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A Tour of Eorzea, Part 3 Follow

#27 Jul 04 2013 at 3:42 PM Rating: Good
1,218 posts
I like the size of the summons. I'm fine with them just floating, legless. That earth elemental summon looks boss. The fire summon though has no body at all, which looks ridiculous, especially combined with the thin, sinewy arms.

I honestly don't want permanently summoned minions that block my view. That doesn't mean they couldn't still be improved.

What strikes me most from those videos is how amazing that paladin shield looks. Paladin is the job I least want to play but boy does that gear look sharp.

Edited, Jul 4th 2013 5:46pm by KarlHungis
#28 Jul 04 2013 at 3:51 PM Rating: Excellent
2,120 posts
I wanna check out that Kingdom of Zeal in the sky.
#29 Jul 04 2013 at 3:59 PM Rating: Decent
972 posts
I'm sold, we'll see if they can retain all those players for the long haul.
What classes start off in each city?



I want to know so me and my woman can know what classes we might be starting off. We want to play together as much as possible.

Edited, Jul 4th 2013 5:59pm by sandpark
#30 Jul 04 2013 at 4:01 PM Rating: Decent
972 posts
TwistedOwl wrote:
I wanna check out that Kingdom of Zeal in the sky.

Is the actual city floating like only accessible by airship or just has floating rocks?
#31 Jul 04 2013 at 4:12 PM Rating: Good
2,120 posts
sandpark wrote:
TwistedOwl wrote:
I wanna check out that Kingdom of Zeal in the sky.

Is the actual city floating like only accessible by airship or just has floating rocks?

No clue.

Gridania: Archer, Lancer, Conjurer

Limsa: Marauder, Arcanist

Ul'dah: Pugilist, Gladiator, Thaumaturge
#32 Jul 04 2013 at 4:19 PM Rating: Decent
I'm convinced that the people who are fine with the summons had no interest in Summoner anyway. The people who are upset actually like the class and wanted something cool.
#33 Jul 04 2013 at 4:26 PM Rating: Good
230 posts
The scholar running around looked pretty cool. Also liked summoner. Dunno if I could take myself serious if I ran arounas scholar with a fairy though lol.. Unless my name was Link, of course.
#34 Jul 04 2013 at 4:56 PM Rating: Good
1,218 posts
SaitoMishima wrote:
The scholar running around looked pretty cool. Also liked summoner. Dunno if I could take myself serious if I ran arounas scholar with a fairy though lol.. Unless my name was Link, of course.

I'm fine with the fairy. I'm not sure about the bare thighed leather high boot/stocking look though. Not exactly a "scholarly" look. If any one should definitely be wearing a robe I'd think a scholar would, especially since they already have the victorian style scholar cap.

Edited, Jul 4th 2013 6:58pm by KarlHungis
#35 Jul 04 2013 at 5:06 PM Rating: Decent
972 posts
Scholars are the biggest in the closest perverts, so at least the outfit exposes that. Smiley: jester
#36 Jul 04 2013 at 5:07 PM Rating: Good
655 posts
Killua125 wrote:
I'm convinced that the people who are fine with the summons had no interest in Summoner anyway. The people who are upset actually like the class and wanted something cool.

This is true for me. I never really cared much for smn. But i wish they would ahve made them like "WOW" so more people would play the game because you can summon these beast summons.
#37 Jul 04 2013 at 5:12 PM Rating: Decent
972 posts
What do you guys want from summoner, huge 45 second animations with cg quality?

I am sure the complaint isn't just size cause that could remedied fast. Maybe in the low level form it's just eggs then after a certain high level it grows into mommy form. That would certainly motivate me to level summoner. If it's cool from the get-go, there is no sense of progression.
#38 Jul 04 2013 at 5:20 PM Rating: Default
I doubt it because in the trailer they're wearing artifact gear and still using the lame baby summons at high level.

I'm not sure how you interpret that I want a 45-second cutscene summon, just because I don't want a floating **** as a pet.

I want something cool, badass, threatening, like the summons in every other Final Fantasy game. I don't even want to imagine how bad Garuda is going to look. sorry but a floating Garuda head isn't that cool to me.
#39 Jul 04 2013 at 5:23 PM Rating: Excellent
1,218 posts
sandpark wrote:
What do you guys want from summoner, huge 45 second animations with cg quality?

