be emergency maintenance. 1st and second bosses were easy (I am still thrilled that those give myth tomes!) and the last boss Diabolos I think I figured out, but none of my teammates from duty finder knew really what was going on, so we wiped about 5 times before having to give up due to the maintenance.

My understanding is that you pay very close attention when entering the room to check for two doors with matching symbols (I have heard the healer does this, or that each member of the party is responsible for a symbol). One symbol is selected to be first. About 5 seconds after the start, the symbols will disappear and the doors close. One member of the team should open one of the doors that previosuly had the chosen first symbol at this time. Then the ranged dps or a healer should move over by the corresponding closed door that had the same symbol as the one now open. Diabolos will stop at around 60% and cast an Omen type attack that has a slow cast bar. When this cast bar hits 50%, the ranged DPS or heals should open that second door and it will pull everyone in and under the map, evading his big attack. At this time you should be paying attention to the doors, which should have symbols again while you travel under the map, but will lose these symbols really soon after you surface. The next set of symbols should be chosen at this time. One person should again open one of the doors for that symbol and stand next to the closed 2nd door that also had that symbol. When Diabolos gets down a bit more he will cast the Omen again, and then you open that 2nd door, get pulled under, rinse and repeat. Maybe I'll get this thing beat tonight.

You can select and mark all 3 pairs you will need right at the start before the symbols fade away.

-The main DD can mark the pair of Blue doors with 1-2, and the pair of Red doors with 3-4.
-Have the healer look for the two matching green doors and mark them with shapes.

Now you are all set, and a single ranged DD can handle it from there. Pre-open one door of each pair while fighting and go stand by the second door in the pair. When the boss casts Ruinous Omen, not right away, but around 70% on the cast bar, click the second door. You will be teleporting thru the door and avoid the blast.

Repeat for the 3-4 pair and the pair marked with shapes. If you DD is fast enough you will only have 2 pairs to worry about!

(With all that said, my favorite new fight is the Goblin Bomb Machine in Brayflox!!)

#10 Mar 28 2014 at 8:42 AM Rating: Excellent
2,550 posts
Gnu wrote:
Valkayree wrote:
I ran Halatali no problem. Fun dungeon, good concept (arena style), easy enemies, good loot and tomes. My kind of map.

Haven't tried Brayflox yet.

Started lost city of Amdapoor last night right before I realized that in one hour would be emergency maintenance. 1st and second bosses were easy (I am still thrilled that those give myth tomes!) and the last boss Diabolos I think I figured out, but none of my teammates from duty finder knew really what was going on, so we wiped about 5 times before having to give up due to the maintenance.

My understanding is that you pay very close attention when entering the room to check for two doors with matching symbols (I have heard the healer does this, or that each member of the party is responsible for a symbol). One symbol is selected to be first. About 5 seconds after the start, the symbols will disappear and the doors close. One member of the team should open one of the doors that previosuly had the chosen first symbol at this time. Then the ranged dps or a healer should move over by the corresponding closed door that had the same symbol as the one now open. Diabolos will stop at around 60% and cast an Omen type attack that has a slow cast bar. When this cast bar hits 50%, the ranged DPS or heals should open that second door and it will pull everyone in and under the map, evading his big attack. At this time you should be paying attention to the doors, which should have symbols again while you travel under the map, but will lose these symbols really soon after you surface. The next set of symbols should be chosen at this time. One person should again open one of the doors for that symbol and stand next to the closed 2nd door that also had that symbol. When Diabolos gets down a bit more he will cast the Omen again, and then you open that 2nd door, get pulled under, rinse and repeat. Maybe I'll get this thing beat tonight.

You can select and mark all 3 pairs you will need right at the start before the symbols fade away.

-The main DD can mark the pair of Blue doors with 1-2, and the pair of Red doors with 3-4.
-Have the healer look for the two matching green doors and mark them with shapes.

Now you are all set, and a single ranged DD can handle it from there. Pre-open one door of each pair while fighting and go stand by the second door in the pair. When the boss casts Ruinous Omen, not right away, but around 70% on the cast bar, click the second door. You will be teleporting thru the door and avoid the blast.

Repeat for the 3-4 pair and the pair marked with shapes. If you DD is fast enough you will only have 2 pairs to worry about!

(With all that said, my favorite new fight is the Goblin Bomb Machine in Brayflox!!)

Thanks Gnu, that is good advice, to have haler mark green with shapes, while DD mark red and blue with numbers.

But why 70%? When me and my duty finder lackies actually did it right, 50% was still plenty of time to get through the door. Is 70% enough to avoid the attack? I don't want to be coming out from under the map and get hit.
#11 Mar 28 2014 at 8:50 AM Rating: Excellent
We did it at 50%-ish one time and actually came out of the door before the attack went off.

