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Is this game still completely P2P?Follow

#52 Mar 22 2014 at 11:18 PM Rating: Excellent
My point is, why are we squabbling over $4/m rather than squabbling over our quality of life? Is our happiness that fragile that $4/m sets us over the edge? If so... are we really doing what we need to do to be happy in our lives in the first place?

Awesome ending to one of the best posts I've read in a very long time.
Thayos Redblade
#53 Mar 22 2014 at 11:42 PM Rating: Excellent
542 posts
darexius2010 wrote:
If a one-time cost of $288 breaks me... I have more important life-changing things to be doing than playing an MMO.

That is one way of looking at it, although just because someone isn't $4 away from bankruptcy doesn't necessarily mean this isn't something to consider. If you look at this from a "Will I be able to survive if I make this purchase?" perspective, most people will probably be fine, but if you look at it from a "Am I getting value for my dollar?" perspective, it starts to get a bit more complicated. Regardless of how much money one has, there's quite a few people out there who'd be weary of being gouged even if it isn't going to kill them. I can easily afford a $9 ordinary cup of coffee, just to throw out a completely random example, but would I? Not personally, because I know that an ordinary cup of coffee in this area is not worth that much money, and I don't enjoy spending unnecessarily on items that are priced higher than their value.

I don't find $288 to be an Earth shattering purchase, but I would definitely say that it is, IMO, a very poor value as a pay wall restriction in an MMO that already charges a subscription just for log in access.

Edited, Mar 23rd 2014 1:42am by Susanoh
#54 Mar 23 2014 at 12:05 AM Rating: Good
11,159 posts
Honestly, after breaking this down and seeing what this comes out to be, I don't even know what to say about their pricing. I guess I'll just say that I'm not a fan for now and leave it at that.

I try to coax people to think long term when it comes to these monthly bolt-ons to the sub. Why some otherwise refuse to acknowledge the benefit of 1-2 more retainers baffles me. It's 20-40 more sale spaces, 8-16 more pages of storage, and then whatever passive farming benefits, particularly the unique ones, that will come of the impending new system. Looking at it another way, those who don't shell out the added $2 a month will be at a 50% disadvantage to those who do.

...then some freak out about **** like EXP potions in other games.
Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
#55 Mar 23 2014 at 1:59 AM Rating: Excellent
4,175 posts
It's not really about the money. It's the fact that Yoshi said what he said regarding why they decided to keep XIV subscription based. You can't tell your playerbase that you're maintaining a sub fee so that you can give them more content than games on other payment models, then turn around and start to nickel-and-dime with the same micro-transactions you've condemned. As if it wasn't embarrassing enough that he was wrong about the other games, he lied about his own and even went as far as taking jabs.

It would be one thing if they released TGS with some sort of standalone mini-games you could play on a Vita like DLC. At least with something like that you're actually getting more content. Retainers have been around for quite a while now. All of a sudden they want more cash because you can send your retainer on a completely non-interactive quest? Get the **** out Smiley: laugh
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#56 Mar 23 2014 at 2:21 AM Rating: Default
FilthMcNasty wrote:
It's not really about the money. It's the fact that Yoshi said what he said regarding why they decided to keep XIV subscription based. You can't tell your playerbase that you're maintaining a sub fee so that you can give them more content than games on other payment models, then turn around and start to nickel-and-dime with the same micro-transactions you've condemned. As if it wasn't embarrassing enough that he was wrong about the other games, he lied about his own and even went as far as taking jabs.

Whose brilliant claim was it that you can't nickel-and-dime in a sub game?

In the end we are getting more content than games on other payment models, so the major advantage of the sub fee has not gone anywhere.

This faux-outrage is pathetic not the least because SE has nickel-and-dimed from the very beginning. First in 1.0 by having us pay for retainers, then at the start of 2.0 by having us pay if we want more than one character on the same server. This giant pile of tears should have happened back then at the start of 2.0 if it was such a massive deal, but it says a lot that it didn't.

People are just looking to stir the pot and failing spectacularly.
#57 Mar 23 2014 at 9:09 AM Rating: Default
972 posts
A hybrid option is the best value in the world to grow a player base if done right.
Right in my opinion is:
Subscriptions get access to whole game, buy expansions, pay for extra inventory, get mounts free,pay for additional character slots if it allows getting more than the max currently.
(subscribers get what they expect from P2P game)

F2P get access to ARR up to level 50 pre 2.0, 90% of end game content locked, they need to pay for whatever else they want.
(Free to players get to get deep into the game for low cost with no confusion on what they can or can't do)

SE starts messing with my proposed guidelines, and they fall into a slippery slope of what is right and lose P2Pers(Their guaranteed pay check) or confuse or infuriate free to players(their sporadic but increased potential pay check) with ability locks, advertisements, all that hogwash.

