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Beta Registration Tops 1 MillionFollow

#28 Jul 01 2013 at 4:42 PM Rating: Excellent
3,737 posts
Lorielll wrote:
I'm so glad to see SE redeem themselves. Hopefully, once game launches, their new monthly subscription base will far exceed that amount.

Grr... No! Stop that!

The sooner game devs AND communities realize that it's ok to be small, the better off we'll all be.

There was a Firefall dev just a little while ago, complaining that WoW had destroyed all possibility for another MMO being successful. But I believe that's only because developers are chasing WoW's impossible subscriber base.

Filling a niche in the market and being satisfied with a small base of dedicated players is the only way for a new MMO to survive in this market. Once you start going off about how you'll have millions of subscribers and be bigger than golden Jesus, you've already lost the game.

A million beta signups is also an entirely meaningless number. How many people are actually playing the beta? How many of those people are playing it every weekend it's up? What percentage have preordered the game? Those are meaningful metrics. But 1 million is a large number, it's a sexy number, so meaning is pushed aside for SHINY
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#29REDACTED, Posted: Jul 01 2013 at 5:10 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) #1 I never said ARR was going to fail, i said in order for it succeed it needed to copy WoW rather than XI.
#30 Jul 01 2013 at 5:12 PM Rating: Excellent
To humor Ostia (in case he wasn't joking), I'll throw this out there.

Guild Wars 2 was the most fun I've ever had in an MMO over the course of the first few weeks. Beyond that initial honeymoon period, GW2 got old so fast that it's not even funny.

So, while the new version of ARR has yet to go live, I'm pretty dang confident in saying GW2 is an inferior game. The cash shop blocks off players from having the coolest looking weapons and armor, the battle system is gimmicky and mind-numbing, the auto-level synching is annoying and endgame is virtually non-existent. The storyline is wildly boring until very, very late. The dynamic quests are cool at first, until you realize it's the same-old stuff, just on timers. The lore in the game is spread really thin; it's hard to feel any real sense of attachment to the world around you.

An example of FFXIV's superiority: In GW2, dodging an attack just means hitting your dodge button. In FFXIV, you actually have to pay attention to your spacing, and move to the right position relative to your opponent in order to dodge an attack. It's not as flashy as a dodge roll, but requires more skill and engagement. Overall, GW2 was just not designed to require much engagement.

So, there you go. GW2 is one worse MMO on the market today.

You're welcome!
Thayos Redblade
#31 Jul 01 2013 at 5:13 PM Rating: Good
273 posts
Ostia wrote:
Parathyroid wrote:
Ostia wrote:
Parathyroid wrote:
lolgaxe wrote:
Veagan wrote:
For being closed beta, that's a pretty good number Smiley: nod
It's pretty average. Guild Wars 2 hit a million as well. The only numbers that matter for an MMO is subscription numbers 3 months after release.

FF XIV ARR is going to do well... It may never reach 2 million subs, but you can tell just by playing the game it's better than most any MMO out there right now, personal preferences aside.

ARR has been made with some serious quality... from graphical presentation all the way to breadth of gameplay optionality.

I personally believe there is no question this game is going to succeed, despite what the more let us say, pessimistic, members or this forum have to say.

Please do tell me one MMO out there right now that is not better than ARR... Personal preferences aside Smiley: lol

Are you kidding me?

Edit: Wait, you're Ostia... You are obviously not kidding. You're the guy who was touting the failure of this relaunch before it happened... now that it's here the game "sucks," and when it's kicking *** in 3 months you'll find something new to complain about.

COINCIDENTLY, I was able to find you logged in for about 14 consecutive hours on the Beta Sunday...

Man you must really be a ********* to keep playing the WORST MMO on the market right now. Smiley: rolleyes

Give me a break...

Edited, Jul 1st 2013 2:59pm by Parathyroid

#1 I never said ARR was going to fail, i said in order for it succeed it needed to copy WoW rather than XI.
#2 Find me a post where i say "ARR SUCKS FFS THE GAME SUCKS"
#3 Kicking *** in 3 months ? What do you consider as kicking *** ? 500K Subs ? Really ?

Also you said personal preferences aside... Yet you have yet to name me one.. Just One! Triple AAA MMO that is inferior to XIV, the game is in beta phase 3, and you have already crown it as the BEST OUT THING OUT THERE..... And i am the one Joking ? You must know very little about MMORPGS, do you even know how many games have gotten over a million beta keys out ? I mean i got like 6 keys, other people have mentioned they have 5-6 also... Kind of tells you something does it not ? Also since we are in beta, i will assume, you are a noob, and you are just caught up in the moment, as of now, we have yet to really experience any type of real story elements to the game, yet i have seen people throw the "Best story in a MMO" comment around like XI never happened.

