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Final Fantasy 14 Gold Saucer Development Has Begun Follow

#77 Mar 08 2014 at 2:33 AM Rating: Decent
2,430 posts
Thayos wrote:
DC universe is cross platform with consoles only, not the PC. ARR will be the first to do it all.

With all due respect...who cares?

Yes it's wonderful that i can run dungeons on my pc with a friend in vietnam on his console, and it's certainly a technical achievement, but i got the impression this discussion was more about innovation within the game itself. That could just be my take on it; its certainly all that matters to me personally.

Thayos wrote:

Also, DC Universe On the Vita isn't nearly the accomplishment of getting a next-gen title like ARR to run on it. The graphics update for DC was very minor. ARR brings a much more polished, tech-hungry title with its dedicated gamepad UI further tweaked for the Vita. This sets the standard... Not a slightly more colorful DC. Whatever DC does has no real impact on future MMORPG titles.

Now that i think about it, didn't DCUO implement a similarly innovative hotbar UI well before ARR was even a thing? Pretty sure they did it first, although XIV's is certainly more refined (and allows for the larger pool of abilities compared to DC)

someone else wrote:
Again I'm personally not against things that are truly outside the box, but for me: 1. Those things are unnecessary unless they actually are good and add to the game and 2. There are going to be people ... who wouldn't accept something as innovative even if it slapped them in the face.

Well yeah...but innovation isn't innovation if it isn't good anyway, so its kind of a moot point. your second point is also moot, because you can argue that about any concept:

"there are people who won't accept someone as intelligent even if they demonstrated a working knowledge of astrophysics"

Well, okay, great. It's a relatively meaningless statement. It's basically a longer way of saying "some people are close-minded and/or stupid". That's true and all, but it's completely outside of the discussion.

Thayos wrote:

To follow the logic that ARR is a four-year-old game, you could also say that SE previously made FFXI, so ARR is actually 12 years old.

While i 90% agree with you about this being a new game, i can see the grey area that allows other opinions, and it doesn't really allow for the (tongue in cheek, i know) comparison that you made.

As for this game being far it has done what modern mmos have been expected to do; start with the status quo, but polish it up and make it their own. I've never seen the "wow model" presented in such an appetizing fashion. But as of yet i can't think of any gameplay mechanic or design choice that i would call innovative. I can't even give them the armoury system, since it boils down to "all jobs on one character" and we've seen that already in XI

I also quite literally hate to say this, but i am skeptical of the "XIV may be standard mmo fare now, but just wait until you see all the brilliant innovations that are going to be built on this foundation" attitude. I just don't see it going down that way (as much as i'd like to)

Finally though, I'd like to agree with someone on the last page who argued that not everything has to be innovative. I appreciate a really high quality example of any genre, and I still think that ARR is one of the best examples of the modern mmo. My concern is that the contemporary mmo model is changing far more quickly than SE can keep up with. The post-modern mmo is on its way, mark my words.

#78 Mar 08 2014 at 5:52 AM Rating: Good
4,175 posts
Thayos wrote:
Most game developers need much more time to develop such a polished game as ARR.

Stahp it puhleez, jus stahp. How many weeks did "such a polished game as ARR" go without being able to sort your inventory? Please remind me again... Smiley: sly

Thayos wrote:
Don't forget that, during that time, SE was also dedicating lots of resources to fixing Version 1.0 (revamping the battle system, adding quests, adding instanced content, etc.) while also bringing an end to its storyline before shutting down the game for good.

They changed the battle system what, like 3 times? The fourth iteration still has flaws. Adding quests? You can't level 2 jobs solely on quests so I'd say they're still a bit short. I did enjoy the dungeon content and I wish there was more of it to offset the lack of questing so I agree there, but the story?

So as not to ruin it for anyone who may not already know...

Bahamut decides to take a vacation in Eorzea. He tries to secure a mog house for the time he's there, but they hadn't even finished building the inn yet. He tries to get souvenirs for the friends and family but it takes too long trying to find anything of value with thousands of retainers peddling junk. He tries to fly around Eorzea and look for a good place to camp for the night but gets lost because every time he turned around, the landscape looked exactly the same.

He gets fed up, shouts "You call this bullsh*t a Final Fantasyâ„¢ game? START OVER!" and proceeds to attempt to reduce Eorzea to ashes. My Hero Smiley: blush

Everyone forgets everything. How... original Smiley: lol

Edited, Mar 8th 2014 6:53am by FilthMcNasty
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#79 Mar 08 2014 at 6:04 AM Rating: Good
1,556 posts
FilthMcNasty wrote:
Bahamut decides to take a vacation in Eorzea. He tries to secure a mog house for the time he's there, but they hadn't even finished building the inn yet. He tries to get souvenirs for the friends and family but it takes too long trying to find anything of value with thousands of retainers peddling junk. He tries to fly around Eorzea and look for a good place to camp for the night but gets lost because every time he turned around, the landscape looked exactly the same.