Edited, Mar 23rd 2014 11:10am by sandpark
#59 Mar 23 2014 at 9:28 AM Rating: Default
LucasBLOCKED wrote:

Hyanmen wrote:
This faux-outrage is pathetic not the least because SE has nickel-and-dimed from the very beginning. First in 1.0 by having us pay for retainers, then at the start of 2.0 by having us pay if we want more than one character on the same server. This giant pile of tears should have happened back then at the start of 2.0 if it was such a massive deal, but it says a lot that it didn't.

People are just looking to stir the pot and failing spectacularly.

Can you please, please do some research before making statements? I'm starting to think you're a troll. None of what you say is ever true. Paid retainers were never implemented in 1.0.

Such hostility. If I remember something incorrectly I trust the good fellows at to correct me. It seems they have just rated me down and moved on, while you are the first person to call me out on remembering the facts wrong.

So let me do the right thing and correct my mistake: SE nickel-and-dimed us in 1.0 by having us pay 3 extra euros(dollars?) for every character we make, not retainers.

Maybe that changes my underlying message drastically, but considering the 1.0 policy is even worse than in ARR I'd say it only enforces said message. Nickel-and-dime has happened since 1.0 and as the matter of fact it was even worse back in the day.
#60 Mar 23 2014 at 8:30 PM Rating: Decent
1,310 posts
Hyanmen wrote:
LucasBLOCKED wrote:

Hyanmen wrote:
This faux-outrage is pathetic not the least because SE has nickel-and-dimed from the very beginning. First in 1.0 by having us pay for retainers, then at the start of 2.0 by having us pay if we want more than one character on the same server. This giant pile of tears should have happened back then at the start of 2.0 if it was such a massive deal, but it says a lot that it didn't.

People are just looking to stir the pot and failing spectacularly.

Can you please, please do some research before making statements? I'm starting to think you're a troll. None of what you say is ever true. Paid retainers were never implemented in 1.0.

Such hostility. If I remember something incorrectly I trust the good fellows at to correct me. It seems they have just rated me down and moved on, while you are the first person to call me out on remembering the facts wrong.

So let me do the right thing and correct my mistake: SE nickel-and-dimed us in 1.0 by having us pay 3 extra euros(dollars?) for every character we make, not retainers.

Maybe that changes my underlying message drastically, but considering the 1.0 policy is even worse than in ARR I'd say it only enforces said message. Nickel-and-dime has happened since 1.0 and as the matter of fact it was even worse back in the day.

Actually, in the initial pricing plans posted for 1.0 back in the summer of 2010, each extra retainer past the first was going to cost $1/month extra (not sure what international pricing would be), and they were going to expand their abilities past buy/selling/storing (retainers even had levels, though there was never anything added to get them past 1).

But after the game flopped, they never did go forward with their initial pricing plans, so no one was ever charged. But it was definitely the plan from the beginning to have paid-for retainers.
#61 Mar 25 2014 at 9:06 AM Rating: Decent
4,511 posts
The points that are being made are mostly that $4/m isnt a large amount or the question if you're getting your money's worth of that $4/m.

But what everyone is forgetting is simply;

We already pay a generous amount of money for this game's subscription. Why isnt this feature simply included in the otherwise already so meager update material? Or better yet, why would we have to pay $4/m completely "optionally" if the expenses for SE (which is you think about it is rediculous) are neglible if not completely void anyhow. Surely development costs are included in our monthly sub already, and they're making a healthy profit while we're at it already.

They have what? 20 MB of extra data to store on a server somewhere per person, and i'm being really generous here. Something that takes as much interaction and thus bandwidth as any NPC chatter would if you were to interact with it. Or something that takes as much data as a new set of Armor/weapons and textures.

What's next? "Here's your 2.21 update with a new piece of recolored armor, but before you can patch the game, please deposit an additional $1 per month" or even more rediculous "If you want to interact with this NPC to progress the storyline, please upgrade your account to the $3 per month extra package"? How about if they were to release Musketeer finally, but in order to unlock it, you would have to pay an additional $4 a month as well? It's surely heading in that direction with stuff like this.

