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Zam's interview with Yoshi at SonyFollow

#27 Feb 12 2014 at 1:10 PM Rating: Decent
589 posts
Keysofgaruda wrote:
The only add-on of the ffxiv app that I would consider cheating is the twintania tracker. that is really, really, borderline cheating. you don't have to pay attention for divebombs because it counts it down for you when you have to move. it even tells you when death sentence is coming and have to top the tank off. twintania tracker takes any kind of reflex or anticipation skills out of the equation. the twister countdown doesn't seem to be accurate although that might just be because I don't have it set correctly. Twisters isn't hard to deal with so that doesn't matter too much.

I do realize that that add-on doesn't do anymore than use the information given to you...but the game doesn't count down for me exactly the time I have to dodge at or tell me 10 seconds in advance that I have to make sure the tank is topped off. I think this add-on is cheating because you don't have to pay as much attention to the game whereas someone without this add-on has to work more to win.

So then someone calling out plumes on Titan with a macro is cheating too by that logic.
#28 Feb 12 2014 at 1:26 PM Rating: Excellent
So then someone calling out plumes on Titan with a macro is cheating too by that logic.

Only if the person is a robot who is programmed to receive data from the game and instantly output plume warnings without any possibility of being momentarily confused or distracted.

But if it's a human, then no, calling out plumes isn't cheating.
Thayos Redblade
#29 Feb 12 2014 at 1:40 PM Rating: Default
1,270 posts
I think the sarcasm there zoomed over your head Thayos :-p

#30 Feb 12 2014 at 2:14 PM Rating: Decent
4,175 posts
For FFXI, the main purpose of the Windower program was to allow players to alt-tab to display the game and other programs at the same time. Super handy if you wanted to have a webpage open to reference quest details, read up on BCNM strategies or just watch netflix in between HNM pop windows(mostly the reason why I used it). If you tried to alt-tab without it your client would crash.

It sounds like a great idea and it was, but the possibility of players running programs in the background meant the possibility of players using said programs to exploit the game. The fishing and gathering bots, movement speed hacks and claim tools that were rampant in XI were almost exclusively for use with the Windower program. That's not to say that Windower itself (or XIVAPP in this case) are exploits, but they do facilitate the use of these tools.

SE really just needs to handle implementing these features for players on their own. If players have to be paranoid about being banned for mentioning something that adds a basic functions to the game... I mean, isn't that kinda what you pay them for?
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#31 Feb 12 2014 at 2:17 PM Rating: Excellent
I think the sarcasm there zoomed over your head Thayos :-p

So my comment was inception sarcasm?
Thayos Redblade
#32 Feb 12 2014 at 2:23 PM Rating: Excellent
FilthMcNasty wrote:
That's not to say that Windower itself (or XIVAPP in this case) are exploits, but they do facilitate the use of these tools.

Technically no, this is not the case with the parser. It's completely passive, nothing is SENT to the game client. With windower it was hooking into the process and enabling the sending of key strokes and other things directly to the game.

Edited, Feb 12th 2014 2:24pm by Wint
#33 Feb 12 2014 at 2:26 PM Rating: Excellent
135 posts
The upgrade is free according to these details:

It makes sense, you are upgrading, for free, your PS3 service account to a PS4, you can't go back. If you want to play on PS4 and PS3, buy the PS4 version, just like if you wanted to play on PC, you buy a PC service account.

SE is doing what they said, offering you a version upgrade for free.
#34 Feb 12 2014 at 3:00 PM Rating: Default
Wint wrote:
HitomeOfBismarck wrote:
The following is said:

"He doesn't feels this gives users an advantage."

AKA: this is not considered a hack.

"He feels what is most important is player skill."

AKA: Using a tool to judge a player's entire performance is something he doesn't agree with because skill >> numbers on a parser.

"In terms of different tools that are being used, has come up, like hacking/bots that do menial tasks for you or generate gil for you. THOSE are definitely not good and we would have to go in and ban those people for abusing the system."

In other words, hacking and botting are not the same as using a parser.

"People on the PC want to enjoy FF14 to the best of their careful and take responsibility about how you are using elements and tools. There are people who go around bragging about, "Hey I use this tool." That's what is going to get you noticed. Take responsibility and be very discreet about the tools you use."

In other words, do not insult another player about their DPS with numbers from your parser. Keep the fact that you use the tool to yourself. If you belittle another player, we will take action.