If it's not Knights of the Round from FFVII, it's just not dramatic enough! Nah, j/k

Rather than mischaracterize those who disagree with me, as Killua wants to do, I'll take a guess:

Part of the appeal of being a summoner is the idea that you are mastering these very powerful entities which would otherwise be free to destroy everything. People want to summon Ifrit or Shiva or whoever because the history of these beings in the FF universe is that they are seriously badass. They show up, sneeze once, and everything dies. Why wouldn't you want to feel like the badass that holds these beings in the palm of your hand?

FF14 summons are more like a buff that hangs around dealing damage or healing or whatever. Useful, but not more powerful than the players themselves, which their form reflects. They're more like the traditional MMO pet and less like the Final Fantasy concept of a temporary summon that causes havok and then departs for awhile. Which is why their small size makes perfect sense, but also offends many people.

Edited, Jul 4th 2013 7:26pm by KarlHungis
#40 Jul 04 2013 at 5:24 PM Rating: Good
4,780 posts
Killua125 wrote:
I'm convinced that the people who are fine with the summons had no interest in Summoner anyway. The people who are upset actually like the class and wanted something cool.

Summoner is to be my secondary class and I'm fine with the Egi's as is.

Keep in mind, the true Primals are still going to be summonable, but with the full strenght and fury they are as Primes. To me, that more than makes up for the lackuster pet versions that I'll be using in my day to day game.

But, to each their own.
#41 Jul 04 2013 at 5:25 PM Rating: Decent
68 posts
Wasn't the system set up so that the Eggi's are what your every day Summoner would use while leaving the possibility for Primal summons to be unlocked at a later time?
#42 Jul 04 2013 at 5:52 PM Rating: Decent
12,820 posts
sandpark wrote:
What do you guys want from summoner, huge 45 second animations with cg quality?

I am sure the complaint isn't just size cause that could remedied fast. Maybe in the low level form it's just eggs then after a certain high level it grows into mommy form. That would certainly motivate me to level summoner. If it's cool from the get-go, there is no sense of progression.

It's funny how it worked perfectly fine in XI yet in XIV people are ignoring whenever XI is brought up you never actually summon the actual Prime there either. Alas, the only reason this is the way it is because YoshiP disliked seeing multiple copies of x summon running around in XI ignoring the fact his favorite FF everyone could use it if you mastered the materia.

DRGx wrote:
Wasn't the system set up so that the Eggi's are what your every day Summoner would use while leaving the possibility for Primal summons to be unlocked at a later time?

No. The Free Companies can summon the actual Primal.

Edited, Jul 4th 2013 4:52pm by Theonehio

#43 Jul 04 2013 at 5:57 PM Rating: Good
230 posts
Killua125 wrote:
I doubt it because in the trailer they're wearing artifact gear and still using the lame baby summons at high level.

I'm not sure how you interpret that I want a 45-second cutscene summon, just because I don't want a floating **** as a pet.

I want something cool, badass, threatening, like the summons in every other Final Fantasy game. I don't even want to imagine how bad Garuda is going to look. sorry but a floating Garuda head isn't that cool to me.

In their defense, when you summoned summons in other ffs, you were actually summoning the actual summon not a sprite eggi etc or wtv you want to call it. Yoshi specifically said that he doesn't want several people being able to summon and run around with the same primal. He wants one primal that can be summoned one at a time. Plus I have a feeling that when you defeat ifrit or achieve whatever it is you have to achieve to summon the ACTUAL primal, it will be "badass" and mean more/have more worth because its not something EVERYONE can do at the same time. You have to actually achieve something to use it that ONE time. Creates more of an impact on the user or whoever had to do the tough work to claim and defeat it... Just my two cents.
#44 Jul 04 2013 at 6:04 PM Rating: Good
230 posts
It's funny how it worked perfectly fine in XI yet in XIV people are ignoring whenever XI is brought up you never actually summon the actual Prime there either. Alas, the only reason this is the way it is because YoshiP disliked seeing multiple copies of x summon running around in XI ignoring the fact his favorite FF everyone could use it if you mastered the materia.