Now just to amuse you i will tell you 3 things in which this game is not better than any other MMO.

Class Balance
Content Gated

If you really think the game is 100% sure success as off now, you really really have not beta tested any games at All!

Sorry your BS is ringing in my ears so loud I can't hear anything else you're saying.
#32REDACTED, Posted: Jul 01 2013 at 5:35 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) There is no dodge button in GW2, you have physically move away from the incoming attack, there is also not the problem we are having with AOE based attacks in which you clearly move out of the big red circle but you still get hit by the attack, this is not just me, check the official beta foums, there is no more skill or engagement of moving out of an attack in either game, is really the Same. Dynamic quest are the same as Fates just worse, the story line in ARR is as boring as the one in GW2 currently, is the same story as 1.0, the only thing i agree with is the cash shop and end game, which we just do not know as of yet if we are gonna really gonna have End game in FFXIV or it will be 1.0 endgame all over again until they release stuff.
#33 Jul 01 2013 at 5:42 PM Rating: Excellent
3,737 posts
Ostia wrote:

There is no dodge button in GW2, you have physically move away from the incoming attack, there is also not the problem we are having with AOE based attacks in which you clearly move out of the big red circle but you still get hit by the attack, this is not just me, check the official beta foums, there is no more skill or engagement of moving out of an attack in either game, is really the Same. Dynamic quest are the same as Fates just worse, the story line in ARR is as boring as the one in GW2 currently, is the same story as 1.0, the only thing i agree with is the cash shop and end game, which we just do not know as of yet if we are gonna really gonna have End game in FFXIV or it will be 1.0 endgame all over again until they release stuff.


Top line.

The AoE issue in XIV is definitely a pain, but that's EXACTLY what a beta is there to correct. Most likely it's a latency issue. Hopefully they'll be able to address it.
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#34 Jul 01 2013 at 5:56 PM Rating: Good
4,780 posts
The thing about GW2's dodge is that it's an invulnerability frame. I'm glad FFXIV is without it. As a Mesmer in Guild Wars 2 I have sickeningly high amounts of invulnerability frames between dodge, shatters, skills, and traits. I could almost sit in lingering AoE circles and not take a lick's worth of damage until I'm out of it.

In ARR? You're hurting, often badly.
#35 Jul 01 2013 at 6:04 PM Rating: Good
1,675 posts
Thayos wrote:
To humor Ostia (in case he wasn't joking), I'll throw this out there.

Guild Wars 2 was the most fun I've ever had in an MMO over the course of the first few weeks. Beyond that initial honeymoon period, GW2 got old so fast that it's not even funny.

So, while the new version of ARR has yet to go live, I'm pretty dang confident in saying GW2 is an inferior game. The cash shop blocks off players from having the coolest looking weapons and armor, the battle system is gimmicky and mind-numbing, the auto-level synching is annoying and endgame is virtually non-existent. The storyline is wildly boring until very, very late. The dynamic quests are cool at first, until you realize it's the same-old stuff, just on timers. The lore in the game is spread really thin; it's hard to feel any real sense of attachment to the world around you.

An example of FFXIV's superiority: In GW2, dodging an attack just means hitting your dodge button. In FFXIV, you actually have to pay attention to your spacing, and move to the right position relative to your opponent in order to dodge an attack. It's not as flashy as a dodge roll, but requires more skill and engagement. Overall, GW2 was just not designed to require much engagement.

So, there you go. GW2 is one worse MMO on the market today.

You're welcome!

I agree. GW2 was fun in the beginning, and had some really good moments, awesome ideas, and decent execution.

But I always felt I was playing "around" people and not "with" them.

GW2 had polish, but not that much depth. The exploration was externally motivated, and not internally. I want to explore FFXIV because of how interesting it is; not because it's giving me a reward.

GW2 was horribly written and the story was sub-ziggy.

ARR on the other had feels like the reverse of GW2. It may not be as "fun" initially as GW2, but it does everything else, like story, music, immersion, better than it. And that's why I play Final Fantasy games, and games in general. Because of atmosphere and story telling.

Role playing games, should be about playing a "role."

I'd argue that much like the graphics race, there's a gameplay race going on as well, when in actuality it's the feeling of retaining that fourth wall and experience that needs to be addressed and coddled.