He gets fed up, shouts "You call this bullsh*t a Final Fantasyâ„¢ game? START OVER!" and proceeds to attempt to reduce Eorzea to ashes. My Hero Smiley: blush

#80 Mar 08 2014 at 8:12 AM Rating: Good
12,820 posts
Thayos wrote:
Filth, I completely disagree with your assertion that "innovation" is a bad word on these forums.

Everyone here would love to see new, innovative elements of ARR.

But while you're convinced of an anti-innovation crowd, I'm convinced of an anti-"tried-and-true" crowd. As in, it's wrong to base the foundation of a game on things that have worked before. Honestly, I just don't understand why some people have such disdain for this approach.

Filth explain it pretty well:

People have a disdain for it because no company bothers to do it new or better or even expand on the basics so it's not a simple carbon copy. Hell, 1.0 tried to be innovative as hell it just wasn't finished and they chose a preexisting inhouse engine that was new but not suited for MMOs. If they made their own engine like they did for XI for example, we wouldn't have had to ever worry about them rebuilding ARR into yet another generic fantasy MMO.

XI was an EverQuest clone, yet did you honestly feel like you were playing "the same MMO" every minute of the day? Did it feel like every aspect of XI was the same MMO you played back in mid 90s or even earlier? As in did it feel like Square tried absolutely nothing new with XI's approach? Have the people who say "ARR is so new and unique!" ever even touched another MMO besides ARR? Ever actually analyzed or thought about the MMO they're playing? Elder Scrolls Online does the standard way better than ARR does, that's the problem. Every "new" MMORPG is still the exact same MMORPG that I can guarantee your routine in ARR will work in any MMORPG you choose to pick up in the next few years UNLESS companies innovate.

Obvious the people who defend this game tooth & nail will say: "Oh? Where's my Bahamut's Coil in Wildstar? My Myth tomes? My (insert job)?", logically, it wouldn't be the same content in name sake. 1.0 was ambitious and 1.23 was pretty amazing as it shows what FFXIV could have been even if I disliked the game, 1.23 was truly starting to feel like a true successor to XI.

...Only for him to throw it all away and just keep vague hints of what XIV used to be. Realistically, it was already explained pretty well:

If you're going the tried and true route, at least do it differently...or something new to the table. You can't even say the class/job system is unique because there's been plenty of MMOs in between XI and XIV/ARR that also utilizes it, but they do it more wisely (didn't design themselves into a corner for class additions later), and as much as people want to try to deny it, "Games that use similar elements aren't MMOs" is more of a point that the system in itself isn't unique, so the "unique features" out of the flood of "industry standard that isn't even 100% accurate" isn't really much to say ARR is a unique MMO. When you get down to it, ARR is a F2P MMORPG that you pay to play, even 1.x had higher production value in certain areas. If they were time crunched, why did they waste time removing stuff instead of building off of it?

In the end, ARR is successful, it's a generic MMORPG and brings absolutely nothing new to the table. People like that and that's the current trend of MMOs, whether you like or hate that is up to personal opinion, but it's more the fact people were expecting more out of SE, especially because this is a FF title. Like I said, look at FFXI, it's an EverQuest clone yet I'm damn sure a lot of what I played in XI, how it played and it's presentation was far beyond what EQ did, even in the basics they did their best to show they had creativity. It just feels like we're definitely going to have to wait to see ARR's "Creativity" if at all, because I said it before and I'll say it again: PSO2 shows far more creativity in many similar areas even while doing the standard grind, and that game is F2P/Cash shop fodder.

It's an excellent approach to take. It's the approach we've always known SE would be taking with ARR. Yoshi-P has made no secret of this.

He didn't exactly state that he was throwing out everything they did in 1.23 since a lot of requests we had and issues raised we were met with:

"It will be fixed in 2.0!"
"In 2.0 it'll be even better!"
"We can't fix this until 2.0!"
"Once 2.0 hits you can rest your weary head for the lag will be gone"
"The new UI of 2.0 will be new and improved over 1.23." (as said, how is it they forgot/removed auto sort when XIV 1.x even had it?)

However we answered pretty loaded questions in the polls, so it was essentially a bait & switch when you look at it, people wanted a better far superior 1.23 and if you hated XIV 1.x and even 1.23 of course you'll always say ARR is 100% better in comparison, I disliked 1.x because they could have much more with it and ARR was that chance, but I've played MANY MMOs that I guess I can just easily see ARR for what it is. Yoshi kept no secrets, that much is true and very obvious but at times, it feels like they have zero experience in the MMORPG field and chose to copy an MMO for their first project.

I think people whether you like or hate this game feels that SE could do more and they know this which is why saying FFXI and Innovation tend invoke ire in the community since it's more like: "While XI had issues, look at the creativity they put into it, the varying systems that eventually came out. While it was 10 years worth of work, why in all of the production of XIV/ARR did they not even look at re-imagining them for their next FF game? Make it better? Do what they couldn't do with the 2001 PS2 MMORPG?"

Also: PSO2 plays beautifully on my I don't think even ARR has that as it's 'Unique one of a kind!" feature.