We shouldnt have to pay MORE for additions to the game that should have been free in the first place. Especially considdering what little the content updates already feature.

What was the last one that everyone was so hyped about? Oh yes, some hard/extreme-mode monsters we already had before and new storyline which was just some npc chatter and nothing more with you moving to Mor Dhona. You think this one is any diffirent? That's exactly what everyone said about the last one. And the one before. With how little stuff we get each time, we shouldnt have to pay extra for portions of the update. Despite what anyone might tell you, they're not "optional". You want them, and you would like to obtain them. The only question is if you will want to spend the $4 a month on them or not.

Present day life might have games you buy now that are 10% complete (I'm looking at you "Plants Vs. Zombies 2"), on which you can purchase the remaining 90% in nice 5% DLC chunks while all games before this new system either came 100% complete with unlockables through playing or had the much more preferable (but less profitable) buy a game that's 95% complete, and you can get the last 5% in one DLC.

Please dont let Final Fantasy turn into the same money grabbing thing.

Though truth be told it's already too late. FFXIII-2 already had costumes, weapons and arena monsters. 5 Weapons at $0.99 each, 11 Costumes at $2,99 each, 6 Colliseum monsters costing you $18 and three tiny "scenario" battles costing you an impressive $4,99 each. That's $71 just from a few things to basicly make the already bad $40 incomplete game, complete.
#62 Mar 25 2014 at 10:22 AM Rating: Good
5,745 posts
KojiroSoma wrote:
The points that are being made are mostly that $4/m isnt a large amount or the question if you're getting your money's worth of that $4/m.

But what everyone is forgetting is simply;

We already pay a generous amount of money for this game's subscription. Why isnt this feature simply included in the otherwise already so meager update material?

I used to pay a generous amount of money for my XI subscription. Why didn't I get extra characters included in that instead of having to pay an extra $1 a month for them?

I pay a generous amount of money to my cable company. Why do I have to pay extra for a DVR?

I pay a generous amount of money to my cell phone carrier. Why do I have to pay extra for a txt package?

I pay a generous amount for my meal already at the fast food joint. Why do I have to pay extra for a larger order of fries?
#63 Mar 25 2014 at 10:32 AM Rating: Decent
4,511 posts
svlyons wrote:
KojiroSoma wrote:
The points that are being made are mostly that $4/m isnt a large amount or the question if you're getting your money's worth of that $4/m.

But what everyone is forgetting is simply;

We already pay a generous amount of money for this game's subscription. Why isnt this feature simply included in the otherwise already so meager update material?

I used to pay a generous amount of money for my XI subscription. Why didn't I get extra characters included in that instead of having to pay an extra $1 a month for them?

I pay a generous amount of money to my cable company. Why do I have to pay extra for a DVR?

I pay a generous amount of money to my cell phone carrier. Why do I have to pay extra for a txt package?

I pay a generous amount for my meal already at the fast food joint. Why do I have to pay extra for a larger order of fries?

You're listing things that have extra costs for the people doing it.

Having a retainer has very little, if any, extra costs for SE. Why, by your reasoning, every update has extra costs for them so every update should be something they should charge us for?

Oh wait, they do already. Through the basic monthly subscription. Which is... the thing they use to cover all their expenses. They shouldnt need to charge more for it.
#64 Mar 25 2014 at 10:47 AM Rating: Good
20 megabytes x 1.8 million adds up pretty fast.

Back of the napkin calculations put that at adding in another 35 terabytes of storage capacity across all server clusters.
#65 Mar 25 2014 at 11:01 AM Rating: Good
5,745 posts
KojiroSoma wrote:
Oh wait, they do already. Through the basic monthly subscription. Which is... the thing they use to cover all their expenses. They shouldnt need to charge more for it.

And that same reasoning could be applied to every example I mentioned. "The extra cost to the business isn't significant, it should already be covered by what I'm currently paying."

Businesses don't determine prices based on their costs. They determine their prices based on what consumers are willing to pay. This is nothing new. If you don't want to pay for something, then don't pay for it. Vote with your wallet. It's a far more powerful tool than message board outrage against the evil, greedy corporation that's trying to extort you.
#66 Mar 25 2014 at 1:01 PM Rating: Good
A long time ago a wise man told me that businesses are looking to make the maximum amount of profit they possibly can without their customers deserting them.

The same man also told me that unless the customers start deserting the company, what somebody says on a soap box on the internets is as good as a fart in the desert.