"We cannot endorse any tools: whether they are hacks or parsers."

This is obvious. They cannot endorse one tool they have not developed over other tools. If they were to endorse one, they would have to endorse them all. They do not have control over what these applications do for the most part and cannot monitor them to make sure there is no violation.

None of this is a surprise and has confirmed what we learned from the thread on the OF.

Overall, predlues = destroyed.

What a wonderful start to my day. :) TY for posting, Wint!

Edited, Feb 12th 2014 7:13am by HitomeOfBismarck

HitomeOfBismarck wins.

But in the end you will still get perma-banned if you're caught using the program, so it doesn't really matter how many long posts he makes saying that it's OK...
#35 Feb 12 2014 at 3:17 PM Rating: Default
4,175 posts
Wint wrote:
FilthMcNasty wrote:
That's not to say that Windower itself (or XIVAPP in this case) are exploits, but they do facilitate the use of these tools.

Technically no, this is not the case with the parser. It's completely passive, nothing is SENT to the game client. With windower it was hooking into the process and enabling the sending of key strokes and other things directly to the game.

I think you're missing my point here Thayos. The functionality of the app is basic parsing and notification, but that could be used in conjunction with a plug-in authored by someone else to exploit the game.

Can the event notification function of FFXIV-APP be used to track player and/or mob health/MP/TP? Can I use this function to notify me when a dot, buff or debuff is active? Can I set up alerts for mob abilities that are timed or dependent on mob health?

LucasNox wrote:
But in the end you will still get perma-banned if you're caught using the program, so it doesn't really matter how many long posts he makes saying that it's OK...

Pretty much this. What Yoshi is saying equates to "Don't get caught". You can say that about anything. We all know that robbing a bank is unlawful, but you only go to jail if you get caught Smiley: sly

Edited, Feb 12th 2014 4:22pm by FilthMcNasty
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#36 Feb 12 2014 at 3:19 PM Rating: Excellent
5,745 posts
LucasNox wrote:
But in the end you will still get perma-banned if you're caught using the program, so it doesn't really matter how many long posts he makes saying that it's OK...

It's just like Windower in FFXI: user at your own risk. Personally, I think that risk is rather low. If SE could detect that you were using a 3rd party program to parse, the reddit thread that preludes linked in his other thread wouldn't have been about a GM asking a player whether he used a 3rd party app or not. It would have been a thread about a player actually being banned without any contact at all from SE, GM or otherwise.

One GM trying to play the role of bad cop in good cop/bad cop doesn't make me feel overly concerned over using Fight Club.
#37 Feb 12 2014 at 3:25 PM Rating: Excellent
925 posts
FilthMcNasty wrote:

I think you're missing my point here Thayos. The functionality of the app is basic parsing and notification, but that could be used in conjunction with a plug-in authored by someone else to exploit the game.

Can the event notification function of FFXIV-APP be used to track player and/or mob health/MP/TP? Can I use this function to notify me when a dot, buff or debuff is active? Can I set up alerts for mob abilities that are timed or dependent on mob health?

Edited, Feb 12th 2014 4:18pm by FilthMcNasty

Event doesn't do any of those things. Sure someone could make it or add it in; but you still have to act on it. Just because you hear a sound notification doesn't mean you have the mental aptitude to respond in the appropriate time. Even driving the average person is ~1.5 seconds behind in reaction time from seeing brake lights until when their brain can actually process and move their body to press the pedal.

I get what you're saying; but the program as it is now is a information display/notifier and relies on human reaction. I don't make anything at all the interacts with the game. If your downloading plugins from someplace other then or one that is not open source; I can't control that.
Like Final Fantasy XI, the game specs will be extremely high for the time, but in about 5 years, an average machine can run it on max settings with little to no issues. Tanaka also expressed interest in making a benchmark program available.

FilthMcNasty wrote:
I endorse this thread.
#38 Feb 12 2014 at 3:31 PM Rating: Excellent
At release they stated they would actually support add-ons after 6 months or so.

Don't care either way myself. Just seems like that is not going to happen after all.
#39 Feb 12 2014 at 4:10 PM Rating: Good
4,175 posts
Icehunter wrote:
FilthMcNasty wrote:

I think you're missing my point here Thayos. The functionality of the app is basic parsing and notification, but that could be used in conjunction with a plug-in authored by someone else to exploit the game.