Edited, Mar 8th 2014 6:14am by Theonehio

#81 Mar 08 2014 at 9:09 AM Rating: Good
4,780 posts
Llester wrote:
Thayos wrote:
DC universe is cross platform with consoles only, not the PC. ARR will be the first to do it all.

With all due respect...who cares?

SE's bottom line. Japan's pro dominant gaming market is console players, having a Console-centric MMO was part of FFXI's stability and success all these years. Expanding on that also expands on the capability for them to appeal to a wider audience across the board.

Those who are also caring about this is people who don't have powerful PCs and don't care to invest in them. Players who want to draw their console friends into an MMO enviroment they enjoy. People who prefer to play with a controller or from their couch rather than on a desk, etc. Or, simply people who want to play cross platform.


I kind of want to steer this conversation a bit and state that the argument for innovation is often a misnomer. The craving for something 'new and exciting' has lead much of the MMO and RPG field to stray away from the comfort zones that made it a popular and desired franchise. It was changes that made FFXIII such a hotly hated series in spite of its good points. Where had FFXIII's confusing story been done in the style of FFVI's combat and world theme, people would have called it 'classic FF confusion' and adored over theories of the plot.

And therin lies the crux here. You cannot have a true trademark without a strong degree of tradition. The accusations of FFXIV falling under the 'modern mmo' trope is beling labeled as an inherent wrong, when many of the concepts that were generated in Modern MMOs were FFXI-generation inspired. FATEs are not unlike Campaign or Beseiged. Yes, other modern MMOs started picking up live events as well through the time, but SE can lay claim to those foot markers as their own. So the natural progression into FATES could very well stem just from that in and of itself rather than saying they're 'following the trend.'

And I find myself, again, seeing arguments that turn a blind eye to things that defeat the argument that people just don't enjoy - Such as the Armory system. Without having to 'respec' Arcanists can be Summoners or Scholars, a healer or a DPS, on the flip of a switch, provided they geared both classes. Levels and capabilities, the ability to pursue two roles without losing the base of your class identity or having to chose only to identify with one of them, is as major shift from traditional MMOs, which lock you into a certain class or role early on or from the onset and only allow you to variant on the method of which you do.

One of the things that keeps me around is the Armory system and how it will eventually enable my Lancer to be more than just a Dragoon, more than just a DPS. I love how that's so possible now with Acanist and it's one of my passions for this game, that I find unique to FFXIV and will likely prefer its style of it, even if I discover some other game making a similar approach.

So the game innovates, in small ways. Ways that may not be acknowledged or appreciated. The way games really should innovate, in my view. Why? Because it won't detract from the core experience for the fans. The constant throw-away mentality for looking for something new in my view should be found within the atmosphere of the game, not necessarily within the games mechanics itself.

This constant argument in games that "Oh this is just a [insert game name here]-clone!" as a determent, really gets to me. I just want to say. "So? I like that game, it being similar means I can pick up this one fairly easily and do well. It means that I can remember my good experiences from the previous game and be more likely to enjoy this one because of it. If it does a good job of its attempt, then it's not a copy as an homage to an intelligent system and game. And that's good." We shouldn't be judging on how a game is similar to another so much as looking at its overall execution. And personally, I like ARR and where it's heading. Looking forward to seeing more new things on the horizon.
#82 Mar 08 2014 at 10:17 AM Rating: Excellent
To say people here have a disdain for innovation is false. There is only the crowd that doesn't mind that SE played it safe with ARR, and those who wish SE would have taken more chances. Let's stop pretending that people are anti-innovation.

And Filth, the reason why they changed the battle system so much in 1.0 is they couldn't fix all of its problems in one shot. Remember, the coding for much of XIV was outsourced to China (horse bird!) and came back in a jumbled mess. That's why the scrapped the game and replaced it with ARR. There was literally no saving the old game. Point stands that SE was treating 1.x and ARR as totally different games from development standpoints. The only thing about ARR that launched in 2010 is the FFXIV trademark. If that constitutes the launch of the ARR to you, well, then we are destined to disagree forever.

And yes, for a game that was developed almost from scratch for two very different platforms in three years, ARR is very polished. Sure, it wasn't perfect, but the only legit problem was SE didn't plan on so many people wanting to play. I'm aware that "polish" is a very subjective term, but my opinion is backed by most of the significant mainstream reviews from ARR's launch. You're free to disagree, but you're in the minority here (which is OK, but probably not what you're trying to portray).

Edit: Kind of ironic given all the claims of SE being anti-innovation, but the fact that ARR even exists is among the biggest innovations in MMORPG history.

Edited, Mar 8th 2014 8:44am by Thayos

Edited, Mar 8th 2014 9:30am by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#83 Mar 08 2014 at 12:47 PM Rating: Decent
1,675 posts
After rereading everything and ignoring the cherry-picking I think most of us agree on "innovation."

I think the problem is how fast it should come. (Or if it should come at all)

There are people like Thayos and myself who are enjoying the game as it is and although we're not against never before seen ideas, they just aren't needed now.

