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Duty Finder questionFollow

#1 Jul 18 2013 at 11:23 PM Rating: Default
5,055 posts
do ppl still shout for parties or form them the "old" way (i.e invite their friends) now that Duty finder is implemented or does EVERYONE use it? If so what sets it apart from other "duty finder" type things in other MMOs? for example DC universe online lets you Queue for its equivalent of dungeons and raids and once it find enough ppl youre all transported there. problem is you might not get the right classes to complete it successfully (you get awhole buncha DDs instead of a tank, healer, support class and DDs) or you get random ppl who have no idea what theyre doing (even if they are the right class) and so you cant complete the raid/dungeon do to their ignorance or their lack of being able to do what theyre told to do so you can be successful.

That being said if i choose ppl ingame invited them to a party and then started teh dungeon would it bypass the duty finder and just transport us or do you HAVE to use the DF? Also if you do go in a dungeon with ppl that are already in your party can you sent tells to ppl outside the dungeon? (after all everyone in your party is from your server so that whole "cant send cross server tells" thing shouldnt be an issue right?

Lastly i looked at limit breaks... it sucks that they have the same ones for multiple classes.. they should be class/job specific like mnk only should get final heaven, blm only get meteor etc etc kinda like teh 2 hours in FFXI
#2 Jul 19 2013 at 12:12 AM Rating: Decent
925 posts
1) Most everyone uses it.
2) You can specify the types of classes.
3) People will be new or not so good sometimes, you take your chances just like forming a party.
4) If you want instant teleportation to the dungeon, you need to use Duty Finder. Even if people are in your party.
5) If you use Duty Finder, you can't send tells; even if they are in you're party. So no smack talking.
6) Limit breaks are just fine the way they are and promot the party to decide when to use the right one rather then spaming abilities. You need to think.
Like Final Fantasy XI, the game specs will be extremely high for the time, but in about 5 years, an average machine can run it on max settings with little to no issues. Tanaka also expressed interest in making a benchmark program available.

FilthMcNasty wrote:
I endorse this thread.
#3 Jul 19 2013 at 12:31 AM Rating: Excellent
2,120 posts
Some people /shout for groups or form their own with LS/FC friends. I've seen a few who are adamant about never using the Duty Finder. Others aren't so adamant about it, but prefer to make their own groups if possible. So not everyone is using it. Many are though. Someone /shouting for a group will likely see "Just use DF!" as a response.

I used it quite a bit recently, and never saw it ***** up the party balance. I didn't specifically try this myself, but I imagine if you have a group of 4 on your server ready to go you could either use the DF to start ASAP or meet at the dungeon entrance and enter that way. When I used it I was by myself or had a partial group ready. We had a tank and 2 DDs and used the DF to find us a healer, for example.

I guess one thing you can't ensure is the skill/experience level of the players you'll be matched up with. Varying attitudes as well. I didn't try sending /tells while using the DF. Chatted in ls & party chat.
#4 Jul 19 2013 at 12:34 AM Rating: Default
5,055 posts
Elionara wrote:
1) Most everyone uses it.
2) You can specify the types of classes.
3) People will be new or not so good sometimes, you take your chances just like forming a party.
4) If you want instant teleportation to the dungeon, you need to use Duty Finder. Even if people are in your party.
5) If you use Duty Finder, you can't send tells; even if they are in you're party. So no smack talking.
6) Limit breaks are just fine the way they are and promot the party to decide when to use the right one rather then spaming abilities. You need to think.

3. I wouldnt say just like forming a party because IF youre going through the trouble of forming a party youll most likely playing with ppl you know so you know beforehand if they suck or no t or at the very least even if theyre not good youd at least know theyre someone who will follow direction and be willing to learn as opposed to those ppl who choose to do what they WANT to do (even if what they want to do is teh wrong way) as opposed to what their asked to do. For example my first time doing Dynamis i had no idea what i was doing so I made sure to follow directions and do what ppl who DID know what to do told me to do and didnt do anything i was told NOT to do. now Im sure you know we have ppl that will do the exact opposite of that which is why a lot of ppl (myself included) dont like playing with randoms.