Can the event notification function of FFXIV-APP be used to track player and/or mob health/MP/TP? Can I use this function to notify me when a dot, buff or debuff is active? Can I set up alerts for mob abilities that are timed or dependent on mob health?

Edited, Feb 12th 2014 4:18pm by FilthMcNasty

Event doesn't do any of those things. Sure someone could make it or add it in; but you still have to act on it. Just because you hear a sound notification doesn't mean you have the mental aptitude to respond in the appropriate time. Even driving the average person is ~1.5 seconds behind in reaction time from seeing brake lights until when their brain can actually process and move their body to press the pedal.

I get what you're saying; but the program as it is now is a information display/notifier and relies on human reaction. I don't make anything at all the interacts with the game. If your downloading plugins from someplace other then or one that is not open source; I can't control that.

Right, but that's what I was suggesting. Your application doesn't interact with the game, but I could write a plug-in that picks up your application's notifications and does interact with the game. I know it wasn't your intention, but it can be used for the purpose of exploits. That's all I was pointing out. Personally I appreciate the work you put in as I write code myself, but from the developers standpoint they won't support it.
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#40 Feb 12 2014 at 4:44 PM Rating: Excellent
By the way, I'm Wint not Thayos Smiley: wink

I know we all look alike.
#41REDACTED, Posted: Feb 12 2014 at 5:27 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I think everyone here is focusing too much on whether using the XIV APP is "right" or "morally wrong".
#42 Feb 12 2014 at 5:45 PM Rating: Excellent
I probably shouldn't have trusted a company with known ties to gold-sellers

Just FYI, the people who manage this portion of ZAM have precisely zero ties with gold sellers.
Thayos Redblade
#43 Feb 12 2014 at 5:46 PM Rating: Excellent
Keeper of the Shroud
13,632 posts
Well, for starters, you could stop being paranoid about being banned. They are not actively trying to find people using the the app so they can ban them. The only way to get caught using it is to admit to using it. Even then, the odds are extremely low that anything will come of it.
#44 Feb 12 2014 at 6:00 PM Rating: Decent
793 posts
Wint wrote:
Fight Club rules about the parser Smiley: wink

Also, man I want to try the PS4 cross play with the Vita. Alas no PS4.

Edited, Feb 12th 2014 4:10am by Wint

Marry me.
I might be an onion thief, but I'm still a thief.â„¢

#45 Feb 12 2014 at 6:23 PM Rating: Excellent
Thayos wrote:
I probably shouldn't have trusted a company with known ties to gold-sellers

Just FYI, the people who manage this portion of ZAM have precisely zero ties with gold sellers.

Yet people can't resist trying to make that argument Smiley: rolleyes
#46 Feb 12 2014 at 6:26 PM Rating: Excellent
1,310 posts
LucasNox wrote:

The thing I'm concerned with is that ZAM is distributing this program to its users and we were told that it was allowed by Square Enix. We now know that this is false and using it will put your account at risk.

I may be proven wrong, but I don't recall anyone responsible for the app saying it was "allowed by Square Enix," just that they'll unofficially tolerate it after they were made aware of the application. SE has never formally allowed any third party apps to interact with their online applications to my knowledge, and confessing that you use third party apps is grounds for possible suspension of your account. In other words, if you make FFXIVAPP into a problem, it will be a problem.
#47 Feb 12 2014 at 6:27 PM Rating: Excellent
"We're all adults here."

What more does the man need to say?
Thayos Redblade
#48 Feb 12 2014 at 7:52 PM Rating: Excellent
1,500 posts
Thayos wrote:
"We're all adults here."

What more does the man need to say?
^ couldn't agree more.

Silly humans, it is not which tool you use but how you use it!

No one is going to condone bad behavior, that's a given, you won't read anywhere that it's OK to parse Titan X and kick people from your party because they don't meet your "DPS requirements", that's harassment plain and simple. If you cannot understand that probably you shouldn't be interacting online with other people.

I appreciate the effort Icehunter and Wint put on the parser is a great tool to evaluate your own performance, as they say it's hard to find a more fitting challenger than your own self.


Edit: Grammar

Edited, Feb 13th 2014 1:54am by kenage
#49 Feb 12 2014 at 8:33 PM Rating: Excellent
600 posts
"We're all adults here"

Unfortunately that's not the case :(
A few of the kiddos are acting a little like chicken little.
Calm down little ones, the sky is not falling.

