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How to Pay For FFXIV Follow

#1 Jul 02 2013 at 7:59 AM Rating: Excellent
6,899 posts
I thought this was an amusing little post from the beta forums, so figured I'd post here for those that haven't seen it or can't access the forums. It was written by xwmstormx and the original can be found here.

Since this weekend’s beta is over I figured thought I would write this up to help some people fund their FFXIV future! Also, I wanted to at least attempt something helpful for a change. You know, give back to this loving community.

Let us start with the cost of playing FFXIV and break it down a bit.
$12.99 Per 30 days = 43.3 cents per day = 1.8041666666667 Cents per hour. If someone loves the game and wants to play it for the entertainment that it provides then they need to come up with that and here are some ways to do it!

Mowing Lawns:
Get out that mower and find 2 homes that will let you do it for $8.00 each.
- Time Spent: Worked 1-3hrs
- Earnings: $16.00
- How to spend: $12.99 goes to FFXIV | $3.01 to replace the gas used.

*what if it's winter?*

Shoveling Snow:
Get out the shovel and find 2 homes that will let you do it for $8.00 each.
- Time Spent: Worked 2-4hrs
- Earnings: $16.00
- How to spend: $12.99 goes to FFXIV | $3.01 in the piggy bank.

Change Hunting:
Walk high public areas (Parks, Downtown, Chain Stores) looking for change to pick up.
- Time Spent: Unknown
- Earnings: $12.99
- How to Spend: $12.99 goes to FFXIV

Start a home Car Wash:
Get out the hose, soap, towels and put up a sign. $6.00 Car wash today! You only need to do 3 vehicles.
- Time Spent: 30 – 60mins (plus time spent waiting for a customer)
- Earnings: $18.00
- How to Spend: $12.99 goes to FFXIV | $4.01 goes to the water bill and buying supplies (soap etc)

Sell Plasma:
Give some blood for cash in your area. Around here they give $35.00 per visit.
- Time Spent: 1-2hrs per visit. 2-4hrs per week
- Earnings: $70.00
-How to spend: $12.99 goes to FFXIV | $57.01 goes in the piggy bank for next month.

Start a Business:
Specifically a Christmas Light Hanging Business. Charge $50.00 per house and do 4 houses.
- Time Spent: 4-6hrs per home.
- Earnings: $200.00
- How to Spend: 155.88 goes to FFXIV (full year at 12.99mo) | 44.12 goes in the piggy bank.

Start a Business:
Drive people to the Airport using your own vehicle!
- Time spent: Depends on traffic and distance
- Earnings: $1.00 - $3.00 per mile. Depends on how far you go with this.
- How to Spend: $12.99 goes to FFXIV | Remainder goes towards gas.
Offer to do jobs though this website which connects random services with buyers for said services. If you know how to do something then someone else can learn from you.
- Time Spent: Unknown
- Earnings: Unknown
- How to Spend the Unknown: $12.99 goes to FFXIV | Said unknown reminder into the unknown.

Babysit for 2x a week for 10$ a night.
- Time Spent: 8-16hrs per week
- Earnings: $20.00
- How to Spend: $12.99 goes to FFXIV | $7.01 in the piggybank

Sell Bottled Water:
Buy it in bulk for cheap then sell it for $1.00 at parks, festivals, concerts, beaches, etc.
Costs: $10.00 for case of 24 bottles. Sell for $1.00 each
Earnings: $14.00 per case.
- Time Spent: Enough to sell all 24bottles
- How to Spend: $12.99 goes to FFXIV | $1.01 in the gas tank | $10.00 to buy another case of 24.

Walk Dogs:
Easy to do if you don’t mind picking up the poo.
- Time Spent: 1hr a day / 5 days a week.
- Earnings: $10.00hr / $50.00 per week
- How to Spend: $12.99 goes to FFXIV | $37.01 to the piggy bank for next month.

