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#127 Apr 01 2014 at 6:16 PM Rating: Good
3,599 posts
Got it, finally!

Artemis Bow Atma

Now to quit FATEs forever.
#128 Apr 01 2014 at 9:09 PM Rating: Excellent
2,232 posts
Louiscool wrote:
Got it, finally!

Artemis Bow Atma

Now to quit FATEs forever.

Heh. Too bad the upgrade books have fates in them ><
#129 Apr 02 2014 at 8:54 AM Rating: Decent
1,732 posts
Louiscool wrote:
Got it, finally!

Artemis Bow Atma

Now to quit FATEs forever.

How much better are the stats?
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#130 Apr 02 2014 at 9:46 AM Rating: Excellent
So after going nine hours without an atma between Monday night and part of Tuesday evening, I finally got lucky last night by scoring three atma in about 2 hours... AND I knocked off Garuda EX, making last night a very good night! This puts me back on track to getting all of my atma by the weekend, RNG gods willing.

I seriously can't wait to get my level 100 weapon and start upgrading my stats...
Thayos Redblade
#131 Apr 02 2014 at 9:56 AM Rating: Good
Nashred wrote:
Louiscool wrote:
Got it, finally!

Artemis Bow Atma

Now to quit FATEs forever.

How much better are the stats?

The stats of the base Atma Weapon are the same as the relic zenith, just 10 ilvls higher. The stats only get better after you complete the Atma books you buy with ToM. The weapon doesn't glow anymore and the DRG one changed color, I haven't seen the rest yet.
#132 Apr 02 2014 at 12:13 PM Rating: Good
3,599 posts
Yeah, stats are the same, and upgrade as you do the trials.

Warrior looks great, has blood all over it. Personally, I don't like the glowing so this is a positive upgrade for me.
#133 Apr 02 2014 at 12:53 PM Rating: Good
1,339 posts
Nashred wrote:
Yea that is one area i spent 5 plus hours with no drops and one of the areas Tes got two from.

I'm 11/12 since the patch and my average has been about 2-3 hours per atma. The least amount of time I spent on one was around 45 minutes.

The worst? Central Shroud. Overall close to 27 hours combined and close to 500 fates in that zone alone towards the achievement.

(The only reason I know it's close to 27 hours is because I've gone through 112 Venture coins doing the quick method for two retainers).

EDIT: Meant Central Shroud. Sadly, still working on Central Thanalan.

Edited, Apr 2nd 2014 3:15pm by Viertel
#134 Apr 02 2014 at 12:58 PM Rating: Decent
3,599 posts
Viertel wrote:
Nashred wrote:
Yea that is one area i spent 5 plus hours with no drops and one of the areas Tes got two from.

I'm 11/12 since the patch and my average has been about 2-3 hours per atma. The least amount of time I spent on one was around 45 minutes.

The worst? Central Thanalan. Overall close to 27 hours combined and close to 500 fates in that zone alone towards the achievement.

(The only reason I know it's close to 27 hours is because I've gone through 112 Venture coins doing the quick method for two retainers).

Edited, Apr 2nd 2014 2:56pm by Viertel

Basically, ensuring we won't be doing this for a second job for some time.
#135 Apr 02 2014 at 1:42 PM Rating: Good
I was on a bit of a roll, getting a total of 7 atma. Now I've spent the last 7 hours in Western Thanalan with nothing in site. The zone sucks for this simply cause Fates are so infrequent, not to mention the size of terrain to need to travel to get to the next one. So half the time, you get to the 2nd one and it's 90% complete.

#136 Apr 02 2014 at 1:49 PM Rating: Decent
1,732 posts
Viertel wrote:
Nashred wrote:
Yea that is one area i spent 5 plus hours with no drops and one of the areas Tes got two from.

I'm 11/12 since the patch and my average has been about 2-3 hours per atma. The least amount of time I spent on one was around 45 minutes.

The worst? Central Shroud. Overall close to 27 hours combined and close to 500 fates in that zone alone towards the achievement.

(The only reason I know it's close to 27 hours is because I've gone through 112 Venture coins doing the quick method for two retainers).

EDIT: Meant Central Shroud. Sadly, still working on Central Thanalan.

Edited, Apr 2nd 2014 3:15pm by Viertel

Holy crap 27 hrs, I dont feel so bad...My longest has been 15 hrs but the one I am working on now may beat that and is close to 15 hrs now. I am still at 2 atmas,... another 4 hours and NADA last night.
My girlfriend though has 2 left last I talked to her. She actually has 4 extra she is hoping to use for her next one..

Edited, Apr 2nd 2014 3:50pm by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#137 Apr 02 2014 at 3:47 PM Rating: Good
2,550 posts
I've put maybe 12 total hours in, maybe more. I have 4/12. One was on FATE #2, another was a 1/1, and the last two were within 8 FATES. My problem is that if my luck isnt pulling it within 8, I move on to other things. It is probably why I only have 4. I think my max in one sitting was 25 FATES in a row.