Then there are others, maybe out of boredom or out of a desire to see the game really take off, that want innovation yesterday.

I honestly think those who are really pushing for novelty have lost or are losing interest in the game and need something extra to rekindle their like for it.
#84 Mar 08 2014 at 12:51 PM Rating: Good
4,175 posts
Thayos wrote:
And yes, for a game that was developed almost from scratch for two very different platforms in three years, ARR is very polished.

Thayos, they didn't toss the engine out the window and start over. They watered it down by using reasonable texture resolution so it didn't take all day(or all of your processing power) to render a reasonable amount of objects. They did this for the sake of bringing us the only MMO(read: not the only MMO) that is featured on the PS4 and Vita. They did this because they created the first engine for PC and way overshot what was reasonable to expect a PS3 to handle. 2 1/2 years later, PS3 gets a version that's been nerfed and still doesn't perform on the level it should.

Thayos wrote:
I'm aware that "polish" is a very subjective term, but my opinion is backed by most of the significant mainstream reviews from ARR's launch. You're free to disagree, but you're in the minority here (which is OK, but probably not what you're trying to portray).

To me, polish is what happens to a game when it's already finished. It doesn't really fit MMOs because they're constantly evolving, but things like voice-over for cutscenes and QoL changes would qualify to me. Polish is something you do when you know your product is ready, but you want to add little things to push it over the level of just being satisfactory.

Thayos wrote:
Kind of ironic given all the claims of SE being anti-innovation, but the fact that ARR even exists is among the biggest innovations in MMORPG history.

GTFO Smiley: rolleyes
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#85 Mar 08 2014 at 1:28 PM Rating: Decent
Honestly they most likely went with another MMO is because in the long run that format brings in money and they needed something that will keep it coming in at a reasonable pace, its the same reason they went with the standard mmo formula, its a safe bet. That said, while I can't fault them for their choices, doesn't mean I agree with them.

I came back to this game hoping for improvements over 1.X, instead I got a WoW style game with a coat of FF paint and even then they didn't get that right. Where were the nifty little things that WoW had in its raids, where were the class calls of BWL or the 'dance' for that one Naxx boss, or even some of the mechanics from Ulduar, no we get get in or out of ground effects, dodge line based attacks that will hurt your or put you in an unrecoverable situation (Titan...) all the while being at the mercy of latency because that how SE programmed their game.

To make matters worse, the one thing this game truly had going for it, the crafting, the developers themselves ******* neutered because of a mix of RMT influence and some strange *** ideas that only the best gear in the game should only be available to through dungeons as drops or grinding tomes. Even the style of raids seems to be *** backwards, the top tier raid is 8 man, while good for the really really small ls/fc, just raises tension in larger groups. Yet the 24 man raid isn't even possible to que in a group larger than 8, leaving you at the whim of 16 people you do not know.

All in all, we're left with a game that seem mightily confused about itself to who its appealing to. It's trying to grab the interest of too many different types of people and failing all the while.
#86 Mar 08 2014 at 1:37 PM Rating: Default
2,430 posts
Hyrist wrote:
Llester wrote:
Thayos wrote:
DC universe is cross platform with consoles only, not the PC. ARR will be the first to do it all.

With all due respect...who cares?

SE's bottom line. Japan's pro dominant gaming market is console players, having a Console-centric MMO was part of FFXI's stability and success all these years. Expanding on that also expands on the capability for them to appeal to a wider audience across the board.

Those who are also caring about this is people who don't have powerful PCs and don't care to invest in them. Players who want to draw their console friends into an MMO enviroment they enjoy. People who prefer to play with a controller or from their couch rather than on a desk, etc. Or, simply people who want to play cross platform.

You completely and totally missed my point; try reading everything before replying. I'm talking about gameplay innovation here. Being able to play the game on a handheld is nice and all but it's not gameplay innovation. Is it really that hard a concept to grasp? Technical innovation =/= design innovation. Ugh this stuff is so basic, I can't believe I have to explain it I'm not talking about hardware or cross platform this and that. I'm talking about the experience of playing the game itself, no matter the platform..

Hyrist wrote:

I kind of want to steer this conversation a bit and state that the argument for innovation is often a misnomer. The craving for something 'new and exciting' has lead much of the MMO and RPG field to stray away from the comfort zones that made it a popular and desired franchise. It was changes that made FFXIII such a hotly hated series in spite of its good points. Where had FFXIII's confusing story been done in the style of FFVI's combat and world theme, people would have called it 'classic FF confusion' and adored over theories of the plot.

"the argument for innovation is a misnomer" please explain what you were trying to say there, because it doesn't actually make sense in english. Ok i understand after re-reading and some context clues. You are saying that innovation actually has hurt the MMO genre. Okay, I actually somewhat agree with this. The innovations that led to the modern mmo model were mostly of the streamlining sort. Making the user experience less time-sinky, more QoL things, etc. And as a side effect of this innovation, much of what made MMORPGs fun and immersive was lost. If that's your point, I agree. I disagree with your conclusion that innovation and change is bad.

