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#27 Jun 19 2013 at 9:31 PM Rating: Excellent
Oh don't worry, issues with Karma or how the site doesn't affect me in the slightest. This debate has been raging on long before I was an admin. I want you guys to be able to criticize the establishment here, it helps us get better. Don't get mad when we ignore you though Smiley: tongue

If nothing else being the admin of an online forum has grown me a thicker skin.
#28 Jun 19 2013 at 9:37 PM Rating: Decent
273 posts
Wint wrote:
Oh don't worry, issues with Karma or how the site doesn't affect me in the slightest. This debate has been raging on long before I was an admin. I want you guys to be able to criticize the establishment here, it helps us get better. Don't get mad when we ignore you though Smiley: tongue

If nothing else being the admin of an online forum has grown me a thicker skin.

Lol I can seriously only imagine.

Especially given this has to be one of the most emotionally charged video game franchises that exists.

Edited, Jun 19th 2013 11:37pm by Parathyroid
#29 Jun 19 2013 at 9:49 PM Rating: Good
4,780 posts
Wint wrote:

This is theoretical of course. By saying the karma here irritates you that seems to me to be complaining, sorry if I misinterpreted it. It's 100% valid to YOU, but someone might disagree, and while I think they should have to justify their rating, that's not a requirement at this point.

I don't agree with the whole 'forced to justify perspective' especially if one of its intended functions is to prevent escalation of a conversation.

I can just see the "I rated you down because I think your statement is full of ****, and I don't want to bother explaining why." going well over with the encouragement of a positive community.
#30 Jun 19 2013 at 9:57 PM Rating: Excellent
4,780 posts
Parathyroid wrote:

Fun is after all a transitory feeling. What is a barrel full of monkeys today can be a barrel full of crap 2 weeks from now... so you're right, the content will have to latch onto us not only today but keep providing a challenge or a deep sense of reward for accomplishments years from now.

But isn't that the crux of it? Everyone's different and have different adapting and breaking points. Ideally, you want everyone, even the most casual starter person, to go in, get hooked, and then ease themselves into the more difficult content to stay for the long term.

But where do you draw those lines? I don't think even the best game designers in the world have the answer to that, because of how varied everyone is opinion wise. So, many appeal to the lower common denominators at the start without alienating your core target audiences, and then you keep tweaking your difficulty curve until you find the niche you're comfortable with.

Problem is, most MMO's can't afford that adjustment period. SE, being in a similar business standpoint as Blizzard, can. I'm more than happy to give them that leeway. I'll be honest. I'm having fun. Not only that, but they also have me invested. Why? Because I like Final fantasy, I like the lore, I like the tropes, I like the atmosphere. I'm willing to work with them, especially after seeing what I have so far, to give them that feedback from my own personal perspective. (That they will take with Dalamud-Size chunk-o-salt, but that's to be expected). I'm not going to bother to try to make a statement for the majority - I feel that's rather presumptive of anyone who does, especially if they think it coincides exactly with their views.

Everyone has left or has stuck with a modern MMO for their own reasons, because, honestly, everyone has different thresholds of tolerance, different tastes and ease of enjoyment, and different personal triggers for investment. Everything else is speculation or agreeing/disagreeing with someone else's perspective.
#31 Jun 19 2013 at 10:05 PM Rating: Decent
273 posts
Hyrist wrote:
Parathyroid wrote:

Fun is after all a transitory feeling. What is a barrel full of monkeys today can be a barrel full of crap 2 weeks from now... so you're right, the content will have to latch onto us not only today but keep providing a challenge or a deep sense of reward for accomplishments years from now.

But isn't that the crux of it? Everyone's different and have different adapting and breaking points. Ideally, you want everyone, even the most casual starter person, to go in, get hooked, and then ease themselves into the more difficult content to stay for the long term.

But where do you draw those lines? I don't think even the best game designers in the world have the answer to that, because of how varied everyone is opinion wise. So, many appeal to the lower common denominators at the start without alienating your core target audiences, and then you keep tweaking your difficulty curve until you find the niche you're comfortable with.

