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#202 Jun 17 2013 at 1:41 AM Rating: Good
1,330 posts
Ruisu wrote:

Speaking of which, has anyone taken a look at the achievements tab? That's the one thing I forgot to do this weekend. Just to see if there were any amusingly-named achievements.

Edited, Jun 17th 2013 3:38am by Ruisu

Yes. I'm not sure it's actually working. There are some tradeskill ones and I can guarantee that I spammed a LOT of tradeskills over the weekend.
#203 Jun 17 2013 at 9:41 AM Rating: Decent
1,339 posts
Ravashack wrote:
Ruisu wrote:

Speaking of which, has anyone taken a look at the achievements tab? That's the one thing I forgot to do this weekend. Just to see if there were any amusingly-named achievements.

Edited, Jun 17th 2013 3:38am by Ruisu

Yes. I'm not sure it's actually working. There are some tradeskill ones and I can guarantee that I spammed a LOT of tradeskills over the weekend.

Like the manual stated newly created characters in P3 can't receive achievements currently. Considering that's a lot of back and forth checking between client and server I'm not surprised they turned it off right now.
#204 Jun 17 2013 at 6:42 PM Rating: Good
1,732 posts
Well I am pleasantly surprised. So far I am loving the game. I like the combat system and love you can level through quests... I have played ffxi for a long time and this game seems to be ffxi without the things I hated about ffxi,, I like it holds your hand early on teaching you the game. It is easier too and not as much grind,, You do a quest you get exp, gear etc. You don't feel like your are doing a quest for nothing. And the quests actually make sense and I don't have to open a wiki up to figure out where to go or what to do,,,,,, Bravo SE

To those complaining you have to start in a certain city thats because that where the guild is.. how would you do lower level quest in another city? You can not cross zones at that level,

I play on the ps3 and I fell like it is barely keeping up at times. So many times I stand there and have to wait for people to zone in...

I rate this game a 9.2 over all.... Micorsoft you messed up not allowing this on the 360 great game.
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#205 Jun 18 2013 at 4:14 PM Rating: Decent
660 posts
I have a bit of a sour taste in my mouth after the beta this weekend. Part of that is playing on the PS3 with the ridiculousness of trying to adjust my display settings to have all of the text on my screen. I managed to get it so that most things fit, but about 1/3 of the left-hand side of the chat log won't display. Other than that, a friend and I got to level 15 in Gridania. It was fun running between FATEs for a while, amassing huge parties to run with. I'm not sure why, but I just don't enjoy it so far. I know it has a lot to do with not being able to type properly to other players to communicate with them or even see half of what's going on in the /shouts. I'll try it again later on when I'm using a different television.

However, I think I should also stick to DoL/DoH because combat is just not where it needs to be right now. I zoned out a lot keeping my friend cured during FATEs. She only ever died when something crazy happened beyond our control. Had some issues with my system freezing twice while trying to leave the sanctuary in the East Shroud... I'll give it another shot but right now it's not worth the $100 for the Collector's Edition.
#206 Jun 18 2013 at 4:22 PM Rating: Good
Did anyone try on PC try Alt-TAB?

Still a no go?
#207 Jun 18 2013 at 5:03 PM Rating: Excellent
261 posts
Alt tab worked fine for me in phase 2 and 3.
#208 Jun 18 2013 at 5:22 PM Rating: Excellent
1,310 posts
Pawkeshup, Averter of the Apocalypse wrote:
Sorry to double, but likely someone is bound to reply. So Tera you said

Teravibe wrote:
Now i don't know how was the crafting in 1.0 but i really like how it is in ARR.

In the spoiler, you will see, I feel, the definitive review of FFXIV 1.0

To summarize crafting in a nutshell: Play lousy mini-game for random prize!

Really there were three options for every craft, a standard move, a quick move, and a heavy move. And to this day, I'll be damned if I know what difference there was between them. Crafting items took ages. You can see him craft in that video and it is painful. Gathering, in my opinion, was even worse. Go up, play mini-game, and get random prize that may or may not even be a supply you were looking for.

It was rancid, and ridiculous.

I don't know if you really care to have the mystery solved but the old crafting system worked like this :

The goal was to get the progress bar to 100% before the item durability reached zero. As an added bonus, there was also a quality stat which improved your chances of HQing the item. Typically a main hand HQ would improve the quality rating (+1, +2 or +3) while an offhand HQ would increase quantity.