Hyrist wrote:

And therin lies the crux here. You cannot have a true trademark without a strong degree of tradition. The accusations of FFXIV falling under the 'modern mmo' trope is beling labeled as an inherent wrong, when many of the concepts that were generated in Modern MMOs were FFXI-generation inspired. FATEs are not unlike Campaign or Beseiged. Yes, other modern MMOs started picking up live events as well through the time, but SE can lay claim to those foot markers as their own. So the natural progression into FATES could very well stem just from that in and of itself rather than saying they're 'following the trend.'

The crux is either there or here. It can't be therin here. Just write what you mean, please. I think what you re trying to say here is "SE made up campaign/besieged and those were innovative, and FATEs are like those, so they should get credit for being innovative with FATEs", but it makes no sense. I actually agree that campaign was an innovative, if somewhat poorly implemented event, that was later popularized by games like RIFT, that streamlined it. I don't see how any of this makes the FATE system innovative. Whether they re-borrowed from RIFT or not, SE's FATE system is just another variation of an old theme. It not even done particularly well. They don't get extra credit in this context for innovating the theme in XI, because this discussion is about XIV.

Hyrist wrote:

And I find myself, again, seeing arguments that turn a blind eye to things that defeat the argument that people just don't enjoy - Such as the Armory system.

Again, can't give them credit here for innovation, since this has been done before. By SE themselves. XI job system. Please understand that I think the armoury system is a great and fairly unique thing. It's unique but not necessarily innovative. An argument could be made that the decision to marry a job system to a modern theme park mmo is somewhat innovative. I could concede to that if i had a couple drinks in me i suppose..

Hyrist wrote:

One of the things that keeps me around is the Armory system and how it will eventually enable my Lancer to be more than just a Dragoon, more than just a DPS

Except that it won't. Kinda blows, but there's little to no actual job customization in this game.

Hyrist wrote:

So the game innovates, in small ways. Ways that may not be acknowledged or appreciated. The way games really should innovate, in my view. Why? Because it won't detract from the core experience for the fans. The constant throw-away mentality for looking for something new in my view should be found within the atmosphere of the game, not necessarily within the games mechanics itself.

This paragraph again makes little sense. Taking a few old ideas and combining them with some modern ideas doesn't equal innovation. Again, i can kind of bend on the armoury system thing just because it is unique to the FF mmos, but i still feel like that's a stretch. "The constant throw away mentality looking for something new should be found withing the atmosphere..." what does this sentence even mean? People should look for graphics and sound and lore if they want something new, and to hell with mechanics? People shouldn't want something new at all? Your wording is masking your point.

Hyrist wrote:

This constant argument in games that "Oh this is just a [insert game name here]-clone!" as a determent, really gets to me. I just want to say. "So? I like that game, it being similar means I can pick up this one fairly easily and do well. It means that I can remember my good experiences from the previous game and be more likely to enjoy this one because of it. If it does a good job of its attempt, then it's not a copy as an homage to an intelligent system and game. And that's good." We shouldn't be judging on how a game is similar to another so much as looking at its overall execution. And personally, I like ARR and where it's heading. Looking forward to seeing more new things on the horizon.

That's great and heart warming and i actually agree with most of it. Unfortunately it has no place in this discussion, which is about innovation, ie doing something new and exciting and fun within the context of MMO design. Since you would rather play something familiar, i'm not even sure why you are weighing in. Your post was pretty confused in general.

Thayos wrote:
Kind of ironic given all the claims of SE being anti-innovation, but the fact that ARR even exists is among the biggest innovations in MMORPG history.

What? No no it isn't. It is unprecedented for an MMO to make such a comeback from the dead for sure. 100% awesomeness to SE for pulling this off. Doesn't make it innovative.

Edited, Mar 8th 2014 2:44pm by Llester

Edited, Mar 8th 2014 2:48pm by Llester
#87 Mar 08 2014 at 1:58 PM Rating: Excellent
So the game innovates, in small ways. Ways that may not be acknowledged or appreciated. The way games really should innovate, in my view. Why? Because it won't detract from the core experience for the fans.

I really like this statement. Well said.

Now, if a developer can innovate the entire structure of an MMORPG to be something completely different, then more power to that developer! It's just easier said than done, though. Look at GW2... It's not that I totally dislike the game (I had a decent amount of fun until I reached the last storyline mission, when suddenly you needed a group), but it's a great example of a game that promised to break the mold in so many ways, yet ultimately played and felt no different than any other MMORPG I've played, with the exception of group battles being less polished because of "innovation" to the battle system (however, solo play could be pretty fun).

That's why I have absolutely zero problems with basing the foundation of your game on the known MMORPG concepts, and then building innovative elements atop that foundation. ARR did that, and the result was a polished foundation that wowed most reviewers and won the game a legit second chance.

Some people think SE was wrong to stick with the basics while building the foundation for ARR -- or, at least, that's the impression they give -- and I just don't understand that.

Also, let's set the record straight: ARR was built on an all-new engine.