I seem to have MUCH better luck in parties. 3 of mine were obtained in parties, while 1 was by myself. And I have probably spent more time solo.

RNG hates me by default, that is important to know. But as long as the map has a lvl 49+ FATE on it, I am happy to grind as long as I need to spiritbond my full zircon sets, and crafting sets =)

Have you seen how much even crafting 1 materia are going for? WOW.
#138 Apr 02 2014 at 4:19 PM Rating: Excellent
1,310 posts
Louiscool wrote:
Viertel wrote:
Nashred wrote:
Yea that is one area i spent 5 plus hours with no drops and one of the areas Tes got two from.

I'm 11/12 since the patch and my average has been about 2-3 hours per atma. The least amount of time I spent on one was around 45 minutes.

The worst? Central Thanalan. Overall close to 27 hours combined and close to 500 fates in that zone alone towards the achievement.

(The only reason I know it's close to 27 hours is because I've gone through 112 Venture coins doing the quick method for two retainers).

Edited, Apr 2nd 2014 2:56pm by Viertel

Basically, ensuring we won't be doing this for a second job for some time.

Remember when the time it took to get a relic weapon was measured in years? Smiley: lol
#139 Apr 02 2014 at 5:32 PM Rating: Decent
3,599 posts
Xoie wrote:
Louiscool wrote:
Viertel wrote:
Nashred wrote:
Yea that is one area i spent 5 plus hours with no drops and one of the areas Tes got two from.

I'm 11/12 since the patch and my average has been about 2-3 hours per atma. The least amount of time I spent on one was around 45 minutes.

The worst? Central Thanalan. Overall close to 27 hours combined and close to 500 fates in that zone alone towards the achievement.

(The only reason I know it's close to 27 hours is because I've gone through 112 Venture coins doing the quick method for two retainers).

Edited, Apr 2nd 2014 2:56pm by Viertel

Basically, ensuring we won't be doing this for a second job for some time.

Remember when the time it took to get a relic weapon was measured in years? Smiley: lol

Don't mistake that for sadness. I'm happy people have to choose, I'm sick of all the upstart bards who only play it so they can get quick coil invites. #Bard4LifeOrUntilWeGetRanger
#140 Apr 03 2014 at 5:17 AM Rating: Good
2,689 posts
I've decided not to drive myself nuts about this. So far I've been out four times (20m, 45m, 45m, 20m) and gotten 2 atma (Central Shroud and Lower La Noscea). I know I can't take hours of farming so if it takes me a month of doing this, I'm ok with that. Basically I intend to do up to an hour a day in the week and maybe more if I can face it at the weekend. I'll get there eventually. I managed to complete Battle of the Bridge, Leviathan HM (and rest of story) and all the new dungeons pretty fast whilst other friends went nuts on atma.
Blogging again!
#141 Apr 03 2014 at 7:37 AM Rating: Decent
5,055 posts
can yo star the quest on lets say brd but then change to another job (thats wearing zenith) do FATEs and still get drops or do i have to do it on the job i started the quest on?
#142 Apr 03 2014 at 7:42 AM Rating: Good
2,550 posts
eldelphia wrote:
I've decided not to drive myself nuts about this. So far I've been out four times (20m, 45m, 45m, 20m) and gotten 2 atma (Central Shroud and Lower La Noscea). I know I can't take hours of farming so if it takes me a month of doing this, I'm ok with that. Basically I intend to do up to an hour a day in the week and maybe more if I can face it at the weekend. I'll get there eventually. I managed to complete Battle of the Bridge, Leviathan HM (and rest of story) and all the new dungeons pretty fast whilst other friends went nuts on atma.

Right on, I spent my soldiery on the noct lorica yesterday, and had 1600 myth. I was saving up 1500 for the book, but at the 4/12 rate my atma is going, and my lack of time to grind away in lieu of other important things, I upgraded three of my tank jewelry slots from darklight to hero's, and now my warrior and paladin are exstatic. I even did some glamour on their armor sets so they are looking pretty cool as well. I like the barbutes with the noct lorica. It is a cool look.
#143 Apr 03 2014 at 10:05 AM Rating: Excellent
The rng is suddenly on my side... Six atma in the past two nights, leaving me just one short.

Maybe Garuda Ex was my good luck charm?
Thayos Redblade
#144 Apr 03 2014 at 10:19 AM Rating: Excellent
2,232 posts
Got the bull shortly after maintenance when i soloed the undertaker boss fate outside dry bone this morning. 2/12 :)
#145 Apr 03 2014 at 11:15 AM Rating: Decent
125 posts
The Atma gods they just loooooooove me!!!!

I finished my atma weapon on Friday, and yesterday finished my 3rd book.