The three default crafting moves were standard, rapid, and bold. Standard is exactly as it sounds, a balanced amount of progress, quality, and low risk of duration depletion. Rapid was a gambling move where you staked a greater amount of durability loss (if the move failed) for a greater amount of progress and a lower amount of quality . Basically, it was a desperation move if your durability wasn't going to survive a couple more standard synths and your progress was too far from 100% to make it in one shot. Bold was a high stake move as well (again risking durability) but it was for raising quality higher while sacrificing progress. You'd use this to improve your chances at an HQ if you had lots of durability to gamble (higher quality ingredients gave you more durability to use in your synth).
#209 Jun 18 2013 at 5:49 PM Rating: Decent
273 posts
Nashred wrote:
Well I am pleasantly surprised. So far I am loving the game. I like the combat system and love you can level through quests... I have played ffxi for a long time and this game seems to be ffxi without the things I hated about ffxi,, I like it holds your hand early on teaching you the game. It is easier too and not as much grind,, You do a quest you get exp, gear etc. You don't feel like your are doing a quest for nothing. And the quests actually make sense and I don't have to open a wiki up to figure out where to go or what to do,,,,,, Bravo SE

To those complaining you have to start in a certain city thats because that where the guild is.. how would you do lower level quest in another city? You can not cross zones at that level,

I play on the ps3 and I fell like it is barely keeping up at times. So many times I stand there and have to wait for people to zone in...

I rate this game a 9.2 over all.... Micorsoft you messed up not allowing this on the 360 great game.

*must level through quests
#210 Jun 18 2013 at 5:52 PM Rating: Decent
273 posts
Atkascha wrote:
I have a bit of a sour taste in my mouth after the beta this weekend. Part of that is playing on the PS3 with the ridiculousness of trying to adjust my display settings to have all of the text on my screen. I managed to get it so that most things fit, but about 1/3 of the left-hand side of the chat log won't display. Other than that, a friend and I got to level 15 in Gridania. It was fun running between FATEs for a while, amassing huge parties to run with. I'm not sure why, but I just don't enjoy it so far. I know it has a lot to do with not being able to type properly to other players to communicate with them or even see half of what's going on in the /shouts. I'll try it again later on when I'm using a different television.

However, I think I should also stick to DoL/DoH because combat is just not where it needs to be right now. I zoned out a lot keeping my friend cured during FATEs. She only ever died when something crazy happened beyond our control. Had some issues with my system freezing twice while trying to leave the sanctuary in the East Shroud... I'll give it another shot but right now it's not worth the $100 for the Collector's Edition.

As a temporary fix, why not adjust the location of the chat box? (Not sure if that's possible of ps3)

Does anyone else miss the chat bar of XI? I loved how you could see large amounts of text at once, in XIV the text is much more crammed... although I know you can adjust the size, but then you cover other things up.
#211 Jun 18 2013 at 5:54 PM Rating: Excellent
11,159 posts
Only thing I'd really want to do with the XIV chat is set up another window to put on the right for less imperative things like drops received or other stuff acquired. I like to keep my left box solely for chat, of which I'm also likely to filter out global chat later on.
Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
#212 Jun 18 2013 at 6:01 PM Rating: Decent
273 posts
Pawkeshup, Averter of the Apocalypse wrote:
Sorry to double, but likely someone is bound to reply. So Tera you said

Teravibe wrote:
Now i don't know how was the crafting in 1.0 but i really like how it is in ARR.

In the spoiler, you will see, I feel, the definitive review of FFXIV 1.0

To summarize crafting in a nutshell: Play lousy mini-game for random prize!

Really there were three options for every craft, a standard move, a quick move, and a heavy move. And to this day, I'll be damned if I know what difference there was between them. Crafting items took ages. You can see him craft in that video and it is painful. Gathering, in my opinion, was even worse. Go up, play mini-game, and get random prize that may or may not even be a supply you were looking for.

It was rancid, and ridiculous.

Now, viewing the videos and hearing the feedback, I am 90% certain they followed what I said they should. I think the post is among those nuked (I am certain I posted something here on it), but basically I said that the needed to model it after EQII's risk/reward system.

Basically EQ2's system when I played, when you started crafting, you had two bars, a progress bar and a stress bar. As you crafted, both bars gradually filled. Depending on your skill, your materials, and the quality of the forge/workbench you used, progress would go faster, stress slower. You could stop crafting at any point. If you let the progress bar fill, you could wait and it would restart and up the quality of what you were making.