Quotes from Yoshi-P, found in this interview:

"“Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn is not an expansion, it’s not an update to the original. We at Square-Enix consider it a completely new game that we’ve built from the ground up that will give players a completely new experience compared to the original.”

“It uses a new graphics engine that was designed specifically for A Realm Reborn,” Yoshida explained, “Even though, graphically it looks like a high-end PC display, that is not the case. Players that were previously playing Final Fantasy XIV – if you were able to run the client then, then you will be able to run it again at this quality."

“This engine allows us to do real-time lighting and shadows for the first time in the Final Fantasy series, which allows us to approach a very ‘photo-real’ look of the game. We believe that our new graphics engine allows us to reach a level that will hold up for the game’s long lifespan. Players will be in this world for many, many years so we want it to be nice and beautiful for them.”

Filth, if you're going to keep arguing that ARR is some kind of port from 1.0, you're going to need a new basis for your argument.

Edited, Mar 8th 2014 11:59am by Thayos

Edited, Mar 8th 2014 12:01pm by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#88 Mar 08 2014 at 4:22 PM Rating: Good
4,175 posts
Thayos wrote:
“This engine allows us to do real-time lighting and shadows for the first time in the Final Fantasy series, which allows us to approach a very ‘photo-real’ look of the game. We believe that our new graphics engine allows us to reach a level that will hold up for the game’s long lifespan. Players will be in this world for many, many years so we want it to be nice and beautiful for them.”

Shadows and lighting.

You're welcome to your opinion of which you prefer, but one of these images clearly makes better use of shadows and lighting than the other.

Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#89 Mar 08 2014 at 4:30 PM Rating: Excellent
real-time lighting and shadows

First off, that wasn't me you were quoting, that was Yoshi-P... you should probably fix that.

Second, I'm guessing there's something special about "real-time" lighting and shadows that isn't captured in a single still shot of a player. EDIT: Also, you do realize the picture on the right side is ARR and not 1.x, right? The shadow and lighting detail on the right-hand image are far superior to the left image.

Check out this video clip of 1.0's version of the Black Shroud, and you'll see how the lighting effects of the new graphics engine blow the old one out of the water:

Also, couldn't the 1.x graphics engine not even render that many players on screen? I remember how hard it was finding people in Ul'dah sometimes, because I'd have to move around and wait for them to appear next to me.

But yeah, that 1.x graphics engine was really something when standing still in remote areas.

Edited, Mar 8th 2014 2:40pm by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#90 Mar 08 2014 at 6:02 PM Rating: Decent
4,175 posts
Thayos wrote:
First off, that wasn't me you were quoting, that was Yoshi-P... you should probably fix that.

Everyone knows that you don't make the decisions Thayos. I think we're good Smiley: lol

Thayos wrote:
Second, I'm guessing there's something special about "real-time" lighting and shadows that isn't captured in a single still shot of a player. EDIT: Also, you do realize the picture on the right side is ARR and not 1.x, right? The shadow and lighting detail on the right-hand image are far superior to the left image.

If you scaled the shadows all the way down in most games you get a shadow puddle directly underneath your character instead of a shadow that reflects your own actions.

Take a closer look at the images. The 2.0 image has hardly any shadows at all while the 1.0 image is covered in them. You can also see the texture detail. As I said, you're welcome to your opinion. It's fine if the image without shadows appeals to you, but it's not higher quality than the original engine. The shadows and texture detail are much better defined in the first iteration.

Your video doesn't make sense without something for comparison. Use this as a reference for 2.0 and use this as reference for 1.0 version. Ignore the shadows on the ground and focus on the shadows that players cast on themselves. In 2.0 you're fully illuminated at all times. The characters have shadows on the, but they look like they're just painted on. They're not dynamic and don't change with the environment. The character's appearance barely changes at all when she moves through light to dark and back to light.

1.0 on the other hand is noticeable immediately. Look at her gear as she she leans forward during her emote. Her lower torso darkens as the light from above is obstructed by her... udders. She's darker when standing in dark areas like the tunnel and lighter out in the open. On top of all that, the textures are much more crisp and defined.

None of that can be said for the video showing ARR's shadows. Not sure if you're just not paying attention to those details or if you've got your hands over your ears screaming lala... fell. Was pretty obvious to me. Guess you'll be 'that guy' Smiley: glare

Edited, Mar 8th 2014 4:39pm by Thayos

Edited, Mar 8th 2014 4:42pm by Thayos
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#91 Mar 08 2014 at 6:33 PM Rating: Excellent
Your video doesn't make sense without something for comparison. Use this as a reference for 2.0 and use this as reference for 1.0 version. Ignore the shadows on the ground and focus on the shadows that players cast on themselves. In 2.0 you're fully illuminated at all times. The characters have shadows on the, but they look like they're just painted on. They're not dynamic and don't change with the environment. The character's appearance barely changes at all when she moves through light to dark and back to light.

The shadows in 1.0 look static and dull. They ambient shadows don't even look like shadows. Everything just looks really dim. It's the same both inside and outside.