Sell Stuff:
Craigslist or EBay or Garage Sale!
- Time Spent: Varies
- Earnings: Depends on the junk you are selling and if it sells
- How to spend: $12.99 goes to FFXIV | Remainder goes for more time or piggy bank.

Part Time Job:
Car Wash, Restaurant, Golf Course
- Time Spent: 4-6hrs a day 2-3 days a week.
- Earnings: Varies from minimum wage on up.
- How to spend: $12.99 goes to FFXIV | Remainder to the piggy bank for next month.

Love to garden? Sell in season, locally grown veggies and herbs to restaurants and farmers markets.
- Time Spent: 1hr a day all season.
- Earnings: Can make a small fortune on this with quality services.
- How to spend: $12.99 goes to FFXIV | Remainder goes for more seeds, water bill and organic pest control.

Bake cookies, cakes, brownies and sell them to local coffee shops and bakeries.
- Time Spent: 1 day to make/bake everything then distribute.
- Earnings: With the right buyers and quality goods you can make a lot of money here.
- How to Spend: $12.99 goes to FFXIV | Remainder goes to replenish ingredients and piggy bank.
-- Note: You can’t use boxed cheap crap to make the stuff so it has to be from scratch.

Pet Sitter:
A kennel charges at least 20/day so pet sit 1 animal per month.
- Time Spent: 1 day at your home to house the animal.
- Earnings: $15.00 - $20.00 per day.
- How to spend: $12.99 goes to FFXIV | Remainder goes in the piggy bank.

Amazon Mechanical Turk:
Interesting site through Amazon to do a little work for a little reward.
- Time Spent: Varies on the individual HIt
- Earnings: $12.99+ (up to the user)
- How to spend: $12.99 goes to FFXIV | Remainder goes in the piggy bank.

400,000 to 800,000 bums suggest that this works!

I will stop there. Obviously these are just some of the ways anyone could make extra money to play FFXIV every month with very little effort. Unfortunately, a lot of people are simply freeloaders. For those people there is no help for them as they refuse to take the first step toward helping themselves.

Hopefully this will give people an idea on how to make some cash to pay that whopping $12.99per month.
Good day to you all and may the Schwartz be with you.

Some good ideas here for those on a budget, and really shows how easy it is to pay for the sub cost while not having to spend a lot of time. Heck, most of these are even low-balled. You could probably mow 1 decent sized lawn and make 15 bucks. Feel free to add your own ideas!
#2 Jul 02 2013 at 8:03 AM Rating: Good
2,232 posts
Fun post... thanks for sharing :)
#3 Jul 02 2013 at 8:13 AM Rating: Excellent
154 posts
I could work a 12 hr day at work. The time and a half that I'll get paid for those 4 hours (minus taxes) would cover my sub for 6 or 7 months. I can work 2 12 hr days this week and cover my sub for a year. I don't need to, but the option is there and very easy to do. 2 12 hr days a year--that's a cakewalk. This is also why the sub model has never bothered me...I just don't get the uproar over it.
#4 Jul 02 2013 at 9:04 AM Rating: Excellent
They forgot moderating a forum full of knuckleheads Smiley: thumbsup
#5 Jul 02 2013 at 9:11 AM Rating: Excellent
1,910 posts
The only time I see a P2P model annoying is when the product itself isn't worth the continuing expense, ie. the company is not dedicating their resources to keep the game healthy and growing. Otherwise I don't see a problem with P2P, we all know the pitfalls of "F"2P, and for less than the cost of a decent delivered pizza you have a game for a month with P2P.

In general people like to complain. They want to get something for nothing (even if they're going to get raked over the coals otherwise). They want the perception that they're in control. The F2P model is as much an affront to a gamer's intelligence as anything, most of us know what they're doing. Some of us let them do it, but some are blind and get caught hook/line/sinker. The latter group is why F2P has been successful.

Regardless, I like the above list--not because it shows how to pay for FFXIV, but that is actually may get a couple people thinking about how to start doing things on their own.