To use an example, let's say you are making chainmail. The first progress bar would have said Shoddy Chainmail. Once that filled, you would then get to Chainmail. Let it go more and you might get Fine Chainmail, and so on. Each stage upped the stats on the item. If ever the stress filled, you blew the synth and lost all progress except for skillups gained.

It was a brilliant system, and I thought if SE could duplicate it, but modify it to fit in more with the game it would have truly been a master stroke for them.

Edited, Jun 16th 2013 12:37pm by Pawkeshup

Lmao this review of XIV 1.0 is f'ing hilarious!
#213 Jun 18 2013 at 6:02 PM Rating: Good
6,899 posts
Parathyroid wrote:
*must level through quests

...No? There are FATEs, dungeons, leves, and guildhests. Did you even play the beta?
#214 Jun 18 2013 at 6:46 PM Rating: Default
130 posts
I'd certainly recommend it the first time.
But you can get to 15 pretty quickly doing field kills/fates, or saved up levequests. Especially leves with a partner or group.

Then bang. Level 15 you go into dungeons and don't come out till 50.
#215 Jun 18 2013 at 6:53 PM Rating: Decent
273 posts
BartelX wrote:
Parathyroid wrote:
*must level through quests

...No? There are FATEs, dungeons, leves, and guildhests. Did you even play the beta?

Sorry you're right... those are options.

I suppose I'm just continually miffed that world xping has been functionally eliminated as an option. It was one of my favorite endeavors in unspeakable versions of FF (for fear of karma bombardment) past.

P.s. why the question mark after the No? Was that to show you REALLY disagreed?

Edited, Jun 18th 2013 8:54pm by Parathyroid
#216 Jun 18 2013 at 7:01 PM Rating: Good
6,899 posts
Parathyroid wrote:
BartelX wrote:
Parathyroid wrote:
*must level through quests

...No? There are FATEs, dungeons, leves, and guildhests. Did you even play the beta?

Sorry you're right... those are options.

I suppose I'm just continually miffed that world xping has been functionally eliminated as an option. It was one of my favorite endeavors in unspeakable versions of FF (for fear of karma bombardment) past.

P.s. why the question mark after the No? Was that to show you REALLY disagreed?

Edited, Jun 18th 2013 8:54pm by Parathyroid

Nah, it was more just confusion, because I was pretty sure you were in the beta, but made it sound like you weren't based on saying the only way to level was through quests, which is false. Hence why I asked the question at the end, which apparently came off snarky considering it got defaulted immediately.

I will say I agree that I wish there was the ability to form up parties and effectively just xp grind for an hour or two and do it at a rate that was equivalent to other means of leveling. I think that would be quite nice, as I enjoyed that in FFXI. Perhaps it is possible at higher levels, who knows?
#217 Jun 18 2013 at 7:08 PM Rating: Good
262 posts
Kind of off topic I know, but that currency you could pick as an option as quest rewards, is that something special to hold onto like beastmen seals were back in ffxi? Or is it something just to trade in for some extra gil?
#218 Jun 18 2013 at 7:08 PM Rating: Decent
273 posts
BartelX wrote:
Parathyroid wrote:
BartelX wrote:
Parathyroid wrote:
*must level through quests

...No? There are FATEs, dungeons, leves, and guildhests. Did you even play the beta?

Sorry you're right... those are options.

I suppose I'm just continually miffed that world xping has been functionally eliminated as an option. It was one of my favorite endeavors in unspeakable versions of FF (for fear of karma bombardment) past.

P.s. why the question mark after the No? Was that to show you REALLY disagreed?

Edited, Jun 18th 2013 8:54pm by Parathyroid

Nah, it was more just confusion, because I was pretty sure you were in the beta, but made it sound like you weren't based on saying the only way to level was through quests, which is false. Hence why I asked the question at the end, which apparently came off snarky considering it got defaulted immediately.

I will say I agree that I wish there was the ability to form up parties and effectively just xp grind for an hour or two and do it at a rate that was equivalent to other means of leveling. I think that would be quite nice, as I enjoyed that in FFXI. Perhaps it is possible at higher levels, who knows?

Yeah I suppose it's ok though! The game is somehow surprisingly very enjoyable in spite of missing some elements I normally equate with good gameplay.