Interview in a nutshell: If you use the parser, be responsible. If you use a cheat, prepare to be banned.
#50 Feb 12 2014 at 8:53 PM Rating: Excellent
GamerEscape 's interview is up, pretty much the same thing we were told when they asked.

GE: Recently, there has been noise from players about parsers, mods and third-party applications being used with Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn and about people getting warned, suspended or even banned by GMs for using such applications. There was also mention of a plug-in API for the game. We were wondering what the policy was, your stance on it, and how you were approaching these issues. Some players are a bit worried and don’t want to get banned.

Yoshida: This is a very difficult question to answer. We are first and foremost a software company, and as a software company we cannot really approve of anyone modifying our product in any way. We wold prefer it if everyone played within the original design of the software, otherwise we can’t really guarantee the quality of the product itself. Officially, the policy is that any additions or modification to the game are against the rules and privacy policy and when playing our game, everyone has to have gone through the steps to agree to the Terms and Conditions when you sign up.

However, I too am a hardcore PC gamer so I understand that there are a lot of plug-ins and add-ons available to many games. So as a PC gamer, all I can really say is “Please, don’t get caught.” If you are going to use add-ons and plug-ins please be discrete about it. Don’t go around telling your friends you mod the game on chat, or ask a GM if using such an add-on is ok. We can’t really go around and check if add-ons and plug-ins will work with our game and debug it, and check that it doesn’t break anything – its too much. Really what it comes down to is I can’t really say “Yes” to these things, and players have to realize that by using an application that accesses game files that they are the ones that are assuming the risk of viruses and possibly compromising their account.

And as you probably know, Final Fantasy XI had a particularly strict policy on this kind of thing, so there are quite a few players out there who moved from XI to XIV who definitely view any kind of add-on to the game as bad. So please, just be discrete if you will be using tools or add-ons.
#51 Feb 12 2014 at 9:27 PM Rating: Default
4,175 posts
Wint wrote:
By the way, I'm Wint not Thayos Smiley: wink

I know we all look alike.

Derp. Sorry, I've been having a lot of discussion with Thayos lately and you both have those smexy orange names. My apologies.

kenage wrote:
No one is going to condone bad behavior, that's a given, you won't read anywhere that it's OK to parse Titan X and kick people from your party because they don't meet your "DPS requirements", that's harassment plain and simple. If you cannot understand that probably you shouldn't be interacting online with other people.

That's how the internet works. Before parsers players were getting booted from groups based on eyeballed DPS. It was here before parsers and it might remain even if Yoshi condemned parsers in his interview. Therein lies the issue...

I know that Wint and Icehunter(and everyone else who has contributed) mean well and I wasn't trying to discredit anyone who is interested in creating or expanding applications to improve gameplay for themselves or for others. I just feel that the boundaries should be more clearly defined. One player might gain better understanding and improve their gameplay and another player might have a horrible experience because they were ridiculed for poor performance. The app is created with good intentions, but it's use is ultimately left to all of the apples, both good and bad. As we've seen before in FFXI, there are going to be people who will push to see how far they can take it.

I know several people who used what most would consider exploits in FFXI. I think we can all agree that using a program to catch fish for you is not how the system was meant to work, but by SE's definition(at least at the time I played) it wasn't a punishable offense as long as you were not AFK while doing it. Theoretically I could tell a GM I was using a bot to do anything, but the fact that I was sending him /tells was enough to prove that I wasn't AFK and they would take no action against my account.

"Hey [GM]Baccanale, this new fish bot I just got is amazing! I would never be able to catch these Ryugu Titan fish without it."

I might get a small lecture about how I wasn't acting in the spirit of a true adventurer, but unless I failed to respond to a GM /tell while fishing or volunteered information that I had intent to participate in RMT, they sat on their hands. SE maintains the right to suspend or terminate your account for any reason they see fit. I think that their stance(or lack of one in this case) is at least partially to blame for players pushing their limits. What you and I might consider to be questionable activity might seem perfectly acceptable to another player.


If you had a child and raised him or her to believe that everything was lawful unless they were caught, shouldn't you accept partial responsibility for the child if they beat some old lady over the head and stold her purse rather than helping her across the street? SE lays out the law so I should think they are responsible at least in part for our conduct. Take off the belt papa Yoshi Smiley: wink

Edited, Feb 12th 2014 10:30pm by FilthMcNasty
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
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