That is Final Fantasy's strength now, and in my limited time in beta, they're on to something.


Granted I don't know if that charm carries over to newbies but I think fans of the series really can feel it. Those that can't might want to get their pulse checked.


Lastly, and on topic, I don't care how many millions (or hundreds of thousands...or tens of thousands) play this game. I'd much rather see a solid fan-base, capable of sustaining the game for a long period of time, provided we get the content and support we pay for every month. I don't, and shouldn't have to care about how many millions of people play.

I'm sure SE has their numbers in order this time around know what it's going to take to keep players playing.


It's amazing really. SE is walking the fine line of retaining FF fans, appealing to people that have never played an MMO and the WoW subset. And so far I think Yoshi-P is a pretty good tightrope walker.
#36 Jul 01 2013 at 6:34 PM Rating: Decent
Obviously, as others have noted, the number should be taken with a grain of salt because of individuals using multiple e-mail addresses to hedge their bets on getting into the beta test, but it is still a great sign that interest in the game is high at the moment for the number of applicants to even be in that ballpark. Also, we are still in a closed beta test, which means that interest is only going to get higher as we approach Phase 4 and Launch. Personally, I am completely hooked because the game is so polished in terms of story, music, graphics, and game mechanics. I think that many people are starting to see what a wonderful job Square Enix has done with ARR and its apparent with the hype that is building around the game. I believe that FFXIV is launching at the right time to really make a splash in the market and set itself up for long-term success. More importantly, its a heck of a lot of fun.
#37 Jul 01 2013 at 6:36 PM Rating: Decent
273 posts
barisansana wrote:
Obviously, as others have noted, the number should be taken with a grain of salt because of individuals using multiple e-mail addresses to hedge their bets on getting into the beta test, but it is still a great sign that interest in the game is high at the moment for the number of applicants to even be in that ballpark. Also, we are still in a closed beta test, which means that interest is only going to get higher as we approach Phase 4 and Launch. Personally, I am completely hooked because the game is so polished in terms of story, music, graphics, and game mechanics. I think that many people are starting to see what a wonderful job Square Enix has done with ARR and its apparent with the hype that is building around the game. I believe that FFXIV is launching at the right time to really make a splash in the market and set itself up for long-term success. More importantly, its a heck of a lot of fun.

I think your last sentence is pretty much the only one you need to make a splash in the MMO community...

Also, welcome to the forum!
#38 Jul 01 2013 at 6:39 PM Rating: Decent
Parathyroid wrote:
barisansana wrote:
Obviously, as others have noted, the number should be taken with a grain of salt because of individuals using multiple e-mail addresses to hedge their bets on getting into the beta test, but it is still a great sign that interest in the game is high at the moment for the number of applicants to even be in that ballpark. Also, we are still in a closed beta test, which means that interest is only going to get higher as we approach Phase 4 and Launch. Personally, I am completely hooked because the game is so polished in terms of story, music, graphics, and game mechanics. I think that many people are starting to see what a wonderful job Square Enix has done with ARR and its apparent with the hype that is building around the game. I believe that FFXIV is launching at the right time to really make a splash in the market and set itself up for long-term success. More importantly, its a heck of a lot of fun.

I think your last sentence is pretty much the only one you need to make a splash in the MMO community...

Also, welcome to the forum!

Thanks! I'm a long-time lurker, but I finally decided to join the discussions.

Edited, Jul 1st 2013 8:40pm by barisansana

Edited, Jul 1st 2013 8:41pm by barisansana
#39 Jul 01 2013 at 8:32 PM Rating: Good
1,948 posts
lolgaxe wrote:
Veagan wrote:
For being closed beta, that's a pretty good number Smiley: nod
It's pretty average. Guild Wars 2 hit a million as well. The only numbers that matter for an MMO is subscription numbers 3 months after release.

I don't know, GW 2 also sold 2-3m copies in the first month or two as well, accounted for more than half of NCSoft earning for that quarter. Then the next quarter GW2 earning fell down drastically and 40% of NCSoft earning went back to L1 (which has been for like, decades).
#40 Jul 01 2013 at 8:43 PM Rating: Decent
Khornette wrote:
lolgaxe wrote:
Veagan wrote:
For being closed beta, that's a pretty good number Smiley: nod
It's pretty average. Guild Wars 2 hit a million as well. The only numbers that matter for an MMO is subscription numbers 3 months after release.

I don't know, GW 2 also sold 2-3m copies in the first month or two as well, accounted for more than half of NCSoft earning for that quarter. Then the next quarter GW2 earning fell down drastically and 40% of NCSoft earning went back to L1 (which has been for like, decades).