4. Thats what I was asking. if im in a party and use duty finder will the party im in be transported or will I be placed with randoms. Also i notice you said if i WANT instant teleportation.. soo youre saying i could physically walk to the dungeons if I choose to?

5. lol why would you smack talk im tells? If i have something to say to or about someone Im perfectly ok with saying it infront of everyone TO that person lol. But yeah I was told the reason for no tells was because duty finder gets ppl from all servers and well sending tells across servers would be difficult.. however if i used duty finder with a party i already formed on MY server then duty finder shouldnt take us to another server so by that logic shouldnt tells work in THAT circumstance?

6. I fail to see how given each job/class a unique LB would take away they promotion of deciding when to use the right one. for example mnk should get final heaven whereas a warrior would get lets say Omnislash.. the party would still have to decide if its time for a magic LB, tank LB, healing LB or DD LB.. and if they decide DD LB then itll just be a simple issue of which of teh DDs can hit their LB button the fastest. Or they can add even more depth by having each unique DD LB having a hidden effect, like the MNK LB might do damage plus cause a massive Slow effect on the mob and the WARs might do damage but inflict a huge poison effect on the mob.. (kind alike the effects the relic weapons had in FFXI) then itll come down to which DDs LB effect would be more helpful in the current situation. So yeah there could still be depth if each class had a unique LB

#5 Jul 19 2013 at 12:35 AM Rating: Good
925 posts
TwistedOwl wrote:
Some people /shout for groups or form their own with LS/FC friends. I've seen a few who are adamant about never using the Duty Finder. Others aren't so adamant about it, but prefer to make their own groups if possible. So not everyone is using it. Many are though. Someone /shouting for a group will likely see "Just use DF!" as a response.

I used it quite a bit recently, and never saw it ***** up the party balance. I didn't specifically try this myself, but I imagine if you have a group of 4 on your server ready to go you could either use the DF to start ASAP or meet at the dungeon entrance and enter that way. When I used it I was by myself or had a partial group ready. We had a tank and 2 DDs and used the DF to find us a healer, for example.

I guess one thing you can't ensure is the skill/experience level of the players you'll be matched up with. Varying attitudes as well. I didn't try sending /tells while using the DF. Chatted in ls & party chat.

One more thing is that DF doesn't match on your server first, it goes out to other servers. There was a response on official forum about that.
Like Final Fantasy XI, the game specs will be extremely high for the time, but in about 5 years, an average machine can run it on max settings with little to no issues. Tanaka also expressed interest in making a benchmark program available.

FilthMcNasty wrote:
I endorse this thread.
#6 Jul 19 2013 at 6:51 AM Rating: Excellent
1,208 posts
So I found it to be very similar to DC Universe, but unlike DC Universe we actually have a LFP flag you can use also... so you have the best of both worlds... you can find people on your server who are LFP and make a group first without spamming shouts... then you can queue up as a group.

Perfect system IMHO...

Alternatively, to my dismay, in DC Universe you have to use shouts and other chat channels to find groups... it's absurd.
#7 Jul 19 2013 at 7:18 AM Rating: Good
660 posts
I noticed people /shouting when the Duty Finder took forever to fill the group up. Mostly toward the end of phase 3 when people still wanted/needed to do Tam-Tara. By then, Brayflox queues were quite short.
#8 Jul 19 2013 at 7:20 AM Rating: Default
People that don't use the Duty Finder to get groups are probably people in FC that make the group within the FC. I saw maybe 1-2 groups shouting for people but it is always healer or tank.

If you get a group of 4 people you can use the Duty Finder to TP your group into the dungeon. People are treating the Duty Finder like cancer which is funny since that usually comes later in the game when the dungeons actually get interesting.

The Duty Finder does two things that are very important.