The 2.0 footage looks bright and lively. You start noticing texture differences when you zoom in up close, but in normal gameplay, the images are more crisp and colorful. The forest casts down shadows that move across the landscape, which was completely absent from 1.0, probably because that graphics engine was incapable of rendering those effects (which is basically what Yoshi is saying). Seriously, just LOOK at those images. The 2.0 graphics are so much more detailed, it's not even close. As for the shadow differences on the girl, she's not leaning forward as much in the ARR image, so her front side wouldn't be covered in shadows. She's leaning forward in the 1.0 image, and more upright (maybe leaning slightly back) in the ARR image. The fact that the 1.0-style shadows kind of washes out her front-side with darkness doesn't help, either.

And look at the shadow/lighting details on the wall behind her! Such lighting detail didn't exist like that in 1.0.

Also, I'm not the only one who thinks the 2.0 image you provide beats the pants off of the 1.0 image. Check out comments here:

You'll also find several more comparison shots if you scroll down. In some, the 2.0 shots are better. In others, the 1.0 shots look better. But overall, the 1.x shots just look dimmer/darker, while the ARR shots just look crisper, brighter and livelier.

And, most importantly, 1.x never even looked that good when you actually played it, because the engine was so horrifically optimized. Even with an i7 computer with the best graphic card, the game always had flutter/distortion/etc. when moving around. It only looked good when standing still in remote areas. The graphics in 1.x were like a parked Ferrari with a crappy Geo Metro engine.

I may not be the one making the decisions, but I'm the one who gets his facts straight. Smiley: wink

Edited, Mar 8th 2014 4:35pm by Thayos

Edited, Mar 8th 2014 4:42pm by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#92 Mar 08 2014 at 9:09 PM Rating: Decent
4,175 posts
Thayos wrote:
Your video doesn't make sense without something for comparison. Use this as a reference for 2.0 and use this as reference for 1.0 version. Ignore the shadows on the ground and focus on the shadows that players cast on themselves. In 2.0 you're fully illuminated at all times. The characters have shadows on the, but they look like they're just painted on. They're not dynamic and don't change with the environment. The character's appearance barely changes at all when she moves through light to dark and back to light.

The shadows in 1.0 look static and dull.

Static? After you just watched them shift across the character as she moved? The only thing that's static is the volume of light on models in 2.0 Thayos.

Thayos wrote:
The 2.0 footage looks bright and lively.

Yeah, well... everyone looks bright and lively under a spotlight with 3 suns in the sky.

Thayos wrote:
Also, I'm not the only one who thinks the 2.0 image you provide beats the pants off of the 1.0 image.

Third time now, opinions aren't important. Clearly you prefer painted shadows and low res textures. It's crystal.

The textures they had were rendered at lower resolution and reapplied. They did create new landscaping to fill out some new areas and clear up the copy pasta issue, but those got the exact same treatment. 'From the ground up' is about as inaccurate as you could get. They recycled just about everything available from the mainstream 'extremely casual' MMO genre. You really think they didn't re-use textures?

You've been licking those frogs again, haven't you...? Smiley: oyvey

Thayos wrote:
And, most importantly, 1.x never even looked that good when you actually played it, because the engine was so horrifically optimized. Even with an i7 computer with the best graphic card, the game always had flutter/distortion/etc. when moving around. It only looked good when standing still in remote areas. The graphics in 1.x were like a parked Ferrari with a crappy Geo Metro engine.

I had a pair of the first Fermi GPUs running in SLI prior to 1.0 going into alpha. I'm not bragging, but it made me one of the few people had the capability to see the game perform well at full settings. Just so you realize I'm not bullsh*tting, one of my personal benchmarks. For the sake of comparison, the top benchmark scores from the BG kids.

I guess I forgot I was arguing with someone who had never seen what the graphics were supposed to look like.

Edited, Mar 8th 2014 10:10pm by FilthMcNasty
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#93 Mar 08 2014 at 9:27 PM Rating: Excellent
I guess I forgot I was arguing with someone who had never seen what the graphics were supposed to look like.

That would be the vast, vast, vast majority of people who played 1.x, thanks in part to the graphics engine. I'm glad it was replaced.

And you're right... opinions are all we have. I can understand why some people might like the darker, higher texture-res art direction of 1.x, but I much prefer the brighter art of ARR. I very much prefer the new graphic engine's lighting capabilities, too, especially in the outdoor areas.

Also, I don't doubt your awesome computer specs. Keep in mind, though, my computer exceeded the recommended specs for Version 1.x, and while the game definitely looked pretty, the game still didn't have that smooth, crisp look of ARR. Version 1.x was just horribly programmed/optimized.

Based on graphic quality alone, whether anyone thinks Version 1.x or ARR has a better graphics engine is purely a matter of opinion. However, there appear to be more professional gaming reviewers out there who believe ARR is an improvement. In fact, you'd probably have to look hard to find a reviewer claiming the graphics regressed. Feel free to post a link if you manage to find such a review, but rest assured I could respond with far more reviewers who share my opinion.