Reading comprehension do you has it ?
#41 Jul 01 2013 at 9:59 PM Rating: Decent
1,948 posts
Ostia wrote:
Khornette wrote:
lolgaxe wrote:
Veagan wrote:
For being closed beta, that's a pretty good number Smiley: nod
It's pretty average. Guild Wars 2 hit a million as well. The only numbers that matter for an MMO is subscription numbers 3 months after release.

I don't know, GW 2 also sold 2-3m copies in the first month or two as well, accounted for more than half of NCSoft earning for that quarter. Then the next quarter GW2 earning fell down drastically and 40% of NCSoft earning went back to L1 (which has been for like, decades).

Reading comprehension do you has it ?

Do you?

GW 2 had 2-3m copies sold which is way beyond the normal of MMO (the last one that had that much launch sales in the last 5 years not-WoW would be SWTOR).

Then GW 2 does not have a subscription either.

So how does GW 2 had 1m would make it average for FFXIV?
#42 Jul 01 2013 at 10:41 PM Rating: Default
Khornette wrote:
Ostia wrote:
Khornette wrote:
lolgaxe wrote:
Veagan wrote:
For being closed beta, that's a pretty good number Smiley: nod
It's pretty average. Guild Wars 2 hit a million as well. The only numbers that matter for an MMO is subscription numbers 3 months after release.

I don't know, GW 2 also sold 2-3m copies in the first month or two as well, accounted for more than half of NCSoft earning for that quarter. Then the next quarter GW2 earning fell down drastically and 40% of NCSoft earning went back to L1 (which has been for like, decades).

Reading comprehension do you has it ?

Do you?

GW 2 had 2-3m copies sold which is way beyond the normal of MMO (the last one that had that much launch sales in the last 5 years not-WoW would be SWTOR).

Then GW 2 does not have a subscription either.

So how does GW 2 had 1m would make it average for FFXIV?

Apparently you do not, he is talking about Beta Numbers! You are talking about Box Sales! He specifically said: "The only numbers that really meter, are those after 3 months of release" To which you said: "Well they sold 2-3 million copies, then 3 months later they went to the ************ Which is his point.... It does not meter if you sell 2-3 million copies, if 3 months after the game is release your population is rapidly in decline Ej: Swotor, Tera, War, "Insert random MMORPG here" etc etc.

How is it not average ? Cata/pandaria/tera/swotor/rift/gw2 all had over a million beta testers.... XIV has over a million beta testers how is it not Average ?

#43 Jul 01 2013 at 10:50 PM Rating: Decent
1,948 posts
Apparently you do not. As stated, GW2 sales beat all of non-WoW MMO launch sales in term of copies for the last 5 years, bar SWTOR. I failed to see how that is average. Also, GW2 does not have subs so how does 3 months after release subscription is any indicator?

Rift and TERA did not have 1 million closed (closed, not open) beta register. Rift and TERA had over 1m account register (not sale, not beta application, I also register to get news but did not register for beta, so?). Also that's like 4 MMOs you mentioned, in the last 2-3 years, which had seen over 1000 MMOs released in that period (in Taiwan alone, 300 MMO released annually). I also failed to see how is that average.
#44 Jul 01 2013 at 11:01 PM Rating: Excellent
1,218 posts
Ostia wrote:

There is no dodge button in GW2, you have physically move away from the incoming attack,

No, you actually don't, and there is a dodge button.

It's almost impossible to play GW2 for more than a few levels without knowing about dodging, considering how many traits and abilities tie into it.

In any case, I find GW2 to be a gorgeous game, and the PvP is top notch in my opinion, but the PvE aspect of the game is quite hollow, and they can't seem to decide what they want the cash shop to be exactly, or whether or not they have any kind of core design philosophy when it comes to end game. One of those reasons that most people love the game for a month or two and then leave. They figured out a bit too late that making the game too casual was an actual thing you can do to an MMO.

Edited, Jul 2nd 2013 1:05am by KarlHungis
#45 Jul 01 2013 at 11:06 PM Rating: Default
Khornette wrote:
Apparently you do not. As stated, GW2 sales beat all of non-WoW MMO launch sales in term of copies for the last 5 years, bar SWTOR. I failed to see how that is average. Also, GW2 does not have subs so how does 3 months after release subscription is any indicator?