Edited, Jul 2nd 2013 10:12am by Krycis
#6 Jul 02 2013 at 9:27 AM Rating: Good
1,079 posts
Since when you can sell your own blood? Interesting... Smiley: sly
Articus Vladmir
#7 Jul 02 2013 at 9:54 AM Rating: Excellent
725 posts
While playing the game, the money I spend on social activities drops, so I use that money and my gas and food money for the amount of the game.

Name: Ghost Orchid - LEVEL 50 Bard, BLM, WHM, SMN Craft Level 7 Lucis, 6 4-star crafts: CUL, MIN, Wvr, Bsm, Gsm, Arm, Lth, Crp (Fishing and Alc at level 50)
World: Ultros
#8 Jul 02 2013 at 9:58 AM Rating: Good
325 posts
Haha funny but true stuff! Smiley: smile
#9 Jul 02 2013 at 10:18 AM Rating: Decent
262 posts
Grandmomma wrote:
While playing the game, the money I spend on social activities drops, so I use that money and my gas and food money for the amount of the game.

I agree with this very much. I actually save money while subbed and playing because I'm not out wining and dining as much. I have already warned my girlfriend about what's to come with FFXIV because she was not around when I played XI. I promised her that I will not completely abandon the relationship, I have needs.
#10 Jul 02 2013 at 10:19 AM Rating: Excellent
I just sell my body.
#11 Jul 02 2013 at 10:20 AM Rating: Excellent
50,767 posts
I just sell other people's bodies.
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#12 Jul 02 2013 at 10:22 AM Rating: Excellent
1,079 posts
Mopdaddy wrote:
I just sell my body.

lolgaxe wrote:
I just sell other people's bodies.

Smiley: lol
Articus Vladmir
#13 Jul 02 2013 at 10:49 AM Rating: Excellent
Amazon Mechanical Turk:
Interesting site through Amazon to do a little work for a little reward.
- Time Spent: Varies on the individual HIt
- Earnings: $12.99+ (up to the user)
- How to spend: $12.99 goes to FFXIV | Remainder goes in the piggy bank.

Was very happy to see this on here.

Seriously, anyone who legitimately has trouble coming up with $13/month should check this out. You can nickel and dime your way to $13/month in no time.
Thayos Redblade
#14 Jul 02 2013 at 11:15 AM Rating: Good
100 posts
Made my Day, Good list.

My only response to the Subscription whining threads on the FFXI forum was a breakdown of my income from the '80s (Remember $0.80 a gallon gas? )

Start with a push reel mower, $5 no frills mows, 8 semi regular customers (the kind who mow every 2-3 weeks) $20-80+ a week.

2 weeks of that buys a used Gas mower, cutting the work time in half, Paid for my NES, My Genesis, My Sega CD, Games, Sodas, Food I like, Books, movies, Music...

Before that, I bargained with the lazier of my neighbors, Took back their cans, they get half the money back. If you can pull a Radio-Flyer wagon, and make the walls higher with cardboard, there is money to be made out there. (unless you're in a state with no bottle-deposit)

Got a real job and I moved out of my folks house within weeks of turning 18.

Sometimes I swear.... some kids look at pulling yourself up by your bootstraps as an Obscene act

Edited, Jul 2nd 2013 1:26pm by OtosanOokami
#15 Jul 02 2013 at 11:21 AM Rating: Excellent
217 posts
Wint wrote:
They forgot moderating a forum full of knuckleheads Smiley: thumbsup

You guys are going to get me in trouble at work, everyone looked over at me when I started laughing. Thanks for the fun post.
#16 Jul 02 2013 at 11:25 AM Rating: Excellent
1,304 posts
Farming your own mats for crafting FFXIV subscriptions is a horrible idea. :P
#17 Jul 02 2013 at 11:43 AM Rating: Excellent
You could also cut back on luxury activities:

Go to Starbucks 2 times less in a month.
Order 1 less pizza a month.
Buy 1 less 12 pack of beer a month.
Make your lunch instead of going out for 1 week.