Problem is, most MMO's can't afford that adjustment period. SE, being in a similar business standpoint as Blizzard, can. I'm more than happy to give them that leeway. I'll be honest. I'm having fun. Not only that, but they also have me invested. Why? Because I like Final fantasy, I like the lore, I like the tropes, I like the atmosphere. I'm willing to work with them, especially after seeing what I have so far, to give them that feedback from my own personal perspective. (That they will take with Dalamud-Size chunk-o-salt, but that's to be expected). I'm not going to bother to try to make a statement for the majority - I feel that's rather presumptive of anyone who does, especially if they think it coincides exactly with their views.

Everyone has left or has stuck with a modern MMO for their own reasons, because, honestly, everyone has different thresholds of tolerance, different tastes and ease of enjoyment, and different personal triggers for investment. Everything else is speculation or agreeing/disagreeing with someone else's perspective.

The correct answer is level 21.4. Final answer Smiley: smile.

Seriously though Hyrist I respect all of your opinions. You seem to be pretty spot on with your insights, and I can't disagree with anything you laid out there...

Especially the part that SE and Blizzard are probably damn close to the only two RPG companies that can actually have the budget to make tweaks to the gameplay over a vast period of time.
#32 Jun 19 2013 at 10:12 PM Rating: Decent
972 posts
Parathyroid wrote:
sandpark wrote:
I'm hoping things go well for this game too. But, this isn't the only mmo coming to consoles anymore. All the devs saw what XI did in the console space and have followed suit.
DCUO, Defiance, Dust 514, ESO, Planetside 2, probably others I'm missing.
Then there are the new FPS mmo/whatever you want to call it hybrids coming out such as Destiny.

When Google Fiber gets US saturation. The FPS/Action/Adventure MMO scene is going to bust open faster than a hooker trying to get into a millionaires pants.

And I bet Rockstar is going to re-evaluate their stance on the mmo realm.

Edited, Jun 19th 2013 8:39pm by sandpark

It is an interesting point to note that as MMORPGs are becoming less difficult to play with a large emphasis on solo play, MMOFPS/adventure games are become increasingly sophisticated, with a much higher emphasis on cooperative play.

It's two ends of a spectrum. The action genre has been lagging behind the fantasy rpg in the mmo department because of technological constraints. Unaffordable top end pc rigs and crappy internet bandwidth.

Middle tier pcs are very affordable now and with the route the consoles have chosen, they are close to the power of today's middle tier pc build. All that lacks now is global affordable bandwidth.

This is an opportunity for all genres to take games someplace they haven't been before.

Xbox one pulled the trigger hastily trying to force gamers into a non disc based era early. It is coming within the next 5-10 years as huge internet and hardrives become way more affordable.

Traditional fantasy mmorpgs by nature just have way more material to condense, and they have been around for decades. So as a veteran you know when developers are being lazy or padding the gameplay. As MMO/FPS/Action/Adventure games become larger and mainstream. We will probably see them start to simplify things as well.
#33 Jun 19 2013 at 10:54 PM Rating: Excellent
1,675 posts
Here's my two cents:

The MMOs I've played the longest were , Ragnarok (because I didnt know any better), WoW (because it was fun and I had friends play) and FFXI because it was Final fantasy and I had time to devote to it.

All of the MMOs I've tried since them: Warhammer, Rift, Guild Wars 1/2, and others were pretty good. The best of those being Rift and GW2.

However they still felt hollow, and although they were very interesting mechanically and initially, they were missing something.

I got to cap, and as a casual player, I got bored.

ARR has the Final Fantasy name and things like storied quests and the armory system that I believe, grant you more of a connection to your character and the world.

Again however I'm assuming that this will retain me a bit longer than the other two games and really only retain the fans. I cannot see others or newbies sticking around unless its an objectively knock out game.

Honestly no one can say how the game will do but I do not see it taking down WoW. I think SE knows this and is planning per the Yoshi f2p interview, that their goal is to retain a solid player base a la FFXI and not to make the most money of any MMO in history.


Lastly, I'll leave with this: 1.0 was horrible. But when SE added the company quests, suddenly the game was tolerable. No, the fighting didn't improve, the market wards still sucked but for a brief moment with a storied goal I was enjoying myself. And that's what a Final Fantasy game is all about. So far in 2.0 everything looks acceptable. And if that's the case then all you need is content, content , content and fans will play forever.
#34 Jun 20 2013 at 3:40 AM Rating: Decent
1,313 posts
Parathyroid wrote:
Killua125 wrote:
Arjuncorpse wrote:
You can't judge a MMO after a few days. You gotta play for a while to try and judge the lasting appeal.