One issue I was wroking on improving is you have to un-target to be ready to click the door. Don't want to cut it too close or a missed click will not get you in the door in time. The hit-box for clicking the doors is wonky depending on camera angle.

If I had him Focus Targeted I could watch the cast and be ready to click at the same time, that would probably help with the guessing the completion % of the cast timer.

#12 Mar 28 2014 at 8:53 AM Rating: Excellent
2,550 posts
Gnu wrote:
We did it at 50%-ish one time and actually came out of the door before the attack went off.

One issue I was wroking on improving is you have to un-target to be ready to click the door. Don't want to cut it too close or a missed click will not get you in the door in time. The hit-box for clicking the doors is wonky depending on camera angle.

If I had him Focus Targeted I could watch the cast and be ready to click at the same time, that would probably help with the guessing the completion % of the cast timer.

That makes sense. I have it on my PS3 where if my weapon is out I will only custom target enemies, but if my weapon is shiethed I will target everything except pets. Helps to pick mobs in tight situations, but I have to click in L3 in dungeons when I want to push a button. Takes some getting used to, but it works for me.

I think I'm going to call 60% on the door now that I hear your explanation.
#13 Mar 28 2014 at 10:35 AM Rating: Excellent
2,232 posts
Valkayree wrote:
Gnu wrote:
We did it at 50%-ish one time and actually came out of the door before the attack went off.

One issue I was wroking on improving is you have to un-target to be ready to click the door. Don't want to cut it too close or a missed click will not get you in the door in time. The hit-box for clicking the doors is wonky depending on camera angle.

If I had him Focus Targeted I could watch the cast and be ready to click at the same time, that would probably help with the guessing the completion % of the cast timer.

That makes sense. I have it on my PS3 where if my weapon is out I will only custom target enemies, but if my weapon is shiethed I will target everything except pets. Helps to pick mobs in tight situations, but I have to click in L3 in dungeons when I want to push a button. Takes some getting used to, but it works for me.

I think I'm going to call 60% on the door now that I hear your explanation.

Looks like I'll run this once to clear and pray I never get it again.... really hate being color blind lol.
#14 Mar 28 2014 at 11:18 AM Rating: Excellent
2,550 posts
LebargeX wrote:
Valkayree wrote:
Gnu wrote:
We did it at 50%-ish one time and actually came out of the door before the attack went off.

One issue I was wroking on improving is you have to un-target to be ready to click the door. Don't want to cut it too close or a missed click will not get you in the door in time. The hit-box for clicking the doors is wonky depending on camera angle.

If I had him Focus Targeted I could watch the cast and be ready to click at the same time, that would probably help with the guessing the completion % of the cast timer.

That makes sense. I have it on my PS3 where if my weapon is out I will only custom target enemies, but if my weapon is shiethed I will target everything except pets. Helps to pick mobs in tight situations, but I have to click in L3 in dungeons when I want to push a button. Takes some getting used to, but it works for me.

I think I'm going to call 60% on the door now that I hear your explanation.

Looks like I'll run this once to clear and pray I never get it again.... really hate being color blind lol.

They are unique symbols as well as color (one is a goobue, one is a dragon, etc), which might help a bit.
#15 Mar 28 2014 at 3:43 PM Rating: Good
2,232 posts
Valkayree wrote:
LebargeX wrote:
Valkayree wrote:
Gnu wrote:
We did it at 50%-ish one time and actually came out of the door before the attack went off.

One issue I was wroking on improving is you have to un-target to be ready to click the door. Don't want to cut it too close or a missed click will not get you in the door in time. The hit-box for clicking the doors is wonky depending on camera angle.

If I had him Focus Targeted I could watch the cast and be ready to click at the same time, that would probably help with the guessing the completion % of the cast timer.

That makes sense. I have it on my PS3 where if my weapon is out I will only custom target enemies, but if my weapon is shiethed I will target everything except pets. Helps to pick mobs in tight situations, but I have to click in L3 in dungeons when I want to push a button. Takes some getting used to, but it works for me.

I think I'm going to call 60% on the door now that I hear your explanation.

Looks like I'll run this once to clear and pray I never get it again.... really hate being color blind lol.

They are unique symbols as well as color (one is a goobue, one is a dragon, etc), which might help a bit.

Oh good... Cuz I'm worthless in the Garuda HM fight... those lines between the sisters look exactly the same to me ><
#16 Mar 28 2014 at 9:20 PM Rating: Good
1,675 posts
I like all of them. I think they're even easier than the original HM dungeons.

After understanding how the door mechanic works for the Diabalos fight and why you have to do it its actually pretty fun.

#17 Mar 29 2014 at 4:19 AM Rating: Good
1,556 posts
Easily Amdapor. :) The music reminds me of's eerie just like Diabolos should be. I love the last fight as well. Quite an interesting mechanic.
#18 Mar 29 2014 at 7:59 AM Rating: Decent
Jack of All Trades
29,633 posts
But why 70%? When me and my duty finder lackies actually did it right, 50% was still plenty of time to get through the door. Is 70% enough to avoid the attack? I don't want to be coming out from under the map and get hit.