Really easy. It's a game sub, not a car payment.
#18 Jul 02 2013 at 12:33 PM Rating: Excellent
154 posts
SkinwalkerAsura wrote:
You could also cut back on luxury activities:

Go to Starbucks 2 times less in a month.
Order 1 less pizza a month.
Buy 1 less 12 pack of beer a month.
Make your lunch instead of going out for 1 week.

Really easy. It's a game sub, not a car payment.

This Smiley: nod
#19 Jul 02 2013 at 2:32 PM Rating: Excellent
Just buy a few less worthless cosmetic upgrades in the Guild Wars 2/Star Wars/Rift/etc. cash shops!
Thayos Redblade
#20 Jul 02 2013 at 3:28 PM Rating: Good
793 posts
I'm pretty sure ***** pays pretty well. And I think women can sell their eggs for a few K a pop.

Or if you *really* wana go the full 9 you can sell your kidney on the black market for a few mill...
I might be an onion thief, but I'm still a thief.â„¢

#21 Jul 02 2013 at 3:48 PM Rating: Excellent
728 posts
I read that post last week and though that it should have been named "Part time job ideas for teenagers". They seemed to have added more serious ways of making cash, but when i read it they were pretty basic "summer jobs". Although I might have to skim through it again and see if I can find anything that might be worthwhile for some supplemental income.
#22 Jul 02 2013 at 4:29 PM Rating: Decent
1,910 posts
...I just wish I didn't have a new car payment. :(

But I love my new car. ;)

Edit: this doesn't mean I don't have the scratch for the game. I just saw someone say car payment. Sore subject, wanted to avoid one for a couple more years, but a tree had a different idea.

Edited, Jul 2nd 2013 5:30pm by Krycis
#23 Jul 02 2013 at 4:36 PM Rating: Excellent
...I just wish I didn't have a new car payment. :(

But I love my new car. ;)

What did you get?
Thayos Redblade
#24 Jul 02 2013 at 4:36 PM Rating: Excellent
725 posts
Hatamaz wrote:
Grandmomma wrote:
While playing the game, the money I spend on social activities drops, so I use that money and my gas and food money for the amount of the game.

I agree with this very much. I actually save money while subbed and playing because I'm not out wining and dining as much. I have already warned my girlfriend about what's to come with FFXIV because she was not around when I played XI. I promised her that I will not completely abandon the relationship, I have needs.

Smiley: lol
You two someday may be able to get married in game (well they did do that in FF11, too cute).

Also, movies: I rent my movies from the library. I have blu-ray Argo right now. Library lets you rent it for a week.

Remember to be patient with your non-player partner, friends, family. They will never understand the total immersion
into the game, nor give a crap about your game accomplishments. ; ; ;


Here's my game accomplishment:


Name: Ghost Orchid - LEVEL 50 Bard, BLM, WHM, SMN Craft Level 7 Lucis, 6 4-star crafts: CUL, MIN, Wvr, Bsm, Gsm, Arm, Lth, Crp (Fishing and Alc at level 50)
World: Ultros
#25 Jul 02 2013 at 4:37 PM Rating: Excellent
3,737 posts
Krycis wrote:
...I just wish I didn't have a new car payment. :(

But I love my new car. ;)

Edit: this doesn't mean I don't have the scratch for the game. I just saw someone say car payment. Sore subject, wanted to avoid one for a couple more years, but a tree had a different idea.

Edited, Jul 2nd 2013 5:30pm by Krycis

On the other hand, wouldn't mind if my car payment was $13/month... I could get behind that.
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#26 Jul 02 2013 at 4:38 PM Rating: Decent
1,910 posts
Thayos wrote:

What did you get?

A Jetta GLI

Archmage Callinon wrote:

On the other hand, wouldn't mind if my car payment was $13/month... I could get behind that.

You and me both!

Edited, Jul 2nd 2013 5:39pm by Krycis
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