1. Gives you a quick and easy way to get a group for a dungeon while allowing you to not have to spam chat, and give you the ability to keep playing while it works

2. It shows you how many people are actually very bad at video games.

Edited, Jul 19th 2013 9:26am by Mopdaddy
#9 Jul 19 2013 at 7:28 AM Rating: Excellent
5,745 posts
DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
That being said if i choose ppl ingame invited them to a party and then started teh dungeon would it bypass the duty finder and just transport us or do you HAVE to use the DF?

If you have a partial party formed, the DF will fill in the empty spots and then transport you to the dungeon. If you have a full party formed, the DF will transport you to the dungeon right away.
#10 Jul 19 2013 at 10:27 AM Rating: Decent
12,232 posts
One thing about shouting, is often times people might make a few shouts to fill up their party/ask around, as at least imo, partying with peoople on your server is much nicer as you could meet new people or even re-do the dungeon or the next few dungeons a few times with people you will soon learn.

As opposed to being tossed in a pit of random every time.
#11 Jul 19 2013 at 12:27 PM Rating: Excellent
65 posts
DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
Elionara wrote:
1) Most everyone uses it.
2) You can specify the types of classes.
3) People will be new or not so good sometimes, you take your chances just like forming a party.
4) If you want instant teleportation to the dungeon, you need to use Duty Finder. Even if people are in your party.
5) If you use Duty Finder, you can't send tells; even if they are in you're party. So no smack talking.
6) Limit breaks are just fine the way they are and promot the party to decide when to use the right one rather then spaming abilities. You need to think.

3. I wouldnt say just like forming a party because IF youre going through the trouble of forming a party youll most likely playing with ppl you know so you know beforehand if they suck or no t or at the very least even if theyre not good youd at least know theyre someone who will follow direction and be willing to learn as opposed to those ppl who choose to do what they WANT to do (even if what they want to do is teh wrong way) as opposed to what their asked to do. For example my first time doing Dynamis i had no idea what i was doing so I made sure to follow directions and do what ppl who DID know what to do told me to do and didnt do anything i was told NOT to do. now Im sure you know we have ppl that will do the exact opposite of that which is why a lot of ppl (myself included) dont like playing with randoms.

4. Thats what I was asking. if im in a party and use duty finder will the party im in be transported or will I be placed with randoms. Also i notice you said if i WANT instant teleportation.. soo youre saying i could physically walk to the dungeons if I choose to?

5. lol why would you smack talk im tells? If i have something to say to or about someone Im perfectly ok with saying it infront of everyone TO that person lol. But yeah I was told the reason for no tells was because duty finder gets ppl from all servers and well sending tells across servers would be difficult.. however if i used duty finder with a party i already formed on MY server then duty finder shouldnt take us to another server so by that logic shouldnt tells work in THAT circumstance?

6. I fail to see how given each job/class a unique LB would take away they promotion of deciding when to use the right one. for example mnk should get final heaven whereas a warrior would get lets say Omnislash.. the party would still have to decide if its time for a magic LB, tank LB, healing LB or DD LB.. and if they decide DD LB then itll just be a simple issue of which of teh DDs can hit their LB button the fastest. Or they can add even more depth by having each unique DD LB having a hidden effect, like the MNK LB might do damage plus cause a massive Slow effect on the mob and the WARs might do damage but inflict a huge poison effect on the mob.. (kind alike the effects the relic weapons had in FFXI) then itll come down to which DDs LB effect would be more helpful in the current situation. So yeah there could still be depth if each class had a unique LB