In fact, I haven't really looked forward to playing a game like this since I don't even know when... this game has somehow really grabbed my attention!
#219 Jun 20 2013 at 12:12 PM Rating: Good
Hatamaz wrote:
Kind of off topic I know, but that currency you could pick as an option as quest rewards, is that something special to hold onto like beastmen seals were back in ffxi? Or is it something just to trade in for some extra gil?

We've just been NPCing it for gil.

Watch SE do something with it, though.
#220 Jun 20 2013 at 12:53 PM Rating: Excellent
837 posts
Parathyroid wrote:
BartelX wrote:
Parathyroid wrote:
*must level through quests

...No? There are FATEs, dungeons, leves, and guildhests. Did you even play the beta?

Sorry you're right... those are options.

I suppose I'm just continually miffed that world xping has been functionally eliminated as an option. It was one of my favorite endeavors in unspeakable versions of FF (for fear of karma bombardment) past.

P.s. why the question mark after the No? Was that to show you REALLY disagreed?

Edited, Jun 18th 2013 8:54pm by Parathyroid

By world xping you mean this xp parties i've been hearing? If so i guess you could say that FATEs can work in a similar way. I mean you make a party and you go hunting FATEs for the xp money and seals the xp from them is pretty good and with a party it will go a lot faster.
#221 Jun 20 2013 at 2:19 PM Rating: Excellent
4,780 posts
Parathyroid wrote:
BartelX wrote:
Parathyroid wrote:
*must level through quests

...No? There are FATEs, dungeons, leves, and guildhests. Did you even play the beta?

Sorry you're right... those are options.

I suppose I'm just continually miffed that world xping has been functionally eliminated as an option. It was one of my favorite endeavors in unspeakable versions of FF (for fear of karma bombardment) past.

Honestly I think world XP has just changed forms is all.

You can still use elements such as Leves and Fates with your fiends and XP out in the open world this way - and it's still effective to do so this way. However the old form of XP camping is no longer open world, and I find myself agreeing with that philosophy.

As much as I enjoyed hanging out and ganking monsters casually, I still, after years and years, have a sour taste in my mount form competitive burn parties that attempted to run one another out, or isolating out certain classes or players because a specific one is most efficient for the role. It simply was a huge mess when we think about it pragmatically.

What they did with Guildhests, Dungeons, and other Duty Finder roles is remove these flaws.

- They reduced the repetition of runs by creating objective based raids and guildhests instead of just killing a single monster over and over again - this is probably the only controversial issue here - as people miss the almost therapeutic rhythm it instilled.
- They reduced the gil bleed caused by spending time with only one monster, by allowing Gear and Gil-yeilding loot to be acquired in the runs, which reduces the need for having to have an alternate gil source just to get by.
- They flatly eliminated camp competition by giving each group their own instance to play at their on leisure.
- They flatly eliminated role-monopolizing with Duty Finder anonymously pairing you with any class of the appropriate role should you choose to use it.
- They assisted in the education of party roles in raids, bosses, and dungeon runs by creating them of easier difficulty as part of the leveling process.
- And mandatory Level Syncing for these events outright prevents power leveling.

All these are benefits of the current system, all of them address complaints that were prevalent in both FFXI and FFXIV 1.xx.

The sacrifice is that in order to encourage the use of that, the old version of XP camping cannot really be viable or some will choose the bypass it, which will re-institute many of the same problems we once complained about, especially about individuals unprepared for raid formats if power leveling becomes prevalent again.

So while part of me will miss the old exploring a new area to visit a new XP camp, another part of me is thrilled that they created such a concise solution to all of the old XP party problems. And when thinking about it at length, I am willing to make the trade - with the feedback note that I will likely want another reason to explore the far ends of each area to replace the xp camp hunting.
#222 Jun 22 2013 at 5:25 AM Rating: Good
837 posts
Ok i did my first sastasha run today. The dungeon was pretty nice well made i believe. Its the first one you get to do and it is located in Limsa be warned though to have the quest before trying to do it.

The negative thing from this lovely experience is that while the rest of the people in the party were pretty much ok at fighting they freekin abused the damn greed/need faction because they were friends. They were hitting need in almost every thing even if it wasn't their main class. I was furious cause i was greeding to everything not for my class while they didn't.They could just say that they need it for an off class but i guess they didn't even bother with me. And when something was for one of party members class the rest were passing and he was the only to need.