I don't think anybody gives any game more than a few days to decide whether they like it...

You know, I'm becoming increasingly irritated with the community here rating sh*t down to sub-default... most often because it's a person you perceive as being negative.

I completely agree with this sentiment. I don't know anyone who says "this game blows a$$ but you know what, I'm going to give it 3 weeks to decide if it sucks..." That just doesn't happen. But since Killua said it, rate down... sub-default.

If you think people play games that they think suck for more than a few days you a. have more intestinal fortitude than a lead pipe or b. are lying to yourself.

Edited, Jun 19th 2013 10:55pm by Parathyroid

You're not irritated with the karma system, you're irritated with the hive mind community of this game.

All of the MMOs I've tried since them: Warhammer, Rift, Guild Wars 1/2, and others were pretty good. The best of those being Rift and GW2.

However they still felt hollow, and although they were very interesting mechanically and initially, they were missing something.

WoW and FFXI both have a lot of soul.

On a side note, Kierk did you ever pick up that project Miata? I like to work on cars too. I have a 350z and an Integra that I tinker on.

Edited, Jun 20th 2013 5:43am by Transmigration
#35 Jun 20 2013 at 4:41 AM Rating: Good
837 posts
Transmigration wrote:

You're not irritated with the karma system, you're irritated with the hive mind community of this game.

Edited, Jun 20th 2013 5:43am by Transmigration

No i believe you are wrong. This has nothing to do with the game. I am often been rated down for posts that have nothing to do with the game. Do not blame it for everything.

I love the game but i will rarely rate someone down even if he has different opinion than me. H needs to be an a s s for me to actually rate him down.

Edited, Jun 20th 2013 6:42am by Teravibe
#36 Jun 20 2013 at 7:08 AM Rating: Good
6,899 posts
I really don't expect Final Fantasy to be a WoW-killer. In fact, I'm not sure that I really want it to be. With that many players, the odds of having more immature, rude, or cruel type players is high. It's probably a pretty linear ratio to smaller games, but 8 million players will have 8x the amount of jerks that a 1 million player game has (more or less). I'd like to see this game hit a steady 1 million subscribers and keep that number, and I think it's entirely possible.

The combination of FF lore with an engaging storyline, a beautiful world, and some fairly polished and content-heavy systems should tide players over for quite a while. The big issue, like most mmos I've played, will be the endgame. Can they make it compelling enough to keep people interested. Can they make it challenging enough for hardcore players, but still accessible enough to interest the casual fans. I'm very hopeful that there will end up being many different avenues of content at endgame to satiate the different types of players. I think that's kind of what Yoshi is aiming for with stuff like Primal Battles, AF quests, and Relics to satisfy the more casual crowd, and extreme modes and Crystal Tower/Labyrinth of Bahamut for the more hardcore (not to mention PvP if it's done well).

I know I'm already invested for the long haul. I'm sick of jumping from MMO to MMO hoping it will be the next big thing. So far, this game has all the elements to satisfy me for a long time, and I have a lot of faith that Yoshi-P will keep adding to that as time goes by, based on what I've seen so far from him.

Edited, Jun 20th 2013 9:18am by BartelX
#37 Jun 20 2013 at 7:21 AM Rating: Decent
I have an opinion on the karma system. I think it's horrible. I'm going to guess that it does turn a lot of potential members off.

Wint can pretend it's not true but the sub-default/hidden posts usually occur when a user posts an unpopular opinion. I never post things in a rude or aggressive way. I just post my opinions, but those are usually sub-defaulted because I don't agree with the hive mind in most cases.

So, people with unique opinions will get turned off. 'Why would I post here if my posts are just going to get hidden? I would rather post somewhere where I won't get censored for speaking my mind.'

I never said I hated Final Fantasy XIV, but I definitely have some beef with certain aspects of it. I've said that I love the user interface and the music, for example. Even mixed views are not allowed here though.

Edited, Jun 20th 2013 9:24am by Killua125
#38 Jun 20 2013 at 7:26 AM Rating: Decent
2,232 posts
Killua125 wrote:
I have an opinion on the karma system. I think it's horrible. I'm going to guess that it does turn a lot of potential members off.