While I do miss the panicked excitement of a 2-hour ability from XI, I can kind of understand what the developers are trying to do by having only a single Limit Break. Ignoring the strategy aspect of it (I haven't done any 8 or 16 man events), it seems like having a single Limit Break is mostly a class balancing thing. Sure, you can give every class a different Limit Break, but then you'll have some people saying, "LNC LB works better here. LNC only!" or "PUG only here!" So then you'd have to go through the trouble of making sure each Limit Break is roughly the same in terms of effectiveness, and if all the Limit Breaks are the same, the only real difference is the flashy aesthetics. To me, if it only comes down to the flashiness and not the effects, I feel like having a single limit break is fine. There are enough other class/job specific skills to make me feel unique.
#12 Jul 19 2013 at 10:41 PM Rating: Default
5,055 posts
CrazyLegzMcGee wrote:
DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
Elionara wrote:
1) Most everyone uses it.
2) You can specify the types of classes.
3) People will be new or not so good sometimes, you take your chances just like forming a party.
4) If you want instant teleportation to the dungeon, you need to use Duty Finder. Even if people are in your party.
5) If you use Duty Finder, you can't send tells; even if they are in you're party. So no smack talking.
6) Limit breaks are just fine the way they are and promot the party to decide when to use the right one rather then spaming abilities. You need to think.

3. I wouldnt say just like forming a party because IF youre going through the trouble of forming a party youll most likely playing with ppl you know so you know beforehand if they suck or no t or at the very least even if theyre not good youd at least know theyre someone who will follow direction and be willing to learn as opposed to those ppl who choose to do what they WANT to do (even if what they want to do is teh wrong way) as opposed to what their asked to do. For example my first time doing Dynamis i had no idea what i was doing so I made sure to follow directions and do what ppl who DID know what to do told me to do and didnt do anything i was told NOT to do. now Im sure you know we have ppl that will do the exact opposite of that which is why a lot of ppl (myself included) dont like playing with randoms.

4. Thats what I was asking. if im in a party and use duty finder will the party im in be transported or will I be placed with randoms. Also i notice you said if i WANT instant teleportation.. soo youre saying i could physically walk to the dungeons if I choose to?

5. lol why would you smack talk im tells? If i have something to say to or about someone Im perfectly ok with saying it infront of everyone TO that person lol. But yeah I was told the reason for no tells was because duty finder gets ppl from all servers and well sending tells across servers would be difficult.. however if i used duty finder with a party i already formed on MY server then duty finder shouldnt take us to another server so by that logic shouldnt tells work in THAT circumstance?

6. I fail to see how given each job/class a unique LB would take away they promotion of deciding when to use the right one. for example mnk should get final heaven whereas a warrior would get lets say Omnislash.. the party would still have to decide if its time for a magic LB, tank LB, healing LB or DD LB.. and if they decide DD LB then itll just be a simple issue of which of teh DDs can hit their LB button the fastest. Or they can add even more depth by having each unique DD LB having a hidden effect, like the MNK LB might do damage plus cause a massive Slow effect on the mob and the WARs might do damage but inflict a huge poison effect on the mob.. (kind alike the effects the relic weapons had in FFXI) then itll come down to which DDs LB effect would be more helpful in the current situation. So yeah there could still be depth if each class had a unique LB

While I do miss the panicked excitement of a 2-hour ability from XI, I can kind of understand what the developers are trying to do by having only a single Limit Break. Ignoring the strategy aspect of it (I haven't done any 8 or 16 man events), it seems like having a single Limit Break is mostly a class balancing thing. Sure, you can give every class a different Limit Break, but then you'll have some people saying, "LNC LB works better here. LNC only!" or "PUG only here!" So then you'd have to go through the trouble of making sure each Limit Break is roughly the same in terms of effectiveness, and if all the Limit Breaks are the same, the only real difference is the flashy aesthetics. To me, if it only comes down to the flashiness and not the effects, I feel like having a single limit break is fine. There are enough other class/job specific skills to make me feel unique.