Ahh this brings back memories from my wow days and all that duch$%ing some people were doing. I swear after the release if people do this to me i will instantly quit the party or make their lives a living hell until they quit the dungeon.
#223 Jun 22 2013 at 5:56 AM Rating: Good
598 posts
Teravibe wrote:
Ok i did my first sastasha run today. The dungeon was pretty nice well made i believe. Its the first one you get to do and it is located in Limsa be warned though to have the quest before trying to do it.

The negative thing from this lovely experience is that while the rest of the people in the party were pretty much ok at fighting they freekin abused the damn greed/need faction because they were friends. They were hitting need in almost every thing even if it wasn't their main class. I was furious cause i was greeding to everything not for my class while they didn't.They could just say that they need it for an off class but i guess they didn't even bother with me. And when something was for one of party members class the rest were passing and he was the only to need.

Ahh this brings back memories from my wow days and all that duch$%ing some people were doing. I swear after the release if people do this to me i will instantly quit the party or make their lives a living hell until they quit the dungeon.

Situations like that are always the worst. For now I'm going with everyone knowing it's all getting wiped so what's the point, scenario. Once the lights go on for real I think most people will abide the honor rule. But wow...

I remember I would get so fed up with some people in EQ DCing with a drop. One time I sat at a camp for roughly an hour waiting for him to come back just so I could call him a douche! His immediate DCing once again gave me a modicum of satisfaction.
#224 Jun 22 2013 at 6:49 AM Rating: Excellent
16 posts
after two weekends playing Beta and trying out all three starting cities here is my subjective review of the game:

It is a lot of fun !! i have suffered during weekdays between the two beta weekends waiting for the game, from the first cut scene to the first few quests and fights i am enjoying this game

to anyone who criticizes graphics or visuals of FFXIV i ask you: What is your benchmark ?

I'm not hardcore but i tried the trial versions of few other games recently (GW2, Diablo3, EVE, EQ2, WOW) and i dont think any of them competes with FFXIV in terms of graphics (and i did couple of years with FFXI) and its not just the graphics its the attention to details that makes buying an expensive PC and setting graphics to maximum all worth while

the effort that went into designing the worlds, the characters, the different equipment and gear, the monsters, the music and sound effects all makes this an enjoyable experience for me .. i know i sound like a fanboy right now but i really felt grateful to SE for giving us such a great game (i have tried a lot of online and offline RPGs recently and didnt like any) and this is why i started my post by saying this my "subjective review"

few glitches and issues here and there which i reported at the beta feedback forums

to conclude i want to use the criteria which sandpark suggested which i think is aa good way to give feedback:

Story: 9 so far and im still at level 11, the quests do tell an interesting story (yes i read the storyline when i get a quest)

Quests: 8 what i like is that they give you good deal of exp, money and equipment while keeping you entertained (until level 10 at least)

Combat: 7 the systems seems simple so far (which i dont mind) but im sure will get more complicated as you get more abilities and play within a group

Visuals: out of 10 ? i would give FFXIV '1873648736487346' and i think is better than real world O_o

Accessibility: not sure what this means

Good Tutorials: 7 yah wasnt bad, if you do the first few quests should give you a decent introduction to how the game works

Crafting: tried it in V1 and wasnt bad but not having an AH made it a nightmare to get items, so far AAR beta doesnt have crafting so we will have to wait and see (would give it 7 based on my short V1 experience)

Pace of level progression: Quick (compared to FFXi) which i really like since i work long hours and cant spend my life leveling

FATES: 8 im loving those .. so much fun but could get chaotic

Fun: 10/10 .. i might quit my job .. forsake my family and friends for this game (btw what happened to that "dont forget your family and friends" disclaimer at the beginning of the game ?)

Uniqueness of systems: not sure what this means but one thing i noticed recently is that UIs and combat systems of all new MMOs are becoming similar, they are learning from each other

Music: 9 .. i wouldnt turn the game music off

Overall rating: 8 to 9 i would say ... my only regret is that i cant dedicate more hours to play this game *_*

#225 Jun 22 2013 at 7:18 AM Rating: Decent
210 posts
Crafting is available, you just have to unlock it. Will this game have an AH?
#226 Jun 22 2013 at 7:28 AM Rating: Good
4,780 posts
keflynmahon wrote:
Crafting is available, you just have to unlock it. Will this game have an AH?

They call it the Market Board. Runs about the same, you'll find it in the major market areas of each nation capital. I don't know if the smaller towns have it as I'm 50 and really not in the need of gear until phase 4.
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