Edited, Mar 25th 2014 7:02pm by Hyanmen
#67 Mar 25 2014 at 1:19 PM Rating: Decent
2,550 posts
Catwho wrote:
20 megabytes x 1.8 million adds up pretty fast.

Back of the napkin calculations put that at adding in another 35 terabytes of storage capacity across all server clusters.

Must be a pretty big napkin.
#68 Mar 25 2014 at 1:29 PM Rating: Good
Hyanmen wrote:
A long time ago a wise man told me that businesses are looking to make the maximum amount of profit they possibly can without their customers deserting them.

The same man also told me that unless the customers start deserting the company, what somebody says on a soap box on the internets is as good as a fart in the desert.

That last line is almost sig worthy. Smiley: laugh
#69 Mar 25 2014 at 9:57 PM Rating: Decent
2,153 posts
This may be a re-iteration of what I already stated before, but;
for me the problem is not the $2 extra. In fact, I wouldn`t have bothered if they had told us that
due to inflation, subscription fees had to be increased to $20 per month.

What really strikes me as wrong is that there suddenly are game elements that provide a tangible
benefit for paying more money. Now you could argue that even the difference between the standard
and starter plan are such a tangible benefit; but how many people do you think really went throug
the hassle to level another character just to have more retainer space available?

Now all you have to pay is $50 extra a year, and poof: retainer space, acution house slots and rare
item ventures doubled. For nothing more than $50 a year. No gameplay time or challenge involved,
just CASH.

Not good. Twist it however you want, I call "foul".
As I did when the tidal charm was released.
#70 Mar 25 2014 at 10:25 PM Rating: Good
8,187 posts
Rinsui wrote:
but how many people do you think really went throug
the hassle to level another character just to have more retainer space available?

FWIW I did... it was quite easy and quick. I already have paid a 6 month sub, so it is the same price as an entry level subscription, Two Free Retainers per alt! (So 14, if I make 6 more alts).
Things I sometimes play...

"What do you want to be when you grow up?"
"I want to be a unicorn!"
"Awww, why's that?"........
"So I can stab people with my face."
#71 Mar 25 2014 at 11:01 PM Rating: Good
1,556 posts
Hm pretty simple topic.

Is the game P2P? Yes. You cannot play it without paying the monthly fee. Why are we having this discussion?

You wish to speak about the ramifications of 'cash shop' elements in 14? Why? Didn't Yoshi just tell you he plans to model the game after WoW? Bringing WoW to the Japanese populace I think is what he said. OK so let's go look at WoW:

Oh look: $60 to get myself to level cap instantly. Faction changes still cost $30. Changing your name still for $10. Transfer your character still for $25. Change your race still for $25.


Do you know how easy it is to manipulate that type of data or how long it takes? Easily done by an intern in minutes.

Appearance change is exactly what Fantasia will be and they sell it for $15. Judge whether charging for extra (useless) retainers is underhanded or not based on the price of Fantasia when it is listed.

But do not be surprised that these elements appear in a game where the developer and producer has told you exactly where he intends to take us. You decide to come along for the ride and that's your own problem.

Edited, Mar 26th 2014 1:02am by HitomeOfBismarck
#73 Mar 26 2014 at 12:53 AM Rating: Excellent
New interview with Yoshi-P about the F2P issue:

While we should expect to see a few superficial cash shop items here and there, looks like FFXIV will remain P2P for the foreseeable future. Based on this interview, I don't think SE has any real plans to abandon the P2P model, other than adding some cash shop items.
Thayos Redblade
#74 Mar 26 2014 at 4:51 AM Rating: Good
424 posts
I'm a bit confused here. I was under the impression that we have access to two free retainers (which I'm sure most of us have, right?), and then if you wanted to have more retainers, it would cost $2 extra a month for each one past the first two that you have. Is this incorrect?
#75 Mar 26 2014 at 6:22 AM Rating: Default
Thayos wrote:
New interview with Yoshi-P about the F2P issue:

While we should expect to see a few superficial cash shop items here and there, looks like FFXIV will remain P2P for the foreseeable future. Based on this interview, I don't think SE has any real plans to abandon the P2P model, other than adding some cash shop items.

It's an old interview that we have discussed already as far as I know (the Famitsu one from pre-GDC).
#76 Mar 26 2014 at 8:07 AM Rating: Excellent
Oh yeah, that was right before the other interview. Still, it helps put the other interview into greater context, and confirms which elements of F2P we can expect in XIV... Basically, a P2P game with a small cash shop.
Thayos Redblade
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