what you say is 100% true however in your example even if LNC LB is most effective/best for tht certain mission doesnt mean it can ONLY be done with a LNC.. just means a LNC makes it EASIER but it can still be done if none is available.. just like CoP in FFXI.. ppl shouted for smn, nin or /nin only.. yet i finished every CoP mission without ANY of those jobs (or subjob) in my group AND i was a THIEF (the most "useless" job for CoP) prenerfs... sure we had to work a LOT harder (and spend more gil) than those who used teh cookie cutter setups.. but we proved that SE clearly didnt make teh content solely for those certain jobs (or subjobs) to be able to complete it.. the LB thing would be no different,.
#13 Jul 20 2013 at 1:28 AM Rating: Decent
65 posts
what you say is 100% true however in your example even if LNC LB is most effective/best for tht certain mission doesnt mean it can ONLY be done with a LNC.. just means a LNC makes it EASIER but it can still be done if none is available.. just like CoP in FFXI.. ppl shouted for smn, nin or /nin only.. yet i finished every CoP mission without ANY of those jobs (or subjob) in my group AND i was a THIEF (the most "useless" job for CoP) prenerfs... sure we had to work a LOT harder (and spend more gil) than those who used teh cookie cutter setups.. but we proved that SE clearly didnt make teh content solely for those certain jobs (or subjobs) to be able to complete it.. the LB thing would be no different,.

I can sympathize with your argument there because I appreciate doing things in unconventional ways. I remember my LS twisting my arm to do those early CoP missions as NIN instead of PLD. And I'll use those CoP missions as an example since you brought them up.

You're certainly right that all those missions could be completed without using cookie cutter setups, you beat them as THF you said. What I think the development team wants, though, is to avoid the kind of situation in which the community settles on one of those cookie cutter set ups at all. Rather, what you'd have is a situation in which doing CoP as THF wouldn't be considered a disadvantage. You're avoiding having any one job make things easier -- because the community inevitably gravitates toward easier.

I guess they're hoping it prevents some of the semi-hostile job bias (Looking at you PUP) that occurred in XI. In the long run, some kind of bias will eventually surface, either through abilities or gear, but it seems like the dev team is doing their best to have the jobs at least start on equal footing. The LB system is just one less thing to worry about in that respect.
#14DuoMaxwellxx, Posted: Jul 20 2013 at 10:12 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) and this is why (in my opinion) the game will never be as good as FFXI or have any REALLY difficult content (CoP like) because the devs are too afraid to take risks in fear of ****ing ppl off and maybe losing numbers because of it, so the wanna make EVERYTHING easy and accessible and well who doesnt like easy and accessible right?, I mean Im sure in a year we'll ALL be running around with maxed out relic weapons.... something youd have NEVER seen in FFXI (pre level cap 99 raise)
#15 Jul 20 2013 at 10:17 AM Rating: Good
DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
CrazyLegzMcGee wrote:
what you say is 100% true however in your example even if LNC LB is most effective/best for tht certain mission doesnt mean it can ONLY be done with a LNC.. just means a LNC makes it EASIER but it can still be done if none is available.. just like CoP in FFXI.. ppl shouted for smn, nin or /nin only.. yet i finished every CoP mission without ANY of those jobs (or subjob) in my group AND i was a THIEF (the most "useless" job for CoP) prenerfs... sure we had to work a LOT harder (and spend more gil) than those who used teh cookie cutter setups.. but we proved that SE clearly didnt make teh content solely for those certain jobs (or subjobs) to be able to complete it.. the LB thing would be no different,.

I can sympathize with your argument there because I appreciate doing things in unconventional ways. I remember my LS twisting my arm to do those early CoP missions as NIN instead of PLD. And I'll use those CoP missions as an example since you brought them up.

You're certainly right that all those missions could be completed without using cookie cutter setups, you beat them as THF you said. What I think the development team wants, though, is to avoid the kind of situation in which the community settles on one of those cookie cutter set ups at all. Rather, what you'd have is a situation in which doing CoP as THF wouldn't be considered a disadvantage. You're avoiding having any one job make things easier -- because the community inevitably gravitates toward easier.