This isn't just you arguing with me, Filth. This is you arguing against the well-established opinion of ARR. That's not to say your opinion isn't valid, but it's worth pointing out that most professional gaming journalists (who know a lot more about the gaming industry than you and I do) don't agree with you.

That said, the new graphics engine wasn't made solely to produce a prettier picture than 1.x's graphics engine. The main reason they built the new engine was to make the game more playable while maintaining industry-leading graphics. The new graphics engine can display more characters, it uses (Yoshi-P's words, not mine) advanced lighting technology and it's scalable to provide decent graphics across a wide range of technology and platforms. With the new graphics engine, the game can be enjoyed in all its graphic glory by most people who play it, and not just the handful of folks who are fortunate to own top-of-the-line gaming rigs (which, at the time of 1.x, were complete overkill for anything else on the market except for 1.x).

Obviously, ARR doesn't have the high-res textures that 1.x had, but you don't even really notice that until you zoom in as close as that picture you posted (people are usually zoomed out the vast majority of the time they're playing)... and even then, it doesn't really matter because of the slightly different art direction in ARR.

Edited, Mar 8th 2014 7:33pm by Thayos

Edited, Mar 8th 2014 7:39pm by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#94 Mar 08 2014 at 10:15 PM Rating: Good
4,175 posts
Thayos wrote:
This isn't just you arguing with me, Filth. This is you arguing against the well-established opinion of ARR.

I don't argue against anyone's opinion here. High resolution is higher quality. That's just a fact. It's definitely the reason why the engine was nerfed, but you seem to think it was replaced completely rather than just adjusted from what was already there. I explained the process to you and you don't get it. I showed you visual proof, but apparently you've got selective vision.

My only suggestion would be for you to research exactly how lighting works in this game. It might help you understand exactly all the characters in 2.0 look so bright. Outside that suggestion I don't think I can help you because I don't have a phoropter Smiley: lol

Edited, Mar 8th 2014 11:16pm by FilthMcNasty
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#95 Mar 08 2014 at 10:43 PM Rating: Excellent
High resolution is higher quality.

I agree, higher texture resolution is better than lower texture resolution, but higher texture resolution does not make a graphics engine superior.
Thayos Redblade
#96 Mar 08 2014 at 10:59 PM Rating: Excellent
The irony is that I finally have a graphics card that would have been capable of playing 1.x on max and I'll never get to test it out. Smiley: frown
#97 Mar 09 2014 at 1:14 AM Rating: Good
148 posts
I was debating whether or not to post one of those awesome "OUT OF !#$%^** NOWHERE ITS DAVID HASSLEHOFF!!!" troll pictures, just for the laffs... and it seems strangely appropriate for some reason. Decided against it xD

Seriously, unoriginality be damned... This is the world of FF. And all who knows FF knows the gold saucer. It was awesome... Flame the idea all you want, but like I said before... you know you'll be there at it's launch, so why cry about it? Gold saucer ftw! A cait sith NPC running around would be awesome too btw :D

Edited, Mar 9th 2014 2:15am by Swiftskye
#98 Mar 09 2014 at 1:29 AM Rating: Decent
4,175 posts
Thayos wrote:
High resolution is higher quality.

I agree, higher texture resolution is better than lower texture resolution, but higher texture resolution does not make a graphics engine superior.

Whatever you say Thayos Smiley: laugh

Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#99 Mar 09 2014 at 1:44 AM Rating: Excellent
Whatever you say Thayos

See? You can learn! Smiley: wink
Thayos Redblade
#100 Mar 09 2014 at 3:24 AM Rating: Decent
1,556 posts
Thayos wrote:
I agree, higher texture resolution is better than lower texture resolution, but higher texture resolution does not make a graphics engine superior.

What is your working definition for superior in this context?
#101 Mar 09 2014 at 9:34 AM Rating: Good
HitomeOfBismarck wrote:
Thayos wrote:
I agree, higher texture resolution is better than lower texture resolution, but higher texture resolution does not make a graphics engine superior.

What is your working definition for superior in this context?

Specifically in the case of the 1.x engine versus the 2.0 engine: The 1.x engine was capable of higher texture resolution. However, the graphical horsepower needed to experience that resolution AND make the game, you know, playable, was beyond the budget of the vast majority of the playerbase. My Radeon 5760 could play 1.x on the lowest graphics settings and with the game stuck in a smaller window (which was also forced to 16:9 perspective even at the smaller window size for some damn reason.) That same card was able to play the 2.0 alpha at full screen with mid level graphics.

So while the 1.x engine had higher texture resolution, it was not optimized for the typical graphics cards people had in their gaming PCs. The 2.0 was better optimized, and is thus a superior engine to 1.0.

A few other things - the 1.x engine had a bad juddering effect, pronounced especially to me as a Lalafell, in which the character and NPC names would "bounce" above the graphics as you ran. This is because they kept the names in the same position but bounced the camera view up and down. Happened in both first person perspective and third person perspective. I had to turn names off to avoid getting seasick. It was really jarring and I'm SO damn glad they smoothed it out considerably for 2.0.
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