(That being said, even though I finished my Atma weapon in two days I do remember my first Atma took me 4 hours, and my last one took me 5 hours. So I know how it can be out there. All the Atma's in between were just a blur as I was in the zone.) LOL

I came here to see if anyone had gotten their 4th book and completed it yet? I was hoping that our base dmg and stuff would change to at least the i95 dmg after the 4 books, and then maybe the i100 dmg after the 9th book. But that's just wishful thinking, was wondering if anyone knew this yet.

Edited, Apr 3rd 2014 1:18pm by SirLuciousLeftfoot
#146 Apr 03 2014 at 11:26 AM Rating: Excellent
I came here to see if anyone had gotten their 4th book and completed it yet?

You were probably the first person on ZAM to get an atma, if you got it last Friday.

That does get me thinking though... I wonder if the rate of atma drops are static regardless of how many people are in a zone? That would explain how some people were able to get atma right away, and why (at least for me) the RNG gods have been significantly more kind over the past few nights. There are far fewer people now swarming around for atmas, just like there were fewer people going at it in the first 24 hours following the patch.

The drop rates seemed to be the worst while fate grinding was at a fever pitch.

Could be my imagination, though.
Thayos Redblade
#147 Apr 03 2014 at 11:40 AM Rating: Decent
1,732 posts
Thayos wrote:
I came here to see if anyone had gotten their 4th book and completed it yet?

You were probably the first person on ZAM to get an atma, if you got it last Friday.

That does get me thinking though... I wonder if the rate of atma drops are static regardless of how many people are in a zone? That would explain how some people were able to get atma right away, and why (at least for me) the RNG gods have been significantly more kind over the past few nights. There are far fewer people now swarming around for atmas, just like there were fewer people going at it in the first 24 hours following the patch.

The drop rates seemed to be the worst while fate grinding was at a fever pitch.

Could be my imagination, though.

Imagination... I did a zone yesterday with few people in it and some fates we had to do alone.. There were no fate parties and we were pretty much it other than a few that joined for a while and a occasional run by... . There were 3 of us and none of us got any.... I did maybe 3 hours and Tes did like 5 hours... We did leave for a bit to do Garuda ex. And I will add this, This last atmas has been the longest for me to get and well over 15 hours which was my last longest. Also Tes is down to her last one but I believe the last two were two of the longer ones.. My two fastest well my only two came Sunday in which It seemed to be the peak and then slowed. I truely think it is random..

Edited, Apr 3rd 2014 2:00pm by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#148 Apr 03 2014 at 12:17 PM Rating: Good
Regarding the atma books... Some of this stuff is really annoying. I set out last night around 9pm EST to knock out the 3 FATES I needed, starting in the East Shroud. I needed "The Enmity of My Enemy." I went to where it pops, kept an eye on the map, but instead the FATE "A Wrench in the Works" popped over and over for an hour or more. Once I finally got that cleared (with 3 people...) I went to Coerthas Central Highlands for "Giant Seps" and waited for over an hour before I logged off for the night. Have other people been having this issue? Are all the atma book FATEs these off-the wall ones that don't pop much?
#149 Apr 03 2014 at 8:29 PM Rating: Decent
125 posts
IKickYoDog wrote:
Regarding the atma books... Some of this stuff is really annoying. I set out last night around 9pm EST to knock out the 3 FATES I needed, starting in the East Shroud. I needed "The Enmity of My Enemy." I went to where it pops, kept an eye on the map, but instead the FATE "A Wrench in the Works" popped over and over for an hour or more. Once I finally got that cleared (with 3 people...) I went to Coerthas Central Highlands for "Giant Seps" and waited for over an hour before I logged off for the night. Have other people been having this issue? Are all the atma book FATEs these off-the wall ones that don't pop much?

My 3rd book fate was like that, waiting on a spot for an hour, but I think that just kinda has to do with how many people are in that zone and how many fates are getting completed so the next set of Fates can pop. On my first book I happened to catch all 3 of the fates right back to back, finishing one and zoning to the next one already up. That was just luck, but for a moment I had believed that maybe the set they chose was all on the same pop time... But that was just in my head... I think...
#150 Apr 03 2014 at 8:53 PM Rating: Decent
Keeper of the Shroud
13,632 posts
I'm back on the f*ck this sh*t train. I don't even think that the Atma of the Ram exists. I've been keeping track of my FATEs using the achievement list. I've done 174 FATEs (and that's just since I started keeping track, which I wasn't doing until the third day of this damn zone) in Middle La Noscea, and I haven't even seen anyone get the damn Atma, much less get it myself.
#151 Apr 03 2014 at 9:49 PM Rating: Decent
Finally got my 12/12. Took me about 5 hours/day since Monday (on average, some nights were definitely closer to the 7-8 hour range). On the positive side, I made 160,000 gil from the seals.

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