I guess they're hoping it prevents some of the semi-hostile job bias (Looking at you PUP) that occurred in XI. In the long run, some kind of bias will eventually surface, either through abilities or gear, but it seems like the dev team is doing their best to have the jobs at least start on equal footing. The LB system is just one less thing to worry about in that respect.

and this is why (in my opinion) the game will never be as good as FFXI or have any REALLY difficult content (CoP like) because the devs are too afraid to take risks in fear of ****ing ppl off and maybe losing numbers because of it, so the wanna make EVERYTHING easy and accessible and well who doesnt like easy and accessible right?, I mean Im sure in a year we'll ALL be running around with maxed out relic weapons.... something youd have NEVER seen in FFXI (pre level cap 99 raise)

and on a random note yes out PLD kickedd *** in CoP

For all your negativity on unknown things sure doesn't seem like you will be playing this game very long.
#16 Jul 20 2013 at 10:34 AM Rating: Excellent
3,737 posts
DuoMaxwellxx wrote:

and this is why (in my opinion) the game will never be as good as FFXI or have any REALLY difficult content (CoP like) because the devs are too afraid to take risks in fear of ****ing ppl off and maybe losing numbers because of it, so the wanna make EVERYTHING easy and accessible and well who doesnt like easy and accessible right?, I mean Im sure in a year we'll ALL be running around with maxed out relic weapons.... something youd have NEVER seen in FFXI (pre level cap 99 raise)

and on a random note yes out PLD kickedd *** in CoP

Something tells me that no matter what SE does with XIV, it will never overcome the shame of not being FFXI in your eyes.
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#17 Jul 20 2013 at 6:25 PM Rating: Good
725 posts
I played FFXI, and left it.

I haven't played any other game that had Duty Finder(DF) so I can't make any comparisons, but... the flaw is, you still wait around, and if you try to do anything else that requires changing classes, you only have a couple of seconds before you are thrown out. If you are fighting a mob it could cost you your life.

Also, if you are on DF and someone invites you into a party, you lose the DF status, even though you weren't looking for a party.
(at least I'm sure that happened to me more than once)

Name: Ghost Orchid - LEVEL 50 Bard, BLM, WHM, SMN Craft Level 7 Lucis, 6 4-star crafts: CUL, MIN, Wvr, Bsm, Gsm, Arm, Lth, Crp (Fishing and Alc at level 50)
World: Ultros
#18 Jul 20 2013 at 7:08 PM Rating: Excellent
3,737 posts
Grandmomma wrote:
I played FFXI, and left it.

I haven't played any other game that had Duty Finder(DF) so I can't make any comparisons, but... the flaw is, you still wait around, and if you try to do anything else that requires changing classes, you only have a couple of seconds before you are thrown out. If you are fighting a mob it could cost you your life.

Also, if you are on DF and someone invites you into a party, you lose the DF status, even though you weren't looking for a party.
(at least I'm sure that happened to me more than once)

Well... you have 60 seconds... which should really be plenty of time. But honestly if it's not, it's an easy number to change. Give feedback to them if that amount of time isn't enough. Be specific about what you were doing when the thing popped up.

As for the losing DF status.. is it when someone INVITES you to a party? Or when you JOIN a party? That could make a world of difference as to whether that's a bug or not.
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#19 Jul 20 2013 at 7:56 PM Rating: Good
725 posts
Archmage Callinon wrote:
Grandmomma wrote:
I played FFXI, and left it.

I haven't played any other game that had Duty Finder(DF) so I can't make any comparisons, but... the flaw is, you still wait around, and if you try to do anything else that requires changing classes, you only have a couple of seconds before you are thrown out. If you are fighting a mob it could cost you your life.

Also, if you are on DF and someone invites you into a party, you lose the DF status, even though you weren't looking for a party.
(at least I'm sure that happened to me more than once)

Well... you have 60 seconds... which should really be plenty of time. But honestly if it's not, it's an easy number to change. Give feedback to them if that amount of time isn't enough. Be specific about what you were doing when the thing popped up.

As for the losing DF status.. is it when someone INVITES you to a party? Or when you JOIN a party? That could make a world of difference as to whether that's a bug or not.

Hi, it seemed like when someone invited me to a party, I instantly was in the party, even w/o replying yes or no. I then lost the DF placement. I had to manually go into the UI and leave the party, then go into the DF and apply again.