Wint can pretend it's not true but the sub-default/hidden posts usually occur when a user posts an unpopular opinion. I never post things in a rude or aggressive way. I just post my opinions, but those are usually sub-defaulted because I don't agree with the hive mind in most cases.

So, people with unique opinions will get turned off. 'Why would I post here if my posts are just going to get hidden? I would rather post somewhere where I won't get censored for speaking my mind.'

I never said I hated Final Fantasy XIV, but I definitely have some beef with certain aspects of it. I've said that I love the user interface and the music, for example. Even mixed views are not allowed here though.

Edited, Jun 20th 2013 9:24am by Killua125

You are not a snowflake.

The reason everything you post is auto-defaulted and (i'm guessing) not a small percentage of the population here have you on ignore is because of things like what you just posted.

You just stated that you're not rude, then went on to bash everyone else in the forum who doesn't have the same opinion as you.

Grow up.
#39 Jun 20 2013 at 7:31 AM Rating: Decent
LebargeX wrote:
You are not a snowflake.

The reason everything you post is auto-defaulted and (i'm guessing) not a small percentage of the population here have you on ignore is because of things like what you just posted.

You just stated that you're not rude, then went on to bash everyone else in the forum who doesn't have the same opinion as you.

Grow up.

I didn't bash everyone in the forum.

You're reading my posts and misinterpreting them as being aggressive or rude, and that's not my fault. That's your fault for jumping to conclusions.

I'm tough on Square Enix, a company which has not impressed me in recent years, and I'm skeptical about A Realm Reborn. These are my opinions as a paying customer and I hold no ill will towards people who are enjoying the game.
#40 Jun 20 2013 at 7:34 AM Rating: Default
2,232 posts
Killua125 wrote:
LebargeX wrote:
You are not a snowflake.

The reason everything you post is auto-defaulted and (i'm guessing) not a small percentage of the population here have you on ignore is because of things like what you just posted.

You just stated that you're not rude, then went on to bash everyone else in the forum who doesn't have the same opinion as you.

Grow up.

I didn't bash everyone in the forum.

You're reading my posts and misinterpreting them as being aggressive or rude, and that's not my fault. That's your fault for jumping to conclusions.

I'm tough on Square Enix, a company which has not impressed me in recent years, and I'm skeptical about A Realm Reborn. These are my opinions as a paying customer and I hold no ill will towards people who are enjoying the game.

I'm reading what you wrote. I'm posting my opinion of it.
#41 Jun 20 2013 at 7:36 AM Rating: Good
837 posts
Killua...seriously? Skeptical? You are at full out attack against ARR. You sh@t on everyone's enjoyment by saying again and again that everything in the game is crap. Oh and in the end you add something like....the music is nice but then... and so on.

Not only that you make threads that you want us to believe are for an entire other reason but in truth its again another way for you to bash the game and SE (see F2P P2P threads)

So while i do not rate you down cause i don't like that aspect as well that doesn't mean i like how you post. When you make a valid point i agree and correct myself (see the xbox thread) but please you are everything but skeptical for ARR.
#42 Jun 20 2013 at 7:41 AM Rating: Good
9,997 posts
Wint wrote:
People are going to rate him down on principle rather than evaluating what he's said, and frankly he's bought and paid for that over and over again. If I could change it I would but frankly when you post like he does you're begging for rate downs here.

Could someone explain this to me? I've seen Killua posting a lot. I've never seen him be rude to someone. A voice of dissent, surely, but usually only with a baffled response to the ratedowns and vitriol that follow some valid criticisms. To me it seems to be:

Killua: Lots of criticism.
Others: Stop criticizing the game. And you're wrong because X.
Killua: Just my opinion. And what about Y?
Others: Ratecamp.

In fact, unless I've just missed some blow-ups, Killua seems to have an almost saint-like patience for all the crap people heap on him.

I really don't give a **** about karma in general, but this particular case seems to stick in my craw as an example of pointless and juvenile antagonism. You guys are actually compelling me to rate him up, which I should NEVER have to do.
#43 Jun 20 2013 at 7:46 AM Rating: Excellent
837 posts
Thats the thing kachi people disagree with you they rate you down as it happened with my previous post. Someone didn't like what i wrote for killua he rated me down big deal.
#44 Jun 20 2013 at 7:48 AM Rating: Decent
9,997 posts
LebargeX wrote:
Killua125 wrote:
I have an opinion on the karma system. I think it's horrible. I'm going to guess that it does turn a lot of potential members off.