I understand where you are coming from here.. However, there is a little bit of a difference between two ppl using ifrit in a turned based battle and 2 people running around with ifrit beside themselves at the same time. In turn based, they both had access to ifrit but they couldnt summon him simultaneously like you could in FFXI (albeit they weren't primals but none the less the exact same in looks).. Just kind of takes away from the novelty of it all. But whatevs.. lol

Edited, Jul 4th 2013 8:06pm by SaitoMishima
#45 Jul 04 2013 at 6:22 PM Rating: Good
20 posts
For the record, it's Egi, not Eggi.

Nothing to do with eggs!
#46 Jul 04 2013 at 8:46 PM Rating: Decent
972 posts
Hyrist wrote:
Killua125 wrote:
I'm convinced that the people who are fine with the summons had no interest in Summoner anyway. The people who are upset actually like the class and wanted something cool.

Summoner is to be my secondary class and I'm fine with the Egi's as is.

Keep in mind, the true Primals are still going to be summonable, but with the full strenght and fury they are as Primes. To me, that more than makes up for the lackuster pet versions that I'll be using in my day to day game.

But, to each their own.

I love summoner too but not what it was in FFXI. It does clutter the screen when the models are too big. It does cheapen the awe when five people have the same avatar out side by side. In my opinion avatars shouldn't be reduced to some DoT pet that borrows from other jobs for the spike spells.

I would like to see these egi retain their current form if they are allowed to keep out summoned for the lesser qualities. Then when a high potent spell is cast the egi would transform into the image of a full blown primal, cast the awesome spell, then vanish. That particular egi would have a cooldown, and we would have to summon a different egi in the meantime.

The comparison to FFXI would be like having to actually use elementals most of the time with the occasional force to be reckoned with highly potent awesome sauce spell. Or like what summons were in the earlier years of Final Fantasy. Not 45 seconds long but with the same high impact effect.

They could introduce a new resource for summoner called Communion. It gets built similar to TP, and upon meeting the communion criteria, you can summon the big boy/girl.

Edited, Jul 4th 2013 10:48pm by sandpark
#47 Jul 04 2013 at 8:55 PM Rating: Good
412 posts
I was also surprised Smiley: lol. Nice video!
#48 Jul 04 2013 at 9:01 PM Rating: Decent
20 posts
I have no problem with the design, it is ok to have no legs. But at least they could be made bigger. How is that Titan gonna tank something, it is smaller then a Lallafell. Chocobo companions looks bigger and no one is complaining about them.

It is like the 1.0 mobs all over again, before the devs made them larger.
#49 Jul 04 2013 at 9:34 PM Rating: Decent
121 posts
I think Summoner almost handicaps itself because there isn't enough real estate to have 8 people casting Bahamut, and it's a go big or go home sort of thing with the summoner animations. People would complain they aren't cool enough if we got them, and so it goes, you can't please everybody. I'm glad to read this thread though because I was considering it...
#50 Jul 04 2013 at 9:56 PM Rating: Good
4,780 posts
Jujubah wrote:
I have no problem with the design, it is ok to have no legs. But at least they could be made bigger. How is that Titan gonna tank something, it is smaller then a Lallafell. Chocobo companions looks bigger and no one is complaining about them.

You're not supposed to RIDE an Egi, either.

Also, some of the most durable tanks I've ever known were Tarutaru, and they're a good bit smaller than Lallafell.
#51 Jul 04 2013 at 10:51 PM Rating: Good
197 posts
Hyrist wrote:
Jujubah wrote:
I have no problem with the design, it is ok to have no legs. But at least they could be made bigger. How is that Titan gonna tank something, it is smaller then a Lallafell. Chocobo companions looks bigger and no one is complaining about them.

You're not supposed to RIDE an Egi, either.

Also, some of the most durable tanks I've ever known were Tarutaru, and they're a good bit smaller than Lallafell.

There was always something about watching a taru PLD tank a 3-storey high boss that made me giggle - until you realised a) being used to working with lower HP margins made them better tanks/playes, and b) deeper MP pools means loads more enmity (not that MP was an issue by endgame). It was always funny to see a levelling galka PLD cast 1 Cure III and be OOM.
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