Rift and TERA did not have 1 million closed (closed, not open) beta register. Rift and TERA had over 1m account register (not sale, not beta application, I also register to get news but did not register for beta, so?). Also that's like 4 MMOs you mentioned, in the last 2-3 years, which had seen over 1000 MMOs released in that period (in Taiwan alone, 300 MMO released annually). I also failed to see how is that average.

Please do yourself a favor and stop, this is SAD!!! Nobody in this thread is talking about Launch Sales! We are talking about Beta numbers, you and only you brought Gw2 sales, in some vain attempt to somehow make a point that XIV getting a million beta testers is not average... But your point is so contradictory that it falls on it's face...Gw2 is an a 180 as far as payment model from XIV, all you need to do is buy the game, no long term commitment, how does Gw2 selling 2-3 million copies applies to XIV when the payment model is totally different ?

Also Rift did had a million beta testers, so did swotor, and i am 90% sure tera had the around the same numbers, what do all this games share ? They had a big start and then went out into the flames.... Also nobody cares about the 100 korean MMOS, we are talking about AAA MMO titles, and in that category, getting a million beta testers is AVERAGE!
#46REDACTED, Posted: Jul 01 2013 at 11:22 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Just want to throw this on the table... I don't think ARR beats GW2 in terms of anything but art direction/character design at this time (as an individual game... if we're not giving it points for Final Fantasy and nostalgia bait).
#47 Jul 02 2013 at 12:27 AM Rating: Default
1,948 posts
Ostia wrote:
Khornette wrote:
Apparently you do not. As stated, GW2 sales beat all of non-WoW MMO launch sales in term of copies for the last 5 years, bar SWTOR. I failed to see how that is average. Also, GW2 does not have subs so how does 3 months after release subscription is any indicator?

Rift and TERA did not have 1 million closed (closed, not open) beta register. Rift and TERA had over 1m account register (not sale, not beta application, I also register to get news but did not register for beta, so?). Also that's like 4 MMOs you mentioned, in the last 2-3 years, which had seen over 1000 MMOs released in that period (in Taiwan alone, 300 MMO released annually). I also failed to see how is that average.

Please do yourself a favor and stop, this is SAD!!! Nobody in this thread is talking about Launch Sales! We are talking about Beta numbers, you and only you brought Gw2 sales, in some vain attempt to somehow make a point that XIV getting a million beta testers is not average... But your point is so contradictory that it falls on it's face...Gw2 is an a 180 as far as payment model from XIV, all you need to do is buy the game, no long term commitment, how does Gw2 selling 2-3 million copies applies to XIV when the payment model is totally different ?

Also Rift did had a million beta testers, so did swotor, and i am 90% sure tera had the around the same numbers, what do all this games share ? They had a big start and then went out into the flames.... Also nobody cares about the 100 korean MMOS, we are talking about AAA MMO titles, and in that category, getting a million beta testers is AVERAGE!

I think you are the one to stop. Why would you brought GW2 here for beta number, if it doesn't have a subscription? I meant, I wasn't the one who did that. You weren't, but you were quite adamant on why I'm comparing GW2 to FFXIV huh? Even going so far as telling me I'm lacking reading comprehension huh? So, tell me, why would anyone bring GW2 to comparison in the first place, and who was it?

Rift did not have a million beta testers. They announced they had a million account register. They also announced like 3 months after launch they were close to 1 million customers. Lots of people put assumption account register = beta register/tester = subscriptions, they are all different. TERA also did not say anywhere they had 1 million beta tester. In fact very few MMO if at all touch on number beta registration/tester numbers. They would, on the other hand, mention how many characters created, how many hours spent etc. as a diversion, to cause hype without direct approach.

TERA is also one of your 100 Korean MMOs FYI. They in fact did not have the budget of GW2 or BnS.

Edited, Jul 2nd 2013 2:28am by Khornette
#48 Jul 02 2013 at 1:05 AM Rating: Decent
78 posts
About that picture in the link:

What is that guy in the right? I tried to think up what it could be and for me it seems like he is holding a dagger/knife. I might be overspeculating but could that be some hint on thief?

EDIT: nvm I guess its just a pugilist. But the damn weapon looks too much like a dagger still :D

Edited, Jul 2nd 2013 3:06am by Mekiri
#49 Jul 02 2013 at 4:40 AM Rating: Decent
Khornette wrote:
Ostia wrote:
Khornette wrote:
Apparently you do not. As stated, GW2 sales beat all of non-WoW MMO launch sales in term of copies for the last 5 years, bar SWTOR. I failed to see how that is average. Also, GW2 does not have subs so how does 3 months after release subscription is any indicator?