Wint can pretend it's not true but the sub-default/hidden posts usually occur when a user posts an unpopular opinion. I never post things in a rude or aggressive way. I just post my opinions, but those are usually sub-defaulted because I don't agree with the hive mind in most cases.

So, people with unique opinions will get turned off. 'Why would I post here if my posts are just going to get hidden? I would rather post somewhere where I won't get censored for speaking my mind.'

I never said I hated Final Fantasy XIV, but I definitely have some beef with certain aspects of it. I've said that I love the user interface and the music, for example. Even mixed views are not allowed here though.

Edited, Jun 20th 2013 9:24am by Killua125

You are not a snowflake.

The reason everything you post is auto-defaulted and (i'm guessing) not a small percentage of the population here have you on ignore is because of things like what you just posted.

You just stated that you're not rude, then went on to bash everyone else in the forum who doesn't have the same opinion as you.

Grow up.

Teravibe wrote:
Killua...seriously? Skeptical? You are at full out attack against ARR. You sh@t on everyone's enjoyment by saying again and again that everything in the game is crap. Oh and in the end you add something like....the music is nice but then... and so on.

Not only that you make threads that you want us to believe are for an entire other reason but in truth its again another way for you to bash the game and SE (see F2P P2P threads)

So while i do not rate you down cause i don't like that aspect as well that doesn't mean i like how you post. When you make a valid point i agree and correct myself (see the xbox thread) but please you are everything but skeptical for ARR.

Killua: Makes another criticism.
Others: You are not a snowflake/grow up.
Others: You shat on everyone's enjoyment. Secret troll, etc.

Seriously, you guys really just can't ignore his opinions if you disagree? You're in total white knight mode and don't even realize it.
#45 Jun 20 2013 at 7:49 AM Rating: Decent
50,767 posts
Kachi wrote:
You're in total white knight mode and don't even realize it.
Oh the irony.
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#46 Jun 20 2013 at 7:50 AM Rating: Decent
Teravibe wrote:
Killua...seriously? Skeptical? You are at full out attack against ARR. You sh@t on everyone's enjoyment by saying again and again that everything in the game is crap. Oh and in the end you add something like....the music is nice but then... and so on.

Not only that you make threads that you want us to believe are for an entire other reason but in truth its again another way for you to bash the game and SE (see F2P P2P threads)

So while i do not rate you down cause i don't like that aspect as well that doesn't mean i like how you post. When you make a valid point i agree and correct myself (see the xbox thread) but please you are everything but skeptical for ARR.

I still would consider myself in 'skeptical' territory, because I still care enough to browse information about the game and post on forums.

I was looking forward to this beta test and I admit that I was disappointed. I like some aspects of the game, but I was stunned that the combat was not changed whatsoever (on the player's side) after the massive amount of feedback they have received.

I really don't like the way TP works, and how little TP matters, and I don't like how the bulk of the combat just revolves around slight pauses in button mashes as you wait for the GCD to end.

I realized that if the combat is this way now, with the release date planned for August, it's probably going to remain more or less the same. So, that resulted in a very "upset" post following the opening of phase 3, which didn't really include the things I do like.

I have a friend who is playing on the PS3 version. He's not even much of a Final Fantasy fan, but he likes the game. I am not saying that it's impossible for people to not like this game... but people seem to think that's what I'm saying. I'm just one person, so you don't have to care so much that one guy doesn't like the game.

Edited, Jun 20th 2013 9:51am by Killua125
#47 Jun 20 2013 at 7:52 AM Rating: Good
9,997 posts
Teravibe wrote:
Thats the thing kachi people disagree with you they rate you down as it happened with my previous post. Someone didn't like what i wrote for killua he rated me down big deal.

Yeah, I rated you down for the following reason: I'm fine with reading criticisms of the game because this is a forum for the game. I'm absolutely sick of reading criticisms of Killua. He's totally harmless and I'm tired of the white blood cells here are having an allergic reaction to him.
#48 Jun 20 2013 at 7:54 AM Rating: Good
9,997 posts
lolgaxe wrote:
Kachi wrote:
You're in total white knight mode and don't even realize it.
Oh the irony.