For me, both of those would have been way too late. I had to click at around 1/3 full in order to avoid. 50% still got us hit due to not getting sucked into the door in time.

I'm guessing latency is part of the issue here though...

Also, for door clickers: keeping Focus Target on Diabolos really helps. Just saying!
#19 Mar 29 2014 at 12:17 PM Rating: Excellent
2,232 posts
Fynlar wrote:
But why 70%? When me and my duty finder lackies actually did it right, 50% was still plenty of time to get through the door. Is 70% enough to avoid the attack? I don't want to be coming out from under the map and get hit.

For me, both of those would have been way too late. I had to click at around 1/3 full in order to avoid. 50% still got us hit due to not getting sucked into the door in time.

I'm guessing latency is part of the issue here though...

Also, for door clickers: keeping Focus Target on Diabolos really helps. Just saying!

If you tank him on the edge of the arena, he will move to the center for the 'super move'. Just open the doors when he gets to he middle. Worked perfectly for us. :)
#20 Mar 31 2014 at 3:54 AM Rating: Good
2,689 posts
I liked them all actually. I think Halatali will get old fast but was great fun first time through. Brayflox will be quick to run and I loved the fact that the fights were chaotic. The new Amdapor dungeon is beautiful to look at, the only thing which disappointed me was that the floor didn't drop away on the final boss ;)
Blogging again!
#21 Mar 31 2014 at 7:44 AM Rating: Decent
1,732 posts
I like them all with Amdapor probably being my least favorite because that stuff floating around kind of was irritating on the eyes.
I thought they were all pretty easy maybe too easy but very fun. I loved each had a trick to pass. Levi was extremely fun but way easy too. Greg fight was just a little goofy for me and easy but still kind of cool.

Defiantly liked them way more than the last set of dungeons. I actually wanted to go back and run them a gain and again..

One question on the doors for the last fight in Amdapor. I didn't have to worry about them being whm, but how do they work? No one explained it well. How do they know which too open.. Seems like when I did this everyone was in a rush or said I will just handle the doors. I did this dungeon 2 times too and passed the first time each time. I see someone did above but still a little unclear since it is a reply.

I will say this the lag was really really bad for most and SE better get this under control.. People were complaining about the lag more than how they like the dungeon. I had one tank I almost could not heal, My heals would say interrupted because he was not ever where it showed. Every run i was in someone was complaining about the lag. This was the worst I ever saw it. Some people were just warping around. If Se cant get there server issues under control it will keep overshadowing the work they put into these dungeons. They say they have all these users well fix you server and bandwidth issues, it has been long enough. Even with the lag the dungeons were fun and we got through the first time on all of them.

Edited, Mar 31st 2014 10:00am by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#22 Mar 31 2014 at 7:52 AM Rating: Decent
3,599 posts
Thayos wrote:
I'm going to say Halatali HM might be my new favorite dungeon, replacing Hauke Manor HM.

Cool music, cool concept, fun fights. Overall I'm just very impressed with it. Really liked the new Ampador, too, which really reminded me of a Promy from FFXI... but Halatali HM was just fantastic.

That last fight on Brayflox HM was pretty fun to figure out, too... took us a few tries to come up with a good strat to knock bombs away.

What's everyone else's fav dungeon of 2.2?

There's new dungeons? I just thought this was the Atma Grind patch...
#23 Mar 31 2014 at 9:44 AM Rating: Excellent
1,330 posts
Lost City of Amdapor is probably my favorite.

Brayflox is very humorous and a close second.

But the server lag...oh the lag...
#24 Mar 31 2014 at 9:48 AM Rating: Decent
Jack of All Trades
29,633 posts
One question on the doors for the last fight in Amdapor. I didn't have to worry about them being whm, but how do they work? No one explained it well. How do they know which too open.. Seems like when I did this everyone was in a rush or said I will just handle the doors. I did this dungeon 2 times too and passed the first time each time. I see someone did above but still a little unclear since it is a reply.

For a few seconds after the fight starts, a symbol above each door will glow. To get yourself warped you have to open two doors with matching symbols.

From what I have read, you are allowed to open one door as early as you like, and then open the second one when you need it. But never done it like that myself, so don't quote me on it.

The symbols will glow again briefly as you are being warped between two of the doors.
#25 Mar 31 2014 at 11:21 AM Rating: Good
3,825 posts
Correct, open one of the pair in advance
#26 Mar 31 2014 at 12:54 PM Rating: Decent
What the OP said. Halatali HM is fun - all bosses have a mechanic that you have to do in order to survive. I love the concept of fighting other classes that aren't of beast kind. The beat its self in kinda upbeat lol. It a little different that under dungeon instead of the same grind dungeons.
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