I did leave feedback, wasn't sure if it was a bug or not. I also told them that there wasn't enough time.
DF calls, if I am in the middle of crafting an item, to finish the item, go and change into the the class, there wasn't enough time.

Name: Ghost Orchid - LEVEL 50 Bard, BLM, WHM, SMN Craft Level 7 Lucis, 6 4-star crafts: CUL, MIN, Wvr, Bsm, Gsm, Arm, Lth, Crp (Fishing and Alc at level 50)
World: Ultros
#20 Jul 21 2013 at 12:55 AM Rating: Default
5,055 posts
Mopdaddy wrote:
DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
CrazyLegzMcGee wrote:
what you say is 100% true however in your example even if LNC LB is most effective/best for tht certain mission doesnt mean it can ONLY be done with a LNC.. just means a LNC makes it EASIER but it can still be done if none is available.. just like CoP in FFXI.. ppl shouted for smn, nin or /nin only.. yet i finished every CoP mission without ANY of those jobs (or subjob) in my group AND i was a THIEF (the most "useless" job for CoP) prenerfs... sure we had to work a LOT harder (and spend more gil) than those who used teh cookie cutter setups.. but we proved that SE clearly didnt make teh content solely for those certain jobs (or subjobs) to be able to complete it.. the LB thing would be no different,.

I can sympathize with your argument there because I appreciate doing things in unconventional ways. I remember my LS twisting my arm to do those early CoP missions as NIN instead of PLD. And I'll use those CoP missions as an example since you brought them up.

You're certainly right that all those missions could be completed without using cookie cutter setups, you beat them as THF you said. What I think the development team wants, though, is to avoid the kind of situation in which the community settles on one of those cookie cutter set ups at all. Rather, what you'd have is a situation in which doing CoP as THF wouldn't be considered a disadvantage. You're avoiding having any one job make things easier -- because the community inevitably gravitates toward easier.

I guess they're hoping it prevents some of the semi-hostile job bias (Looking at you PUP) that occurred in XI. In the long run, some kind of bias will eventually surface, either through abilities or gear, but it seems like the dev team is doing their best to have the jobs at least start on equal footing. The LB system is just one less thing to worry about in that respect.

and this is why (in my opinion) the game will never be as good as FFXI or have any REALLY difficult content (CoP like) because the devs are too afraid to take risks in fear of ****ing ppl off and maybe losing numbers because of it, so the wanna make EVERYTHING easy and accessible and well who doesnt like easy and accessible right?, I mean Im sure in a year we'll ALL be running around with maxed out relic weapons.... something youd have NEVER seen in FFXI (pre level cap 99 raise)

and on a random note yes out PLD kickedd *** in CoP

For all your negativity on unknown things sure doesn't seem like you will be playing this game very long.

I will since just like FFXI there wont be much else to choose from (on consoles) I could name games that were just as good (if not better) than FFXI back when it came out but they were all on PC and I dont game on PC.. so unless PS3 and or 4 starts coming out with other AAA MMOs (free realms and DC Universe are /FAR from AAA) Ill be playing FFXIV either way.. plus one GREAT thing about FF mmos that 99% of other MMOs dont have is a story thats actually advanced through gameplay and eventually reaches a conclusion.. if FFXI (and XIV) removed the story elements then i wouldnt have touched either one for more than a month. but the stories were so good that i wanted to see what happened next and if that meant taking 3 months to get to level 50 to do the next story mission then thats what I did... thats what motivates me... just grinding to be high level for the sake of being high level and grinding for gear for the sake of looking good (and being uber) dont motivate me at all... I do it all for the story.. and that why FFXI (And even XIV despite its MANY flaws (compared to FFXI anyway) in my eyes) will be better than 95% of the other mmos out there.