Obviously I realize that I'm defending Killua. Do you need a refresher course on what white knighting is?
#49 Jun 20 2013 at 7:54 AM Rating: Decent
2,232 posts
Kachi wrote:
LebargeX wrote:
Killua125 wrote:
I have an opinion on the karma system. I think it's horrible. I'm going to guess that it does turn a lot of potential members off.

Wint can pretend it's not true but the sub-default/hidden posts usually occur when a user posts an unpopular opinion. I never post things in a rude or aggressive way. I just post my opinions, but those are usually sub-defaulted because I don't agree with the hive mind in most cases.

So, people with unique opinions will get turned off. 'Why would I post here if my posts are just going to get hidden? I would rather post somewhere where I won't get censored for speaking my mind.'

I never said I hated Final Fantasy XIV, but I definitely have some beef with certain aspects of it. I've said that I love the user interface and the music, for example. Even mixed views are not allowed here though.

Edited, Jun 20th 2013 9:24am by Killua125

You are not a snowflake.

The reason everything you post is auto-defaulted and (i'm guessing) not a small percentage of the population here have you on ignore is because of things like what you just posted.

You just stated that you're not rude, then went on to bash everyone else in the forum who doesn't have the same opinion as you.

Grow up.

Teravibe wrote:
Killua...seriously? Skeptical? You are at full out attack against ARR. You sh@t on everyone's enjoyment by saying again and again that everything in the game is crap. Oh and in the end you add something like....the music is nice but then... and so on.

Not only that you make threads that you want us to believe are for an entire other reason but in truth its again another way for you to bash the game and SE (see F2P P2P threads)

So while i do not rate you down cause i don't like that aspect as well that doesn't mean i like how you post. When you make a valid point i agree and correct myself (see the xbox thread) but please you are everything but skeptical for ARR.

Killua: Makes another criticism.
Others: You are not a snowflake/grow up.
Others: You shat on everyone's enjoyment. Secret troll, etc.

Seriously, you guys really just can't ignore his opinions if you disagree? You're in total white knight mode and don't even realize it.

I didn't make any mention of his opinion of the game. He can dislike it all he wants. I made mention of his inability to open his mouth without coming off as a jerk.

Hive mind? Rude. Suggesting that his opinion is superior because it's different and that people in the opposing opinion have that opinion because they're just mindlessly nodding along. Rude. Which you have a habit of doing too...

He has nothing of value to add to the argument. "I don't like it cause it's not what I want." Still no suggestions about what he would like to have happen to make it better. Which sounds like many of your posts too...

The best post we've had in weeks has been from Ostia....what's the world coming to? LMAO
#50 Jun 20 2013 at 7:58 AM Rating: Good
50,767 posts
Kachi wrote:
Do you need a refresher course on what white knighting is?
Probably, I'm nowhere near as good as you at it. Smiley: frown
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#51 Jun 20 2013 at 7:59 AM Rating: Good
Killua125 wrote:
LebargeX wrote:
You are not a snowflake.

The reason everything you post is auto-defaulted and (i'm guessing) not a small percentage of the population here have you on ignore is because of things like what you just posted.

You just stated that you're not rude, then went on to bash everyone else in the forum who doesn't have the same opinion as you.

Grow up.

I didn't bash everyone in the forum.

You're reading my posts and misinterpreting them as being aggressive or rude, and that's not my fault. That's your fault for jumping to conclusions.

I'm tough on Square Enix, a company which has not impressed me in recent years, and I'm skeptical about A Realm Reborn. These are my opinions as a paying customer and I hold no ill will towards people who are enjoying the game.

You established an unfavorable opinion of yourself when you posted all these hypothetical doom and gloom threads months ago just to incite a response. We gave our opinions (you've even called me an "@#%^" for stating mine) or flat out ignored them, which frustrated a lot of the community. More so, a lot of us were under the NDA so we couldn't call you out on how wrong you really were.

Given that you've still not acknowledged this and continue to think you're innocent here. No, that's not the case.

Edited, Jun 20th 2013 7:02am by UltKnightGrover
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