Rift and TERA did not have 1 million closed (closed, not open) beta register. Rift and TERA had over 1m account register (not sale, not beta application, I also register to get news but did not register for beta, so?). Also that's like 4 MMOs you mentioned, in the last 2-3 years, which had seen over 1000 MMOs released in that period (in Taiwan alone, 300 MMO released annually). I also failed to see how is that average.

Please do yourself a favor and stop, this is SAD!!! Nobody in this thread is talking about Launch Sales! We are talking about Beta numbers, you and only you brought Gw2 sales, in some vain attempt to somehow make a point that XIV getting a million beta testers is not average... But your point is so contradictory that it falls on it's face...Gw2 is an a 180 as far as payment model from XIV, all you need to do is buy the game, no long term commitment, how does Gw2 selling 2-3 million copies applies to XIV when the payment model is totally different ?

Also Rift did had a million beta testers, so did swotor, and i am 90% sure tera had the around the same numbers, what do all this games share ? They had a big start and then went out into the flames.... Also nobody cares about the 100 korean MMOS, we are talking about AAA MMO titles, and in that category, getting a million beta testers is AVERAGE!

I think you are the one to stop. Why would you brought GW2 here for beta number, if it doesn't have a subscription? I meant, I wasn't the one who did that. You weren't, but you were quite adamant on why I'm comparing GW2 to FFXIV huh? Even going so far as telling me I'm lacking reading comprehension huh? So, tell me, why would anyone bring GW2 to comparison in the first place, and who was it?

Rift did not have a million beta testers. They announced they had a million account register. They also announced like 3 months after launch they were close to 1 million customers. Lots of people put assumption account register = beta register/tester = subscriptions, they are all different. TERA also did not say anywhere they had 1 million beta tester. In fact very few MMO if at all touch on number beta registration/tester numbers. They would, on the other hand, mention how many characters created, how many hours spent etc. as a diversion, to cause hype without direct approach.

TERA is also one of your 100 Korean MMOs FYI. They in fact did not have the budget of GW2 or BnS.

Edited, Jul 2nd 2013 2:28am by Khornette

Hahaha! Khornette we have done this a million times by now man, and every time, you cannot piece an argument together, you are all over the place man, relax, breath in & out kid and Think!

This is what lolgaxe said:
It's pretty average. Guild Wars 2 hit a million as well. The only numbers that matter for an MMO is subscription numbers 3 months after release.

This is what you said:
I don't know, GW 2 also sold 2-3m copies in the first month or two as well, accounted for more than half of NCSoft earning for that quarter. Then the next quarter GW2 earning fell down drastically and 40% of NCSoft earning went back to L1 (which has been for like, decades).

Now note that the only person that is talking about non Beta numbers is you... Now you might if you really try hard, notice how he and you, are stating the same thing... The only numbers that meter are those 3 months after release, now now since i know you are a little white knight, let's do something, let's pretend Swotor never got over a million beta testers, and that neither did GW2, or any WOW beta... Horray! XIV got a million beta Testers!! Woot! Victory!! The game is saved... Oh wait... Beta numbers are irrelevant.... Damm well so much for that.... Let's check back in October! You know when numbers actually Meter.
#50 Jul 02 2013 at 5:11 AM Rating: Default
1,948 posts
Reading comprehension much? Try harder, I already spelled it out pretty much for you (btw, you still in this board, after 3 years of bashing FFXIV non stop? Which you barely even play? Alright.)

What does GW2 beta has to do with FFXIV 1 million registration number being average? GW2 is a successful MMO correct (2-3m copies sold)? GW2 does not have subscription, correct (2nd quarter after release earning go down, so? It doesn't have a subs, does a game without a sub keep selling 2-3m every quarter? I would like to see THAT. Skyrim had like 12m-15m sold in the last 2 years, but it had 10m copies sold in the first couple of months.)? How exactly is he and I stating the same thing? You seriously need to listen to your own advice, stop posting, get more reading comprehensive pills. So how, in the first place, does GW2 get comparison to FFXIV and then you come to conclusion it's average? Logic, it does not exist. I can compare FFXIV 1m beta tester to Skyrim 15m sales, wow.

Yeah yea I'm a white knight, cause I'm only stating fact. You were the one who were happing years back how RIFT had millions subs at launch, when 3 months after launch Trion was proudly announcing they were not hitting 1m customers yet.

Edited, Jul 2nd 2013 7:12am by Khornette

Edited, Jul 2nd 2013 7:17am by Khornette
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