Its funny how you jump to teh conclusion that i wont be playing FFXIV long based on the sole purpose that I make it clear that i like ONE other game more. I mean show one post where i say FXIV sucks/is garbage? Just because I like FFXI more doesnt mean I dont find FFXIV to be tolerable and dont like it AT ALL... I mean Uncharted 2 is better than Uncharted 3 but I still loved 3.
#21 Jul 21 2013 at 6:47 AM Rating: Excellent
Oh well not like I will have to deal with you in game or will you even play this game longer then maybe a month even if you get it. "I could name this or that" Yet you never name anything lol

I use this patented "Jump to Conclusions" mat and no matter where I jump it doesn't look good for you. ;)

Edited, Jul 21st 2013 8:53am by Mopdaddy
#22 Jul 21 2013 at 9:52 AM Rating: Default
5,055 posts
Mopdaddy wrote:
Oh well not like I will have to deal with you in game or will you even play this game longer then maybe a month even if you get it. "I could name this or that" Yet you never name anything lol

I use this patented "Jump to Conclusions" mat and no matter where I jump it doesn't look good for you. ;)

Edited, Jul 21st 2013 8:53am by Mopdaddy

then youd be wrong considering DC universe held my attention for a full 8 weeks before i got bored of it due to lack of content (i.e it got to the point where i was logging on everday just to do teh SAME daily quests, daily alerts and duos because there was literally NOTHING NEW to do) EVERYDAY and the SAME raids once a week.... and that was when i didnt work or go to school so i literally had all day everyday to devote to the game. Which I did, from the tim ei woke up to the tij ei wnet to sleep, with eating, pooping and chores inbetween I was playing DCUO

that being said im sure ffxiv will have 5 times the content (if its anything like ffxi was) than dcuo and the fact that i work 40 hours a week now means i wont have as much time to get through all the content at the same speed i did with DCUOs which by those factors alone means Ill be playing the game WAY longer than DCUO which already trumps your 1 month theory
#23 Jul 21 2013 at 10:06 AM Rating: Good
6,899 posts
DuoMaxwell wrote:
DC universe held my attention for a full 8 weeks

Woah, 8 whole weeks! Smiley: rolleyes
#24 Jul 21 2013 at 10:19 AM Rating: Decent
4,175 posts
BartelX wrote:
DuoMaxwell wrote:
DC universe held my attention for a full 8 weeks

Woah, 8 whole weeks! Smiley: rolleyes

If you consider that is all they did, that's probably equivalent of 8 months for someone who spends a few hours a day, several days a week playing. Not taking sides here, but cramming 8 months of play into 2 months will make you bored with just about anything Smiley: laugh
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#25 Jul 21 2013 at 11:26 AM Rating: Default
5,055 posts
BartelX wrote:
DuoMaxwell wrote:
DC universe held my attention for a full 8 weeks

Woah, 8 whole weeks! Smiley: rolleyes

exactly a "whole" 8 weeks is teh very point im making.. thats SHORT for an "mmo" which is just proof of its extreme lack of content
#26 Jul 21 2013 at 11:30 AM Rating: Default
5,055 posts
FilthMcNasty wrote:
BartelX wrote:
DuoMaxwell wrote:
DC universe held my attention for a full 8 weeks

Woah, 8 whole weeks! Smiley: rolleyes

If you consider that is all they did, that's probably equivalent of 8 months for someone who spends a few hours a day, several days a week playing. Not taking sides here, but cramming 8 months of play into 2 months will make you bored with just about anything Smiley: laugh

no there id no "8 months' of content the game is just lacking in content... for example even when i played FFXI i didnt go to school or work so i played THAT 24/7 too yet it took me a FULL YEAR to reach max level as well as after playing 5 years i can still still name that that was released during my playtime that i NEVER seen or experienced (never fought Odin or done Einherjar for example.. also never did dynamis tavnazia although i had access to it) which just proves FFXI has LOTS of content that even ppl who play 24/7 would never run out of or see all of. Im HOPING FFXIV will be more like XI in less like DCUO in that regard..

even in DCUO you can reach max level in literally 8 hours.. Im SURE you cant hit level 50 in XIV THAT fast.
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